So it seems as though Aonuma is opning the floodgates on Zelda Wii as well as his own personalthoughts on working on the series the past few years. I think this is easily one of his best interviews to date however and it gives a really nice insight to what is expected to happen with the series moving forward.
On Zelda's controls on DS and Wii:
The Difference between the two platforms (Wii and DS) is big. The experience with Spirit Tracks, trying to enhance an already 'near-perfect control,' is what pushed us on learning how to rack our brains. With Wii it is the same, we want to make the most of its controls. We want the player to control the game in the best possible way. On Wii, the camera is more realistic. Graphics are more realistic, too, and controls have to be, therefore, much more realistic.
On remaking older Zeldas
There were a lot of things we couldn't do [with Ocarina of Time] due to technical limitations. But I think we've been solving those issues with every Zelda since then. With each entry, I've tried to add things I couldn't do before. Actually, it's like I've been remaking it during these years. So if you ask me if there's going to be a Zelda remake... I thought I was making it all this time! So it maybe I haven't done well enough, I haven't been up to the expected level.
Ocarina of Time & His Opinion on It Now
It's complicated. Past things belong to our memories, and they grow bigger in there. If you play Ocarina of Time nowadays, you notice that it's not that good. Sometimes it doesn't move as fast as it should, graphics aren't as beautiful as they should be; there are some confusing parts... Any present Zelda is technically superior. Everything goes faster, more fluid... but to best Ocarina of Time, a great change –comparable to what happened back then- must be introduced. And that'll be rather complicated.
(That quote is really good, I believe this is the first time that a key player in the Zelda series has publicly acknowledged what it isthat another Zelda needs to punch through the legendary OoT's impressions.)
Finally, his thoughts on working with Miyamoto:
I didn't know our discussions were so well known! (Jelly note: lol upended tea tables ) I believe we have different visions because Mr. Miyamoto is just a genius; he's got an innate talent, and everything I do, I had to learn step by step. And it took a lot for me, I have no natural talent. I've spent many years with Mr. Miyamoto and, since the beginning, the moment I have to bring my work and show it to him for his opinion is a very special moment, and I enjoy with it. [...] He notices things I'd never see. After this time, our visions are starting to match up more and more. However, I have a lot more left to try to reach his level.
The interview is here, untranslated. Meanwhile, I must say that I like Aonuma's demeanor in this all. It's incredibly refreshing and humble. Finally, I don't get why he discredits his talent so much. anyone who could come up with the Windwaker or Majora's Mask cannot be that lacking in the natural talent department.