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Protoman Blues · 400157

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Reply #25 on: November 27, 2012, 04:24:02 PM
RMZX looks around, he sees a brightly lit object in the distance and decides to try and take a closer look.

RMZX - "Hmm, Sexstation? Either they have lots of sex there or its just a gigantic porn console. Either way, maybe somebody there knows whats going on?"

RMZX - "The question is... how do I get there? I don't have any magical powers anymore, I gave up the MaSu relics Along with pretty much everything else I own, among other things. ages ago so its not like I can will myself there."

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Reply #26 on: November 28, 2012, 05:29:15 AM
Kharaxel, who, because of his horribly horrible sense of direction, got lost again, wandered on and on through the corridors of SexStation.

Kharaxel - "Fuuu...I actually got lost again... huh?"

And then, he noticed a girl and someone who clearly looked like PB. In something that looks like a fight. The girl put handcufs on him, and called him a "lousy fake".

??? - "Interesting."

Kharaxel heard a familiar voice in his head. It was quite evil, and oozed with malice. Cold sweat began running down his face... the voice was his.

??? - "Oh? You're sweating like a filthy pig, me. Try to at least act cooler, now that our oppurtunity arised."

Kharaxel - Tron... I am not interested in whatever...

Tron - "Oh c'mon. I am you, and you are me. We are a part of the same coin. You stupidly chose to side with the rebels. But now, listen to what they are talking about..."

It would seem, the girl was communicating with someone. Who sounded like... another PB.

PB - "Second in Command Sakura do you read me?"

Sakura - "I read you loud and clear commander PB."

PB - "Good we have a situation, out plans were leaked and Wily II was prepared for us."

Fake PB - "The plans were leaked already, I thought I was supposed to leak them."

Kharaxel made a surprised face. Not only was there two Protomen of Blues now, but it seems somebody leaked the plans of the resistance's attack.

Kharaxel - "What the hell..."

Tron - "If I were to wager a guess, it seems like somebody aboard this stupid place spilled the beans to Wily II. But don't take your word for it."

Kharaxel - "Then I should help find that person. It can be my first achievement for the cause!"

Tron chuckled.

Tron - "Yes, yes. Go and find him. And it seems the fake and the girl called Sakura are going too. I suggest you find him before they do."

Kharaxel - "But it would be better if I went with them. They know the place and people, I don't."

Tron - "Then follow them, but don't let yourself be caught... otherwise they might assume it's you who betrayed them."

Kharaxel - "Oh God no."

And as such, Kharaxel began following Sakura and Fake PB, trying his best to not be noticed. His darker self went silent, much to Kharaxel's relief.

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Reply #27 on: November 28, 2012, 06:46:01 AM
RMZX looked around, he wanted to get to the big glowing station. But without a means of transportation he was a sitting duck.

RMZX - "I need to find a vessel. Hmm, you know if this universe is anything like the universe I came from, I should have an installation in the desert. Now which way is the quickest way to the desert? Oh, no matter, I'll just segway into it."

RMZX travelled until he reached the desert.

RMZX - "Ah, its here after all. Excellent."

RMZX entered his installation, still as grey and flat-shaded as it was when he left it.

RMZX - "Now, lets get to work. I should probably get done within 12 hours or so."

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #28 on: November 28, 2012, 08:55:45 AM
Back at the Wily Star II, Sex Squadron had its hand full dealing with Wily II's forces of Stardroid and Mets and replicas of Gamma. Protoman Blues was curious who the traitor was, however he could trust his apprentice to ferret him or her out. Meanwhile, he saw boforte charging towards him. PB knew he has a fight on his hands. One that he was looking forward to...

PB - *contacts Ardjet* "Bunny Me. Continue the assault on the Wily Star II. Even though they knew we were coming, we seem to have them distracted well enough. Contact Love Squadron and tell Vixy to commence the attack!"

PBPB - "Roger that, Penisy Me!" *opens communications* Sex Squadron. This is Sex-2. We need to buy Love Squadron some more time!"

As the rest of Sex Squadron continues their battle, PBPB contacts Vixy.

PBPB - "Love Leader. This is Sex-2. Commence attack on the Wily Star. Blow it out of the sky!"

Pretty Bunny Protogal Blues launched her WISPS against the Stardroids then noticed PB and boforte lighting up the darkness of space with their battle.

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Reply #29 on: November 28, 2012, 09:32:55 AM
Sapph had made his decision on what to do after his sitting around... Somewhat... He had a cloak on over his body as he staggered through the desert to the city, the possessions that had survived the destruction of his home being dragged behind him in a covered wagon. The city seemed so far away, especially with the winds whipping sand around, the sun beating down, and the wagon of cargo behind him.

Sapph- *huff* Where am I *puff* going?

He continued his march, unaware of the battle occurring far above in space.

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Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

Offline Mirby

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Reply #30 on: November 28, 2012, 09:52:07 AM
Hmmm.... no answer... oh well, Talyn thought to herself. She maneuvered her way back to the outskirts of the city to check the surroundings. Much to her surprise, she saw a figure in the distance; looked to be someone followed by a covered wagon of some sort. She quickly rushed out into the midst of the whipping sands and made her way to the stranger.

"Need a hand?" she asked politely.

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Reply #31 on: November 28, 2012, 10:07:20 AM
Sapph came to a stop when Talyn addressed him, and turned to her. His expression wasn't visible trough the scarf wrapped around his head.

Sapph - Ah... Talyn... Haven't seen you in a while.

He sighed and seemed to slump forward. Thinking on if he really did need any help.

Sapph - Aside from finding a place to stay, since my place kinda got destroyed not too long ago, I think I can manage.

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

Offline Mirby

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Reply #32 on: November 28, 2012, 11:01:40 AM
"Oh, Sapph! It has been a while! Last I saw you was... hmmm... can't seem to remember. For some reason a castle comes to mind, but I don't think I've been in any castles recently..." Talyn thought for a moment, then noticed that her friend had gone ahead despite her. "Wait up!! If you don't need help, perhaps someone to talk to might be nice?" she asked innocently.

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Reply #33 on: November 28, 2012, 12:53:03 PM
The space battle over the Wily Star II is heating up as both sides suffer losses. Luce and Ombra have been able to protect the air vent up till now. However, upon seeing a formation of ships approaching them, they knew that they will not be able to keep up, as they watch the Stardroids fall one-by-one.

Luce - *deep breathing noises*

Ombra - I agree, the Resistance is really putting up a lot of resistance. I believe it is time for our trump card.

Luce - *more deep breathing noises*

Ombra - Initiate FUSION-HA!

The 2 Fortress Bosses pointed their arms upwards, bent their bodies towards each other, allowing their palms to touch. A bright light enveloped their bodies as the fusion began, and when the light disappeared, 2 became 1.

Omnicron roared out, as he began to rapid fire his twin solar busters in all possible directions.


boforte smirked as he approaches his target at top speed.

boforte - I'm been craving for a battle with a giant mech for the longest time! I hope you can satisfy my thirst for battle! EAT DURIAN BAZOOKA!!

boforte laughed as he launches a volley of large durian projectiles.

Back at the SexStation, from a shadowed corner, Pixel Man saw how Wily II PB "lost" to Sakura. Although Pixel Man is already only one pixel tall, almost invisible to most of RPM City, he still loved to hide in the shadows. You see, ever since the civil wars started, DWII had forseen that a charismatic leader will head the Resistance, and who is more charismatic than charisma himself, Protoman Blues. Pixel Man was thus assigned to spy in the SexStation, given his shealth. And it was Pixel Man who caught wind of PB's plan to attack the Wily Star II.

Pixel - This is not good... W2PB failed a lot sooner than expected. Although... His failure is still buying time for Master Wily II... I think it's best if I follow them to ensure that W2PB doesn't fail this time...

Just as he finishes his statement, Pixel Man disappears into a crack in the ceiling.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #34 on: November 28, 2012, 11:33:55 PM
Calanthus was lain on the ground, pondering his next move. He had nary the means to even BS a temporary shelter, but as he stared into the sky, he could make out some objects. He produced his collapsible telescope and gazed further heavenward.

To one side, he could make out a base aglow with uninhibited sexual desire, and to the other, he found a threatening structure from which several objects had taken flight.

"Space warfare?" Calanthus mumbled to himself. "This should be interesting."

I put on my [twin slasher] face.

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #35 on: November 29, 2012, 12:25:17 AM
(Hey PB can I get a full lists of FRESCA affinities if you remember?  I only remember Ego, Love, Creativity, and Luck and the Negative FRESCA Smugness and I think Lust.  Also what does the acronym stand for in the first place?)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #36 on: November 29, 2012, 12:41:04 AM
RMZX - "Alright... There!"

RMZX put the finishing touches on a rather standard cruiser for basic space travel. Built using scrap parts of whatever old machines he had lying around in his little installation.

RMZX - "Okay, now to see if I have any food, I'm starving."

RMZX left his garage and went looking for the kitchen. He opened a door, since its been a while since he last set foot in here, he had forgotten where the kitchen even was. He went in the room, it was dark, but there was a glowing capsule in the middle.

RMZX - "Huh, I don't remember hoarding away any Dash Boots in my universe, so what is this thing?"

He went to get a closer look, inside of it was a humanoid figure, one made of metal.

RMZX - "A robot? This world's version of me made some advanced [parasitic bomb], what's this on the side? A digital display... lets see, turn it on... Huh?"

A loyal companion who will provide unconditional affection.
Product of Lightcorp."

"Hang on, there's a note here too"


"Jeez, other me was a lonely [tornado fang]er. Then again so am I, but not so lonely to [tornado fang]ing make robots to fill a void. Better shut this thing off, I don't even think other me wanted it, else he wouldn't have kept it in its capsule, now where's the power button? This must be it."

The boy pushed the switch on the capsule, unfortunately for him, that was not the power off switch, but instead the capsule open button.
Steam billowed out of the capsule as it opened, the back of the capsule lit up, indicating that it was time for the android to wake up.
RMZX backed up in panic, trying to get out of the room before the thing powered on, unfortunately he suffered from "Panicked guy syndrome" which left him unable to pull the door open for some odd reason.

The android powered up, and began initiating a scan of the room, when it spotted RMZX, it proceeded to scan his mind so it could modify its physical form into something that was... familiar to the user.
RMZX closed his eyes, knowing full well what was going on, he got over the PGS and was able to leave the room before the automatron could finish its transformation.
He jumped into his little ship, and left the installation.

Unbeknownst to him, the android now has a lock on him, unless he specifically told it to stay where it was, it will follow him through any means necessary, part of the "Anti-Loneliness" guideline.
Will he be able to get away from it or will he let this reality's RMZX's shitty life catch up to him?

Offline Sapphire Knight

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Reply #37 on: November 29, 2012, 01:56:42 AM
Sapph- Well, it's a good thing you recognize my voice, since the only thing that made me stand out is now gone until I can figure out how to make a new set of armor.

He sighed as it seemed that Talyn had joined his party. Well, that wasn't the reason he was sighing, but the timing was there.

Sapph- Sure. I suppose company's always appreciated...

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

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Reply #38 on: November 29, 2012, 02:13:19 AM
RMZX - "Okay, coast is clear, the Sexstation is in view."

RMZX Docks at the SexStation, being the most gaudy thing in the sky, he figured that somebody here would tell him what's going on.

Though, as luck would have it, the place was pretty much deserted.

RMZX - "Well, [tornado fang]. Guess I'm just going to have to wait around."

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #39 on: November 29, 2012, 12:22:05 PM
Back at the WDS, Wily Fighter has reached the underground factory, after weaving through some bottomless pits, spikes, and other forms of death traps. Protection is of topmost priority, since Dr. Wily II didn't want any more delays in his army expansion. At the entrance, Wily Fighter entered the password, and the huge metal doors opened. He was then bombarded by the noise of multiple machines clinging and clanging away, and a warm burst of smoke. Rows upon rows of parts and circuitry are being combined together, and the processes are coming along without problems.

Wily Fighter proceeded to check on one finished Met, and satisfied with it, walked into the control room. When he entered, he was a bit surprised to see Sound Woman there.

WF - Sound. I wasn't expecting to see you here.

Sound - Well, I was checking up on the Brick White, and fed it another n00b we found loitering around the WDS. Plus, I got a bit bored, so I came here to check on the progress.

WF - I see. Brick White is indeed a huge asset to Master's cause... As is you.

Sound - Flattery will get you nowhere Wily Fighter! But thank you nonetheless.

There was a brief silence, before Wily Fighter walked towards the main console, while Sound Woman turned to exit, only to turn back.

Sound - Before I forget, the progress is going according to plan, and the forces will be ready in a few days. I'll go check on the Brick White again, in case it causes trouble.

With that, Sound Woman left, leaving Wily Fighter to his own thoughts. When the doors closed, Wily Fighter let out a sigh.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #40 on: November 29, 2012, 02:41:24 PM
(I think I want in on this. Just not sure how to get involved.....ah well.)

The peaceful air of RPM City was distorted briefly as a blob of energy descended from the sky and impacted against the ground, gradually coalescing into the form of a young man in a green-and-silver bodysuit. Alastor straightened and looked around, his eyes panicked. This wasn't where he was supposed to end up! A brief check of his equipment confirmed that everything was still present and accounted for, and there didn't appear to be any problems with his internal workings....

Huffing a sigh, he rubbed the crystal on his helmet in frustration and opened a comm-link to Hunter HQ.

Alastor - "HQ, Come in HQ! This is LRS-009, Alastor, reporting in. The teleport was successful, but someone in logistics and transport got their co-ordinates wrong. I'm nowhere near the target, and from the looks of things I've landed in a residential area. Requesting status update."

There was a brief hiss of static, and Alastor had to concentrate to make out the response.

Hunter HQ - "Copy that, Alastor. There's some sort of energy field blocking teleport access to the target, so you'll have to make your own way there. If you can meet up with any local peacekeeping forces, that would be ideal. We'll be breaking contact soon, your signal is too weak to reliably maintain for the time being. Good luck, Hunter. HQ Out."

Alastor blinked, and not for the first time on this mission cursed his luck. When he'd been assigned to help the protectors of this City stop some madman from expanding his power base, he hadn't anticipated circumstances like this. Shaking his head to clear the doubts that were starting to service, he stared up at the sky, trying to pinpoint the location of his objective. He didn't think his arrival would've gone unnoticed, but he hoped that whoever came to investigate was friendly.....

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Reply #41 on: November 29, 2012, 09:30:22 PM
(Hey PB can I get a full lists of FRESCA affinities if you remember?  I only remember Ego, Love, Creativity, and Luck and the Negative FRESCA Smugness and I think Lust.  Also what does the acronym stand for in the first place?)

(FRESCA = Fantastic Resourceful Emotional Spectrum of Collectible Awesomeness
Ego - Red
Love - Pink
Luck - Gold
Creativity - White
Justice - Blue
Cunning - Green
Perversion - Purple
Hate - Black
Sloth - Orange
Doubt - Yellow
Injustice - Brown)

Protoman Blues dodged all of boforte's attacks before returning with a heat beam from Mighty Orbots, which boforte dodged. The two were giving it all they got trying to destroy one another. Meanwhile, Love Squadron came out of hyperspace and began the assault on the Wily Star II's core. The Arwings engaged all the enemy forces while Vixy headed straight for the core.

PB - "Not bad, boforte. It seems Wily II built you better than his other chump-bots!"

boforte - "You mean like the ones who took over your Intergalatic Sex Shack!"

PB - "A minor setback. At least I'll still have a station in space after all this is over with!"

boforte - "You arrogant fool! We know of your plans!"

PB - "Just because you know our plans doesn't mean you'll be able to stop them. In fact, there's Vixy now!"

boforte - "What the heck?!"

boforte looks back as Vixy's Arwing comes out from the core of the Wily Star II. He looks back at Mighty Orbots to see it retreating from the area.

boforte - "[parasitic bomb]! ALL REMAINING FORCES. GET CLEAR OF THE STATION!"

As all the forces attempt to get clear, the Wily Star II explodes.

PB - "Sweeeeeeeeeet. Vixy & Love Squadron did it." *opens communications with everyone* "All forces, return to Sexstation."

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #42 on: November 29, 2012, 11:05:36 PM
(Okay thank you PB, I fixed some glaring typos and added things in my previous entry.  Now I need Kharaxel and Tron's profile.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #43 on: November 29, 2012, 11:17:13 PM
(Hoo boy, thats a long post. Still, you have a nice knack for interesting writing. I'm looking foward to reading what you have coming up.)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #44 on: November 29, 2012, 11:23:29 PM
(Which post are you referring to?)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #45 on: November 30, 2012, 12:01:58 AM
(Which post are you referring to?)

(The giant one you just went back and modified with the FRESCA stuff.)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #46 on: November 30, 2012, 12:42:52 AM
(Yeah as long as I try to avoid making fight scenes I should be fine, that's what happen in the other RP.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #47 on: November 30, 2012, 01:07:49 AM
(Sorry Mirby, I didn't get a chance to reply to your post. )

*meanwhile in desert*

"Oy... sorry to keep you wai- huh?" Blue eyes blinked behind rounded glasses as a young woman poked her head out and looked around, "Huh... I could've sworn someone had knocked..."

She scowled and looked over her shoulder. The monitor rewinding and showing the person standing on the stoop. Waltz cursed under her breath, recognizing the woman before she slid the door shut. Had she not been busy dealing with some idiot about how she should join forces with the Resistance she could have answered sooner. Not a lot of people came anymore, ever since this war started, and members of both sides tended to avoid her bar after she made it clear that she and her employees took no sides. PB was a good friend of her's and Wily II had been a staunch supporter of her business (despite her initial objections over the popular (albeit disturbing) 'radioactive' sake.) She could not and would not choose between them.

Some thought her opportunistic. Saying she's nuetral and willing to ride out the wave of the war regardless of how it crashed upon the shore. She let them think that and merely welcomed both sides within so long as there were no fights. Easier said then done though.

Still, she recognized the individual. For all she knew, Talyn could have been looking for shelter as she called out for one of her workers. A puff of smoke and cherry blossoms greeted her gaze as a young repliroid girl with violet curls stood there. Her head tilted slightly, "Who was it?"

"Talyn, although she left before I could get her." Waltz moved aside as Shinobu headed outside, "Could you let her know we're here?"

"Sure. I have nothing else to do since Fefnir kicked those guys out." Shinobu shifted from her work clothes and into her armor. With a wave she dashed out into the city and vanishing within the shadows as Waltz slid the door shut once more.

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Reply #48 on: November 30, 2012, 03:31:49 AM
Back at Sexstation 2069, PB and Vixy's squad docked and congratulated each other on a job well done. However, despite the victory, Protoman Blues knew that this war was far from over. Dr. Wily II would not take this defeat lying down or even on his knees begging for forgiveness like regular Dr. Wily would.

PB - "Young one! Status repo...why am I standing next to you?"

Sakura Leic - "This is W2PB. A robotic clone of you created by Dr. Wily II to cause confusion!"

W2PB - "Ummmmm, hello Real Me!"

PB - *admired Wily II's craftsmanship* "Damn I'm sexy looking. Was Robot Me the one who warned the mad...er doctor that we were coming?"

Sakura Leic - "No, it wasn't him. He was going to but I stopped him before he could. Someone else beat him to the punch!"

PB - "Good work, Young one! Extra cookies for you tonight!"

Sakura sighed at the comment as PB approached his robotic counterpart

W2PB - "Your apprentice is very well trained. Despite my dashingly good looking appearance, she knew right off the bat that it wasn't you!"

PB - "Yeah, she is good. Hell, even I can barely tell us apart. Soooooooooo, why doesn't she have you in handcuffs? The non-kinky kind I mean!"

W2PB - "Well, to be quite honest, I want to know more about myself. The fact that she discovered who I was so quickly made me realize that there is still so much about being you that I don't know about. I guess my curiosity is peaked."

PB - "Understandable. I am a fascinating specimen. However, I have a war to win and do not have time to school you in the art of PBing! Therefore, since my apprentice seems to trust you, you will be placed under her command."

Sakura - "My command?"

PB - "Why not? I've been teaching you. Now you get to teach him. Consider it another lesson. The student becomes the master becomes the student annnnnnnnd I've lost myself. I trust you can handle Metal Me!"

Sakura - "Very well, boss!"

PB - "NOW! TIME TO CELEBRATE!" *contacts DarkWaltz' karaoke bar* "Hey DW. Mind if we throw a victory party at your place?"

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Reply #49 on: November 30, 2012, 04:23:28 AM
RMZX looked at the celebrating crowd walking past him.

RMZX - "How rude! They completely ignored that I was here! Guess I should try and see what all the fuss is about. I'll make a stop off... Oh wait, I can't go back down there, it'll find me if I head down to the earth. Gah, kinda wish I could find the [dark hold] who sent that thing to me."

??? - "Sent what to who?"

A chill ran down RMZX's spine as he heard that voice, the source of which dislodged itself from the ship.

??? - "You seem spooked, don't be scared, it's only me."

Rather than face the thing that followed him, RMZX ran. He's had his share of bad experiences with this sort of thing before. The only thing he wants to know is how it caught up to him. What matters now is getting rid of it, or getting it to its rightful owner, where ever he was.