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Protoman Blues · 399904

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Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #2700 on: July 02, 2013, 03:23:53 AM
(Isn't it though? Man I love Evil Quickie! XD)
(Man I love her too! 8D)

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Offline Sapphire Knight

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Reply #2701 on: July 02, 2013, 08:34:46 AM
(So, where are people sleeping? o3o)

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #2702 on: July 02, 2013, 08:37:18 AM
Man I love her too! 8D

(She's spreading your chaos!  8D)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #2703 on: July 02, 2013, 08:47:17 AM
(So, where are people sleeping? o3o)
(Somewhere that is not the Sex Station, probably the Karaoke Bar.)

Posted on: July 01, 2013, 10:38:12 PM
(Finally finished this [sonic slicer]!)

"Are you sure the Egg will be okay like this?" Zeta asked as she stared at the Eevee Egg in a tub being soaked in water from the shower she was standing in.

"Yeah it should as long as the water isn't boiling hot and the Egg isn't submerged in it for a long time." Sakura replied as she started to lather shampoo in her hair in the shower she was standing in.

"If you say so." Zeta said a little unsure but having no reason to doubt her word.  "Anyway thanks for taking a shower with me, it's nice to be able to take my mind off of...that...and talk to you."

"No problem, I needed this too." Sakura laughed nervously "That was just too much information."

"Agreed." Zeta nodded "I know she's PB's clone and all, but you would think that she would have taken it a little slower with teaching ADA about, well everything."

"You remember what I told you about her, she's a very horny gal.  Whenever I talk to her she always uses every opportunity to talk about her body or use some sex metaphors." Sakura sighed.

"Yeah I noticed." Zeta nodded.  "Did you know that she calls you lil Miss Hot Legs?"

"I did, at least it's better than when she called me Jailbait." Sakura laughed nervously.

"Wow I can't believe she called you that, even if it was true." Zeta remarked.

"Yeah she only has sex on the brain most of the time, though you have to keep in mind that even though she's 26 physically and mentally, in reality she's only about 6 or 7 years old." Sakura sighed.

"Wow she's no older than I am?" Zeta questioned. "That's pretty crazy since she's so sexually active."

"Well you have to keep in mind that she wasn't born as a human or created as a robot, she's was created from the DNA of the most perverted, sexual, and possibly creative man in all of RPM." Sakura replied.

"I guess you have a point." Zeta sighed "Still when you compare PB and Bunny PB the difference is staggering to say the least.  I'm really surprised that PB has way more control than she does, I've heard so many rumors of his escapades it's not even funny.  Then again he's not really himself due to PTSD and all, so maybe I don't know the real him."

"Well most of the rumors you hear about him are true, but at the same time he's just really friendly and egomatic to the point that it's contagious.  

PBPB is similar but due to Hitomi's brash, man-hating design influencing her birth, people usually have the wrong idea of her." Sakura sighed "But deep down she's really nice and caring when you get to know her...though a man might have a harder time seeing that."

"Yeah I know what you mean, when she told me to stay with PB she seemed genuinely worried about him.  But I don't know why she wanted me to stay with him, I mean I just did what any normal person would do, I think." Zeta admitted a little unsure of herself.

"You do have an influence on him." Sakura replied. "Whenever you say something you have his immediate attention and I've caught him watching your reactions to certain things."

"Maybe, but I don't know why he does that.   I don't know why he's interested in me, I'm just me." Zeta pondered.

"Sometimes it's hard to understand how he thinks, he always surprises me.  However I'm sure he sees something in you that makes him happy." Sakura smiled.

"I guess you have a point, I just want to do everything I can to help him through this mess.  He reminds me so much of myself when we first met, except without the anti social behavior and being a [sonic slicer], and I feel that I can use what I know to be of some use to him.  But I don't know if I can really help him, he's been through so much, much more that I ever suffered myself." Zeta said as the water kept pouring on her feeling a little weighed down by it.

"He's going to need time, you know that more than anyone." Sakura started "But as long as we help him however we can and stay with him he'll be fine."

"I guess you're right we'll just have to see what happens." Zeta stated "Speaking of which, ADA is still a bit distracted right now right?"

"Yes that's right." Sakura nodded.

"I think I'll use this opportunity to explain what I know about the Shuffle Alliance." Said Zeta.

