Mighty No. 9

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Reply #1375 on: May 28, 2016, 07:22:05 AM
Well, that's certainly what they originally said it was going to be.

So what makes Mighty No. 9—the character as well as the game—different? Simply put: the ability to transform! Of course our hero, Beck, earns new weapons as he defeats each of his fellow Mighty Number boss robots, but more than that, his body itself can also reconfigure into new shapes, allowing for all kinds of new skills and abilities!

For example, his limbs might become giant magnets, enabling him to walk up walls or rip away enemy shields... Or maybe extendible spring-loaded hands would allow him to activate far-away switches or work as a grappling hook... Or he could have a tank-like body, easily crossing over spikes and pushing objects around the levels... These are just a few possibilities we’re considering (the game is still in the design phase), but you get the idea!

And it’s not only killing bosses that gets Beck new powers. Taking out other enemies with a certain weapon, or hitting them in their weak spot, can expose one of three types of “xel” (pronounced “cell”) energy Beck can sap (if he’s quick enough), store, and unleash later via his own Mighty Skills! Give yourself a double-jump and speed boost for a limited time, unleash a concentrated flurry of powerful punches directly ahead, or set off a blast that hurts everything on the screen! Whatever final form it takes, this system will add depth and strategy to the action, as you choose how to approach and defeat even normal bad guys to best fuel your special powers.

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Reply #1376 on: May 28, 2016, 07:23:20 AM
Hmm that's a shame they couldn't implement that. :\

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1377 on: May 28, 2016, 07:31:30 AM
I have strongly mixed feelings.

On one end, Deep Silver can burn in hell, and ever since day one I've resented the "Mega Man fans must automatically love this because Inafune is making it" attitude anyway.

On the other, I was sincerely hoping that Mighty would be able to succeed on its own merits, even if it was never ever promoted as if it could.  I respected the balls of an "oldschool" game going to retail.  I believed that Inafune left Capcom for a reason and was genuinely interested in seeing what he could do on his own.

Apparently what he cannot do is good PR.  Or planning, for that matter.

I've only got so much money to spend and so much time on my hands, with plenty of other games past and present competing.  Taking snide jabs at your own target audience in the style of a "What? We were only kidding" schoolyard squabble, while trying to promote a game whose visuals make X8 look good, that might not get a "BOYCOTT IT FOREVAH!!!" reaction from me, but it still takes you down a few pegs on my priorities list.

And I need to ask: Of those who supported MN9, how many truly did so for MN9's sake, and how many wanted to send Capcom a message?  Because that ship sailed.  The game may yet somehow pull a positive reaction out of a hat upon release, but it will never again be the phenomenon that it was at the time of its Kickstarter.

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Reply #1378 on: May 28, 2016, 10:11:11 AM
At this point, being pissed off at how this game is being presented and delayed is the natural reaction.

Then again, you are the same person who stated that we don't deserve Legends 3, so who knows how your thought process works.

Oh yeah I did say that! Ha, that was a fun time. Can't say much has changed since then, though. But what I've said about the Mega Man community then really applies to most any internet community, then and now. Hell, I feel internet culture is even worse now. Everyone's pissed off about everything.

And I just roll my eyes. The hate and vitriol just isn't worth it. Cooler heads prevail, as they say.

Also my thought process is not 100% accurately portrayed by what I say. I have difficulty fully expressing myself. It feels like what I type never gets my point across the way I want, so I rewrite and rewrite, and things could get lost in all that. This post took an hour to write, for example.

And I need to ask: Of those who supported MN9, how many truly did so for MN9's sake, and how many wanted to send Capcom a message?  Because that ship sailed.  The game may yet somehow pull a positive reaction out of a hat upon release, but it will never again be the phenomenon that it was at the time of its Kickstarter.

This is a very, very good question, and every backer should think about their answer. I'm sure a lot of people felt the latter because of the fallout after the cancellations and such. They want Mega Man. And having Inafune make something very much like it without interference from the stingy Capcom bigwigs was the best news ever. Bloodstained and Yooka-Laylee were kind of in the same boat. But those guys haven't yet had a reaction from their former big companies. Capcom has received the message, and more Mega Man stuff is in the pipeline, like it or not.

For me personally, I'm a fan of Mega Man-styled gameplay. I think that was more than enough reason to back it. Having Inafune and Inti on board is just icing on the cake. They know Mega Man well more than anyone.

Simply, I want to play the game. But it's not an immediate necessity. It's done when it's done. And the controversy has no impact on the game, so it doesn't matter to me. And if the game turns out to be subpar, oh well. That's just the chance you take in life.

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Reply #1379 on: May 28, 2016, 10:46:37 AM
I hadn't backed it mainly because i'm stingy about my limited income, and admittedly I haven't backed a single kickstarter campaign at all. But my brother backed it with $80, so either way I cut it, i'll be able to play Mighty No. 9 anyway.

I have this massive Mega Man itch I want to scratch yet I have no idea what to play. Last year I finally beat X4 with Zero after all these years, and X5 was just so obnoxious with backtracking and level design that I eventually fell off and didn't bother completing it. There's so many other Mega Man games I could play, especially via emulation, but for some reason I lack a lot of legitimate means to play the series nowadays thanks to no converter cables for my PS2 (and not knowing where my PS2 is), and I just want to sit down with a Mega Man game again and do it the old-fashioned way of straight-up playing it with no strings attached. Mighty No. 9 is potentially an interesting new option, but I have this doubt that it'll scratch my itch properly.

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Reply #1380 on: May 28, 2016, 02:43:26 PM
A lot of stuff "leaked" in youtube, final boss included, go ahead if you want to be spoiled  XD


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Reply #1381 on: May 28, 2016, 02:52:09 PM
I have strongly mixed feelings.

On one end, Deep Silver can burn in hell, and ever since day one I've resented the "Mega Man fans must automatically love this because Inafune is making it" attitude anyway.

On the other, I was sincerely hoping that Mighty would be able to succeed on its own merits, even if it was never ever promoted as if it could.  I respected the balls of an "oldschool" game going to retail.  I believed that Inafune left Capcom for a reason and was genuinely interested in seeing what he could do on his own.

Apparently what he cannot do is good PR.  Or planning, for that matter.

I've only got so much money to spend and so much time on my hands, with plenty of other games past and present competing.  Taking snide jabs at your own target audience in the style of a "What? We were only kidding" schoolyard squabble, while trying to promote a game whose visuals make X8 look good, that might not get a "BOYCOTT IT FOREVAH!!!" reaction from me, but it still takes you down a few pegs on my priorities list.

And I need to ask: Of those who supported MN9, how many truly did so for MN9's sake, and how many wanted to send Capcom a message?  Because that ship sailed.  The game may yet somehow pull a positive reaction out of a hat upon release, but it will never again be the phenomenon that it was at the time of its Kickstarter.

Little of A and B honestly-I wanted a new MM game and I was curious what Inafune would make without capcom getting in the way and at the same time I wanted to help send a message to capcom that they screwed us over and the desire for not only more Megaman was still there.

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Reply #1382 on: May 28, 2016, 03:06:48 PM
Still a wonder how Gunvolt got 2 games already(2nd game still in development) while MN9 still barely crawling out for its own first release within the same time frame.

Offline Hypershell

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Reply #1383 on: May 28, 2016, 05:14:56 PM
Gunvolt is a smaller scale project.  They just hit, like, 160k downloads on the original, if they're calling that successful then what does that tell you about its budget?  Mighty is drowning in its excess of bells and whistles; it's no secret that the basic single-player has been done for ages.

Capcom has received the message, and more Mega Man stuff is in the pipeline, like it or not.
To be fair, the merchandising machine has loved Mega Man consistently since well before the cancellation wave.  The only thing that really changed is that Capcom gave us a metric [tornado fang] ton of re-releases and not just the same NES games over and over (and the same NES games got a physical release).

Also on DeviantArt, Rumble, DLive.tv, and the Fediverse (@freespeechextremist.com and @bae.st)

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #1384 on: May 28, 2016, 05:55:10 PM
And I just roll my eyes. The hate and vitriol just isn't worth it. Cooler heads prevail, as they say.

Just sayin', but I remember "cooler heads" still being called all sorts of nasty things because they dared to be human and have feelings, however restrained they were.

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Reply #1385 on: May 28, 2016, 06:55:33 PM
And I need to ask: Of those who supported MN9, how many truly did so for MN9's sake, and how many wanted to send Capcom a message?  Because that ship sailed.  The game may yet somehow pull a positive reaction out of a hat upon release, but it will never again be the phenomenon that it was at the time of its Kickstarter.

Oh yeah I did say that! Ha, that was a fun time. Can't say much has changed since then, though. But what I've said about the Mega Man community then really applies to most any internet community, then and now. Hell, I feel internet culture is even worse now. Everyone's pissed off about everything.

And I just roll my eyes. The hate and vitriol just isn't worth it. Cooler heads prevail, as they say.

Also my thought process is not 100% accurately portrayed by what I say. I have difficulty fully expressing myself. It feels like what I type never gets my point across the way I want, so I rewrite and rewrite, and things could get lost in all that. This post took an hour to write, for example.

This is a very, very good question, and every backer should think about their answer. I'm sure a lot of people felt the latter because of the fallout after the cancellations and such. They want Mega Man. And having Inafune make something very much like it without interference from the stingy Capcom bigwigs was the best news ever. Bloodstained and Yooka-Laylee were kind of in the same boat. But those guys haven't yet had a reaction from their former big companies. Capcom has received the message, and more Mega Man stuff is in the pipeline, like it or not.

For me personally, I'm a fan of Mega Man-styled gameplay. I think that was more than enough reason to back it. Having Inafune and Inti on board is just icing on the cake. They know Mega Man well more than anyone.

Simply, I want to play the game. But it's not an immediate necessity. It's done when it's done. And the controversy has no impact on the game, so it doesn't matter to me. And if the game turns out to be subpar, oh well. That's just the chance you take in life.
I couldn't back the game during the Kickstarter boom years ago because of money problems my family was going through, but I did manage pre-order for the Wii U version during Christmas last year, and despite the delays and drama it created, I still have some hope of Mighty No. 9 being a decent game in it's own right. Unfortunately it's hard to remain hopeful and optimistic without stooping to the level of a complete douchebag, even outside of Mighty No. 9. The Internet is filled with the most angriest, hateful, and pessimistic motherfuckers you never want to find with a few simple clicks, and I agree with Satoryu because it's only getting worse as time goes on. It's one of the reasons I'm such a shut-in. I wouldn't be surprised in 10 years time, the Internet will be filled with nothing but angry losers.

As for Mighty No. 9, I hope it turns out to be a decent game, but I'm not in a rush to play it like all the displeased backers and whatnot. I got a bunch of games in my backlog already that I haven't played yet and they can tie me over until the day Mighty No. 9 is ready to be shipped to digtal distribution stores. I'd rather have a game that works properly on Day 1 than a broken, rushed mess. If Mighty No. 9 doesn't meet my expectations, I will always have games like RosenkreuzStilette to fall back on. I wish I could quote Stop Skeletons From Fighting (Derek Alexander, a.k.a. Happy Video Game Nerd), but the second I do I'm looking at a million and one douchebags telling me "ur retarted" for having more humility than they ever will.

Offline Satoryu

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Reply #1386 on: May 28, 2016, 09:04:35 PM
Just say it. Don't listen to anyone like that. They're not worth it. Plus Derek is amazing.

To be fair, the merchandising machine has loved Mega Man consistently since well before the cancellation wave.  The only thing that really changed is that Capcom gave us a metric [tornado fang] ton of re-releases and not just the same NES games over and over (and the same NES games got a physical release).

I was referring to the new animated series and the mobile game.

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Reply #1387 on: May 28, 2016, 09:53:41 PM
Well as Derek once said in his Castlevania Game Boy "trilogy" reviews, "Ease up on the nerd-rage Internet, and try being happy for once."

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Reply #1388 on: May 29, 2016, 12:24:52 AM
...guys, you do realize that Capcom not only wasted everyone's physical and emotional investment in MML3, but made no meaningful effort to make up for that for YEARS. It's not fair to expect people to just passively roll with that.

And by now I think most of the vitriol has died down anyway?

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Reply #1389 on: May 29, 2016, 12:44:49 AM
Sato is saying that Capcom can cancel any long-awaited game for no apparent reason, and we should just shrug our shoulders and be okay with it.

Sure, that makes A LOT of sense.

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Reply #1390 on: May 29, 2016, 01:44:03 AM
Dude that's not what I'm saying. What that post back then, and what I feel now, really amount to "Stop being so angry."

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Reply #1391 on: May 29, 2016, 02:43:27 AM
I suppose I didn't extrapolate that from "you guys don't deserve it".

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Reply #1392 on: May 29, 2016, 03:17:33 AM
And I need to ask: Of those who supported MN9, how many truly did so for MN9's sake, and how many wanted to send Capcom a message?  Because that ship sailed.  The game may yet somehow pull a positive reaction out of a hat upon release, but it will never again be the phenomenon that it was at the time of its Kickstarter.

Both. The essential idea behind ALL of this was that if Capcom wasn't going to make anymore MegaMan games, it'd be nice to support someone that actually is. That hasn't changed, despite all the crap MN9 has gone through/put us through. Throughout all of this [parasitic bomb], Capcom has still shown absolutely no inclinations of making more MegaMan games, be it Classic, X, Legends, etc.

This game could be absolute [parasitic bomb] and I'd have zero regrets about the money I spent to support it. The point was to have a chance. At the time, this was pretty much the best chance we had to both have a new MM type game and show support for said style of game. Will it matter? Probably not. Thus far all we've seen out of Capcom regarding the franchise, besides the usual merch, is a new animated series that fans are already angry with/not willing to give a chance after LITERALLY one image and a few sentence describing it. So what the [tornado fang] does all of this tell you? It tells me that gamers are impatient, unpleaseable assholes and that's not going to change. It means that Capcom is simply going to continue going with series' that are guaranteed money makers, which MegaMan obviously no longer is. We'll see if the new cartoon can actually change that. I'm not holding my breathe though.

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Reply #1393 on: May 29, 2016, 03:27:15 AM
There was also Legacy Collection, which was met with much hate because it didn't have 9 and 10 or that it didn't have 7 and 8 or that it accurately emulated the NES versions which included slowdown and screen flicker, among many other things. I mean I rather enjoyed it and the challenge mode is kinda cool but... considering the hate that a newish Mega Man title got because it was just a collection, I can easily see Capcom deciding we don't need more games. Which pisses me off because it's like, so many people complain that there's not a single Mega Man game from Capcom released in years and when they actually try to release something it's met with vehement vitriol and then when they decide no more MM games the complaints due to very poor reception of MMLC and the whining will start over again.

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Reply #1394 on: May 29, 2016, 03:34:24 AM
I've kept away from MN9 in general because Inafune's company has made so many missteps that I lost interest in general.

However, when Capcom releases a collection that nobody really needs or wants, people are gonna be upset. Fact of the matter is that nobody was gonna thank MMLC when the Classic series has already had endless re-releases and virtual console releases, etc.
Companies need to be held accountable for their actions and decisions. They need to be able to listen to the community instead of deciding what the community wants and then blaming the community for not eating up what they put out. That's why Ubisoft's been getting negative PR, that's why Nintendo's been getting negative PR, that's why Capcom's been getting negative PR.

So when someone says they disagree with a massive community who are unhappy with a product, I'd say that tells me they're just overly dedicated to the franchise behind the product and they are happy being fed whatever the people behind the product shove down their throats anyway.

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Reply #1395 on: May 29, 2016, 03:38:39 AM
This game could be absolute [parasitic bomb] and I'd have zero regrets about the money I spent to support it. The point was to have a chance. At the time, this was pretty much the best chance we had to both have a new MM type game and show support for said style of game. Will it matter? Probably not. Thus far all we've seen out of Capcom regarding the franchise, besides the usual merch, is a new animated series that fans are already angry with/not willing to give a chance after LITERALLY one image and a few sentence describing it. So what the [tornado fang] does all of this tell you? It tells me that gamers are impatient, unpleaseable assholes and that's not going to change. It means that Capcom is simply going to continue going with series' that are guaranteed money makers, which MegaMan obviously no longer is. We'll see if the new cartoon can actually change that. I'm not holding my breathe though.

This this all of this.

Also Phi, the type of gamer described up there are the ones I said were undeserving.

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Reply #1396 on: May 29, 2016, 04:34:27 AM
That's exactly the reaction I was referring to. They try to actually release SOMETHING and it's met with hate because it's not what anyone wanted. But when a series is dormant for so long and the company tries to release something in that franchise, even if it is just a collection of past games, they usually do so to test the waters to see if the series is worth supporting financially to release actual new games.

So when that collection fails because everyone hates it because "that's not what we wanted" the company sees no reason to continue releasing new games in that franchise. See where I'm going with this?

I mean that might not be the case here, but that's usually how it works.

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Reply #1397 on: May 29, 2016, 04:39:09 AM
^ That sounded like Capcom was using us as a guinea pig to see whether the game is relevant or not using the same cheap method over and over and over, they should have realized they wouldn't get good results with just that.

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Reply #1398 on: May 29, 2016, 04:39:38 AM
I've kept away from MN9 in general because Inafune's company has made so many missteps that I lost interest in general.

I get the feeling that a lot of new game companies are at risk of floundering for a bit before they hit their stride, especially if the people in charge were more used to a different role. Comcept has the misfortune of being really visible, I think.

However, when Capcom releases a collection that nobody really needs or wants, people are gonna be upset. Fact of the matter is that nobody was gonna thank MMLC when the Classic series has already had endless re-releases and virtual console releases, etc.

And didn't that proprietary engine that one of the devs went on at length about turn out to just be a normal emulator? That didn't endear MMLC to most folks, either.

I can only hope that Capcom actually listened to all the constructive criticism of their constant half-assing and that their apparent efforts to turn things around are sincere.

But when a series is dormant for so long and the company tries to release something in that franchise, even if it is just a collection of past games, they usually do so to test the waters to see if the series is worth supporting financially to release actual new games.

After an interminable string of re-releases (and at least one shoddy iOS port) broken up only by the comically dull grindfest that was Xover, I'm not sure if it counts as "testing the waters" anymore.

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Reply #1399 on: May 29, 2016, 04:48:20 AM
Don't get me wrong, they could have tested the waters with an actual new game instead of a collection, but the fact that the thing they tested the waters with got such negative responses probably isn't a good indicator to them to actually make a new game lol

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