Wilypocalypse NOW

Protoman Blues · 400566

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1875 on: June 01, 2013, 06:33:52 PM
"I recommend some long range attacks if you have them!" Borock-bot yelled as Coffee Man hit the ground.

Immediately Coffee Man shot a Coffee Stream at Borock-bot who narrowly dodged the brunt of the attack but his sleeve was hit by some droplets and the sleeve began to dissolve and his robotic skin began to become slightly irritated.  Borock-bot looked behind him and saw that the sand behind him began turning into glass slightly.

"This Coffee is much hotter than what is recommended." Borock-bot observed "I must be careful, Boomerange Paddle!"

Borock-bot threw one of his paddles at Coffee Man hoping he could crack the glass container holding the deadly coffee.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1876 on: June 01, 2013, 07:07:00 PM
(Okay, here goes nothing.)

After an hour, Kharaxel, Josei and Akai finally made it to Mr. Wildgun's house. The reason they did not end up at his house immediately was because just before teleportation, Akai screamed in some strange mixture of excitement and fear, which deconcentrated Kharaxel.
And so... they ended up a bit too far from their target.

"Is this it?" Josei asked, panting, the long walk wore him off a bit.

"Yeah." Said Kharaxel, knocking at the small doors to the house.

"You look tired." Akai asked Josei. "It can't be that tiring to have a small walk?"

"Says the one who can't get tired."

"I believe you're just out of shape. I could help you train if you wish." She said smiling.

Josei merely let out a big sigh.

"Dammit." Kharaxel, who during that exchange, continued to knock, began to get impatient. "Is that damned old man out?!"

Kharaxel's eyes flashed red.

"Damned old man? Not calling him "master" or "Mr. Wildgun" anymore?" Asked Josei.

"Just... don't tell anybody. And especially not him." Responded Kharaxel, winking.

*  *  *

Unity began to get annoyed. Not only was his search for the intruder not going too well, the current situation is far from amusing or entertaining.
It could only hope, that everything will change soon.

(So yeah, I'm going to stretch this into two three posts, I'll wait for RMZX to acknowledge this and respond.)

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Reply #1877 on: June 01, 2013, 08:19:49 PM
(I'll try and get to it later as making updates on my phone is not really something I want to do, though if I'm taking too long feel free to contine further, I'll give you my story ideas.)

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #1878 on: June 01, 2013, 08:58:41 PM
(Well, I had to be specific as to who he was noticing and waving at. He doesn't actually know who they were. So how would I do it next time?)
(Well, you could say a sort of shooting star/comet/meteor, that seemed to be headed in your direction, and then panic flailing when it IS really headed in your direction. XD Just my 2 cents. :P)

Coffee Man immediately fired another Coffee Stream at the incoming paddle, and somehow managed to deflect it downwards, short of the intended target.

Coffee - *bubbles, and flailing his hose, which was strangely holding a sign with the written words "Coffee Man"*

Coffee Man proceeded to boil over the coffee mixture within his body, causing a mini tsunami that's headed straight for the borockman look-alike.

boforte - HOHOHO!! You MANAGED to somehow DODGE my mighty DURIAN BAZOOKA!?

boforte crashed into the ground, causing the ground to quake at the impact, as he slowly arose from his self-made crater.

boforte - My name is BOFORTE, and I'm IMPRESSED... NOT REALLY!! DURIAN BAZOOKA!!

boforte, glasses glowing red, aimed his buster forward, and fired at his target.

(I guess you can somehow intro yourself, like battle banter, so that we can name each other from this point on, Suppercut. Same for you, Sakura. :P)

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1879 on: June 01, 2013, 09:25:13 PM
"Oh crap!" Borock-bot yelled as he was pelted by the Coffee Tsunami which also gave his paddle back without him having to recall it.  Though not as deadly as the Coffee Stream the Tsunami gave him some more rips in his clothes and he was in pain.

"Cure!" Borock-bot yelled as he glowed and healed his wounds.  "It's too bad that I can't repair my clothes this way, I'm afraid this outfit will become beyond repair as this battle rages on."

The oversized Coffee pot boils as he decides to try tackling Borock-bot.  

"You truly think that tactic is going to work on me?" Borock-bot taunts as he side steps the bum rushing coffee pot.  Coffee Man trips but gets up quickly to face Borock-bot bubbling at him furiously.

"You seem to think I am Borockman do you not?" Borock-bot addresses the coffee pot as he summons a few Ping Pong energy balls "I'm guessing that Wily II sent you here thinking that my counterpart's strange abhorrence of coffee would give you an advantage right?  

I'm sorry to disappoint you but that is not the case, I am Borock-bot a robot replica created by Ms. Sakura Blues!  Although we look similar I am quiet different from my base design and with that difference I will defeat you!  Now taste my PING PONG STORM!"

Borock-bot begins hitting Ping Pong Ball after Ping Pong Ball making a hail storm of Ping Pong Balls heading strait for Coffee Man.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1880 on: June 01, 2013, 09:29:07 PM
Coffee Man suddenly waved a sign with the words "WHAT!?" in bold, as the ping pong balls started to hail on him. In his panic, he flailed his hose, which somehow was still holding the sign, and managed to swat back some of the ping pong balls at borock-bot. The rest of the ping pong balls pinged at his glass body, as Coffee Man continued to flail.

(And this will continue when I wake up... Carry on the counterattacks!)

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Reply #1881 on: June 01, 2013, 10:45:24 PM
On impulse, Sinos brought his CP-Blades above him and slashed in a cross pattern, releasing the blades' energy forth in two intersecting wave attacks, slashing the projectile in four pieces. Realizing that the attack, albeit separated, was still hurtling towards him, and his blades were still recharging, Sinos kicked off the ground and dashed through the center, narrowly avoiding the subsequent four separate explosions behind him.

"Your hostility and ego already decide your fate, boforte," Sinos began as he recharged his CP-Blades, "I am Sinos, the latest in Suppercut Industries artificial intelligence android technology. I came here to represent the home universe, but I can't do that with you around!" With another crossing gesture, Sinos reactivated his blades and dashed at boforte, taking a swipe at him with his left blade.


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Reply #1882 on: June 01, 2013, 10:53:57 PM
IN CASE YOU WEREN'T AWARE, WE HAVE SOME COMPANY NOW, Sam said, notifying Taylor of their visitors.

"Dammit!" she replied angrily, glancing over towards Borock-Bot. "Well, it looks like they're rather occupied... which is good. This fight is just between Sapph and myself... and our Digimon!"

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Reply #1883 on: June 01, 2013, 11:29:07 PM
Sapph's suit rose it's arm to take the brunt of Inferno Garurumon's attack, once more firing a unibeam at him at point-blank range.

Sapph, meanwhile, had noticed the company long before Sam pointed it out, but Taylor's response gave him an idea. "Alpha Team! Seek and Destroy! I repeat! Seek and Destroy!" He commanded. Hopefully, the three digimon occupying the computer systems in his suit would understand what he wanted them to destroy without Wily catching on.


And, of course, they did. "Alright, boyos, time to find the core of the control program and destroy it." Paildramon said, starting to fly off in some random direction.

"Hey! Wait a second!" Pumpmon shouted, hopping into Rize Greymon's hand before following. "Since when do you speak with a cheesy Irish accent?"

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

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Reply #1884 on: June 02, 2013, 12:10:02 AM
Hierophant scrambled out of the back wall of the control room, looking around for someplace to hide and search for Emperor when Oracle Man suddenly appeared from all sides, his eyes still glowing as he still had his Oracle Sights activated and now doubled seven times more than he originally appeared.

At this magnitude, not only was he and Death surrounded, their Oracle Sights made their white outlines as bright as neon lights.

"You can never escape me," one of them said, trying to confuse and disorient Hierophant and Death.

"I know where you are and how to ensure you never escape Dr. Wily II's punishment," another said.

Hierophant looks around his surrounding predicament before groaning in frustration.

"I'm sorry, I seriously don't have time for this!"

He then points his staff towards one of the Oracle Man clones, "CONFUSE!"

A light gray glow surrounds the blue orb on his staff before firing off towards the targeted clone, causing a his Oracle Sight to turn off and render any chance of predicting his movements ineffective, though it didn't stop the other seven's Oracle Sights from keeping him out in the open.

"It will take more than one corrupted clone to stop the rest of us," the next clone said as the group continues to close in, their head gems glowing in preparation of firing off their Oracle Beams.

Unfortunately, their focus on Hierophant had left them ignorant to the affected clone slowly losing more of his conscience as static and other visual anomalies began flashing in front of him, making it impossible for him to try and figure out who's where or what he should be shooting at.  Struggling to stick with what he knows, he fires off his Oracle Beam at where he last remembered Hierophant standing at.

Unsure of how magical the beam coming at him was, Hierophant drops flat onto his stomach with his wings spread as straight as their magical structure could muster, only leaving his miter in the line of fire as the beam passes straight through it and hits one of the other clones standing in the same trajectory who predicted the outcome and redirected his charging beam to premature projectile, increasing the partially magical effect and dispelling the miter's invisibility, causing it to faze through Hierophant's head and almost blind him as he continues to lay flat on the floor.

Because the rest of him was still invisible, he couldn't push the exposed miter out of the way to figure out what was going on, forcing him to lift his head just enough to bypass its obscuring tangibility to see the rest of the clones aiming their the jewel on their turbans towards him and preparing to fire off their combined Oracle Beams.  Hierophant grit his teeth before clutching Death and his staff closer towards him.

"Teleport!" he shouts.

The staff glows white before a large beam of light shoots up towards the ceiling, engulfing them just as the rest of the clones fired their Oracle Beams towards him, hitting the beam instead as it shrinks away, leaving nothing but the surprisingly unscathed miter in its departure.

The light eventually fades, allowing Hierophant to open his eyes and figure out where he teleported himself and Death to, finding themselves in another part of the fifth level hallway.

"Of all the places you could have teleported us to, you chose to take us to another area of the hallway?" Death sighs in disappointment.

"You know how hard it is to think straight when you have six magical beams coming at you at once!?" Hierophant nearly snaps, though struggles hard to keep it to a low hiss.  He then clambers back onto his feet, "In any case, we're at least far enough from that robot to not get caught in his Oracle Sight, so we can at least focus on finding out where Emperor teleported himself this time."

They didn't have to look long when they noticed a card-shaped glow coming from the scrapyard a few feet in front of them.  Not wanting to waste anymore time and lure other beings able to see through their invisibility, they ran towards the scrapyard in the hopes of finally digging Emperor out and hauling him away from the WDS.


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Reply #1885 on: June 02, 2013, 01:00:25 AM
InfernoGarurumon was again blown back by the point-blank shot. And this time, it took a few more seconds to get up.

"Don't strain yourself!" Taylor cautioned.

"I'll try not to... but this suit is... incredibly... powerful..." InfernoGarurumon replied, gasping for breath between his words. Despite the fact that he was obviously not okay, he leapt back into the fray anyways.

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1886 on: June 02, 2013, 04:32:37 AM
Borock-bot dodged a few of the Ping-Pong balls while deflecting others with his Ping Pong Strike though a few of them did manage to hit him.

"It's going to take more than that to bring me down!" Borock-bot said as he continued to heal his wounds.

Meanwhile in the Sickbay Sakura received a call on her Com-Link from Borock-bot.

"Excuse me." Sakura said as she stepped out of the room.  "Come in."

"Ms. Sakura I have an update on the situation!" She heard Borock-bot shout.

"What's going on?" Sakura asked as she heard the sounds of battle.

"It turns out Dr. Wily II hacked in to Mr. Sapphire Knight's armor and now he's in complete control of its functions!" Borock-bot yelled as he dodged another Coffee Stream.

"Oh no..." Sakura said with worry in her voice "How is this possible?"

"I don't know but we'll make sure this gets fixed, it doesn't seem that Taylor can damage Sapph so long the suit is on hi-GAHH!" She heard him yell.

"Borock-bot!" Sakura cried.

"I'm fine." Borock-bot said as he healed himself "Wily II also sent some of his Robot Masters here to attack me and another robot who showed up.  Don't worry I'll be okay."

"Please be careful." Sakura cautioned. "I don't want you to get hurt more than you have to."

"I will be fine Ms. Sakura, I shall not fall to these evil-doers!" Borock-bot declared before hanging up.

"How am I going to tell this to the others?" Sakura asked herself.

"Oh we already know." Zeta said behind her.

Sakura turned around to see Zeta, PB and Asch standing behind her.

"You were here the entire time?" Sakura questioned.

"Yeah, sorry for eavesdropping on you like that we just wanted to save you the time to explain the whole thing." Asch explained "So Ol Bathair hacked into this Sapph guy's armor?"

"Yeah." Sakura sighed "Currently Taylor is fighting him on her own while Borock-bot and a robot who was in the area are fighting some if his robot masters."

"Sapph often went to the Doc to bounce off ideas and have him help build his armors to use." PB stated "I guess maybe he put a program in one of them and activated it."

"That seems to be the situation." Sakura nodded "I just hope they'll be okay."

"Don't sweat it Saki." Zeta shook her head "I'm sure BB and Tay-Tay'll be just fine and that Sapph guy will be out of Baldy II's grubby hands."

"I hope so." Sakura looked down.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1887 on: June 02, 2013, 05:23:46 AM
Sapph's armor pulled it's arm back and punched Inferno Garurumon square in the gut, not holding anything back.

"Seriously, don't you have any long-ranged attacks!? This getting up-close is gonna get Inferno Garurumon de-rezzed!" Sapph shouted, the suit tossing the digimon aside before turning to Taylor.

-SEAVEN SHOOTER CHARGING- The suit said in a robotic voice, pointing at Taylor with a charging ball of colored light.

"[parasitic bomb]! TAYLOR! RUN!!!"

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

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Reply #1888 on: June 02, 2013, 05:50:25 AM
Coffee Man continued to flail, at least the hail of ping pong balls stopped momentarily. Taking advantage, he rapid-fired multiple Coffee Streams at borock-bot.


As boforte continued to gloat, with jets in full blast, he easily dodged the incoming slash from Sinos.

boforte - You're too SLOW!! BOFORTE UPPERCUT!! *dashes straight at Sinos, buster arm ready for a charged uppercut*

At the WDS, Dr. Wily II was watching intently at the roaring battle in the desert, and temporaily forgot about the intruder.

DWII - Good... Sapph's suit is indeed as powerful as I imagined!! And even if he did send his digimon to try and regain control... A certain someone is itching for some revenge!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Dr. Wily II turned the video feed towards boforte's target, and from boforte's receptors, managed to get the name, and origin of the mysterious robot. He typed "Sinos" into his console. Nothing. He then tried "Suppercut Industries". Nothing as well.

DWII - Strange... Alien robot technology? Multiverse technology? VERY interesting...

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Reply #1889 on: June 02, 2013, 05:51:25 AM
"Where to? There's nowhere to go!" Taylor said, panic evident in her voice.

"Don't worry, that biting attack isn't the only thing I learned from that guy," InfernoGarurumon said through gritted teeth. He leapt in front of Taylor and started digging furiously, creating an underground lair to protect the two. He only hoped they'd be safe from that ball of light.

[I forgot what the Seaven Shooter does, but we're getting close to where I need this to go... also didn't you have a sword?]

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Reply #1890 on: June 02, 2013, 06:09:58 AM
"Peh! All that big-man talk and you go for a hand-to-hand attack... Bad idea!" Sinos brought his right blade forward and up in a parrying slash, colliding with boforte's uppercut and offsetting the attack. In the same moment, Sinos brought his blades around, made a slight jump, and twirled with both blades outstretched in a spinning attack. "COPLASMA ROTATION!"


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Reply #1891 on: June 02, 2013, 06:12:00 AM
(@Wily: The battle is actually happening in the desert, as Sapph was investigating his destroyed home, and that's in the desert.

@Mirby: Yes he does, but the armor's not programmed to use the sword. And the Seaven Shooter warps the target into a manifestation of one of the 7 Sins and Virtues.)

Sapph's armor boosted into the air and over the hole. -SEAVEN SHOOTER: SLOTH BEAM FIRE- The suit's voice said, shooting a pale blue beam.


The three digimon continued searching through the programming of the armor, trying to find the control program that was enabling Wily to control the armor.

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

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Reply #1892 on: June 02, 2013, 06:21:46 AM
InfernoGarurumon was swift in his digging; just fast enough to have tunneled under where Sapph was standing and to pop up behind him. Taylor followed shortly after, now ready for an attack.

"DIGIMODIFY!" she exclaimed, holding two cards and the Digivice up in the air. "Frigimon: Sub-Zero Ice Punch! WarGreymon: Brave Shield!" she yelled, sliding the two cards through the slot. "Good thing I realized I could use two of the Speed cards to hasten your tunneling, eh?"

"You could have remembered sooner!" InfernoGarurumon grunted, a large shield appearing in his left arm and his right holding the power of ice in it. With most of his force put into it, he punched Sapph's armor from behind, releasing the unbridled force of an arctic blizzard right in the cracks between the suit's pieces. "Now get behind me!" he shouted, holding the shield up to protect the two of them.

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Reply #1893 on: June 02, 2013, 06:44:27 AM
"Float!" Borock-bot cried as he cast the spell and flew into the air avoiding most of the Coffee Streams save for one that hit on of his pant legs and dissolving it.

"I do admit for a strange simple robot you are not to be underestimated." Borock-bot started "However I must not return to Ms. Sakura scantily clad and quiet frankly this battle has grown tiresome."

Borock-bot began charging his magic into a large energy ball above his head.

"This should be sufficient enough to take you down a peg, PING PONG HOLY!" Borock-bot cried as he hit the energy strait towards his target.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1894 on: June 02, 2013, 07:25:44 AM
(Oops, will edit the location.)

"Peh! All that big-man talk and you go for a hand-to-hand attack... Bad idea!" Sinos brought his right blade forward and up in a parrying slash, colliding with boforte's uppercut and offsetting the attack. In the same moment, Sinos brought his blades around, made a slight jump, and twirled with both blades outstretched in a spinning attack. "COPLASMA ROTATION!"
boforte - HA!! So you can get faster! BUT I AM EVEN FASTER!!

With jets at full blast again, boforte dodged the incoming spining attack, although this time, just barely.

boforte - *tsk* Seems I'm getting rusty... You just have to warm me up further!! DURAIN BAZOOKA VOLLEY!!

"Float!" Borock-bot cried as he cast the spell and flew into the air avoiding most of the Coffee Streams save for one that hit on of his pant legs and dissolving it.

"I do admit for a strange simple robot you are not to be underestimated." Borock-bot started "However I must not return to Ms. Sakura scantily clad and quiet frankly this battle has grown tiresome."

Borock-bot began charging his magic into a large energy ball above his head.

"This should be sufficient enough to take you down a peg, PING PONG HOLY!" Borock-bot cried as he hit the energy strait towards his target.
Coffee Man flailed and tried to dodge the attack, but comically tripped over a stone on the ground and began to roll along. The attack hit, causing Coffee Man to roll at an even higher speed, towards an unsuspecting Sinos.

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Reply #1895 on: June 02, 2013, 08:29:36 AM
Meanwhile, at the Suppercut Industries Supervisory Control Room...

This boforte guy is fast, thought Dr. Danow, and Sinos is only barely dodging his attacks. Maybe there's a way to...?

"...I got it!"

The whole room jumped in shock as Dr. Danow leaped up and rushed to Supperture R&D, all the while shouting, "I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it...!"

Sinos's eyes widened as he took in the increased amount of projectiles hurtling at him. He tried his best to dodge, but took the brunt of the damage from the leftmost one, causing him to scrape along the ground, and start to roll like a thrown ragdoll, taking him out of Coffee Man's trajectory, but causing more damage to his systems. He reluctantly brought himself to his feet again, readying his blades.

Suddenly, Sinos noticed that he was being sent packets through the inter-dimensional data stream, being pointed to an ability subdirectory in his programming. They also included a notice that appeared to be from Dr. Danow himself, stating, "Use this. Keep a lock on boforte. Should be nearly unavoidable. Be careful. -Dr. C.D." I should let it fully download, and while I'm waiting, I'll get closer to him so it'll be easier to use, Sinos mused. But I wonder what it means by ECANN.BAT?

"I'm not going to give up that easily, boforte...!" Sinos said through gritted teeth. He then dashed forward while covering his advance by throwing one of his blades' energy at boforte.


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Reply #1896 on: June 02, 2013, 09:00:05 AM

boforte dodged the incoming energy blade, and aimed his buster again, and instead of firing durian-shaped projectiles, the buster seemed to glow eerily.


Multiple mini howling skulls began to shoot out of boforte's buster, each laughing creepily as they homed onto Sinos.

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Reply #1897 on: June 02, 2013, 09:31:39 AM
Sinos was pretty baffled. "You go from several giant, explosive, spiny projectiles to skulls?" He continued to press onward, slashing at the skulls when they got close, and luring them into hitting the ground whenever his one blade failed. Once he got close enough, and his other blade reignited, he checked the download. Just about complete...This had better work!

As per his creator's instructions, Sinos targeted the boasting boforte. "How about this, four-eyes?!" He activated the program, and...

Wait...Why is my SI-927 unit activating? Sinos seemed to have a puzzled expression on his face as he began to glow with a cocoon of energy. I didn't mess up the download, did I? Sure enough, his form began to shift into the pure energy form he uses to teleport. So what did that have to do with the situation? Sinos was about to find out.

Suddenly, Sinos kicked off at an angle...straight at boforte! His energy form became completely dematerialized, and hurtled straight at boforte at an insane speed. He didn't have time to react as the body of energy collided with him and dragged him into the skies. After a second of this, Sinos's body began to return to normal, flying through the sky along with his target. Not even wasting the time to shake off the exit energy, he started attacking boforte immediately as they fell.

(Hopping off for a few hours of sleep...)


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Reply #1898 on: June 02, 2013, 09:58:14 AM
boforte - WHAT THE!?

Before boforte could even registered what had just happened, he was already high in the atmosphere, and Sinos was landing a barrage of attacks as the both of them were plummenting back to earth. boforte ws trying his best to block the attacks with his arms, but it wasn't long before one hit him right in the gut, and he was sent directly into the ground below, creating another crater. As boforte slowly struggled back to his feet, he cursed at Sinos.


At that moment, a dark purple aura enveloped boforte's body, as he tried to tap into his Durianium reserves. Once he managed to get what he needed... His aura literally exploded with the surge in energy.


A huge burst of energy and multiple shockwaves radiated from the crater, as the energy hemisphere threatened to swallow up Sinos, borock-bot and Coffee Man, who was still rolling about.

(Let's just say the energy blast radius is just outside of Sapph and Taylor's battle. >.>)

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Reply #1899 on: June 02, 2013, 11:13:43 PM
As soon as Sinos hit the ground, he watched boforte's blast radius rapidly approach him. With insufficient energy for a proper teleport, Sinos began to run towards borock-bot. "MR. BOROCK, SIR! HEEEEEELLLLLP!" he yelled, hoping his companion had some ways of escaping.

(I keep thinking of possible ways to escape this, and they all involve an upgrade Sinos doesn't have yet... =3= )
