The Gonzo has art.

The Great Gonzo · 781722

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Reply #2800 on: February 23, 2014, 02:49:59 AM

For Gitzyrulz; 'tis Orbot and Cubot playing with Chris. I couldn't get robot-mode Cubot to look right, so I cube'd him.

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Reply #2801 on: February 24, 2014, 07:08:46 AM
King Sonic 'n Queen Sally.

Quick thing I drew for the purpose of testing out a font I'd made from Lea Hernandez(?)'s lettering in Pineapple Army.

For Gitzyrulz; Tails is a nice kid. (Hopefully it's obvious enough that it's raining.)

For Gitzyrulz; this was the first thing to come to mind when thinking about Eggman introducing Ovi/Chris to his older Badniks. Apparently Batbrain's first instinct upon meeting someone new is to haul them off.

(I have this feeling that Motobug and Crabmeat should've been larger...)

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Reply #2802 on: February 24, 2014, 07:53:47 AM
Gitzyrulz has been putting you to work!

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Reply #2803 on: February 25, 2014, 06:55:53 AM
Indeed. XD

One of the Precioustone guardians from Sonic Shuffle; I wanted to practice Copic/Prismacolours this time.

Obviously they don't have the title of "Apostolo" (borrowed from the Proposal of Evangelion) in Shuffle; as usual, I'm discussing this in the context of StS.

The Apostolos are high-ranking members of a (currently unnamed) native race of Maginary; they reside in Lucidulum and while they treat its people well, they're not fond of Illumina and obstruct her at nearly every turn.

Six of the Apostolos--Crystal, Amethyst, Garnet, Pearl, Sapphire, and Diamond--were swayed into siding with Void and were handed fragments of the Precioustone, instructed only to relinquish them if they were defeated fairly.

Kept forgetting to submit this.

Something tells me StC!Sonic does this often.

Since I'm waiting for a BRS Nendoroid to arrive (along with Madoka), I thought I'd draw her again.

BRS in all of her various incarnations seems like a fairly interesting character to me.


'nother commission for Gitzyrulz. I'd make a joke about Sonic not being one for thinking before acting, but to be fair, how was he supposed to know that Bocoe and Decoe were trying to help Chris?

Continued from the last commission for Gitzyrulz. That's not the best way to carry someone, but Sonic's in a hurry.

I actually completed this one first, since it was easier to figure out.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 03:24:13 PM by The Great Gonzo »

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2804 on: March 03, 2014, 11:09:58 AM
What happened to the "merge double posts" option?

Something that was based off this thing I wrote that got stretched into ten pages:

It doesn't matter what position Shadow was in when he fell asleep; nine times out of ten, he'll have curled up into a ball. (I should note that it's difficult to draw humanoid hedgehogs curled up like that without fearing that I broke a few things)

Hey look, it's that outfit that absolutely no one liked!

(Not literally, but I got enough complaints to discourage me from drawing it much)

Full-body ref of Gold, a character whose origin is explained in that first pic I drew of him. I still need to develop him (and pick a surname).

Commission for HealerCharm; I had some fun with this one, once I remembered how to draw Clownman. XD


Merna strikes me as one of those Sonic characters who only makes sense in her source continuity (not to imply that I dislike her or anything), making it a bit difficult to work her into StS.

My version of AoStH!Sonic was supposed to have a white shirt, wasn't he? Whoops.

AoStH was the first Sonic continuity I can remember being aware of, so it was only a matter of time before I drew its versions of Sonic and Tails being dorks cool. Tails looks up to Sonic, so I figured it'd make sense if he dressed similarly (also, I have this feeling that that was how I used to draw Tails's bangs).

Almost every time I see Super Sonic transplanted to a continuity that lacked him, the transformation behaves exactly like his game counterpart (or his StC counterpart, less commonly). Welp, the AoStH Chaos Emeralds are said to make you as God upon Mobius, so...

This version of Super Sonic is actually fairly benign, but for reasons unknown, he gets an unsettling faceless mask; while in this state, he has access to all four powers that the Emeralds grant you (invisibility, invincibility, immortality, and power over life itself).

Full-body thing of Ashura the Watery, still being as deadpan as usual.

You remember that first pic I posted of Saku's New StS self? The attached information was very swiftly obsoleted as I developed him, but I never got around to drawing something that reflected his revised personality (well, no main gallery pics). Copy-pasted from tumblr:

"Saku is a tenrec who hails from the desert; he ventured to Soleanna to prevent them from invading the smaller countries around them, with the help of Terion 'Silver' de Italia.
He is extremely physically weak and relies on his Dark Adept powers for self-defense; Saku is capable of using the darkness to 'warp' (not quite in the same manner as regular Chaos Control), and has a secondary form, 'Mephiles', that augments his strength slightly and allows him to hover."


"Hey, it's not gonna heal if you keep picking at it..."

You're gonna be seeing a lot of this, Naegi.

I still think my attempts at DR style are "off", but this one's a bit closer than my earlier ones, possibly. I'm still not making the blood retina-destroying pink.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2014, 01:34:12 PM by The Great Gonzo »

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Reply #2805 on: March 04, 2014, 05:40:10 PM
The merge button will need to be added later.  Until then, it's not a high priority, so don't worry about it.

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Reply #2806 on: March 05, 2014, 05:58:12 PM

Dulcy sketch.

Sonia and Manic, twin progeny of Queen Aleena, are distant relatives to the Rose family; they don't get to see Sonic much, but when they do, they make sure to tease the hell out of him. Sonic doesn't know what to make of his cousins.

(They stay away from Amy because she terrifies them.)

Still not entirely sure what to do with these two, but I've got proper art of them now, so.

"This shouldn't take too long," I thought nearly two hours ago.

'tis digital-addict's character Raf, drawn for the sake of colouring something in SA style. I don't think Raf's an active fan guy anymore, but he's still cool-looking.

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Reply #2807 on: March 05, 2014, 06:19:47 PM
The coloring on the bottom image is really nice.

And when I see Sonia, I can only think of the one episode where she and Knux were an item... of sorts.  KNUXONIA 4 EVAR I'm pathetic.

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Reply #2808 on: March 08, 2014, 09:10:34 PM
Thanks. ^^

And Knux/Sonia actually has some basis in canon? Huh...

For Gitzyrulz; these are her versions of pre-Metarex Red Pine, Black Narcissus, and Pale Bay Leaf.

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Reply #2809 on: March 08, 2014, 10:13:38 PM
Gitzy's putting you to work again, I see...

And yes, there's an episode of Sonic Underground where Knux and Sonia admit their feelings for each other and Sonia even kisses Knux at the end!  It's so cute... :3

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2810 on: March 11, 2014, 11:31:08 PM
I see. XD

Really sketchy, but I like it enough for it to go in my main gallery.

When I was trying to figure out what to do with New StS, I played with the idea of Sally wearing a longcoat in the present day; it didn't stick, and Sonic eventually inherited it. This is more-or-less drawn from memory (the only ref I could find didn't go past her sleeves); obviously, StS!Sally didn't look like how she does post-reboot back then.

So, I've pretty much officially adopted the idea of Naegi being trans male. And with that headcanon comes Sonic telling him how to deal with jerks, because my brain is infested with hedgehogs.

Oy. This one ended up taking a lot of work due to technical problems (apparently SAI didn't like the Luminosity layer I'd put down originally), but I finally completed it.

'tis the normal sprites for Tomomi's class (L to R: Tomomi, Zhi, Shun, Noriko, Leslie, Gekko, Inoue, Haruna, Tsugihara, Chiasa). While I did try to stick to DR style as closely as possible, I refuse to draw boobs the way Mr. Komatsuzaki does.

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Reply #2811 on: March 12, 2014, 06:40:46 PM

Trying to emulate Classic-style colouring more like DEEP HURTING. Where is the light source?

One thing Knux liked to tease Sonic about when they were kids was his height (or lack of it). Sonic didn't appreciate that, as you can imagine; even that growth spurt he went through didn't make him taller than Knux for long.

Full-body thing of Zubaida (fully-clothed).

Useless fact: before the Deadly Six's ages were revealed, I had in mind that Zubaida was in her mid-to-late thirties. Now she's around 230-ish.


I really dragged my ass with getting this one finished.

* AFAIK, Chance is Sonic's older brother who hangs out with Eggman. Since I drew him next to Sonic Rose, Amy's there too.

* I think this might've been my first bit of Boom-related art.

* That wasn't supposed to be a Mastermind AU for Helenna, but the colours turned out pretty Monobear-ish.

* I read the first Doubt Academy a while ago.

* The latter four doodles in Row #3 are all related to streams of manic-in-tricolour's. I never saw Bara Tails, though, so I substituted him for adult Milen. The first one came from a mental meandering I sent Phanta about what would happen if Sonic Rose tried to read the "thoughts" of the completed Founder of Hell (from IO), and I figure the same thing would happen if he attempted to mind-read a Titan, Lesser or no.

* The symbol on Good Luck-kun's hoodie was sorta-lifted from Tomb Raider, possibly.

* I wonder how off my guess on Coral's colour scheme will turn out to be.

* Sonic's outfit comes from a (DR-style) sprite edit I made of him for Gravity Kills's "Never".

* knockabiller's baby!Silver is best baby!Silver.

* Finally, a bunch of Sallies.


The rest of the day was taken up by the Rose twins demanding to know why Len showed that to Tails.

One day I got the idea to name the rest of the planets in the system Mobius inhabits, because there's bound to be other celestial bodies there. All of their names are references to geometry, since the name of Mobius itself was (sorta) derived from the strip.

* Guass is insanely hot, as to be expected from the first planet from the sun. Its core seems to be comprised primarily of iron.

* Darboux purees visitors on glass tornadoes that come and go with little warning. Observation is possible only with titanium-plated satellites, and even then, it's only a 50/50 chance that you'd be able to get all the data you were after.

* Geodesia might be habitable, but there's an aggressive Lesser Titan camped out on it and they're not fond of nosy mortals. On the one occasion they permitted an expedition, Geodesia was noted to be almost completely covered in colossal plant life and intricate rock formations.

* Parabolus seems to be inhabited, in that the people sent the Mobian UN a note requesting not to be bothered. All data is based on the last satellite sent there before then.

* Riemann is home to a massive ocean; what kind of liquid is actually in it has yet to be determined, but it doesn't seem to be water.

* Scalar's "main body" is essentially miles of dirt broken up by long stretches of brittle ground, one step onto which puts you at risk of falling to your death. The outer layers are much less arid.

* Yamabe is 99% posion by volume, and a favoured hang-out spot of Lesser Titans due to its remote and inhospitable nature.

* Bianchi is the planet from which light cannot escape--or maybe it's an illusion cast by a reclusive Dark Titan? Either way, study of the planet is extremely difficult.

* Frenet and Serret are double planets, and the farthest from the Sun. Both planets seem to be covered in thick layers of ice, with the different colourations resulting from the materials trapped in them.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 11:36:34 PM by The Great Gonzo »

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Reply #2812 on: March 16, 2014, 06:01:34 PM
Ah, embarrassing baby pictures... and another massive character image.  I started doing one of those, but they ended up being character sheets with focus on one or two, with a couple full body images and then head shots with various expressions.

Actually, I'd like to see a character sheet like that, with a full-body design (usually front and back) and expressions.  They're a great way to keep details consistent.

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Reply #2813 on: March 21, 2014, 08:05:48 AM
I haven't done a dedicated character sheet in a while...


A bunch of characters in a car.
Silver 'n Elise.
Silver as Naruto? Yeah...

This didn't turn out so hot, so I didn't put much effort into cleaning it up.

We don't know much about Shark Guy or Coral at time of submission, like the former's name or the latter's colour scheme. The latter has been guessed on, and I really hope that it's accurate.

I probably shoulda coloured Sonic and Sally differently. Here was where I experimented with making her orange instead of brown, BTW.

(Don't take what they're shouting at each other too seriously. Please.)

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Reply #2814 on: March 28, 2014, 12:51:05 PM

That's pretty much all I can think when I look at this outfit I gave fem-Sonic.

I'm sure her Silver Rings do something, but so far I've only got Gold (power) and Blue (cutting) worked out.

Poor Sonic just wanted to hang out on Angel Island for a while (one of those days; he didn't even bother putting on proper shoes), but he got Louise's attention and now she's clinging to him.

I drew Louise (more on her later) without a coloured ref, so she's slightly off.

Well, four of them always were mine.

Explanation: After much fiddling, I was able to transfer an All A-Rank save for Sonic Adventure 2 to my DC; there were some Chao included, so I got to work raising them further.

Gabi, Ailbhe, and Neta are from my own file; Sacha, Irene, Louise, and Devin are from the Planet-Web (IIRC) file, and all four of them look slightly different from when I first opened it. Ruslan is Irene and Louise's child, and as you can see (maybe), I haven't had him for long.

Note on the name colours: purple is female, blue is male, green is agender. It might not be biologically sound, but I figure that Chao lack physiological sexes (seriously, that egg pops out of nowhere). They inform their caretakers of their gender via some method (probably as simple as writing in the dirt).

One of these days I might draw my SA1 Chao, if only because I never hear people talk about the ones they've raised in either the original or DX; I've got a ton of SA2B Chao and will have to save that for a day when I don't need my right arm.

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Reply #2815 on: March 29, 2014, 04:30:51 AM
At first I thought they were mutated versions of the dA mascot, and Louise was clinging to Sonic like, "I will never let you leave!"  I thought it was a subtle commentary on how dA won't let you stop drawing. XD

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Reply #2816 on: March 31, 2014, 02:32:35 PM
Haha. XD

Despite all the spats those two get into, I'd say Knux is a good friend.

For a given value of "Mobian".

As I mentioned the first time I drew this guy, I was determined to not make StS!Nazo the sort of figurehead villain you usually see him depicted as (not to say I don't enjoy a good figurehead villain, mind you).

Likely as a direct result of his status as a "Chaos Mobian", even going Hyper wouldn't give you much of an edge on Nazo the Sentinel; he's the most powerful non-divine being on Mobius. The only person he'll defer to is Illumina.

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Reply #2817 on: April 01, 2014, 03:21:37 PM

Something drawn for sanitrance when she was feeling down. Her character, Trikk, is one of Chaos's buddies, and he's a big fan of Sonic; being made of electricity, however, I imagine he tends to accidentally zap the hedgehog often.

In the context of StS, Sonic Rose is used to the gods treating mortals like common houseflies at best, so having one actually admire him would take a lot of getting used to.

Full-body ref of what Amy wears during the StS version of SA1; all four of the pre-NFF are in-between their Classic and Adventure/Modern looks at this point in the timeline.

Not only has Amy learned what colour-coordination is, but she's got some dark blue to hint at that tie she'll be wearing later on; this is also when she starts keeping her Amplifier Rings equipped at all times.

For the uninitiated, ghost peppers are ranked at over one million Scoville units.

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Reply #2818 on: April 03, 2014, 01:58:28 AM

Copy-pasted from tumblr:

"Some concepts for a version of the 'Micro Mobius/Sonic Mars' X-treme plot; it’s also vaguely related to this really old attempt to borrow some elements from Megaman Battle Network (as in it was basically Sonic in a green version of Megaman.EXE’s suit).
The suit Sonic Rose wears on Guass (in StS, the first planet from the sun in the Mobian solar system) was influenced by Zone of the Enders and FFVIII. It just barely protects him from the intense heat outside of the virtual world.

King Cyberooski, originally a character that eventually became Prof. Gazebo Boobowski, is a benign program that Sonic meets early on. He’s a helpful guy, but tends to say things like that; his grasp on organic life and society is tenuous at best. (He gives Sonic a data-based gun arm, as seen above)

Yukimura is one of the enemies from Sonic Shuffle; while I was thinking that she’d be brought along due to her ice powers, Sonic might end up going to Guass alone. Yukimura’s very snarky and not terribly supportive, at least at first."

Rock is a nice kid, but his patience is finite.

This was going to be a much simpler pic, but then I got the idea to try painting grass again.

Sonic Boom probably won't be serious enough to warrant Sonic running around in a dramatic cape (well, unless they lower our guard and then gut-punch us), but hey. Maybe said cape once belonged to Len or Tristian?

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Reply #2819 on: April 03, 2014, 08:25:06 AM
Fetus fritters.

Your Sonic IN SPAAAAAAAAAACE idea reminds me of a similar idea from back in the day, which was partially revived somewhat recently, but then swiftly forgotten.  When our powers combine...

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Reply #2820 on: April 07, 2014, 03:38:13 AM
You had a "Sonic in space" plot too, huh? XD

(One of the earliest Sonic fan-plots of mine I can remember involved Sonic being forcibly shot into

Super-old "painting" from 1997.

I really need a larger scanner...

* Leea and Demitri don't have official colour schemes, as far as I can tell.

* The entire second row is full of DBZ-style fusions, brought on by having Hedgehog Ball Z lodged in my brain (note: HBZ is how I refer to Sonic stuff heavily influenced by Dragonball Z, not the title of an actual work. As far as I'm aware).

* Silver/Espio is, like the last time I drew him, a triceratops. According to Dean, I'm likely the only one thus far to bring unique species into the fusions instead of ridiculous hybrids.

* Big/Knux's muscls are probably so densely packed that a light tap on the shoulder could embed you in the Moon.

* Amy/Charmy is a moth. I'm still not too fussed about the fusees being different genders.

* The flame behind Blaze/Lumina is one of her wings.

* Really not sure about the KH!Sonic; might go with something more TWEWY-esque.

* I tend to think of Nicole as being into cyber goth stuff.

* Sally's not flipping off Benjamin, despite the doodle placement.

* IIRC, trying to figure out Elise's design from that one screenshot was an exercise in frustration.

* Had in mind that StS!Blaze's equivalent of the NFF would be the "God Busters"--not because they actively go around slaying Lesser Titans (who can't enter Sol anyway), but to indicate that they're the most powerful beings in Sol.

* It's a shame that that "Ver. Ke" X was just an April Fools' prank; I'd like a model kit like that.

* I tried to place more emphasis on Ryuko's muscles to make up for not giving her an under-suit like I'd thought about.

* Can you guess what fruit Boom!Sonic's eating?

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Reply #2821 on: April 11, 2014, 01:41:43 AM

Primarily drawn for the purpose of showing off the graphic on the back of this white hoodie I recently gave Sonic Rose (related to a hypothetical SA3); it's a reference to the posters in City Escape.

The hoodie itself was probably something Amy gave him, since Sonic Rose only gets new clothes on his own once in a blue moon (well, unless it's a garage sale). It's tailored for a different species, so his back spines aren't poking out.

Cleaned up in CS3, coloured in Photoshop 3.0 (in part because the pressure sensitivity on my upstairs tablet temporarily crapped out and I didn't know how to fix it). This is that SA3 outfit I mentioned last submission.

I'll bet you that black turtleneck is the only one Sonic Rose owns.

(I still can't ink traditionally without the lines coming out all mangled. Also probably should've moved his other ear in front of his headphones.)

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Reply #2822 on: April 13, 2014, 03:52:32 AM

Quick sketch of what Knux might wear in a hypothetical SA3 (StS-verse, anyway; I don't think SEGA would have given the cast any new duds), complete with a reference to Leon Kuwata's shirt.

Outfit based on concepts for Jade (Beyond Good and Evil); we don't know much about Boom!Amy as of this writing, but I have a hard time believing that she wouldn't have at least one other set of clothes.

The hand wraps might be useful for reducing risk of injury-by-sharp-artifact, so they stay on.

Art trade with MontyTH; I was asked to draw something nervous/uncertain and this was the first thing to come to mind.

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Reply #2823 on: April 16, 2014, 08:51:16 AM
First recovered Sonic arts.

Drawn on Saturday, before I fixed my own pizza. This would be my first digital art of Ryuko, and my first pic of her in her untransformed state.

Based on a dream I had about an SA2 demo that was completely unlike the final game; this area originally had (inoperative) escalators, but they became normal stairs here because I didn't have the patience.

This section is probably the most normal one; the rest of the stage was more or less un-traversable by normal citizens and full of giant cables intertwined with rope (that were the only objects Sonic could grind on, and were occasionally threaded through tunnels clearly meant for the GUN Beetles).

Sonic's not supposed to be here, but when has some piddly "keep out" tape ever stopped him?

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Reply #2824 on: April 16, 2014, 02:28:42 PM
Very nice Ryuko, Gonzie!