New Haven

Blue Valkyrie · 782

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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on: February 28, 2021, 08:34:56 PM
A fantasy role play story where the cast travel to the recently discovered island of "Vale", the island once hidden within the never ending fog of the Pale Sea has in the last three decades been home to several attempts of colonization but these attempts have all failed due to the dangers of the island. "New Haven" is the most recent attempt and people of all ways of life are being drawn to the island either to make a new life for themselves or explore the ancient civilization who's ruins dot the land.

The Island of Vale found at the edge of the Pale Sea a treacherous patch of the ocean along a long but critical trade route, who ever controls the island controls trade across the world, you have decided to travel by ship to the island for reasons that are your own, its been a long journey from the mainlands but the island appears as the dawn of a new day creeps over the horizon-the ship is quite packed and your likely to bump into other people rather quickly if you so desire.