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Protoman Blues · 415921

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Reply #3625 on: January 10, 2014, 10:31:49 PM
(So basically if you can think up a weapon the shack probably has it?)

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #3626 on: January 10, 2014, 10:39:49 PM
(There are limits, things like the Master Sword, Excaliber, Sword of Omens or etc wouldn't be there.  There may be replicas of these weapons but not the real thing.  Like for example Taylor could have decided to buy a replica Keyblade, but it wouldn't be a real Keyblade, just a normal sword

Generic mythril equipment, gold and silver equipment, elemental rods, and stuff like that would be there as well as unusual weapons such as Clackers, Yo-Yos and Fishing Rods would be sold too.

As mentioned in the first page of this RP you can also get vehicles in the weapons shack such as Bulldozers, Jeeps or Vans but most of these are rentals unless you buy a Tank.

At least that's what I think.)

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Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #3627 on: January 10, 2014, 11:01:14 PM
(There are limits, things like the Master Sword, Excaliber, Sword of Omens or etc wouldn't be there.  There may be replicas of these weapons but not the real thing.  Like for example Taylor could have decided to buy a replica Keyblade, but it wouldn't be a real Keyblade, just a normal sword

Generic mythril equipment, gold and silver equipment, elemental rods, and stuff like that would be there as well as unusual weapons such as Clackers, Yo-Yos and Fishing Rods would be sold too.

As mentioned in the first page of this RP you can also get vehicles in the weapons shack such as Bulldozers, Jeeps or Vans but most of these are rentals unless you buy a Tank.

At least that's what I think.)

(I Should've rent a ghost. You know the ones from Halo.  8D)

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #3628 on: January 10, 2014, 11:03:34 PM
(I Should'v rent a ghost. You know the ones from Halo.  8D)
(I've never played Halo, can you elaborate?)

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Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #3629 on: January 10, 2014, 11:13:23 PM
The standard reconnaissance and rapid attack vehicle. Two mounted energy cannons fire bolts of superheated plasma that can devastate infantry and quickly take down enemy vehicles.
A "boost" feature that moves the vehicle at twice its normal speed; however renders it temporary unable to fire.
(Here's a picture of it.)

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #3630 on: January 10, 2014, 11:15:29 PM
(Ah I see, yeah that would be there I guess.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Amatiramisu

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Reply #3631 on: January 11, 2014, 12:09:26 AM
([parasitic bomb] sorry guys, I've been so tired the past few days I haven't felt like internet at all. Gimme a bit to catch up.)

Offline Phi

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Reply #3632 on: January 11, 2014, 08:46:27 PM
"Hey, enough chit-chat back there. We're in the middle of a battle!" MechaGarurumon yelled back towards the van after seeing Arche just standing around talking to his companion. He was unsure if the two heard him, but the battlefield of a ruined city was no place to discuss whatever they were discussing.

"Did you hear a voice just now?" Phi turned to Arche.

"Nope, nothing," He shook his head. "Anyway, I'll continue to take out more of these guys. Your shoulder is still pretty battered, so maybe you should sit out for a while. I don't think anyone would blame you for doing so."

Phi wanted to object, but decided against it. She felt it was important for him to feel like HE was in control. Even if it was just for a moment.

She nodded, "Okay, I'll take it easy. If you need anything, I'll be by the van or whatever," She said as she walked away.

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Reply #3633 on: January 14, 2014, 10:46:33 AM
"XXXG-01D2/FXE-Z Fxescythe Zeta." Fxeni read aloud. "...FXE-Z??"

"FXE-Z! It's DAMN FXE-Z! So FXE-Z it will make other mobile suits shout out 'Heeeeeeeeey' when it passes by!" PB stated.

Fxeni looked at PB and shook his head, then went back to looking over the blueprints. He smiled a bit without PB noticing.

"Okay, so I had ADA send me over the combat data of your last battle with the Yamato. Now I could be wrong, but it seemed like the Hell couldn't keep up with your movements anymore. It wasn't until Peebs, and I MUST thank you again for coming up with that nickname, magically power boosted your suit that it could properly respond to your commands. So I designed this suit with that in mind. Since we're in a war here, no need to skimp on the arsenal. All the weapons from the original are still here. For the new ones, we've got a Beam Rifle. Also, Grenade Launchers on both forearms, which can also hold grappling wire. I figured that'd be useful if your Scythe ever gets away from you. Just in case of further Yamato type encounters, I've also included a Hyper Mega Launcher, however I'll leave the decision to build that up to you. Now, in addition to the boosted speed, mobility, and Wave Rider transformative capabilities, it will have a Psycommu system built into it. This should make up for the movements issue. So, what do you think?" PB finally asked.

"It's definitely not lacking in the power & speed department. How long did it take you to come up with this?" Fxeni curiously asked.

"Not that long, actually. I work faster when I'm on a tight deadline. And well, there's very few tighter deadlines than war." PB chuckled.

"Heh, you don't have to tell me. I've had my share of...tight deadlines." Fxeni said before sipping some water from his glass. "Tell me, will the Psycommu system have a link with the station or the I.S.S. in any way?"

"No. The mental commands via the Psycommu could be disrupted by the presence of an A.I., so I kept it independent." PB answered, raising an eyebrow while looking at Fxeni.

Fxeni noticed PB's eyebrow and gave a slight nod with his eyes. "Yeah. Don't wanna fry my brain. I still need it."

"Heh, can I borrow yours? I haven't really been using mine lately." PB stated.

"You wanna tell me what happened?" Fxeni asked again.

"Sakura and I got into a fight." PB sighed.

"You and Sakura always get into fights." Fxeni puzzlingly stated.

"No...a real one. Before coming to see you, we bumped into each other in the hall. It was the first time we had seen one another since I offered to throw myself to the St. Acidburg citizens for what I had done. She decked me, we blew up at each other, I told her that...well I told her that it might have been wrong for me to make her my egoprentice and that I hope she doesn't turn out like I did."

"Hey man, things like this can happen. Especially during war. Wily's not stupid, PB. Quickie was sent to St. Acidburg to cause chaos, and it worked." Fxeni told him. "And there will be more chaos before this war is over. You've just gotta take the hits and keep on fighting."

"...but Sakura hits so hard..." PB said while rubbing his jaw.

"Peebs does too!" Fxeni said before chuckling.

PB began chuckling with Fxeni, before the two of them bursted out into full blown laughter.

"Haha...ahhhhh. Thanks Fxeni. I kinda needed that." PB smiled as he got up.

"No prob. Thanks for the blueprints." Fxeni smiled.

"Just call down and have the maintenance crew get to work on it. Heh, perhaps I'll have them start working on my new suit as well." PB said as he began walking towards the door.

"A new suit for you as well?" Fxeni asked.

"Can't have everyone else getting new suits without yours truly making one for himself." PB proclaimed as he opened the door.

"No hints?" Fxeni smiled while asking.

"What fun would that be?" PB smiled as the door closed.

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3634 on: January 14, 2014, 02:36:54 PM
A battered joe is tossed away as Blue stumbles a bit, rubbing her head she feels her energy reserves drop a bit more.

"Oh--that's weird." She mumbles to herself as her dizziness passes, closing her fist she socks another joe feeling a little dizzy again and falls to one knee staring at the ground while her optics attempt to refocus. Blue had fought tons of battles before but never one this protracted, and the damage she had taken from the crash as well as with the duel with Flare Star was beginning to slow her down, to say nothing of her energy reserves, that were basically gone at this point.

Unaware of how easy a target she now was the Joe sneaking up on her managed to get a good slash in, Blue had heard it's beam saber but still felt the skin on her right arm burn as the energy blade cut at it, luckily her agility hadn't failed her yet, jumping to the side stopping the saber from cutting to deep. Dizziness now mixed with searing pain hits her hard and the dodge turns into a clumsy tumble leaving her sprawled on the ground.

"Agh!" she cries out gripping her right arm, she attempts to climb to her feet but is only able to kneel as she notices the Joe standing before her beam saber raised high for the kill.

((Insert heroic rescue here?))

Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #3635 on: January 14, 2014, 02:57:32 PM
With piercingly fast interception with his fist, Karring managed to impale the Joe pursuing Blue, through its chest, from behind.

"It's not very nice to attack a girl while she's down, mate." He comments before pulling his arm out it's back, before tossing it into another Joe, destroying both in the explosion.

"Hey there, mate, you alright?" He asks Blue, with a little concern towards her condition, while engaging with another group of Joes, "You don't mind if I break these guys for ya?

(Karring has a tendancy for saving helpless women, if you wanna know.)

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #3636 on: January 14, 2014, 02:59:08 PM
(Aw I wanted to use that to segue Asch in.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3637 on: January 14, 2014, 02:59:47 PM
((I'm sure there plenty of Joes closing in, still can. =) ))

"I'm okay--kinda." She glances to her arm, now sparking from the damage.

Her gaze follows Karring as he begins battling the some of the joes closing in "Uh-sure I uh softened them up for you." Blue says jokingly as another wave of pain goes through her arm followed by a wave of dizziness, Blue realizes she might not be able to fight much longer like this.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #3638 on: January 14, 2014, 03:01:03 PM
(I know but that would have been perfect!)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #3639 on: January 14, 2014, 03:05:02 PM
(I thought Karring was starting to fatigue? I don't mind heroic rescues, if they are done tastefully.)

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #3640 on: January 14, 2014, 03:10:14 PM
(I thought Karring was starting to fatigue? I don't mind heroic rescues, if they are done tastefully.)
(He ran out of milk power up, though I agree he maybe should have been fatigued.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #3641 on: January 14, 2014, 03:33:15 PM
(I thought Karring was starting to fatigue? I don't mind heroic rescues, if they are done tastefully.)

(It'll come eventually. At his current strength, him and MechaGarumon should balance out the fight, for a little while. The milk only gives him 200% the fighting strength he currently has right now. So he should be round about 66% at this moment, since that save he made practically chopped off a chunk of his energy right there, making his attacks more slower than usual.)

"Alright, time to kick more arse." he responds with confidence, while sending a little shout out to Kathy, before focusing on more Joes "Hey, Kat. Can ya give Blue a hand with that arm of hers? I'm sure your Technokinesis can fix it up for her."

"I'll see what I can do." Kathy replies before, walking over to an injured Blue, focusing energy from her hands to Blues wound.

"This should be enough to stop the sparking, but I don't think I have enough energy left to fix you completely." Kathy responds, as she too began to tire out a little from her little technique. "To bad I didn't pack any energy tanks with me."

(Oh, and sorry if I've forgotten Arche and Keco [that is if she's still alive, though], too.)

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Reply #3642 on: January 14, 2014, 05:48:32 PM
(Like I'd uncerimoniously kill off one of my characters. Don't worry about Keco, she'll be back when I can actually think of something for her to do.)

Offline Phi

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Reply #3643 on: January 14, 2014, 06:39:42 PM

(Oh, and sorry if I've forgotten Arche and Keco [that is if she's still alive, though], too.)

(Phi is the one who's injured, not Arche, if that's what you mean.)

Offline Mirby

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Reply #3644 on: January 14, 2014, 07:11:41 PM
(MechaGarurumon's runnin' low on steam too, hence the need for that Stamina card)

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Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #3645 on: January 14, 2014, 07:49:52 PM
(Phi is the one who's injured, not Arche, if that's what you mean.)

(I know that. That's why I forgot to mention Arche and Keco, with Karring and MechaGarurumon, being able to hold the Joes off for a while. Not sure if Unkawaii's doing much to help.)

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Reply #3646 on: January 14, 2014, 08:02:41 PM
(Won't be able to hold them off much longer because, as I said, MechaGarurumon is running on empty)

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #3647 on: January 14, 2014, 08:12:51 PM
(Asch will be there soon to help turn the tide.)

Posted on: January 14, 2014, 11:05:30 AM
"Okay BB I'm going after that Mobile Suit, can you take care of those Guts Dozers?" Zeta ordered.

"Yes I believe so." Borock-bot responded.

"Alright BB, ZED let's get ready to throw everything and the kitchen sink at these hunks of junk!" Zeta yelled.

"This unit does not have a kitchen sink installed." ZED responded.

"It's just a figure of speech ZED." Zeta laughed nervously.

"I don't understand." ZED stated.

"You will someday, but for right now let's get in range of that mobile suit." Zeta commanded.

"Understood." ZED said as they got closer to the Mech.

As Zeta got closer she got a better look at the mobile suit and raised an eyebrow.

The mech in front of her looked like a cross between a Joe and a Zaku colored Red and about the same size as Zehkmet.  However the odd thing about it was that it looked 'cutesy' rather than menacing, which Zeta found a bit disturbing.

"...God dammit Bathair, why make something you see as expendable almost cute." Zeta facepalmed.

"Is there a problem Zeta?" ZED asked.

"Nothing that would affect my combat abilities, just something that goes against my principles." Zeta muttered "But that's not important right now, we have to see what this thing can do, let's start with a close range attack."

"Rodger." ZED stated as a Spear materialized in Zekhmet's hands.

"Target acquired." The SD Joe said in booming monotone as a ball and chain hammer materialized and the Mobile Suit threw it at the Orbital Frame.

"OH [parasitic bomb] ABORT, ABORT, ABORT, EVASIVE MANEUVERS NOW!" Zeta shouted in panic.

"Understood." ZED responded as Zehkmet quickly dodged the oncoming projectile.

"Wow, now that's what I call high speed robot action." Zeta whistled.

"A long range strategy is recommended." ZED stated.

"Yeah no kidding." Zeta nodded "Let's try a Charged Shot!"

Zehkmet began charging energy and it gathered into a giant ball above her.

"Hey Cyclops here's a special delivery a big ass charge shot that would make even Vava Fett [acid burst] his pants and I made sure I made it extra spicy, just for you!" Zeta quipped.

Zehkmet fired the shot however the SD Joe raised up it's shield and blocked it.

"Oh you have got to be kidding!" Zeta said frustrated.

The SD Joe then decided to fire it's machine gun at the Orbital Frame.

"Oh come on!" Zeta facepalmed as she ducked behind a building to avoid machine gun fire.

"I recommend the use of Gauntlet and Comet." ZED stated.

"Yeah but I wouldn't be able to do that much damage that way." Zeta countered seriously "Can you analyze that shield to see if we can break it?"

"I will begin the analysis." ZED stated.

"Hurry I have no idea what else that Chibi Cyclops can do." Zeta said as the SD Joe edged closer.

Posted on: January 14, 2014, 11:11:47 AM
Borock-bot was fending off the flying Mets that the Guts Dozers were depositing with relative ease though until his Options were fully charged there was little he could do to the Guts Dozers at the moment.

"I hope I can last." Borock-bot thought as he continued to fire of his Ripple Lazer against the Mets and Dozers.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Mirby

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Reply #3648 on: January 14, 2014, 08:13:04 PM
"Cover for me, guys. I need a quick breather," MechaGarurumon growled. "And I want to check to see if we have any reinforcements coming... or if they do..." With that, he jumped atop rubble to the highest point in the ruins to scout ahead. There wasn't much to see, aside from a suspiciously large dust cloud in the distance...

You okay? Taylor asked.

Just... fine... HeatGabumon replied. This certainly... took a lot... out of me....

Yeah... me too... she agreed. And there's no time for breaks... Not even this one...


What are we gonna do? We've certainly bitten off more than we can chew...


But I'm sure we'll have reinforcements soon... only a matter... of time... Taylor suggested reassuringly as she spotted something approaching the suspiciously large dust cloud. In fact... that might be them there...

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Reply #3649 on: January 14, 2014, 08:13:43 PM
Asch got out of his Arwing and stared at the massive amounts of Joes in the area.

"God dammit Bathair how are you doing this with a single factory under your lab?" Asch questioned incredulously.

He then saw the fighters who seemed to be beginning to become exhausted.

"Holy crap I got here just in time." Asch muttered as he ran up to join the group.  "Hang on guys!"

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection