Fairy Tail: Perfect Memories

Amatiramisu · 6760

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on: May 16, 2016, 09:13:42 AM
[spoiler=Recap - The Situation]

Hundreds of years after the events of Fairy Tail, Fiore has come to a relative peace. Mage guilds continue to operate as usual. For hundreds of years, the world had finally reached a status quo.

However, far, far to the north of Fiore, a darkness rises. It started with a farming village or two going dark. No word from them... No sign they ever existed. Unrest begins to boil in the north as society begins to destabilize out of paranoia. Stories tell of an army of the dead ravaging cities and laying waste to them in a single night. To those who do not know, it is mere legend. To those who do know, they bring only news of impending doom. The Warlock-Knight Illthas and his Fell Army of the undead march south towards Fiore for reasons unknown.

Suddenly, everything turns for the worst as the neighboring nations of Fallfox and Eridell go to war. Mage guilds the world over send their best to join the effort. Sister-guilds and political affiliations force those who once considered themselves allies to break those ties to fight. Those remaining are stunted, as the weakened guilds find themselves incapable of maintaining order when faced with criminals and dark guilds who seek to take advantage of the civil unrest. In particular, a dangerous dark guild known as Rottweiler now targets Fiore as their prey.

Weakened, the guilds are barely on their last legs. It is now that we find Fairy Tail working overtime to keep Magnolia Town safe as a final bastion of security in a world that's breaking down. Outnumbered and outmatched, they are barely keeping themselves afloat.

With Fairy Tail's previous guild master having disappeared without a trace, and his only successor gone north to launch an assault on Illthas, Fairy Tail is without a leader, and instead is governed jointly by the three commanding officers.

You are a new recruit to Fairy Tail. In the state of emergency, you were allowed to forgo any examinations in favor of earning reputation in the guild through work. Your job is to take missions around Magnolia and protect it from anyone who threatens to harm your way of life. Above all, the guild exists to make the world a better place, and that is what you are here for.

Just be warned. Being in a guild is a dangerous job these days, and Fairy Tail is famous for collateral damage.

[spoiler=Who You Answer To]
[spoiler=S-Rank Nikolai Vetrov]
The Raven of the North

Age 51

Though in good shape for his age, Nikolai has long begun showing the telltale signs of age. His once dark hair and handsome stubble have begun graying and his eyes have begun bearing wrinkles. Nevertheless, he hasn't lost any muscle mass and his tall and stocky build still allow him to tower over both his enemies and the recruits he presides over. He favors his country's traditional formal clothing, and each of his outfits have been custom-designed. He always wears a rapier at his hip, though he has never been seen using it.

The oldest member of the guild, and one of the three commanding officers, Nikolai is one of the three remaining S-Ranked mages in Fairy Tail. He is a former general who oversaw the military in the city-state of Dorokhin far in the snowy northern mountains of Fiore. Hailed as a prodigy in his younger years, he led Dorokhin to greatness. This was wasted in a single night when Illthas annihilated everything he knew, leaving the great General Vetrov the sole survivor.

He journeyed south for some years until he came to Fairy Tail on the eve of the war. Seeing what peace still remained gave him a drive to remain in Magnolia Town, his goal to protect the good people who called it home from the horrors that ravaged his home.

While his words are coated with a thick accent, he has a staggering amount of wisdom and advice to pass onto the younger members of the guild, and he is very approachable.

Currently, he is in-charge of all expeditions around Fiore and the surrounding countries. He takes the members far beyond friendly territory into distant lands in search of a possible way to combat Illthas' Fell Army.

Nikolai is a user of Perception Magic, which allows him to change how surrounding people perceive time, allowing him to take advantage of any confusion brought on.

[spoiler=S-Rank Ryuki Weston]
The Hair-Trigger Mage

Age 19

Short and thin, Ryuki is a fast fighter, who uses his smaller build to his advantage. He lacks any real muscle definition and he is beaten out by many of the other members in height. (Though this never seems to bother him.) He has short black hair and sharp black eyes, and tends to favor professional attire. His guns are worn inside his jacket, safety off at all times, because that's not dangerous at all.

