Quote from: The Great Gonzo on November 28, 2010, 07:31:01 PMI liked the Clone Saga (not that the thing is without flaws. Don't play strawman now, kids) and I disapprove of your attempt to try to TvTrope-ize the name of that beautifully overstretched (note: sarcasm) story arc for something that makes you sad and cold inside.
Not liking the Clone Saga angle they took either, huh?
But no, this has no bearing either to why I'm not interested in their plot.
I didn't really care what they would have passing for one from the very first animated trailer. When I saw Original series characters thrown in the fray and Iris around and all that I was more concerned with just enjoying something that seemed that was already going to be an AU from day one than bend my mind and heart (and possibly other bodily pieces) to piece it into "canon" or anything.
I'm really glad to see Command Mission characters thrown in again and I really couldn't care less whether it's mass produced clones, or some alternate timeline where they never died, or if they were revived by the MYSTERIOUS POWER OF VOODOO.