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Protoman Blues · 399615

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Reply #775 on: January 09, 2013, 07:07:19 AM
(I forgot to mention, but Master Splinter is, of course, a zombie too. Maybe I should add zombie April and Casey too. XD)

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Reply #776 on: January 09, 2013, 07:10:24 AM
(What does April do again, doesn't she have like a sword or something?)

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Reply #777 on: January 09, 2013, 07:16:59 AM
(Nah, thinking of classic TMNT April, so all she's got is camera. 8D)

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Reply #778 on: January 09, 2013, 07:17:39 AM
(And her Zombie Turtle communicator XD)

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Reply #779 on: January 09, 2013, 07:19:14 AM
(So pretty much she would just be there doing her normal job?)

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Reply #780 on: January 09, 2013, 07:20:24 AM
(Nah, thinking of classic TMNT April, so all she's got is camera. 8D)

(You forgot yellow jumpsuit, nice rack, and the ability to get captured.)

(So pretty much she would just be there doing her normal job?)

(Normal Zombie job. Probably. So instead of giving news it would just be a bunch of unintelligible moaning.)

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Reply #781 on: January 09, 2013, 07:26:35 AM
(Not to mention all the other odds and ends she got lumped with throughout her evolution; such as said sword fighting, running an antique shop the turtles occasionally hang out in, being a former assistant to Baxter, having a crush on Donatello that is in no way promoting bestiality (As far as I can tell from the few episodes I saw of the Nick Toons remake), do I need to go on? -_-)


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Reply #782 on: January 09, 2013, 07:29:40 AM
(I'm not really knowledgeable on TMNT, but I think some of that stuff only applies to the 2003 TMNT and the new one. Then again, I could be VERY wrong, as I've not watched the 80's Turtles, and have only seen a few episodes of the 2003 version and only one episode of the newest one.)

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Reply #783 on: January 09, 2013, 07:36:47 AM
(Actually, April owning an antique shop started in either one or two of the three movies that came out near the late 80s/early 90s.  And her with the sword was in later additions of the Archie TMNT comics, even spawning her own series for a time, at least to my knowledge)


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Reply #784 on: January 09, 2013, 07:39:24 AM
(It was in the first TMNT movie)

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Reply #785 on: January 10, 2013, 06:44:46 AM
(I'm getting some urge to be nasty and kill off something. I probably will in my next story post.)

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Reply #786 on: January 10, 2013, 07:09:14 AM
"Okay, if you think it's a good idea..." Taylor said, following Pumpmon and InfernoGarurumon into the factory.

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Reply #787 on: January 10, 2013, 08:59:20 AM
As the giant Mouser emerged from under Frenzy Man, PBPB was finishing her telepathic love call with Super Heart Vixy!

"...and please hurry. Admiral Ragedick here just summoned a giant [tornado fang]ing Mouser against us. Fxeni and I cannot hold out for long!" PBPB thought to Vixy.
"On my way now, Pretty Bunny!" Vixy telepathically responded.

As PBPB hung up her brain phone, she went over to Fxeni to see if he was okay. As he nodded that he was, the orange and purple masked turtles jumped out of the sewer water and joined their two zombie mutant brothers and the giant Mouser to protect FrenzyMan.

"Do we have a plan?" Fxeni asked while gripping Yamalok intently.

"Surprisingly, we do. Survive until Vixy does her thang!" PBPB replied while summoning blue flames in her hands.

"Heh, well I'm pretty good at that. Let's go! Oh, and what's Vixy's thang, I mean thing?" Fxeni asked as he and PBPB began to charge FrenzyMan's zombie minions.

Meanwhile, up above in St. Acidburg, Super Heart Vixy flies down towards the ground, firing passion beam after passion beam at PB, who blocks every one with his Blues Shield. Finally she lands on the street and begins to taunt PB by sticking her tongue out at him while lowering her eyelid with her finger. After her silly taunting, she once again put her hands to her chest and began to charge her Cupid Heart Wave. In response, PB began charging up his Bluesmehameha Strike to unleash at Vixy. Meanwhile, back in the sewers...

"Okay, the scouter is picking up the both of them. Seems like she's getting ready!" Fxeni addressed PBPB while dodging staff and nunchuk attacks from the zombie mutants.

"Perfect. The timing of this has to be just right. Just a little while longer." PBPB responded then yelled out "FIRE BUNNIES ATTAAAAAACK!!" and a wave of Fire Bunny Rabbits were conjured up to attack the turtles and the giant Mouser. While the turtles began wailing away at the fire bunnies, the giant Mouser simply roared and blew the fire out. Then the Mouser rushed to attack PBPB, chomping its jaws as it approached. PBPB did not have enough strength to fight back with her full magical prowess, so she simply jumped to the other side of the sewer wall to dodge the Mouser's attack. As the Mouser jumped across to continue its assault, Fxeni appeared in between PBPB and the Mouser and slashed at it with Yamalok. He managed to nick the side of the Mouser's jaw and knock it slightly away. The Mouser crashed into the wall, which forced PBPB and Fxeni to jump back to the other side of the sewer to avoid the falling rocks.

"Dammit. That was meant to take off its head. We can't last much longer." Fxeni stated while breathing heavy.

Back above the city, Super Heart Vixy and PB were both done charging their attacks. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIII!" PB yelled out as her fired his Bluesmehameha Strike downward at Vixy. Super Heart Vixy smiled as she dissipated the Cupid Heart Wave and shouted out "RAINBOW DRILL!" Her Aurora Wings once again grew in size and folded over her as she spun around. Then, as the Bluesmehameha Strike approached her, she began drilling underground.

"SHE'S COMING! GET READY!" Fxeni yelled out as the earth above them began to crumble and crack.

"TELEPORT SPELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL........" PBPB yelled as she prepared her spell. Suddenly, a spinning rainbow appeared from above and Super Heart Vixy emerged from her Rainbow Drill! "NOW!" PBPB yelled as she finished her spell and teleported Fxeni, Super Heart Vixy, and herself out of the sewers. Frenzy Man had a puzzled look on his face when suddenly he looked up and saw an immense energy from above.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" he screamed before the Bluesmehameha Strike destroyed him and his zombie forces.

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Reply #788 on: January 10, 2013, 09:19:54 AM
After a moment of debating, Sapph shrugged and followed Talyn into the factory. "Where do you suppose they'd keep a power source in here?" He asked, scratching his chin when he thought of something. "And whose factory was this anyway?"

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Reply #789 on: January 10, 2013, 09:30:30 AM
After a few hours of Recharging, Akai opened her eyes.

Akai - "Josei..? Are you there?"

RMZX  - "I'm right here Akai."

Akai - "What happened?"

RMZX - "Hooking yourself up to the Gawain sapped too much of your energy and you shut down, this bear thing hooked you up to a charger so you can get some energy back."

Akai - "Oh... Alright, guess I'm pretty worthless without any energy, huh?"

RMZX - "You did your best, that's all that matters."

Akai - "Well... now that I'm awake again, lets get going..."

At that time, the Berbil decided to chime in.

Berbil Jade - "Robot would not be wise to disconnect themselves. If Robot is disconnected from power supply while its still charging she will most certainly suffer damage"

RMZX - "Wait, how does that work? I disconnect things from chargers all the time and they never get damaged if I disconnect them."

Jade - "Charger is defective. If power flow is interrupted without proper shutdown it damages whatever it was connected to."

RMZX - "What the hell?! That's a shitty [tornado fang]ing machine!"

Jade - "Do not blame Berbil, Berbil did not make device."

RMZX - "Then who did?"

Jade - "Device made by same company who made robot, Lightcorp."

RMZX - "Of [tornado fang]ing course. OF [tornado fang]ing COURSE!"

Akai - "Wait... what does this mean?"

Jade - "Simple, Robot will die upon disconnection from this device, as device is defective and Robot has damaged power generator."

Akai - "This... is my fault. Because I threw myself into the reactor."

RMZX - "It seems we cannot catch a break... can we... we should have stayed home..."

RMZX trembled, his fists began to shake as tears started to form.

Akai - "Josei... It will be alright..."

RMZX - "No.. it won't be, either we stay here or head home with that reactor, and have you essentially bed-ridden forever, or you get disconnected and disappear from my life."

Akai - "I know that's how it sounds, but you have to remember... I'm a robot. A product."

RMZX - "But your personality... its you... that cannot be replicated."

Akai - "I know that... but that's why we all have these."

Akai opened up a slot on her body, in it was two chips. One of them was a red color with the word MAIN written on it, the other was a blue color that had BACKUP written on it, Akai reached into herself and disconnected the Backup chip.

Akai - "This backup chip is my personality, memories, and appearance. You put it into another Lightcorp robot and this chip will overwrite whatever defaults are in place to become me again."

RMZX - "Akai..."

She handed RMZX the backup chip, smiling yet looking sad all at the same time.

Akai - "Goodbye for now, Josei."

Akai Hugged RMZX, before disconnecting herself from the machine keeping her alive.

RMZX held Akai's now still body in his arms.

RMZX - "Damnit... Now she really is gone..."

The berbil chimed in again.

Jade - "Berbil doesn't know why Grumpy Boy is sad, seeing as you have personality chip of robot."

RMZX - "Its... just how people are, when they lose somebody they care about, doesn't matter for how long."

Jade - "Berbil still doesn't understand, since all you need is Lightcorp Robot"

RMZX - "Except its impossible..."

The Berbil Tilted its head in confusion.

RMZX - "Lightcorp... went out of business years ago, they were bought out by their competitor... and the technologies that were used when Akai's model was built aren't used anymore, well, by that I mean they don't make... companionship robots anymore."

RMZX left the Sickbay with Akai's backup chip and found a nice corner of the communications deck to cry and [sonic slicer].

RMZX - "Goodbye... Akai."

(I'm sorry.... I had originally planned for Akai to be stuck in bed for a time while she recharged and would later join in the fight, but I'm finding myself unable to find a good point for her, that and I'm terrible at writing Romantic interests... I think its probably best this way anyway.)

(Edit: Made a few changes to the dialog so it makes more sense.)

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Reply #790 on: January 10, 2013, 09:50:46 AM
"Wait, did you leave that snake on its own?" InfernoGarurumon asked incredulously.

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Reply #791 on: January 10, 2013, 09:55:11 AM
Jade looks away a bit, placing her claw on the side of her snout, before rushing out after RMZX.

"Berbil Jade may not understand human emotion, but Berbil Jade at least give information in case Grumpy Boy decides to bring robot back to life."

RMZX attempts to ignore her as he continues on, "Berbils understand that any company that goes out of business will either sell their completed projects, or throw them into the nearest Junkyard they can find.  Perhaps if Grumpy Boy searches RPM Junkyard, there may be robot from Lightcorp lying about that can serve as substitute for the robot you care so much for.[/font]"


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Reply #792 on: January 10, 2013, 10:03:46 AM
"No." Sapph replied, hooking a thumb over his shoulder. "Rize Greymon has his gun crammed down it's throat. If that snake so much as budges, he's cooking it's insides."

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Reply #793 on: January 10, 2013, 10:06:53 AM
RMZX - "Its... not likely. From what I've read its been years, and they were awful in terms of QC, anything that's been laying around in the Junkyard has either rusted due to weather, had its batteries die out due to neglect, synthetic skin that has crumbled due to poor choices in plastic, or had been fried due to faulty wiring, Akai was one-in-a-million, she was without those problems... I doubt we could find anything like her, let along anything in working condition..."

RMZX stood up.

RMZX - "But its not the end of the world I guess, I have to get past this, it'll be tough, but I'll get over her someday... I'll keep her backup chip safe, that way I know she'll never truly be gone. But other than that, I have to move on."

RMZX dried his tears and left the communications deck.

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Reply #794 on: January 10, 2013, 10:13:42 AM
Jade watched, seemingly nonchalant, at RMZX's departure.  He didn't seem to be aware that the other Berbils would have been able to get one of those robots back up and running, but considering how focused they are on helping the Resistance, and would most likely see RMZX as a waste of time at the moment, she felt it was probably best to just leave him alone and go back to helping Joe get back to normal.


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Reply #795 on: January 10, 2013, 10:24:36 AM
"Ah... well let's go further in, shall we?" Taylor said. It wasn't long before they found themselves in a wide open area. This was obviously the factory floor, but it seemed defunct. Taylor leapt onto one of the belts and laid back. "Well... wonder if we'll find some clues here?"

"I think I found one!" InfernoGarurumon exclaimed, discovering a lever. Excitedly, he pulled it... and turned the factory on. Suddenly Taylor was pulled along on the belt suddenly; startled, she flailed a bit and knocked her head on a protusion, knocking herself out. The belt ended and she was dropped into a box. The box was quickly sealed with some mechanical arms and slid along on another belt to the other side of the wall. "TAYLOR!! Oh no... what did I do? We have to go look for her!"

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Reply #796 on: January 10, 2013, 10:41:22 AM
RMZX hopped back into his small ship that he had left behind when he had last left. Thankfully, it ran on a non-obscure power source and was able to run fine. He hitched the Gawain to the back of it and headed back to his house.

Once back, he put Akai's Backup in her capsule and closed it. He went to grab a wrench and swung it at the Gawain a few times, not really doing anything to it but he felt it was necessary to relieve some of the pain the machine had caused him.

He recharged his ship, and went through finding some weapons from the miscellaneous scrap strewn about, inside the scrap, there was another Lightcorp capsule with a note attached.


Instead of opening it and allowing the same problem to happen again, he left it shut and continued to grab more weapons to graft to his ship, thankfully it was a modular design, so there wasn't much in the way of complicated wirework or that stuff.

Shortly after finishing, RMZX heard a noise. He checked the capsule to see if it had opened by accident, but it hadn't. Being the superstitious type, RMZX wrote a note and pasted it over the mysterious note.

"[tornado fang] YOU, [dark hold]. WHY DOES THIS MATTER TO YOU ANYWAY?"

A mysterious hooded person then appeared, and attacked RMZX.

???? - "Because... You matter much more to this than you think you do!"

RMZX - "Matter to what?"

???? - "The war you [tornado fang]ing dolt!"

RMZX - "Okay, what does my having a robot who loves me have ANYTHING to do with the war?"

???? - "That Robot gave you annoyance, with that annoyance you joined the Resistance, the robot then gave you anger which caused you to have a Near-Death experience, That Near Death Experience allowed you to mature, and has given you the potential to gain power, then it gave you happiness, which you need to be able to activate that power! Now that the Robot has died, you are sad, you cannot activate your power and become an important part of the war without that power, so I'm FORCING you to take the New Robot and install the old one's backup."

RMZX - "I'm NOT going to do that."

???? - "You would be wise to do so, its not wise to waste my time."

RMZX - "Oh, isn't it? You're wasting my [tornado fang]ing time, and you broke into my [tornado fang]ing house, its amazing that you found two completely perfect robots from a defunct company that has since been swallowed up by the guy who the resistance is fighting. You either must be some [tornado fang]ing Time Traveler, A guy from the other side pissed off with what's going on, or a guy from the other side trying to get me to destroy the resistance from the inside, whatever it is you are, I don't [tornado fang]ing care. I don't want anything to do with you, and I'm not going to bring Akai back just to have a risk of losing her again."

???? - "Its not like you could lose her anyway, I can always get more capsules and you would have her regardless if she died 100 times."

RMZX - "By that point, it wouldn't be love anymore, her backup chip wouldn't hold for that long, she would just be a goddamned puppet."

???? - "Very well, do what you wish, but I'll be back. And you'll be sorry when I do come back, because I'll force you to my will."

The mysterious being disappeared.

RMZX left and headed back to the Sexstation.

[spoiler=Long ass OOC Ramble](So I now have the option of bringing back Akai again, but I don't think I will. When I originally decided to add her into the story, it was because I felt that RMZX had to have a romantic foil, and as it seemed like I was always doing this, I intentionally decided to have RMZX be a dick to her to try and make this a different sort of relationship than the previous RMZX and Kallen/RMZX and Stocking relationships that were "Unconditional love from both sides", so I instead had "Unconditional love that is one-sided and not returned.", then we had "Two people who just sort of hate eachother" that morphed into the normal "Unconditional love" after the first time I had almost killed Akai. I felt that didn't really bring anything interesting to the table, and since I've never been in a Romantic relationship, can't really write well for a female since I don't have much experience with them. So while I planned on having her eventually be the brains of the RMZX/Akai Relationship, I felt it best just to get rid of her. But I felt that I did so in a way that wasn't completely [parasitic bomb], with the possibility that she could potentially come back. So, thanks Akai, Rest easy.

I have really got to not try and force love interests on Poor RMZX. He's been through enough [parasitic bomb].)[/spoiler]

(Edit: Made some more changes, I don't really feel good about introducing a character for no [tornado fang]ing reason so I decided to keep him around instead of killing him, chances are I'll change his Identity too.)

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Reply #797 on: January 10, 2013, 01:06:07 PM
(And there goes Frenzy Man and my TMNT zombies... PB, another amazing job there! A great way to end that part... But of course... You're still Frenzied! >0<)

At the WDS, Dr. Wily II is still watching the video feed from St. Acidburg.

DWII - MWAHAHAHAHA!! With Frenzy Man boosting Frenzied Protoman Blues to unimaginable levels, no one can stop me!! And even IF the Resistance found Fenzy Man, they will get a huge surprise in the sewers!!

Dr. Wily II began to spin faster, but halted abrupted when he saw a powerful attack from Frenzied Protoman Blues, aiming at Super Heart Vixy on the ground. Getting paranoid, Dr. Wily II contacted Frenzy Man.

DWII - Frenzy Man, come in. *static* Frenzy Man? *static* FRENZY MAN!? *static* FRENZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZY MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!! *static* CURSES!! Those RESISTANCE!! *slams fists into console* ... I still have Frenzied Protoman Blues... I WILL PREVAIL!!

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Reply #798 on: January 10, 2013, 04:44:02 PM
(Okay so are the Frenzy Waves gone, because I kinda need them.  If they are should PB produce his own Frenzy Waves or make him use the power he vowed never to use.)

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Reply #799 on: January 10, 2013, 07:35:22 PM
(The Frenzy Waves are gone, but they've already done there damage. PB is in maximum rage mode thanks to them.)