The second of the three remaining S-Ranks, and one of the three commanding officers, Ryuki was born in the western nation of Marthon in the now-defunct guild Hawkwing, the son of Aster Weston, their leader. When he was two years old, Hawkwing was laid to waste by the dark guild Rottweiler as Marthon fell into ruin. He was sent south to the island country of Caelum to live with his grandparents. He went to work for the guild Foxfire and became the protege of its leader-to-be, the God Slayer Haera. He idolized her as his master and as a sort of sister-figure. However, when word reached Caelum of the war in the north, Foxfire sent its own to assist its sister guilds in Fallfox. Haera was one of them.

She left Ryuki her personal weapons, the dark magic revolver Sin, and the light magic pistol Absolution. She left him with the knowledge of how to use them to conjure the legendary rifle Eternity. She left him fifty rounds imbued with God-Slaying magic and left to join the war. Years passed, and with his guild's blessing, he too ventured north to join the war effort. However, along the way he was attacked by a mysterious cloaked man, who recognized him. He would learn this is the man responsible for the fall of Hawkwing, the leader of Rottweiler, Mister A. Injured and broken, he awoke in a hospital in Magnolia and decided to stay and join the efforts of Fairy Tail.

He is incredibly cocky, and quick to jump to a fight in most situations for better or for worse. Fun-loving, he has a philosophy of living life in the fast lane, and nothing seems to ever phase his overinflated ego.

Ryuki's job is to address the war effort by leading Fairy Tail members in providing humanitarian and mercenary aid to Fiore's surrounding regions, including Marthon, Fallfox, and Eridell.

Sin uses poison/dark magic and Absolution uses angelic/light magic. They can be combined to form the God-Slaying Rifle Eternity, but he is too weak to use it effectively without hurting himself.
[spoiler=S-Rank Dai Fudo]
The Bartender

Age 31

Average in all other respects, the most immediately noticeable detail about this man is his long white hair and dulled eyes. Additionally, one would notice that he really likes the color gray. His outfit consists of gray boots, gray jeans, gray shirt, and a gray jacket. Additionally, he wears a long, ornate silver staff across his back whenever he's not behind the bar.

The third and final S-Rank of Fairy Tail, he is the oldest remaining member. He was born and raised in the rural areas outside of Magnolia. Blind and orphaned since childhood, he grew up on scraps, and finally got a break when he decided to harness his power as a mage and join Fairy Tail.

He remains the final word on guild affairs. Though he is not one of the the officers, his advice is respected by all three of them.

Once one of Fairy Tail's most valuable assets, he now considers himself retired and merely works the bar in the guild hall these days.

He is a little bit antisocial, but a good listener... If a little sarcastic. He is one of the longest-standing members of Fairy Tail as of the current year, and thus feels a bit distant from the newer blood.

He is a wind mage who commands absolute control of the air, including the ability to manipulate the wind, the heat, and the air pressure.

[spoiler=A-Rank Sirena Altuena]
The Huntress

Age 26

Stunningly beautiful by the usual standard, this golden-haired and golden-eyed elf almost constantly has a jarringly angry look on her face. Much to her annoyance her figure tends to draw a little bit too much attention, combined with her preference in attire being a boots, a skirt, and a corset, she's learned that drawing the bow slung over her shoulder tends to ward off any unwanted advances.

The last remaining proper member of Hawkwing, and the third officer of Fairy Tail, she hardly considers herself a Fairy Tail mage as her allegiance still lies with Marthon. She is a well-accomplished mage who reached a respectable rank in Hawkwing at the early age of nine, only to find her home laid to waste by Rottweiler. Barely escaping with her life, she wandered the world in search of anyone capable of taking revenge on the bastards who took her life away from her.

Along the way, she stumbled on Fairy Tail, who were the only ones thus far to be a threat to Rottweiler. It is also there she met someone vaguely familiar, the baby that was whisked away the day of the attack. She - for these reasons decided to join Fairy Tail (As a freelancer, mind you. She still considers herself a mage of Hawkwing.) and focus her efforts into leading the battle against the rival guild.

She is a fierce fighter and a strict leader, and is incredibly judgmental and disrespectful toward lower-ranked members (although equally respectful and submissive towards her superiors, aside from Ryuki for some reason).

Sirena's in charge of what is essentially the Fiore local police force, leading members in patrols and addressing crime. Additionally, her most important duty is leading them again Rottweiler, Fairy Tail's chief threat on the home front.

She is a aura mage whose specialty lies in scouting through sensing surrounding auras and identifying enemies. This makes her a feared sniper with her mythril bow.

[spoiler=B-Rank Vexa Mafesto]
The Shooting Star Mage

Age 30

Despite having a more exaggerated build than Sirena, she's better at hiding it considering in any weather she wears a heavy trench coat. Her ludicrously long black hair also serves to obscure her, and on a dark night you wouldn't tend to actually see her coming.

A childhood friend of former Guildmaster Edge, she was raised in the same prison camp and escaped alongside him. However, they were separated shortly after an unfortunate series of events and she was forced to grow up alone as an orphan. With time, however, word spread of a strange wandering woman who wielded the power of the heavens. During an excursion in Dai's earlier days, he heard of a mysterious woman who claimed to know Edge. Following her trail, she had decided to follow him home. By then, Edge had disappeared.

After some time spent searching for Edge once more, she was courted relentlessly by Dai who eventually proposed to her. Now engaged, she decided to stick around the guild more often instead of wandering off for months on end in search of the former Guildmaster. She now helps manage the bar during her free time, and otherwise assists the officers as a secretary of sorts.

She is a fun-loving party animal who should never, ever, ever get drunk. She also has a very distinct motherly vibe to her, and people tend to flock to her for life advice, which makes her a popular figure whenever Fairy Tail's bar is open to the public.

She is a Celestial Spirit mage who currently possesses the keys of Ursa Major, Taurus, Libra, Scorpio, and Virgo.

[spoiler=B-Rank Nairne Nani Valkyrie]
The Fiction Mage

Age 17

At first glance anyone would mistake Nairne for a child no more than twelve. She is shorter than most anyone in the guild and her figure is extremely modest. Not to mention she also tends to wear very childish clothing. Despite her girly appearance, she considers herself more of a tomboy and even went so far as to chop her dark blue hair short, and she's very frequently covered in scratches and bandages.
Nairne is a half-fairy born of a human and the Fairy Queen of the Fiore forests, Naniaess. She spent her childhood among the fairies as the princess of the forest. Her life was turned around when soldiers of Fallfox marched through, burning everything in sight. One of her retainers whisked her away to Magnolia where she would be safe in Fairy Tail where one of their own once lived. It is there that she became Fairy Tail's head of PR and their mascot of sorts.

She is an excitable young woman who is just the slightest bit naive. She loves pranks and often sleeps up in the rafters or anywhere else high up. (A side-effect of living in the trees for so long.) Massive bookworm, and considers the library to be her turf.

She is a conjuration mage whose abilities allow her to take anything out of a book or written work and make it reality.[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]

"Alright, who in the HELL made this mess?!" A voice screeched through the relatively barren halls of the guild at 8AM. 8AM being far earlier than the majority of the guild is used to being awake. Sirena Altuena, however, was a woman of discipline, and principle, and very keen on keeping the damn place clean. The damn place, however, was a pigsty.

"Well, the comic books are mine. Mind tossing those up here?" A younger voice squeaked from above. Nairne Nani Valkyrie swung over the ceiling beams, dangling by her legs, she swung lazily back and forth, seemingly not concerned by all the blood rushing to her head.

"I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't yell so early." A groggy voice muttered from the second story as a groggy Dai Fudo wiped his tired blind eyes. He took a moment to feel for the railing, and leaned over it.

