Neo Secret Files and Origins

Started by VixyNyan, November 08, 2008, 08:55:02 PM

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Blue Valkyrie

Awesome, also edited the post so the pic actually shows now.  8D

Strider Xhaiden


Age Unknown (Looks to be early 20s)
Reploid (formerly Robot)


Sometime in Websitia's past, one of DrWilyII's trusted Generals rebelled against him and launched an independent bid for global conquest, only to be defeated and presumed destroyed in a climactic battle with borockman.

That "presumed" part is kinda important.

Many years later, due to a completely unexpected event, that General - Robo-Ky - was reactivated and managed to drag his shattered body to the ruins of the Mobile Crusher Parlour, where he stumbled across the body of a Reploid presumably abandoned by the Doctor, completely intact save for an almost complete burnout of it's central processor. Never one to pass up an opportunity, Robo-Ky successfully transferred his core program into the Reploid's body and was reborn at last.

His initial plan was to remain hidden and slowly work towards toppling DrWilyII, but that plan was sunk when he witnessed a pod being dropped into the MCP ruins as he was preparing to leave. The pod contained an unfamiliar Copy-Bot and, struck by an uncharacteristic sense of duty, he spent some time reactivating the Copy-Bot - Ruby - and eventually, reluctantly, agreed to let her tag along with him. Not willing to reveal himself out a fear that Ruby might recognize his name or somehow out his existence to the Doctor, he decided to pretend he had amnesia and took the name "Kai" from the serial number engraved on his armor. The two eventually ran into members of Websitia's Resistance and joined up with them.

Hell-bent on revenge against the Doctor and his forces, "Kai" continues to maintain his masquerade as an amnesiac while hiding his true identity and intentions - whatever they may be - from his new travelling companions.


Kai tends to keep to himself for the most part, preferring not to speak at all unless he has something to say, and even then he tends to deliver his messages in the bluntest, most concise way possible. He's marginally more talkative with Ruby, not that you'd know it since most of those conversations take place over a private network link between the two. His body language and facial expressions are equally subdued, especially around the Resistance members he's currently travelling with.

Robo-Ky was originally almost completely emotionless and approached everything from the cold, logical position of the machine he was, but something seems to have changed in him since his return to the world. It's yet to really reflect itself in his outward demeanor (not that anyone would pick up on it unless they were close to him prior to his presumed destruction...) but privately he's become more prone to long periods of self-reflection and seems to be affected by the lives of those around more than he was before, if his odd display of compassion towards Ruby is any indication. Whether this will lead to a full-on change of heart or not is anyone's guess.


Kai hasn't really had the opportunity to fully test the physical limits of his new body, but he's definitely had an upgrade from his previous form. He's immensely strong, easily capable of tipping a People-Carrier with one hand if the situation ever called for it, and far quicker on his feet than he used to be, though he's not quite gotten used to the increased mobility, still appearing to favour a rigid, defensive style when it comes to combat.

Thanks to his familiarity with DrWilyII's coding style, he's exceptionally skilled at hacking into the Networks controlled by the Doctor without alerting anyone to his presence while doing so, and this skill translates to other networks too.

Thanks to the group he's travelling with, and Ruby's mad-science approach to weapon design, he's recently acquired a customized gauntlet that incorporates both a Bagh Nakh (a set of Tiger Claws) and a Pata (a gauntlet-mounted sword) into one easy to use, easy to wear tool. Ruby's influence shows through, though, as the retractable "sword" portion of the weapon is actually a chainsaw. Some of his forms, especially when using the Claws, seem a little sloppy, almost as if he's trying to emulate things he has vague recollections of from sometime in his past. That said, his approach to fights combines his superior physical capabilities with, where applicable, an equally vicious assault over the Network, overwhelming his opponents with as much a mental assault as a physical one.


Kai lacks ranged offensive capabilities at present, and is unwilling to fully commit all of his experience and.....unsavory tactics to combat to try and avoid tipping anyone off as to his true identity. The recent addition of true emotions to his programming has unsettled him somewhat, and he can sometimes freeze up or become dangerously unpredictable while he tries to process the unfamiliar sensations they can evoke in him. This will likely become less of an issue given time and acclimatization.


Age Unknown (designed to resemble a 14-year old)


The de-facto leader of the Team RWBY Copy-Bots (or at least, she was), Ruby was moved to the Mobile Crusher Parlour and kept in stasis for reasons unknown. She was discovered and reawakened by the mysterious Reploid "Kai" and decided to tag along with him until such a time as she could return to her proper place at the Doctor's side.

When the pair ran into members of the Resistance, they opted to join forces with the group, though Ruby was initially rather hesitant to do so, having been programmed to believe that the Resistance were the "Bad Guys" in the ongoing war on Websitia. Eventually reaching the conclusion that there are two sides to every story, she's currently travelling with them and reflecting on what her role in this conflict should be...


As per her apparent inspiration, Ruby is a bright and almost perpetually cheerful girl who's more than happy to try and befriend everyone she meets. Unfortunately, she's also a bit of a motormouth and has a habit of blurting out sensitive information without really thinking about what she's saying. She shares the real Ruby Rose's love of cool and unusual weapons and her first instinct upon seeing a new one is typically to fan-girl over it regardless of the affiliation of it's wielder.

This is at least partially an act, as she's confused over her apparent abandonment by the Doctor and her treatment at the hands of the Resistance members she's met, which runs completely at odds with what she'd been told about them. She also dislikes being idle, and has developed something of a phobia of enclosed spaces. Additionally, she misses her "sisters" in the RWBY unit and is attempting to convince Kai to open up a little more to their new companions, with limited success at present. She's still a little wary of his recalcitrance, but figures since he's been nothing but helpful to her, he's probably trustworthy. She also seems to look up to Touko as a sort of "Big Sister" figure, if the fact that she made her new coat resemble one Touko lent her is any indication.

[spoiler]The truth of her abandonment lies in that fact that DrWilyII was too faithful to her inspiration while programming her personality. She's loyal enough to the Doctor, to be sure, but Ruby Rose is practically defined by her desire to be a hero and change the world for the better, to the point where subverting Ruby's desire to do the right thing would require an almost complete personality re-write, regardless of how strong the "Obey Wily" part of her programming is made. With her current circumstances causing her to give serious thought to who the real villains in this war are, she may not be a Wilybot for much longer....[/spoiler]


It may just be a quirk of her construction, but Ruby is fast. She frequently blurs when moving around, and is such a motormouth that she often has to be asked to slow it down to something like 500 words a minute or something somebody can understand.

According to her, her power core is something called a "Kinetic Conversion Engine", which she's said makes her body "like a giant elastic band" but it's anyone's guess what she actually means by that. The truth of it is that it's an experimental self-perpetuating power source with no clear limits on how much energy it can actually produce. Essentially, when she starts moving the energy produced by the motion is funneled back into her core and recycled to keep the motion going, allowing her to reach truly ludicrous speeds in almost no time at all. When she slows down to a more reasonable pace, any excess energy she's built up drains into some kind of reserve tank that can be drawn on in times of crisis, or used all at once for a short burst of insane speed or a single, massive physical strike. Doing so leaves her temporarily drained until she can recover her strength.

Originally, she was equipped with a replica of Ruby Rose's "Crescent Rose" weapon, a combination Scythe/Sniper Rifle, but she no longer has access to it after being abandoned. A lucky find at a recent rest-stop has seen her acquire a pair of batons that shift into War Picks with a simple mental command. While not the same as her beloved Crescent Rose, they complement her "hit-and-run" fighting style, and the Picks can be used to disarm opponents if they manage to negate her speed advantage in combat.


Similarly to Kai, Ruby currently does not possess any ranged options for offense, but her speed and general approach to combat make her a far trickier target to pin down during a fight.

Beyond that, she's small and seems fairly fragile, and her general "gotta go fast" approach to everything can sometimes backfire on her as her ability to brake when moving doesn't seem to be too good at present, and she's quick to rush into dangerous situations without really stopping to think about the consequences of doing so.

While her experimental core is a massive help in the sense that she technically doesn't require access to recharging pods or E-Tanks to stay active, the exponential buildup of speed and energy it provides can sometimes be a hindrance. As her speed increases it becomes increasingly more difficult for her to make precise movements or stop in a place where she actually wants to stop. The draining process when she finally does slow down is not instantaneous and leaves her in a state of extreme hyperactivity and agitation until complete, and if she opts to expel all of her reserves at once she's left practically immobile and defenseless until she recover enough strength to start moving again.[/spoiler]
My Twitch channel. Random streams during the week.
Currently streaming: Transformers: Devastation

Police Girl

My old thing is pretty outdated, so I guess i'm gonna make a new thing.

[spoiler=Josei (Deceased)]
Age: 20 (looks younger)
Race: Human
Status: Merged into Touko, used as Organic component, mind gone.
History: Originally from an alternate universe, Josei has an above average skill with mechanics and mech piloting. Originally cold to Akai due to her appearance resembling that of a childhood friend he inadvertently killed, Josei comes to grips with his past mistakes and begins trying to be a proper hero-type character.
Upon obtaining the sword Labryine he was able to start becoming a competent ground fighter, but his career was short-lived as an errant rip in space-time sent his mech backwards in time about 3-4 days, causing him, Akai and Keco to get lost, eventually running out of energy and crashing into the ground, mortally wounding him.
Equipment: Labryine, A sword found in a mysterious ruins (Though going by the cooking equipment and heaps of pepperoni it was probably a pizza hut.)
Mech: 6th-Generation Knightmare Frame "Gawain", two-seated unit that requires a co-pilot for optimal function. Josei was able to pilot this alongside Keco and/or Akai. It is currently destroyed after a crash.

[spoiler=Akai (Deceased)]
Age: Build date Unknown, appearance base is approximately 18.
Race: Android, LightCorp Systems Model 0-W0 Waifubot, OS version 2.x
Status: Brain destroyed in crash, body used in creation of Touko.
History: A robotic girl inadvertently created in the image of a childhood friend of Josei's. Originally attached to him through programming, broke free of that when Josei showed no desire to reciprocate. Eventually came to love him of her own accord but knew being a robot made things impossible and tried to forge her own path and make a life of her own.
Unfortunately, those efforts were in vain as she was killed in the Gawain after it crashed, having connected herself to the power source to keep it going in a desperate bid to have it not crash, the machine being destroyed while she was connected corrupted a good percentage of her memory, its possible that nothing remains of her in Touko, save for her physical body.

[spoiler=Keco (Deceased)]
Age: Build Date Unknown, Resembled a 23 year old girl.
Race: Android, Modified Light Corp Systems model 0-W0 Waifubot prototype, OS version unofficial 4.34
Status: Body and mind are the basis of Touko.
History: Originally a basic Waifubot, after Larry Light's goons destroyed Josei-prime's lab before the main story, she was the only survivor of the numerous prototype models J-Prime had built. She was repurposed into a fighting robot to take revenge on Larry and his company for ruining his life and his work, but Larry had vanished and LightCorp was liquidated into its main competitor, DWII Systems. Essentially leaving Keco to do her own work, usually involving mercy kills of waifubots damaged beyond repair due to shoddy mass-production schemes. Hoping to find any information leading to the man responsible for killing her sisters. Her OS is an advanced version of the base waifubot OS, allowing Keco more independent thought, which caused her personality to be... less than jovial.
However the damage she incurred during the raid on J-prime's lab damaged her ability to change appearance like other waifubots, hindering her infiltration and stealth capabilites. Upon meeting the alternate Josei, she originally perceived him as a threat and tried to kill him using Akai's voice and clever holograms to hide herself, upon realizing she was wrong and recognized him as essentially her father's younger self. She decided to throw her lot in reluctantly.
When the Gawain crashed, Keco survived but was critically damaged. She was able to take Josei and Akai to the remains of J-prime's lab and used the telepods inside to fuse the three together into one being known as Touko.
Gear: Hybrid Gun System Harkel, Capable of using either bullets or energy beams.

Age: approximately 3-4 days, appearance is 24 years old.
Gender: Female
Race: Cyborg, Human-Machine hybrid V-05
Status: Active
History: Touko is the fusion of Josei, Akai and Keco. As they only came into existence a few days ago, not much is known about their abilities or personality.
Twin Blades Labryine Alpha, Derived from Josei's Labryine, this sword has been rendered into two separate blades.

Variable Firing Cannon, Harkolite. Derived from Keco's Harkel guns, these have been upgraded with experimental polymimetic alloy allowing for a wider variety of destructive capabilities, provided the weapon has been scanned into the Harkolite's database. It does have its limits and can't change too rapidly, and extreme cold and heat will prove dangerous due to the unstable nature of polymimetic alloys. Currently, its base forms are:
-Twin Pistols
-Anti-Midian/Tank Cannon HARKONNEN, Due to the fantastical nature of this weapon, it's usage is currently extremely limited.
-Chaingun, due to the complexity and heat generated, this form is currently disabled until heat countermeasures are in place.

Rocket Boots, Allowing for limited flight capabilities and super-speed to an extent.

BLOOD System, the rather morbid name given to a previously unused nanomachine recovery system J-prime made after watching too much anime, allowing for speedy damage recovery and pseudo-indestructibility. The system is inherently flawed, as some damage will not recover. As such Touko's left arm is highly covered in bandages to cover up the fact that it doesn't have a skin covering. Any damage healed by the system will exhibit reddish-black flames coming out from the damage point until it heals (Hence the name BLOOD System). Extensive damage such as severed limbs will need to have the limb in contact for the system to reconnect the pieces. A completely destroyed limb would have to require actual repairs. Too much use of this system can lead to loss of system stability.

For having such an intense arsenal of weaponry, Touko doesn't have much in the way of defenses, a few stray bullets is nothing major but due to most injuries being handled by the BLOOD system it wasn't considered to be a necessity to have any serious armor or protection. Unfortunately, that system has numerous side effects, not limited to loss of control, extreme heat dispersal, ocular system failures, and inherent rage. Due to these problems Touko has placed a mandatory block on the system's automatic features, only using it in extreme circumstances.

Touko is not one for hand-to-hand combat, so in the situation her weapons get knocked away or disabled she struggles to actually hold people off in serious situations.

Finally, her emotion regulation can fluctuate, despite being normally cool-headed she has bouts of bizarre emotional output usually when expending high amounts of energy. This is most noticeable when her eyes start to take on a reddish hue. While this wouldn't be the most debilitating issue by any means, it does lead to... functional anomalies such as poor aim, thrashing about without any purpose, or generally blowing up at anybody nearby, even if that includes friends.

Mr. Haxwell

Gillian Betta

Age: 31
Gender: Female
Race: Half Elven Fae


Born to an Elven father and an aquatic Fae mother; living with her father in the Elven home continent, after her mother's sudden disappearance. Her father, saw this as abandonment and wished his child to do nothing with her again. However, during the Great Magitech War, tragedy has befallen upon the Elven's home continent, which was reduced to a bleached out husk of grey by the Empire's deadly weapon, known as Atomos; which has created a mana storm that has syphoned all mana from its victims. Her father, however, did not live long enough and eventually succumbed to the mana storm's rampage. To this day, the now uninhabitable lands of the Elven, was named Grey Haven.

Gillian was then driven out of her home; and had to seek refuge among the lower regions of Mor'Fell. She was then taken in, and cared for, by an Aquatic Faefolk. The origins of her caretaker has remained a mystery to her, to this present date.


Adamant, tomboyish, but rather egotistic some times. Her determination gives her the strength to take on any challenge, as long as it's something she's comfortable with. While it may seem that her Fae side would make her flirty, it is somewhat difficult to approach her as her interactions tend to lead her to unintentionally injure her partner, before attempting to get intimate with her. She's not one to judge others for their tastes, however, being judged harshly by others tend to get her off on the wrong foot.

(I'll be featuring her in Blue's Mana-verse prequal)

Fear me.


Aldrean Runebringer

Age: 86
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf
Hair: Reddish-brown
Eyes: Blue

A Dwarf hailing from the Jagged Peaks. Ostracized due to his excessive interest in Magitech. Exiled after he reactivated a Guardian despite being explicitly told to dispose of it by the heads of the clan. Now roams aboveground with the Guardian he reactivated, Eira, performing odd jobs to eke out a living.

Calm and calculative, he can be somewhat oblivious to any display of extreme emotion. This can put him at odds with Eira, whose brash nature gets them into situations he would much prefer avoid. His affection for her mitigates any long term issues, however.

He would much rather use his hammer for repairing and smithing, and isn't much for combat. He can protect himself if need be, but he certainly won't be at the front lines.


Age: ??
Gender: Female appearance
Race: Guardian
Hair: Blonde (usually in a braid)
Eyes: Purple

A Guardian predating the ancient war. Was deactivated for unknown reasons before the Magitech uprising, thus did not partake within. Discovered and reactivated by Aldrean.

Brash by nature, she is quick to get into scraps with anyone who displays aggression towards her. She can back her boasts, being proficient in direct forms of combat. Her preferred weapon is her fists, and any other weapons she may use tend to get discarded quickly (in the general direction of her opponent if she can help it). If her fists aren't doing the job, she'll infuse them with electrical mana to increase her strikes.

She may have other hidden functions, however she currently cannot recall how to access them. She has no memory from her time before her reactivation by Aldrean.



Cheliam Dawn Grace

Age 20
At least big enough to hold an axe.


Crown Princess of the Blue Isles, a chain of island-states far from Haven. Cheliam grew up living a comfortable, charmed life, one spent learning all manner of things from the finest tutors in the Isles, and waited on hand-and-food by a legion of attendants. However, her finest days were those spent with her grandfather, who she was named after. Once a great warrior, he was the prior king of the Isles, and a wise, just leader. While she grew up learning the finer things in life, her grandfather taught her to live humbly, putting her people first, and that before fortune, before politics, all comes honor in her family name.

As she grew, she watched her beloved grandfather lowered into his grave. As she grew, she watched her own father forget these lessons as the people of the Blue Isles suffered and the King fretted over the vaults more and more. The progressively more frequent meetings with the "finer" gentlemen of the Isles and the Royal Family made her sick to her stomach. She began making preparations. She chartered transportation to the mainland away from the prying eyes of the Royal Fleet, and took up her grandfather's old war axe. Stealing away under cover of night, she dismissed her personal staff, and alone, ventured away to gather support.

She intends to declare war on the Blue Isles, and restore honor to her family name.


Cheliam is headstrong, if sometimes a little stubborn. She might be slow to understand the opinions and thoughts of others, or adopt new    practices, she is open-minded and respectful, even if she doesn't necessarily always agree. Her friends and allies always come before her. She does not hide her high-born status and tends to speak overly formally at times. Though she can be a little haughty, she never aims to disrespect or place herself above others. Though she's proud of her royal heritage, she understands that she's not in the Blue Isles anymore, and though her title means nothing to these people, she takes it as an opportunity to make the Grace name a respected one.


Martial Training - Part of a Princess's education in the Blue Isles involves training in both hand-to-hand and weapons combat. Cheliam in particular is talented handling lances and rapiers.

Resilient - Cheliam has an unnatural high pain tolerance. Pain that would be otherwise crippling to a normal man, she can brush off and continue fighting.

Politician - A lifetime learning how to manage tense situations made Cheliam skilled at all manner of communication, be it haggling, defusing conflicts, or making deals.


Frontliner - Cheliam needs to be up close and personal to do anything. She's sure to take a few hits if an enemy has the range advantage.

Mundane - Magic is not a common art in the Blue Isles. Magitech is all but unheard of. She's useless when it comes to the arcane.


War Axe - A family heirloom, the one her grandfather used in the old wars. She insists on using it and it alone, though she's a good bit less adept with it than she is other weapons.

Armor Weave - Cheliam's coat is lined with chainmail, and the rest of her clothes have fine steel wire painstakingly woven into the thread. Commissioned to give her a royal style unmatched by anyone in Haven.

Blue Valkyrie

Blue (Ruelia)
Age: Unknown
Race: Android
Gender: Female


Discovered on the alien world of Azure Star Blue seems to be the creation of an ancient lost empire once ruled by an advanced race of aliens now only known across the galaxy as "The Precursors", while only ruins and active technology remains of these ancient people Blue has managed to survive and lived in seclusion on the forgotten world until the arrival of fleet of space pirates led by the robot captain White Beard.

Despite being outnumbered Blue managed to fight off the pirates invading battling the captain's crew and machines across the mainland of the world until both sides discovered a massive floating city where a relic known as the "Omni Gem" was discovered a crystal that acts as an infinite source of elemental power and likely powered the precursor city in ancient times. After a intense battle Blue defeated the pirates aboard their own ship sinking the Dark Star and sending White Beard and his troops into retreat while Blue hid the Omni Gem in the ruin she originally woke up inside.

Several months later however White Beard returned having constructed new generals to lead his new generation of troops, losing the Omni Gem to the pirates Blue with the assistance if a cloaked figure hunted down the Five Star Generals absorbing the powers of four of them as she engaged each separately and narrowed down the location of White Beard. After the defeat of the four star generals Blue traveled to the new floating space station the "Dark Star 2" and battled White Beard on his own turf eventually engaging the captain once more, while Blue would ultimately win again she would be betrayed by her mysterious new ally and be badly damage when she suffered a surprised attack from this figure revealing himself to be Shadow Star the leader of the Five Star generals, Shadow star then betrays White Beard and takes over the Dark Star II and his troops but the sudden appearance of Tempest Star the only Star general to not be destroyed and rebuilt by Blue saves her and retreats to a hidden lab on the station.

Agreeing to work together to save the world from Shadow Star Blue manages to subdue the revived generals breaking their reprogramming before challenging Shadow Star directly-a battle she would ultimately win. Shadow Star damaged and cornered by Tempest Star and the recently freed white beard in desperation touched the Omni Gem attempting to draw on the dark elemental power within causing his body to mutate into "Super Shadow Star" declaring he would wipe out all life on the planet as revenge then destroy all of them as all, Blue desperate to stop him does the same unlocking her "Omni-Form" a powerful new transformation that draws on the combined elemental power of the Omni-Gem and destroys Shadow Star in a final battle in space. While blue would win this battle White Beard would escape with the Dark Star II and the Omni Gem into deep space forcing Blue to follow in the ship she captured back during their first battle, there she would discover the world of Websitia and become involved in the battle against WillyII when she learns White beard and WilyII had joined forced to take over the planet and use the Omni-Gem's infinite power for their evil plots.

Blue would later be given the mobile suit known as the Blue Noble Gundam to assist in protecting the resistance base in orbit but the prototype suit would be destroyed and Blue would be badly damaged, locked in stasis due to damage to her power gem and remained in Resistance care until the resistance would figure out enough of her design to begin repairs. Some months later Aqua Star one of the four star generals who had defected to the resistance's side due to his feelings for Blue and becoming tired of "being a bad guy" revealed he had stolen a shard of the Omni Gem as a gift for Blue and suggested it could be used to fix her, the resistance would install the shard in place of her damaged power gem granting her an infinite source of power while her body was refined with resistance tech to repair the damage.


Blue is a fairly optimistic person always positive and ready to jump into adventure, although she is a little naive at time, its difficult to say what she was like back during the time of the precursors but at the moment she is a trust worthy and reliable ally to her new friends.


In her original configuration it appeared Blue was not fully complete lacking any weapons either melee or ranged, she was however incredibility quick and durable despite her lack of proper armor and noted for he high strength rating relying on physical attacks and throwing her opponents until Blue discovered she could absorb elemental mana and assume "elemental forms" that granted her unique powers depending on the form, the strongest being her "Omni Form" mixing of all six of the primary elements; in this form Blue possess the power to fly, gains a 100% increase to her body's performance and gains access to Omni based shots and a powerful shield and dash attack that she used to defeat the dark infused Super Shadow Star.

After being nearly destroyed in her first mobile suit battle Blue's body was rendered 70% destroyed with her power gem cracked, a fragment of the omni gem would be used to replace this damaged core granting her an unlimited source of power to draw from but her damaged body would be replaced with resistance tech costing her the power to draw on her elemental forms but granting her a powerful new buster and the ability to form a powerful omni barrier for defense and dashing.

Mobile Suits

MS-NX-01 Omni Gundam


Successor to the prototype MS-NX-00 "Blue" Noble Gundam the NX-01 Omni Gundam makes numerous improvements over the original design and introduces several new technologies developed by Sakura from intensive study on Precursor magitech and its possible merging with her own designs such as the Omni Conversion Drive and the Omni Frame allowing the MS to utilize Omni Energy and manipulate it through the frame much like a Psychframe manipulates newtype psychic energy.

Designed as a close range high mobility prototype the Omni Gundam possess roughly 20% greater agility than the Blue Noble while having a slightly more sturdy frame albeit still leaving the Omni Gundam with lighter armor in favor of reduced weight. Throughout the gundam's frame is the new Omni Frame technology a magitech like crystal frame that visibly shows along several areas of the suit's body to allow for the creation of omni based constructs whole the Omni Drive absorbs power from it's pilot Blue who acts as the MS' battery. The MS also uses a variation of the Alaya-Vijnana System instead of uploading data from the MS into the pilot the system instead uploads Blue's nerual net signals into the suit causing the Omni Gundam to become essentially an extension of her own body in battle.

Omni Conversion Drive

One of the two centerpieces of Sakura's project Omni, the Omni Conversion drive is not a standard reactor system like a Minosky or GN drive but rather draws from Blue's omni gem shard power source to power the entire mobile suit, the reactor then purifys the mana into a usable form to power all functions; the system is backed up by four Omni-Batteries that are charged as an emergency source of power should the drive fail allowing for ten minutes of emergency power (less if the omni frame is used depending on usage).  Due to the large size of drive Sakura was forced to use the more experimental Alaya-Vijnana System over the original Blue Noble's mobile trace system to save space and hopefully increase reaction times.

Omni Frame

The second major technology developed under project Omni, this omni frame is heavily inspired by the psycho frame tech designed to instead draw on the purified mana from the Omni Drive to power not only the gundam but generate omni based constructs like it's pilot through  the exposed crystals on the shoulder armor, wrist guards, head and knee armor to generate beams, beam sabers or shields at lower levels of power.

The limits of this frame are currently unknown, for safety reasons the frame is currently locked at 10% of it's theoretical potential allowing for the above mentioned constructs however the pilot can unlock the system and can safely draw on power up to 25% of it's theoretical limits however doing so is very risky as the system begins to generate immense heat and failing to deactivate it can lead to at best damage to the frame and at worst an overload that can like a psycho frame cause unknown effects.

The frame is designed to shut down if the heat levels reach a certain threshold for 10 minutes of cool down leaving the suit on emergency battery power till this achieved however higher levels of usage can cause this heat to build even quicker with 10% granting 15 minutes of continual use at the moment (Using constructs sparingly or only when needed can solve the usage problem). However should Blue deactivate all limits and push the system to 30% output a phenomenon known as "Omni Burst" will occur where omni energy will flow from all the crystals like a raging flame preventing Blue from creating constructs but causing damage to anything in range even it's self after a while, due to limits to the current first generation frame it is unknown how above 30% power levels will effect the suit.


Strengths and Weaknesses

The Omni Gundam is fast and agile and it's omni frame gives the suit an immense amount of adaptability in battle. However many issues popped up during development such as limited internal space due to the large size of the Omni Conversion drive forcing the installation of the Alaya-Vijnana System over a mobile trace system and the bare essential back up batteries over a proper secondary reactor, other common features like a core fighter and even head vulcans were omitted in favor of the omni frame weapon system.

Another major downside to the Omni Gundam was the durability of the Omni Frame, due to the lighter armor direct hits could often inflict high damage forcing Blue to rely on barriers and agility to avoid damage, the exposed crystals were at greatest risk from damage too although it was often hard to directly target them due to the suit's speed.

Optional Gear

The Omni gundam was designed to be compatible with future "packs" to either enhance or make up for shortcomings in the design the first of these packs was the "Omni-wing" a drone fighter than can either be controlled by Blue or the resistance base and acts as a powerful space/atmospheric fighter armed with two long range beam cannons and two missile pods with 12 missiles each. The Omni-Wing then could fold up and connect to the Omni Gundam slaving it's minosky reactor into the gundam as an emergency power source and offering the missiles and beam cannons to the gundam's arsenal should the omni frame cease to function. The omni wing also increases the Gundam's top speed by nearly 30% although it also increases the profile of the suit making it slightly easier to target.



Morgan al Rhaen

Age 20
Light enough to sustain flight. Presumably.


Morgan is the younger daughter of her clan's heroine for whom she is named after - an immeasurably powerful warrior of dragon blood. Hailing from the cold, unforgiving mountain ranges of the far north, she is a member of one of the last remaining Drakeblood clans, a folk with draconic features - feared and hunted to near-extinction in the past. With her mother's death, the clan fled aimlessly further north where famine and starvation further thinned their numbers. In a brave, risky, and rather stupid gamble to bring riches and security to their clan, Morgan's older sister Lowri took flight for the Isle of Vale. No news of her return ever came, and Morgan grew up under the suffocating, overprotective gaze of her father.

Considered absurdly weak among her kind, unable even to sustain flight or breathe flame to a respectable degree, Morgan's frustration with her claustrophobic upbringing only intensified as she grew into adulthood, and one night, stole out into the night, trekking alone through the snow and darkness for the nearest train station. Determined both to prove herself capable among her kind, live up to her mother's name, and to find her missing sister, she travelled south and boarded a ship bound for New Haven alone, in hopes that the newest expeditionary push into the island will bring her closer to her goals.


Morgan has an intensely fiery personality - no pun intended. Stubborn, hardheaded, and quick to pick a fight, she is... Honestly a little stupid, all things considered. With an isolated upbringing such as hers, she has little to no idea how the outside world works. Especially most technology - of which even the most basic machine she is entirely clueless how to operate. However, she is endlessly curious, adorably affectionate, and has an unbreakable will and an unyielding sense of duty. Whether these qualities will drive her to become someone as legendary as her mother or sink her into the depths of the island's mysteries is yet to be seen.


Flight - Morgan's wings are large enough to carry her into the skies, making her more than suitable for long-range scouting and recon.

Dragonbreath - Though she's especially bad at it, Morgan can still breathe fire. Even if it's hardly more than a gas flame.

Scale Armor - Drakeblood clanspeople grow stronger in combat as points of trauma on their body harden into armored scales.


Air Control and Stamina - Morgan is not well-practiced in aerial maneuvering and really only has barely gotten the hang of, well, up and down. She also cannot sustain that flight for more than a few seconds at best.

Soft-skinned - She hasn't exactly been in many fights. She lacks the scale armor of most other Drakeblood clanspeople her age. She is squishy!


She got sharp teefs n claws and a warm comfy jacket!