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Offline White-Jet

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Reply #675 on: January 01, 2013, 08:53:33 AM
As the trio of "mature" cards continued down the hallway in search of the rest of their brethren, they spot the baby sun zip past them.

"Hey look!  There goes Chika!" Lover chirps while waving towards the fleeing card, "You think she left the deck because she was bored."

Chariot's forehead darkens to blue in foreboding, "I seriously hope she hasn't done anything to upset anyone."

They then hear noise coming from the R&D Lab, very agonizing noise that not even a well mannered, prideful person could stand the sound of.

"What do you tinks going on in dere?" Lover asks, almost shrinking behind Giuseppe.

"I...really don't think we should stick around here," Chariot mutters before grabbing both Lover and Erika and continuing after Sun.

But as they rounded the corner, Chariot suddenly stops, almost flinging the two cards ahead of him.

A Giant goal post appears to be standing in the middle of the hallway, staring at the thin side of Temperance's card.

"Ah!  There's Mariska!" Lover's squeals, "Is that two-eyed goal post admiring her beauty?"

Chariot was now a fountain of sweat, realizing that another robot has become aware of their presence in the WDS.  He quickly chucks the two cards behind the corner.

"Get the Sun and head for the Hanger," he orders, "I'll get Temperance and lead that thing away from here."

Without waiting for a response, he rushes down the hallway, grabbing the edge of Temperance's card along the way, and attempts to make a turn around another corner.  Once there, he notices one of the doors fly open as one of the captive Berbils saunters out with what appears to be a small, robotic mouse it had been tinkering with since being freed from dissection.  Having remembered that some of the Berbils had given themselves up for the sake of survival, he quickly assumes they were sent to a scrap yard of sorts and quickly runs into the next room, hoping to hide there until the fiasco had passed.

Inside, he finds the remaining Berbils hard at work digging through scrap and putting it back together, either out of fret of being sent back to the R&D Lab for dissection, or out of the joy of finally being able to tinker and build stuff.  Chariot overheard during Hajime's trip to WDS that Berbil Jane was the moral leader keeping the Berbils energetic and hopeful.  Having remembered what she looked like, he drags the sleeping Temperance along the pathways made by the mounding piles of scrap in search of her and hoping she might be able to help round up the rest of the cards that had been running loose since the "exotic" scuffle earlier.


Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #676 on: January 01, 2013, 09:13:34 AM
Soccer Man scratched his goal post head at what had happened. There was one thing, then another thing, and now there's nothing. Soccer Man got a bit dizzy from thinking too much into it, and decided to forget about it. The screaming from the Medical Labs made it so to forget about it.

Pixel Man initially thought that there were only 3 cards, but now, there's more appearing. He wondered if there was any more of them. However, upon hearing one of them suggesting to meet up at the hanger, Pixel Man decided to take matters into his own hands, and contacted Shadow Man.

Pixel - Shadow-dono, we have a situation.

Shadow - What is it.

Pixel - There seems to be some... Cards wandering around the WDS.

Shadow - ... Are you alright?

Pixel - I know it sounds crazy, but I saw them with my own eyes!

Shadow - ... Does Wily-dono know?

Pixel - I have not reported this to Master Wily II yet.

Shadow - ... What do you suggest then.

Pixel - I'll continue to recon on them, however, they seemed to be gathering at the Hanger for something.

Shadow - ... Carry on with your recon.

Pixel - Yes, Shadow-dono.

When the signal was cut, Shadow Man facepalmed.

Shadow - Animated cards? Pixel Man is losing it.

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Offline Fxeni

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Reply #677 on: January 01, 2013, 06:17:07 PM
Back in the Fxenodrome, Pretty Bunny ProtoGal Blues and Fxeni are preparing to head out to help fight off the Skull Raptors. Fxeni is doing some last minute scrounging around for anything that might be of help in the process of taking them down.

PBPB - "Why aren't we taking out our mechs out? It would make the fight go much quicker."

Fxeni - "Well, we don't want to make too much collateral damage. The last thing the Resistance needs right now is the citizens blaming us for destroying some of their city."

PBPB - "Makes sense... what are you looking for, anyways?"

Fxeni - "Something to help out... ah, here we are!"

At this, Fxeni pulls out a small round object. He inspects it quickly to see if it would still be functional.

Fxeni - "It's been tampered with... but might still work."

PBPB - "What is that thing?"

Fxeni - "Assuming it still works, I might be able to get control of one of those things... well, temporarily at least. I'll have to get it up to the weak spot of one of those things though."

PBPB - "That's pretty handy! Are you ready to go?"

Fxeni - "Yeah. Since Sakura's group has the frontal attack covered, let's flank them from behind. Could you teleport us here?"

Fxeni points at an alleyway not too far from the rear of the group on a map. PBPB nods, and in a flash teleports them to that spot. When they arrive, Fxeni peeks out from around the corner of the nearby building to see if they've been spotted yet. Seeing that they are not, he motions to PBPB that they're clear. With this, they rush out towards the nearest Skull Raptor.

Fxeni starts to climb up its tail, turning on the magnets in his boots so that he has some grip. PBPB fires Magic Missiles at it, hoping to distract it while Fxeni climbs up. The blasts got its attention, and it turned around and started to fire bouncing shots towards PBPB.

PBPB, dodging the bouncing shots - "Hurry up Fxeni!"

Fxeni, holding onto one of the spikes - "I'm trying to, this damn thing thrashes around more than it looks like it would!"

The Skull Raptor begins to fire its side cannons at PBPB. She dodges these shots as best as she can, firing back at the cannons with Magic Missiles. Meanwhile, Fxeni is almost up to the weak point on the back of the neck of the Skull Raptor.

PBPB, getting a little irritated - "I swear, if you don't hurry up I'm just going to wreck this thing!"

Fxeni - "Just a little longer..."

Reaching the weak point, he takes out the round device that he picked up earlier. He splits it in two, and connects one side to the Skull Raptor's exposed weak point. With the other side, he attempts to gain control of it.

The scuffle got the attention of one of the other Skull Raptors, who turns around and begins to head towards them. As it approaches, it begins to fire off a few shots from both the mouth cannon and the ones on its sides. PBPB hears the shots incoming and avoids them, a few barely missing their mark.

PBPB - "Fxeni!"

Fxeni - "Got it!"

The now captured Skull Raptor begins to fire at the other one, firing bouncing shots towards it. One of them smashes into the other Skull Raptor's right side cannon, disabling it. The enemy Skull Raptor turns to face it's new target, and fires in retaliation. PBPB gets out of the way, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire. Bouncing shots are being fired back and forth, hitting both Skull Raptors. The damage of these shots are ineffective against the rest of the Skull Raptor's armour though, splashing harmlessly against it. Suddenly, the device that Fxeni put into the captured Skull Raptor short circuits, and control of this Skull Raptor is lost.

Fxeni - "Well, it was fun while it lasted!"

Fxeni tosses away the device and pulls out Yamalok, putting it into Scythe Mode. He slashes at the weak point repeatedly, setting off a chain reaction. An explosion erupts from within, knocking Fxeni away from the weak point. He smacks against the closest spike and is winded temporarily. As he regains his senses, he notices that more explosions are starting to go off on the Skull Raptor, so he starts to rush down the back of the mechanical beast as quickly as he can. As he manages to get off the Skull Raptor and get some distance it erupts in one final blast, the force of which knocks him off his feet and onto the ground.

PBPB, helping him up - "Are you alright?"

Fxeni, pointing at the Skull Raptor with the disabled right side cannon - "I've been worse... let's move on."

(So yeah... one down, one with a slight handicap. The element of surprise is gone for PBPB and Fxeni though.)

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #678 on: January 02, 2013, 01:26:29 AM
The Sun continues drifting through the hallway, swaying side to side while seemingly singing to herself.  She eventually bumps into Death floating outside the control room, staring at Afro Shroom who appears to have been standing in the same spot for an hour.

Erika and Lovers eventually catch up, their attention quickly zeroing in on Death's appearance.

"Hi Tabatha!" Lovers squeals, waving towards her, "Wha'cha doing here!?"

Death meagerly turns to the two and places her index over her puckered lips, blowing a soft hush while winking cutely, "I've been wanting to try this since I first heard it from Hajime...."

The two look to each other in confusion as Death slithers towards Afro.


Afro suddenly freezes, eyeing left and right while appearing too scared to want to turn around, "D...Did you hear something, Doc?"

Death muffles a giggle before holding the scythe out of her card and near Afro's neck, "I'm haunting you...."

Afro would've dismissed it as a poor attempt to mimic Ghost Wily II's running gag, but upon seeing the eerily small reaper tool dangling near his throat, he immediately screams at the top of his lungs.


The scream causes WilyII to fly out of his evil spinning chair.  As this was going on, she looks out the control room door at Erika and Lovers who were just staring at her, the older expressing an over-exaggerate glare while the younger tilts her head to one side while pressing her finger against her cheek.

"What!?" she snarks while shrugging, "The Devil can't have all the fun, y'know!"

Just as soon as she finished, WilyII comes crashing back down onto his evil spinning chair with enough force to flatten it a few inches.  Death quickly jumps into the back of Afro's coat while Erika panics and rushes away from the control room, grabbing Lovers in the process.

They completely forget about the Sun, who silently giggles while continuing her aimless drift down the hallway away from where the two had run off.


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Reply #679 on: January 02, 2013, 05:35:49 AM
Sapph sighed. "Not what I meant." He said, taking a gulp of milk. "The power is within. You don't need a little tab to use as a crutch. Didn't you watch the Adventure* finale?"

(*Digimon Adventure = Digimon Season 1)

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Reply #680 on: January 02, 2013, 05:44:37 AM
"Oh right, that. Forgot about that," Taylor replied nervously. "But I do need to do something to reawaken that power; it lies dormant within me, sleeping. I just need to find something to trigger its awakening."

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Reply #681 on: January 02, 2013, 05:49:29 AM
"Give it some time, it'll come to you." Sapph replied, finishing up his pie and milk. "But, first thing's first, we should probably get ourselves a base of operations that keeps this place out of the line of fire as neutral ground, since it seems we're plotting to jump in the middle of this war to fight both sides..."

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Reply #682 on: January 02, 2013, 05:56:56 AM
"Whoa whoa whoa I don't want to fight BOTH sides! Especially not the Resistance; some cool people in that faction..."

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Reply #683 on: January 02, 2013, 06:03:44 AM
"I know." Sapph sighed, rubbing his temples with one hand. "But, it would still be a good idea to have a headquarters, just in case that does happen..." He started thinking. "Hmm... Hasn't the pokemon league building just been floating up in space unused?"

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Reply #684 on: January 02, 2013, 06:12:46 AM
"Space? Well... I think so... plus didn't that one person tell us there was a battle in space?" Taylor asked.

"We might be able to train up there and be ready for the battles that come!" HeatGabumon suggested excitedly. Taylor nodded in agreement.

"Now how would we get there?"

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Offline Sapphire Knight

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Reply #685 on: January 02, 2013, 06:21:43 AM
Sapph thought for a moment. "Well... Maybe there's a transport ship somewhere we can use..."

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Reply #686 on: January 02, 2013, 06:23:19 AM
"We can hope..."

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Offline Sapphire Knight

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Reply #687 on: January 02, 2013, 06:30:25 AM
"Hmm...." Sapph scratched his chin as he thought. How were they gonna get up into space? He could use his mech, but that got it's power source damaged when the resistance destroyed his home, so he left it out there. "...You wouldn't happen to know of any large sort of power source, would you?"

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Reply #688 on: January 02, 2013, 07:08:42 AM
RMZX- "Its getting colder... soon enough we'll both freeze."

Akai - "Well... I won't freeze per say, but you'll pretty much be dead."

RMZX - "Thanks for that, I feel so much better."

Akai giggled.

Akai - "You know, I could try to re-route the power supply, we could get this thing going again for just enough time to get to the Sexstation."

RMZX - "How can you accomplish that?"

Akai - "Easy, I'll just use some of my power. Jumping into that reactor sort of overloaded me anyway, so this'll be a good way to get that excess energy out."

RMZX - "But wouldn't your repairs have done that for you already?"

Akai - "No, because then we wouldn't have plot convenience like this!"

RMZX - "Please don't talk about this mysterious plot, its [tornado fang]ing creepy."

Akai - "Well sorry Mr. Scared of a Fourth Wall Joke."

RMZX - "Well, fine, whatever, just... do what it is you need to do."

Akai did what it was she needed to do and the Gawain was now running on her energy.

RMZX - "So... how long do you think we have?"

Akai - "Not long, thankfully we're pretty close to the Sexstation alread..y.."

RMZX- "You're... not feeling good are you?"

Akai - "I'l..l be fine... This ju...st takes a l...lot of ennnergy."

RMZX - "This isn't good, we should stop."

Akai - "Nnno... We need t....o make it there.... before we both die u...p here."

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Reply #689 on: January 02, 2013, 07:44:36 AM
"Not off the top of my head, no..." Taylor mused for a second. She looked around the room and saw someone nearby. "Hey excuse me?"

"W-wha-?" The person asked surprisedly.

"Hey, you know of any big sources of power around?" she asked.

"F-for what?" the person replied, still surprised.

"Transportation. We're trying to get to space."

"O-oh I see. Ummm..." the man said, still in a state of surprise. "I think... there might be something by the old power factory."

"What power factory?"

"I-I don't know... it just appeared one day out of nowhere, almost as if to serve some sort of purpose at some point..." he said, mysteriously. "Just head to that building that collapsed for some reason today and you should see it to the north."

"You mean the ones that we de-mmmrrffff," HeatGabumon started to say before Taylor clamped his mouth shut. She glared at him.

"Oh we know where that is! Sapph, let's go! Quickly!" Taylor said quickly, practically dragging the two out of their seats.

(random NPCs FTW)

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Reply #690 on: January 02, 2013, 07:54:05 AM
"ACK! Hey!" Sapph barely had time to slap down the payment for the pie when Talyn dragged him out, his digimon scurrying after in pursuit. "what's the big idea?!" He snapped once they were outside.

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Reply #691 on: January 02, 2013, 07:56:54 AM
"I'm excited to get that power source, that's what! Plus, there's probably gonna be a battle, so more leveling up. And thirdly, that was going on my tab and you didn't have to pay for it."

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Reply #692 on: January 02, 2013, 08:01:39 AM
"Well then, let's get going!" Sapph said, motioning for Talyn to take the lead. "And I'll let you worry about the cost or tab when you eat 20 pies by yourself."

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Reply #693 on: January 02, 2013, 08:55:44 AM
Taylor took the cue and started heading back to the ruined building. She quickly turned north and they soon found themselves in sight of the factory. However, there was a small canyon between them. "Hmm... looks like it's time to get creative!"

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Reply #694 on: January 02, 2013, 09:05:26 AM
"Shame I don't have my armor anymore..." Sapph said, sighing. "Could've just jumped across then."

"Yeah, and I'm the only one who can make that distance in adult form..." V-mon sighed.

"Any ideas, Talyn?"

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Reply #695 on: January 02, 2013, 10:40:28 AM
(You know... I have totally nothing planned with regards to the Skull Raptors, since they are droids and all. It's more fun to see you all tackle them than me doing droid stuff with them. :P But... I should do something anyways. XD)

The handicapped Skull Raptor turned it's sights on the exposed PBPB and Fxeni, and fired a sweeping laser from each of it's eye sockets. One laser was sweeping in from the left, the other was sweeping in from the right, both lasers looking to catch PBPB and Fxeni in a pincer attack. It also used the flamethrower in it's mouth cannon, to cut off options for escape.

The other 3 Skull Raptors have split up to cause maximum death and destruction. Many unlucky n00bs and extras have died running away in vain from the menacing machines. A flamethrower here... Multiple bouncing shots there... Lasers everywhere... Good times... Good times...

Dr. Wily II, still feeling groggy from his unexpected trip into the ceiling, and back into his evil spinning chair, got up and yelled at the source.


Afro - I was scared, Doc!!


Dr. Wily II pushed Afro-Shroom out of the control room, and locked the doors again, ensuring no one can see inside.

DWII - Goddarnit that Afro... If it wasn't for his afro...

Dr. Wily II re-adjusted this evil spinning chair, sat back into it, and brought up the video feed from St. Acidburg again. He then noticed that there were only 4 signals remaining.

DWII - The Resistance managed to take down 1 of my Skull Raptors!? This is a surprising turn of events... The Resistance and their mechas... They are NOT the only ones with MECHAS!!! But not now... No, no, no... It's still too early... Yesss... Frenzied Protoman Blues... And his Frenized Ego... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Dr. Wily II laughed manically as he spinned again in his evil spinning chair.

(Yea... Alluding to my Wily II Gundam and Wily II Zeong, but as mentioned, still way too early. XD)

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Reply #696 on: January 02, 2013, 11:58:28 PM
Afro let out a muffled 'oof' as he was pushed out and landed face first with the rest of him up in the air for a few moments before he was on the floor completely. "Ugh...." he grumbled and slowly picked himself up, shaking his head and holding his face.

"Ow...[parasitic bomb] even if the doc is alove the memories of him haunting me still creep me out." He said before looking around,"But something actually touched my throat." he said looking around, barely having missed the other cards as they left and didn't feel Death hiding in the back of his coat.

"Sigh...I'll just take my mind of that with some personal work." he said taking Dan out from his pocket and letting his friend float around,"Ok, I think it's time we try to put the finishing touches on your new form. The current state of the war tells me we might need to do a little dirty work for the doc." He said before walking off, slightly zipping his coat up and dragging the card inside his coat along with him to one of the R&D labs.

(Looks like I returned just in time from the holidays.  :D )

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...

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Reply #697 on: January 03, 2013, 02:18:25 AM
RMZX and Akai arrived at the Sexstation.

Akai - "W..er...Here..."

RMZX - "Akai, disengage yourself from the Gawain before you injure yourself"

Akai - "I... Can't...to-too weak."

RMZX - "Alright, let me help you. Just relax."

RMZX pulled the wires hooking Akai to the Gawain, shutting the mech down.

Akai - "Thank...you..."

RMZX - "You don't need to thank me, are you feeling alright?"

Akai - "I'll be fine... I just need to take it...easy... so I can recharge..."

The two got out of the mech.

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Reply #698 on: January 03, 2013, 04:12:08 AM
"Lessee... perhaps if we- GAH!" Taylor started before being startled by the large serpentine monster that leapt from the depths of the chasm. "What the!" she exclaimed. The monster looked at the group and then knocked Taylor into a wall, knocking her out.

"Looks like it's up to me!" HeatGabumon said, digivolving into BlazeGarurumon in response.

(Sapph, I'm leaving for a few days; please try to make this battle last until I get back. And use BlazeGarurumon however you need to. His personality's in my secret file if you need some reference)

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Reply #699 on: January 03, 2013, 05:42:34 AM
“Okay guys we got to take care of the rest of these things and draw their attention before they get too far!”  Sakura yelled as one of the Raptors exploded.

“Yeah let’s show these Jurassic Junk heaps whose boss!”  Zeta cried as brandished her Spear.

“Right now we should draw their attention and take them on separately.  Asch I want you and Borock-bot to work with each other to defeat one, okay?”  Sakura ordered.

“I’m fine with that.” Asch nodded.

“Understood.”  Borock-bot bowed.

Both of them ran over to one of the Raptors.

“Okay, Fenri come out!”  Sakura said as she grabbed one of her Pokeballs and Fenri came out.

“What is it that you want me to do?” Fenri asked.

“I want you to command my Pokemon for me and destroy one of the machines.” Sakura commanded as she handed him the Pokeballs as well as her back pack with the items she packed earlier.

“I will do as you ask.” Fenri said as he released Yin, Metoolgross, Vulcan, a shiny Blaziken and Spaghetti the Dusknoir.  All five ran toward the monstrous machine and unleashed hell on it.

“Let me take on the one with the disabled side gun, I should be able to access their weak point easily.” Zeta said cockily as she ran up to said Raptor.

“Okay I’ll leave that one to you and I’ll get the last one.” Sakura nodded “PBPB, Fexni you guys continue with the back up.”

“Rodger!” Both of them said.

The groups headed toward their respective targets and began rushing towards them with their various weapons.  

Asch and Borock-bot rushed toward the first Raptor and were trying as best as they could to get to the back of the Raptor to gain access to the weak spot.  
The Raptor identifying the threat began firing bullets at them, grazing both Asch and Borock-bot with the few bullets they couldn’t dodge.

“We can’t rush strait for the weak point, take out the guns first!” Asch shouted.

“I guess I need to use the brute force method then, Weapon Change!” Zeta cried.  Her spear began rearranging itself into a different form.  What was once a giant spear turned into a giant hammer.

“Alright you Jurassic Junk heap get ready to say uncle~” She said as she swung her hammer and smashed one of the guns on the side.  The Raptor then opened its mechanical maw and attempted to burn Zeta with his Flamethrower.  Zeta however managed to dodge it as she jumped high in the air, changed her hammer back into a spear and landed on the machine’s back doing a high amount of damage to the weak point.

“Hah you really think you guys can take me on when you have no brain?” Zeta said as she changed back to her hammer and continued her assault on the weak point.

Meanwhile back with Asch and Borock-bot, Borock-bot summoned multiple ping pong balls and accurately aimed them at the guns while Asch pushed through and ran up to the mouth.   When he got close enough to it he jumped into the air and did a midair spin kick and then slammed down both fists on the flamethrower turret.  He flipped back and then put his hands back and curled his fingers parallel to each other as he began charging energy.

“HADOKEN!” Asch cried as the blue fire ball erupted from his hands and hit the Flamethrower turret strait on.

“Most impressive, Mr. Asch.”  Borock-bot commented as he continued to whittle down the other guns “I’m most surprised that you are doing so well despite this being your first battle.”

“Thanks, since I was programed to be like PB I do have some capabilities to fight.  Most of it is based on generic martial arts and self-defense with some of his skills.  Plus Kharaxel and I watched some anime while you and Sakura were recovering in the Sick Bay and I watched some more before going to bed last night, mostly episodes of Dragonball Z, Ruroni Kenshin, and Yu Yu Hakusho.”  Asch explained as continued to dodge a few stray bullets.

“Ah those are some pretty good old school choices, but how pray tell did you learn to do a Hadoken?” Borock-bot queried

“Oh it just came to me.” Asch said as his eye began twitching like Sakura’s was earlier in the morning.

“Ah yes, Mistress Hitomi does have a habit of causing one to be scarred for life.” Borock-bot nodded as he used his paddles to block some of the bullets “I suppose it’s because you share PB’s appearance, despite your new look.”

“What does that have to do with her attacking me almost immediately?”  Asch questioned before getting grazed by another bullet.

“PB is quite literally her punching bag, whether he says something she deems stupid, does something she deems stupid or just because she feels like it.”  Borock-bot stated as he threw his paddles like boomerangs and hit one of his legs and the Raptor began to stumble a bit.

“Jeez no wonder that guy is so strong if he has to deal with that on a regular basis!” Asch cried astonished and jumped to the air again flipped, brought his foot down hard on the droid in the head,  spun around and then gave it a boot to the head despite the fact he was not wearing boots.

“Yes and Mistress Hitomi is not the only one who does this, many other acquaintances of PB also frequently abuse him, especially Ninja Lou.”  Borock-bot explained.

“Who is this Ninja Lou people keep mentioning?” Asch said as he raised an eyebrow.

“Perhaps we can tell you who he is another time, for right now we need to concentrate on the enemy before us!” Borock-bot yelled.

“Yeah this thing isn’t going down easy.” Asch said as he prepared for another attack.

Fenri and the other Pokemon were also having a hard time with their Raptor.

The Raptor was able to adapt to the onslaught of Pokemon and was fighting rather fiercely.  It tried stomping on Yin and using his massive tail to strike Vulcan but they were able to dodge easily and countered with Night Slash and Blaze Kick respectively.  Metoolgross was constantly using Earthquake to keep up the damage and occasionally used Zen Headbutt and Metor Mash to get in a powerful attack or Ice Punch right after a Blaze Kick from Vulcan.  

Spaghetti couldn’t really do much due to the fact that his Fire Punch wasn’t needed, his Shadow Punch had barely an effect on the creature, and he was much too big to use Seismic Toss so he instead supported the others with Potions, Ethers, and other support items from the stuff that Sakura put in her back pack.

Fenri was in the middle of the main attackers and Spaghetti firing off Aura Spheres, Dragon Pulses, and flinging debris with Psychic at the machine and healing his comrades with his Heal Pulse along with Spaghetti’s item usage.

Suddenly the Raptor used his Flamethrower and hit Metoolgross for massive damage. Fenri ran over to it and found he was still conscious but heavily damaged.  He then began using Heal Pulse on Metoolgross to fix the damage while everyone else covered for him.  

The Raptor saw this and took the opportunity to hit Fenri with its Flamethrower as well when everyone else was distracted.   He was brought down to his knees and couldn’t stand up.  Yin saw this and her eyes widen.

“ABSOL!” She cried as she became enraged and did everything in her power to divert the Raptor’s attention with Vulcan as back up so that Spaghetti had the opportunity to heal the two of them.

Asch was continuing his assault as the Raptor was beginning to weaken when he glanced at Sakura.  She was very fast and graceful, her Saber was like an extension of her arm as she was attacking her Raptor.   Her eyes were also a bright crimson and glowing. She jumped up with her Saber right in front of her suddenly becoming electrified as she cut it in a upward fashion (E-Blade) ,  spun herself in midair slashing at its eyes (Ensuizan), and finished by dropping down as her sword became aflame (Quake Blazer).  

He thought the display was very beautiful, however he could tell something was wrong.  Sakura looked unfocused and tired.  He also noticed that she seemed to have a few scuffs on her as another bullet grazed her as she dashed and ducked down to get a swipe at a lower turret (Shippuuga).

“Sakura what’s going on, you seem distracted.” Asch yelled out as he dodged another attack from the Raptor.

“I’m fine.” Sakura said bluntly despite Asch seeing the contrary.

“That’s obviously not the case, you’re still worried about PB right?” Asch said as he

“It’s not just that.” Sakura said as she barely dodged a Flamethrower “I can sense and feel the battle that PB and Vixy are having in the distance.”

“Is that so?  I’m guessing it must be brutal.”  Asch said understanding what she was talking about.  

The battle in the distance was very intense and it seemed that no side was yielding to each other.  The sky was colored a bright red that was obviously because of PB’s out of control power and there were some light shows due the flashy attacks they were using.  There were also some very strong quakes, that weren’t caused by Metoolgross as its Earthquake as it was more like a shockwave that was very precise, that shook the entire city and cracked the streets little by little.

“I can almost feel each attack, each blow that connects to each other as it happens.” Sakura explained “Their FRESCA’s are fluctuating constantly as they use an attack or hit each other.”

“No wonder you’re distracted, it must be agonizing.” Asch commented.

“Yeah just thinking that PB is hurting someone against his will and in turn, him getting hurt is just mortifying.  Plus his rage is seriously scaring me, I’ve never seen or felt him this mad.  

He may get frustrated at times and get really emotional during Baseball games but he’s always been one of the nicest, sweetest, and caring people I’ve ever met.”  Sakura said sadly as her saber was bursting with water and she thrust her Saber in the Flamethrower turret to put out the fire while still getting a little singed in the process. (Suiretsusen)

“I know how you feel, but we have to go through these guys first before we can help PB and Vixy otherwise they’ll cause more damage to the city.  In order to do that we have to concentrate on the task at hand, and defeat these scrap heaps.”  Asch said as he punched a turret off of the Raptor in front of him.

“Easier said than done.” Sakura mused.

“Hey the important thing is that you don’t give up on PB or Vixy, he’ll return back to normal.”  Asch said.

“You’re right that’s basically the only thing that’s keeping me going right now.” Sakura said with determination.

“Good now let’s finish kicking these things asses!” Asch yelled.

“MR. ASCH, LOOK OUT!”  Borock-bot cried out.

“Wha-“Asch didn’t finish as the Raptor in front of him swung his tail landing a direct hit on him and was sent flying until he hit a destroyed building.

“AASSSCCCHHHHH!” Sakura screamed.  

Asch was knocked on his back and couldn’t get up, though he was still conscious.

“I’m okay Sakura, this is nothing.”  Asch smiled weakly struggling to get up.

“Hang on Asch, allow me to assist you.  Ms. PBPB, Mr. Fexni can you cover me?” Borock-bot asked.

“No problem Borock-bot.”  Fxeni acknowledged as he ran up in front the Raptor

“You can count on me!”   PBPB yelled.

“Thank you.”  Borock-bot said as he ran to help Asch.

“Asch…” Sakura said looking at Asch as Borock-bot began using White Magic to heal him a little. “It happened again, someone was hurt because I wasn’t strong enough.  Why can’t I protect anyone when I really need to?!”

The King of Hearts on her hand began to glow as if it was responding to Sakura emotions.   She turned around to face the foe in front of her, her eyes showed a certain clarity now.

“If I wasn’t so distracted Asch wouldn’t be hurt now, so the least I can do is to destroy this monster!” Sakura yelled.

Sakura held her Saber right in front of her with both hands and took a stance.  Her sword began glowing bright red.  She also gained some red wings on her back and arms as well.

“This sword of mine glows with an Egomatic power!  Its bright light tells me to terminate you with extreme prejudice!  Take this, my pain, my anger, and all my sorrow!  SHINING WING BLADE!”  

Sakura propelled herself strait into the Raptor her Ego carrying her forward.  The Raptor tried everything it could to stop her but it was no use.  The attack connected as Sakura ripped through the Raptor leaving a huge hole in the middle of it.  It began to spark a bit and then it exploded.

After the explosion Asch recovered enough to be able to stand.

“Sakura!” he called out.

Sakura look in Asch’s direction with concern and worry in her eyes, her eyes were no longer red and returned to their normal green.

“Go to him.”  A voice next to her said.  Sakura turned around and saw it was PBPB who spoke to her.

“Are you sure?”  Sakura asked hesitantly.

“Yeah we only have 3 of those things left and Zeta is almost done with her Raptor while the others are damaged very significantly so we can cover for you.  Go check on your friend.” PBPB ordered.

“I’m so sorry for what happened, if I was more concentrated on the battle in front of me I…” Sakura began apologizing.

“I understood what happened Sakura, and I don’t blame you.  We both share the same power and bond with PB and I feel the exact same way as you do.  I can feel the same things you’re feeling right now and I just want to get PB back.”  PBPB said sadly.

“PBPB, thank you.”  Sakura said as she ran towards Asch.  “Asch are you okay?”

“Yeah I’m still in one piece thanks to Borock-bot, how are you doing?” Asch asked as Borock-bot began to heal Sakura of some of her wounds as well.

“I’m alright, I’m more concerned about you.” Sakura began “I’m sorry for what happened to you, it was my fault that you couldn’t avoid that.”

“Don’t worry about it, it couldn’t be helped.  Besides you were able to defeat that thing easily enough.” Asch said putting a hand on Sakura’s shoulder.

“I guess…” Sakura sighed.

“The important thing is that we’re still alive and as soon as we’re done her we can help-“ Asch started.

Suddenly another quake rock the city and the three of them looked to the direction of PB and Vixy’s battle.

“PB…” Sakura said as she thought about the fight.

“Man that fight has been going on for a long time, will it ever end?” Asch yelled out.

Sakura still stared in the direction of the fight.

“….I have to go.” Sakura said finally.

“You sure, I mean do you think your strong enough to help Vixy and PB?” Asch asked with concern in his voice.

“I don’t know, but I just can’t stand here wondering about it.  Even if I’m not strong enough to defeat him, the least I can do is support Vixy.” Sakura said with determination.

“I see.  I don’t want you to go, but I know you won’t change your mind.” Asch sighed “Just be careful okay.”

“I will, after all I still have your good luck charm.” Sakura said as she held the scarf she was wearing.

“So you’re going to head for your master.”  Fenri said as he walked up to her.

“Fenri, how are you feeling?”  Sakura asked him.

“I took a big hit but I managed to recover enough and will be continuing my assault momentarily.” Fenri explained “Anyway you seem to be very determined to do this despite the odds, the least I can do is give you some assistance.”  Fenri then handed her the only Pokeball that still had a Pokemon inside.

“You’re giving me Fafnir, wouldn’t she be more useful to you?” Sakura wondered.

“We are more than enough to finish the job.  Fafnir has the most fire power out of all of us so this should at least give you an edge.” Fenri concluded.

“Okay I’ll take her with me then.”  Sakura said as she began running in the direction she sensed PB and Vixy “I’ll make sure that me, Vixy, and PB come back alive!”

“I know you will Sakura, I believe in you!” Asch yelled.

Sakura snunk passed the 3 remaining Raptors.  When Sakura was eventually out of sight the Raptor that Zeta was attacking finally exploded.

“Jeez finally that Jurassic Junk heap went down, I’ve been wailing on that think for like 10 mins!”  Zeta yelled out as she walked over to Asch and the rest of the team  “So what did I miss?”

“Ms. Sakura decided to find the place where Vixy and PB are fighting.” Borock-bot explained.

“Huh so Saki is rushing ahead even though she might not have a chance, huh?” Zeta said bluntly “Heh, I always respect someone who has the guts to do something reckless.”

“Yeah but I wish we could go with her but we still have to destroy these things.” Asch lamented.

“Well since these tin cans are about to kick it soon anyway, why don’t I follow Sakura to make sure she doesn’t bite more than she can chew.” Zeta offered.

“I think that’s a good idea.” Borock-bot concluded.

“Kay I’ll get to it then, but first.”  Zeta said as she headed back to the Jeep and grabbed her iPod and played a random song. “Let’s kick it, Zeta away!~” and then she ran off in the same direction Sakura did earlier.

“Hey Borock-bot?” Asch said as he watched Zeta in the distance.

“Yes?” Borock-bot answered.

“Is it me, or does Zeta remind me of PB?” Asch inquired.

“It’s not just you.” PBPB answered as she launched a Magic Missile at one of the weaken Raptors. “I’ve been getting that vibe from Zeta for a while.”

“Huh so you think so too PBPB?” Asch said as he and Borock-bot went to her position to give her some support.

“Yeah, her Ego is definitely very similar to PB.  I’m honestly surprised she doesn’t know how to use FRESCA.”  PBPB explained.

“Huh I should have known you could see that too.”  Asch sighed.  He then stared at PBPB for a few moments.

“What is my sexy figure distracting you now?”  PBPB said as she raised an eyebrow.

“Not really, but you are wearing more clothes than usual.” Asch commented.

While PBPB normally wore a black bikini her current outfit was much different.  She was wearing a white corset that exposed her assets, a black suit coat, white gloves, black panties, fishnet stockings, black high heels, a white bow tie, and a top hat.

“Well I guess this is the first time you’ve seen me in something like this, what do you think?” PBPB asked almost seductively.

“Well it’s different but it’s not that bad.” Asch shrugged.

“Ha ha, thanks for the compliment but you shouldn’t be distracted by my beauty!  Get your head in the game!” PBPB yelled as she shoved a Lighting bolt up his ass.

“Yowch!” Asch squealed as he jumped in the air a bit and rubbed his ass.  However it wasn’t nearly as bad as the other things he been hit with so it only lasted a little while.  

“Yup, PBPB is definitely related to that Hitomi chick.” He thought as he jumped back into the fray.

(Finally it's freaking done, this was a nightmare but I think it came out okay and it was kinda fun doing the Pokemon Moves and Asch and Borock-bot's attack.  Also decided to make Borock-bot a White Mage since every party needs a medic.  I know the Raptors have more attacks and they didn't really separate but I was about half way done when Wily II made his post so yeah.

PBPB's magical girl outfit is basically Zantanna's outfit of DC media as PB told me.

(EDIT: And I forgot to mention the other references.  

Basically Sakura is using Zero's attacks from various X games 1 from X4, 2 from X5, 1 from X6, and 1 from X7.  The Shining Wing Blade is a combination of the Shining Finger and Wing Blade which is Acid Ace's ultimate attack in Megaman Starforce 3.

The song Zeta is using is from a fan flash called Blazing Heart centered around the character Mokou from Touhou, I don't think it's a vocal version of her theme but I could be wrong.  I felt it was actiony enough to use.

And yay I made it through without referencing God Eater!)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection