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Protoman Blues · 426206

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Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #450 on: December 13, 2012, 08:37:41 AM
(Believe me I've been trying, so far I have Piedmont as a type of Blues.  But I need help with that as well, I just can't come up with any names for him.)

(EDIT: Maybe I should go with Asch like the character in Tales of the Abyss.  I mean I know Luke is the Replica of Asch, but W2PB doesn't look like a Luke.)

(Well he doesn't have to have a name Blues related. He seems to be distancing himself from my persona anyway! Traitor! XD)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #451 on: December 13, 2012, 08:42:15 AM
(Well how would you feel if you were supposed to act like a certain person exactly but found out you couldn't?  Anyway the reason I said Asch is because this opening kinda makes sense in terms of this RP, though the character have way different personality than the characters in this RP, especially Luke and Asch.


Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #452 on: December 13, 2012, 08:58:57 AM
It didn't take long for them to reach the truck.

"Hey, got a question for ya! Know where any battles we can participate in are goin' on?" Talyn asked.

"You mean other than the one in space?" Hajime asked almost rhetorically.


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Reply #453 on: December 13, 2012, 09:07:07 AM
Sapph grumbled at what Hajime said and looked towards the sky, to space. "Tch, figures that they'd be fighting up there after doing the damage down here..."

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #454 on: December 13, 2012, 09:17:46 AM
(Well how would you feel if you were supposed to act like a certain person exactly but found out you couldn't?  Anyway the reason I said Asch is because this opening kinda makes sense in terms of this RP, though the character have way different personality than the characters in this RP, especially Luke and Asch.


(Well it's your call! Eventually he should get a giant mech or spaceship to fight with.)

PBPB - "We're approaching Sexstation 2069. Long range scanners are showing no activity. The battle's over, it seems. Looks like Fxeni was victorious!"

Zeta - "I hope Saki's got the power back online!"

The Arwing and Ardjet come out of hyperspace and head towards the Sexstation. The remnants of a battle could be seen all around. Both the remains of Wily II's Orbitus units and other Arwings were among the wreckage. Finally, they dock.

PBPB - *exiting Ardjet* "ADA. Status report!"

ADA - "Sexstation 2069 still operating on Auxiliary Power."

PBPB - "Has Sakura returned?"

ADA - "Sakura is currently located in Engineering."

Zeta - "She must be installing the Junction thingy. ADA, is W2PB with her?"

ADA - "Affirmative."

Zeta - "Mmmmm excellent. I'm going to go check on their progress. Later Bunny. And I promise not to tell Saki what we discussed!"

PBPB - "Later!"

Pretty Bunny ProtoGal Blues looks at the remaining forces in the docking bay. Even though they won the battle, the war was definitely taking its toll. As she walked around she managed to find Fxeni standing by his Gundam.

Fxeni - "PBPB. Did you distraction go well?"

PBPB - "Come on, babe. Look at this body. My distractions always go well!"

Fxeni - "Still haven't changed. Well I saw Sakura run past so I'm guessing her mission was a success as well. Awesome. I need a favor once power has been fully restored."

PBPB - "Anything for an old friend. What's up?"

Fxeni - "Well the reason I came up here in the first place was to use the station's long range scanners. I need them to help locate the Fxenodrome. It's not where I left it. In the wrong hands, it could be dangerous."

PBPB - "Especially with that big screen TV in the main chamber."

Fxeni - "It also had the blueprints for my next sweet ride, the Fxeterprise!"

PBPB - "Either way, the scanners are at your disposal once we get everything here back up and running."

Fxeni - "Thanks!"

PBPB - "Anytime. I'm going to go check on Sakura now and see how everything is coming along. Feel free to pick a room and get some rest."

PBPB started walking towards Engineering

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #455 on: December 13, 2012, 11:37:51 AM
The escapades of the ink-covered Berbil continues as he aimlessly rolls around the hallway, trying to get the stuff out of his face (Though being stuck in wheel formation wasn't helping one bit).  In his insistent obsession to regain his birth color, he accidentally finds himself backtracking straight into the R&D Lab, grabbing Medic Man's attention as he starts rolling in every direction save (somehow) for the two tables containing the mangled and dissected Berbils before eventually finding his way out of the lab (somehow)

"Ooh!~  What's that strange black ball!?~  An ink ball Dr. Wily II hasn't introduced me to!?~  Why am I always the last to know about these things!?~"

He wiggles about gingerly before attempting to chase after the seemingly escaping wheel, "I must catch it and see how it produces those fine, shiny trails of blackness!~"

The orange Berbil stays hidden in the crate, hearing the humanoid junk...thing lumbering about while calling his name.  He looks around for someplace to escape to without making a noise, but considering he left his welding tool back in RoBear Village, there was no way for him to cut his way deeper into the pile of scrap (Plus, he finds it demeaning to be harming such helplessly dismantled robots deserving a second chance at life saving his own...the pile he dumped on the junk thing being no exception).

Thinking he hears the junk figure move far enough out of earshot, he creeks the crate open slightly and peeks out to make sure no one else was around before attempting to sneak out of the crate and search for the door back into the main hallway to rendezvous with the other Berbil and check on their situation.


Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #456 on: December 13, 2012, 12:22:54 PM
(Well it's your call! Eventually he should get a giant mech or spaceship to fight with.)
(Oh he will, there will be a Shuffle Alliance dammit!)

Sakura and W2PB were currently in the Engineering room installing the MLP2 Junction in the engine.  Sakura was on W2PB's shoulders to give her a boost.

"Sakura hurry up, that cat tail is tickling my nose!"  W2PB whined.

"I almost got it."  said Sakura "There, I think that should do it."

W2PB then let Sakura down and proceeded to sneeze.


"....I didn't even know you could sneeze." Sakura said a bit dully.

"Neither did I." W2PB said equally as dull.

"Are you okay?"  Sakura asked a little concern.

"Yeah I'm alright."  W2PB assured "Thanks for asking."

"You're welcome and I'm sorry." said Sakura apologetic "I wanted to install the junction as soon as possible, I should have removed this stuff first."  She said as she proceeded to remove the accessories and her contacts.  Her eyes returned to her normal emerald.

"Hey don't sweat it, it's a honest mistake."  W2PB laughed.  "Really with everything that was going on I'm surprised you didn't fall flat on your face with how fast you were running."

"Yeah, I just can't believe everything that's happened.  It's just too much."  Sakura said as she got a little dizzy.

W2PB put his hand on her shoulder to steady her.

"I know, it's really taking everything out of you now.  You need to get some rest, nothing good will come if you collapse later."  W2PB said with worry in his voice.

"I will."  Sakura assured "Wily II shouldn't be attacking us right away so I should be able to recover."

"Good." Said W2PB with a bit of relief

Suddenly W2PB felt 2 soft round things on his head.  He didn't need to turn to see what happened and Sakura just stared at the strange occurrence.

"Zeta?"  W2PB said dryly

"Yes~"  Zeta said with a big grin on her face.

"Can you get your boobs off my head?"  W2PB said with a bit of annoyance.

"Say the magic word~"  Zeta said playfully

"Please?"  He said with sarcasm and a grin despite himself.

"Aw but your head makes a great resting place~"  Zeta said mocking sadness. "Fine."

Zeta did what he wanted and W2PB turned to her.

"So you and PBPB were able to get out of there okay?"  Sakura said trying to ignore what just happen in front of her due to how uncomfortable she was seeing that.

"Yeah those Baldy II [sonic slicer] Bots didn't even follow us."  Zeta said acting a bit more serious now "Guess they felt that holding their position at the ISS was much more important than chasing us."

"That's a relief."  Sakura sighed.

"Baldy II [sonic slicer] Bots?"  W2PB questioned "Is there anything you don't give a crazy name?"

"Well I can't do it if the person already has a good nickname that's short, like PB." Zeta pondered "I mean PB is just too perfect of a nick name to use anything else."

"I see."  W2PB said a bit thoughtfully "Speaking of which, Sakura didn't you say that you would come up with a new name for me?"

"Oh yeah, I was trying to think of one during the party since you obviously didn't like what PB came up with." Sakura recalled "PB usually has a very interesting way of naming things, but I guess with the war he kinda lost his touch on that.  That or the fact that since you are a robot clone of him, you should have a similar name as him.  He really likes you a lot."

"Yeah I understand that considering what kind of guy he is."  W2PB sighed.  "So have you thought of one yet?"

"Well I have been sitting on it for a while but with all the things that have been happening I didn't remember it until now."  Sakura said thoughtfully.

"I can understand that."  He said curious "So what is it."

"Well I remember this video game that I heard about a while back."  Sakura said in thought "The main character happened to be a replica of someone else, like you are.  The main character's name was Luke, but looking at you right now you don't look like a Luke at all.  The person he was a replica of was named Asch and I kinda like that name, so what do you think?"

W2PB thought about it a bit and gave his reply.

"Hmm it's not bad at all, and it has a nice ring to it too.  I think I'll take it."  

"You really like it?"  said Sakura.

"Yeah I really do."  the newly christened Asch said with a smile "It's really nice, you're good at this Sakura."

"Thank you."  Sakura smiled warmly.

"Don't mention it, I knew you could do it."  Asch said smiling as well.

"Well at least I don't have to refer to you as something that sounds like PB any more"  PBPB said as she walked in the room.  "The fact that you grew your hair out and are not wearing shades is also a bonus.  Your eyes are even darker than the original"

"Oh PBPB."  Sakura said "Are you feeling alright, you must be very tired right now."

"I'm alright Sakura."  PBPB dismissed "I'm more worried about the engine, did the part install okay?"

"It's just fine.  I'm sure maintenance can handle the rest and everything should be in working order soon." Sakura said with all honesty.

"Good."  PBPB nodded "And how are you feeling, I know you're not in the best shape right now."  

"I'm just about ready to fall over now, I can barely stand as it is right now."  Sakura said wobbling a bit.  Asch grabbed both of her shoulders to make sure she didn't fall.

"Yeah I can see that, not that I blame you."  PBPB observed "Why don't you take the day off tomorrow, we'll duel the day after."

"Are you sure?"  Sakura said a little shocked.

"Yeah, you earned it.  We can take care of everything here."  PBPB confirmed "Get some rest and relax, maybe even have some fun tomorrow.  I want you to be at full strength the day after got it?"

"Yes ma'am."  Sakura saluted weakly.

"Um Ms. PBPB can I ask you something?"  Asch asked a bit nervously.

"What is it?"  PBPB said a bit roughly.

"I know you don't trust me, and I certainly don't blame you, but I would like to ask a favor of you." Asch said looking at her eyes.

"Fine, what do you want?" PBPB asked a bit annoyed.

"Well if it's okay, I want to sleep in PB's room until we rescue him since obviously he can't use it now."  Asch asked.

"Why do you want to do that?" PBPB questioned.

"Well I don't really know myself just, and I don't want to sleep in a blank room, especially after spending so much time at the sick bay waiting for Sakura to wake up." Asch shuddered "Plus I still need some clothes and PB's fit me perfectly."

"Okay fine, do what you want."  PBPB conceded.

"You're okay with it?" Asch said shocked.

"I guess so, that room has no use otherwise until he gets back."  PBPB sighed "There's nothing really important in there as far as I know, but you better not mess with anything got it?"

"Yes ma'am."  Asch said surprised "I guess she's a lot nicer than I thought."  He thought to himself.

"Alright then."  PBPB "Sakura you get to sleep, okay?"  

"Huh, wha?"  Sakura said with a yelp.  She fell asleep standing up with Asch holding her.

"Okay that's it."  Acsh said as he picked her up bridal style.

"Ah, put me down Asch I'm fine!"  Sakura cried as she held on to his neck for support.

"I'm not going to do that Sakura."  Asch said as he looked in her eyes "You can't even stand without any support, how do you expect to get to your room in this condition.  I'll take you to your room, then you can rest."

"Okay."  Sakura giving up and turning red.

"Good."  Acsh sighed.  He then walked out of the room with Sakura in tow.

"Aw isn't that adorable?" Zeta squeed when Asch was out of ear shot "He's like Saki's knight in shining armor or something."

"I can't believe you actually believe in that fairy tale crap." PBPB said bluntly.

"I don't but they do look good together." Zeta said smiling. "Anyway that was a nice thing you did for him."

"I still don't trust him at all, but I should at least give him the benefit of the doubt."  PBPB sighed "I sure hope little Ms. Hot Legs knows what she's doing."

"Don't worry, Saki's always had a good head on her shoulders." Zeta said with confidence.

"I hope you're right."  PBPB said as she walked out of Engineering.

"Well I guess it's time to hit the sack!"  Zeta said with a yawn.

Asch was walking down the hall way with Sakura sleeping in his arms.  As he was heading to Sakura's room he spotted Borock-bot with Zet and another one of those robot bear things.

"Oh W2PB, you're back."  Borock-bot said as he went up to him. "I see you and Ms. Sakura returned safely."

"Hey, Borock-bot."  Acsh replied.  "Yeah we did.  Anyway you don't have to call me that W2PB crap anymore, the name's Acsh now."

"Very well Mr. Acsh" said Borock-bot "Anyway I wanted to inform Sakura of somethings, but obviously she's not really in the condition to do so."

"Yeah, PBPB gave Sakura the day off tomorrow.  Do you think that you can tell her later tomorrow?"  asked Asch.

"Yes I believe there would be no harm in waiting that long." said Borock-bot.  "Do you have something planned to do with her tomorrow."

"I'll figure something out."  Asch said quietly "I want to help her relax, maybe go out into the city or something just the 2 of us."

"That seems like a rather good idea."  Said Borock-bot "Very well, see you tomorrow."

"Later." Asch said as he continued to Sakura's room. Zet followed them with a Zetto and tried to catch up.

Borock-bot watched the 2 of them walk away and then he went his own way with Berbil Jade.  He watched all the videos and wanted to contact RMZX and Ms. Akai to get things strait.

(PB I really need that GoRPM Pokemon Tournament Arc soon if you can get it.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #457 on: December 13, 2012, 12:28:22 PM
(Alright. Seems I've fallen behind a little, but let's see if I can't get some character development going here....)

Alastor was navigating his way towards Junk Man's location when he was given pause by an alert flashing into his vision, notifying him that a formerly corrupted memory file had been restored. Mentally checking his current schedule, he figured the Doc wouldn't mind to much if he spent a couple of minutes reviewing this.

The file was only a few seconds long, and, if he was interpreting things correctly, he was running towards a young man with red hair whilst a robot fired some kind of attack at him. But....

Alastor - ?!

He viewed the file again, paying close attention to the things happening at the edge of his vision....

Alastor - "Thought so. That robot is Reverb Man. But....why is he tagged as hostile? If that's the case, then was I helping the other guy?"

Pulling up the Doctor's files on the mystery man, Alastor's confusion only increased further.

Alastor - "Protoman Blues? The head of the group opposing DrWilyII? Why would I want to help him? This isn't making any sense....Perhaps there's more to that memory? Have to try...."

Locating the file in his memory-banks confirmed that a great deal of it was still corrupted. Alastor pushed his conciousness against it, trying to force the data to pull itself back together, and stopped dead, barely biting back a scream of agony as pain overloaded his systems. Staggering backwards, he collapsed against a nearby doorframe and shuddered. It felt like someone was driving an ice-pick into his brain.....

Alastor - "What? What...the...?

The pain subsided as soon as he ceased his attempts at restoring the file. Curious, he poked at it again without focusing his full attention on it, and was immediately rewarded with a headache that again disappeared as soon as he left the file alone.

Alastor - "What is up with that file? I've restored others with no problems in the past...."

Temporarily withdrawing into himself, his now-lifeless body sagged, held up solely by the wall behind him. Now focused entirely on investigating this problem, he changed his mental perception of his memories, and examined the coding of the supposedly damaged file. It manifested in his mental vision as a pixel-art picture of...something....It was impossible to make out in its current state, a large number of the pixels missing or blackened. The few seconds he'd managed to recover showed as a small patch of colour near the center. But that wasn't what drew his attention...

Alastor - !?

There, right in the middle of the picture, was an image of a large padlock with a yellow and black "W2" stamped in the middle. The connection wasn't hard to make.

Alastor - "W2? Why would the Doctor not want me to see what this file contains? Unless...."

He recalled the first few minutes since his reactivation, during his initial conversation with the Doctor. WilyII had seemed unusually nervous and shifty, but at the time Alastor had just attributed it to stress from his battle with the Resistance and dismissed it. Taken with this context, though.....

Alastor - "He's hiding something from me. Something BIG. Can't just ask him about it though.....But, if I work for him, why would he be hiding things? Maybe that memory holds the key.....and Protoman Blues. I need to find a way around this lock, and find a way to speak to PB too....I'm still missing some of the most important pieces of this puzzle, and I think he'll have some them. Didn't the Doctor say he'd kidnapped PB? Maybe I can find some way of getting close to him....Doesn't really feel right disobeying the Doc like this, but something about this whole situation doesn't sit right with me..."

Perhaps it was his imagination, but there was that little mental voice from before, this time yesyourerememberingpleaserememberthisiswrong. Straightening from his postion against the wall, Alastor set a small portion of his conciousness to chipping away at the lock that DrWilyII had placed in his mind, ignoring the headache that sprung up as a result, and mentally resolved to gain access to, and have a talk with, Protoman Blues. He couldn't see it, but for a brief moment when he made that resolution, the colour of his eyes flickered from crimson to deep purple for a moment. For now though, he had something to do....

Junk Man wheeled round as Alastor entered the room.

Junk Man - "Did the Doctor send you to assist me?"

Alastor nodded.

Alastor - "Yes. Report."

Junk Man - "There were reports of an intruder in here. I've been searching, but so far haven't found anything."

Alastor blinked, having already picked up on several obvious signs of said intruder, and their successful escape, but said nothing. Visibly switching his eyes to infra-red scanning, he made a show of looking around the room, and then back to Junk Man.

Alastor - "I'm not picking anything up. Must just be a glitch in the security system or something. I'll take a look at it when we get back."

Junk Man sighed in relief and headed for the door.

Junk Man - "Thank you for the assistance. Would you mind reporting this to the Doctor? I need an oil bath."

Alastor nodded, and Junk Man left the room, missing the ghost-of-a-smirk that appeared on Alastor's lips. He'd piece this puzzle together soon enough....

(Whew. That was probably the longest post I've ever made. Not quite done yet, though. Had a potentially interesting idea for a future RP that I wanted to run past everyone.

Okay, so how many of you have heard of the "Transformers: Shattered Glass" comics? If you haven't heard, I'll give a brief summary. It's an alternate continuity retelling of pre-G1 Transformers, but the big difference is: The Autobots are the bad guys, and the Decepticons are the good guys. Optimus Prime in G1 is noble, selfless and heroic, Shattered Glass Optimus is an insane, sociopathic tyrant. There's a more detailed synopsis for this series over on the TFwiki if you want to know more.

Anyway, would an "RPM: Shattered Glass" RP be worth doing? Maybe call it "Refracted Light" or something, since Wily (and WilyII) would be the heroes in this one. Perhaps, if you don't want to do that, we could do it as a "Worlds Collide" scenario, where the RPM Universe come into contact with the FPM (Forte Perfect Memories) Universe and everyone meets their "Refracted" counterparts? As an example, RPM's PB has an ego that drives him to help people and generally make the world a better place. FPM's PB has an ego that gives him a God complex and makes him look down on everyone else because of their inferiority to him. Doesn't even trust his "egoprentice" or anything.

Just an idea I had and figured I'd share. Thoughts?)

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Reply #458 on: December 13, 2012, 01:12:36 PM

As for an FPM, I'm ok with that, sounds interesting... And darn... I'm losing forces too fast! XD First W2PB (Asch), then boforte (netted!), and soon Alastor...)

After seeing Alastor exit, Junk Man turned and sighed. He wanted that robot bear thing as a pet, but it's gone now. Junk Man sulked, and went back deep into the room, prepping up for a nice relaxing oil bath.

Buns is still following the trail of squid ink, when she bumped into something again. She did a double take, and landed flat on her bum again. She moaned in pain as she rubbed gently on her... Buns.

Buns - Nya~ Watch where you're going!

When she looked up, she saw the familiar colours of white and blue... And the nurse outfit.

Buns - Cinnaman?

Medic - Medic Man~

Buns - Cinnaman should watch where he is going!

Medic - My~ My~ Little miss Buns should too~

Buns - No, you!

Medic - Fine~ Fine~ But what brings little Buns here~?

Buns - Oh right! There was this strange bear thing that wanted to touch me! And it's all black!

Medic - Black~? Like shiny black~?

Buns - Yes! I was following this here trail! *points to the ink trail*

Medic - Such a coincidence~ I was following a black shiny ball~ And it was making this same trail~

Buns - But I saw it first!

Medic - Whoever finds it first~ Keeps it~~

Buns - ... You're on!!

And with that, the 2 robots began their race to capture the grand prize.

Dr. Wily II did a double take when he got "smacked" in the back of his head. He stopped spinning, and the familiar voice that came after just made him "snap". Dr. Wily II jumped out from his evil spinning chair, and like a lion pouncing onto a defenceless zebra, pounced onto Afro's head, and began to gnaw away on Afro's... Afro.


Afro - *flailing* GAH!!

DWII - *mumbling* Still tastes like smoked shittake...

Afro - *flailing more* GAAAHHHH!!

Dr. Wily II stopped gnawing, and dusted himself.

DWII - Ahem, so, these are the latest results of the experimental armour?

Afro - Yea, verified it myself. Literally.

DWII - Good. As for your question... It's moving along just fine. I've a new brainwashed ally, though it seems that boforte has not returned, and the Skull Raptor platoon is almost done, from Wily Fighter's update, just need to complete 1 more unit. And of course, we lost Wily II PB.

Afro - Nooooo! Not him! I liked him! Or at least, I think I would have liked him.

DWII - ... Temporarily. He'll come back to us for his grand finale.

Afro - So... What now?

DWII - What now you ask? Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Afro - I think so Doc, but why would anyone put squid ink into curry?

DWII - ... No Afro, it's time to take over RPM!!

Afro - That sounded cliche.

DWII - ... Shut up. *gnaws*

Afro - GAH~!! *flails*

(... I REALLY miss gnawing you, Afro. >.> Oh yea, almost forgot. Step 2 for W2PB complete. [eyebrow])

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Reply #459 on: December 13, 2012, 04:11:23 PM
(Huh, having FPM would work perfectly with RMZX's "From another universe" story, though my personality is mostly non-existant, so I'd have issues making a counterpart to that.)

RMZX and Akai finally landed at their home. Shortly after they land the Arwing they used to get back gives out.

Akai - "Well, we made it home in one piece... though we won't be getting back up to space anytime soon."

RMZX - "I'm not so sure about that. It appears that we have a few things lying around here. Look, that looks like a mech."

RMZX pointed at a rusty red machine, it appeared to have been out of use for a while, the right arm of the machine was a gold-ish hue, but thanks to time it was little more than a rusty claw.

Akai - "Eh, that's not really my style..."

RMZX - "Really? I mean with all the red..."

Akai - "Nope, looks too rusty anyway."

RMZX - "Ah well, we should take care of you first anyway. Here, lay down on this table."

Akai layed down on the table that RMZX had pointed out to her.
RMZX held up her severed arm and set it on the table adjacent to Akai's elbow, he pulled back the clothing and skin on the arm and began to re-attach it.

Akai - "Josei... do you know what you're doing?"

RMZX - "Yeah, I have some experience repairing robots, a while back I had a steady job repairing robots. Though the robots I repaired weren't nearly as advanced as you are, they were basically worker droids. Didn't have to deal with artificial skin or anything since they were designed to work, not to contort to human appearance."

Akai - "Are you... uncomfortable? You seem to be a bit pale."

RMZX - "Its nothing really, still just a little bit weary of the skin thing, thats all."

Akai - "So you're saying that the fact that I'm metal underneath this skin makes you uncomfortable?"

RMZX - "Its not that, I just have a little fear of seeing humanoid robots with injuries showing their mechanisms and stuff or with skin removed to show the metal underside. With you its just this arm, but it should be okay once I get it fixed up."

Akai - "I...I see."

RMZX - "Don't take this the wrong way... I still love you for who you are. It doesn't matter to me that you're a robot."

Akai - "Would you love me more if I was human?"

RMZX - "I would love you the same either way, besides converting robots into organic humans is impossible. They've tried it but it always ended with the test subject dying."

Akai - "Oh..."

RMZX finished the repairs on the arm.

RMZX - "Okay, test to see if it works."

Akai moved her arm, she was able to use it just as she was before.

Akai - "Its perfect."

RMZX - "Well, that's good. The skin should take a little bit to heal back up but other than that you're good to go, well... maybe you should quickly take a nap in your capsule... to fix the damage that was caused by that explosion."

Akai - "Alright..."

Akai walked into the room where her capsule was and took a nap while her capsule ran some diagnostic evaluations on her.

RMZX - "*Sigh* I'm tired myself... All this getting hurt and almost dying from lack of oxygen and blood. Too much."

RMZX slumped to his room and went to bed.

RMZX - "Long day..."

Akai's capsule finished running diagnostics on her, and repaired the minor bits of damage she endured while on the Sexstation. The capsule opened back up and Akai stumbled out.

Akai - "Ah, its nice to not have damaged clothing anymore. Wonder where Josei went?"

Akai quickly checked RMZX's room, noticing he was sleeping she decided to cuddle up with him, she smiled and closed her eyes.

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Reply #460 on: December 13, 2012, 04:17:35 PM
(Oh yea, to those at the SexStation, you can have a bit of fun with boforte, given he's captured and full of rage at the moment. 8D)

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Reply #461 on: December 13, 2012, 06:06:48 PM
(Captured and full of rage, eh? Sounds like a challenge!)

Pyro managed to slip under the sensors and skittered through the corridors unnoticed (though his presence caused some inexplicable electrical surges.) He kicked out the grate of a ventilation shaft and came across the captured boforte.

"Hello sailor!" He grinned, "A new challenger approaches!"

He hopped on top of boforte's head and clamped on tightly while swishing his tail.

"Whatchu doin'?"

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Reply #462 on: December 13, 2012, 06:38:00 PM
(I could have some fun writing a Mirror Universe PB. He'd totally rock the evil goatee as well.

Also, I just wanted to ask if no one could write "I've found PB" into their story just yet. Mainly cause I have plans for him as well as where he's being hidden. Thanks!  8D)

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Reply #463 on: December 13, 2012, 07:04:47 PM
(Is he hiding in that cake I saw?  [eyebrow])

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Reply #464 on: December 13, 2012, 07:13:04 PM
(All will be revealed soon XD)

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Reply #465 on: December 13, 2012, 09:12:03 PM
"Of course it's the one place we can't really fight in. You need giant robot suits and stuff... And they probably have those giant robot suits..." Talyn said with a sigh...

"If I was strong enough to reach Mega again..." HeatGabumon lamented...

(Is that fight gonna stay in space, or are you gonna bring it where the more earthbound characters can join in? :P)

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #466 on: December 13, 2012, 09:47:56 PM
(It's coming to Earth soon!)

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Reply #467 on: December 13, 2012, 10:06:21 PM
"Well, if you can get into one of the buildings, there could be a battle that won't require big robots and a ton of laser fire," Hajime said, almost sounding devious, though the Berbils overhearing the conversation were pretty sure he was intending to direct them somewhere less chivalrous.

With Medic Man gone due to an unintentional distraction by the red-turned-black Berbil, the trapped Berbils began chatting among themselves on how to get out.  It would only be a matter of time before he either lost interest in the chase and come back, or he manages to catch the ink trailing wheel and return to commit the same torture as his last victim.

Now that they were certain that the other Berbils were in good hands, they wanted to bust out of their cages and cause as much of a ruckus as possible before finding their way out of WDS and towards where the escaped villagers went.

They look towards the keypads controlling the locks on their cages.  It was programmed so only one cage can be opened at a time, and all other attempts would have resulted in a loud, irritating noise the other Berbils were in no mood to sit through.  But now that the sadistic medical robot was currently not in the room, they didn't feel worried about having to wait for one of the cages to empty and close before letting someone else open it.

The bottom row quickly began taking turns inputting the password they spent the past few weeks watching Medic Man punch in; each managing to open a cage and clamber out before carefully pushing it shut and allowing the next cage to punch in the same number.

In yet another aimless attempt to get the ink off of him, the ink-covered Berbil accidentally starts rolling into the control room, prompting the purple female Berbil to watch his entrance before turning away and slapping her ventilated hand over her inanimate eyes.

WilyII stopped mid gnawing as he saw the black ball bumble through the room, tumbling circles around his evil swivel chair (somehow), before bumbling around Afro-Shroom, causing his exasperated failing to worsen to the point of running circles at the feeling of cold, wet ink soaking through his pants legs and almost thinking they were poison.

By the time the black wheel left the room, Medic Man came charging into the room while Buns, having paid enough attention to what's in front of her to see the wheel leave the room detracted to continue her solo chase.

"I've got you now, my tasty test subject!~" he squeals as he makes a daring leap towards an unsuspecting doctor and panicking afro'd Toad.


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Reply #468 on: December 13, 2012, 10:25:45 PM
Afro kept flailing wildly as the doctor kept gnawing away at his head. Their timeless running gag was interrupted with the sudden intrusion of some ink covered berbil bumping in and ruining his pants. This made Afro and the Doc fall on the floor to which looking up they both saw medic leap at them.

DWII rolled out of the way as Afro stood up, trying to step back from the incoming medical robot. The doc made it out in time but Afro 's head collided with Medic's as he was looking up. He flinched and fell back down as Medic rubbed his head for comical effect. Afro seemed to be out cold for a few moments before gurgling, showing he was still alive if not just in a coma.

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...

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Reply #469 on: December 13, 2012, 10:32:45 PM
(Correction, Afro, that was Medic Man.  Buns' still chasing after the ink-drenched Berbil :P)


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Reply #470 on: December 13, 2012, 11:34:17 PM
(No worries, I've no plans on finding PB anytime soon. Character development will happen when the meeting does occur though.

And Hawaii, you could just play FPM-verse RMZXs' "lack" of personality as flat-out creepy instead of quirkily eccentric :)  )

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Currently streaming: Transformers: Devastation

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Reply #471 on: December 13, 2012, 11:34:32 PM
(Fixed. DIdn't notice that till now as I typed that up quickly after I got home from work. x.X)

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...

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Reply #472 on: December 13, 2012, 11:44:36 PM
"Into one of those buildings?" Sapph repeated, very suspicious of Hajime's tone. Well, this wasn't someone he was too familiar with, so he subtly rested a hand on the hilt of his sword. His trio of digimon had caught the cue and were ready to fight. Granted, just being digimon, they were already set to fight anyway.

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

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Reply #473 on: December 13, 2012, 11:49:56 PM
(PB I really need that GoRPM Pokemon Tournament Arc soon if you can get it.)

(PMed the whole kitten caboodle to ya!)

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Reply #474 on: December 14, 2012, 12:10:26 AM
(Thanks I'll update tonight, organizing the flash back for later parts may be a bit challenging.  I also think I want to change the name of my Lucario and Absol, my naming scheme changed a lot over time and they just don't fit them any more.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection