SuperDanny Powered Up

Started by Blyka, October 07, 2011, 07:53:26 PM

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Game Description:
Take control of the craziest Mega Man fan alive as you take on Dr. Wily and Robot Masters from MegaMan 1 & 2 in this epic Classic series game. Get equipped with power-enhancing items, classic-character costumes, and Cross Fusions--the ability to change into the Robot Master himself and inherit both his weapon and attributes--as you overcome up to 20 levels in various difficulty modes and conquer the 18 Challenges.

SuperDanny Powered Up is a loving fan tribute to Classic Mega Man that delivers content from the original NES games remixed in cool and unique ways, backed by a rock-solid engine widely praised for its precise accuracy with Capcom's. Packed with action, content, authenticity, replay value and just plain fun, it's an impressive title in the roster of Mega Man fan games out there that no fan of the Classic series should miss out on!

More info, screenshots, guides and the download can be found here: Game's Page
Or if you'd like to just download it directly, left-click here: Download Now!
And if you enjoy this game, do check out SuperDanny 2.

Hope you enjoy!

* For those wondering about the strange title character, SuperDanny is the fictional representation of a Mega Man fanatic in real life (who goes by the name SuperDanny on the web). As a good friend of mine he fits well into this game's oddities in ways that Mega Man wouldn't have, however those who desire a more Classic experience will be pleased to hear that there are several costume items to be collected throughout the game, one of which is of course Mega Man.


Nice promo, the song is nice , a bit over used though. what program did you use to make the promo video?
will try out after my exams =)


Thanks, glad you like the Promo. Yeah, the song is a bit overused, but appropriate since it's found in Powered Up and besides, there's a reason it's overused. ;)
I made the trailer with Ulead VideoStudio 9, which was a freebie with a camera some years back. As long as you're not trying to do dual audio sources it works pretty well... other than crashing every few minutes. @.@ Ah well, it got the job done.

Hope you enjoy the game after your exams! For better or worse I think it's definitely easier than SuperDanny 2.


now i wonder what will be the the day where you made a original megaman game with original robot masters


I rather he make a complete original game than base off megaman someday.
Blyka should try making a original title someday.


I had planned on that at one point, but unfortunately such a project would be much too time consuming these days. :(

Thanks, I hope to make original games someday. :)

Anyway... 231 thread views and rising, and still no feedback on the game itself? -AC Anyone out there played it yet?


I tend not to finish, or play any game maker games that run incredibly slow on my machine. The only exception was something like super smash land, which ran pretty smoothly as a game maker game. But of all the Game Maker games I've played, most of them seems to run slowly. Which is why I prefer MMF2 games over GM games.  :-/


so does this game run slowly on your machine?

reposted this to add some feedbacks.
Managed to spend sometime to finish the game...
this game is much playable than SD2.
Completed the game. The costumes would have been more enjoyable if they shoot something different... found all of them.
Quickman fusion is fun to use, most used costume in the game for me.
Followed by Electman.
Metalman/Crashman fusion are seldom used accept for weapons as they seems slow and heavy.
Bubbleman is only used in water area.
Would have prefered cutman and quickman weapon to be more boss like. Especially quickman.
Only used fireman against the moving eyes with legs.
Almost never used iceman except at the upwards moving magnet thing.
Wily tower is toooooo long. I always wanted to make a bounce boss as it was my first game maker practice session.
I made a bouncing boss in my aeroplane game too. The sprites for the first two wily boss seems a bit bad tho.
same for the big fish at bubbleman stage.

Unfair moments...
I had lots of trouble with iceman ice platforms, had difficulty jumping at the right time, and death results in restarting from the beginning.
quickman lazer is very difficult to get use to, require lots of replays.
The sliding hitbox is too big, i am able to slide over 32 pixels space sometimes, not sure if its intended, but it occured at killer lazers area when i wanted to drop down.
at the part where danny rides a rocket, the energy refills is placed such that player have to wait for the screen to be revealed before moving to the next refill to fully optimize the current tank for now. if player keeps on the right of the screen and get the next refill to appear, player will most probably die. not sure if intended.
crushman is very difficult to beat, same for quickman, with normal buster, I hardly survived even with their weakness.

Overall, the game is quite fun and challenging. frustrating at times, but not to the point I gave up this time round.

anyway please PM me if you could try my game in future too. =P


Thanks for the detailed feedback! Reply spoiler-tagged in case someone doesn't want to hear about certain game elements before playing it themselves:

Naturally, the costumes could have been more enjoyable with different functionality, but their purpose was to be able to exactly use the normal buster with a different appearance; nothing more. Although, Proto does shoot lower, which can come in real handy sometimes ;)

Concerning Fusions, Quick and Elec can both be reckless with their lower defense, but their power and mobility make them hard to beat; I think Elec probably ended up as my favorite to use for the controllable speed and wide-ranged power.

Metal and Crash are pretty much just like Mega Man using their weapon in MM2, so... not sure about heavy. Crash can shoot down this time though and his bomb explodes on collision, so he's a lot more powerful than in MM2.

Cut's weapon was chosen to be what it is as the original boomerang effect was too similar to Quick's weapon, but I think it turned out pretty fun with its high energy and power, myself.

The Wily tower is too long? How so, if I may ask? The first one is only 4 levels long followed by a chance to save and return to the stage select, and the second one is only 6 stages, with half of those being considerably shorter than other levels. Shouldn't be much longer than MM3's Wily Castle, really.

As for unfair moments, your findings are most interesting. My test player had a heck of a time with Ice's stage, but then thought Quick's level was the easiest of the main 8. Where as myself and others found Quick's more difficult than others and Ice's easy, so... I can only guess it depends on the player's playing style. Sorry to hear you had trouble with both. :(

I assume you were using a Fusion to slide when the collision box was too big? Some Fusions slide faster than others, allowing them to go over a 32px pit; SuperDanny or costumes have never had that problem.

It wasn't intentional at first to make the player wait out the screen movement to grab the fuel for the space pod, but I liked how that turned out, myself. Puts a bit more pressure into an otherwise pretty easy stretch.

Quick Man is definitely the hardest of the main bosses; you might find soft weaknesses more effective than his main one, though I'm not sure which you were using.
Crash Man is actually possible to no-damage, and with his weakness (Metal) he should go down with no trouble. His attacks are player-controlled, so be careful not to mash the shoot button if you don't need to. :)

Anyway, thanks again for the detailed feedback, and I'm glad you were able to enjoy it more than SD2.

I assume by your game you mean your Mega Man/Street Fighter one? Sure, shoot me a PM when it's finished and I'd be happy to give it a go. :)


ah nice...
[spoiler]anyway let me add on, on the two things quickman stage and iceman stage.
i find quickman stage unfair as... the lazer appear from either left or right, i am not sure if i am correct but one other the other way if chosen let to death.
WE have to go away from the lazer, if we wait for the lazer to appear first and react, megaman will probably get hit by the last one. if we choose a certain path before the lazer is out, result in moving against the lazer.

As for iceman stage, we had never seen that ice block before, so when we finally get to see one and it starts to melt, its a bit shocking. the part where i find it irritating is i am not able to jump at the moment it melts, it will end up with a mistimed jump, and there is enemy around, so we had to wait for it.

i remembered i triggered a bug but i am not very clear how i did it. i think it was quickman, when he falls too fast he gets into the ground or something. can be resolved by jumping out tho.

yea nice ok i will pm u this december once i clear my bugs and stuff... my exams are nearing so couldn't prepare the game anytime soon...


Hey all, SuperDanny Powered Up v2.0 has been released! I set out to make a small v1.2 update to wrap up a few tweaks and bug fixes, and two months later I found myself with v2.0... Seems to be how I do things, for better or worse.

As the tweaks and improvements started escalating my underlying goal became improving the game from a design perspective, as good game design wasn't a primary concern with this project so much as enjoying the creative process. For example, so far as I could tell it wasn't possible to defeat Quick Man buster-only without taking severe damage regardless of skill level. Any boss where you can't possibly hope to win without getting beaten to a pulp in the process generally falls under bad game design in my book, and it's things like this that I set out to fix. Changes include:

  • Behavior has been tweaked where necessary to allow reliable no-damage buster-only victories on every boss. Likewise, levels have also been tweaked to remove potentially frustrating spots and allow for reliable no-damage buster-only runs. Essentially made the whole game reliably buster-only perfect-runnable for the skilled and dedicated.
  • Hard Mode was made easier by removing flash damage (post-hit invincibility) from normal enemies. Upon reflection I decided that just really wasn't a good idea as it renders your skill in rapid-firing inconsequential in a game with no charge shot to fall back on.
  • Loads of other miscellaneous changes; Hard and Fusion Mode both unlock together now, you default to the last costume worn on level start and new life, Fusion improvements, enemy improvements, extra bonus content for completing all Challenges, etc.
  • And of course, piles and piles of bug fixes and visual fixes/improvements--including graphics card and Windows 8 performance issues.

This massive update makes for the definitive version of the game, and will hopefully be its final. If you've already played and enjoyed the game at all v2 is definitely worth a download, and if you're a newcomer there's never been a better time to do so. Head on over to the game's page to download it and check out the full release notes, and I hope you enjoy the upgrades!


Awesome work! When are we going to see a director's cut version of Super Danny 2 now?  >0<


Not sure what a "director's cut" would entail for SD2. Its V2 upgrade was released in 2012 as the intended final version, if that counts.