Ultra Turbo Super Extreme "What are you thinking?" Electric Boogaloo Alpha EX ed

Dr. Wily II · 492612

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The tech thing I understand, it's not right or fair mind you but dealing with my Dad this morning not understanding how to use Google Maps was annoying and irritating because he's bipolar and old.  But the Coke Beer thing, really?  People do [parasitic bomb] like that all the time, it's hardly ruining the beer.

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Offline Quickman

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Well, I haven't heard the end of it.

*grabby hands for cute green Dorito* ;3;

Offline Sakura Leic

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I'd like to see how that ass would react over me dipping a grilled cheese sandwich into French Onion soup.

Anyway I changed my settings to check for updates but I have to approve them.

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Offline Quickman

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Gonna watch a bunch of videos of weird Peridot noises.

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I am losing interest on the things that I use to enjoy and I think it might be my all nighters. I just don't feel any enjoyment from my hobbies anymore.  :(

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You're probably burned. It happens to me too. Take a break from them and come back later. I know I haven't even touched photoshop in a couple months.

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How did you disable that?
Late, but...
Windows Update -> ... Huh. I have the default "Install updates automatically".

Anyways, to disable certain updates...
Right-click the update -> Hide update

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Strider Xhaiden

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Apparently there's a blocked sewer pipe somewhere on my street. Wouldn't be so bad, but the alleyway behind the house has flooded and it's starting to seep into the back garden.....  :\

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Offline Sakura Leic

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I still remember that one time someone broke a fire hydrant while we were on the way to Abuela's house and the water spewed everywhere.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Strider Xhaiden

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It gets better. My dad just got off the phone with the water company, and apparently they had no record of any such blockage. It's currently on the "priority" list. Hah.

Best guess, someone from the old-folks home round the corner died on the john and fell in flushed somethin' they shouldn'ta done.

UPDATE: Sewer water is now 2/3rds of the way down the garden path and all my mum's flowerbeds are ruined.  :\

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Offline Quickman

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Erma hasn't come back since last evening.  And no one wants to do art trades with me. I'm now begging for trades. 

Offline Strider Xhaiden

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Another half-hour or so and we're gonna have raw sewage flooding into the house. I'm legitimately a little freaked-out here.  ;^;

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Damn that's worse than the time the water heater broke and flooded half my room.

Erma hasn't come back since last evening.  And no one wants to do art trades with me. I'm now begging for trades. 
Jeez that sucks. 

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Quickman

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I want to open single-character trades, but no one cares, so I'm not making a journal post about it.  Trying to gauge interest in dA with a status post, but that won't work because no one cares.

No one cares about my art and no one cares about trades and no one cares about commissions.  I'm just a crappy artist with a meh style that no one cares about.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Your art's not crappy, it's hardly crappy, honestly you're probably in my top 10 in artists because your style is unique.   

Honestly I say it's more likely that 80% of your userbase can't draw for [parasitic bomb], like me, so they can't art trade with you. 

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Strider Xhaiden

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I want to open single-character trades, but no one cares, so I'm not making a journal post about it.  Trying to gauge interest in dA with a status post, but that won't work because no one cares.

No one cares about my art and no one cares about trades and no one cares about commissions.  I'm just a crappy artist with a meh style that no one cares about.

I understand that mindset. Hypocritical of me to say this, but who cares what other people think? If drawing is fun for you, do it for fun. I can understand if the money you'd make on commissions would be helpful, but.....

And, I agree with Sakura. I'd love to do a trade, but I have the artistic talent of a 4-year old. And I don't think character creation in wrestling games would count as "art".


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Maybe they're not fans of Hypno, I dunno. There's nothing wrong with your art. There's just too many people, who can't draw as good as you do, I guess.

Fear me.

Offline Sakura Leic

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I'd say drawing some Undertale Trash might help attract more people, trust me at this point anything Undertale related right now magically gets ridiculous amounts of views, but I wouldn't think you'd want to stoop to that since I know you'd rather draw what you want.

Maybe they're not fans of Hypno, I dunno. There's nothing wrong with your art. There's just too many people, who can't draw as good as you do, I guess.
Unfortunately that might also be the case......

Hell I'm surprised that Peridot art didn't attract people.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Strider Xhaiden

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Next oneshot's in progress. Might be a few days before it's posted, though. Since this is an important one, I wanna take the time to make sure everything's as good as I can possibly get it. Haven't put this much work in since my dead-in-the-water attempt at an MvC fanfic nearly a decade ago.  :P

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Offline Quickman

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My gallery is dominated by SW stuff and other things and I tend to keep the Hypno art in a different folder.  I draw more stuff and have been branching out into different fandoms.  But, no one cares.

I also want Erma to come back.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Hmmm, maybe you should try making a comic series of some sort.  Like a Nuzlocke, the key to not sucking at a Nuzlocke is to grind like hell so it would be perfect for your playstyle. 

I mean it doesn't have to be a Nuzlocke, but a Comic series just might be what you need.  People are more likely to follow a story of some sort I think.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Strider Xhaiden

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But, no one cares.

Please, don't ever think that. I've been there on a personal level, and that's not a road you wanna start walking, trust me.

SewerWatch Update: Tanker's turned up to start siphoning some of the water off. My understanding is they're gonna try and clear whatever's causing the blockage, too. If they can't, they'll notify the water company ASAP and it should get resolved soon.

I have a bet running with my parents and sister that someone at the old-folks home DID fall in.

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Offline Sakura Leic

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SewerWatch Update: Tanker's turned up to start siphoning some of the water off. My understanding is they're gonna try and clear whatever's causing the blockage, too. If they can't, they'll notify the water company ASAP and it should get resolved soon.

I have a bet running with my parents and sister that someone at the old-folks home DID fall in.
Maybe it wasn't an old dude, but an old dude's pet. 

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Strider Xhaiden

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Either that or one of 'em flushed somethin' they shouldnt've. I hear diapers swell up when they get wet.  bVd

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Offline Sakura Leic

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I really should learn how to draw chibis, but I don't know how to draw hair, especially guy hair, especially if it's spiky.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection