Ancient Theories/Fanon

The Great Gonzo · 91216

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Offline The Great Gonzo

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on: January 05, 2009, 02:38:19 AM
A thought occurred to me. What kind of theories were proposed way back in the day, when the NES was still alive, when the Internet wasn't as widespread, etc.? Does anyone remember them, no matter how ridiculous they might have been? Not just for Classic, but any series (preferably Classic/X, though), widespread or no.

All I have to contribute is that I briefly thought Protoman was Roll, but that was more of a misconception than anything else.

Offline Jericho

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Reply #1 on: January 05, 2009, 04:58:44 AM
- X is Megaman 100 years in the future.
- Zero was Roll 100 years in the future. (Deconfirmed)
- Mother Elf was Iris (Z2 heydays)
- Legends took place in an alternate universe, similar to how the Classic & EXE series differed.

And that's all I can remember right now.

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Reply #2 on: January 05, 2009, 05:07:09 AM
Jelly, I can't believe you forgot the Cataclysm. Also, I know I've heard Forte=Zero somewhere in Mexican forums before.

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Reply #3 on: January 05, 2009, 05:09:50 AM
Jelly, I can't believe you forgot the Cataclysm.

Sorry, it just sounded waaaay unlike the series even from it's inception and with Inafune's classic "it didn't happen like that" line, I just wrote it out of my head. XD

Offline Rodrigo Shin

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Reply #4 on: January 05, 2009, 05:11:21 AM
Keeping the mindset of "Internet wasn't as widespread":
- I myself thought that both X and Rock weren't robots, but humans wearing armor.
- Bass = Vile. Some cat wrote a fanfic where in X (who's OBVIOUSLY Rock!)'s period their mind switch bodies. Next thing you know that is a FACT.
- Zero = Protoman.
- Protoman died in Mega Man 3 saving Rock's life from the boulders, that's why Rock sees his image in the sky (SAID BY A GAMING MAG HERE).
- We don't know how Protoman came back in Megaman 5. What the hell are you talking about that he was in 4?!

The reason for retcon is to cancel out contradictions
a retcon is a last resort to erase a contradiction
Guys, please let me know when did Gwen Stacy getting retroactively impregnated with Goblin Twins solve any contradiction whatsoever and didn't create a whole set of new ones. TTFN


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"You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity."

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Reply #5 on: January 05, 2009, 05:31:34 AM
Damn I was going to say Zero = protoman...

I heard once this crazy thing from a pal once.

Megaman and Protoman were once regular humans. Rock got into some accident, (dont remember now) and Protoman was, and I quote, "he was shot in the head, and then the bullet came out the other side with a peice of his brain." and as such, theyre both cyborgs apparently.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #6 on: January 05, 2009, 05:41:32 AM
- Protoman died in Mega Man 3 saving Rock's life from the boulders, that's why Rock sees his image in the sky (SAID BY A GAMING MAG HERE).

Funny, that's what said, too. Then again, in Megaman's world, death is cheap.

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Reply #7 on: January 05, 2009, 05:46:50 AM
I once proposed that Dynamo was really an old, tweaked and fixed Protoman just to see if anyone saw the similarities. But seeing how I only proposed it to myself, as I wasn't widespread on the Internet, it didn't catch on. 8D

But really, before the Internet, I can't say I heard anything different from the already mentioned character=character misconceptions. If I was lucky to hear anyone talk about Megaman games besides myself.

Previously was K.G. Inafunbags, Captain Heady, Damon Gant, and the guy who liked the blue bomber solely for the reason that he was blue.

Offline Gauntlet101010

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Reply #8 on: January 05, 2009, 06:28:25 AM
Legends WAS in another universe, similar to the EXE series.  This is something capcom changed later on, when the EXE series came out.  I can only guess that they didn't liek the idea of having three timelines.  Actually, it was fanon that it was set in the same timeline, and that Trigger was Rock.

As for fanon, see Mandi's MM Homepage.  Most of her musings made it in.  Let's see if I can remember other famous ones....
Light's RM don't return back when Wily stole them.
MM has no one creator attributed to him and was really a product of Capcom group-think.
Serges = Wily. 

Offline Hypershell

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Reply #9 on: January 05, 2009, 07:02:56 AM
-Protoman is training Rock in MM3
-Snake Man's weakness is Spark Shock (inadequate explanation of MM3's weapon cycle, suggested order began with Magnet Man and ended with Needle Man)
-Snake Man's weakness is Hard Knuckle (I saw a pic in a Player's Guide)
-Quickman's beams are in Wily Stage 2 (Player's Guide fails again)
-Wily made Protoman (thank you, RubySpears...)
-MegaMan is a 40-year-old guy with a pistol

-All X games after X5 are non-canonical (X6, X7, Z1, Telos, MMZOCW, the entire concept of the Elf Wars, and ZXA all fly in the face of it)
-Zero is Rush (originated in X2 reviews but is still believed by gaming peripheral manufacturers as of January, 2006)
-Zero was made by Cain (hey, I thought so until X4)

And, for the hell of it, some more current ones:
-Force Metal is in X8 (a material first discovered in 22XX is in 21XX)

-Omega is the X1 Zero body (disproved by MMZOCW; would have been awesome, though)
-Weil is Wily (knew damn well that was false as soon as Z3 was out, but it took Z4 and an Inafune interview to put that one to rest)

-Biometal is locked to a single individual, as opposed to selecting from the "pool" of Chosen Ones (circumstantial, and EXTREMELY questionable given the monologues of Pandora and Prometheus).
-Girouette is Zero (Prairie would know; besides, check eye color)
-Vent and Aile exist only in AUs, different genders of the same person (disproved before RMZX was even released)
-Vent and Aile are blood siblings (fans fail to notice that their outfits are Giro Express uniforms; they are co-workers both orphaned and adopted by Giro following the same Maverick attack; this is not unusual considering said attack was on an amusement park)
-Vent and Aile share the same skin tone (Aile is lighter; the difference just isn't as obvious as with Grey and Ashe)
-Grey and Ashe exist only in AUs (references to each's introductory stage are seen in the other's story)

-The Master is X/Zero/Light (disproved by Japanese interview; thanks to Marshmallow Man)
-Artificial beings cannot physically grow or reproduce (get equipped with Carbons)

Mother Elf was Iris (Z2 heydays)
Ah, memories...  So much missed opportunity.

Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and

Offline Flame

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Reply #10 on: January 05, 2009, 07:05:38 AM
Some people believe to this day that Zero always had the saber even pre X1. that he was built with it. I hate that one for some reason. they go as far as to call an X1 hack of zero which makes X look like Zero and gives him a red Charge shot, (like IHX)"Fail, because he doesnt have the saber"

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline Gauntlet101010

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Reply #11 on: January 05, 2009, 07:20:43 AM
Oh, and on the topic of Protoman in MM3.

- Breakman and Protoman are two different people.  I actually had a debate with someone a long ways back about whay this idea made no sence.

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Reply #12 on: January 05, 2009, 07:36:56 AM
You know, I never thought I would hear a fanon concept even more stupid than Zero being Roll (oh, the horrors of Capcom's boards).  But, yeah, that one is it.

Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and

Offline Rodrigo Shin

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Reply #13 on: January 05, 2009, 07:46:26 AM
You know, I never thought I would hear a fanon concept even more stupid than Zero being Roll (oh, the horrors of Capcom's boards).
GameFAQ's boards, 2001.

Two men go in, one man comes out.

"zero is totally roll!! since megaman is in the 22nd century as MMX it makes sence dr. light would upgrade roll too, and you see that they're both blonde, wear red and if you say zero's name real slow it becomes SEE-ROLL!"


The reason for retcon is to cancel out contradictions
a retcon is a last resort to erase a contradiction
Guys, please let me know when did Gwen Stacy getting retroactively impregnated with Goblin Twins solve any contradiction whatsoever and didn't create a whole set of new ones. TTFN


Whenever it comes to "consensus" and things alike, always remember Tony Bullet-Tooth's sage advice:
"You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity."

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Reply #14 on: January 05, 2009, 08:40:20 AM
During this time, Dr. Cain suffered from harsh mental degeneration, and required an implant to keep from suffering total brain death. Some time after he got the implant, he contracted the Maverick program himself. He retreated to keep himself from going mad in the public scene while the program began to spread into his organic brain. And it became his doom.

   In the aftermath of the Eurasia and Gate incidents, the scientists of the time designed the Cyber-elves to help contain the Maverick outbreak. One such Cyber-elf, the Mother Elf, was used to neutralize the program in all Reploids. Dr. Cain - who now emerged under the name Dr. Weil - took control of the Mother Elf and reprogrammed her, transforming her into the Dark Elf. Dr. Weil used his retained genius to fully repair Zero's old body - the one that was destroyed after the Eurasia incident - and give it a new consciousness, Omega.

- Dr. Weil is Dr. Cain reborn.

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Reply #15 on: January 05, 2009, 08:44:13 AM
Now THAT would be interesting, but then Cain always held interest within X, not Zero, and Weil just couldn't leave Zero damn well alone. Of course, personality changes are possible, but who knows; it's Capcom, where zombies don't stop coming out of the ground, robots kill each other for powers, and both badasses & bishies run amok.  :\

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Reply #16 on: January 05, 2009, 11:49:55 AM
-Zero being a girl, but not Roll
-alternatively, hair being a mantle

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Reply #17 on: January 05, 2009, 01:18:22 PM
dynamo being vava being forte

Offline Obdulio

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Reply #18 on: January 05, 2009, 02:47:00 PM
Posted by: Hypershell
-All X games after X5 are non-canonical (X6, X7, Z1, Telos, MMZOCW, the entire concept of the Elf Wars, and ZXA all fly in the face of it)

X6 X7 X8 ( and Command Mission )  are non-cannon in eyes and will always be, nothing is going to change my mind about it >>;;;;

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Reply #19 on: January 05, 2009, 03:12:26 PM
Well of course, if you WANT to be a stubborn idiot we can't stop you.

Offline Zan

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Reply #20 on: January 05, 2009, 06:37:54 PM
Legends WAS in another universe, similar to the EXE series.  This is something capcom changed later on, when the EXE series came out.  I can only guess that they didn't liek the idea of having three timelines.  Actually, it was fanon that it was set in the same timeline, and that Trigger was Rock.

It's a series that talks of "irregulars" that's set in a distant future after the world was flooded, all humans of died and been replaced with artificial creations. There's absolutely no basis behind DASH ever being in a different timeline than classic and X. DASH being so far into the future is different from EXE which occurs in 200X and reuses the characters from classic. Simply put, they didn't change anything, they simply never told us until the release of Rockman Perfect Memories.

Serges = Wily.

There's so much truth in that notion that it falls outside the scope of this topic. The connection between Wily and Serges is far from an ancient theory and is almost stepping outside of the boundaries of fanon and becoming canon. It would be akin to denying Zero was created by Wily based on what X2, X4 and X5 present. The only thing we're waiting for now is for sourcebooks and interviews to confirm the connection.

Some people believe to this day that Zero always had the saber even pre X1.

Well... I could show you some Day of Sigma production art where he clearly has a saber. But nobody is stopping him from picking up a random weapon like that, after all.

X6 X7 X8 ( and Command Mission )  are non-cannon in eyes and will always be, nothing is going to change my mind about it >>;;;;

Feel free to explain how a dead Zero ends up being sealed somewhere in Neo Arcadia.

Offline Hypershell

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Reply #21 on: January 05, 2009, 08:08:57 PM
It's a series that talks of "irregulars" that's set in a distant future after the world was flooded, all humans of died and been replaced with artificial creations. There's absolutely no basis behind DASH ever being in a different timeline than classic and X. DASH being so far into the future is different from EXE which occurs in 200X and reuses the characters from classic. Simply put, they didn't change anything, they simply never told us until the release of Rockman Perfect Memories.
To be fair, I don't recall L1 mentioning Aberrant Units (Irregulars) specifically, despite revealing Trigger's background as a "Purifier model".  But certainly a water-logged planet with no set date does not require any such AU.

Also, the X5/L2 reference was kinda obvious given that the two games were released in the same year.  Although it's been made just as obvious that Inticreates considers DASH/Legends the eventual future no matter which timeline fork you're applying, so these days that reference is considered obsolete.

There's so much truth in that notion that it falls outside the scope of this topic. The connection between Wily and Serges is far from an ancient theory and is almost stepping outside of the boundaries of fanon and becoming canon. It would be akin to denying Zero was created by Wily based on what X2, X4 and X5 present. The only thing we're waiting for now is for sourcebooks and interviews to confirm the connection.
The funny thing is, back in the days of X2 I'd have never believed that Serges was Wily.  Of course, there was little indication back then that Wily built Zero in the first place (especially outside of Japan).  Once his story had been further fleshed out, and you look back and realize how critical Serges is to the Zero we're familiar with afterwards (rebuilt entire body sans Control Chip; invented Z-Saber), and throw in a handfull (four, I believe) of fan-translated tidbits that didn't make it to U.S. scripts/materials, and it becomes fairly obvious that there is in fact a connection between Serges and Wily.

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Offline Gauntlet101010

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Reply #22 on: January 05, 2009, 10:40:15 PM
It's a series that talks of "irregulars" that's set in a distant future after the world was flooded, all humans of died and been replaced with artificial creations. There's absolutely no basis behind DASH ever being in a different timeline than classic and X. DASH being so far into the future is different from EXE which occurs in 200X and reuses the characters from classic. Simply put, they didn't change anything, they simply never told us until the release of Rockman Perfect Memories.
Oh, come on now.  "Absolutel no basis"?  How about the numerous cameos, Rock being names after a comic book character, the main characters being (coincidentally) named "Rock" and "Roll", the complete lack of any ties to the previous series other than it's name colliding with absolutely NO official verification of any ties does fanon make.  I won't argue that it's tied NOW.  It definately is tied now and I'll even go as far as to say that they're even making some steps towards tying it futher since they said it was tied.  But back then is a totally different story.  Back then it's pretty clearly a new continuity. 

There's so much truth in that notion that it falls outside the scope of this topic. The connection between Wily and Serges is far from an ancient theory and is almost stepping outside of the boundaries of fanon and becoming canon. It would be akin to denying Zero was created by Wily based on what X2, X4 and X5 present. The only thing we're waiting for now is for sourcebooks and interviews to confirm the connection.
In other words, we're waiting on actual official word that it's true.  Serges isn't exactly a reacurring character here, so unless Maverick Hunter X2 is made, this is unlikely to happen.  Serges = Wily does make sense, but Capcom's never said anything.  Which is why it's fanon. 

X4 and X5 show Wily's silluette.  Your stronger claim is solely going with X2.  Then you'd be right, it wouldn't be enough proof to say Zero was made by Wily if we just went with X2 and nothing else.

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Reply #23 on: January 05, 2009, 11:17:46 PM
While we're on the subject of Legends, Mandi mentioned that someone had said that Legends was a prequel to the Classic series, on the basis of all the treasure chests and seemingly less advanced technology.

Not having completed Legends 2, I dunno whether or not the Carbon Reinitialization Program got fragged for good (I know Data sent the big monolith thingy back to Eden). And I'm pretty sure Terra is perma-flooded.

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Reply #24 on: January 05, 2009, 11:20:23 PM
Back then it's pretty clearly a new continuity.

Back then we did not even have any basis of what constitutes a new continuity, easter-eggs thrown in by Capcom doesn't really mean a thing. Look at ZX for instance, Rockman's a comic book character there too. Not to mention the coincidental names of the Sage Trinity.

Serges isn't exactly a reacurring character here

Isoc begs to differ... heck, Wily begs to differ. >.>

But.. I'm talking about a connection, not necessarily that Serges himself is Wily. Serges spoke of Dr. Right and his robotic memento, and Serges was directly likened to being of equal genius as 'the legendary mad scientist', this is in the game where suddenly Sigma is able to make broken up phrases like "Last of Wily Number." However, you can't deny that things get even more eyebrow raising with Isoc's appearance. Isoc.. a complete enigma that the sourcebooks won't even explain. His past is as mysterious as his fate... So, when it comes to Isoc and Serges actually being Wily... now we have two people that look like Wily, are as smart as Wily, know Zero inside out, that have done the impossible, combined with Inafune's statement that Wily was brought back by the Virus... hot damn. When you start summing up all the hints that are dropped, it's really X5 level of being in your face.