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Protoman Blues · 400397

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Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #750 on: January 05, 2013, 10:55:15 PM
(YOU FIEND!! LoL, I'll try to write more tonight! XD)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #751 on: January 05, 2013, 11:13:29 PM
(I would want to say that certain people are immune to it, but that would be too much.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #752 on: January 05, 2013, 11:32:17 PM
Erika floated circles around Lover as the two hid in the Hanger for Chariot and the other cards to show up.

"Shouldn' we wescue Tabwitha before coming here?" Lover asked while pressing her finger against the corner of her mouth, "If that mean old man finds her, he'll do nasty things to her card."

"Death got herself into that mess, she should get herself out of it!" Erika huffs while turning to the side and crossing her arms, "It shouldn't be our problem if she ends up getting mummified when she finally decides to come back to wherever the rest of Hajime's crew went off to."

"You atta be lucky I don't bind you in duct tape myself!" snarls a voice a beyond aggravated voice.  Erika almost falls off Leo as the two turn to see Chariot almost tower over them with Sun hanging off her diapers in his right hand and Temperance still sleeping on his back.

Upon seeing the burnt oil covering his face, and his lion helmet decoration still passed out from the ordeal, Erika tries to pull off a cute, innocent pose.

"S-so....  Is that a new look, or were you trying to polish your armor without taking it off...?"

Chariot struggles to keep his cool as he presses his face closer to their screens, "WE. ARE. LEAVING. NOW!!!"

Before either could object, he grabs both their cards, mashing the screens against each other and storms off towards the hanger exit.


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Reply #753 on: January 06, 2013, 12:28:14 AM
The Resistance members fighting the remaining two Skull Raptors suddenly felt weakened by the frenzy wave. Their limbs felt heavier, as if the will to fight had left their bodies. Their minds disagreed with this sentiment though, and they weren't about to let themselves lose here.

"Alright guys, let's do this!" Fxeni exclaims as he rushes towards the closest Skull Raptor. It began to spew flames everywhere in front of it, trying to set its quarry aflame. Before the flames could reach its target, a hadoken collided with its source, destroying the flamethrower.

"Nice shot Asch! PBPB, I need a lift!" Fxeni yells out as he continues rushing towards the Skull Raptor. It began to fire its eye lasers, sweeping them so that there was no escape on the ground. As they were just about to hit Fxeni, a tornado formed under him and sent him flying upwards. Spinning around he went, he lost track of his position momentarily. When he regained his focus, he was careening downwards towards the Skull Raptor, but not close enough to reach the weak point. Cursing under his breath, he stabs the faceplate of the Skull Raptor on the way down. It slows him down long enough for him to grab onto an eye socket. He pulls himself up into it a bit so that only his legs are left hanging outside. A camera inside the eye socket turns to look at him, focusing in on him. He pulls out a thermal detonator and shows it to the camera with a grin. As he activates it, the Skull Raptor starts to shake its head violently to throw him off. Fxeni manages to toss the thermal detonator in, but is sent flying through the air.

"I got him!" Asch exclaims as he rushes to catch Fxeni. Fxeni smashes into Asch, and they're both sent to the ground. Borock-bot rush over and starts to heal them both for the small injuries they received due to their impact.

"You're crazy! What were you doing?!" Asch exclaims to Fxeni.

"We have to get this done before we get too weak... we're being drained and don't really have time to dawdle" Fxeni answered, looking over to the Skull Raptor. It had started to walk towards them, when suddenly the thermal detonator goes off and destroys everything inside its head. Flames burst out of its eye sockets, and the Skull Raptor collapses to the ground.

"That's no excuse... You could have gotten yourself killed!" Asch continues, looking over at the wreckage of the Skull Raptor.

"I had faith in you guys. We're all in this together, right?" Fxeni said as he got off the ground and brushed himself off.

"Well yes... but wasn't that overly reckless?" Asch responded.

"Probably, but sometimes that's necessary when we have no time. I probably would have figured something out though! I think!" Fxeni says with a grin. Asch facepalms at this, but Fxeni doesn't notice as he turns on his scouter to see where the draining energy was coming from.

"Umm Fxeni... the last Skull Raptor is over there" PBPB says as she walks over to the group, watching Fxeni turn around in place.

"Right... but we have an issue down below. Asch, think you and the pokemon will be able to handle the last Skull Raptor?" Fxeni asks as he looks around.

"Probably, under normal circumstances. I'm not so sure right now though, everything feels harder to pull off" Asch answered.

"Alright... we'll stick around for now and help out just to make sure no one gets hurt. We really need to take care of the source behind this energy soon though" Fxeni said, thinking about what it could be.

"Agreed... all this negative energy might make PB even more dangerous than he already is!" PBPB answered, feeling the negativity from the energy.

"Well, let's get this over with quickly then!" Fxeni said, pointing to the final Skull Raptor and beginning to rush over to it.

"Not again!" Asch said as he followed, and PBPB followed snickering a bit.

(Right well, I'll leave it to that for now.)

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #754 on: January 06, 2013, 10:15:22 AM
PBPB felt the Frenzy Wave's negative energies beginning to effect her. What began as feeling weak was beginning to turn to anger and frustration. Her much needed magical focus was beginning to waiver. "So...this is what PB was bombarded with for days? No wonder he's fuckin' pissed!" PBPB thought to herself. The other resistance members around her were continuing their attack against the final Skull Raptor. She wanted to help with a magic missile or fireball spell, however she could not concentrate enough to cast anything. PBPB wasn't sure if the thought of being unable to help was making her furious or if it was just the continued bombardment of Frenzy Waves. It was possibly a combination of both. She watched helplessly as Asch, Borock-bot, and Fxeni were doing all they can to dodge the Skull Raptor's flamethrower attacks. Soon, the battle caused a wave of dust and smoke around the area which limited their visibility.

"ASCH! B-BOT! LOOK OUT!" Fxeni screamed out. However, before they could react, the Skull Raptor knocked them both back with its tail. PBPB witnessed this and her anger began to flare up unexpectedly.

PBPB angrily thought to herself, "Why? Why am I upset? They're just [tornado fang]ing robots. Tools. Machines. WORTHLESS. We can always rebuild them, right? So why? Why does this bother me? WHY DO I [tornado fang]ing CARE ABOUT THEM? WHHHYYYY??"

As her anger flared up, her concentration and focus came back. While her body felt weak, her new found rage was helping her push through the fatigue. "IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED, WILY? TO MAKE ME ANGRY? WELL CONGRATU-[tornado fang]ing-LATIONS!" PBPB furiously yelled as she held her hands up to the sky to cast a spell. "HAVE SOME OF MY NEGATIVE ENERGY! SHADOW LIGHTNING!" she yelled out as black lightning bolts struck down the Skull Raptor from above. The Shadow Lightning was paralyzing the Skull Raptor, stopping it in its tracks.

"Whoa!" Asch murmured as he struggled to get up.


"Yes, Ma'am!" Borock-bot replied.

The two of them rushed towards the Skull Raptor, still being held in place. It continued to fire it's weaponry at the two approaching robots, however they were much easier to evade due to the Raptor's stationary position. As Borock-bot launched several telekinetic ping pong balls at the Skull Raptor's weapons, disabling them in case PBPB lost her control of it. Asch, tired and breathing heavier due to the recent attack, as well as the Frenzy Waves, managed to get underneath the Raptor's head.

"SHORYUKEN!" he yelled out and with all his remaining strength managed to knock the Raptor on its side. "Damn...I thought that would....knock its...head off!" Asch said while kneeling on the ground, panting from fatigue.

"No worries. I'll take it from here!" Fxeni said as he formed a Beam Scythe with Yamalok. PBPB's Shadow Lightning finally faded and the Raptor began to move again. "OH NO YOU DON'T!" yelled Fxeni. Before the Raptor could get off the ground, Fxeni rushed toward the weak spot and finally, with one final strike, sliced at it with Yamalok, hitting the weak spot and cutting the Skull Raptor's head clean off its body. The sparks began to fly as the Raptor was about to explode. Asch was still right near the body and couldn't move. Before the Raptor exploded, PBPB appeared, grabbed Asch, and jumped out of there. The explosion still knocked both of them back as they were escaping.

"T-Thank you!" Asch exclaimed to PBPB

"...DON'T MAKE ME SAVE YOU AGAIN, SCRAPHEAP!" PBPB yelled. "I-I'm sorry. Still.....angry. [tornado fang]ing Frenzy Waves!"

Fxeni and Borock-bot walked over to them.

Borock-bot helped Asch to his feet and told him "That's the last of the Rapto..." before getting punched by PBPB.


"Still angry, I see. We need to do something about this. My scouter is picking up the source of the Frenzy Waves. It's coming from below St. Acidburg. PBPB, can you teleport us all there?" Fxeni asked.

"No. In my current state, I couldn't gather the energy get all of us there. I can only teleport myself and someone else." PBPB stated.

"Fine. Then you and I will go. Asch, Borock-bot. I want you two to head back to the Fxenodrome. See if the computer can analyze a way to neutralize the effects of the Frenzy Waves. It might be the only way to stop PB." Fxeni said to the two robots.

"According to the prophecy, only Vixy can defeat PB." Asch explained to Fxeni.

"Forgive me if I don't put all my faith in prophecies. I like to have a back up plan! Now get going!"

"Yes sir!" Asch & Borock-bot said before heading back to the Fxenodrome

Fxeni looked at PBPB and smiled. "You just told them that to get rid of them, didn't you?"

PBPB smiled back. "You know me too well. Fuckin' robots! Alright, lets go!"

PBPB teleported herself and Fxeni to underneath St. Acidburg. Meanwhile, above St. Acidburg, Super Heart Vixy is noticing PB's rage increasing somehow.

"What's going on? Whatever effect my love powers had on him seems to have worn off. He's even angrier than when we started!" Vixy thought to herself while watching PB powering up. Then, out of nowhere, a flying Met carrying a monitor appeared in front of Vixy.

"MWAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA. Are you enjoying playing with my frenzied puppet? WELL SOON HE WILL BE AT MAXIMUM RAGE AND THEN YOU'LL...wait, why aren't my Frenzy Waves weakening you?" Dr. Wily II asked.

"My apologies, Wily. Your Frenzy Waves may effect everyone else, but my Feli-Elven race knows not of rage nor negative energy. My world only knows love and happiness." Vixy explained.

"Maybe so, my dear. Clearly PB is not immune and soon HE WILL DESTROY YOU ALL! HAHAHAH...!" Wily II laughed before the monitor screen cracked due to PB's power.  

"HHHHHHHHUUURRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" PB yelled out as he powered up. As he reached his full enraged power, a powerful wave of energy is released from his body. This wave destroys buildings and starts pushing Super Heart Vixy back, but she manages to stay in the air. Fully enraged, PB started using his Rapid Fire technique on Super Heart Vixy, firing many energy blasts at her.

"This just got a whole lot harder!" Vixy thought to herself while dodging PB's energy.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2013, 09:59:54 PM by Protoman Blues »

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Reply #755 on: January 06, 2013, 02:44:18 PM
(And there goes the last Skull Raptor... Oh well, can't wait for more Vixy vs PB action, and the inevitable battle between PBPB with Fxeni and Frenzy Man... ON TOP OF TMNT CORPSES 8D)

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #756 on: January 06, 2013, 07:42:51 PM
(I seriously want someone to get mad about the fact that Frenzy Man is defiling the TMNT's resting place and get revenge for them.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #757 on: January 06, 2013, 08:27:53 PM
(That can be arranged XD)

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Reply #758 on: January 07, 2013, 04:31:16 AM
As Afro continued in his panic the figure under the white tarp began glowing an eerie yet still annoyed shade of light blue from the head and the figure began to sit up. A slick white mechanical hand grabbed the tarp tossing it off to reveal Dan's newly made body!

The chrome domed, now medium to average sized robot got up and slapped some sense into Afro,"Calm down...you think with all you've been through this wouldn't phase you." Dan said picking Afro up by the scruff of his jacket like a cat and shakes him till 'Death' fell from the inside of his back.

Dan quickly reacted and darted his hand to pick the card up,"Well...I might be neutral to this whole scenario despite my location and associates but your presence here outside of Hajime's group is something I don't need right now." Dan said glaring his eyes at her.

(Oh also since my absence I found a dreamy pic of how I imagine this new D.A.N. to look like.  0v0)

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...

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Reply #759 on: January 07, 2013, 07:00:13 AM
(I seriously want someone to get mad about the fact that Frenzy Man is defiling the TMNT's resting place and get revenge for them.)
(Oh. You'll get EVEN madder with what I have planned for the battle...

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Reply #760 on: January 07, 2013, 07:01:18 AM

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #761 on: January 07, 2013, 07:04:12 AM
(*bows* I'll be here all day! [eyebrow])

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Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #762 on: January 07, 2013, 07:45:51 AM
(Ooooh I'll have fun writing that fight, after you get it started you evil bathaired bastard! XD)

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Reply #763 on: January 07, 2013, 08:12:28 AM
(LOL, I'll start as soon as Fxeni comes in and explores and stuff. :P)

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Reply #764 on: January 07, 2013, 08:14:23 AM
(Well at least it gives me time to write up my part.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #765 on: January 07, 2013, 09:05:38 PM
(Reanimated TMNTs? Sounds like a "Blackest Night" scenario... *scratches chin*)

Come and read some Thoughts of a Platypus

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Reply #766 on: January 08, 2013, 03:01:36 AM
(My sister would have a field day if she saw what was going on with the dead TMNT clones 8D)

Death puckered her lips to one side, feeling her fun had been interrupted too abruptly, before regaining her smug expression.

"So then...." she mused, "Just how sentient are you?"

"What do you mean?" Dan almost demanded.  Death's smirk widens as she pops halfway out of her card and whispers to Afro.

"I'm haunting you!"

Out of instinct, Afro rears his head back and starts screaming, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-!!!"

Dan nonchalantly lets go of Death and bashes Afro upside the head to shut him up.  Death snidely waves "bye-bye" before making a break for the R&D Lab exit.

Having found out that the hanger door was closed, Chariot lets go of the two cards and Sun, drops Temperance against a nearby wall, and begins trying to open it in every way he could from using brute strength to using his spear as a car jack (until it broke in half after a few failed pumps).

Erika fumes at their current predicament, "Man!  Why couldn't World zap us with her materializing beam!?  I could have easily ripped that door open in no time flat!"

Lovers places her hands near her chin, "But we still need to find Tabitha!  I don't wan ta imagine wat that old man will do to her if he finds her!"

Chariot lets out a begrudged sigh before looking towards Sun in reluctance, "Alright, fine.  Why don't you make yourself useful and torch a hole into that door while I go figure out where Death ran off to."

Sun cheerfully stands straight and salutes before floating off towards the door and using her fire breath to melt the hack-job that was welded over the opening made by the Berbils earlier, while Chariot exasperatedly marches off back into the hallways to search for Death.


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Reply #767 on: January 08, 2013, 03:43:38 AM
Meanwhile, PBPB and Fxeni appear in a flash in the sewers under the streets of St. Acidburg. The foundations around them are cracked and unstable due to the battles above ground. The stench was none too pleasant either, but that was nothing new to this area. Fxeni let out a sigh as he turned on his scouter, scanning for the source of the Frenzy Waves.

"The stench here is horrible!" PBPB said while holding her nose, attempting to shut off the scent.

"Yeah... I've spent way more time in sewers than I'd like to admit, so I'm kind of used to it." Fxeni answered, looking down at the ground with a grim look on his face.

"I've known you long enough to know that it's more than just the stench getting to you... what's wrong?" PBPB asked.

"Like I said, I've been in sewers a lot. During my time in the other dimension, the sewers were the best place to hide away from the people hunting me" Fxeni said as he started to walk in a direction.

"Right, you never did get to finish what you were talking about before. How did you manage to get back?" PBPB inquired.

"I managed to build a new portal device using parts I stole from the dictators there. Damn parts were hard to get, considering I was marked as a target the moment I got there" Fxeni answered, hoping over a broken section of the walkway.

"Why were you a target? What did you do?" PBPB asked, jumping over to the other walkway gracefully.

"Nothing at first... but they thought I was part of some prophecy. The 'Emerald God of Death' that was supposed to end the millennia long rule of the Ychten Empire." Fxeni said as he paused for a moment at a crossroads, and finally decided to turn to the left.

"Did you turn out to be?"

"Honestly... I don't think so." Fxeni said with a grim look on his face. "I had made a lot of friends there... the people resisting the Empire. They all believed in me, kept on telling me that I was some hero."

"What happened to them?"

Fxeni paused for a moment at this question. He looked down in the grim water full of electrified seaweed down below, reminiscing about his time there. Faces of the people he knew there flashed through his mind... one in particular etched in his memory forever more. A smiling feminine face.

"Most of them... died in the final raid of the Imperial Palace" Fxeni answered after a few moments. "They all died protecting me, believing me to be their savior. Threw away their lives one by one... for what? Some stupid prophecy that probably wasn't even true. I kept on fighting though. I felt like it would be a waste of their hope if I didn't. I took down the Emperor, and rigged the palace to blow. By that point there was only two of us left... Ariani and myself."


"Oh right... umm... Ariani. She was someone... special... to me," Fxeni answered, "She... was the last one to save me. We were surrounded at the end, next to the bomb we had set. There was little time left, and we were both exhausted from all the fighting we had done. In the end, she just smiled at me... and cast a spell to teleport me away. I watched helplessly as I phased out of the room to a rooftop far away from the palace, just to watch it erupt into flames. I didn't have any time to grieve though, I was immediately chased away by the remaining imperial forces. That's when I made the final touches to the portal device and returned to this plane of existence, a week after that assault."

They both felt silent. Fxeni felt an immense weight on his body as he spoke of this. Then he realized something.

"I had come to terms with all that though... It's the stupid Frenzy Wave that's doing this to me right now!" Fxeni said, annoyed that he was being toyed with. "No more! If there's one thing I hate, it's being toyed with! PBPB, let's get this ass and beat him down!"

"Are you sure you're fine?" PBPB asked, worried for Fxeni's well-being.

Fxeni turned around and gave a smile. "I'm fine PBPB. It's better this way anyways... with that out of the way, I can focus on what needs to be done!"

"Good! Let's do this!" PBPB answered, smiling back at Fxeni.

"Let's!" Fxeni answers as he rushes forward, his will renewed.

As they turned the nearest corner, they both see an orange robot standing atop an oddly shaped mound. Fxeni's scouter identified it as the source of the Frenzy Waves. Fxeni pulls out Yamalok and puts it into Scythe Mode for the battle that is to come.

(And I'll stop it there. I leave the next bit to PB!)

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Reply #768 on: January 08, 2013, 09:17:37 AM
Fxeni and PBPB had finally found the source of the Frenzy Waves. It was Wily II's Robot Master FrenzyMan. Both of them had to focus all their will and concentration to help prevent the sinister waves from affecting them either further. Along with the waves, they both felt the force from PB and Vixy's battle up above them.

"If those two keep it up, this entire place could collapse on us." Fxeni whispered to PBPB.

"You can come out of hiding now, meddlesome resistance members!" Frenzy Man spoke aloud. "I know you're there."

"Eager to face oblivion are you, machine?" PBPB said while walking out from around the corner. "Believe me, we're both happy to oblige your request!"

"Don't think it will be so easy, filthy flesh cretins. I have a surprise for both of you! ARISE, UNDEAD MUTANTS!" FrenzyMan yelled out as he focused a concentrated Frenzy Wave into the sewer waters below. Out from the water appeared four dead mutant Turtles, each wearing different colored masks while wielding different weapons.

"HA! ZOMBIE TURTLES. Is that the BEST you can doOHMYGOD!" PBPB screamed as two of the Turtles began attacking her with a bo and nunchuks. Try as she might to dodge their attacks, the two mutant turtles were extremely skilled in martial arts and managed to knock her down into the sewer water.

Meanwhile, Fxeni had his hands full dodging sai and katana attacks. As he was more proficient with hand to hand and weapons combat, Fxeni was able to hold off the two turtles for a bit longer. However he could still feel the effects of the constant Frenzy Wave bombardment draining his strength. He would not be able to hold out much longer against the two mutant attackers. "MAKING US FIGHT MY CHILDHOOD HEROES. YOU EVIL BROKEN DOWN JUNK HEAP!" Fxeni erupted in anger in having to duel his heroes. "Dammit. Those Frenzy Waves are really messing up my head." he thought to himself before getting knocked back into a wall by the red masked turtle's jump kick.

"OWWWWWWW! [tornado fang]ing TURTLES!" PBPB thought to herself while underwater. "WAIT...I'M SWIMMING IN SEWER WATER. EWWWWW!" As she regained her composure, she saw the purple and orange masked turtles swimming towards her. "[tornado fang]. They'll have too great an advantage fighting me underwater. Hang on a sex...is that electrified seaweed?" she thought while looking down below her. "I dunno what twisted [tornado fang] thought of putting this under the city, but thank Blues for his twisted fuckery! GROWTH!"

PBPB cast a growth spell on the electrified seaweed and commanded it to grow around the two turtles, electrifying them. The two undead mutants were barely fazed by the seaweed, as they were already dead and the Frenzy Waves were keeping them functioning. PBPB swam to the surface to catch her breath.

"Must........take..........shower........soon...." PBPB said before being interrupted.

"Pretty Bunny. Can you hear me?"

"Vixy? Yes, I can hear you sweetie. Are you okay?" PBPB communicated her thoughts to Vixy.

"I'm fine, but we have a major problem. Whatever is angering PB has increased. My love powers were subsiding his rage earlier, but now they are having no effect. We are at a stalemate, but I'm not sure how much longer it will remain that way. I do not wish to put you in harm's way, but I need you to find the source of the rage!" Vixy telepathically spoke to PBPB

"Fxeni and I have already found the source, but we've got our hands full fighting [tornado fang]ing Zombie Mutant Ninja Turtles!" PBPB thought back.

"Ooooooh. Ninja Turtles. I wish I could play with them!" Vixy giggled in her thoughts.

"I wish you could as well, your Super Heartness. But you've got to play with PB a while longer while we figure out a way to....wait, can you sense where I am right now?"

"Of course I can, silly. I can sense the flames of your love burning brightly within your sexy bod..."Vixy thought to PBPB before being interrupted.

PBPB thought quickly to Vixy, "Yeah yeah yeah, sexy body. Perfect! I've got an idea! Now listen carefully..."

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Reply #769 on: January 08, 2013, 09:22:02 AM
(Hmm I'm really curious of where this is heading now.)

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Reply #770 on: January 08, 2013, 09:27:40 AM
(Haha, I don't wanna spoil it. Plus I figured I'd give Wily II a chance to write in his Turtle attacks and such! XD)

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Reply #771 on: January 08, 2013, 09:28:58 AM
(I just hope what I'm thinking works with that, I just kinda figured it out this morning.)

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Reply #772 on: January 08, 2013, 01:29:31 PM


The strange mound that Frenzy Man was standing on began to shook, and just when he jumped away, the mound "exploded", revealing a giant Mouser, and embedded into the main body of the Mouser, was what looked like a giant mutant rat wearing a dark maroon robe... The Mouser roared, and charged itself right into the heat of battle.

(I don't know what else to add for the turtles... PB, you did a wondrous job with the battle! NOW TIME TO DEAL WITH THE MASTER SPLINTER MOUSER AS WELL!!  >BD)

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Reply #773 on: January 08, 2013, 06:10:01 PM
(Not Master Splinter! O^O)

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Reply #774 on: January 08, 2013, 07:50:22 PM
(You FIEND!! Haha, I'm sure I can have fun with that as well! XD)