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Reply #6875 on: October 18, 2016, 04:30:12 AM
(You go ahead, I'll get to boforte after your post.)

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #6876 on: October 18, 2016, 05:00:17 AM
(Okay I should be able to figure out exactly what I want to do soon

I think the first thing I should do is have Sakura ask for Fxeni and Asch's status.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #6877 on: October 18, 2016, 08:57:51 AM
(Ooh boy, now to think of my next move.)

Offline Strider Xhaiden

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Reply #6878 on: September 08, 2018, 11:18:53 PM
(Live, damn you! Li-ii-iive~!

Oh, and for anyone wanting context for this, I'd recommend reading the three-part lead-in I wrote, starting here)


Ky adjusted the collar of his makeshift travelling cloak and cast a glance over his shoulder at Ruby, trotting along behind him with a look of wide-eyed curiosity plastered on her face as she took in the vast nothing surrounding them. They'd been wandering for around a week, and in that time the most interesting thing that'd happened was the ride they'd "hitched" on the automated cargo-train a couple days prior. That'd seen Ky appropriate a couple of spare tarps to create the cloaks they both now wore, and he'd also "persuaded" one of the maintenance units stationed on the train to burn a serial number onto each part of the dirt-coated armour he wore.

"K-41-LRS.....Gives me as decent an excuse as any for using my name, I guess...."

He was interrupted in his mental musings by a mental poke from Ruby over their shared communications network, now far more secure than when they first met thanks to him spending most of their travel time teaching her how to reinforce her defenses.

[R: *poke* Hey. Where're we going?]

Ky cast another glance over his shoulder as he debated how much to tell her.

[K: I remember there being a city around here somewhere. Should be able to get some of the things we need there.]

[R: Ooh....okay. Wait. Why didn't we stop at that other city then?]

[K: That city was inhabited. That would've meant people asking questions I don't wanna answer. From what I can tell, this one isn't inhabited, so there's less risk of awkward situations.]

[R: Ooh....okay. Wait. I don't get it.]

Huffing a sigh beneath the collar of his cloak, Ky debated trying to his explain his reasoning to her, but stopped dead when a flash of something in the corner of his vision caught his eye. Tilting his head to observe for a moment, his arm shot out to snag the back of Ruby's cloak as she wandered past him, drawing a squawk of surprise from the black-haired girl. Whatever was making that glint, it was moving. He remained silent while he pondered the best way to approach this development. Ruby, however, wasn't so restrained.

[R: Hey! There's something moving way over in the distance! What do you think it is? Do-you-think-it's-a-car?-I-bet-it's-a-car-I'm-gonna-go-take-a-look-'kay?]

With that declaration, she adjusted her makeshift cloak with a gesture that was far too dramatic to not be intentional and rocketed off in the direction of the thing before Ky could formulate a response, leaving him stood in a cloud of dust with a bewildered look on his face. After a few seconds spent watching the rapidly-shrinking figure of his travelling companion recede into the distance, he shook his head and set off after her at a more sedate pace, not even bothering to chastise her for the impulsive action.

It felt so good to be moving again! Okay, so she was moving so quickly the surrounding landscape was little more than a blur, but she was moving! And the shiny thing was getting closer-and-it-was-a-van-and-a-van-meant-someone-driving-it-which-meant-SOCIAL-INTERACTION-and-maybe-new-friends!

[R: Hey Kai! That thing? It's a van! I'm gonna go say "Hi" to the driver! Catch up when you can!]

[K: Wha-? Hey...! *sigh* Goddamnit, Ruby! It could be a.....]


[K:Y'know what? Nevermind. Go say hi, Ruby.]


It didn't take much to finally catch up with the vehicle, and she thought about running in front of it, but then imagined getting run over when she stopped, so decided to draw level with the front passenger window and wave instead....

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Reply #6879 on: September 09, 2018, 01:22:38 AM
Fugo had been driving around serveral hours with Ammy and Vieri in tow.  Although Vieri kept him occupied with a constant stream of questions about about what particular things in the ruins were and other things about the modern era she didn't particularly understand Fugo couldn't help but feel the ever familar feeling of boredom creeping in. 

It'd been a while since Borock-bot updated him on the sitauation and he knew space battles take forever, but he'd wish it was over and done with.  While he knew Sakura wouldn't have too much trouble she didn't have much experience in mech fights, and Asch still had no experience period. 

Before his mind could dirft off into worry he suddenly caught sight of something speeding beside the van at the speed of sound.  He did a double take when it looked like whatever it was waved at him and he braked the van in sudden shock.

"What the....." Fugo gasped as he tried to regain his composure.

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Reply #6880 on: September 09, 2018, 01:32:41 AM
It took Ruby a hot second to realize the van she'd been following had stopped, and by that point she'd overshot it by a good margin.

"Oh. Whoops."

Her own attempt to slam on the brakes, however, was nowhere near as successful as the van driver's due to the fact that she was pretty much barefoot, and she ended up tripping head over heels and effectively barrel-rolling another 50-feet or so before she slid to a stop. Fortunately, the tarp she was wearing had absorbed most of the damage so all she needed to do was hop back to her feet and wow the world's spinning....

Her first try ended with another face-plant before her internal stabilizers kicked in and she was able to properly regain her footing. Shaking her head to clear the dust out of her hair, she shot a quick glance at the van to confirm that yes, it had stopped, and began what was - for her, at least - a brisk jog back towards it. From the front, this time. And eventually she stopped a few feet away, and tilted her head as she studied the two figures she could see through the windscreen, curiosity once again obvious on her face.

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Reply #6881 on: September 09, 2018, 01:42:27 AM
Fugo was baffled when the person overshot him, then winced and face palmed at the collsion she made.  He was glad they weren't in a freeway because otherwise there would have been a 20 car pileup or more in her wake.

However he was also relieved that she wasn't who he thought she might have been at first.  He knew Quickie was spotted here a few days ago, and the girl was speeding just as fast as her.  With Quickie being an enemy now he couldn't help but be on edge.  However before he had time to even ponder who it actually was she came straight back at lightning speed and looked into the car.

"Uh......hi?" Fugo said wondering what she wanted and who she was.

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Reply #6882 on: September 09, 2018, 01:53:22 AM
Ruby's face lit up with a smile as the brightly-dressed man in the driver's seat greeted her. The smile stayed in place as she tilted her head and stared at him expectantly.

After a few moments, her gaze flicked to the side and back nervously, before her expression briefly flitted to confusion, and finally a frustrated pout. An awkward silence descended.

[R: Hey, uh...Kai? I get the feeling these people aren't very friendly. I've said Hi and tried introducing myself and they're not responding. At all. Also I feel like I should recognize the guy in the driver's seat.]

[K: You....introduced yourself?]

[R: Yeah! It's weird though. I can't sense them at all like I can you, so I just started chattering but I don't think they're listening....]

[K: You couldn't....?]

Ruby suddenly got the distinct sense that wherever he was, Kai was facepalming. At least, that's what she thought the sudden spike of....something...from his end of their connection was, anyway.

[K: Ruby. Have you tried actually talking to them?]

[R: Huh? Whaddya mean? Of course I've tri....Ooohh..... Oh right. That makes sense. Thanks Kai!]

[K: .....]

In the real world, Ruby's expression suddenly changed to one of realization before she shook herself, replaced the grin, and looked square at the man who'd greeted her.

"Hi! I'm Ruby!"

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Reply #6883 on: September 09, 2018, 04:31:29 AM
(Uhh so since I vanished from the story, i'm gonna have to kind of fix whatever happened with my stuff.)

This takes place sometime before present day, just outside of the flaming wreckage of a giant machine. A damaged robot girl struggles to bring the destroyed body of a human boy, one she didn't really know much personally, but one that her master had instructed her to watch over, and the empty shell of another robot, away from the scene of the tragic accident.

"Tch, old bastard could have at least provided some sort of backup plan. Why he thought to trust this kid with anything."

The girl limped along, her left arm had fallen off some way back, and her legs, almost down to exposed mechanics, were getting close to failure as well.

"And now, the old man... the girl, even this kid. Dammit, this wasn't supposed to happen."

Exhausting the last of the energy, she approached the building that her master had once lived in, a somewhat eccentric fellow, he was working on ways to repair or replace failing bodies with fusion rather than surgical procedure, but ended up unable to properly test things before succumbing to one of his culinary experiments.

She stumbled down to the basement. Where three cocoon shaped pods sat, one was set a bit off from the rest and featured a standard rest pod at the end of it. A machine designed  to use two bodies with varying amounts of damage to be repaired, with a third added to allow two to be used to fix one that would otherwise be too severe to fix.

"Alright, so if I remember right, the kid goes in the big one, ol' red here goes in that one, and I have to go in the last one."

As she typed in the settings with her one good hand, she reminisced about the adventures they had, and came to the conclusion that for all they hyped everything up they weren't really all that interesting.

"There, everything's set up. 30 second timer... then I guess whenever we wake up... we won't really be 'us' anymore... we'll be somebody new."

The girl slumped down into the final pod as the doors sealed shut behind her. She showed the faintest bit of sadness in her face as she, along with the body of the other girl, vanished into thin air, seemingly disintegrated, as their molecular data transferred into the third pod, which made strange clanking noises as everything inside was being reorganized. The form of a mature woman formed inside of the rest pod, bearing shoulder length dark hair. The left arm, due to one of the sources not having one, ended up being entirely mechanical from the left hand up till about halfway on the lower arm.

The machines whirred down to a halt, signalling the completion of the molecular reconstruction. The console than blared a signal that sounded like somebody running a steak over a fan.


The spot over the girl's head lowered down like a visor. The knowledge, memories and personalities of the two intact minds began to blend together and input themselves into their new host.


As it did this, the machine organized an outfit based on the tastes of the source bodies.

A black overcoat, designed to flow in the wind, with a hood to protect from that awful awful sun.
Fingerless Gloves, strong enough to protect the hands but allowing maximum dexterity (The left hand would get an additional protective glove to conceal its mechanical nature.)
Boots with small boosters laid into them, to allow maximum mobility while reducing strain on the feet.
A long crimson skirt, mostly just as flair but also with thin undercoating to protect from un-sightly clothing damage. This was accompanied by a base grey top to finish off the ensemble.

As everything became finalized, the system designated a name to the girl: Touko.

[28 days later...]


The capsule made a hissing noise as a months worth of cold air flew out of Touko's capsule.

She hazily opened her eyes, a glistening shade of gold that was unlike any of her predecessors.

"Ugh... my head. I guess I should have expected it to feel like a semi hit me considering I had to re-learn 40 years worth of memories and knowledge between two different people."

As she groggily stepped out of the capsule, a machine in front of her deposited a clear, fizzing drink and pain meds.

"Oh, perfect. Its like the person who built this knew i'd have a migrane."

After recovering from that setback, she took no time in collecting her weapons, the sword "Labryine Beta" and the high-caliber pistol "Harkolite". Before donning a pair of sunglasses imbued with a handy on-board computer, and set out looking to regroup with the resistance they had inadvertantly left behind.  Using the communications relay and a healthy knowledge of the channels used they contacted the resistance hoping to find some source of life.

"Resistance come in, i'm searching for nearest signs of life! Come in resistance! Over"

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Reply #6884 on: September 09, 2018, 09:00:23 AM
In the Sex Station's fighter bay hangar...

Karring: "So, got a ship in mind?"
Kathy: "Beats me, they all look kinda the same to me."

The two observe their choices of Arwing fighters. Yet two identical fighters caught their attention. Their design looks a little different than the Arwings presented to them.

Karring: "Anyone piloting these?" He darted over in a blink.

SS Officer: "No not anymore. The recent pilots passed on a century ago."

Kathy: "Aww that's actually kinda sad."

SS Officer: "There was a third one, but it was stolen. However, these ships are old and I don't recommend them. There's still the Arwings..."

He was cut off as Karring made his way into the cockpit of the red one.

SS Officer: "...Hey, are you even listening to me?"

Karring: "Sorry, but this ship just calls to me.  I feel like I can pilot it."

Katheron making her way to the blue ship.

Kathy: "It's got my color, so what the heck." She says, opening up the cockpit.

SS Officer: "Seriously, please reconsider."

(Before I continue, is this okay? Also just a heads up on the two ships' designs.

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Blue Javelin)

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Reply #6885 on: September 09, 2018, 11:22:40 AM
A slightly-too-loud yawn sounded over the engine inside the van's cab as Ammy maked it very clear how bored he was.

Planet Websitia, Fugo's Van, 1 Minute and 4 Seconds Prior to Current Events

"Wouldst thou please keep quiet?" A sharp voice snapped at the young man in the front seat. She cleared her throat. "You have been making all manner of noises and it's starting to become irksome." She grumbled.

Ammy peered over his shoulder and made a mouth pop. Vieri lunged for his throat but the seat belt locked from the sudden force. "Wh-What is this infernal device?! Free me, damn you! What have you done to me Ammy?!" She pulled and yanked at the still-locked seatbelt, becoming more tangled by the second.

Ammy sighed and leaned back in his seat, looking down and tapping at his pocket PC. Something in the corner of his eye caught his attention as he looked outside the passenger side window.

"...Hey Fugo. Do me a solid. Give it a bit more gas."

As Fugo took notice of the... Object outside, and exclaimed his confusion with significantly less [tornado fang]-words than Ammy had planned, the van slowed and stopped. The other thing wasn't so graceful in that regard. Ammy stared blankly as it dropped, spun, and rolled a good distance before bouncing back right in front of them faster than he could perceive.

He jolted as a shrill "HI!" pierced his eardrums. He sighed and unclicked his seat belt (while Vieri started gnawing at hers) and opened the door. Hopping out of the van, he slammed the door shut behind him and walked toward the figure. Looking her up and down and examining her from multiple angles, he finally stood up straight, and pumped his fist in the air.

"I'm Ammy!"

He gives Fugo a sidelong glance and a thumbs up.

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Reply #6886 on: September 09, 2018, 11:33:00 AM
If Ruby caught the not-so-subtle signal that passed between Ammy and the brightly-dressed van driver, she gave no sign of it, nor did she seem particularly bothered by the apparent inspection that preceded it, though she did shift slightly to maintain visual contact with the young man as he circled her, some dormant subsystem in her head nudging her that it'd be a good idea to do so.

Once Ammy had finished his introduction, she offered a polite nod and a more friendly smile. What she didn't do was make an obvious show of scanning him as she did so, and she couldn't quite shake the disappointment at discovering he was just a regular old human (really, would it have killed him to have a fancy gimmick or something? Anything?).

"Pleased to meetcha, Ammy!"

A muffled sound of protest from somewhere inside the van saw her eyes flicker briefly to it, before she appeared to space out for a couple of seconds and glance nervously over Ammy's shoulder at some point off in the distance before refocusing on the human (and, again, just a regular human? Disappointing!) in front of her.

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Reply #6887 on: September 09, 2018, 05:02:44 PM
"Tch, still no response? This is why I don't call people."

Touko peeled out of a nearby gas station with her motorcycle (she acquired it from a generous biker bar), she drove down the mostly desolate highway.

"Hmm? Oh god WHAT IS THAT NOISE?!"

She might have been probably nowhere remotely near the source of the sound, but some wavelength of sound was so shrill it disrupted her equipment. Causing her bike to stall out and veer off the road.

"Ugh... this thing is totalled. Guess i'm on foot now... and it seems like i'm getting a ping from some sort of activity a bit farther up."

Touko brushed herself off before prepping her boots for long-distance jumps. She leaped into the air, using the kickback from her boosters to maintain momentum and air as she closed in on the source of the ping.

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Reply #6888 on: September 11, 2018, 12:45:16 AM
Fugo sighed at how strange his potential new coworker acts as he looked at Vieri's predicament.

"Vieri I need you to calm down a bit and watch what I'm doing so you can get out of that seatbelt." Fugo said calmly as he pushed the button to release his seat belt. "Okay your button is on your left so all you need to do is push it."

He then got out of the car to formally address the strange woman.

"Well uh I see you already met Ammy..." Fugo stated neutrally "My name is Fugo, so now that we've introduced ourselves can you tell me why you were trying so hard to get our attention?"

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Reply #6889 on: September 11, 2018, 12:58:28 AM
Ruby blinked.

"Trying to get your....? What? I was just saying hi. We just saw something shiny in the distance-and-I-didn't-know-this-was-a-van-and-you're-literally-the-first-people-I've-met-since-Kai-got-me-out-of-that-scrapyard-and-he's-really-not-much-for-conversation-so...."

She trailed off, blinked again and narrowed her eyes at Fugo.

"Wait. You look kinda familiar....."

Her head rocked from side-to-side as she considered him. After *another* awkward silence, she snapped her fingers as realization struck.

"Ah! You were....driving....something.....before? The-Doctor-was-ranting-so-much-I-couldn't-really-follow-it-all-but-he-definitely-mentioned-someone-that-sounded-like-you!"

Kai continued his steady advance towards Ruby's position, mind whirring as he considered the implications of what he'd been told by his.....companion. Making sense of her ramblings was sometimes more effort than he cared to expend, but the simple fact that there were *people* out here was something he felt worth investigating.

He was cut off from his musings when one of his defensive systems alerted him to movement nearby. Snapping his head around to try and pinpoint the source, he couldn't help but frown when he located what it apparently was.

"Is that....a person? Hm....."

His first instinct was to find cover, but the nearest practical source of such was the van, which was still a fair distance away....Shaking his head again, he turned to properly face this new development and waited, body tensing in anticipation of a fight.

"Goddamnit Ruby...."

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Reply #6890 on: September 11, 2018, 01:04:26 AM
Fugo could barely keep up with what Ruby was actually saying, while he did have experience with people talking extremely fast thanks to Zeta when she gets excited even she couldn't compare.

However when she slowed down and mentioned he looked familiar he tried as best he could to pay attention to what she said next, but he could only get one word.

"I'm sorry...did you just say....Doctor?  You're.....not talking about Wily are you?" Fugo questioned.

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Reply #6891 on: September 11, 2018, 01:17:03 AM
Ruby tilted her head.

"Yep! I mean, he did build me and my....sisters?.....team-mates?....."

She fell silent for a moment, apparently pondering the correct term for whatever it was she was thinking of, but snapped back to realtime quickly enough.

"Eheh....sorry, got distracted."

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Reply #6892 on: September 11, 2018, 01:29:40 AM
"It's cool don't worry about it." Fugo sighed.  The girl didn't seem dangerous despite claiming she was created by Wily.  She did look a little familiar to him too, but he couldn't put his finger on it.  It was really bugging him since he swore he heard the name Ruby from somewhere.  There was also another thing that was bugging him, since she claimed to have sisters and teammates her outfit......certainly doesn't suggest she's part of any organized group.

"So you have sisters as well?" He asked deciding to start from there "Are they nearby?"

He prayed if they were nearby they were not hostile like she seemed to be.

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Reply #6893 on: September 11, 2018, 01:38:32 AM
She nodded, grinning again.

"Uh-huh! Three of them! Well, only one of them's my actual sister but since we were all built at the same time and operate as a team I guess we're technically all sisters to each other? I know the Doctor told us to think of his older ones as our big brothers and sisters, but...." - she pulled a face - "...I already have a big sister, so...."

It was at that point that the second question registered with her.

"....I don't think they're nearby. I've been trying to get in touch with them ever since I got out of that pod last week but I can't reach them at all. The only other person besides me that I can talk to right now is Kai, and he's...."

She glanced off into the distance, before seeming to space out again.

[R: Hey, where are you? You said you were gonna catch up!]

[K: .....Something's come up. I'll meet up with you later.]

She blinked before smiling apologetically at Fugo and Ammy.

"He's nearby....but he's busy with something, I guess?"

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Reply #6894 on: September 11, 2018, 03:55:02 AM
Touko continued to dash forward the source of the ping, while on her way she noticed a smaller ping roughly heading towards the larger ping.

"Hey that looks like somebody, I'm not sure if that's somebody good or bad but I can determine that when I land."

Re-alignment... check.
"Ok.... stick the landing!"

Touko spun before touching down, intending to look cool. Instead... she tripped over her coat on the way down and faceplanted.

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Reply #6895 on: September 11, 2018, 09:32:57 AM
(Alright, let's try this.....)

Kai's eyes flicked down to the tangle of limbs and fabric sprawled on the floor and regarded it silently for a moment. For some reason, his scan was reporting it as both human and machine.

"For all the sense that makes.....Well, whatever....

Relaxing slightly (because really, a hostile wouldn't act like that), he took a single step forward and offered hand to the girl.

"First Ruby, and now THIS one. This better not become a habit...."

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Reply #6896 on: September 11, 2018, 01:56:08 PM
Somewhere down along the main road, walks a tall young woman. She had silvery grey hair braided into a ponytail, carrying a 2 meter long jitte on the back of her top.

She seems to be lost, while she makes her way to what may seem to her as one of the resistance's outposts. Her Ferrokinetic senses has picked up the metal of what seems to be a vehicle of some sort heading her way. She then redirected herself towards it, with a smile.

??? "Maybe they could help." she told herself.

Walking down the road, she can just barely make out what appears to be Fugo's car. She raised her arm to get the driver's attention.

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Reply #6897 on: September 11, 2018, 03:14:13 PM
"Ugh... the taste of pavement never improves"

Touko realigned herself, noticing the hand outstretched.

"Oh, thanks.... Mr Metal looking guy. Are you interested in whatever that big signal is down the road too? I suppose I should introduce myself, I'm Touko."

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Reply #6898 on: September 11, 2018, 06:14:09 PM
Kai remained silent, with a slight tilt of his head the only indication that he'd even acknowledged her.


Eventually, he offered what could just about be considered a nod of greeting.


That said, he turned on his heel and resumed his trek towards the van, though his pace slowed somewhat to accommodate Touko's presence.

Ruby twitched as her systems alerted her to an unknown presence somewhere nearby. Craning her neck to peer around the van, she squinted to try and make out what it was.

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Reply #6899 on: September 11, 2018, 06:19:19 PM
Fugo also sense something with his significant ninja senses and turned around to see a woman.

"Do you need something?" Fugo asked, hoping his day wasn't gonna get stranger, but he knew that was pointless being in Websitia and all.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection