Ancient Theories/Fanon

The Great Gonzo · 94400

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Offline HyperSonicEXE

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Reply #125 on: January 09, 2009, 10:04:51 PM
See? This is what I'm talking about. MANY years ago, this wasn't even possible if you didn't cleverly using your TV and/or VCR, and did one of the following things:

1) grab parts of a screen with a camera and cut the sprite out of the snapshot.
2) redraw the sprite from scratch.

But now thanks to emulators and tile editors, it's so good to get pixel-perfect sprites.

Memories. ^^


Seriously? That's so complicated, time-consuming, and inaccurate that it hardly seems worth it, especially considering how not-powerful computers and the internet were.

Offline Gauntlet101010

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Reply #126 on: January 09, 2009, 10:27:37 PM

Seriously? That's so complicated, time-consuming, and inaccurate that it hardly seems worth it, especially considering how not-powerful computers and the internet were.
The Megaman Community draws some pretty obsessive people.  When you consider that we tile rip now and hack the game itself ... Hell, just look at Sprites INC.  It's all in peices now because it's more "sccurate" (not totally convinced of that, but it ain't my site).  My first try at getting X2 sprites was cutting them out of a magazine.

Edit:  actually ... maybe I ought to put those X2 sprites in that retro section  :\

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #127 on: January 09, 2009, 10:56:47 PM
Heh, those sprite rips remind me of fan games made way back in the day. And after seeing that one pic of yours, I'm curious as to how many of those sprites you "ripped".

Oh, and the "Protoman as a beta police robot" theory...All my brain can make of that image is ARIGA RINGMAN =/= RS-PROTOMAN.

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Reply #128 on: January 10, 2009, 12:07:27 AM

You people make it sound like it's a tough thing to do.

Offline VixyNyan

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Reply #129 on: January 10, 2009, 12:08:34 AM
Practice makes perfect.

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Offline Gauntlet101010

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Reply #130 on: January 10, 2009, 12:22:05 AM
MM9's screens were better than the SNES screens at the time.  Much better, considering the shades can run together.  There's less to worry about in an 8-bit game that way and it's easier to recreate the image.

@The Great Gonzo
I didn't rip that many.  Just one of all the Mavericks.  If you've seen my REALLY old MM Group picture then you've seen them all.  I also helped try to tile-rip X2 when it was unemuable ... with iffy results.  None of those Mavericks are in one peice you know.  It's why I rate the puzzle-style of sprite sheets today.

Offline marshmallow man

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Reply #131 on: January 10, 2009, 03:50:31 AM
What art programs were used for that kind of thing back in the day? Paint? Photoshop 3? Paint Shop Pro 4? I was never much of an artist so I only have vague remembrances.

Was trying to think of some other examples of old T/Fs... That Dr. Light's middle name is Xavier was one, although the US Official Guide to Mega Man book claimed that to be his first name. But "Thomas Xavier Light" was just about everywhere for a while. And that the W in Albert W Wily stood for William, there was something circling about that as well.

Some X series stuff, there was that saying that the X series was originally going to be a cop saga that had nothing to do with Mega Man. I know I'd read about it several times on MMHP, but given how much we've been shown now about the making of the early X series games, I'm not sure how that could have ever been the case. Perhaps it was a theory grown from the early terms calling the Hunters the Robo-Police.

Come to think of it, for a long time nobody seemed to figure that the X series would be much more than 30 years after the original. Some agreed it should probably be more, since the tests were supposed to take 30 years and came out green before it was found, I don't think too many people figured on it being more than 50 years. Even though that would mean Rock was fighting Wily for something like 70 years or so. But mostly I remember a lot of people being surprised by the interview where Inafune was said the X series took place some 100 years after the original.

And the various rumors that someone had dumped the original Rockman X demo with the white city and RT-55J in the intro stage. Every so often you'd hear that someone had done it/found it, search around the darkest corners of the net, and have nothing to show for it. It's one rumor I really wish would come true, though. This many years later it feels ever increasingly unlikely, but who knows... the world is full of surprises.

I wanted to mention this earlier, that Mega Man Neo was going to be the original blue bomber gone 3-D was one popular rumor. I remember finding a page showing the 3-D Rockman render where Rock's in the capsule where you can see half his schematics and Rush is curled up next to it sleeping (the one on the Rockman Complete Works 1-3 screens, you guys know what I mean right?) with a big MEGA MAN NEO logo above it. Even though around the same time I think there were already early screenshots of the actual game circulating, but then people were saying how the capsule was Light giving him new armor so that he'd wind up looking like the one in the game.

Somewhat more recently, I remember a lot of confusion over Copy X's name being Omega, so much so that several Brady Games guides used the name, even after the real Omega was introduced. And some debates over whether Serenade was a girl or a boy, who turned out to be something like neither. The popular but none-too-consistent belief that the original and EXE universes represented a split timeline where computer networks are chosen to be funded over robots. Oh, and how about all the speculation about X7's new character, that it was Dynamo with a haircut, or MIDI repaired, or a female hunter, or some character from the original series returned all X-ified... As a community, we do love to speculate.

Offline Flame

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Reply #132 on: January 10, 2009, 04:59:31 AM

There's a pic without the logo on Deviant Art if you look.  But this thing actually's on my site somewhere now.
I remember some Megaman X6 SITE from a while back with some manner of custom Nightmare Zero sprites, which were mostly black Zero with purple instead of white, some kind of shades, and some 2 things sticking out of his back.

Origional zeroXGold.

I thought this was real and searched for years for the cheat code or codebreaker code. then I discoverd id been punk'd. I was sad. because, it WAS awesome.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #133 on: January 10, 2009, 05:27:31 AM
...Axl, a female?  8D And to think I once called wrote his name "Axle". Wait, that made no sense. (I always thought "Xavier" was Dr. Light's canon middle name...D'oh!)

OK, I got three more.

1.) Lan became Megaman.EXE; Roll.EXE was Yaito's Navi/alter-ego. Led to massive amounts of confusion later, when I tried looking more deeply into the .EXE series.

2.) When all I had of the Ruby-Spears cartoon was an advert in the back of the AC manual, I thought it was a pure sci-fi show; I blame the backgrounds of the DVDs, which looked mechanical and Star Trek-esque, at least at that size. Good thing Random Action Hour set me straight before I could watch it and get disappointed.

3.) Axl (or rather "Axle") was in the SNES/PS1 games. Imagine my confuzzlement when I find Sprites Inc. and he doesn't have a portrait. 

Offline Rodrigo Shin

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Reply #134 on: January 10, 2009, 05:59:44 AM
This was a fun one. Mostly on the brazilian side of things, although it found it's way once or twice to the boards I hung at.

On X5's final stages, before we learned of the whole Cyberspace mumbo jumbo, some guy who COULD read japanese (yes, he could) said in a brazilian forum: "HOLY [parasitic bomb] THE FINAL STAGE IS ONE OF WILY'S CASTLES!"

Fact, until everybody forgot about it, then when came that lil' about what the stage really was... well, nobody even remembered that anymore.

The reason for retcon is to cancel out contradictions
a retcon is a last resort to erase a contradiction
Guys, please let me know when did Gwen Stacy getting retroactively impregnated with Goblin Twins solve any contradiction whatsoever and didn't create a whole set of new ones. TTFN


Whenever it comes to "consensus" and things alike, always remember Tony Bullet-Tooth's sage advice:
"You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity."

Offline Flame

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Reply #135 on: January 10, 2009, 06:11:27 AM

whic reminds me, is the X vs Zero stage supposed to resemble any past X/Classic stage in particular?

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline HyperSonicEXE

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Reply #136 on: January 10, 2009, 06:16:29 AM
whic reminds me, is the X vs Zero stage supposed to resemble any past X/Classic stage in particular?

I play that one all the time.

No, I figured it was something out of MM4 or MM5, but nothing similar.
And it's nothing out of X1-X4, either.

I don't know the layout of the security lasers in that one stage, however; it might have some parts much like Quickman's level. Maybe not, though.

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Reply #137 on: January 10, 2009, 07:28:01 AM
Yuss, that was it. Thorne, not Rose (though every rose has its... nevermind).
But wait... If you swap the syllables of Zero, you get "Rosie"!  And Professor Willy X is a Renegade Angel!

It isn't really as impressive now as it was back when they appeared,
Hey, I wouldn't mind seeing them appear in a real game once!

On the subject, I remember a lot of fans being influenced by Red Draco's fanfics for a while as well. That how things were depicted in Bass is Not A Fish (I think it was?) was how the original series ended, or at least how it should have.
I remember that story title, but I probably didn't read much of it.  I think I mainly paid attention to the short and funny fanfics.  For some reason I was always hoping there would be one that described Protoman as having a bizarre, unfinished face underneath his helmet and sunglasses.  One fanfic I still remember was about some guy who had just gotten done complaining about some video game he didn't like, when all of a sudden Sigma appeared in real life and started chasing him around.  When Sigma finally caught him, it turned out that whole story was just a video game, and the guy playing it started complaining about how lame it was...

Seriously? That's so complicated, time-consuming, and inaccurate that it hardly seems worth it, especially considering how not-powerful computers and the internet were.
What makes it seem really bizarre to me is that I didn't even start to get into Mega Man until I tried it in NESticle.  That always had the built-in tile editor, right?  Anyway, I didn't care about spriting, but I did enjoy Mario and MegaMan, and then I just had to try Super Mario All-Stars, and ESNES ran it the best for me for a while.

I wanted to mention this earlier, that Mega Man Neo was going to be the original blue bomber gone 3-D was one popular rumor.
I had always hoped for a game like that.  Well, back in the day, I was imagining a game with dungeons like those in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time or Super Mario 64, but with a 3-D MegaMan, fighting a 3-D CutMan in a big dark room, solving a block puzzle, fighting a 3-D GutsMan in a big dark room...  And I was like "How would they do the aiming system for that arm gun?"

Offline Flame

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Reply #138 on: January 10, 2009, 07:50:03 AM
I once had a weird dream, in which Classic megaman was in this 3D game/envionment, and was wearing the ultimate armor. however, its special wasnt nova strike, but these homing missiles that came out of its backpack. the stage looked like a cross between Armored armadillos, and X7's tunnel base... it was a cool dream. but very short... :(

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline Gauntlet101010

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Reply #139 on: January 10, 2009, 11:52:59 AM
What art programs were used for that kind of thing back in the day? Paint? Photoshop 3? Paint Shop Pro 4? I was never much of an artist so I only have vague remembrances

For spriting?  I wasn't heavily into spriting, but when I was I used Windows Paint.  Commercial programs weren't readily available at the time ;)

Making transparent gifs was pretty obscure.  Few sites actually had them back in the day.

Offline Zan

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Reply #140 on: January 10, 2009, 02:34:19 PM
For spriting?  I wasn't heavily into spriting, but when I was I used Windows Paint.  Commercial programs weren't readily available at the time Wink

Me and Oakes sprite everything in Paint. It's the best program for the job.

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Reply #141 on: January 10, 2009, 02:41:23 PM
MSPaint is generally awesome.

Offline Thanatos-Zero

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Reply #142 on: January 10, 2009, 03:16:29 PM
I agree, it is really a great tool to create sprites and such, but that´s not the topic.
Before I joined any other Rockman forum I`ve believed this guy about his so much called facts about Zero, than Zan brought light into it, after I have brought this information on Sprite.INC.

That was before Heatman`s board went down.

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Reply #143 on: January 10, 2009, 07:43:16 PM
Me and Oakes sprite everything in Paint. It's the best program for the job.
Depends.  If you're working in 24-bit PNG and transparency means nothing to you, then sure.

Paint has its conveniences (and the curved line tool is spiffy), I just don't appreciate what a pain it is to work with multiple sheets.  I guess that comes from being an editor and not a scratcher.

Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and

Offline Flame

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Reply #144 on: January 10, 2009, 09:08:27 PM
MSPaint is a spriters best friend.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #145 on: January 10, 2009, 11:59:45 PM
Oh, and the "Protoman as a beta police robot" theory...All my brain can make of that image is ARIGA RINGMAN =/= RS-PROTOMAN.
What?  No, RingMan started off as a magician who was only good at the "linking rings" trick.  Then he became a ninja who refused to use traditional ninja weapons in favor of his old rings.

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Reply #146 on: January 11, 2009, 02:11:57 AM
in the Ariga manga he was a police robot though. (Ring man I mean.)

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #147 on: January 11, 2009, 04:17:06 AM
I still use Paint when I'm trying to fill. For some reason, PSP7 does NOT like filling.

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Reply #148 on: January 13, 2009, 05:49:04 AM
Spriting was usually done in MSPaint for the most part back in those times, as far as I remember. Transparency was a pain, though, no matter what the program.

Offline Gauntlet101010

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Reply #149 on: January 13, 2009, 08:33:16 PM
I've always liked Paint.  It has almost everything you need.  Back then choices were rather limited.  No torrents back then and speeds made warez sites impractical, so naturally everybody used Paint.