Rockman Perfect Memories...BRAWL!

Alice in Entropy · 12355

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Offline Alice in Entropy

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on: January 08, 2009, 09:53:39 PM
Okay, this is just a silly idea I had for a made-up game, in a similar vein to Borock and Taiyo's ping-pong game. RPM has a wide cast of colourful, chaotic and crazy characters, right? Well, I figured - why not have all of us RPM-ers duke it out in an over-the-top scrapfest like Brawl?

The idea is simple: just say you'd like to be added to the list of combatants, come up with your own moveset, share ideas and, of course, have fun! And why stop there? Why not make up items, stages, etc. based on RPM lore? Artwork based on the game is definitely allowed, and by all means encouraged!

Let's BRAWL!






Guy Fonderball

Not very fast on his feet, but has extremely fast attacks.

  - Normal B: Charge Geass:
RMZX.EXE charges a Geass that will stun the person it hits. Longer stun the longer its charged
  - Side B: Shoulder Ram
RMZX.EXE Rams into an enemy with his Shoulder to knock them back.
  - Up B: Anti-Grav Jump
RMZX.EXE jumps much higher than usual, can normally attack after the jump is over.
  - Down B: Slide
RMZX.EXE uses this to evade, and kick people with his extended foot.
Using Hax(Which RMZX.EXE has.) RMZX.EXE uses a fast spinning kick to attack and KO anybody instantly.

Similar to Sonic. Really, who else would I be? Falco? When I'm already an offshoot of Sonic?

  - Up + B: Teleport:
Works like Mewtwo's old Teleport, looks digitalized and stuff.
  - Down + B: Lightspeed Spindash
A faster and higher priority version of Sonic's Spin Dash.
  - Side + B: Ultrasonic Attack
Doesn't flinch, doesn't launch, but deals 3% damage to everyone else and "attacks" items.
  - Regular B: Homing Attack
Same as Sonic's.
  - Final Smash: Full Power
No holds barred; same as Super Sonic, only far faster and more out of control, but it's an instant K.O. if I tag ya.

Similar to Bowser, due to her horns 'n' fire 'n' stuff.

  - Up + B: Super Pounce
Crouches into a ball and leaps high into the air. If it comes in contact with a foe, she kisses them with a giggle, causing damage.
  - Down + B: Tantrum
Stomps on the ground in a rage while ranting.
  - Side + B: Horn Smash
Rears back and headbutts with a growl.
  - Regular B: Fireball
Shoots a fireball from her mouth.
  - Final Smash: Super Sexy Kitsu Flash
I rip my shirt off, exposing my green swirl nipples and strike a sexy pose. "KNOCKOUT!" flashes on the screen, causing considerable damage to everyone.

- Intro: A green Megaman-like beam comes down from the sky, and Kitsu appears, back to the audience. She's topless and
as she realizes where she is an exclamation point appears over her head and she pulls on her shirt as she turns around.
- Idle: Puts her hands on her hips, and looks around, shrugging.
- Win: She streches and wiggles her hips a little, saying "Hmm...that was nice. Call me sometime." and winks.
- Lose: Turns around, growls and begins to sharpen her claws.
- Taunts:
Up taunt:  Throws a cookie into the air, balances it on her nose, and then eats it.
Side taunt: Paws the ground like a bull, snorts, and lowers her head, as if to charge.
Down taunt: Grazes her claws on the ground as she kneels and smirks toothily, saying "Let's do this."

He wields his staff/spear/scythe, Yamalok.

- Both Modes:
  - Down+B: Yamalok switch

Switches modes on Yamalok. The 2 options are spear and scythe.
- Spear Mode:
  - Up+B:

Jumps up with a strong thrust of the spear into the air, followed by a slam into the ground if it comes in contact with an opponent.
  - Side+B:
Twirls Yamalok around, blocking any projectile in front. Can move left and right, but it's very slow.
Quick multi-thrust (sort of like Sword Rain from the Tales of series).
- Scythe Mode:
   - Up+B:

Flips over opponent and slashes downwards.
  - Side+B:
Quickly rushes forward, slashing with scythe. Hits multiple times.
  - B:
Charges up Yamalok. Once charged, pressing B again will use an extra strong slash.
- Both Modes:
  - Final Smash: Bardo Mortis

Starts by swinging Yamalok extremely quickly. If it connects, it sends the opponent into the air, where I jump up and start slashing away, all beams extended at full capacity from Yamalok. For the final blow, I twirl it around and stab it into the opponent and send an energy surge into them, creating a strong ball of power around them. If any other opponent that wasn't caught in the initial strike is hit by said ball, they will receive damage as well.

Playstyle is like Zelda/Shiek (except "Zelda" is replaced by Marth).


- Robo-Ky:
  - Up+B: Boosters
Ky activates a pair of boosters in his legs to propel himself upward. Acts similar to Snake's Cypher move.
  - Side+B: Shotgun Suprise
Ky the forearm on his non-sword arm and fires a quick, short-range blast from the shotgun hidden in his elbow. Cannot be charged, damage equivalent to a half-charged shot from Samus.
  - Neutral B: Dynamo Ky
A pair of Dynamo's unfold from Ky's back and he dashes forward a short-distance. Any character caught in the dash is impaled on Ky's sword and lifted into the air, where the dynamos activate and unleash an electrical discharge through Ky's sword, damaging the opponent. Ky then moves back to his ready stance and flings the enemy off his sword into the floor. Distance covered by the dash is approximately the same as Capt. Falcon's Raptor Boost.
  - Down+B: Character Switch
Ky teleports out and is replaced by Zakura.
Final Smash: Ride The Lightning
Shared between both characters, Zakura will teleport in if Ky is the one activating the move. Zakura dashes forward and, if she connects with the enemy, will kick them into the air and unleash a 20-hit combo that finishes with a downward blow. The opponent lands on Ky's sword and he then performs an upgraded version of Dynamo Ky move that ends with the opponent being struck by a bolt of lightning and blasted skywards. It's about as strong as Great Aether.

- Pre-fight intro: Is already seated on his throne. Stands and unsheathes his sword as the throne folds into his back.
- Idle Stance: Holds sword in a backhand manner similar to Sol Badguy (but with the blade pointing upwards), will vent harmless steam if he doesn't move.
- Win Poses: Sits on his throne and laughs/Vents steam and grins at the camera/High-fives Zakura.
- Lose Pose: Sat in his throne, looking away from the camera and clapping sarcastically.
- Taunts:
^: Leans on his sword and mock-salutes
<: Turns his back to the camera and vents steam from compartments on his neck.
v: A mirror unfolds from his torso and he admires himself in it before it retracts.

- Zakura:
  - Up+B: Shouoken
On the ground, Zakura dashes forward a short distance and performs a jumping uppercut that leaves her vulnerable when completed. In the air, performs a jumping uppercut that acts the same as Marth's Dolphin Slash.
  - Side+B: Rocket Kick
Rocket boosters in the soles of her shoes propel her forward and she launches a step-kick that knocks the enemy back in a similar manner to the Peach Bomber
  - Neutral B: Hadoken
Works the same way as Samus' charge shot. Can also be fired at 45-degree angle upwards, but only travels a third of the distance.
  - Down+B: Character Switch
Zakura teleports out and is replaced by Ky.
Final Smash: Ride The Lightning
Shared between both characters, Zakura will teleport in if Ky is the one activating the move. Zakura dashes forward and, if she connects with the enemy, will kick them into the air and unleash a 20-hit combo that finishes with a downward blow. The opponent lands on Ky's sword and he then performs an upgraded version of Dynamo Ky move that ends with the opponent being struck by a bolt of lightning and blasted skywards. It's about as strong as Great Aether.

 Pre-fight intro: Teleports in and tightens her headband.
- Idle stance: Same as in Street Fighter games, eventually straightens and yawns if she doesn't move.
- Win poses: Dances in a side-to-side motion identical to her win pose in the Street Fighter games/Pumps a fist in the air and exclaims "Yeah!"/High-fives Robo-Ky.
- Lose Pose: Stood with her arms crossed and pouting/looking upset.
- Taunts:
^: Tightens her gloves
>: Hops from one foot to another like a boxer
v: Shrugs, shakes her head and gives an exasperated sigh.

Sky Child


Protoman Blues

Dr. Wily II
Similar to Snake. Wears his Wily Man armour that grants him offensive capabilities.

  - Neutral B: Kobun Grenade
Throws out a Kobun that walks towards the nearest enemy and explodes.
  - Side B: Skull Buster
Fires out skull-shaped buster shots in rapid succession.
  - Up B: Ballade Cracker
Treble wings sprout out from his backpack, allowing him limited flight. Fires a Ballade Cracker downards diagonally.
  - Down B: Charge Kick
Same as in Megaman 5.
Final Smash: Wily II Supernova
Works best while in the air. Charges up his buster, and then fires charged Skull Buster shots in all 8-directions rapidly.

- Intro:
Teleports in, reaches into his labcoat pocket for his Model W(ilyman) and performs a short Rock-On sequence.
- Idle:
Stands for a bit, then sits down and starts tinkling with his buster.
- Win:
Laughs out manically.
- Lose:
Goes down on his kness and begs.
- Taunts:
Up taunt: Wiggles his eyebrows.
Side taunt: Puts out his hand, and gestures his opponent to come over.
Down taunt: Goes down on his knees and begs, and then shows a evil smirk.


To start the cast off, I've taken a few people from RPM that I thought could be based on existing Brawl characters and their movesets. If you don't have any ideas for yourself and just want to get involved, feel free to state what character you think you'd be based on. These hyopthetical moves are by no means permanent: it's just an idea! Feel free to change them however you want.

Here are the examples:

Character: Marth
Why?: Enigma is a swordsman, and Marth is quick and agile enough to fit nicely.

Character: Peach
Why?: They're both sweet, pretty and use the power of love and joy. Plus: Hip Smash = Vixy.

Character: Pit
Why?: Archer can use blades like arrows, and his extraordinary abilities remind me somewhat of Pit.

Character: Capt. Falcon
Why?: His Secret Origin bio states that he uses a martial arts style in combat. And who in Brawl is more martial art-y than the Captain?

Dr. Wily II
Character: Snake
Why?: Snake's gadgets seem quite similar to gadgets that Wily himself might have (except funnier. Kobun grenade, anyone?).

Character: Ike
Why?: Hefty swords. Fire. Awesome fighting skills. You do the math.

Character: Ness/Lucas
Why?: I can imagine her using similar "magical" abilities,'s cute magic instead of psychokinesis. Plus I can imagine PK Starstorm being changed to "Phantasy Starstorm". >U<

Remember, these are just suggestions. Expand your character abilities as you like!

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Reply #1 on: January 08, 2009, 09:55:38 PM
Darn. I want it, but I'm too tired to think of a moveset. Maybe a tag-team with Zakura that works in a similar way to Zelda/Shiek.... (teleporting in/out rather than transforming, though.)

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Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #2 on: January 08, 2009, 09:58:21 PM
Y'know, you can just say you want to be added and think of moves later. n_n; Hell, make up and change moves seperately, if you like. You don't have to think of moves on the spot and all at once. Take your time~

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Reply #3 on: January 08, 2009, 10:13:53 PM
I like this idea and wish to be part of it =D

Not sure about my moveset, but I'm 100% sure that Mango Lemonade should replace Maxim Tomatoes and Orange Fanta should replace the Heart Containers, or the other way around if you want XD

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Reply #4 on: January 08, 2009, 10:16:09 PM
Orange Fanta heals the most of all items, silly~

I'm in!