"Comrade Altuena is right." A deep husky voice grumbled as the old bear emerged from his cave. Nikolai Vetrov slowly made his way downstairs and began picking up.

"C'mon Nikolai, lemme help you with that." Vexa Mafesto, clearly hung over, rolled off a sofa in the corner of the hall, then promptly fell asleep again on the floor.

"It was a hell of a party though!" The voice of Ryuki Weston immediately annoyed everyone else, who turned their heads towards the voice. Emerging from underneath a table, Ryuki, disheveled and holding... Someone's prosthetic leg... Held the object high.

Everyone groaned in unison. Nikolai was first to move, holding Sirena back and clasping his hand over her mouth as she yelled quite a few unsavory terms at the young man. Dai stomped his foot hard on the floor, drawing everyone's attention. "Alright, alright. Whatever this is, just shut up and clean this mess up. People are gonna start pouring in now that the renovations are done." Sliding down the banister, he took his place behind the bar and started polishing glasses.

Everyone else set off to work.

(It's now that everyone else can start pouring in. Whether you make a new character or migrate an existing one, it's up to you all. Welcome to Fairy Tail.)

Offline Strider Xhaiden

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Reply #1 on: May 17, 2016, 12:22:28 AM
(Well, here goes nothin'.....)

Outskirts of Magnolia Town

....Finally made it.

Staring down at the town from a nearby hill, a pale-skinned, dark-haired girl mentally breathed a sigh of relief. Pink eyes momentarily glazed over as memories of the walk here decided to dredge themselves up. Perhaps realising that now was not the time for reminiscence, she shook herself and her eyes cleared somewhat, still appearing slightly unfocused despite the determined set of the brows above them. Shifting slightly to adjust the collar on the bulky travellers' cloak that hid the vast majority of her body from view, she took another minute to orient herself and set off at a slow walk towards the town proper.

Magnolia Town, outside the Fairy Tail Guild

Pausing just short of the doors serving as the entrance to the building in front of her, her lips quirked in a faint smile behind her collar as she mentally gathered herself for the conversation she'd been anticipating for the better part of two weeks now.

Slowly, a gauntleted hand emerged from the folds of her cloak and hesitantly pushed the doors open....

(Blegh. Couldn't come up with anything better. Hope this is okay!

Also, decided what I'm gonna with this character in terms of weapons.)

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #2 on: May 21, 2016, 02:29:29 AM
With a slight sigh Ruelia steps off the carriage onto the worn ground next to the road-she tosses the fare to the driver who nods. "Take care miss." before pulling the reigns and guiding his carriage back onto the road.

"Magnolia Town" Ruelia thought to herself adjusting the strap on her pack-the large greatsword on her back shifting it's weight as she begins to walk through the open gate along side the countless other townsfolk. With all the people going to and fro it was difficult to get her bearings-and the map included in her invitation was hardly what you would call descriptive.

"Who drew this?" Ruelia sighed as she began to turn to the right-several people giving the woman iwith a giant sword a fairly wide birth, soon she found herself in front a stand-the pleasant smell of breads and pastries filled her nose from the house behind it. "Good day." Ruelia says as she leans her arms on the counter-the shop keeper jumping slightly clearly not expecting such a heavily armed traveler at his place of business.

((I don't know much about this town so I'll let our DM handle the NPC if he wises.  8D ))

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Reply #3 on: May 21, 2016, 03:54:50 AM
"Aye, lassie! 'Ye nearly made me heart jump outta me chest there!" The vendor exclaimed. "Least 'ye gave me a lil' warnin', granted..." He grumbled. "So, how can I help 'ye, miss- er?"


As the doors are sent flying from the force of the newcomer's hand (even a light push from someone wielding that kind of power would have that effect) everyone turned their gaze to meet them.

Immediately Sirena drew her bow and nocked an arrow aimed between their eyes, but Dai merely shot his hand forward, knocking her over with his power over winds.

"The hell was that for?! We're being attacked!"

Dai groaned and beckoned the newcomer to sit at the bar. "Welcome to the guild. Have a seat. Don't mind her."

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #4 on: May 21, 2016, 04:00:51 AM
"Aye, lassie! 'Ye nearly made me heart jump outta me chest there!" The vendor exclaimed. "Least 'ye gave me a lil' warnin', granted..." He grumbled. "So, how can I help 'ye, miss- er?"

Ruelia places the map on the counter shifting it toward the shopkeeper. "Information mostly-I'm looking for a local guild, unfortunately the map leaves something to be desired and I don't know this area well. Can you point me in the right direction?" Ruelia asks.

Offline Amatiramisu

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Reply #5 on: May 21, 2016, 05:13:55 AM
The shop owner thumbed over his shoulder. "Ain't far. Take th' next right down errr... This direction, hang a left and just follow th' road. Place should look all shiny since th' guys renovated." He then held up a finger. "If'n 'ya goin' that way, mind doin' a favor?" He slid her an envelope. "The white-haired guy workin' the bar, he owes me a favor." He then laughed heartily. "Well lass, what're 'ye doin' still here? Off with 'ye! 'Yer holdin' up the line!"

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #6 on: May 21, 2016, 05:57:01 AM
The shop owner thumbed over his shoulder. "Ain't far. Take th' next right down errr... This direction, hang a left and just follow th' road. Place should look all shiny since th' guys renovated." He then held up a finger. "If'n 'ya goin' that way, mind doin' a favor?" He slid her an envelope. "The white-haired guy workin' the bar, he owes me a favor." He then laughed heartily. "Well lass, what're 'ye doin' still here? Off with 'ye! 'Yer holdin' up the line!"

"A fair trade-I shall deliver this, thank you." Ruelia nods and moves from the line following the baker's directions toward Fairy Tale, despite the crowds she makes good time and reaches the entrance in roughly twenty minutes-the building had indeed been restored recently. "Good-then there may be some work here after all." Ruelia said to herself as she waited for some kinda guard to greet her.

Offline Amatiramisu

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Reply #7 on: May 21, 2016, 08:14:18 AM
Of course, there was no form of guard or security outside the building. However, the sounds of yelling and commotion could be briefly heard before they quieted down. The front doors were wide open. Suddenly, a short head peeked out the door. "Hey! Who're you?!"

Then, without warning, the little head, followed by the little body, shot out the door way and started circling the newcomer with considerable enthusiasm. "Wow! That's a huge sword! Can I hold it?! What's your name?! I'm Nairne! How old are you?! How do you carry that sword?! What's your name?! How old are you?! Are you looking for the guild?! I'm Nairne!"

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #8 on: May 21, 2016, 04:19:32 PM
Of course, there was no form of guard or security outside the building. However, the sounds of yelling and commotion could be briefly heard before they quieted down. The front doors were wide open. Suddenly, a short head peeked out the door. "Hey! Who're you?!"

Then, without warning, the little head, followed by the little body, shot out the door way and started circling the newcomer with considerable enthusiasm. "Wow! That's a huge sword! Can I hold it?! What's your name?! I'm Nairne! How old are you?! How do you carry that sword?! What's your name?! How old are you?! Are you looking for the guild?! I'm Nairne!"

"Um--ah well my name is Ruelia. Actually I'd like to talk to the person in charge." Ruelia struggled to say in between all the questions as this new face bombarded her with question and circled her like some predatory bird.

Offline Amatiramisu

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Reply #9 on: May 21, 2016, 09:18:15 PM
Nairne stopped in her tracks, then slowly started bouncing on the balls of her feet. She picked up speed until she was positively vibrating and then without warning jumped on Ruelia's back. "That's an awesome name!" She thrust her finger through the doors. "Everyone's inside! Mush!"

Offline Strider Xhaiden

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Reply #10 on: May 21, 2016, 09:21:09 PM
Dai groaned and beckoned the newcomer to sit at the bar. "Welcome to the guild. Have a seat. Don't mind her."

