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Protoman Blues · 399783

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Reply #3275 on: July 31, 2013, 09:28:25 AM
After her shower, PBPB got dressed in a sexy witch outfit, complete with a classic hat. She made her way up to the I.S.S.'s main operations room and went to what would become her new office. She sat down in her new office chair and opened up the schematics for the external holo emitters.

"Okay ADA, I'm thinking these eight locations would be perfect to place the emitters at. It'll give us a wide coverage around the entire I.S.S. Do we have enough materials for all of them?" PBPB asked.

"Negative. Currently the Intergalactic Sex Shack only has enough supplies to build six external holo emitters." ADA replied.

"Damn. That will leave two blind spots around the perimeter. Ah well, it'll have to do for now. Besides, that's just phase one of my plan! Time to discuss phase 2." PBPB spun around in her office chair.

"Roger. Phase 2 of Intergalactic Sex Shack Defense Upgrade: Eye Power Relay." ADA responded.

"Okay. Let's go over the details. Start from the beginning." PBPB asked of her.

"Roger. The Eye of Thundera on the Sword of Omens tower acts as an additional power relay for the Intergalactic Sex Shack, designed by Flame. In addition to the Mango Lemonade Power Core, the Eye of Thundera gathers both solar and cosmic energy to provide additional & backup power storage. With modifications to the Eye, it would be able to redirect the stored power into a focused beam of energy." ADA stated.

"In other words, COLONY LASER!!!" PBPB replied all excited while spinning in her office chair. "It should be just the thing we need to counter the Wily Star II. Okay, you get those construction drones started on the extenal holo emitters. I'm gonna take Ardjet and work on those modifications to the Eye." PBPB smiled. "This time though, I think I'm going to pilot her ADA style!"

"I will monitor the situation from here. Good luck...Peebs!" ADA said.

"...I'll let that one slide cause you're still learning, ADA!" PBPB said with an eyebrow raised in somewhat contempt.

As PBPB sat back down in her chair, she once again access the computer core and found the link to Ardjet's computer system. As she entered it, all of Ardjet's systems came online while in the docking bay. Suddenly PBPB was looking through all of Ardjet's cameras, all at once. she raised Ardjet's right hand and stared at it for a few seconds. Finally, she opened the hangar bay doors and took off into outer space. This...is....INCREDIBLEEEEE... PBPB thought to herself, which came through on Ardjet's speaker system. She began flying around in space like her body was Ardjet itself. PBPB could now move her with mere thoughts, more fluidly than when she was the runner. No time to play though...gotta get this done ASAP she thought as she began making her way towards the Eye.

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Reply #3276 on: July 31, 2013, 09:40:47 AM
(Might as well get this out of the way...)

Josei talked with Akai a bit, the two were not smiling, but rather had a look of complacency on their face, as if they understood what the other was saying.

Akai - "So, we're settled then?"

Josei - "Yeah... I guess so."

Akai - "Its for the best, really."

Josei - "I know it is."

Akai - "I guess... I'll see you around then?"

Josei - "...Yeah."

Akai got up and moved to a different seat. Josei had a blank look on his face, he was visibly sad, but knew that is was best that the two of them break off a romantic relationship, yet continue to be friends.

(So... Josei the Bachelor is back. Though he won't be the mopey one from before.)

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Reply #3277 on: July 31, 2013, 10:19:32 AM
Fxeni's eyes strained from looking at the Holo-Schematics for so long. I need a break from this... he thought as he sat back in the chair, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and index finger. He sighed as he put his arm down and took another look at the schematics. Maybe I'll go take a look at how it's coming along, he thought as he got up and walked out of the room, heading towards the shipyard.

He walked over to the locker room next to the airlock that led out to the shipyard. He started to look through the lockers, each one containing Normal Suits of differing colours. Here it is... he thought as he came up to a locker with a normal suit that was mostly dark green with blue highlights on it, hanging next to another one that was pink. He sighed as he looked momentarily at the pink one, before grabbing the green one out of the locker and started to put it on. The last time I was here was when the asteroid was still being hollowed out... brings back interesting memories, he thought as he put the helmet on and walked over to the nearby airlock. As he stepped into the airlock, the door shut behind him and started the room started to depressurize. He took a deep breath as it finished and the outer door opened, allowing him out into the shipyard.

As Fxeni pushed himself out into the shipyard, a drone flew by carrying materials. He let it pass and looked at it as it flew by, before looking up at its destination. The battleship that was being made was still in the early stages, but he could instantly still recognize its base shape. I'll observe from here for a little bit... he thought as he floated towards the ship.

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Reply #3278 on: August 02, 2013, 06:48:08 PM
"Umm pardon me, but do you sell any milk? I'm kinda thirsty, by the way." Kathy asked Niu, even though she had a drink at the Karaoke Bar already.

Fear me.

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Reply #3279 on: August 02, 2013, 07:00:56 PM
"We don't sell milk but I can give you some." Niu said as she went into the kitchen and returned with a small bottle of milk "Don't worry you don't have to pay me for it."

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #3280 on: August 02, 2013, 07:14:08 PM
"Aww... thank you, although I was expecting a little more..." even the full bottle of milk Niu gratefully offer seemed 'little' to her "But I think I'll hang on to this, when I'm in dire need of a drink." Though her words sort of confused Niu, She happily tucked her free offering in her new survival kit, instead of having a drink right now.

(Let's just say she's a lactophile, which is why she's expecting more than a small bottle, but believe me she's got 'other' plans for that little offering. So expect to see that bottle of milk appearing later when the plot progresses further.)

Fear me.

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Reply #3281 on: August 02, 2013, 07:17:05 PM
"What ever works for you." Niu shrugged. 

"Huh this chick is a little weird, then again so are a lot of people." She thought "Still what would she do with more milk."

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #3282 on: August 08, 2013, 05:46:50 AM
Phi walked over to Archetype, who was sitting down and examining his new set of blades.

"Happy now? I got a weapon, all set, ready to go." She said in her usual deadpan demeanor.

"Why are you making it seem like I wanted them? They're for your own good. Even if you won't be fighting, it's good to have a weapon by your side, just in case something unexpected happens." Archetype said, still looking at and polishing his own weapons.

There was a brief silence before Phi spoke again. "Hey, uh... I'm..." She seemed to be struggling with coming up with the right words to say. "S... Sorry I snapped at you earlier. It wasn't very professional." She exhaled pretty loudly after saying that, as she wasn't used to apologizing to people.

Archetype looked up at Phi and gave a slight smile. "Eh, don't worry about it. I probably deserved it, anyway." He turned back to his blades, but looked as if he had something to say that was at the tip of his tongue.

Phi noticed his change of expression, and then slowly inhaled and exhaled.

Everyone seems to be busy at the moment. And I'm sure you're dying to know how I was able to communicate with you through your conscious, right? Phi communicated with Archetype again through his conscious.

Archetype stopped what he was doing and looked at Phi. "I do... although I admit, I'm a little scared to find out how."

'Scared?' Pretty weird thing to say with someone of your status. Phi responded.

"...... huh. Your mouth didn't move when you said that...." Arche said blankly.



"W-WHAT THE HELL?!? WHY ISN'T YOUR MOUTH MOVING?!" He knocked over the seat and erratically backed away from her.

Heh, I've been talking to you like this for the past 10 seconds. Phi responded calmly.

"But how are you doing that?" Arche regained his composure, stepped in front of the chair and looked at her directly.

"Could it be... telepathy?" He asked curiously.

Not exactly. You see, Archetype... She picked up the fallen seat and casually sat down on it with her legs crossed. We can access the Morphogenetic Field. She said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Morpho... what?" His head started to throb again.

Phi stopped communicating with Archetype through his conscious and continued talking to him normally.

"Morphogenetic Field" She repeated. "You and I are among the few that can access it. To put simply: It is a "field" where forms, structures, patterns, thoughts, language and order of everything in reality is stored. Any information contained, transmitted, or created by matter is held in the Morphogenetic Field.

She cleared her throat and continued.

"Communicating with each other through this field is called 'resonating'. The more we resonate, the stronger our 'signal' becomes; To the point where we can communicate with each other through time and space. In other words, we could contact each other in alternate timelines."

Archetype stood there, frozen and flabbergasted by everything coming out of this woman's mouth. Alternate timelines? Field connected by reality? Resonating? None of this made sense.

"Hold on, hold on!" Archetype interrupted her. "So you're saying I have some sort of... Super Power?!" He started laughing. "Lady, I've been alive for over 20 years, and I've never experienced any of what you're saying. I'm just a normal person and that's that."

"You're right." Phi responded simply.

"... huh?" He was now confused more than ever.

"It's not a Super Power." She elaborated. "We are normal human beings; but ones that have excelled past the standard processing."

"What do you mean by 'processing'?" He asked, with his face practically squished against hers from curiosity.

She pushed him back. "What I mean is an average human being can only access extraordinarily small portions of their brain. However, we can can access a far greater percentage of brain processing. Because of this, it is thought to be the reason why we can enter the Morphogenetic Field."

Archetype stared at her for a while, then folded his hands and tried to follow her explanation.

"So you're saying I'm, uh... I mean, WE are normal people, but with accelerated brain function. And that acceleration gives us the ability to enter this "field" you speak of? So you're saying the field is all around us?"

Phi nods. "Technically, yes. Here's an example for you: When cats look at a television screen, all they see are black lines running across the screen, right? But when humans look at the screen, they can actually see the picture, unaltered and how it's meant to be. Humans process information differently to the point where we can see the moving pictures, while cats can only see black lines. It's a similar concept with the Morphogenetic Field."

Phi sat there, talking about all this like it was nothing. Figured she has to be used to all this by now.

"This is crazy..." He looked down at the ground, trying to put together everything she said.

"Heh, crazy? This world is filled with it, and this stuff doesn't even compare." Phi chuckled.

"... You said something about alternate timelines. That we can access it." Arche spoke slowly. "What do you mean by that?"

"Pretty much what I said before. You can communicate with an alternate Phi, and I can communicate with an alternate Archetype. As for talking to our alternate selves... I haven't been able to do that yet. Not sure if it's even possible." She responded.

"But in this timeline, the reason why I'm here... was to have you join the Resistance, and help save the world."

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Reply #3283 on: August 09, 2013, 10:32:08 AM
"ADA. Status report on the exterior holo emitters please!" PBPB said while working on the Eye inside Ardjet.

"Construction drones have completed one of the six exterior holo emitters. They are currently working on the second." ADA responded. "How are you finding piloting Ardjet without your terminal?" ADA asked.

"All I want to do right now is fly around in space. It's incredible, ADA. I've never felt anything like this. Maybe it's the feeling of the Metatron or something, but...I'm just...THIS IS AMAZING!" PBPB stated jubilantly. "Hey, since I'm not using my body right now, feel free to take it for a ride. The mess hall has a full stocked fridge. Why not experience some new tastes?"

"Your files have expressed a great love of...Chocolate Covered...Strawberries. I am indeed...curious. I shall comply with your offer." ADA responded. "Thank you...Peebs!"

"Anytime ADA. Enjoy, and update me in an hour on the progress of the drones." PBPB stated.

"Affirmative." ADA stated.

...I guess I can't be mad at her for calling me that. She doesn't know any better. I'll just have to punch Fxeni extra hard for getting it stuck in her head! PBPB thought to herself while continuing to work on the eye.

Meanwhile, back at DZ's Floating Castle...

"Yes, that's good. The giant skull should go right there!" Quickie told the construction drones & metools putting up the trademark giant skull. "On second thought, a little more to the right!"

"What are you doing?" AntMan angrily stated. "The royalty commanded that you begin work on communications first! This disobedience shall be punished severlACCGHKK.."

"Listen and listen well, insect." Quickie stated while grabbing AntMan's throat. "Communications ARE being established as we speak...well as I speak and you choke. However, the Emperor's castle needs Skull Flair. I intend to see that said Skull Flair is up before visual communications are established. Are we clear on this matter?" Quickie asked while shaking AntMan's head yes for him. "Say it with me now. Skulllllll Flaaaaiirr."

"GACKHSkullll...Flaaaiir..." AntMan weezed out before Quickie let his throat go.

"Excellent. Now get the construction plans ready for the airship construction yard. NOW!" Quickie yelled at him. AntMan saluted and went into the castle as Quickie looked up at the Giant Skull. "NO, I SAID TO THE RIGHT! MY RIGHT!!"

(Skull Flair  8D)

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Reply #3284 on: August 09, 2013, 10:39:29 AM
(Skull Flair. 8D It's a thing now. 8D)

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #3285 on: August 09, 2013, 10:43:48 AM
(Skull Flair also includes bone pillars as well!  8D)

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Reply #3286 on: August 09, 2013, 10:45:04 AM
(But MOST importantly, it MUST have that L-shaped exhaust pipe! 8D)

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Reply #3287 on: August 17, 2013, 12:04:32 AM
Archetype blinked at what Phi just said to him. "Save the world? What do you mean by that?"

"Let's just say [parasitic bomb] hits the fan in the alternate timeline, and things ain't looking too peachy for humanity." She replied without any brakes.

"Can you please stop dodging the question?" Archetype asked seriously.

Phi cleared her throat. "... Having you in the battle against Wily II may be crucial to winning and losing; we are pieces of a grand puzzle, and we all have our roles to play. Nothing is a coincidence, everyone has their 'place'. We can..."

Archetype cut her off. "We're performers in a balancing act. Without one person, the entire act will crumble and fall apart." He tried to say it in a cryptic voice like Phi. "Am I on the right track?"

"Essentially, yes. Though I could do without the mimicking, thank you." She twirled her hair with an annoyed expression. "Anyway, you're a piece we think belongs in this puzzle."

"Excuse me if I feel the need to keep asking you to elaborate, Madame Mystery. Who is 'we'? Are you working for someone?" He asked.

Phi leaned back in the chair and crossed her legs again, suspecting this will be a long day. "Operation Janus."

"..... Really? You expect me to understand you after two words?" Archetype started to wonder if there was something wrong with this woman.

"Archetype, have you heard of the Roman God, Janus?" She asked whilst twirling her hair.

He blinked. "Huh? Well, wasn't he that God with the two faces or something? I think it was something about looking into the past and future." He scratched the back of his head, trying to recall anything else regarding Janus.

Phi nodded. "Precisely. Janus is the God of 'beginnings and endings'... desolation and prosperity. He has two faces; one facing north, one facing south. One face looks in the past, the other face looks in the future. Operation Janus is what Akane and I donned our crusade, using our ability to access the Morphogenetic Field. We observe events that branch out and connect to timelines; interchanged, past or present."

"Who's Akane?" Archetype sighed with annoyed redundancy teeming in his voice, almost as if she wanted him to keep asking questions.

Phi elaborated. "... Akane took me in when I was very young; like around 14 years old. She taught me how to control my Morphogenetic abilities. She became aware of the ever-encroaching dominance of Wily II's empire. Akane and I traveled to an alternate timeline where his forces were overpowering the Resistance, until eventually... Wily II won."

Archetype couldn't believe his ears. He felt slightly dizzy; like he was in a dream for a few moments, then he suddenly shook out of his trance.

"H-hold on! What the [parasitic bomb] do you mean, "Wily II won"?!" He snapped.

"Exactly what I said, obviously. Do I need to hook you on Phonics?" Phi said flatly, picking at her fingernails unenthusiastically.

"Cut the crap, Phi! Tell me what I want to know!" He grabbed her arm and demanded answers.

She yanked her arm out of Archetype's grasp. "I can't tell you anymore than that, I'm afraid." She responded.

"Why the hell not?!" He was making a scene, so he calmed down a bit to draw less attention to their conversation. "Phi, why not?"

"Because it could potentially cause a paradox." She replied simply.

Archetype chuckled. "A 'paradox'? What, have you been watching the Sci-Fi channel?"

"I'm serious, Arche." She continued. "Akane claims to have experienced one herself. Only by some twisted miracle, was she able to survive."

Archetype sighed. "Fine, so you expect me to believe you?"

"What possible reason would I have to lie? The only way to find the answers you seek is to find them yourself. In other words, travel to that crippled timeline. Interestingly, you were reformed in that timeline, as you are in this one... Archetype." She stated with an unreadable expression.

There was a long pause. Kinetic heat seemed to build up around these two. How were they connected? Where do their secrets lead?

"... You know about me, then. And you know about the sins I've committed." He seethed angrily through his teeth. "But do you know why I transcended my tainted, murderous flesh... and became a hero?" His eyes changed, and drew upon Phi.

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Reply #3288 on: August 27, 2013, 08:44:25 AM
(Not watching Sci-Fi, just playing too much XIII-2. PARADOX PARADOX PARADOX PARADOX PARADOX 8D)

Posted on: August 16, 2013, 05:24:46 PM
Taylor scanned the room while she waited, looking for something to catch her eye... And sure enough, something did. A bright purple ladder sitting in the corner. "That's an odd color for a ladder," she remarked.


"Not sure there's much of a difference..." she replied.


"Yeah, that's definitely a stepladder, Taylor," HeatGabumon added, agreeing with the AI.


"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Taylor snapped.

"I think Sam just insulted you," the Digimon replied.

"HE INSULTED YOU TOO!" she yelled, before looking at the Digivice that stored Sam. "AND WEREN'T YOU ASLEEP OR SOMETHING?"


"Oh shut up. That's a ladder, end of story," she said in a huff.

"STEPLADDER!", HeatGabumon and Sam responded in unison.



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Reply #3289 on: September 01, 2013, 07:47:04 AM
( *pulls out defibrillator*  



Sakura and Asch were setting up the equipment to contact Borock-bot so the meeting can start while everyone else was sitting down in the briefing room.

PB looks at Sakura with concern and worry for her wellbeing.

"She needs to rest." He mutters "She's going to overwork herself again."

"It can't be helped and you know it." Zeta sighed "She has to be the one to explain the plan since she's the acting commander."

"I know that." PB sighed "But she wouldn't have to do all this if I wasn't so...."

"PB, enough." Zeta cut him off "I understand you feel responsible for all this but blaming yourself for everything won't change things.

"Still it's my fault she's like this, I keep stressing her out more and more and because of that she feels worse and worse." PB said looking down.

"That can't be helped either." Zeta sighed "She's probably just as worried about you as you are of her."

"I know...." PB sighed.

"Just talk to her afterwards like she said and listen to her like Ephy said." Zeta advised.

"I'll try." PB nodded.

"Um excuse me." Ephy said suddenly "I don't mean to interrupt this conversation filled with self pity but I must ask why this oversized beast is sniffing me and Khar-ax-el."

Behind her and Kharaxel was a giant orange and black striped dog like beast that was sniffing the two of them.  Kharaxel was trying really hard not to wet his pants in pure fear.

"How did that Arcanine get in here?" PB asked.

"Friender what are you doing here?" Zeta asked.

"I'm terribly sorry." Friender spoke to them in their minds "I felt it was important to get acquainted with the new members of the resistance."  

"And why must that require sniffing us?" Ephy asked.

"It's because he's blind, he has to rely on his nose and touching things." Zeta explained.

"Oh I see." Ephy said sadly "I'm very sorry for my behavior earlier, I didn't mean to be so rude to you."
“It’s fine, I should have explained myself better.” Friender shrugged as he started to sniff PB

"Is there a Psychic type in the room?" PB raised an eyebrow while looking around.

"Oh that's me." A Gallade answered before sitting next to PB "I didn't want to have Sakura-chan translating for us all the time during the meeting so I decided to simply translate our words to everyone's minds."

"That was nice of you Kenshin." Zeta smiled at him.

"Are these your Pokemon?" PB asked her.

"Yeah they are." Zeta nodded "As for why they're here I have no idea."

"Yin's Disaster Alarm has been going on nonstop." an Emploleon spoke as she sat next to Zeta "So we may as well attend the meeting since we know we're going to be used today."

"Figures Yin would sense something was going to happen today." PB sighed.

"You're eager to fight today aren't you Yusuke?" Zeta asked the Empoleon.

"Hell yeah I am." Yusuke nodded "I’m itching for some exercise!”

“You always were battle happy.” Zeta laughed “Anyway where’s Narancia?”

“He was so excited that we were going to get a new party member that he gorged himself on Watmel berries all night long.” Yusuke explained “Now he’s got a nasty case of indigestion and can’t move.”

“He should be fine in a few hours.” Kenshin added.

“Yeah that sounds like him alright.” Zeta smiled.

“Hey everyone quite Borock-bot is coming in!” Asch yelled for everyone to hear him.

The main screen of the briefing room fizzled until Borock-bot face was shown for everyone to see.

“Terribly sorry I couldn’t reach you earlier I was busy trying to get Mr. Pyro away from my computer because he wanted to use my Netflix account to watch Mighty Morphing Power Rangers.  In the end I let him use your Wii instead.” Borock-bot apologized as Pyro was jumping up and down on the bed while singing the Might Morphing Power Rangers theme song.

“Never mind that Borock-bot is everyone getting equipped?” Sakura asked him.

“Yes everyone is currently being equipped and will be heading to St. Acidburg soon after.” Borock-bot nodded.

“Akai, Kharaxel and a woman named Ephy will also be dropping by will that be okay?” Sakura stated.

“Yes we could use all the help we can get today.” Borock-bot sighed.

“Good, I assume you already know the status of St. Acidburg correct?” Sakura asked.

“Yes it seems that the citizens are condemning us due to their confusion, but it seems worse than initially anticipated.” Borock-bot stated.

“That’s pretty much the understatement of the century right there.” Asch muttered.

“It seems that Wily wants to use this confusion to ruin our reputation to make it harder for us to help them.” Borock-bot continued.

“It’s more than that, Wily II is actively spreading false rumors in order to turn the public against us.” Sakura said grimly.

“I had a feeling that was the case, do you have more information about that?” Borock-bot asked.

“….We have reason to believe that Quickie may be the one who is spreading these rumors on his behalf.” Sakura sighed.

“Ms. Quickie?!” Borock-bot’s eyes widened “Are you positive?!”

“Yes Vixy spotted her in St. Acidburg rallying the citizens against us and she attack PBPB and Fexni at the ISS relentlessly.  She seems to be our enemy now.” Sakura said sadly.

PB felt a pit in his stomach as he heard Sakura’s report and Zeta looked down as her memories of Quickie’s kindness kept haunting her.

“Oh dear what is this world coming to.” Borock-bot muttered before he regained his composure “What are your orders?”

“We need to send the new members of the Resistance to St. Acidburg and try to protect the citizens and possibly persuade them to relocate to the ISS if possible.” Sakura told him.

“Ooh that may be a problem.” Borock-bot shuddered.

“Why’s that?” Sakura asked.

“The thing is none of the new members are good with dealing with people let alone negotiating.” Borock-bot laughed nervously.
“Can’t you just talk to them?” Josei asked while raising an eyebrow.

“Or we could send Zeta, she’s good at reasoning with people.” Akai added while Friender went over to sniff her.

“Me, nah, I’m the last person you want to reason with people.” Zeta said sheepishly.

“Seriously if you want their noses to stay intact don’t send her to negotiate!” Yusuke remark in a joking manner before Zeta shot him a glare.

“Regardless, I think that our presence would be detrimental since both me and Ms. Zeta were present in the battle of St. Acidburg they probably won’t trust us.” Borock-bot sighed.

“Well that sucks.” Josei sighed.

“So what are we going to do?” Asch asked.

“Keep doing what we’ve already been doing, help the citizens however we can and protect them when Wily II strikes.” Sakura reaffirmed “No matter what happens we need to protect them whether they hate us or not.”

“Yes I believe that would be the best idea.” Borock-bot nodded “Also since I’m not going to St. Acidburg I would like to go back to the Sex Station to get a diagnostic on my systems.”

“Is something wrong Borock-bot?” Sakura asked him.

“Well my systems themselves seem normal, however I’ve been having some strange dreams lately and an unknown program seems to installed itself.” Borock-bot stated.

“Okay can you bring Pyro with you too, I don’t want him to hurt himself in the shop and he can’t go to St. Acidburg with the others since he was present there.” Sakura replied.

“You’re concerned about him getting hurt?” Asch questions under his breath.

As Asch finished his thought alarms started blaring all over the base and the screen started blinking a Red Alert.

“Great, just great.” PB grumbles.

“ADA what’s the situation?” Sakura yelled over the alarms.

“The Fexnodrome is being attacked by Rabid Mets.” ADA stated as she brought up the Fexnodrome on screen.

 “Seriously Rabid Mets?” Zeta said with a raised eyebrow.

“He must have had some left over or made some more.” PB stated.

“Akai, Kharaxel, Ephy come with me to the bridge, Borock-bot you go tell everyone else what’s going on!” Sakura ordered.

“Understood, come along Mr. Pyro!” Borock-bot called.

“Okay Mr. Ping Pong!” Pyro chirped happily and skipped towards him.

“I’m going into battle?” Akai gulped.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to Red, but this is the perfect time to get some combat experience Mets are pretty weak.” Zeta told her.

“I guess now’s a good time as any.” Akai nodded as she stood up.

“Finally I can be of some use.” Kharaxel thought as he stood up.

“Should I head there too?” Asch asked.

“No not yet Asch, we need to have some reserve units just in case.  This is most likely just a decoy for another attack.” Sakura stated “You, Zeta, Borock-bot and Josei will be the reserve forces while everyone else heads over to protect the citizens.”

“Okay gotcha.” Asch nodded.

“Everyone else follow us!” Sakura yelled as she Asch, Kharaxel, Ephy, and Akai followed her.

“Akai!” Josei yelled.

“Yeah?” Akai asked curiously.

“Be careful out there.” Josei told her.

“I will.” Akai nodded and headed off to catch up with them.

(Holy crud I didn't have to space out every single line this time and this thing was almost 5 full pages.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #3290 on: September 01, 2013, 08:25:37 AM
(OK... The Rabid Mets are getting hungry after devouring the civilians... 8D)

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #3291 on: September 03, 2013, 08:43:02 AM
(YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT DR. WILY II! ...Eventually... I mean...probably after you get all the Skull Flair up)

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Reply #3292 on: September 03, 2013, 08:47:43 AM
(I'm going to wait a few days to see if anyone wants to post anything before I decide to have Borock-bot fall down the stairs.)

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Reply #3293 on: September 03, 2013, 08:51:10 AM
(I'm about to, actually)

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Reply #3294 on: September 03, 2013, 08:53:30 AM
(Okay then, I'm also working on another part that kind of explains what Wily did with Lightcorp other than just using it for space.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #3295 on: September 03, 2013, 09:16:38 AM
(Holy [parasitic bomb], I never expected something I added to this world to be used outside of my posts.)

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Reply #3296 on: September 03, 2013, 09:18:52 AM
(It was an idea I came up with while I was making this part, ironically it was inspired by Quickie stealing PB's clothes.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #3297 on: September 03, 2013, 09:41:44 AM
More of those Rabid Mets... PB thought to himself as he left the briefing room by himself and starting walking towards his quarters. Sakura and the rest of them should be able to handle them together. Heh...together. That's what this is all about, isn't it? That's what it really comes down to. Here I am, suppose to be the leader of this resistance, this team, and I let myself forget the team aspect. Meanwhile, look at my student. She's still sick, still not 100% and she's not letting her own ego get the better of her, not trying to take on more than she can handle. She has the makings of a true leader. Well, I guess I can take some credit for that. Regardless, I've let my own power go to my head and Wily took advantage of that power and....he will again if I don't learn to control it better. I can't do that from here though...

Protoman Blues walked into his quarters and sat down on his couch.

Heh, sis was right to confine me to the station when she did. Throwing myself at the people I hurt and letting them tear me apart probably wasn't the wisest of moves. Damn she's gotten powerful though. I just hope she doesn't make the same mistake I did.

PB summoned the broken shards of the Sword of Omens to him.

I should go. I can't do anything trapped on my own damn station, and I need to find Wanda. But...what about Zeta...

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Reply #3298 on: September 03, 2013, 09:54:28 AM
(Hmm I'm going to need to change up my plans for that part a bit and split it into 2 parts but it works for me.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #3299 on: September 03, 2013, 04:25:26 PM
(I'm going to wait a few days to see if anyone wants to post anything before I decide to have Borock-bot fall down the stairs.)

(Yeah, I'm going to make one more post. Hopefully today, if college doesn't make me too exhausted)