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Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #5 on: January 08, 2009, 10:23:22 PM
Not sure about my moveset, but I'm 100% sure that Mango Lemonade should replace Maxim Tomatoes and Orange Fanta should replace the Heart Containers, or the other way around if you want XD

That is so awesome. XD

Offline Guy Fonderball

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Reply #6 on: January 08, 2009, 10:36:31 PM
I would like to be a part of it too, although thinking of a moveset is hard. The best i can think of is this:

Guy Fonderball
Character: Mix of Ike/Pokemon Trainer
Why: While being a close combat fighter, Guy would have the ability to quickly change weapons, and thereby moves, during the fight (up to 6 Weapons)

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Reply #7 on: January 08, 2009, 11:34:13 PM
Add me to the list.

Character: Marth with Ike's Speed.
Not very fast on his feet, but has extremely fast attacks.

Normal B: Charge Geass:
RMZX.EXE charges a Geass that will stun the person it hits. Longer stun the longer its charged

Side B: Shoulder Ram
RMZX.EXE Rams into an enemy with his Shoulder to knock them back.

Up B: Anti-Grav Jump
RMZX.EXE jumps much higher than usual, can normally attack after the jump is over.

Down B: Slide
RMZX.EXE uses this to evade, and kick people with his extended foot.


Using Hax(Which RMZX.EXE has.) RMZX.EXE uses a fast spinning kick to attack and KO anybody instantly.

Offline Fxeni

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Reply #8 on: January 08, 2009, 11:40:47 PM
Mm, I guess I'll join on in. As I'm sure most people will expect, Fox would be the closest thing for me considering there's no staff/spear/scythe user, which is a shame.

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Reply #9 on: January 08, 2009, 11:46:27 PM
Oh, I HAVE to be in this one.

Character: Sonic
Why?: Really, who else would I be? Falco? When I'm already an offshoot of Sonic?

Up + B: Teleport - Works like Mewtwo's old Teleport, looks digitalized and stuff.
Down + B: Lightspeed Spindash - A faster and higher priority version of Sonic's Spin Dash.
Side + B: Ultrasonic Attack - Doesn't flinch, doesn't launch, but deals 3% damage to everyone else and "attacks" items.
Regular B: Homing Attack - Same as Sonic's.
Final Smash: Full Power - No holds barred; same as Super Sonic, only far faster and more out of control, but it's an instant K.O. if I tag ya.

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Reply #10 on: January 08, 2009, 11:49:34 PM
Mm, I guess I'll join on in. As I'm sure most people will expect, Fox would be the closest thing for me considering there's no staff/spear/scythe user, which is a shame.

And that's why you can create your moveset yourself =P

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Reply #11 on: January 09, 2009, 01:13:42 AM
Hmm...well I guess I would kind of be modeled after Bowser since I have a fireball attack and a horn attack...

Super Kitsu
Moveset: Bowser

Up + B: Super Pounce- Crouches into a ball and leaps high into the air. If it comes in contact with a foe, she kisses them with a giggle, causing damage.
Down + B: Tantrum- Stomps on the ground in a rage while ranting.
Side + B: Horn Smash- Rears back and headbutts with a growl.
Regular B: Fireball- shoots a fireball from her mouth.
Final Smash: Super Sexy Kitsu Flash- I rip my shirt off, exposing my green swirl nipples and strike a sexy pose. "KNOCKOUT!" flashes on the screen, causing considerable damage to everyone.

they dont think it be like it is but it do

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Reply #12 on: January 09, 2009, 01:15:56 AM
And that's why you can create your moveset yourself =P
Mm, true... well, I'll give it some thought.

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Reply #13 on: January 09, 2009, 01:46:10 AM
I wanna be fuckin' Luigi.

*weegee stares into your soul*

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Reply #14 on: January 09, 2009, 01:50:57 AM
Oh hell yes I want in this. XD

I'll come up with something soon, but for now, just imagine a mix of Lucas' PK abilities and Fox's physicals. That'd be me.

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Reply #15 on: January 09, 2009, 02:38:42 AM

Both Modes:
Down+B: Yamalok switch - switches modes on Yamalok. The 2 options are spear and scythe.

Spear Mode:
Up+B: Jumps up with a strong thrust of the spear into the air, followed by a slam into the ground if it comes in contact with an opponent.
Side+B: Twirls Yamalok around, blocking any projectile in front. Can move left and right, but it's very slow.
B: Quick multi-thrust (sort of like Sword Rain from the Tales of series).

Scythe Mode:
Up+B: Flips over opponent and slashes downwards.
Side+B: Quickly rushes forward, slashing with scythe. Hits multiple times.
B: Charges up Yamalok. Once charged, pressing B again will use an extra strong slash.

Final Smash:
Bardo Mortis - Starts by swinging Yamalok extremely quickly. If it connects, it sends the opponent into the air, where I jump up and start slashing away, all beams extended at full capacity from Yamalok. For the final blow, I twirl it around and stab it into the opponent and send an energy surge into them, creating a strong ball of power around them. If any other opponent that wasn't caught in the initial strike is hit by said ball, they will receive damage as well.

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Reply #16 on: January 09, 2009, 03:56:31 AM
Original post updated to include my Moveset.

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #17 on: January 09, 2009, 07:09:07 AM
Oh really?  RPM Brawl?  Well, check this out then....

Oh yeah, that's right!  PB based on *in Brawl announcer voice* TOON LINK!   8D

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #18 on: January 09, 2009, 09:05:29 AM
It's a pity Rock wasn't in Brawl, cos I have the perfect Wily Man thing going for myself. XD
Then again...
Dr. Wily II
Character: Snake
Why?: Snake's gadgets seem quite similar to gadgets that Wily himself might have (except funnier. Kobun grenade, anyone?).
Snake is sneaky and all. XD
Moveset comes later, need to research a bit on Snake's moveset. :P

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Reply #19 on: January 09, 2009, 04:18:25 PM
Y'know, you can just say you want to be added and think of moves later. n_n; Hell, make up and change moves seperately, if you like. You don't have to think of moves on the spot and all at once. Take your time~

Okey Dokey then.

Please add:

Robo-Ky/Zakura (the two share stock and damage received)
Playstyle: Zelda/Shiek (except "Zelda" is replaced by Marth)



Up+B: Boosters - Ky activates a pair of boosters in his legs to propel himself upward. Acts similar to Snake's Cypher move.
Side+B: Shotgun Suprise - Ky the forearm on his non-sword arm and fires a quick, short-range blast from the shotgun hidden in his elbow. Cannot be charged, damage equivalent to a half-charged shot from Samus.
Neutral B: Dynamo Ky - A pair of Dynamo's unfold from Ky's back and he dashes forward a short-distance. Any character caught in the dash is impaled on Ky's sword and lifted into the air, where the dynamos activate and unleash an electrical discharge through Ky's sword, damaging the opponent. Ky then moves back to his ready stance and flings the enemy off his sword into the floor. Distance covered by the dash is approximately the same as Capt. Falcon's Raptor Boost.
Down+B: Character Switch - Ky teleports out and is replaced by Zakura.

Pre-fight intro: Is already seated on his throne. Stands and unsheathes his sword as the throne folds into his back.
Idle Stance: Holds sword in a backhand manner similar to Sol Badguy (but with the blade pointing upwards), will vent harmless steam if he doesn't move.
Win Poses: Sits on his throne and laughs/Vents steam and grins at the camera/High-fives Zakura.
^: Leans on his sword and mock-salutes
<: Turns his back to the camera and vents steam from compartments on his neck.
v: A mirror unfolds from his torso and he admires himself in it before it retracts.


Up+B: Shouoken - On the ground, Zakura dashes forward a short distance and performs a jumping uppercut that leaves her vulnerable when completed. In the air, performs a jumping uppercut that acts the same as Marth's Dolphin Slash.
Side+B: Rocket Kick - Rocket boosters in the soles of her shoes propel her forward and she launches a step-kick that knocks the enemy back in a similar manner to the Peach Bomber
Neutral B: Hadoken - Works the same way as Samus' charge shot. Can also be fired at 45-degree angle upwards, but only travels a third of the distance.
Down+B: Character Switch - Zakura teleports out and is replaced by Ky.

Pre-fight intro: Teleports in and tightens her headband.
Idle stance: Same as in Street Fighter games, eventually straightens and yawns if she doesn't move.
Win poses: Dances in a side-to-side motion identical to her win pose in the Street Fighter games/Pumps a fist in the air and exclaims "Yeah!"/High-fives Robo-Ky
^: Tightens her gloves
>: Hops from one foot to another like a boxer
v: Shrugs, shakes her head and gives an exasperated sigh.

I think that's pretty comprehensive. So.....are we in?

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Reply #20 on: January 09, 2009, 05:27:33 PM
Ok, let me give this a shot...

Dr. Wily II: Wears his Wily Man armour that grants him offensive capabilities.
Brawl counterpart: Snake.

Neutral B: Kobun Grenade - Throws out a Kobun that walks towards the nearest enemy and explodes.
Side B: Skull Buster - Fires out skull-shaped buster shots in rapid succession (Like Bass' rapid-fire buster).
Up B: Ballade Cracker - Treble wings sprout out from his backpack, allowing him limited flight. Fires a Ballade Cracker downards diagonally.
Down B: Charge Kick - Same as in Megaman 5.

Final Smash: Wily II Supernova - Works best while in the air. Charges up his buster, and then fires charged Skull Buster shots in all 8-directions rapidly.

Ok, I think this works. XD

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Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #21 on: January 09, 2009, 05:51:47 PM
Okie-doke, I've gone and added everyone to the list, and the moves of those who provided them.

Actually, Robo-Ky has a good idea here: feel free to add miscellaneous info to your character, like taunts, introes and win/loss poses.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #22 on: January 09, 2009, 06:05:36 PM
Hmm... Misc. stuff...

Intro: Teleports in, reaches into his labcoat pocket for his Model W(ilyman) and performs a short Rock-On sequence.
Idle: Stands for a bit, then sits down and starts tinkling with his buster.
Win: Laughs out manically. >BD
Lose: Goes down on his kness and begs. 8D

Up taunt: Wiggles his eyebrows. [eyebrow]
Side taunt: Puts out his hand, and gestures his opponent to come over.
Down taunt: Goes down on his knees and begs, and then shows a evil smirk. 8D

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Reply #23 on: January 09, 2009, 06:38:34 PM
Oh...yeah. I forgot some stuff.

Final Smash: Ride The Lightning - Shared between both characters, Zakura will teleport in if Ky is the one activating the move. Zakura dashes forward and, if she connects with the enemy, will kick them into the air and unleash a 20-hit combo that finishes with a downward blow. The opponent lands on Ky's sword and he then performs an upgraded version of Dynamo Ky move that ends with the opponent being struck by a bolt of lightning and blasted skywards. It's about as strong as Great Aether.

Ky Lose Pose: Sat in his throne, looking away from the camera and clapping sarcastically.
Zakura Lose Pose: Stood with her arms crossed and pouting/looking upset.

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Currently streaming: Transformers: Devastation

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Reply #24 on: January 09, 2009, 09:18:18 PM

Intro: A green Megaman-like beam comes down from the sky, and Kitsu appears, back to the audience. She's topless and
as she realizes where she is an exclamation point appears over her head and she pulls on her shirt as she turns around.

Idle: Puts her hands on her hips, and looks around, shrugging.

Win: She streches and wiggles her hips a little, saying "Hmm...that was nice. Call me sometime." and winks.

Lose: Turns around, growls and begins to sharpen her claws.

Up taunt:  Throws a cookie intothe air, balances it on her nose, and then eats it.
Side taunt: Paws the ground like a bull, snorts, and lowers her head, as if to charge.
Down taunt: Grazes her claws on the ground as she kneels and smirks toothily, saying "Let's do this."

they dont think it be like it is but it do