The girl stared blankly at Dai for a few seconds before blinking slowly, her eyes seeming to focus a little more for having done so. She eyed the stools in front of the bar dubiously for a further few seconds, then walked over to stand next to the bar, her footsteps sounding unusually heavy for someone of her apparent build.

That she'd had an arrow pointed at her face a mere minute before didn't appear to have registered at all, nor did she seem to notice the other person standing behind her, on the other side of the doorway.

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #11 on: May 21, 2016, 11:35:27 PM
Nairne stopped in her tracks, then slowly started bouncing on the balls of her feet. She picked up speed until she was positively vibrating and then without warning jumped on Ruelia's back. "That's an awesome name!" She thrust her finger through the doors. "Everyone's inside! Mush!"

Ruelia looks less than amused at this girl's antics-but proceeded regardless, maybe now she could talk to someone in charge. It wasn't long before she found herself standing near the crowd in the main hall.

Offline Amatiramisu

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Reply #12 on: May 22, 2016, 12:43:05 AM
Nairne hopped off Ruelia's back and waved to Dai, forgetting he couldn't see it. "I brought someone else!"

"Yes, yes, I heard you guys coming in." Dai grumbled. "I'm assuming you two are looking for work here? Why don't you two have a seat while the guys in charge introduce themselves?" He beckoned to Sirena, Ryuki, and Nikolai, who were still busy cleaning up. At the request, they stood up. Sirena raised her hand.

"Sir! Shouldn't we wait for more people?"

Dai slouched over the bar and shook his head. "We'll fill 'em in as they come."

Sirena nodded and picked up her bow, paying no mind to Dai pushing her to the ground earlier, and seemingly disinterested in apologizing for her earlier threat. Shouldering the weapon, she cleared her throat. "I am Sirena Altuena! I am one of your officers, and I'm in charge of handling local issues in the immediate area. Come to me whenever there's an issue with crime or dark guild activity in the area. I pray you both can be trusted to handle orders without question, because I expect perfection out of everyone I work with. "

Ryuki's arm shot into the air. "Me next! My name is Ryuki 'Rap God' Weston! I'm an S-Rank and one of the officers! I lead you guys whenever we head out to the surrounding regions! Whenever you work with me, you're usually heading out to Fallfox or Eridell to help out in the war. We're a neutral party so we help both sides with merc work and other stuff. We also try to handle the crime issue in Marthon buuuuuut... That doesn't pan out so well most of the time. Still our job though! I hope we get along!"

Finally, Nikolai bowed to the newcomers. "My thanks, comrades Ryuki and Sirena. My name is Nikolai Vetrov. I lead expedition into far lands beyond Fiore. Past great mountain and vast sea, that is where we will travel. There is great evil in the north, and I am charged with finding a way to quell it. Thank you for your assistance, comrades." He bowed once more and then slowly took a seat on the couch, grumbling about his back as he settled down.

"Well, there 'ya have it." Dai piped up. "Make yourselves at home, figure out what'chu wanna do... I- Really don't care unless either of you need a drink."

"I'll take one!" Yet another voice piped up from the doorway. Confidently striding in, a young woman clad in white with long purple hair hopped on a stool next to Ruelia. She hoisted what appeared to be a doctor's bag onto the bar's surface. "Get me a bottle 'a Jack. The full bottle. I mean the whole thing." She then peeled off her coat, throwing it aside. "Don't wanna get that dirty..." She mumbled as she lifted her left arm onto the surface, revealing it was covered in bloody bandages... With the blood still spreading. "Jus' one of those days, ain't it?" She chuckled, nudging Ruelia with her elbow. Nodding gratefully as the bartender returned with the bottle, the newcomer gestured to her arm. "Gimme some old newspaper too will 'ya? Don't wanna scuff up your nice bar."

Dai frowned. "I'm glad I can't see whatever is going on over there." He decided as he reached under the bar and produced a sheet of newspaper.

The newcomer slid it under her arm and unwrapped the bandages. Beneath, there was a gash running the length of her forearm. "Eh, I've had worse." She shrugged. Gripping the bottle's cap with her teeth, she unscrewed it and spit it aside. She downed roughly half the bottle and then poured the rest on the wound. She stared at it, then shrugged. "Vodka would'a stung worse."

Reaching with her free arm for the bag, she started suturing the wound closed, grumbling something about some [expletive] going after her bag and how the [expletive] inside wouldn't matter anyway. In roughly a minute, her work was done. "Sucks that 'ya can't use healin' magic on 'yerself. Would'a made the process faster. Ah well." Hastily wiping away the mess and tossing the bandages and paper into the trash, she reached for her coat. "Anyone got a light?" She asked as she pulled a pack of cigarettes out of her coat pocket. She also found a lighter. "Oh [parasitic bomb] never-mind, I'm good."

Spinning around on the stool, she crossed her legs as she carefully put the coat back on. She lit the cigarette and took a long drag. "Aaaaah~ Hell, I needed that. Name's Charlotte. I'm a doctor. Got bored fixing up regular schmucks so I came lookin' to join you guys. No worries, I heard the introduction walking up." She beckoned to the officers. "What about the rest of y'all?" She asked, nodding at Ruelia and Saden.

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Reply #13 on: May 22, 2016, 12:59:51 AM
The girl's eyes closed for a long moment, eyebrows knitting together in....frustration?....before she opened them again and swept them across across the room, ending on the inquisitive gaze of the one who'd asked her name. When she spoke, her tone was polite, with a hint of an accent, but also somewhat distant, as though she were distracted by something and only half-paying attention to the conversation at hand.

".....Saden Wiegand. It's.....-" - she shook her head slightly, as if she'd just woken from a nap and was still trying to clear the cobwebs - "-....It's nice to meet you all." She raised her head briefly, staring off into space while she replayed the introductory speeches from the others in her head. As she did so, a brief flash of purple-pink was visible behind her collar where the light was hitting her face. Dropping her head again, she fixed a slightly glassy-looking stare on Dai - not that he could see it. "....I'm fine with any work you can offer me.....I look forward to working with you."

(Saden's gonna be a little, um, odd at first, but she'll get better the more she interacts with people. For now, she's a little.....spacey, unless specifically noted otherwise. She's keeping the german theme I had her running with pre-reboot, too, hence the accent.)

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Reply #14 on: May 22, 2016, 02:10:55 AM
Ruelia tuned out the madness around her and focused on the elite members of the guild introductions-as she suspected there was a variety of warriors here with all sorts of powers, certainly make things interesting even if she wasn't overly fond of cooperative jobs. The talk about the north interested her the most-it seemed what was left of civilization had finally started taking the growing corruption out there seriously-she might be able to get a job or two on the boarders and that would suit her just fine.

Suddenly Ruelia was jolted out of her thoughts by an elbow to her crossed arm. "Hm? Oh-yes I suppose so." she responded taken slightly off guard by the sudden introduction. Glancing toward the bar she remembered the letter she had agreed to deliver in exchange for the directions. "Oh-Dai was it? I believe I have something for you. An old baker asked me to deliver this to you." She places the letter on the table and slides it over to Dai.

She turns to the others "So were you two invited here too-or is this just a general recruiting drive?" Ruelia crossed her arms again and leaned against the bar as she moved her greatsword and left it to lean against the bar it's self.

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Reply #15 on: May 23, 2016, 09:45:20 AM
Saden tilted her head, considering the question.

"....Invitation? .....No, I heard people talking about a guild in Magnolia Town. I was....tired of working alone."

She cast her eyes downwards and fell silent.

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Reply #16 on: May 23, 2016, 03:44:10 PM
"Hmm-odd, I suppose it would make sense to send out introductions as well as mass recruit." Ruelia tilted her head at Saden's change body language.

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Reply #17 on: May 24, 2016, 01:46:52 AM
"Little of both, yes." Dai answered, returning from the back. Finding his way to the envelope, he beckoned Vexa to come over and dictate its contents. "Lot of people seem to forget that I'm sort of..." He waved his hand in front of his eyes in curiousity. "Y'know, blind."

Vexa made a joke asking if she looked pretty today. Dai ignored it.

"Well, uh, the gist is that he got a tip for you again." Vexa finally answered as she read through the letter.

Dai pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "I forget whose genius idea it was to clear bar tabs anytime a tip gets sent in but I'm gonna strangle them... [dark hold]... What's it about?"

"Well, short version is that our recruits might already have work." She started. "There are... Er- Reports of dark guild activity just outside the city. Traders have been sending in complaints. By complaints, I mean checks for reparations on the grounds that our borders aren't secure."

Dai groaned. "Why does this always fall to us?"

Sirena raised her arm. "Sir, I'll take the recruits out on a preliminary investigation and we'll decide what to do from there. Is that acceptable?"

Dai waved his hand. "I keep telling you, Sirena, you're in charge."

She smiled proudly. "Then you all are with me."

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Reply #18 on: May 24, 2016, 02:21:57 PM
Saden nodded slowly. "Understood."

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Reply #19 on: May 24, 2016, 10:01:24 PM
"Alright-I'd be happy to stretch my legs after that cart ride here anyway." Ruelia grinned.

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Reply #20 on: May 27, 2016, 04:27:33 AM
Charlotte also raised her (uninjured) arm. "I'm down for a good time!"

Sirena clapped her hands together. "This... This I like to see. Gather up your effects and make sure everything is in order. Meet me outside in ten minutes!" On that note, she walked out on them.

"...How are we supposed to get everything in order...?" Charlotte muttered.

"That's her way of saying she has no idea what to do next." Ryuki piped up. "So..." He said, raising his voice to a level where Sirena, who was waiting just outside the door could probably definitely hear. "I personally think Sirena's idea to comb the surrounding forests for signs of movement was great. Would never have thought of that myself!"

The doors flew open. "Change of plan, rookies! We leave now!"

Ryuki gave the newbies a thumbs up.

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Reply #21 on: May 27, 2016, 08:58:51 AM
Tilting her head as she attempted to sift through the conversation, Saden eventually gave another slow nod and headed for the door, her footsteps reverberating loudly throughout the room.

(Not really spoilers, more just an indication for everyone: Saden is heavy. I did some research when I was drafting her bio and whatnot, and if the figures I managed to work out are any indication she's in the ballpark of somewhere around a ton. Not that she'd ever admit it, of course.)

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Reply #22 on: June 01, 2016, 05:01:20 AM
Charlotte also raised her (uninjured) arm. "I'm down for a good time!"

Sirena clapped her hands together. "This... This I like to see. Gather up your effects and make sure everything is in order. Meet me outside in ten minutes!" On that note, she walked out on them.

"...How are we supposed to get everything in order...?" Charlotte muttered.

"That's her way of saying she has no idea what to do next." Ryuki piped up. "So..." He said, raising his voice to a level where Sirena, who was waiting just outside the door could probably definitely hear. "I personally think Sirena's idea to comb the surrounding forests for signs of movement was great. Would never have thought of that myself!"

The doors flew open. "Change of plan, rookies! We leave now!"

Ryuki gave the newbies a thumbs up.

Ruelia shrugs-she really had nothing to get ready that wasn't already on her person and so she began to follow the others assuming they were going to get some more information soon.

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Reply #23 on: June 04, 2016, 02:26:06 AM
The recruits, led by Sirena, left the town gates behind them as the road turned from pavement to stone to dirt behind them. Sirena pointed down the road. "We'll split. Saden and myself will take the road further down. Charlotte and Ruelia, you circle the perimeter."

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Reply #24 on: June 05, 2016, 01:18:45 AM
A flicker of something.....concern?.....passed across Saden's features, going unnoticed by the others. She simply nodded, apparently dismissing whatever had been troubling her.

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