What would the story for Rockman X9 be?

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on: August 03, 2013, 05:32:02 PM
Hi everyone i am new to the forums , nice to meet you all. I was wondering , what would if Rockman X9 was made? (i dont know if it will happen because of CAPCOM right now  :( )   I would like to know your opinions/thoughts on how the game would be.

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Reply #1 on: August 03, 2013, 07:57:38 PM
Sigma's death left a power vacuum and various minor mavericks proclaim themselves the new leaders of the revolution.

After you defeat all 8 of them, it's revealed that you were too late to stop them from getting in contact with each other and forming an alliance, as well as a base, which is where the last few stages take place.

Then you defeat them again, only to find... Sigma?! Brought back?!

Except when you defeat him it turns out to have just been a fake, meant to unite and incite the remaining mavericks all over the world. Crisis averted!

Posted on: 2013-08-03, 17:39:20
unless it was current capcom that did it in which case it would be like the above except Sigma being a figurehead and fake is revealed in the intro, and when you fight him he's like
"What are you, stupid? I'm the real Sigma!!" and then X would be like
"NO ITS NOT TRUE THIS CANT BE HAPPENING I CANT GO OOOON" and then Zero has to sacrifice himself whereupon X gets all SUPER DETERMINED
and then X teleports out to a cliff where he takes off his helmet but his face is hidden by his hair and someone makes an AMV with CRAAAAAAWLING IN MY SKIIIIIIN!!!!!! and it doesn't seem at all out of place
the end...?

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Reply #2 on: August 03, 2013, 08:00:16 PM
The world's coffee supply has dwindled and X, Zero and Axl must find some more in some ancient ruins under a senior citizen hall....yeah I got nothing.

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Reply #3 on: August 03, 2013, 10:31:40 PM
Using Jacob's Ladder, the humans begin mining rare materials from asteroids with the help of the Reploids, in order to deal with the dwindling supply of resources on Earth.

There is a rebellion in space, as various worker bots go Maverick.  The Maverick Hunters are called in.

Duo's home planet messages Earth and tells them that they are an ancient race of aliens who have visited Earth in the past, and Type 1 civilizations are not allowed to bring weapons into space under the Galactic Peace Treaty.  The punishment is termination.

The Maverick Hunters are attacked by 8 robot aliens.

It was really Sigma all along, and after Earth disarms he launches a full scale attack.

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Reply #4 on: August 04, 2013, 11:09:21 AM
Interesting and Sakura Leic  >0<   owob that was funny hahaha, but i would think that after X8 , after a few years , the humans who had lived in space could not get used to the atmosphere and had a lack of resources so they decided to go back to earth thinking the sigma virus had been eliminated , everything seems to be going smoothly since the irregular hunters had established their hunter bases over the whole earth in case of an irregular uprising and they had created a military called  the United Reploid Federation which exists to protect every reploid they can globaly from large scale irregular attacks.

So the Humans decided to come back down using the Jakob elevator. All was going well until.....

-WARNING-.......-WARNING-.........-WARNING- a unexpected attack inside of the elavator had damaged most of the humans on the elevator . The three hunter X, Zero and Axl investigate. Once they got to the outside entrance of the elevator it was a very eerie place , almost as if there was nothing there in the first place. As they proceeded they heard a small rustling noise in the background , the three looked to see what is and it was a safe space which had held survivors, the three  investigated and asked everyone which is human. X said :*what happened?* Survivor:*.......* The survivor had been fear stricken to even speak so X Asked a different survivor with a shocking surprise to come to Xs mind.

The survivor had said :*Everyone was having a peaceful time as we were going down the elevator , as soon as we got down to the main entrance on the ground..... one of our own people had gone berserk , he wasnt a criminal either , he was a small child who had the happiest smile i could ever see, however soon after that , he started screaming and shouting until his eyes turned into the colour of red as if he was possesed and soon after that his body mutated heavily into something of a monster , his face had turned into a metalic monstrosity , i knew something wasnt right so i escaped as everyone was being slaughtered by that monster and these are the only people who remained*

X:..........  Zero: Are you sure it was a human ? Survivor:*I am really sure since everyones had dna checks to see if there werent a any irregulars that may have been hiding. Axl :........  X:............ Zero: Do you know where he is so that i can stop him. Survivor: He should be at the top of the elevator. Zero: Thanks, X i know you cannot harm humans but this time we cant let this slide so that other people suffer. X: But he was a innocent child that did not do anything, how can i do that.

Zero: X he WAS a child no he is not , we cant let other people suffer because of this. X:.........Guess.....Your....Right.    Zero: Thanks for understanding X , however dont you think its strange , humans are supposed to be totaly immune to the virus. X: Those symptons were exactly the ones shown in irregular reploids which are at stage three, however before stage three they would have to go through stage 1. Zero: The only way i could think of is the virus gaining inteligence which could examine the human body and infect the humans nueral circuits. X: Then why werent the survivors infected? Zero: I think its because it must've been an test to see if the virus itself could do that or not.

Suddenly X recieves a message from Alia . Alia: X! The Base is under attack! X: What! I thought the URF had destroyed all reaming irregulars on Earth.
Alia: Its them who are attacking us. X and Zero : WHAT! Alia: X hurry -brzzt- transmission is cut off. X: Whats going on how could these two happen at the same time. Zero: Someone must be monitoring our actions to do something like that, however he would have to be really close to us. Wait i .. it cant be. Axl Points his guns to both X and Zero. Axl: hehehehe..... i cannot believe it took you that long to figure out. X: But why...... Axl: Remember when Lumine implanted that seed in my head.  X and Zero:?!. Axl: During the time i was unconscious , i had remembered what my real mission was. Axl:It was to infect you too and send data to my master so that he could study ancient junk like you, however infecting you is clearly impossible even with the new virus.

X:You dont mean! Axl: Yes after i had woke up , i went to the elevator to insert the virus inside the lifts ventalation system, and my it worked like a charm. Zero: You scum.... X:......... Axl: the URF were irregulars under disguise to fool you and take over the earth and spread the virus, haha i bet some of your old friends must have changed their minds by now.  As AXl tells them his masters plot, X starts to shine with a glimmering light. X:I.....I....WILL DESTROY YOU! Axl:!?. Zero: Amazing. X knocks Axl backwards and launches himslef at Axl however Axl flies away and his armor changes into White and purple . Axl: I guess you can be alive for now , well you wont make a difference anyway. Axl flies off while X collapses unconsciously. Zero carries up X and carries him to the safe place in the elevator and repairs any damge done to X due to the emergency supplies in the elevator. Suddenly X wakes up and asks Zero what happens and Zero explains.

Later X and Zero head back to their former Hunter HQ which is now , the Irregular Base. To be continued.

Sorry for the long post, its been on my mind quite some time.

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« Last Edit: August 04, 2013, 07:47:17 PM by Phi »

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Reply #5 on: August 04, 2013, 07:49:21 PM
Dude, that is one horrendous looking post. It's not organized at all.

Edited it to make it slightly more tolerable to read.

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Reply #6 on: August 04, 2013, 08:19:30 PM
Whatever the plot of X9 would be, I'd hope it would involve humanity no longer being a bunch of panicky, specieist idiots who'd cry "Maverick" over a perfectly normal Reploid accidentally serving them lukewarm coffee.

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Reply #7 on: August 05, 2013, 01:46:10 AM
X and Zero and Axl fight Mavericks and fight a 2 stage final boss at the end with terrible plans for Humanity.

The End.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #8 on: August 05, 2013, 02:31:20 AM
Whatever the plot of X9 would be, I'd hope it would involve humanity no longer being a bunch of panicky, specieist idiots who'd cry "Maverick" over a perfectly normal Reploid accidentally serving them lukewarm coffee.
MAVERICK *gets a pitchfork, and a fire torch ready*

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Reply #9 on: August 05, 2013, 02:56:08 AM
They go on a mission to find out where the rest of Zero's hair went.
Along the way they discover Alia had grown jealous and stole some for herself.
Upon confrontation they also learn she was behind the past incidents involving Zero.
Did you really think it to be coincidence that her comrade Gate was obsessed with Zero?
Clearly she manipulated him and many others in an attempt to claim his luscious hair.
Now it is up to the trio to put an end to this hair raising tale in, Megaman X9!
On sale in a bad fanfic near you!

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Reply #10 on: August 05, 2013, 03:11:58 AM
They go on a mission to find out where the rest of Zero's hair went.
Along the way they discover Alia had grown jealous and stole some for herself.
Upon confrontation they also learn she was behind the past incidents involving Zero.
Did you really think it to be coincidence that her comrade Gate was obsessed with Zero?
Clearly she manipulated him and many others in an attempt to claim his luscious hair.
Now it is up to the trio to put an end to this hair raising tale in, Megaman X9!
On sale in a bad fanfic near you!

You forgot the part where you find out that Alia was Sigma the entire time.
Also Layer was Vile, and Pallete is some other throwaway villain.

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Reply #11 on: August 05, 2013, 03:23:09 AM
You forgot the part where you find out that Alia was Sigma the entire time.
Also Layer was Vile, and Pallete is some other throwaway villain.

... I'll be back  -_-

Layer is Vile? But I thought Vile was

[spoiler]interested in X, not Zero. 8D[/spoiler]

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Reply #12 on: August 05, 2013, 03:29:22 AM
I never said my logic was perfect.

Its fitting with shitty fanfiction mode though.

Anyway, I can't actually do what I was planning on doing.

It was just Sigma's head on Alia's body.

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Reply #13 on: August 05, 2013, 03:34:49 AM
It was just Sigma's head on Aile's body.

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Reply #14 on: August 05, 2013, 03:37:32 AM

Oops. 8D Fixed.

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Reply #15 on: August 05, 2013, 12:43:40 PM
 >0< >0< really funny posts guys  owob, but if we were a little more serious  B( what would you say the plot would really be like. 

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Reply #16 on: August 07, 2013, 12:13:39 PM
How should we know?

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #17 on: August 07, 2013, 05:05:30 PM
How should we know?
You guys love to debate stupid Megaman plot points, but when someone asks "What do you think the plot of X9 could be"... this is your answer?

Oh yeah, Azerus. Try to lay off the emoticons a bit, they make you look immature.

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Reply #18 on: August 07, 2013, 07:19:05 PM
You guys love to debate stupid Megaman plot points, but when someone asks "What do you think the plot of X9 could be"... this is your answer?

Oh yeah, Azerus. Try to lay off the emoticons a bit, they make you look immature.
Considering how messed up the story line of X8 and Command Mission if it's cannon, which I think it is, as well as the really confusing situation that is the Elf Wars I don't blame him.   And it's really fruitless to debate such points with Capcom's lack of interest in the franchise and horrible story telling.

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Reply #19 on: August 07, 2013, 08:56:31 PM
Considering how messed up the story line of X8 and Command Mission if it's cannon, which I think it is, as well as the really confusing situation that is the Elf Wars I don't blame him.   And it's really fruitless to debate such points with Capcom's lack of interest in the franchise and horrible story telling.
You don't get it.

The same way I could say:
"What's the point of discussing the X/Zero/ZX story, if Capcom's interest with the series is non-existant. Plus the horrible storytelling."
In fact, this could be applied to all other MEGAMAN discussions.
And it's kind of a stupid argument. I get what you're trying to say, but really, it is.

Anyway I digress.

My point is, that (overuse of emoticons aside) Azerus posed simply a typical question, which basically requires the use of this thing called IMAGINATION.
He just wanted to talk about what the POSSIBLE story could be, as long as it's plausible (which means Zero being X's mother is out of the question).
He wanted to talk about POSSIBILITIES... maybe, you know... have fun on a Rockman themed board, talking about the blue robot(s)?

But I guess we can't have that anymore.

Oh well...

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Reply #20 on: August 07, 2013, 09:34:21 PM
I don't know whats wrong with emoticons since they don't represent ones maturity and i like them so that's that and i don't want to argue about something small , anyway aside from that i pretty much agree with you tron , the purpose of this thread was indeed to use your imagination or give any ideas/theories/speculation because i thought it would've been nice to hear ideas from fans of the series because i think its good when you have people that like similar things or interests that you can talk and discuss your ideas with.

 Its quite sad that the X series doesn't receive as much love as classic from Capcom but i think its because classic didn't have a messed up plot unlike the X series. I think maybe a reboot of X4-X8 would've been nice since they could improve the story and game play , but without Keiji-san it would be meaningless for them to do something like that , quite a shame  :(

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Reply #21 on: August 07, 2013, 10:16:15 PM
I agree it is pretty sad considering that X is my second favorite series of the franchise.  However X isn't the only one suffering neglect ZX and, of course Legends have also been given the short need of the stick.  It's truly sad but I don't think confusing storyline is the reason that Capcom doesn't want to continue it.  It's the fact that right now Capcom wants to make a quick buck with minimum effort it seems which is really sad.

They don't see the series profitable because it doesn't meet their profit expectations so they see producing Megaman games as a major profit loss.  But it's also because they shoot themselves in the foot like you wouldn't believe.  Capcom is not known for innovation, they just reuse the same crap over and over again until they see it's not working.  But instead of trying to improve it, they just cast it aside and concentrate on their other money makers.  You can especially see it when compare X1-X3 individually and X4-X6 individually.  Then with how bland X7 was X8's chances were shot to hell before it made it stores.

The reason that Capcom would most likely make more Classic games is because they are easy to make, and cheap I would think, and people will always love nostalgia and nostalgia always sells. 

You don't get it.

The same way I could say:
"What's the point of discussing the X/Zero/ZX story, if Capcom's interest with the series is non-existant. Plus the horrible storytelling."
In fact, this could be applied to all other MEGAMAN discussions.
And it's kind of a stupid argument. I get what you're trying to say, but really, it is.

I do agree it's a stupid argument but it's the mind set that I'm seeing in this thread from the responses.  Not to mention there have been other threads like this in the past somewhere, maybe they don't want to repeat themselves or the story in their head changed.  I really don't know but I do agree that it's pretty sad that we can't think of anything.

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Reply #22 on: August 07, 2013, 11:28:50 PM
I fully agree with you sakura leic and yes i do agree that D.A.S.H/Legends and Zero/ZX deserves more love , they are phenomenal games that are amazing and its a ginormous shame that they weren't continued  :( 

Especially with the support of D.A.S.H 3 which astounds me to how they cancelled it when they had that much support and yet they stabbed their own fans in the back by saying its their fault when we are the ones with the wallets , the ones that made them who they are , i also just cannot see how they cancelled since it would've pleased fans a lot and give them a better reputation and probably would've sold really well  -AC.

 I loved the X series on Super Famicon/SNES because of its amazingly perfect game play and soundtrack which made it amazing as a game overall , it had so much potential until the PSX era , i am not saying i disliked it but when it was on the PSX the feeling and gameplay weren't as good as it was on the Super Famicom/Snes not to say it was bad as i did enjoy X4-X5-X6 (yes i personaly liked X6 , not saying it was the best or good but for me it was ok) and they indeed did recycle a lot of ideas in those games . Then they made .......X7 (managed to complete it) which was an abomination and it made it more worse because X6 didn't too well and then X7 did worse and as much as i love X8 i don't think it patched up the scars that the Rockman X series have.

 The Zero/ZX series which i love as much as the X series was amazing and wished that it was a longer (especialy with the master thomas ending which was interesting) and i also would have kind of nice to have X as the main antagonist , it would have been very interesting to see two people who have been best partners to enemies , i think and i am not sure but i think that's what Keiji-san wanted before X6 , i am not sure so if i am wrong then forgive me for that.

Also i think nostalgia is good but its not good for making a new sequel for a game like Rockman X because it will mostly attract hardcore fans like myself if its really nostalgic and it wouldn't really sell much. Who knows maybe it maybe it wouldn't? But one thing for sure is that either capcom is either possessed or something with all those decisions or that capcom is no longer CAPCOM.

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Reply #23 on: August 07, 2013, 11:34:43 PM
I don't know whats wrong with emoticons since they don't represent ones maturity and i like them so that's that

Its less a problem with the emoticons themselves (Though seriously, this  >0< can die in a fire.) and more of the fact that you used four of them in a single sentence post.

But I digress, we're starting to delve back into the same topic that plagues most topics like this one. Which is "Why don't X/ZX/Legends get more love why capcom why".

I can answer those questions easily.

X because X7 tried something different and that pissed people off, and when they went back to X8 it just wasn't as successful. (Also X8 wasn't really that great.)
ZX because while ZX 1 sold okay in Japan ZXA didn't and since Japan is all that Capcom cares about (ZXA was far more successful in the US) they said [tornado fang] it to any more ZX.
Legends because Capcom is modern-day capcom who is too afraid to take risks.

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Reply #24 on: August 07, 2013, 11:48:18 PM
not just afraid

they've got a straight-up mental block

which is why they stick with what is proven to work

even if that doesn't end up working after all

it's not that they're too scared to takes risks, they just are mentally incapable of doing so now, like being forced to do so will be incredibly damaging to their psyche, like they're emotionally scarred from a past risk that didn't work out too well

or something like that

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything