Wilypocalypse NOW

Protoman Blues · 415683

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Reply #3450 on: January 02, 2014, 01:14:57 AM
Phi stood by the van and began to lose her patience.

"Heh, look at me, standing here helplessly while they're actually doing something useful." She muttered to herself and impatiently knocked her foot against the van.

She stared up at the sky when she suddenly got an idea.

"Wait, that wouldn't work... would it?" She pondered to herself, "The Morphogenetic Field, our connection... this might just be crazy enough to work."

Phi placed her left palm on her heart and three fingers on her forehead.

Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale... She closed her eyes and slowly breathed in and out from her nose.

After about a minute, all the noise around her seemed to dull out and disappear, from her perspective.

She now heard nothing except for her own heartbeat. She slowly began to speak, "Cerebrum vel fantasia. Intellectus, cogitativa vel ratio. Aestimativa vel imaginativa."

Phi began to feel herself become lighter. Suddenly, Arche began to feel an odd sensation and his head started to throb.

"W-what the hell is going on?" He rubbed his head.

We're resonating. A voice spoke to Arche.

"Phi? Is that you? What do mean, 'resonating'?" He asked.

I told you before; we who can access the Morphogenetic Field can resonate with one another. Basically meaning we can enhance our power, based on how close our signal is. The signal being what ties us to this field.

"So, you're feeding off of my energy?" Arche wondered.

Not exactly. It's more like... sharing. Right now, I'm trying something I have never done before.

"And what's that?"

Unlocking my potential, both intellectually and physically, that is normally held back by the restrictions of the human brain. I'm releasing some of those restrictions... It seems to be working.

"Will this... thing, whatever it is, unlock my restrictions, as well?" He asked

No. However, some of the energy I gain will be shared with you... Alright, I think it's time.

"W-wait, Phi!" He called out to her.

Phi opened her eyes and gazed around her. She felt slightly dizzy; probably a side-effect, she thought.

She took aim with her crossbow once again.


The arrow impaled two Mets in the distance.

"Huh, well would you look at that." Phi grinned.

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Reply #3451 on: January 02, 2014, 01:25:32 AM
"Well it's all about fighting fire with fire, ya know," InfernoGarurumon said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. Taylor chuckled at his reply.

"Anyways, no time to chat, there's still these Mets to take care of. You with us, Blue?" she added.

(InfernoGarurumon is such a dork :3)

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3452 on: January 02, 2014, 01:34:41 AM
*Blue cracks her knuckles* "Of course!"

-With that said blue charges into the swarm giving a met a good boot sending it "green shelling" into other mets like before.

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Reply #3453 on: January 02, 2014, 01:36:27 AM
InfernoGarurumon tried to copy what Blue did, with a fair amount of success. Of course, since he was kicking them with Blaze Kick, the shells caught on fire frequently, and some became burning projectiles skidding around the area, so that worked too. Meanwhile Taylor kept on fighting her own way, slicing and dicing through the rabid horde with relative ease.

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3454 on: January 02, 2014, 02:10:51 AM
Blue attempts to coordinate her own attacks with InfernoGarurumon's maximizing their effect, her kicked mets help push them together while Garurumon's take them out.

"Wohoo!" Blue yells as another group of mets go down.

Offline Fxeni

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Reply #3455 on: January 02, 2014, 04:15:01 AM
Fxeni was still lying in the sickbay of the I.S.S. when he saw some lights off in the distance. He got up, using an extended Yamalok as a crutch, and looked outside. He sees an object start to spiral towards the planet below.

What the deuce is going on out there... Fxeni thinks to himself. He stumbles over to the nearest screen and starts typing something up.

"Hey ADA... can I have a visual on the Wily II Star?" he asks as he types away. The giant weapon pops into view on the screen, but something is orbiting it. That's really not good, he thinks as he finishes typing up on the console. He presses a few buttons on the computer on his wrist and starts to walk out the room, saying "ADA! Allow the Arwing to leave the SexStation, it's mine and it's headed here."

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Peebs asks as she walks into the doorway.

"I'm going to go get a crew for my battleship, we're going to need it..." Fxeni answers glumly as he points to the monitor, and starts to walk out into the hallway.

"Oh great... what's that Bat-for-brains up to now?!" She exclaims as she sees the ship orbiting the Wily II Star. She turns around to see Fxeni gone, and rushes out into the hallway after him. "Well how the hell are you planning on getting over there, exactly? Your mecha's wrecked!" she asks as she catches up to the limping Fxeni.

"I called over my Arwing, it'll get me there quickly. And don't you argue with me, you know I need to do this!" Fxeni says, interrupting PBPB before she says anything else. "Look Peebs... you're needed here to set up. I'll be fine, I've flown that thing in far more dangerous situations, and in far worse shape than I am in right now" he says as reassuringly as he can while limping along. She opens her mouth to say something, but holds it back.

"Just don't get yourself killed, alright? You're needed around here. Don't pull something stupid like [ray splasher]-me did, alright?" she says after a moment in thought.

"Y-yeah... don't intend to..." Fxeni answered, thinking back to St. Acidburg. They reach the hangar, where the older model Arwing lands quietly. "Thanks for understanding Peebs. The quicker I get the crew, the better" he says as he climbs into his Arwing.

"No problem. But remember! Don't do something stupid!" She yells back as she walks out of the hangar.

I've got this under control... I think, Fxeni ponders with a sigh as he blasts off towards the SexStation.

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Reply #3456 on: January 02, 2014, 06:09:37 AM
The condition of the Wily Star II had now been reduced to mere holes preventing living personnel from wandering the hallways without a means of breathing their natural air.  Hajime continues to monitor Fix-It Man and Paint-It Man's progress while also keeping an eye on any opposing members that have since gotten wind of its repairs.  One of them seems to be heading back to the SexStation, most likely to prepare for a sneak-attack, though with his preoccupied situation he didn't want to detract too much attention from the repairs, knowing that Tarot Cat's cards may see this as an opportunity to trash the place and delay repairs without realizing that WilyII may also be watching and think he was backing out of their so-called agreement.

Magician and Hermit should have been back by now, but because they had inadvertently high-jacked a couple stranded Arwings to escape an earlier skirmish, Hajime figures they were aware of what could happen if they made their way back here while still in the easily detectable space jets.  If the Resistance do attempt to attack the Star with what little team is still paying attention to its repairs, he would have only the lesser fighters and wayward cards helping the remaining Robot Masters fend off the onslaught, all the while mislead his and the rest of Tarot Cat's deck's primary intentions of defending those who don't want to be involved in this war.

Hajime stares at the console in front of him, pondering whether to call back his Robot Masters, or inform the substitutes in charge of his and Blazkrieg's business of the situation so they can prepare for the inevitable should the small team succeed in annihilate the Wily Star II before the rest of the Resistance finds the time to regroup and instigates a full assault.

Chariot had been camping out in the background, watching as part of the Resistance had arrived and began fighting the Rabid Mets that were terrorizing the surviving citizens of St. Acidburg.  Though he should be helping out, he was still under WilyII's contract and didn't want to risk getting Hajime into trouble by fighting the Mets for any reason other than defending himself.  The most he could do was stay behind the crumbled building and monitor events while keeping an eye out for an exit should he be spotted and mistaken for the instigator of the Met hoard.


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Reply #3457 on: January 02, 2014, 07:36:46 AM
(This is what happens when I'm too busy to post... :T)

Unkawaii's preoccupation with the Mets distracted him temporarily from the new arrivals. As he slammed the flat of his War Machete against the helmet of a Mettool, he finally noticed their new friends.
"Nice to... Meet you guys?"
He swung his weapon and baseball-batted a pouncing Mettool out of the air.
"I'm Unkawaii. Guess you've already met my new friend Blue?"
Kicking the last latched-on Met off of his ankle, he took a quick look around.
"Oh. She's gone. Shame, her fiery personality really lit up the place."
"Did I really just say that?"

Offline Mirby

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Reply #3458 on: January 02, 2014, 08:10:57 AM
"Nice to meet you too!" she replied.

"Introductions later, destroying the Mets first!" InfernoGarurumon added.

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Offline Phi

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Reply #3459 on: January 02, 2014, 09:16:06 AM
"[parasitic bomb], my body is starting to heat up already..." Phi said to herself. "Arche and I must not have a strong enough resonance. Screw it, it doesn't matter. I can handle a little heat." Swiftly and efficiently, she nailed each and every single Met in her view.

"Glad I made the right choice with this weapon." She turned toward Arche and shouted, "Hey, you feeling any different?"

"I don't know. I mean, I don't really feel any different." He yelled back.

"Hmm, perhaps it's because you're already skilled in battle. The change isn't readily apparent for you quite yet, it would appear."

Phi dashed toward a Met and spin-kicked it into a wall.

"H-holy hell, was that me? This must've lessened the nagging sensation of fear and doubt of attempting something new. Yet it oddly felt like... I've done it before." Phi regained her composure and continued to fight.

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Reply #3460 on: January 02, 2014, 10:53:01 AM
PBPB walked back into Sickbay after Fxeni departed.

"Tell me, Emma...was he in any condition to be flying that Arwing?" PBPB asked Emma.

"Don't be foolish. Of course he wasn't. I recommended bedrest for several days, as well as an appointment with whatever passes for a counselor aboard this station. Obviously my orders were ignored, yet again."

"I swear, he can be so thickheaded sometimes!" PBPB responded.

"Yes. With the platitudes of both your stubborn heads being so high, it's remarkable how well you two seem to work together!"

"...no really, remind me to ask PB why he programmed you this way..." PBPB remarked as she started walking out of sickbay.

"In any case, I'm sure I'll be seeing you two in here again." Emma stated as PBPB walked out the door.

The snarky [sonic slicer] is right though... she thought to herself. Fxeni and I really do work well together, despite our egos. Heh, maybe when we have some free time...sigh...free time. Lord only knows if and when that's gonna come about. For [tornado fang] sake, he went over to the SexStation to get a crew for a new [tornado fang]ing battleship. Meanwhile, I've got to get everything fixed here with ADA. The Fxescythe Hell is pretty much destroyed and...wait a minute. PB's in the hangar...

Meanwhile, back on the SexStation...

Just a few more modifications to finish and this should be ready to go. Zeta will be thrilled...kinda... PB slightly smiled to himself. Suddenly, a comm link opened up.

"YO. DICK-PB. COME IN DICK-PB!" PBPB yelled out at him.

"Yessssssss, how can I help you Tits-PB?" PB answered back sarcastically.

"Why the hell did you program Emma to be such a snarky little [sonic slicer]?" PBPB curiously asked PB.

"Aw come on, sis. That's classic doctor sarcasm right there. Besides, she's similar to the EMH model from Star Trek: Voyager...in terms of personality, not looks. Obviously."

"VOYAGER SUCKED!" PBPB yelled at him.

"Not all of it. Most of it, yes. But the Doctor was cool. One of the few good aspects of the sh...wait, is this really why you called?" PB asked.

"No no...actually it's Fxeni. He's heading over to the SexStation to get some kind of crew together for his newest Fxe-sex toy or whatever. Listen..he's not in good shape. Could you just make sure he doesn't push himself too hard?"

PB heard the concern in her voice. It wasn't something he heard from her often. "Yeah, sure thing Peebs."

Suddenly a security laser in the hangar shot a quick beam right near PB's crotch, missing it by just a little bit. "WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT CALLING ME THAT?!" she screamed.

"...you know...maybe you should [speed burner] a little. Relieve the tension, so to speak..." PB said, looking at the burnt metal near his crotch.

"...also, his Fxescythe Hell was badly damaged in our last battle. He might need a new mobile suit." PBPB added.

"Hmmmm, I'll talk to him when he gets here. We might be able to work on something together." PB said. "I've been meaning to work on a new one myself. It helps pass the time while I...recover."

"Keep me posted. I've got work to do over here!" PBPB told him before signing off.

Yeah...I've got some work of my own to do soon... PB thought as he began finishing the modifications on Zeta's ship.

Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #3461 on: January 02, 2014, 12:05:35 PM
(I'm going to assume we're there already. after reading Phi's post.)

"So these creature's hats are mad of metal." Kathy mutters to herself as she stood in place as a group of Rabid Mets began closing in on her feet, "Well, nothing a little Metallokinesis can't handle." as she raised a palm, catching one of the mets with her mind and...

"Take that..." she swings her arm, sending the met crashing into another, while using the other free hand to grab another met in her Metallokinesis, "...and that!" sending another crashing into the swarming mets, while trying desperately to repel those still trying to take a bite at her boot covered ankles, by kicking them away.

"Hey, so how many are left?" She shouts out to her comrades engaging with troubles of their own.

(Just a little note, Kathy possesses a variety of abilities learned by her mentors although her primary ability is Ergokinesis, meaning her Metallokinesis' is limited to the gloves and boots she wears, which is why she's doing an average job fending off her attackers.)

Fear me.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #3462 on: January 02, 2014, 12:21:10 PM
Back at the WDS, Dr. Wily II watched as Flare Star and the Buccaneers retreated. Turning towards White Beard...

DWII - ... What was THAT!? Flare was fine, but your Buccaneers... WHAT WAS THAT!? Arghh... And my Mets are dwindling... No matter! Time to up the chaos! Wily Fighter! RELEASE THE JOES!!

Deep beneath the WDS, Wily Fighter acknowledged the order, and press a bright red button. In the hanger area, multiple red mono-eyes lit up, numbering in the hundreds. With a synchronized salute, they all teleported out. Not long after, a lone red mono-eye teleported out too.

In St. Acidburg, as the Resistance fend off the remaining Rabid Mets, they were soon interrupted by multiple silhouettes surrounding them.

On top of one skyscraper ruin, away from normal view, stood one overseeing everything.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #3463 on: January 02, 2014, 12:34:39 PM
"Uhh, guys I think our game just had an upgrade, and they don't look like reinforcements, either." Kathy's voice sounding a bit nervous, "Does anyone have a clue what we're dealing with here?."

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3464 on: January 02, 2014, 02:34:52 PM
White Beard growls "You never told me these resistance landlubbers would show up!" He takes a puff of his pipe calming him self.

Flare Stare looking worse for wear finally arrives but says nothing. Captain White Beard turns to her.

-"I give you ONE thing to do ONE!!! Destroy Blue Valkyrie, she was out numbered AND weakened from the crash. All these advantages and you STILL FAILED!!!"

Flare clenches her fist "If those buccaneers hadn't abandoned me I would have...."

White Beard cuts her off "EXCUSES!!!" He takes another puff of his pipe. "Get repaired, and out of my sight." He turns back to the battle as Flare stomps off.

-"Never mind, this is just a minor set back, we still have the Omni-Gem and with that we have all the power we'll ever need Dr. This battle is just a distraction anyway, while we prepare our ultimate weapons!"


Back in St. Acidburg Blue steps back in surprise as a Joe teleports almost right in front of her. "These--don't look like Captain White Beard's bots!" she says without realizing the others will have no idea who that is.

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Reply #3465 on: January 02, 2014, 02:51:09 PM
"Then these must be Wahwee, or Wiry, the second's, I suppose." Kathy replied to Blues "I don't know much about Mr Beard, but all I can remember was that we were up against a mad doctor, and that he is an ale addict."

"If only I can get near these guys, I might be able to drain them of their energy."

(A little thing about Kathy's intellect, is that she often takes in the wrong information.)

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Reply #3466 on: January 02, 2014, 02:53:46 PM
White Beard growls "You never told me these resistance landlubbers would show up!" He takes a puff of his pipe calming him self.

Flare Stare looking worse for wear finally arrives but says nothing. Captain White Beard turns to her.

-"I give you ONE thing to do ONE!!! Destroy Blue Valkyrie, she was out numbered AND weakened from the crash. All these advantages and you STILL FAILED!!!"

Flare clenches her fist "If those buccaneers hadn't abandoned me I would have...."

White Beard cuts her off "EXCUSES!!!" He takes another puff of his pipe. "Get repaired, and out of my sight." He turns back to the battle as Flare stomps off.

-"Never mind, this is just a minor set back, we still have the Omni-Gem and with that we have all the power we'll ever need Dr. This battle is just a distraction anyway, while we prepare our ultimate weapons!"


Back in St. Acidburg Blue steps back in surprise as a Joe teleports almost right in front of her. "These--don't look like Captain White Beard's bots!" she says without realizing the others will have no idea who that is.
Back at the WDS...

DWII - I never thought they would arrive so fast! They usually stall for days on end!! But yes... Our ultimate weapons... My Wily II Star should be near completion in space... And with your Dark Star III currently orbiting around it... We will bring the Resistance TO THEIR KNEES!!

(Not gonna update on the Joes until everyone jumps in. :P)

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3467 on: January 02, 2014, 03:06:23 PM
"Then these must be Wahwee, or Wiry, the second's, I suppose." Kathy replied to Blues "I don't know much about Mr Beard, but all I can remember was that we were up against a mad doctor, and that he is an ale addict."

"If only I can get near these guys, I might be able to drain them of their energy."

(A little thing about Kathy's intellect, is that she often takes in the wrong information.)

"Dr Wahwee? Looks like I have a lot to learn about this planet." Blue jumps back putting some distance between her self and the Joe and readying her self for the next round of battle."

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Reply #3468 on: January 02, 2014, 03:32:54 PM
As she places her right hand on a scrapped met's helmet, uttering the words, "METALLOMORPH" the helmet suddenly took the shape of her glove.

"These might come in handy." Kathy whisper's to herself as she takes a small glance at the Joes.

"Stay clear of their sabers." She tries to give a fair warning to the others, "They look like they could do some serious damage."

Fear me.

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Reply #3469 on: January 02, 2014, 05:23:03 PM
Fxeni carefully landed his Arwing into the hangar of the SexStation. He opened up the canopy of the Arwing and climbed out slowly, taking out Yamalok to use as a crutch again. He looked around the hangar as he got his feet on the ground, not spotting anyone.

"Hey, long time no see!" a familiar voice said to him from behind the Arwing. He turned and smiled as he saw PB step out into view and hold out his hand.

"Yeah, it's been a while since we've been able to speak while you were... uh... yourself," Fxeni answered as he shook his hand.

"Right... well, I'm glad to be back to myself," PB answered with a touch of glumness in his voice. He looked Fxeni over as he retracted his hand. "You look like you've seen better days, bud."

"Haven't we all, haven't we all..." Fxeni said with a sigh as they walked away from his Arwing. He looked over to where PB came from, and spotted what he was working on. "Working on something for someone, are we? You always enjoyed building things for people."

"Yep, that's very true! Speaking of which, I heard you wrecked the last thing I build for you!" PB stated with a smirk.

"Yeeaaah, I've kinda been more reckless lately... but hey, I took down a battleship in the process!" Fxeni replied.

"You used to be able to do that just fine without turning out like this," PB said as he pointed at Fxeni's posture.

"This is true... I've kinda worn my mind out a bit with all the fighting I've been doing over the past few years. I won't have much of a choice but to use it more for now mind you," he says while tapping Yamalok.

"Rest for a while, maybe come help me build something for you to use when you're in better shape?" PB offered, "although it would have to be after I'm finished with this first."

"I might just take you up on that offer," Fxeni replied with a smile. "We'll talk about that more later though. First I need to gather up a crew."

"Oh yeah, Peebs mentioned that... what do you need a crew for?" PB asked.

"Oh... you'll like it when you see it, I'm sure! It's being built over at the MMM at the moment, and-" Fxeni started.

"Hold on a sec... the MMM? Why would something be built there?" PB asked.

"Oh, uh... right. The Doc kinda sorta changed it into a shipyard." Fxeni answered sheepishly.

"The fiend! Why would he desecrate such a delicious display of the female form?!" PB exclaimed.

"He has very different priorities, PB. Ones that involve all of us either under his control or dead." Fxeni answered glumly.

"Right!" PB said. "ADA! Prepare a list of individuals that would be good for..."

"A battleship," Fxeni interjected.

"Yes, a battleship, and send it Fxeni's quarters so he can look them over!" PB finished.

"Affirmative, data will be prepared and sent to Fxeni's quarters on the SexStation," ADA states.

"Thanks PB, we'll talk some more later," Fxeni says with a smile, patting PB on the back.

"Anytime, Fxeni, anytime!" PB says as he heads back to Zeta's ship.

Fxeni then limps off towards his quarters in the SexStation.

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Reply #3470 on: January 02, 2014, 06:34:44 PM
"It's Wily, not Wahwee. And I think it's time we show them what we're really made of!" Taylor said.

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Reply #3471 on: January 02, 2014, 08:17:34 PM
"A saber fight, huh?" Arche spun his katanas around. "Just what I needed."

Phi walked up to Archetype and decided to fight right alongside him.

"So, how's that resonating thing working out for you?" He asked her, while keeping his focus on the encroaching Joes.

"Surprising well, actually. I think I can handle m- Nnnghhghhh..." Phi groaned out in pain and grabbed the side of her ribs. "[tornado fang], what the hell was that...?"

Arche placed his hand on her shoulder, "Hey, what's wrong? You all right?"

"I-I think so. There was an intense pain shooting in my body just now. It passed, but..." She stated with a faint trembling voice.

He stepped closer, "Don't push yourself. Th-"

"I'm fine, Arche. Really." She retorted coarsely and aimed her crossbow at the Joes.

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Reply #3472 on: January 03, 2014, 01:15:59 AM
(That's mostly everyone... Time for the onslaught!)

The Zero Joes slowly closed in, with some unsheathing their beam sabers, while some raised their busters. Away from normal view, Omega Joe gave the command...

Omega - Destroy.

The Zero Joes pounced.

(Ok... So, the Joes are more competent than the Rabid Mets, so please acknowledge that when fighting them. On average, there's about 10-15 Joes per hero, so have fun. :P)

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Reply #3473 on: January 03, 2014, 01:55:13 AM
"Destroy!" Taylor exclaimed as she leapt into the fray, bashing, slicing, and dicing with her Keyblade. InfernoGarurumon followed suit, becoming quite an inferno of destruction himself.

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Reply #3474 on: January 03, 2014, 02:10:45 AM
Keco non-nonchalantly walked through the horde of rabid mets, shooting them with the gun so lovingly engraved 'SILVER' as she walked past them.