I bred 18 mons, 1 of each type to rotate through on my next playthrough.
[spoiler=the 18]-Chespin with Bulletproof (will replace the chespin I'll be given)
-Squirtle with Raindish and Aura Sphere (took a couple tries to get the rain dish, and it'll be replacing the squirtle Sycamore gives me)
-Skrelp with Toxic Spikes (a friend chain bred this for me)
-Eevee to evolve to Jolteon
-Gligar with Immunity (got this in a wonder trade)
-Larvitar with Iron Tail
-Goomy with Gooey
-Vulpix with Drought, Heat Wave, and Flare Blitz (I was just gunning for Drought and Heat Wave)
-Swinub with Freeze-Dry (major chain breeding here)
-Gastly (this came out shiny)
-Slakoth (this also came out shiny *w*)
-Solosis with Magic Guard