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Messages - Amatiramisu

Oh! Oh heya - real glad Phi noticed you guys, much more that I got pinged too, haha! Yeah, it's tragic what's been going on with the forum situation here. We were already a pretty small, close-knit community but we'll be more than happy to see some new faces around! I'm Ammy, and I 'technically' run the Discord server, mostly in name since I'm not super active - but yeah, any of you guys blast Phi or myself a DM and we'll happily add you!
how about you access some hoes WOOOOOOOOOOO
Roleplay / Re: Neo Secret Files and Origins
April 03, 2021, 11:09:18 AM

Morgan al Rhaen

Age 20
Light enough to sustain flight. Presumably.


Morgan is the younger daughter of her clan's heroine for whom she is named after - an immeasurably powerful warrior of dragon blood. Hailing from the cold, unforgiving mountain ranges of the far north, she is a member of one of the last remaining Drakeblood clans, a folk with draconic features - feared and hunted to near-extinction in the past. With her mother's death, the clan fled aimlessly further north where famine and starvation further thinned their numbers. In a brave, risky, and rather stupid gamble to bring riches and security to their clan, Morgan's older sister Lowri took flight for the Isle of Vale. No news of her return ever came, and Morgan grew up under the suffocating, overprotective gaze of her father.

Considered absurdly weak among her kind, unable even to sustain flight or breathe flame to a respectable degree, Morgan's frustration with her claustrophobic upbringing only intensified as she grew into adulthood, and one night, stole out into the night, trekking alone through the snow and darkness for the nearest train station. Determined both to prove herself capable among her kind, live up to her mother's name, and to find her missing sister, she travelled south and boarded a ship bound for New Haven alone, in hopes that the newest expeditionary push into the island will bring her closer to her goals.


Morgan has an intensely fiery personality - no pun intended. Stubborn, hardheaded, and quick to pick a fight, she is... Honestly a little stupid, all things considered. With an isolated upbringing such as hers, she has little to no idea how the outside world works. Especially most technology - of which even the most basic machine she is entirely clueless how to operate. However, she is endlessly curious, adorably affectionate, and has an unbreakable will and an unyielding sense of duty. Whether these qualities will drive her to become someone as legendary as her mother or sink her into the depths of the island's mysteries is yet to be seen.


Flight - Morgan's wings are large enough to carry her into the skies, making her more than suitable for long-range scouting and recon.

Dragonbreath - Though she's especially bad at it, Morgan can still breathe fire. Even if it's hardly more than a gas flame.

Scale Armor - Drakeblood clanspeople grow stronger in combat as points of trauma on their body harden into armored scales.


Air Control and Stamina - Morgan is not well-practiced in aerial maneuvering and really only has barely gotten the hang of, well, up and down. She also cannot sustain that flight for more than a few seconds at best.

Soft-skinned - She hasn't exactly been in many fights. She lacks the scale armor of most other Drakeblood clanspeople her age. She is squishy!


She got sharp teefs n claws and a warm comfy jacket!
Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
September 10, 2020, 11:35:14 AM
Ammy and Vieri locked eyes, and the Knight-Captain nodded at him. "...'Tis a fine opportunity for thee."

Ammy bit his lip, before silently mouthing an 'oh!' and returning the sword to Vieri. "Sorry. Got ahead of myself." He seemed far away to Vieri for a moment, like his mind was elsewhere.

"This is... A lot to take in at once, Cap." He suddenly muttered to her, low enough that the others couldn't hear as they walked. "Few months ago I just..." He ran his fingers through his hair. "I don't know. I had no purpose and suddenly, over the past, what... Day or so, I'm suddenly up in space? Being offered a job as important as this and just... Having all this handed to me."

Vieri cleared her throat. "Aye, that may be, but in saying, haven't thou proven a resourceful sort? Thee hath survived this long on thine own with no memory and no allies and yet in such short a time hath proven thineself several times over." She crossed her arms. "Daft as thou may be sometimes, thou art a brilliant sort and may serve a great boon to their cause." She gestured to Sakura.

Ammy chuckled half-heartedly. "Sure. Let's just see where this goes, I guess."
Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
August 10, 2020, 10:50:56 AM
Ammy awkwardly looked at the holster at his hip. "Y-Yeah sure, I can-" He unholstered it and passed it off to Sakura. "It's nothing special, just a kind of plain old buster pistol that the fabricator shat out for me..." He rubbed the back of his head. "Just needed something more than a knife is- Never mind. Don't worry about that old thing." He gestured to Vieri. "She's the one that matters. You and I actually had almost the same idea."

Vieri clapped Ammy on the shoulder. "Thou art right. Mana control is how I move mine limbs. Ammy spaketh something about... Magic-tech?"

"Magitech." Ammy corrected. "That's why we needed you, Sakura. This isn't really my cup of tea, I suppose. I did the mechanical stuff but I figured you'd be able to figure out exactly how the prosthetics tick and how Vieri can sorta... Bridge the gap between the explodey bits and her leg without needing any kind of trigger."

Vieri unsheathed her sword in turn. "I've no sentimental attraction to this blade. 'Tis a tool. If thou hath a suitable replacement I wouldst pay it no mind if thee were to dispose of it afterward." She briefly regarded it, and handed it off to Sakura, only to have Ammy intercept and snatch it from her hands.

"Nope. Noooope. What is wrong with you? You're a knight. How lame would it be if you ran around with an energy sword like everyone else around here? No, no no. As a weapons nerd I cannot accept this."

Vieri tilted her head, bewildered. "What in the hells art thou-"

Ammy tapped the blade on the floor a couple times. "Sakura, do you think we could reinforce this somehow? It just feels wrong for us to throw away her favorite sword like this. I mean, she points it at everyone."

"...Art thou being passive aggressive with me?"

"I developed an attachment." Ammy responded bluntly. "So I'm thinking we can probably reinforce the blade with a stronger metal than plain old medieval steel, maybe plant a saber igniter along the blade and have it conduct the energy... Y'know. Just keep the fantasy angle intact."

Vieri facepalmed. "Thou truly art an idiot."
Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
July 24, 2020, 12:33:35 PM
Ammy waved his hands over Asch as he suddenly went dark, then shrugged and rejoined the others.

"Aye, thine leader sounds an... Eccentric fellow. I shan't press the matter." She regards her weapon as Sakura mentions this. "Oh? This is naught but a plain old sword. Thine fascination with it is puzzling. One wouldst consider these more an oddity." She flexed her leg and stretched her prosthetic arm for emphasis.

"So, thing is those aren't... Exactly magitech as the rest of us understand it." Ammy interjected. "Not that I really understand magitech either but I digress. It's something else entirely, and like I said, the others thought you'd be the one best suited to work with it and make our swordswoman a little more ah-..." He tapped the gun holster at his side awkwardly. "Combat... Effective?"

"Pray tell, what doth thou mean by that?" Vieri growled. Ammy cleared his throat awkwardly. "H-Hey, Sakura asked you to tell us about your home. I've been wanting to hear about it too!"

Vieri scowled at Ammy, then sighed. "Very well. Rino-Laska is an isolated country, shrouded by an ancient spell to outsiders. My people hath been isolated since time immemorial. I knoweth little of our magic, for only the elders practice it. Twas one of their number that gave me these."

Ammy raised a finger. "From what she told me, every now and then they'd send out scouting parties to the rest of the world to collect materials for the elder mages, or something like that. Is that right, cap?"

Vieri nodded. "Twas kept from us, however, that we're to be killed upon return. I suppose we knew too much." She mused, a little wistfully. "One of the elder magi saved me. I owe him mine life and 'tis my duty to venture there once more to expose the evils of those ruling my country." Vieri cleared her throat. "'Tis all I've to say on the matter. We've more pressing concerns."
Holdin' up, stuck working all through it unfortunately but y'know. Doing okay financially and health-wise still.
Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
July 08, 2020, 08:36:31 AM
With an uncomfortable hiss of air, the seal on the prosthetic closed as Vieri reattached it. Steadily, she accepted the sword from Sakura and checked it over. With a twirl and a flourish, she sheathed it at her side. She backed away a few paces, and nodded shallowly. "For now I shalt accept thine apology. I asketh, however, that thee understandeth the gravity of thine actions." She knelt. "Thou must be the lord of this place. I am Knight-Captain Vieri Galestrider of Rino-Laska."

She spoke through grit teeth, her hands trembling.

