Wilypocalypse NOW

Protoman Blues · 415850

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Reply #4375 on: April 15, 2014, 12:10:01 AM
(What the hell? Where did my reply go?)


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Reply #4376 on: April 15, 2014, 12:11:23 AM
(I didn't see any new ones.)

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Reply #4377 on: April 15, 2014, 12:36:33 AM
(Oh, damnit, I wonder if it never posted because of the time limit I put on my session. Oh well... now I have to remember what the [tornado fang] I wrote...)

Tangent rolled his eyes and retorted, "Whatever, just rack your inferior little memory and tell me what you know. It seemed like you were in combat position just a moment ago. Did you see the intruder?"

Sinos moved his way to the front of the van and peered out at the individual through the window. "Interesting... By the way, somebody said something about interdimensional travel?"


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Reply #4378 on: April 15, 2014, 02:44:44 AM
"Not much of a talker huh, then again Berbils seem to usually be short on words." Asch stated as he went over slowly to carefully pet his head "Don't worry we'll make sure no harm will come to you."

The Berbil continues to stand in his place, letting Asch pat him on the head.  His Tin-Man toy was spazzing about in his hands, making nothing but rusted-sounding squeaking noises while steam toots from its funnel-made hat.


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Reply #4379 on: April 15, 2014, 06:22:17 AM
Sinos moved his way to the front of the van and peered out at the individual through the window. "Interesting... By the way, somebody said something about interdimensional travel?"

Phi raised her hand, "That would be me. However, I care not to explain myself all over again, but the gist of it is, yes, I can cross the interdimensional planes. More specifically, me and Prince Charming over here have the ability to do so," She stated.

"Prince Charming...?" Arche titled his head, soon deciding not to bother questioning it.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2014, 02:16:30 AM by Phi »

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #4380 on: April 15, 2014, 03:07:21 PM
Tangent rolled his eyes and retorted, "Whatever, just rack your inferior little memory and tell me what you know. It seemed like you were in combat position just a moment ago. Did you see the intruder?"

With that, boforte teleported off, seemingly to chase after the intruder. Even though he doesn't know where "he" went.

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #4381 on: April 15, 2014, 03:23:42 PM
"Yes. Something like that, plus... it seems like you guys might be in bigger danger than you realize. I don't know much about your war... yet, but it seems there's a growing dark power somewhere on this world. That in itself isn't good. But... if it turns out that this power is a seed of D-Nebula, then this entire world is in deep poo poo. But I would rather explain everything I can, before a larger "Audience" if you catch my drift."

Key wasn't sure how this person who stood before him would react to this dump of info.

In the meantime, the poor Berbil stood there shaking still, after an abrupt teleport and almost getting ran over.

(Just for clarification... the "Growing dark power" is Tron, and those he unwillingly controls. But of course, neither Key nor you have a way of knowing that... as for D-Nebula... I'll have to see if I ever get into it much beyond a simple explanation of it from Key's mouth.)

Blue makes her way over after hearing "galactic police force" sanding next to her allies. "You said galactic police force right, you know a space pirate called White Beard then?" Blue pauses continuing before Key could respond "As for a dark power maybe he's talking about the Omni-Gem that was stolen from Azure Star, it's a source of all six primal elements darkness included; I guess WilyII and White Beard have it now." Blue shrugs perhaps not sure if her information was relevant to the matter at hand.

((So we have Tron,this D-Nebula; and the Omni-Gem containing the primal dark element AND something evil within? RMPM is kinda doomed.  8D I sent you a PM Tron about storyline stuff btw.))

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Reply #4382 on: April 15, 2014, 04:36:41 PM
"I'm sorry... but I don't think I know any White-Beards... some of my colleagues might, since I hear one or two of them dealt with some funky pirates wearing different colored uniforms... but not me." Key paused for a moment. "I would also like to hear more about that Omni-Gem, but possibly in the presence of The Resistance leaders... since I have my own things to say too."


Meanwhile, towards the castle of Wily II, something was approaching with an incredibly fast speed. Something, which just a moment ago merely entered the planet's atmosphere from outer space.

After another moment, the small object colided with the castle, breaking through the roof of the building before finally stopping nearby the laboratory of the mad scientist. The robots which quickly gathered around it, could see that its some kind of capsule which housed a little (or at least short) girl with green hair and pointy ears.

(Okay. With that, I am ready for the future. I hope I can do this better than I did the whole thing with Kharaxel and co.)

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Reply #4383 on: April 16, 2014, 02:15:45 AM
Alarms blared again as Dr. Wily II facepalmed. It wasn't long before Wily Fighter rang in again.

WF - Doctor... We hav-

DWII - I know... I know... Another intruder... What is up with intruders these days... Don't they have any respect for an evil genius like me!?

WF - Should I...

DWII - No need. I'll personally attend to this one. You continue to monitor the progress of the Guards with Terra Star.

WF - ... Y-Yes, doctor.

When the signal cut, Dr. Wily II rubbed his forehead, before teleporting back to his WDS. The alarms continued to blare as he made his way towards his main lab, and noticed several Sniper Joes had already swarmed the area. Upon entering, he noticed the capsule, but not the occupant yet.

DWII - Another extraterrestrial?

(And Tron, my layout changed so that all main labs are at the top level. 8D)

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #4384 on: April 16, 2014, 05:29:43 AM
"Hm, I guess I assumed the old coot caused problems else-where too, oh well." Blue extends her hand to Key "I'm Blue by the way, and yeah I'll go over the Omni-Gem when we get to their base everyone needs to know; trust me I've seen what the gem can do when in the wrong hands."

Offline Rin

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Reply #4385 on: April 16, 2014, 10:03:51 AM
(And Tron, my layout changed so that all main labs are at the top level. 8D)
(Well... [parasitic bomb]. I'll change it in my previous post then.)

Key happily returned Blue's gesture and shook her hand.

"Although I already said, my name is Key. A Star Warrior. Nice to meet you, Blue."

Key was ever so glad he finally found people who don't want to rip his head off.

Out of the vehicle, a young man poked out its head.

"Uhhh... sorry to ask, but Ephy is getting impatient. She asks if we can get a move on?"

*  *  *

Meanwhile, at Wily's WDS.

The capsule which just a moment ago fell from the sky, began to open. It released a lot of steam, so much in fact that the gathered Sniper Joe's, including Wily himself were unable to see anything for a good moment.
However, once it all cleared up everyone, including Wily could notice the young green-haired girl with pointy ears, not unlike an elf, standing there and yawning in a quite cute way.

After a while, when finally deciding to stop yawning, she took a good hard look at her surroundings, while massaging her stomach.

"I am Galaide the Technomancer! I desire to speak to your leader... but first, I want some food. Give me the best dish you can cook, and I shall reward you with my loyalty."

With that said, the girl stood motionless, waiting for an answer.

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Reply #4386 on: April 16, 2014, 11:12:12 AM
"I second that. Hurry up already," Phi shouted out.

Offline Mirby

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Reply #4387 on: April 16, 2014, 12:11:47 PM
"I would like this wound on my face to be healed, so yeah, let's get to our destination, eh? Perhaps someone there can explain how I've lost more blood than I have in my body!" Taylor yelled.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #4388 on: April 16, 2014, 01:20:56 PM
Meanwhile, at Wily's WDS.

The capsule which just a moment ago fell from the sky, began to open. It released a lot of steam, so much in fact that the gathered Sniper Joe's, including Wily himself were unable to see anything for a good moment.
However, once it all cleared up everyone, including Wily could notice the young green-haired girl with pointy ears, not unlike an elf, standing there and yawning in a quite cute way.

After a while, when finally deciding to stop yawning, she took a good hard look at her surroundings, while massaging her stomach.

"I am Galaide the Technomancer! I desire to speak to your leader... but first, I want some food. Give me the best dish you can cook, and I shall reward you with my loyalty."

With that said, the girl stood motionless, waiting for an answer.
Dr. Wily II just stared at the latest intruder, almost smitten by the cute yawn. Snapping out of it, he ordered a Sniper Joe to go to the pantry, thinking that there might be some food left from Buns. The Sniper Joe soon returned with a metal bowl of some... Leftovers that looked like squid ink curry.

Dr. Wily II took a look, and ordered the Joe to offer the bowl to the elven girl.

DWII - Here's the house special. Enjoy?

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Offline Rin

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Reply #4389 on: April 16, 2014, 01:36:13 PM
Galaide took the plate from the robot, and after sniffing around it for a moment, she gobbled up everything from it in almost one go. That which she not managed to swallow in at once, she licked off the plate with great fervour.

After finishing, she returned the plate to the robot and bowed in a cute way, which basically meant she appreciates it.

"You have pleased the Gods of my tummy." Thus said, Galaide had a small burp. "My loyalty is yours now. However... I require to know what world am I on, and who is the leader around here. I shall not serve, until I know this."

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Reply #4390 on: April 16, 2014, 02:00:52 PM
Stepping forward, and pushing the Sniper Joe aside, Dr. Wily II bowed.

DWII - Welcome to the world of Rockman Perfect Memories, or RPM for short. As for the leader, I'm the one... After I clean up some... Vermin...

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Reply #4391 on: April 16, 2014, 02:13:59 PM
Galaide stared blankly at the old man who proclaimed himself the leader.

"I see, then my loyalty is yours, but...  " Her face suddenly became completely serious and almost scary. "You speak of "vermin". You mean to say you have to deal with insurgents, yes? Those who would oppose your rule... then I shall make it my task to exterminate them for you." With that said, her face relaxed into a cute smile. "I still need to know your name though."

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Reply #4392 on: April 16, 2014, 02:17:48 PM
DWII - Sorry milady, how rude of me! The name is... Dr. Wily II. And yes, there are some that oppose my peace... Such vermin have been thorns in my side!

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Offline Rin

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Reply #4393 on: April 16, 2014, 02:31:37 PM
"Very well, Lord Wily II. Now that we know each other's names, our pact is complete. All I require in return for my services, is more food as delicious as that which you presented to me a moment ago."

Galaide's face once again became serious.

"Now then... the thorns at your side. If their current location is known, then I shall gladly elimnate them if you so desire. I am a Technomancer of the planet Za'R'Tal, I command a form of power known commonly as "magic" and use it to manipulate all which is electronic. I can make your enemies' weapons not function, or fire against them. If they possess robots like yourself, I can have them kill their own masters. There are certain limits I cannot unfortunately cross but... All of that, and more is at your command."

With that she bowed again.

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Reply #4394 on: April 16, 2014, 02:40:17 PM

"Gah! SAM, I forgot you were there!" Taylor said, shocked.


(Yeah kinda forgot about the AI in my Digivice, so I'm bringing him back haha)

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #4395 on: April 16, 2014, 02:54:19 PM

"Very well, Lord Wily II. Now that we know each other's names, our pact is complete. All I require in return for my services, is more food as delicious as that which you presented to me a moment ago."

Galaide's face once again became serious.

"Now then... the thorns at your side. If their current location is known, then I shall gladly elimnate them if you so desire. I am a Technomancer of the planet Za'R'Tal, I command a form of power known commonly as "magic" and use it to manipulate all which is electronic. I can make your enemies' weapons not function, or fire against them. If they possess robots like yourself, I can have them kill their own masters. There are certain limits I cannot unfortunately cross but... All of that, and more is at your command."

With that she bowed again.
Dr. Wily II thought to himself... Another extraterrestrial ally... What is up with other worldly people trying to do? Still, this... Galaide's ability does sound handy... If she stayed on his side. Getting Buns to cook the meals is easy... Finding her his another matter, but should be easily solved. Finally, Dr. Wily II bowes as well.

DWII - It would be my honour to have you grace my forces.

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #4396 on: April 16, 2014, 03:11:54 PM
Blue begins walking with the others back to the van but jumps a little as the angry sounding voice emits from the Digivice "What was that?!" Blue glances around trying to see the source of the voice.

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Reply #4397 on: April 16, 2014, 03:12:33 PM
I can make your enemies' weapons not function, or fire against them. If they possess robots like yourself, I can have them kill their own masters.
(totally not op btw lol ecksdee)

"Is... is that an AI?!" Sinos exclaimed, turning to Taylor and trying to find the source of the voice. "Hey hey, mister AI, tell me who programmed you?" he excitedly asked the air in front of Taylor.


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Reply #4398 on: April 16, 2014, 03:17:09 PM
"He's a long story..." Asch sighed "Anyway let's get back to the van."

"I really hope there aren't more distractions." Fugo sighed.

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Reply #4399 on: April 16, 2014, 03:24:39 PM
Blue hops into the van taking a seat next to Aqua Star more to keep an eye on him rather than any desire to be close to the pervy bot; although it seemed he had fallen asleep missing the whole meeting. "Huh--oh well at least he'll keep his hands to himself for once."