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Offline Wanda Bear

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Reply #3500 on: January 04, 2014, 10:18:38 AM
"Years and years go by...."

"How many has it been?"

"Ten....no, probably twenty....it feels like hundreds though...Ugh, I'm so old..."

The sands of the Sahana Desert twirl and twist like none other. They sway elegantly yet hide one of the many secrets of the world. It was said in legends that an enormous floating city ruled over the land with it's advanced machinery and peaceful way of life. Only on the night of a lunar eclipse would the amazing city show itself to the outside world to bask in the beauty of the night. One day however, without warning a group of visitors from another world happened upon the civilization. Destroying everything almost immediately. With only the main castle left without ruin, the king and queen sped towards the heart of the floating fortress. There with their small daughter, the outmatched rulers defended to the best of their abilities using the awesome constructing powers of the Gear Castle's Gear Core. It's power to assume various modes of attack proved great but not enough to hold the invaders back as the queen was struck down amidst the chaos. Knowing the Core could only reach its full power during the full moon, he stood to protect his heir and distracted them long enough for her escape. Knowing the battle would end in the aliens favor, the wise king set the fortress to self destruct and stored the indestructible Gear Core into it's own chamber. The explosion destroyed the invaders and the rest of the Gear Civilization, breaking the city into millions of parts that plummeted into the desert below. Fortunately, just outside of the destruction lie the unharmed daughter to the rulers but she too was swallowed up within the confines of the desert. The site lay untouched due to respect for the fallen. Centuries later, a traveler with no memory walked from the direction of the desert. Nothing was known anywhere about her except for the mysterious cog necklace hanging from her.

"It seemed like so long ago..."

The people of Stone Town knew that she was no ordinary girl with such abilities as to speed read and turn junk into working objects, beside her natural talents for strength and speed. With wisdom and guidance of the elders, she was taught Lunarism. A sacred religion that praised the moon and it's inhabitants. Along with this knowledge came the ever-mentioned stories of the Gear civilization. Upon realizing her trueself, her necklace transformed into a jade orb acting as a compass pointing toward the desert. Knowing it could only mean one thing, she set off to distant lands and worlds, always knowing the way back home.

"That man...that battle...It still frustrates me."

"The moon....Kaguya...Ugh..."

Many years after her fate of being exiled from the care of the moon princess herself, the Gear awoke once again in the drifting sands of the Sahana desert. Only this time, she found herself in front of one of the many gates leading to a wonderous new city, RPM. The city was the main attraction while the world held now the same name. These years spent in this grand metropolis would be grand and some her best. The urge to go out and wander the cosmos filled the wanderer everyday and was revered as such. In and out, she came and left to the faces she now held dear to her.

"Haha...PB...Quickie....Aka...all you guys."

But one day, she didn't come back. Events happened on one of her travels that would leave her eating the sand of her own desert once again. It was game over once again. Until today however. The sands swayed and gave her vision of the lit sky she had not seen for some time. Her eyes focused, turning from a deep dark blue to a warm red. The dunes seemed to lift her toward the sky as the sand fell away from her.

"Look at that. I'm NOT waking up in under someone's house." She joked to herself.

Times had hardly changed, especially this far out. Though who would want to travel into a sun valley just to see her? As her hands and body twitched to life, she clutched something in her hand. She rose it above her and it turned out to be nothing more than a piece of scrap....but it felt like home somehow. Today was certainly a day. Little known to her, it would be unlike any other.

(Kiiiiiiiinda long but I wanted a bit o back story as well as a refresher course for myself. And this reminds me....my character art for this woman looks atrocious. xD )   

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Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #3501 on: January 04, 2014, 10:25:02 AM
(Oh my god I love this. Welcome Wanda! XD)

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #3502 on: January 04, 2014, 11:19:22 AM
(She wandered into some adventure again. :3)

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Offline Wanda Bear

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Reply #3503 on: January 04, 2014, 01:10:04 PM
(It happens more than ya'll think. The open road is full of adventure! >3)

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3504 on: January 04, 2014, 02:51:02 PM
((So WilyII, just waiting on you to post any joe counter attacks before I post anything else.))

Offline Phi

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Reply #3505 on: January 04, 2014, 08:04:49 PM
Arche dashed at one of the Joes running toward him.

He shot a few energy blasts at him, which Arche dodged easily. However, the Joe's saber slashes kept him on his toes. Both swiped and slashed at each other for a few minutes without landing a single hit.


Metal and Saber Beam clashed together violently and created a plethora of sparks and bursts of light. Both blades cutting through the air at extraordinary speeds.

"These guys are not playing around!" Arche cried out as he narrowly avoided a blow to the head.

"Oh, really? What gave that away?" Phi responded sarcastically as she shot an arrow at a Joe, which he cut in half with total ease. "Dammit, I really need a better strategy!"

Arche stopped the barrage of slashes and jumped a couple feet away from him. He exhaled through his nose and changed his stance.

"Time for a different approach..." He placed both hands on his katana and waited for the Joe to make a move.

In a matter of seconds, the Joe charged at Arche and slashed at him.

Arche, of course, had anticipated his move, and dodged it.

"Gotcha!" The moment he dodged the attack, he cried out, "Tri-Crescent Slash!"

Arche delivered 3 lightning quick slashes, forming the shape of a crescent moon. The Zero Joe dodged one slash, but succumbed to the other two slashes. In less than a split-second, Arche managed to sever the Joe's leg and buster arm, leaving it hopping on one leg.

However, the Joe was extremely persistent and leaped at Arche with beam saber in hand.

"W-what the hell?! This guy is still going at it?" He shouted as he dodged the attack.

The now-crippled Zero Joe was wobbling on one leg and hopping toward him.

"Wow, I almost feel sorry for him," He thought to himself, moments before impaling him with his katana. "Well, almost."

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #3506 on: January 04, 2014, 08:25:02 PM
Slowly, the Zero Joes fell one by one. However, when one fell, another jumped in to replace the void. It's almost like a never-ending surge of Zero Joes. But of course there's a limit. Just not yet. The Zero Joes continued their barrage of attacks, pinning down the Resistance.

(OK, just hang in there guys and gals, your doom is within my reach! 8D)

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Offline Mirby

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Reply #3507 on: January 04, 2014, 08:38:54 PM
MechaGarurumon was holding his own, taking out Joes with a mix of swordplay and firepower. Quite a few times she managed to slice off the sword arm from a Joe, leaving them wide open for a fiery doom. But they just kept coming... He was gonna need a break sooner or later.

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #3508 on: January 04, 2014, 08:47:04 PM
(It's going to take a few days before I can post again because I have to get ready for my brother moving back on the 22nd.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Phi

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Reply #3509 on: January 04, 2014, 09:02:35 PM
"Great, even more of these fuckers," Phi sighed.

She already had a somewhat difficult time dodging their attacks as it is. Although, she would never be able to dodge effectively, if she hadn't unlocked her potential energy.

"Hey! Tall, red and handsome!" She quipped at Arche, referencing the red color on his armor.

Arche stopped for a brief moment, unsure on how to respond to that, "What is it?"

"I think we should team up! I can't seem to land a hit with just my arrows and it's far too risky to get up close without a close-range weapon." She explained.

"Sounds like a plan!" Arche nodded and ran to her side.

"I have an idea. I'll be the distraction," He said as he ran up to a Joe and slashed at him. He dodged the attack and chased after Arche.


Once again, swords clashed, only this time, Arche tried to keep the pressure down on Joe. He leaned in and pressed his katanas down on the beam saber, slowly weighing the Joe down.

"Now, Phi!! Shoot an arrow at his back!!" He yelled out.

"Ah, r-right!" She shouted back, a little caught off guard on how exactly Arche planned to provide distraction.

She lined up her shot and released the arrow, straight into the Zero Joe's back. Direct hit!

However, that was not enough to bring him down, and he quickly spun around and shot an energy blast at Phi.

"!!!" Phi tried to dodge, but the blast made contact with her shoulder and sent her tumbling violently across the ground.

Arche side-stepped from Joe and ran toward Phi, "NO!!"

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Reply #3510 on: January 05, 2014, 07:34:17 AM
(So yeah basically same thing as with the pokemon RP if I'm needed to make a post or something let me know because my free time is basically gone lately.)

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #3511 on: January 05, 2014, 07:46:31 AM
(OK, I'll let you be the one pwned by the Zero Joes! 8D)

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #3512 on: January 05, 2014, 07:48:28 AM
(I understand but at the moment...I don't think you would be unless you have plans you want to fulfill.  The thing is you need to think about what you want to do since right now, no offense, it's pretty much needless filler that doesn't go anywhere.  You need to come up with things that you want your characters to do and how they developed because honestly, I'm not seeing too much.  

I understand that you don't have a lot of time, and the stress you have at home is definitely hindering your creative thought I would think, but right now unless you think of something and put some effort into that it really doesn't add anything in the story that is necessary or interesting.

I probably have an easier time coming up with the crap I post on the fly, it's what I do in the Pokemon RP, but I also make plans.  And I talk to other people about said plans including PB, Wily, Pyro, Tron, and Lou and if Quickie does eventually join I will have to talk to her too regarding the Shuffle Alliance crap.  

What I'm trying to say is I want you to think of your own story ideas right now because honestly, I do not see any at the moment.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #3513 on: January 05, 2014, 07:58:48 AM
(Alright, that's cool. I've kind of lost motivation anyway and individual character arcs are basically wrapped up, same with backstory. I was going to do some filler [parasitic bomb] or something where Josei's sword Labryine gets some elemental crystals or some [parasitic bomb] and can harness electricity and fire but I can probably just retcon that into being powers the sword has by default.

As for my characters...Keco's just basically doing her own thing. She's not really that focused in battle because she literally has no care for her life as her only family is basically dead and the only one left is essentially a grouch with no redeeming qualities left. Josei's just taking his breakup a bit harder than he thought he would and naturally is in deep psychological therapy for that, though anybody is free to go and bug him and Akai... well she's still tricky as [tornado fang] to think of any good motivations for her to keep fighting.

Basically yeah I'll try and post when I can but don't expect it to be anything good, nothing on-par with earlier stuff where I had time to plan [parasitic bomb] out.)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #3514 on: January 05, 2014, 08:03:00 AM
(That's fine and I can probably use a lot of that for later, it's actually pretty good. All I'm trying to say is take your time and don't post for the sake of posting.  Take a break and try to think of somethings when you have the time try to think of some plans and go over it with some people.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Amatiramisu

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Reply #3515 on: January 05, 2014, 08:08:50 AM
(I'll probably respond tomorrow myself. Just wasn't feeling it today.)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #3516 on: January 05, 2014, 08:12:49 AM
(That's fine too, though as a nitpick when you post a when a character is talking put a space before and after the not talking parts.  It's just a little messy to read and a format that is important for a narrative that is not written in a book like an article online or off and good fan fiction.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #3517 on: January 05, 2014, 08:16:27 AM
(I've done it more or less since I've started, but I guess I can change it up for you guys. Thanks for the tip.)

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #3518 on: January 05, 2014, 09:20:18 AM
"Hey ADA...or Sis. Whichever one of you is listening!" PB asked the computer.

"How may I help you, Protoman Blues?" ADA responded to his inquiry.

"Oh, hey ADA. I expected your other half for a sec there." PB chucked while typing in data.

"The Pretty Bunny ProtoGal Blues terminal is not my other half." ADA replied. "She is simply able to access my program, and I am able to access her terminal. Also, she is my friend!"

"Heh, you make it sound so simple." PB added. "I'm still amazed that you two can do this. A bit..concerned too, considering how many things your program is connected to...and how often I [acid burst] her off with my wise-assery. Needless to say, I'm happy you have made a friend."

"Are you my friend as well, Protoman Blues?" ADA asked.

"Of course, ADA. I may not be able to interact with you like Breastmilk Blues does, but you were mine first. When Yoshi had this place built, I insisted he install your program for the computer system, cause you've always been there for me. You're the best!"

"Thank you, Protoman Blues. I am very grateful for my existence." ADA said. "I wish to continue to function and grow more as an individual."

PB smiled at her last comment. "How is it being in PBPB's body? And where is she right now?"

"The Pretty Bunny ProtoGal Blues terminal is currently in her office aboard the Intergalatic Sex Shack engaged in REM sleep to recharge. She has been doing so for the past 14 minutes and 32 seconds. As for your first inquiry, it has been an incredible learning experience. To access the Pretty Bunny ProtoGal Blues terminal is to experience and document new sensations. Even now, I am able to access her dream file and experience the sensation of flying through the sky without the use of a mobile suit or protective garments."

"...she's dreaming about flying naked?" PB asked.

"Affirmative." ADA responded. "Shall I describe in more detail?"

"No no, that's quite alright. Enjoy. There's another reason I needed you actually."

"What is it that you require?" ADA asked him.

"Well I'm working on plans for a new mobile suit for Fxeni, since Peebs told me his last one got totalled. Do you have the pilot data from the previous battle? And if so, can you send it to my terminal here?" PB asked.

"Affirmative." ADA replied. "Ardjet recorded the last fight between the XXXG-01D2/FXE Fxescythe Hell and Dr. Wily II's battleship. Transmitting the data now."

"Awesome. Thanks babe. And hey, keep an eye on Peebs & the I.S.S. for me! I'm counting on you!" PB said.


Okay, let's see here. PB thought to himself while reviewing the data ADA sent him. Whoa...she can use her magic while inside Ardjet. Heh, if this continues, she's going to be able to kick my ass handily. Judging by this though, the only reason he was able to defeat the Yamato was due to the power boost from the WISPs. As much as I hate to disavow my own work, simply rebuilding the Fxescythe Hell for him isn't going to be enough. It's gonna need an upgrade. Something to match his skills better. Hmmmm...let's start with a Psycommu...

Back at the Floating Castle...

"Emperor Wily. Come in, master!" Quickie said while sitting on the new skull throne.

"Ahhhhh, I see you have communications online. Excellent. EXCELLENT!" Dr. Wily II responded. "What is ze status of my new Floating Castle?"

"Skull Overhang is progressing on schedule, my master. The OLDB's are nearing completion, as is the construction yard. As you can see by this throne, the Insect and the construction mets have Skull Flair'd this [sonic slicer] up!"

"...Skull Overhang?" Dr. Wily II asked.

"Merely what I've been calling it, master. Combination of "hanging over" and "loom over" in one word."

"Hmmmm, it has potential. BUT I VILL DECIDE ON ZE NAMES!" Dr. Wily II yelled out, pondering the name of his new castle in his mind. "In any case, excellent work. Few serve me as well as you do, Quickie. Hopefully we can celebrate my brand new castle with the destruction of the Fxenodrome and those troublesome vermin fighting my Zero Joe army!"

Quickie quickly rose out of the throne and rushed to the screen. "IS FXENI AMONG THEM? PLEASE MASTER, LET ME RACE BACK TO ST. ACIDBURG SO I CAN..."

"SILENCE!" Dr. Wily II yelled, interrupting Quickie. "He is not among the lot. Be patient, my vengeful creature. You shall have another chance at him. Hopefully sooner than you think. BUT YOU VILL STAY PUT AND COMPLETE MY CASTLE! IS ZAT CLEAR?"

"Of course, my master." Quickie said while kneeling in front of the screen. "Forgive my insolence!"

"All is forgiven. OVER AND OUT. MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!" Dr. Wily II laughed before closing communication.

Quickie rose up from the ground. "ANT MAN. COME HERE, NOW!" she yelled out while clenching her fist.

"Yes, what is it? Does the royalty have another assignmeOOOFHESR" Ant Man stated before being punched clear across the room.

"NOW BACK TO WORK, INSECT!" Quickie screamed out in anger. Damn you, Fxeni...probably having a good laugh right now after my humiliation. I will be patient, like my emperor demands. But make no mistake...you shall be exterminated.

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Reply #3519 on: January 05, 2014, 09:31:17 AM
(Skull Overhang... Definitely doesn't have the bazzam. XD)

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Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #3520 on: January 05, 2014, 09:34:27 AM
(Hahaha, I know. I just wanted your reaction! XD)

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Reply #3521 on: January 05, 2014, 09:55:28 AM

Nah that doesn't work either)

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline Phi

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Reply #3522 on: January 05, 2014, 10:29:43 PM
Arche scrambled to the floor and cradled Phi into his arms.

Her left shoulder took a serious blow, and left a nasty gash.

"Arche..." Phi groaned out as she tried to stand up. However, he set her back down.

"Don't try to move, Phi. I'll take you back to the van." He stated as he tore off a piece of her clothing and wrapped it around her wound, trying to stop the bleeding.

"What are you... I-I'm fine, this isn't necessary." She tried to stand back up, "You think this is the first time I've taken a hit like this? My entire life, we had to run from people. Dangerous [tornado fang]ing people. The experiments... all the pain we had to endure..."

Arche paused for a moment, "By we... you mean Luna?"

Phi nodded. Arche wanted to ask her what she meant by "experiments", however, this was not the time. Especially since the Joe was now charging towards them!

Arche tightened his fists and slowly stood up from the ground, "You... you did this to her..." His voice trembled with anger and for just a small moment... he grinned. A rather unsettling, contorted grin, "You are [tornado fang]ing dead."

The Zero Joe thrust its Beam Saber forward, when Arche dodged it and grabbed its (Saber) arm. "You're not going anywhere," He eerily whispered out, with his eyes wide open.

The Joe started to move its buster arm to shoot him point-blank, when Arche swiftly amputated it.

Arche shook his head and cackled a bit, *Tsk* *Tsk* "Aww, you're gonna have to do better than that!" The strange contorted grin stretched across his face, once again.

He sliced off the Joe's Saber arm and kicked him to the ground.

"A-Arche, what are you doing?" Phi called out.

He whistled and examined the severed Saber arm, "Now this- This is quite a beauty, isn't it? The craftsmanship... the weight... the unforgiving power" His demeanor changed, and he stepped closer to the crippled Joe that was trying to stand up.

He leaned down next to the Joe, "I admire a nice, sturdy weapon. I wonder how it feels to use one of these. I mean, it must be quite exhilarating to wield these impressive weapons and use them to hurt my friend. Care to find out?"


Arche thrust the Saber into the Zero Joe's chest, in one motion.

"... Ehh, nope, not feeling it. I've used better weapons." He hissed out and kicked the Joe to the side.

Arche walked back to Phi's side, who simply stared at him like he was a different person. His eyes seemed different. More focused. But the eyes that looked back at her wasn't the confident heroic glare she'd seen before. It was much darker.

"Arche, what... what the hell was that...?" She demanded.

"You're safe." He stated curtly.

"... Then why don't I feel safe?" She glared at him with worried eyes.

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Reply #3523 on: January 05, 2014, 10:37:43 PM
MechaGarurumon looked back for a second to see Arche take out the Joe with his own weapon, though of course he was too far away for any dialogue to be heard. "Ooh, that's savage," he said aloud as he returned to battle.

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3524 on: January 05, 2014, 11:10:29 PM
With some effort Blue finally manages to tear off the buster equipped joe's arm effectively disabling it, the two sword joes from before begin to close in again however.

Blue turns to them looking at the broken arm in her hand and gets an idea, she begins to run toward them whipping the severed buster arm at the closest Joe who slashes it away with little effort.

However with his guard down it can do little to stop Blue's fist from socking it in the face it's visor and optics crushed by the impact, Blue kicks it down ducking under the second's slash before responding with a gut punch sending it off balance long enough for Blue to circle behind and grapple it.

"Little help here?" Blue yells over the chaos, keeping the Joe grappled for another to help finish it off.