"Really?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah it would probably be a good idea to let you in on this stuff." Zeta nodded.

"Okay so what the heck are these things about?" Sakura questioned.

"Well as Neko explained they are given to five very strong warriors so that they can prevent the world from falling into destruction.  What she didn't tell you is that she created them herself and modeled them after the crests in G Gundam to signify perfect battle unison." Zeta began.

"She created them herself?" Sakura asked. "How do they work?"

"Those who hold the crests are able to sense the other's moves and know exactly what the other was thinking during the fight." Zeta began.

"So, it's basically perfect team work?" Sakura asked.

"Exactly." Zeta explained.

"They create a sort of psychic link then?" Sakura asked.

"It's more an emotional link than a psychic one and it goes deeper than that. Think of it like a perfectly choreographed ballet.

There comes a point in battle when, after fighting with someone side by side for so long, you can flawlessly anticipate their actions without them saying a word. It's more a symbol than it is a power boost or anything like that." Zeta responded.

"That does explain a few things, last night I felt my hand burning for some reason, it hurt a little bit." Sakura pondered.

"Yeah that must have been when I was frustrated last night and started crying because PB was hiding his pain, or at least tried to." Zeta sighed.

"Yeah he has a bad habit of doing that." Sakura sighed "But anyway back to the Shuffle Alliance, you said you knew who had the other crests?"

"The previous Shuffle Alliance consisted of Neko, Drunkgun, Ninja Lou Lou, Vix-Vix, and Quickie." Zeta stated.

"Vixy had a crest the entire time and didn't tell us!?" Sakura shouted "Hell why does Lou have one, he hates G Gundam!"

"Beats me, according to Neko, Lou wasn't part of the original Shuffle Alliance.  The original Shuffle Alliance consisted of Neko, Vix-Vix, Skyla, Yoshi, and Subby.

 Skyla, Yoshi, and Subby eventually passed theirs down to people they trusted and/or people they synched up with during battle.  Skyla passed it to Quickie during a major battle where they synched with each other, Subby passed his down after he met Wildgun in some ruins and Wildgun protected him, and Yoshi gave it to Loy Lou by orders of Neko  because he hates G Gundam and he owed her some Wiis or something."Zeta explained.

"I guess Hitomi wasn't exactly lying when she said Sky had the Queen of Spades." Sakura sighed "So can we feel the emotions of the previous Shuffle Alliance."

"I don't think we can because we haven't been in battle with them yet since we got the crests otherwise I would have felt something since I got mine a little bit before the war started.  Plus I hadn't had contact with Quickie or Lou Lou." Zeta responded.

"I see, I'm surprised that Lou didn't pass his on already." Sakura pondered.

"Lou Lou explained to me that something prevents him from forming that link with others or working well with teams, I think it has something to do with his sword?" Zeta explained.

"I guess that makes sense." Sakura nodded.  "Can I ask one more thing?  What did the previous Shuffle Alliance do?"

Zeta paused for a bit before answering "Remember those 2 weeks vacation I took about 2 years ago?"

"Yeah." Sakura nodded.

"Well...." Zeta began.

Zeta told Sakura a story from 2 years ago that she had never told anyone else at the request of the previous Shuffle Alliance members.

"So that's what happened 2 years ago." Sakura said trying to digest what she heard.

"Yeah hard to believe huh." Zeta nodded.

"I guess it makes sense why you had to be there." Sakura replied "But are you okay with the decision you made?"

Zeta closed her eyes before she answered Sakura.

"There were just so many thoughts that were going through my head that day, trying to sway me in one direction or the other.  But I knew that if I didn't do what I did I would regret it for the rest of my life." Zeta heaved a heavy sigh.

"I understand how you feel, that was a tough thing to do I'm sure." Sakura nodded.

"Yeah but that's over and done with and I have other things I need to do now." Zeta said as she turned off the water and picked up her Egg.

"Are you going to see PB?" Sakura asked as she turned off the shower as well.

"Yeah I am, I want to stay with him so there's less of a chance he has nightmares of that day." Zeta nodded as she put on a bathrobe and began drying her hair with a hair dryer.

"That's fine, I'm going to go check on the pies with Asch if he's already done with his shower and then go to the bridge to wait for PBPB to contact us if she hasn't contact PB already." Sakura explained as she began drying her self with a towel.

"Yeah there must have been some interesting [parasitic bomb] that went on in the I.S.S."  Zeta remarked.

"Agreed." Sakura nodded.  "Zeta, can I ask you one more thing?"

"Sure." Zeta nodded.

"Please take care of PB." Sakura requested.

"I thought that went without saying." Zeta raised an eyebrow.

"I know but I just felt like I had to say it." Sakura shrugged.

"Well I will do everything I can for him, that much I can promise." Zeta replied.

"Thank you." Sakura smiled.

(I hope this is good.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #2704 on: July 02, 2013, 02:15:13 PM
(She's spreading your chaos!  8D)
(8D, now to add on from the discussion thread.)

After Dr. Wily II managed to sit back down into his evil spinning chair in the main control room (and letting his new allies roam around the non-restricted areas of the WDS), he began to spin slowly in it. Funny how he can tolerate the evil spinning chair.

DWII - Although I believe in Quickie's abilities... A little assistance doesn't hurt... *opens a commlink to the underground factory* Wily Fighter, status report.

WF - Yes Master. The Zero Joe army is currently at 90%.

DWII - Good... Is there any Rabid Mets left from the previous mission?

WF - Yes Master. Enough for another stampede.

DWII - GOOD... Send all of them to St. Acidburg.

WF - As you wish, Master. *signal cuts*

Dr. Wily II began to slowly spin in his evil spinning chair again. The Zero Joe army is almost ready, and more suffering for the citizens of St. Acidburg... Now all he needs to to strike the Resistance. He hopped over to his computer console, and typed away. Soon, the screen blinked an image of DarkWaltz's Karaoke Bar.

DWII - So that's where they are... Enjoy yourselves for now... FOR I WILL HAVE THE SWEET TASTE OF VICTORY!!

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #2705 on: July 02, 2013, 06:13:23 PM
(So that's what you meant when you said you'd get back to the Shuffle Alliance thing. I like it.)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #2706 on: July 02, 2013, 06:20:23 PM
(I had to spend days talking to PB to get it good though, I admit I made the Shuffle Alliance in a derp moment and had no real plan for it but we were able to come up with something.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #2707 on: July 02, 2013, 06:25:56 PM
(Well that's good, certainly better than my cop-out with the temple. But that was more to speed up the pace of the sidequest that I was on so I can return to the Main story.)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #2708 on: July 02, 2013, 06:26:54 PM
(Yeah I understand that.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #2709 on: July 02, 2013, 06:31:48 PM
(Glad I could help. I'm always available! XD)

Offline Rin

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Reply #2710 on: July 02, 2013, 08:22:25 PM
(Okay guize. Time to kill off most of my "godly" characters. It's kinda lame but... I'm doing something different here, so that once I'm done only one character (except Kharaxel) will remain)

Upon Josei's return from the temple, Akai jumped right into his arms.

"You are alright!" She cried out happily.

"Why wouldn't I be? The temple turned out to be quite... well... easy. All of your worrying was for nothing."

As Akai continued to hug Josei, Kharaxel's and Wildgun's eyes were drawn to the sheated blade.

"Is this what was in the temple?" Asked Wildgun.

"Y-yeah." Muttered out Josei, trying to free himself from Akai's hug of love.

"Interesting, what do you think boy?"

Kharaxel however stood in silence, his eyes glowing red every second.

"It is coming."

"What?" Asked Wildgun.

"The never-ending dark. Shadow looming over all worlds. He who fell into madness. He who strayed from the design. He is coming."

"Holy [parasitic bomb]! My head hurts!" Shouted Tron.

"Mine too... what is happening?!" Cried the Maiden.

*  *   *

Unity, who continued to stroll around aimlessly in WDS, felt something unusual. It was...

"PAIN! My head! WHAT... IS GOInG ON!"

And then, Unity disappeared in thin air.

Same thing happened with Kharaxel, who vanished before the group's eyes.

*  *  *

When Kharaxel regained consciouness, he realized he's not with Josei and the rest anymore. In fact, he was shackled using some strange energy. Upon careful inspection, he also realized that he's in some white space... and that next to him was Unity. Also shackled.

"Holyyy hell. We are in deep [parasitic bomb] now." Said Tron.

"Why?" Asked Kharaxel.

"This is The Observer's room... which means..." Spoke The Maiden.

"Indeed. Welcome everyone."

Out of nowhere, appeared a man sitting on a quite fancy chair, accompanied by a guy, who emanated anger and rage.

"Welcome." Spoke the man in the chair. "I am The Observer."

"W-what do you want from me?" Asked Kharaxel. Honestly saying, he was afraid to know.

"I wish everything from you. In fact... all of your being shall become a sacrifice. Or rather, a vessel for The Red-Eyed Prophet. as of Tron, Maiden and the creature... they will become sacrifices."

"The [tornado fang]?! What do you think are you doing you crazy son of a [sonic slicer]?! Aren't you supposed to be guarding all worlds?"

"This is not a debate, Th'R'Onn. you and The Maiden are going to die. The Creature shall disappear. And the boy's mind will cease to be "

"In other words... you are going to [tornado fang]ing kill us. Joy." Spoke Tron.

Suddenly, Unity, who remained uncouncious began to scream in pain and disappear. The same began to happen with Kharaxel, Tron and The Maiden.

Finally, Unity disappeared completely and every ounce of his power entered into Kharaxel.

And at that moment.

The Destroyer, who waited for his chance, pierced the chair and conseqently Observer's chest with his hand. The Observer let out a scream of pain.

"WHAT... ARE YOU DOING?!" He roared.

"I'm shutting you down, you degenerate moron. This is the function given to us in this system... to stop you from straying too far from your own role in it."

The White Room began to crumble and in a moment's flash a huge explosion devastated the entire place. Kharaxel could feel his entire body being torn apart by a surge of power... and then.

"Kharaxel! Wake up!" Shouted Wildgun.

Kharaxel woke up once again, right before the temple.

"What... what happened?"

"That's we want to know, man. You just went and disappeared for a moment and then returned, face right in the ground."

Kharaxel began to explain what he understood of the situation he found himself a moment ago.

Meanwhile in St. Acidburg... another person has awakened. Or rather...

The creature which resembled a human, yet lacked any human features such as face, ears or hair... walked through a dark alley in St. Acidburg. Laughing to itself and murmuring things which to a normal person would spell "insanity". Finally... the creature stopped, as if finally realizing what it should do.

"Wi... Wily."

It muttered and upon its back, giant wings emerged. With nothing else said, the creature leaped into the air and flew towards the WDS.

A creature made of pure darkness.


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Reply #2711 on: July 02, 2013, 08:41:36 PM
([parasitic bomb] just went down! XD I like it!)

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Reply #2712 on: July 02, 2013, 09:47:18 PM
(I'm gonna have to update my recap with these Phi appearances.)

Meanwhile in the desert, the mysterious young woman continued on her path to find Archetype.

She thought to herself, I hope the war hasn't already begun... No, they'd be too unprepared at this point. Not to mention I have to inform Archetype of the events that came to pass in that other timeline...

The woman fiddled with the pendant she had around her neck. St. Acidburg... all those people that... She stopped in place and covered her mouth, as if she was going to throw up. She grabbed her pendant and fiddled with it even further, softly saying But you endured all that pain... for her... she rubbed her eyes for a bit and continued along the path. But why continue that pain... for what purpose...?

She lightly slapped the sides of her face and shook her head to break out of the momentary train of thought.

Anyway, for all our sakes, he better have that same courage he did during that savage timeline. She partly covered her eyes and looked up at the dusty, foggy night sky. The Resistance will need all the help they can get. Operation Janus won't fail... it can't fail!

(I hate putting all this cryptic dialog whenever Phi is involved, but once the Resistance storyline continues, many of these things will be cleared up.)

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Reply #2713 on: July 02, 2013, 10:16:56 PM
(Okay edited something slightly in my last post for Lou.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #2714 on: July 02, 2013, 10:26:42 PM
Josei - "Hm, so you say that Unity thing is gone? What about that Tron thing? Anyway, check this sword out."

Josei unsheathed the sacred blade, still as perfect as it was in the temple.

Josei - "It needs a name. And nothing with an A at the beginning."

(I'll think of a name.)

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Reply #2715 on: July 03, 2013, 07:41:48 AM
Back at Ninja Lou's safe house.

"Oh my god... what is happening ... Run.. RUN!!!!!"  said the voice in the video.

"Forget the damn the phone ... just run you idiot!" yelled a female voice. "Quick down this alley!!"

The video showed the woman running down the alley, as they emerged they came across a glowing red figure. "No it can't be... Is that Prot.." There was a flash of red and the video went dead.

"As you can see in this video recovered at the scene that the very same people that were here to protect us are also the ones that destroyed our fair city." said the reporter. "Sure you can say that the Resistance were the ones that "saved" us, but is that what really happened?? The battle was between members of this "resistance", was this some sort of internal struggle for power? Was this a renegade member that was working for Wily's forces?? Reports say that Wily bots were on scene, was the resistance trying to fight them off to save us or was Wily here to help us??? Now the resistance is here, trying to help us rebuild... but are they really here to help? Do they have a hidden agenda that we are unaware of? We will bring you more as it develops and ..."

Lou shut off that screen. "Why are people so stupid." he said, anger creeping into his voice.

Reis was standing behind him. She was calm, after all she knew her husband and she knew someone had to remain objective. "Calm yourself Louis. You are letting your emotions get the best of you again." She put her hand on his shoulder.

Lou was staring at another screen which had a photo of his friend in his enraged state. "I don't get it, Greg doesn't get this angry. It doesn't make sense"

"People change, you have been missing for quite some time now Louis. You don't know what could have happened in that time." Reis said. "Yet taking into account the things you have told me about him. This seems like an extreme change in personality, he seems like a mindless monster."

"Yeah, I know, I know." Lou said as he started another video. "Damn it! I can't find out anything else... I know the battle ended but I can't find out what happened to him. I need to know if he is still alive and what his state of mind is. All I know is that Vixy won somehow."

"Can you not contact someone within this resistance? I am sure you can find out about your friend if you do" Reis replied as she leaned forward and put her arms around Lou. "You have friends there, correct?"

"Yes, but with the state that this place is in I dunno if they will believe it's really me. I have been gone for sometime now. They probably assumed I was dead. Also I don't want to take the chance of Wily figuring out that I am back. Last thing I need is for him to send a wave of robots here." Lou leaned back into her embrace and held her hand.

"Ah, is that like those metal men we once fought?" Reis asked.

Lou nodded. "Close enough."

"How do you wish to proceed? If you do not want to risk contacting anyone the only course of action is for us to venture out and find out for ourselves." Reis said.

"Yeah I think you're right babe, time for us to head out and find out what happened to my friend."

"We knew you would not be able to avoid getting into trouble." said one of the dragons within Lou.

Lou stayed silent and grabbed his sword. He turned to see that Reis had summoned her armor to her. With her sword attached to her waist and her shield on her back she leaned on the door and smiled at him. He nodded to her and they both headed out.

In another place the air started to swirl and a rift in space and time started to occur. Dark energy started to spill out as it started to open. A person emerged wearing black armor with a long black cape. Attached to his waist was a broadsword that emitted a dark aura. His eyes glowed red and he had a scar that that started above his right eye and went down to lower left side of his face. He had the blackest hair and a goatee. Around his right eye he had a tattoo of a dragon that seemed to be drawn in blood that almost glowed. He looked around around and smiled.

"Excellent, I think I finally found him." The man with red eyes thought to himself. He heard a sound behind him and saw a man standing by the road. He quickly vanished and appeared behind the man impaling him with his sword.

"W..hy?" asked the man as he reached for the blade coming out of his chest.

The man with red eyes pulled out his sword and started to walk away. He said nothing as the man died, all he did was smile as he planned to destroy the ones that had taken everything away from him.

This post has been approved by Marle!

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Reply #2716 on: July 03, 2013, 08:50:47 PM
Quickie arrived in the wreckage of St. Acidburg and finally saw the destruction and devastation first hand. Gotta admit, even I didn't know he was capable of doing anything like this. Guess the Emperor's frenzy waves really [tornado fang]'d with his mind, puny as it is. she thought to herself as she soon spotted a crowd of people huddled around a camp fire in a makeshift town. Ahhhh perfect. I'll begin with them.

She made her way over to the crowd and heard them just simply talking among themselves about the Resistance and Wily, what they were going to do with their lives after all of this, and so on. "I guess we'll have to sit it out and wait to see who wins in the end." a random citizen named Anthing said aloud.

"Wait? What the hell are you talking about?" Quickie interrupted him. "Do you even know what happened? I was there. I saw it all. PB, the leader of the Resistance, went insane! I could hear him as he was fighting with Vixy, how he would murder us all."

"That doesn't seem right though...why would PB fight with Vixy?" marksmith asked.

"Vixy just protects us, no matter who's in charge. After all that's happened, you think she's going to fully side with the Resistance when their very leader tried to exterminate us all?! Given the choice between rule under them and rule under Wily, I'll choose Wily. I'll never trust them again!"

"Yeah...why should we trust them?" Pegasolta Eclaire Ikki interjected. "I lost my husband...my home....m-my everything..." she started to break down into tears as others walked over to console her. The crowd was being to stir up conversation about the situation.

This is more fun than I thought. Let's spice it up a bit more... she smiled as she sped off, looking for another crowd. She found one next to some semi destroyed buildings that were still standing. Hehehe, oh that'll do nicely! Quickie thought as she kicked her superspeed into a higher gear. She sped past the crowd, blowing away their tents and blowing out their campfire, as she made her way to the three buildings. Using her speed and Quick Boomerangs, she systematically began destroying what was left of the building's support beams one by one. In minutes, the already panic stricken crowd took notice of the dust coming from the buildings, followed by the sound of crumbling. Quickie then appeared in the crowd.

"OH GOD...IT'S PB!! HE'S ATTACKING AGAIN. RUN. GET OUT OF HERE NOW!!! EVERYBODY RUNNNNNNN!!" she yelled out, sending the people into an absolute panic as they ran from the collapsing buildings. "I could do this all day. Heheheh....AHAHAHAHAHA!" Quickie laughed maniacally while watching the people run away. Before the buildings fell onto her, she sped off again, looking for another target.

Perhaps I'll just go to the main hub of cannon fodder. she thought as she ran to the Fxenodrome, where the largest gathering of citizens were. She was able to blend in with the crowd as she pointed towards the huge cloud of smoke in the distance from the buildings she just destroyed.

"Look. YOU SEE THAT? PB IS BACK!" she yelled out before moving to another part of the crowd in the blink of an eye.
"HE'LL KILL US ALL!" she screamed before moving again.
"EVERYONE INTO THE FORTRESS, NOW!" she yelled before pushing some random person and shoving him into another, causing a mad panic of people beginning to stampede into the Fxenodrome.

Vixy then appeared and tried to calm everyone down.

"Please, everyone. Please be calm. No one is fighting in the city anymore. These buildings took heavy damage and some are bound to fall. That's why I offered you refuge in here and..." she said before being interrupted.

"SAVE US, VIXY!" someone yelled out.

This is sooooo sweet. One more little push should do... Quickie thought to herself as she moved within the crowd at super speed chanting. "DOWN WITH THE RESISTANCE." at each location. The crowd started to join in with the chant.

Was that... Vixy pondered as she heard a familiar voice before the chanting began, then briefly saw Quickie smiling in the crowd before disappearing at super speed. ...Quickie??

(Soooo much fun!  8D)

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Reply #2717 on: July 03, 2013, 09:12:50 PM
(Danm this is evil, I don't think I'm sending Borock-bot and the others there, he might just get pelted.)

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Reply #2718 on: July 03, 2013, 09:18:26 PM
(Why do I have a hankering to summon Godzilla and a legion of Kaiju now? >BD)

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Reply #2719 on: July 03, 2013, 09:19:41 PM

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Reply #2720 on: July 03, 2013, 09:24:10 PM
(It is probably best not to ask. :P)

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Reply #2721 on: July 03, 2013, 09:25:09 PM
(Probably not.)

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Reply #2722 on: July 03, 2013, 09:26:20 PM
(Perhaps it would be best to send the new Resistance members into St. Acidburg? I mean, they're new; no one would recognize them as being part of the Resistance and therefore the hysteria that Evil Quickie is helping spread against the Resistance won't apply to them)

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #2723 on: July 03, 2013, 09:29:26 PM
(Yeah maybe it would be a good idea, though I think only Taylor and Sinos are the only ones not upgrading weapons and Sinos might not want to go since he made a death threat that probably reached pretty far.)

(EDIT: And Pyro probably shouldn't go since he was there too.)

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Reply #2724 on: July 03, 2013, 09:34:20 PM
(What about Kharaxel and Josei? I mean, those guys are still pretty new, besides, both are done with their current thing I believe. Kharaxel is rid of Tron and Maiden. While Josei just obtained a kickass new sword.)