Ammy cleared his throat, sensing the murderous aura in the air around her. "Y-You're Sakura, right? Fugo's told us a lot about you." He sidled up next to her and whispered. "You're gonna have to excuse her, you kinda just seriously offended the most explosive person in our group..." Clapping his hands together, he took a deep breath and made his way to Vieri, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Captain, this is the person that should be able to help with those things. It's only natural she'd have to examine them, right?"

"Ayeeeeeeeeee." Vieri growled as she stood back up. "For such an ill-mannered knave as he, Ammy, er..." She hugged her prosthetic arm close, glaring at Sakura.

"She means after we'd met I suggested we make some modifications to her prosthetics. Fugo said you'd be the one to go to. I'm uh, I'm Ammy, of no house nor country, by the way." He pat Vieri's shoulder a couple times. He cleared his throat. "As my acting commanding officer, Knight-Captain Vieri Galestrider formally requests that at her convenience, Sakura of the Sex Station should assist in this matter." He declared as officially as he was capable of sounding. "And also... Actually figuring out how to work with them in the first place."

Vieri lowered her hand to her sword again. "So long as thou wouldst ask mine permission first, next time."
Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
July 03, 2020, 07:28:57 PM
Vieri lowered her sword as Fugo explained and shuddered violently at the mention of ghosts. "This godsforsaken place is possessed? Doth that mean... c-c-can it see me right now?" She cleared her throat and straightened her back, and strode towards Ruby. "If thee can communicate with the spirits, prithee, let it know I mean it no harm. Lest it make an attempt on my life."

Ammy crossed his arms and started to say something, but decided he liked his organs inside his body and instead turned around to Fugo. "So, we won? I'm hopping that's the case because if this Wily guy's forces are on his way here  I think I wanna go back in the shuttle."
Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
June 27, 2020, 12:04:41 PM
"So we're definitely safe here, despite the space battle going on outside?" Ammy asked curiously. "Because I still seem to be the only one concerned about that right now so I'm assuming that's the case." He glanced at Vieri, who was still distracted, wordlessly fawning over the tiny mechaniloid.
Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
June 19, 2020, 08:47:03 AM
Vieri crouched curiously in front of the Mettaur, taking in its features. "Thou art unlike any creature I've seen before... But..." She crossed her arms. "Thou seem a fellow master of the blade. Wouldst thee fancy a duel sometime?"
Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
June 18, 2020, 08:24:35 AM
Still dazed, cheek throbbing from Vieri's punches as he dragged her out of the shuttle, Ammy collapsed on the nearest bench and took in the sights. "Wow. Surprisingly red in here." He observed. He watched the others emerge into the station, taking a note of interest in Ruby and Kai's... Interaction. "What's with those two..." He mentally wondered. Sighing and grunting with effort, he pushed himself back to his feet and searched the room for Vieri.

Finding her tucked away in a corner behind a trash bin mumbling something about obscenity, Ammy crossed his arms and straightened his back. "Knight-Captain! Is this any way for someone of your rank to behave?!"

With Vieri's mental switch flipping from passive fury to unbridled wrath, Ammy gingerly pushed her sword away from his throat with a nervous grin. "Th-There we go! With that mindset we'll be finished with what we need to do in no time."

Vieri took a deep breath and then, with a satisfied 'hmph', slid her blade back into its sheath. "Aye, thou art right. Fugo! Where is thine master in this gods-forsaken place?"

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
May 28, 2020, 11:39:44 AM
Ammy chewed his lip in silence as Fugo told his story. As the tale concluded, he laid back in his seat. "Wow." He finally said after a quiet moment. "Wow. That's really a lot to take in at once." He sighed. "To be honest, that's raised a lot more questions but I think..." He paused a moment, considering his words. "This is a fight I need to be part of, I think. Ever since I woke up I've spent too long running, worried about myself." He stared out the window, as the stars flew by. "Least that's what I've been learning, anyways. But!"

He raised a finger, and began to speak, but was cut off by Vieri.

"Thou lack leadership. Thine army lacks a true chain of command, abandoned by thine officers." She snapped, arms crossed. "This - PB, as thou called him? He abandoned ye in thine time of need and this Sakura, she seems woefully unprepared."

Ammy shrugged, and thumbed at Vieri. "Yeah, what she said. Way I - we - see it... And this is just as outside observers, sorry! I get we don't have the full picture and I don't want to make assumptions but-"

Vieri gave him a look.

Coughing awkwardly, Ammy leaned his head on the glass. "Well, it seems like it's just complete chaos up there. Are we walking - er - flying into a burning building, so to speak?" He threw up his hands. "I-I'm not saying I don't trust you guys or anything but you made the situation seem... A lot worse than it probably is."

"In terms of the state of thine resistance." Vieri clarified.
Roleplay / Re: Haven - A manaverse Prequel
September 06, 2019, 09:07:13 PM
The woman sighed, shouldering her axe. "Itching for a fight already." She grumbles as she starts the climb up through the holes. Emerging up top, she shields her eyes from the rain whipping against her face as the train speeds through the darkness. "Must we do this up here?"
Roleplay / Re: Haven - A manaverse Prequel
September 04, 2019, 12:27:53 AM
"Robbing a train in the middle of nowhere should have no bearing on subtlety." She replies. "In fact, it's rather quite rude to do it when people may be asleep." She grumbles, mostly sore she couldn't be asleep right now either. "Now the question on my mind is - what cargo is so important that it warrants robbing the whole train? Surely there's easier ways to illicitly acquire money and valuables."
Roleplay / Re: Haven - A manaverse Prequel
September 03, 2019, 09:13:52 PM
Cheliam eases herself off Ruelia and dusts her coat. "And what, might I ask, was tha-" Her complaints are cut off by the sudden pair of explosions, as two more figures appearing atop the train car's roof. Cheliam frowns, as they begin threatening the other newcomers.

She extends a hand to the other woman. "Apologies. Seems I got the wrong impression earlier." Hefting the axe over her shoulder once again, she helps Ruelia to her feet. Spinning around, she eyes the figures through the holes in the roof. "And might I - We - ask what prompted this disturbance so late in the evening?"
Roleplay / Re: Haven - A manaverse Prequel
September 02, 2019, 06:59:29 AM
"Halt!" A commanding voice echoes through the hold. "Drop your weapon, criminal!" Ruelia suddenly feels the cold steel of an axe blade on the back of her neck. "What are you after, harassing passengers like this?!"

She cranes her neck over and nods to the dwarf across from the half-fae woman. "Worry not, friend. Get to safety!"
Roleplay / Re: Haven - A manaverse Prequel
August 31, 2019, 08:21:04 AM
Her eyes fluttered open, vision blurry as she groaned and rubbed the sleep from them. Rolling over to her side and pushing herself to a sitting position, the woman let out a long yawn. Sleep was still beyond her, she fretted. Too much on her mind. She pushed herself off the bunk and waddled two paces across the tiny cabin and settled at the small vanity desk, and started fixing her hair, and freshening herself up.

Footsteps, heavy ones by the sound of it, flew down the hall past her door. She spun to face it, frowning. "Curious." She brushed her hair a few more strokes, before setting to dressing herself. As she reached for her coat, she began hearing voices outside. Pressing an ear to the door, she heard tell of thieves, and shipments. She bit her lip in contemplation. Couldn't sleep anyways, she figured.

Swinging on her coat, buttoning, and adjusting it, she moved for her treasured axe, leaned against the bedpost, in close reach in case of - well - something quite like this. Checking her hair and makeup in the mirror one last time, she shouldered the axe by its strap, and slid the door open.

Wordlessly, she strode down the hall, giving the panicked train worker a wink and a smile as she ignored his protests, in pursuit of the other woman who'd already taken her initiative.
Roleplay / Re: Neo Secret Files and Origins
August 30, 2019, 08:47:19 PM

Cheliam Dawn Grace

Age 20
At least big enough to hold an axe.


Crown Princess of the Blue Isles, a chain of island-states far from Haven. Cheliam grew up living a comfortable, charmed life, one spent learning all manner of things from the finest tutors in the Isles, and waited on hand-and-food by a legion of attendants. However, her finest days were those spent with her grandfather, who she was named after. Once a great warrior, he was the prior king of the Isles, and a wise, just leader. While she grew up learning the finer things in life, her grandfather taught her to live humbly, putting her people first, and that before fortune, before politics, all comes honor in her family name.

