Cross Finale a big cross over game.

Jadzxa · 2909

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on: November 08, 2012, 11:35:54 PM
Update: Heh I will just update you guys on new things that fall into this over time and such. So far it's turning out to being a pretty awesome cross over game. Who knows who or what else may fall into things lol just has to add up to how it all flows. ^^ thanks again all. I'll keep you in the loop. Below though if you want to contribute to the project in anyway just post some ideas and what not below.So many other projects I got going at this time too  >0< I'ma crazy. Anyways lol catch you guys around here and there.

(Original post)
Not sure if this is the right area for such a game? Though then if not yeah just let me know lol

Hey guys ok so I am pretty back and forth here. But on the down low I've been working on a huuuuge cross over type game that will span different game companies. And was wondering if you guys might of had any ideas of what other companies I could toss into this. More over games. Yeah you'll see Tron Bonne here AGAIN lol but I also do plan to place in Mega Man X,Trigger,Sigma and some others here and there. Also confirmed in areas is Marina Liteyears from mischief makers a game from Treasure, maybe some final fantasy guys? lol I really dunno this project is just going it's own way. Yeah people I know and such can also fall in, yep that means you guys too lol

Anyways though here are some vids showing some parts of things. Notice however the artwork aside the ones made for main Gabe Kuo and Mike aren't really well mine? I cropped from images lol I'd make the other art for characters but yeah just lazy at the moment. More work goes into what you'll see happening lol but original artwork IS a possibility.

[spoiler]A Reality Warrior, by the name of Gabe Kuo (a being who can travel minds, and many different worlds by breaching into their territories.) Has been sent to a distant land to uncover the source of some problems that were swung his way. Once he lands in this odd world, he's matched with the old for told tale of him working with others to find the mysterious Demon Eyes said to keep balance together before they fall into the hands of chaos.

While Gabe is skeptical on the entire issue, events and such will turn his head. He finds himself working with a lot of other familure characters as he makes his way on forward to find the Demon eyes and set the world around him right again.
Oh game is also made in RMXP.
Cross Finale vids: (Music heard has been remixed by me or found around the net)

(OLD Vid) - But displays some story stuff.

(NEW) Tron Mountain Battle

Any new areas, ideas etc are welcome guys.

p.s you can also PM me ideas and such as well.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 08:11:38 PM by Jadzxa »

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Reply #1 on: November 09, 2012, 12:52:02 AM
Well, if you're gonna do call it "Cross Finale", you should go all out just for the fun of it. Do a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen thing with every continuity merged together and having happened in some way or another. They don't ALL have to appear, Alice in Wonderland was only mentioned because it explains Alice came back out the Looling-Glass reversed and ended up starving to death because she couldn't eat regular foods, so just pepper the game with cameos and such if you don't want to try writing things into the story.

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Reply #2 on: November 09, 2012, 04:13:14 AM
Well, if you're gonna do call it "Cross Finale", you should go all out just for the fun of it. Do a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen thing with every continuity merged together and having happened in some way or another. They don't ALL have to appear, Alice in Wonderland was only mentioned because it explains Alice came back out the Looling-Glass reversed and ended up starving to death because she couldn't eat regular foods, so just pepper the game with cameos and such if you don't want to try writing things into the story.

Yeah I'm just gonna have a blast it's got a story which is pretty strong which I failed to get in the first post heh, will fix that.  But yeah I'll only include what I want, just thought I'd get a bit of thoughts though on any possible areas and characters I could or should include. But if anything so far it's all about looking for these things called demon eyes, a reality warrior "world jumper,dream jumper" who gets caught in the middle and a basically warped reality which is tossing all these things together.

A League of Extraordinary Gentlemen type thing would be cool, but I think I'll just work with what I've got going. You made a good point though including everything would be to much especially if it's all about keeping the focus on a select few. Heh no Kingdom Hearts here. Love the series but the story my gosh has that story gone who knows lol Also the Cross Finale has a bigger factor than the term "Cross Over" It's standing for something far greater which will be included deeper in the game and such.

Far as I knew it's not done to often and I thought it'd be a cool twist of things at some point.

Anyways thanks for your feedback and such heh guess I'll keep jumping around but I'll limit the input of things. Yeah just having a blast, that's how it started anyways lol just one big mash up that dev'd into something.  :)

Erm termed that wrong. I'll include things but I'll limit what I put in so it won't over run lol I'll keep you guys updated. But if at anytime you guys have any thoughts of things I could add just let me know.  I'll keep you guys updated. And sorry if I misunderstood anything hasty at the moment so feel free to correct lol

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