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Messages - Rodrigo Shin

Rockman Series / Re: The story of Rockman Online
November 28, 2010, 07:42:09 PM
Quote from: The Great Gonzo on November 28, 2010, 07:31:01 PM
Not liking the Clone Saga angle they took either, huh?
I liked the Clone Saga (not that the thing is without flaws. Don't play strawman now, kids) and I disapprove of your attempt to try to TvTrope-ize the name of that beautifully overstretched (note: sarcasm) story arc for something that makes you sad and cold inside.

But no, this has no bearing either to why I'm not interested in their plot.

I didn't really care what they would have passing for one from the very first animated trailer. When I saw Original series characters thrown in the fray and Iris around and all that I was more concerned with just enjoying something that seemed that was already going to be an AU from day one than bend my mind and heart (and possibly other bodily pieces) to piece it into "canon" or anything.

I'm really glad to see Command Mission characters thrown in again and I really couldn't care less whether it's mass produced clones, or some alternate timeline where they never died, or if they were revived by the MYSTERIOUS POWER OF VOODOO.
Rockman Series / Re: The story of Rockman Online
November 28, 2010, 06:56:14 PM
Quote from: The Great Gonzo on November 27, 2010, 07:28:40 PM
Though--I dunno, is it safe to say that Novas Adventuras de Megaman was totally isolated from CoJ?
You guys have got to stop mentioning this not-at-all charming piece of comic book trash. It's like saying Beetlejuice three times over. But instead of Michael Keaton, you get me.

NAdMM was going to be its own AU to begin with, so continuity? Heh heh, yeah, as if, that thing rewrote its backstory two times over. I'd say three if they could land 4 more issues.

But, to the point, they always said the scripts were sent and approved by Capcom of Japan.

Especially in the letters section, when a reader's letter was "What the [tornado fang] is this [parasitic bomb]?!".

Ah, and speaking of AUs and whatnot, I'm not really following the little words Neowiz is releasing periodically about MMO, but a friend of mine is keeping a look on it and she won't shut up about it. I heard they talked "centuries" after the end of the X series though don't remember the source.

This hands-on from the G-Star build says the timeframe is 22XX. I'm guessing it's a hiccup more than likely. Or not. You'd know before I do, 'cuz I'm not really caring about their justification for the free-for-all character fest we're getting.

Now I'll let the thread follow its usual course.
QuoteImplying whichever of the big two are unsalvageable, terribly better off than the other one, or whatever

Quote from: Protoman Blues on July 25, 2010, 12:37:24 AM
Was any of that any good?

And did Red She-Hulk come out already?

It's brainless, mindless fun. So-bad-it's-good-fun. This is Loeb you're talking about. Throw logic out of the window. Expect high levels of absurd histrionics to worse (anybody remember Superman beating Darkseid into space ranting about how Supergirl would never eat an APPLE PIE again? Or Ultimate Hank Pym yelling "That makes me... the [chameleon sting]er!!!" when he decapitates Ultimate Ultron?). And Red Hulk hadn't even showed up, himself, in any other Marvel title. The entire thing had that vibe of "nobody is going to ride with whatever is hapenning in this book" all the time. It was really contained to the red Hulk book and Incredible Hulk books and that was it.

I wouldn't exactly go recommending it to anyone, but if you don't mind seeing things taken to extremes that are so god damn ludicrous you're laughing at the book (even if I'm quite sure it's not intentional), you can flip through it and think it's the same as a brainless Hollywood popcorn flick. Otherwise, just steer clear.

Trying to bring Red Hulk into the Avengers, though, just goes completely against that. Especially handled by Bendis.

Quote......she isn't STILL She-Rulk, is she?
Yes, she is, and apparently will be for the foreseeable future.
Quote from: Acid on July 24, 2010, 11:42:16 PM
Someone who's not big into comics here:

Explain to me the difference between Red and Green Hulk

And why this latest thing is so bad
Green Hulk is the Hulk everybody knows who keeps alternating between dumb and smart depending on who writes it.

Red Hulk was a character taken out of nowhere because one of this generation's most prolific authors (sales don't lie!) wanted a character who could beat the [parasitic bomb] out of the entire Marvel Universe and kept his identity a mystery for 20+ issues in which Red Hulk was an ass to basically everybody and beat everybody up in a coup with assorted Marvel villains to take over the US Government. Then it was revealed he's General Thunderbolt Ross, the army-guy who's always chasing Hulk around for as long as he is alive.

And now he's gonna be a hero.
Quote from: Pyro on July 24, 2010, 05:42:05 AM
I have no argument with that, it would've been easier to accept getting rid of the marriage in a believable way. Even JMS smelled bull-[parasitic bomb] when Joey Q wanted to use "magic" as his excuse, I even wonder if JMS really wrote it of if Quesada did using his name, I wouldn't be surprised.
JMS was going to use magic himself. He was going to use the deal and have Gwen stay alive, thus nullifying the marriage and the whole fucklot of stuff in the proccess. That was his big idea to retcon Sins Past.

So Joe Q says he doesn't want Gwen back, and JMS ups the ante on butthurt to ludicrous levels (see also: Thor is HIS property, not Marvel's).

Pot calling kettle black takes a whole new meaning in this entire equation.

Also everybody is an Avenger now. When the X-titles got out of hand in the nineties because of the X-Men cartoon? That's what happening to the Avengers.
Quote from: Most Excellent Superbat on July 22, 2010, 05:56:09 AM
Also, just read Spidey: A Moment in Time.

It's basically Quesada cutting up parts of the original wedding comic, and inserting his own "PETER GOT COLD FEET 'CAUSE HE'S A SINGLE MAAAN AND CAN NEVER COMMIT TO ANYONE AND THAT IS PROVEN BECAUSE HE'S SPIDER MAAN" twisted version of the story while a drunk Mary Jane narrates and keeps saying "Let's be friends let's be friends" in the background.

One of the biggest cases of RUBBING IT ON OUR FACES that I ever saw.
I think they've picked the best title possible for the story, though: One Moment In Time. Indeed, the story never seems to end.

From the hairbrained idea of shoving Michelinie's story on the wedding with Quesada's ad-lib stuff on the past to drastically different art styles throughout the story going as far as hand-drawn fonts jumping to digital ones, I was bored out of my skull. I honestly had trouble reading it. Because I rage out of the marriage? Because the story was painful?

No, it's just mediocre and terribly ill-paced. Without the whole layer of meanings for the marriage deal, it's an incredibly lousy comic by all standards.

I don't recommend it to anyone, because it's not effective even as torture, unless provoked uninspired boredom can prove to be fatal.
Quote from: Most Excellent Superbat on July 21, 2010, 01:11:25 PM
Urgh. Hate the fact that Peter has to ALWAYS be a teenager in the eyes of Marvel.
Quesada just 'inherited the dream' if you will. The much maligned Clone Saga in the nineties? An elaborate ploy to have a single Spider-Man.


Followed suit in the post-CS crap with Byrne and Mackie where Harass (best typo ever, and accurate to boot) just demanded them to 'kill' MJ and be done with it. Both disagreed and did your token "comic book death" for it to be reversed soon as possible because either they did that either they lost their job.

Quote5- Wolverine gets to be one ONE TEAM. ONE. TEAM. (for that matter, Origins ends and he gets his regular title back)
Profitability warrants omnipresence (if your name is Deadpool, you don't have to be exactly too profitable either). Wolverine already has his ongoing back, it's called "Weapon X" and it's solid stuff. Aaron (writer) simply tells good stories about the kanuckhead and keeps acknowledgments (if ever some) of the assfuckery named "Origins" to be a bare minimum. They'll be renaming the title to simply "Wolverine" in the upcoming months no less.

Quote6. I'd love for them to undo the whole thing of House of M.
Halfway in proccess, current X-Men arc ended with 5 new mutants 'triggered' around the world. "LOL MUTANTS CAN ONLY BE A MINORITY IF THEIR IN HUNDREDS DERP HERP LOLZ" still seems to be in swing though.
Quote from: Most Excellent Superbat on July 21, 2010, 06:28:44 AM
American Son was the ONLY good story to come out after OMD. Because it followed the classic Good Spidey Story Formula. At one point, he can't take it anymore, he flips out, gets serious, and [parasitic bomb] gets real. It's how Spidey atories get good. When Peter actually mans up and does WHAT HE HAS TO. He hasn't had any of those moments recently, which makes me sad.
I liked American Son myself for all these reasons (when Pete flips out and does his own take on the Mark of Kaine? That was pure badassery), but I think that BND had some very nice stories. Mainly because when they decided to go this new direction, they got writers who were interested in telling stories about Spider-Man, not redefining him or turning his world upside down every three months (SINS PAST! TOTEMIC POWERS! EATING MORLUN'S HEAD!).

Now OMD is just an unforgivable pile of stupidity, but what came after it is not necessarily bad - it becomes a bit of a "shoot the messenger" thing, but I can see why with the glorious failure that OMD was, though I don't support it. As far as Spidey's attitude, even prior to BND Peter was already a bit regressed to a manchild more than the character I grew up reading. But, honestly, I'll take the BND stories any day of the week over JMS's stuff. Simply not to my tastes, if anything. Nothing worthwhile told in BND needed a single Peter Parker either, but that only goes to show how off the rails Quesada was/is with ego.

QuoteMATTIE was killed? I haven't been paying alot of attention to Spider-Man for obvious reasons, but jeez, Mattie Franklin? The Saga of the Five was one of my favorite Spidey tales when I was a kid, and Mattie was pretty much the first Marvel character I remember well from Marvel canon, mostly because she seemed more carefree and happy amongst all of the dark and sad stuff that constantly happened to Peter. Why did they have to kill her? I swear, between this kind of stuff and Quesada's plans to rub OMD in our faces continuously with rebooted marriages and whatnot, makes me want to read Spidey less and less.
I don't know why they decided to off speciffically her (though others also died;
[spoiler]Madame Web died and pretty much 'tucked her essence' or something in Julia Carpenter, the 2nd Spider-Woman, who was known as Arachne, who's now the blind fortune cookie teller of the Arachniverse; Vladimir (the Grim Hunter, killed by Kaine in the clone saga) was brought back by Mattie's death and was also killed back; Kraven's wife Sasha who had recently debuted and Kaine. But Kaine came back at the very last page of the issue.)[/spoiler], though it looks as if it's to give Anya Corazon ("Araña") some uniqueness (she's set to adopt the name of Spider-Girl in a few months).

Now if they had dragged in Jessica as well that'd be wholly understadable, but she's an object of Bendiswank. So... off-limits.

As far as super-hero origins being retconned/revamped/refit or whatever, that's inevitable. Especially on Marvel's case where they have to keep their characters' age within a certain range - that's why what war Punisher fought in or Iron Man was wounded in constantly shifts. Steve overrules it; Super Soldier serum is h4x.

Quote(É verdade. Já agora, por curiosidade, comics demoram tanto tempo a chegar aí como cá? Eu sei que a vossa editora distribui algumas da Marvel para cá (embora ainda estejamos no secret invasion), mas eu costumo comprar numa loja de importação que tem as versões americanas, excepto que estas demoram de uma semana a um mês a sair lá. Também é assim convosco?)
Aqui as revistas estão atrasadas mais ou menos um ano. Dark Reign começou, mais ou menos, há uns 5 meses. Inclusive "American Son" tá sendo publicada na revista do Aranha no momento com o estúpido nome "Filho da Pátria" - e veja que sigla interessante ela forma. :P
Quote from: Most Excellent Superbat on July 21, 2010, 03:09:25 AM
Yeah, too bad that, while Marvel's cosmic stuff is ALWAYS great, their Earth-centered crap is given WAY more attention, and hasn't had the quality of its cosmic counterpart for... I dunno how long.
I'm not sure if Marvel Cosmic was ALWAYS this great, but I'll be damned if Annihilation up to Thanos Initiative didn't kick all sorts of ass. They did a number on many characters brushed aside as some sort of jokes like Super Skrull, and brought back in fullswing characters that had enjoyed more time in the limelight like Nova in the past.

I honestly prefer Abnett and Lanning to Giffen thus far, but it's been one hell of a ride. I'm really hoping that Thanos Initiative sells enough to avoid the whole "hiatus" bullcrap.

QuoteFunnily enough, Waid says that he still enjoys a few superhero stories, but can't take the crap of most comics, so he just quits. I say... isn't that the case with MOST comics nowadays? I mean, I'm hard-pressed to find anything I truly like in comics nowadays, and both Marvel and DC have put us through some amazing shitfests along the years. But when we got stuff like Morrison's Batman, Johns' GL/Flash, Giffen's Cosmic... why should we stop reading what WE LIKE? This is like quitting Lost because of Ugly Betty. Just because most stuff is bad, it doesn't mean we should stay away from the stuff that IS GOOD. Or else, the industry itself won't really feel any incentive to give us good stuff in the first place!
When Waid made this statement, the things most hot off the press were Straczynski's announcement of his Superman stuff but what was REALLY 'hot' was Wonder Woman's "reboot" / new suit. JMS' one staple is messing with a character's origin after all.

Many people brought it to Waid asking if it was JMS or whatever but he just changed subject. Honestly to me that's just trying to hog attention, no matter how talented the man may be.

QuoteAs to what drove him off, I'm hard pressed to find any kind of "slautherhouse mentality" nowadays. Sure, heroes die and come back at the drop of a hat, but honestly, the only one who died last week was Bullseye. And the guy was asking for it all this time, come ooooon.
Things were a little darker on Spider-Man's side on the "Grim Hunt" storyline (where Waid is one of the collective writers), what with Mattie Franklin (Byrne's Spider-Woman) being sacrificed and then fed to a werelion just to stay on the surface (the body count overall comprised 4 characters).

Quote(Engraçado, primeira vez que vejo um gajo online com o mesmo nome que eu. XD)
(É normal considerar isso engraçado; é a resposta natural para um nome tão atraente. 8B Mas creio eu que não sou da mesma nacionalidade: aqui temos dublagens, e não dobragens.  8D)
QuoteNegative thing about Marvel
Needs no subtitle. You all know what it means.[/spoiler]

Quote from: Pyro on July 21, 2010, 01:45:08 AM
In regards to Mark Waid quitting superhero comics, part of me thinks it has to more with the endless slaughterhouse the genre became since "Identity Crisis". Can't say I blame him if that's the case.
If by "slaughterhouse" you mean a whole lot of killing, Waid's own arc on Amazing Spider-Man featuring the All-New, All-Different, All-Unlikely to Stick Around Vulture had someone being gutted in a reasonably graphic scene in something that was being pushed as "all ages" ever since Spidey's BND stunt.

Also for what I understand Waid's own creator owned stuff (Irredemable and Incorruptible) have a fair share of it, too. He of course never addressed what "made him stop collecting super hero comics" though he has said he will continue to write them, but then again most people say he just loves to start stuff.

...that Twitter stuff is also old news. Ah well. Anyway, a lot of people have some theories on the whole "can't have super heroes without GRIMDARK GOAR" or whatever filed under 'super hero decadence' which I find a bit interesting for those seeking for some food for thought.

Aside from Marvel Cosmic, and some other run-of-the-mill spandex in the same Universe, The Unwritten and The Walking Dead make me a happy camper. And that's it for comics I guess.
X1 script on GameFAQs, Vile battle on Sigma 1:
"I'll send you to be together with your precious Zero!!"

According to a japanese speaker at the time who was keeping tabs on the first reason these retranslations were being done (a retranslation ROM project), Vile says "Zero died like a dog" (died in vain) and that X will soon join him.

I don't remember exactly what "Boco" claimed to it, but ultimately that line was not in the patched ROM - and the guy overseeing the project (coding the changes and such) wasn't going to arbitrarily change it if it happened to be untrue.

So while you're not going to find anything glaringly-Yaoi-like, now that's some lot of poetic license there. Whenever things get fuddly-cuddly I'd take it with a grain of salt.

After all you're talking about someone who claimed Magma Dragoon is jealous of X and Zero's relationship and that's why he wants to destroy either of them.

And as for what the thread is... was about... the teaser didn't do anything for me.
Rockman Series / Re: Ancient Theories/Fanon
May 26, 2010, 04:29:49 AM
Quote from: The Great Gonzo on May 25, 2010, 03:45:01 AM
This feels like necroposting and probably is, but I've found something relevant to this thread: Codename Yoshi's list of names.

I think it's safe to say that this is all of them, since the site seems to have shut down in 2002.
Sort of.

Kayama had it up as "Codename Yoshi", then switched servers and went with "Virtual Study Desk". The site died sometime after X7's release.

He had fanon names made as far as X6.

[spoiler]Part 6
Gate Vengeance
File 69: Gate Renoir Starway
File 70: High-Max
File 71: iSoc
File 72: Commander Yammark
File 73: Rainy Turtroid
File 74: Shieldner Shelldun
File 75: Bllizard Wolfang
File 76: Blaze Heatnix
File 77: Infinity Miginion
File 78: Metalshark Player
File 79: Ground Scaravich[/spoiler]
News and Announcements / Re: Mega Man Online...?
May 12, 2010, 10:09:38 AM
Quote from: Flame on May 12, 2010, 04:19:29 AM
I didnt think he minded the others.
He still seems a bit bitter over X6, what with going as far as saying he feels he "owes fans an apology" for it. But-

QuoteHe just felt that he wanted to let the rest of the team have a say, and well, he sort o wandered off.
Capcom contact from way back when said that work on X6 started so soon as X5's was wrapping up, so from that I pretty much think that he is also to blame from that. Sounds like (just my hunch) he wasn't closely involved enough to know what was going on since his reactions to X6 seemed to be surprised or what have you.

QuoteX6 was the X5 team, (I think?)
Kinda like the Soul Eraser team, since it had the inclusion of Koji Nakajima as producer (Cyber Mission / X5 was only Tatsuya Minami, SE/X6 had Nakajima join in as a producer as well, who stayed up to CM).

QuoteSo it was good readin' too, but after that, it feels somewhat bland. X7 was borderline X4 all over again, but with a new good guy character. X8 has great story, but something about it feels off when I compare it with the others. perhaps its the lack of focus on X and Zero? And the fact that Wily connection built up so heavily since X2 was dropped after X6?

I honestly wouldnt mind a new X sidegame.
From X7 onwards it's vague enough that if they feel like wrapping up the Wily plot with a sidegame it'd fit, and if they just find some excuse to why Wily bid his own time for oh so [tornado fang]ing long it would also fit. I'd like to know why they dropped it in the first place, but ah well. I guess that with enough fan pestering at least Inafune was made aware of it (cue Capcom Unity FAQ and Zero's TvC ending).

As for story, the only one I could be arsed to be actively involved with and that felt good to me during the "X7" era was Command Mission. Rest was meh.
X / Re: Zero turned good by the Sigma Virus
April 24, 2010, 02:26:14 AM
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 24, 2010, 01:55:14 AM
Quotewhat Sigma said in RockmanX8?
I'll see what I can do when I get back.
This help?
[spoiler] シグマ









X / Re: X7-X8 never happend?
April 12, 2010, 11:17:44 PM
ITT: we don't see what's written, we see what we want to see written.

But what else is new anyway?
X / Re: X7-X8 never happend?
April 10, 2010, 05:39:48 AM
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 10, 2010, 03:35:25 AM
I wouldn't mind doing translations (if Heat Man doesn't beat me to it), but I want to be accurate, and some of the kanji are quite tiny. On a related note, does anyone know how to rip the text from a flash page? I seriously hate the way that page is set up.
This help? (character profiles, since I assume the rest is already taken care of)




Cyber Elf




Resistance Companions



Neo Arcadia
X / Re: ZELLLLLO and all that - original translation?
January 28, 2010, 04:06:59 AM
At this point only making an audio comparison showing how the sound of these mirror each katakana would be the only way for it to be crystal clear, but hardly worth the effort to say what "could or couldn't be" Sigma's gibberish yelled at X in the end of game.
X / Re: Best and Worst Armors?
January 28, 2010, 01:06:54 AM
Love the design of Blade Armor, shame it's underpowered. As far as design goes I really like Fourth and Black Ultimate the best after Blade.

On usability Shadow Armor is a [tornado fang]ing juggernaut of destruction. Even the Fourth Armor in X4 felt a bit overpowered.

And I rather dislike Glide for its lousy design and lack of any unique features, and X8's armor just feels 'meh' overall to me.

X's New Armor from CM is also a favorite, but it's also the 'default form' from the game anyway.
X1: [tornado fang]ing awesome
X2: Boring
X3: Better than the last
X4: Mega Man Zero - The Prequel (and more fun than that entire series put together, but overrated still)
Xtreme: The halfassed revival
X5: Weak cash-in of Nightmare Alia
Xtreme 2: What Xt1 should've been
X6: Broken yet better than X5
X7: Tragedy and disaster
X8: Meh
XCM: [tornado fang] YEAH

Haven't played MHX yet.
X / Re: ZELLLLLO and all that - original translation?
January 28, 2010, 12:19:02 AM
Uh huh.

The "Bah" in it has pretty much the same sonority of how they'd say a "Be"; same case with Snatch (look it up on youtube or whatever for the "Dags" scene).

It works pretty much the same as "BEGS" and "DEGS" accounting it's on English.
X / Re: ZELLLLLO and all that - original translation?
January 27, 2010, 11:35:50 PM
How "dags" and "bags" are read fit with the "e" pronounciation of the japanese.
X / Re: ZELLLLLO and all that - original translation?
January 27, 2010, 11:15:57 PM
Quote from: Align on January 27, 2010, 12:16:53 AM
Maybe Vixy could give us both entire conversations?

Pretty please?
I think the only part that'd 'matters' on X japanese dialogue for the scene is as follows:

 「フハハハ まだだ!
  ごれがるが ホンバナだっ



Y'like dags?

And here you had people making toad in the hole over "ZELLO".
X / Re: X8. I didnt like it all that much.
September 29, 2009, 08:55:35 AM
Quote from: Keno on September 29, 2009, 08:31:09 AM
What is this specifying overseas version? Are there multiple versions of the opening stage of X6?
As they said above, the US release just has a few guitar riffs on it. I concur it's not anything to write home about. Just a little extra touch.
X / Re: What did Lumine mean?
September 29, 2009, 07:17:53 AM
Quote from: Zan on September 29, 2009, 03:16:37 AM
You know, when Japanese translations from X5 started appearing in that wall of text. I was hoping you'd provide a translation for the Japanese equivalent of X5's "partner" line. Too bad....

1st form
























2nd form





















I'd wager it half the battle. Walls of text? Expect me to read that?

Fan Games / Re: Megaman: Redemption
September 05, 2009, 11:27:46 PM
Quote from: SpeedReemix on September 05, 2009, 09:50:53 PM
Rokkuman Kyuusei (Hiragana) or Rokkuman Ridemipishun (Katakana) ?

Whichever you prefer... the Japanese classic titles most of the time stick with japanese subtitles, but this is your call.

But I was talking about the overall katakana posted here more than just the pixel art title.

"Ridemipishun" isn't an appropriate spelling in katakana for "Redemption". "Ridemipishun" gives you "Ree-de-mee-pi-shoom". The way the japanese spell things out, to better mirror (or attempt) "ri-demp-shuhn" would be something along the lines of RI-DE-N-PU-SHI-O-N or even RI-DE-N-PU-SHI-YA-N.

As well, some other old ones posted here:
Quote from: SpeedReemix on May 20, 2009, 02:24:00 PM
ラユデル-ジョエ (Rayuderu - Joe) = Rider Joe

Fun Trivia:

ダンセル-ジョエ (Danseru - Joe) = Dancer Joe
"RAYUDERU" Joe gives you something "Rydel Joe", not "Rider" Joe. "Rider" is typically romanized as "RA-I-DA-" (just look up any Kamen Rider series logo). As well, "Danseru" Joe gives you most like "Damsel" Joe than "Dancer" Joe. "DA-N-SA-" Joe would be more like it.

But these are what I saw that needed more polish, the rest of the project looks pretty good at least from a concept standpoint. I'm interested in seeing how this one turns out.