As she grew, she watched her beloved grandfather lowered into his grave. As she grew, she watched her own father forget these lessons as the people of the Blue Isles suffered and the King fretted over the vaults more and more. The progressively more frequent meetings with the "finer" gentlemen of the Isles and the Royal Family made her sick to her stomach. She began making preparations. She chartered transportation to the mainland away from the prying eyes of the Royal Fleet, and took up her grandfather's old war axe. Stealing away under cover of night, she dismissed her personal staff, and alone, ventured away to gather support.

She intends to declare war on the Blue Isles, and restore honor to her family name.


Cheliam is headstrong, if sometimes a little stubborn. She might be slow to understand the opinions and thoughts of others, or adopt new    practices, she is open-minded and respectful, even if she doesn't necessarily always agree. Her friends and allies always come before her. She does not hide her high-born status and tends to speak overly formally at times. Though she can be a little haughty, she never aims to disrespect or place herself above others. Though she's proud of her royal heritage, she understands that she's not in the Blue Isles anymore, and though her title means nothing to these people, she takes it as an opportunity to make the Grace name a respected one.


Martial Training - Part of a Princess's education in the Blue Isles involves training in both hand-to-hand and weapons combat. Cheliam in particular is talented handling lances and rapiers.

Resilient - Cheliam has an unnatural high pain tolerance. Pain that would be otherwise crippling to a normal man, she can brush off and continue fighting.

Politician - A lifetime learning how to manage tense situations made Cheliam skilled at all manner of communication, be it haggling, defusing conflicts, or making deals.


Frontliner - Cheliam needs to be up close and personal to do anything. She's sure to take a few hits if an enemy has the range advantage.

Mundane - Magic is not a common art in the Blue Isles. Magitech is all but unheard of. She's useless when it comes to the arcane.


War Axe - A family heirloom, the one her grandfather used in the old wars. She insists on using it and it alone, though she's a good bit less adept with it than she is other weapons.

Armor Weave - Cheliam's coat is lined with chainmail, and the rest of her clothes have fine steel wire painstakingly woven into the thread. Commissioned to give her a royal style unmatched by anyone in Haven.
Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
June 19, 2019, 02:16:40 AM
Ammy cleared his throat. "So er, ah, Fugo? The city back there was a mess." He started. "I couldn't say what happened to like, most of Websitia but I haven't seen much outside ruins, shitty small towns, and deserts stretching for miles." He twiddled his thumbs. "What I'm trying to say is uh, Acidburg seemed kiiiiind of... Epicenter-y? What actually happened back down there? Before we arrived, I mean."
Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
June 19, 2019, 12:04:26 AM
Vieri frowned at the seatbelt as Ammy clicked himself into the seat next to her. With a resigned sigh, she tossed her sheathed blade at him. "Hold this."

She sat down, and carefully, methodically connected her seatbelt to the buckle, and then crossed her arms. "Sex Station... *mumble mumble* Degenerates *mumble mumble* Better be worth it..." She complained to herself.

Ammy pat her on the shoulder. "Hey, ease up Captain. You've spent a lot of time wandering around and now you're closer than ever to... Whatever you were trying to do, right?"

Vieri scowled at the cold floor of the ship. "Nay. I'm more lost than ever before." She started. "Verily, the archmagus who saved my life had just as little knowledge of thine world as I. I don't..."

"Know what you're looking for?" Ammy interrupted. Vieri slammed her fist against the armrest.

"Aye." She nodded, idly beginning to admire her prosthetic arm. "Ammy, thou rememberst not thine past. What do thee seek from this journey?"

Ammy shrugged, and toyed with the grip of her sword. "Take it a day at a time, like I have since I woke up." He contemplated drawing the blade so he could take a closer look, but decided against it, not wanting to be throttled in his seat. "Look, Captain, remember when Fugo introduced us? That we're both a little 'jumpy'?"

"Yes?" Vieri said with a confused look.

"I know a little bit about people trying to kill me. It's plainly obvious you do too. We've all got our troubles on Websitia, but we're still doing what we can to make it a better place." He handed her sword back. "Difference between us and the average fucko out on the road is that we've got allies. That includes you."

Vieri scowled at Ammy as she accepted her sword and rested it across her lap. "You're an imbecile yet thou speaketh such wisdom. Who... Are you?"

"Goooooood question." Was all he said.

Vieri sighed deeply, looking around the other rows of seats at the rest. "I must admit, thou hath been a good friend to me. I've done little to deserve it." She stared at the floor again. "I-... I want to trust thee, but the very men I served dutifully my whole life..." She raised her left arm meaningfully.

Ammy gave her a sidelong glance. "Y'know, I've blown you off a couple times but uh... I really wouldn't mind learning how to use..." He thumbed at the sword. "That."

Vieri bit her lip, then cracked a small smile. "Aye. I'd like that."

She jolted violently as the ship shuddered and took off, barreling towards the skies.
Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
June 18, 2019, 06:56:04 PM
"Ship?" Vieri asked. "We are to sail to this 'station'? Wait..." Vieri's eyes widened. "S-S-S-S-S-Sex Station? What kind of vulgar, scrupleless woman dost thou take me for???!!!" She drew her sword and nervously pointed it at Fugo, shifting it between everyone in the room. "I shant go! I won't! A-Ammy! Say something!"

Ammy drooled a little.

"Ammyyyyyy!" Vieri whined as she grabbed him by the collar and slapped him with her prosthetic arm.

"Waah!" Ammy cried out as he jolted back to conciousness. "What what where why how where?!"

"Ammyyyy! Thine friends are degenerates! They seek to defile me!" Vieri yelled as she returned to her sword-pointing. Ammy rubbed his head, now sporting a near-visible bump on the rear. "Ffffuck dude..." He - with herculean effort - got back on his feet and leaned on the workshop counter. "I'm out for... Six days? Feels like six days. And the lot of you are ganging up on the poor girl. Shameful."

"These fiends wish to bring me to the 'Sex Station'! How... How... Sickening!"

"Oh. Yeah, that's just the name of the place." Ammy said flatly.

"Why, I nev- What."

"Yep. 'S just the name. Just called that."

Vieri stared at Ammy, then at Ruby and Kai, then Fugo, then Touko.

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
June 07, 2019, 11:08:45 PM
Ammy watched the others' exchanges with a smile as he set back to drilling Vieri's prosthetic. Finally, it finished, he blew the hole clean and hefted it over his shoulder, causing the knight to wince at seeing it receive such a treatment. He noted her reaction and remembered to do it again later. "Alright, the rest of the other parts are already prepped." He mumbled to himself as he reached for the protective barrel and gingerly worked it into the leg.

"So, thou art finished?" Vieri asked, concerned. Ammy kept a pensive expression as he set back to work assembling the rest of the mechanism. "Allllmost there, Captain." As he finished, he held up his handiwork. He picked up what looked to be a small remote and handed it to Vieri. "Til Fugo's boss gets here, like we said, you'll need to use this to fire the mechanism."

"And ah, what is this...?" Vieri asked, as she fingered the button and depressed it.

"NO WAIT DON'T PRESS THAT YE-" A deafening bang blasted through the room as Ammy is blown into a wall by the explosive blast shooting from the prosthetic's heel.

The leg rolled out of his arms and clattered to the floor as he lay in a heap, dazed. "Yeah so... Clip that... To your belt or something." He slumped over onto his side. "Til we get the Magitech... Thingy... Gonna take a nap." He mumbled.

"Aye. I quite like that." Vieri said simply.
Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
June 06, 2019, 11:27:54 AM
Ammy tilted his head at the sudden laughter, then cracked a wry grin, then laughed along with Kai. "I don't know what we're laughing at!" He managed as the fits died down, then wiping a tear from his eye, he pat the other man on the shoulder. "But I'm glad you've gotten something to brighten up your life a bit, I guess."

When Ruby finally returned, Ammy took the candy cane from Fugo, finally, and broke off a piece for himself. He bit a chunk off it, then handed it to Ruby.
Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
May 02, 2019, 06:56:03 AM
Ammy, for lack of better explanation, was pretty damn stunned. Just moments ago the whole station was in uproar and now, fast as the threat had arrived, it was gone. Yet there was still a good bit of commotion, now over the stationary Kai, completely unresponsive.

Fugo's inquiry barely passed through Ammy as he strode up to Kai, and gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Buddy, it's over." He said simply, staring flat into Kai's blank eyes. "Whatever it is, let it go."

Could've been Fugo's comment about amnesia. Could've been that he felt a bit of kinship with the man. Either way, behind his eyes he sensed a certain helplessness behind it all. Or maybe a regret or a disdain for the past. Something he knew.

He would take it as it would come.