The Gonzo has art.

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Reply #2750 on: October 17, 2013, 07:16:32 AM

Remember that notebook I tried drawing felt pen doodles on only for it to turn out to be just a little too wide to properly scan? I was determined to get some use out of it anyway.

First up is Hyper Sonic with a Rebuild of EVA-inspired halo hovering over his head. It would probably only appear when he starts really exerting his energy.

By "stages", I mean a transplantation of the various Super Saiyan forms into Sonic-Land. Despite the huge influence Dragon Ball Z has on many fans, I actually don't see a lot of more direct Saiyan parallels like this.

SS 2 and 3 ended up being easier than anticipated, thanks to certain sprites. SS4 was trickier, what with Super Saiyan 4 looking completely different from any of the other modes; settled on Sonic looking a tad more feral (with spines modeled after Goku's hair), in line with the canon form taking after the Great Ape.

I'm sure Eggman had further plans for these two, but I still find it hilarious that the first thing he made a hypnotized Tails and Amy do was challenge Sonic to pinball matches.

Inspired by some awesome DR sprite edits. Note that I'm going off of StS/NINE-logic for all of these, as I usually do.

* Sonic and Tails - I can't see one without the other, so dual masterminds it is. They'd both be disturbingly upbeat about the whole thing (and Tails would take waaay too much pride in her work on the execution machines) until someone asks them why they did this, at which point one or both of them would flip out because it's so obvious you naive bunch of twats. Sonic'd probably keep yelling at the survivors to figure it out themselves because, for all the clever manipulation he and Tails had to pull off, he's terrible at explaining things.

* Blaze - Nearly everyone in Sol is suspicious enough of the gods as-is, so Blaze's brewing batshit-insanity wouldn't be likely to raise too much suspicion over there. Her un-logic is that if everyone on Mobius is despairing and forsaking their gods, then the gods will cease to exist from lack of belief. (Imagine her reaction when she finds out that that's not how the gods in StS work.) She's wearing a version of her ceremonial robe because it's one of the most Solian pieces of attire in her wardrobe.

* Nicole - Chances are she got fragmented in the middle of Mobian emotion research and got hung up on despair and accumulating as much data on it as possible. This attitude would extend to more-or-less every emotion, but despair is at the top of her priority list, with bonus "all paths lead to despair" un-reasoning.

* Amy and Cream - another dual mastermind team, this one with completely different goals than Sonic and Tails (who in addition to despair, would be all about chaos). Basically, Amy goes full Knight Templar and takes Cream with her; they both believe that hope and despair must be wielded in precisely-equal measure, lest everything go to [parasitic bomb]. It did anyway, but you can't tell them that (because Cream will flash-fry you if you even suggest it).

* Megaman - OH GOD CAPCOM WHAT HAVE YOU DONE Probably got into one too many fights with no gratitude from the humans OR his fellow robots, and then arrived at the conclusion that there is no such thing as peace or hope. Especially not once that "hurr durr let's scrap sentient robots at our own convenience" law went into effect; the only good thing to come out of Mega triggering the Monopocalypse is that that law would be the first thing to go, because what's the point of despair if some assholes imposed a time limit?

Posted on: October 10, 2013, 01:25:33 AM

Got lucky with the scan on this one.

* I can't help but feel that Mukuro would be rather protective of Naegi.

* Clio seemed like a good choice for Tomomi, the SHSL Journalist.

* It's not pictured as I didn't think of it until after the fact, but Kaname has a retractable blade-gauntlet on his right arm; whether or not this was part of his normal high-wire acts is debatable.

* Not yet sure how well Sonic meshes with Rayman elements like the Nymphs.

* Speaking of Rayman elements, there's Betina from the short-lived animated series.

* Minnie's dialogue comes from an argument I saw on tumblr.

* As hopefully demonstrated next to Minnie, I can still draw non-Mobian furries.

* I have no idea what the deal with Ranay-hog was.

* I've seen a few people (well, mostly NetRaptor) draw Tails with the NiGHTS Chao; I'd like to think that in StS, that's literally NiGHTS, disguised as a Chao for whatever reason.

* Lunatuica's Mastermind!Leon is best Mastermind!Leon.

* Junko's outfit was meant to be 90s hip-hop-ish; I would say that it was meant to be something she wouldn't normally wear, but she IS an SHSL Fashionista...

* This is probably one of the more unique Snakewoman designs I've seen.

* I don't think I'll be drawing Sudachiwoman's helmet very often.

* British-schoolgirl-Kirigiri and nun-Chihiro were based off Dad's canon-blind impressions of them (well, he called Chihiro a "pre-nun").

* Amy, why are you dressed as Togami yet again.

* Unsurprisingly, hardcore-vampire-Rouge's outfit was Castlevania-derived (specifically Lament of Innocence)...

* ...whereas Nicole's wardrobe was inspired by Shadowrun.

* I did my best to make Enda distinct from Tails.

Posted on: October 16, 2013, 09:00:45 AM

Apparently moon pies exist only in the US (and I dunno how widely they're sold outside of the south).

It's been ages since I used tones, and I think it shows.

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Reply #2751 on: October 17, 2013, 07:19:47 AM
I've never used tones.  Are they easy to get comfortable with, or is the learning curve insane?

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2752 on: October 17, 2013, 07:25:37 AM
I'm not quite sure; I guess they're easy to use if you shade/fill the designated area with a solid colour first, then lock the layer and fill it with the required pattern/tone.

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Reply #2753 on: October 17, 2013, 07:41:57 AM
Oh, I was thinking about those Deleter tones, as I have a pack of them that I haven't used yet.

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Reply #2754 on: October 24, 2013, 05:17:23 PM
Ah. XD

I love puns. Mondo does not, because he's trapped in a monochrome netherworld with no guns to shoot the "natives" with.

Posted on: October 18, 2013, 11:55:50 AM

Not all of them, of course, or else this would be a mile long.

I started this a couple of months ago and only just now finished it (there's bound to be areas where it shows); as you can see, I didn't have the energy to shade it.

Alucion's and Julie's outfits were redesigned (also I'm not sure how balanced Julie's pose is), while Tikal and Shade are wearing completely different ones; Shade's is what she regularly wore before Argus paid the Nocturnus Clan a visit.

Early mornings would be good for pensive moments like this, so long as you didn't need to talk them over with anyone.

...alternatively, Sonic Rose and I share the inability to, upon waking up, actually get out of bed until a half-hour later.

Posted on: October 21, 2013, 04:08:13 PM


'tis all the girls from the first Dangan Ronpa as Jewel Riders, in one of those spur-of-the-moment crossovers of mine that inevitably take hours longer than they should. Hopefully most of the design choices I've made are self-explanatory.

Celes's outfit would be a nightmare to animate and likely breaks a fucktillion rules of Jewel Rider costumes, but I can't see Rider!Celes traipsing about in anything but that.

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Reply #2755 on: October 25, 2013, 09:21:27 AM
The first one, with Mondo and the monochrome world, I thought you were referencing a weird game called Mondo Medicals.  It's a weird game.  Very weird.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2756 on: October 25, 2013, 07:24:56 PM
Now I have this mental image of Monobear screaming "I WILL CURE YOU, CANCER" and blowing Mondo away.

"--and your enemies will never be able to hide from you again."

Some of you might remember "Shalim" as the Canaanite god of dusk whose name I borrowed for Zor before his canon one was revealed. I'm not sure of his actual relevance to this pic beyond that, but Zor's powers are said to be unusual/dangerous even among Zeti...

Those splotches of colour visible in his shadow clones were inspired by Walpurgis Night's familiars. (No Lost World spoilers, BTW.)

Mukuro, people are gonna mistake you for the SHSL Gang Leader in that wardrobe.

(Also, 'tis a first attempt at something 3D. And writing Mukuro's name, but I probably won't know how wonky it actually is until I post this on Pixiv.)

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Reply #2757 on: October 26, 2013, 07:44:54 AM

As for the 3D image, I'll need to get myself some red-blue glasses to test it.  They can be tricky.

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Reply #2758 on: October 30, 2013, 03:27:17 AM
Any red-blue glasses I might've had have long since been torn/broken past the post of usability...

As you've probably noticed by now, some of my pens need replacing...

* Sonic Rose does not like trying to run/fight in armour.

* Sinistro's sleeves were meant to resemble those of a furisode's, but I didn't pay attention whilst inking.

* I probably shouldn't have given sane!Junko that colour scheme, but I can't really see her in anything but that...

* Before the reveal of the Deadly Six's ages, Zanya was said to be 15; now I imagine she'd be 115.

* The reason Erica's holding a marble is because when I was in elementary school, I had a dream of her running a "trainer house" that had a stained-glass/"quilt" ceiling with marbles hanging down from strings. Also there was a giant painting in her office that lead to a pocket dimension full of angels, but that's for another drawing.

* Kaname has Celes's fabulosity and Mondo's rage issues.

* Bethor was the Olympian spirit that best fit Celes, I think.

* All of the fem-Gundams I'd seen simply gave her a ponytail. And then I found Cofagrigus's design.

* Mukuro's shirt says "AMMO! Need I Say More?", based on an actual shirt my Dad has.

* I'd written Zazz's dialogue after forgetting that Sonic does bring up his bathing habits (or lack thereof) in-game.

* Unlike many of my old designs, older Tiara didn't get much adjustment. (I should note that back in '04, I thought she was a hedgehog, as did nearly everyone else)

* I swore I wasn't going to draw Enkidu without his TV helmet, but then I got an idea of what his face would look like. He's not in the best shape, as you can see.

* Guess who recently downloaded a bunch of awesome Vocaloid songs.

* Zwei is a Zeti I saw in a dream, who was close friends with Zeena for whatever reason. His outfit is based on the Fool arcana.

Posted on: October 26, 2013, 01:00:17 PM

After multiple people expressed interest in colouring some (unfinished) lineart of hers, manic-in-tricolour put it up on her tumblr and I took a shot at it, as I'd said I would. And then my arm nearly locked up (not really).

Kinda had Persona 3 and 4's artwork in mind, in that there's lots of gradients. Hopefully there aren't too many lightning mistakes.


> notices that the flats layer wasn't duplicated
> history doesn't got far back enough to recover flats layer
> silently vow to execute anyone who doesn't appreciate that hour or so of my life I'm not getting back

So, this thing originally began as a bunch of sketches in my sketchbook, so that I could have my sisters guess everyone's SHSL talents without their wardrobes giving it away (such a thing was not necessary for DR1). Then I thought, "Hey, if I ink this in SAI and colour it in Photoshop (so that the file can be made transparent and thus smaller) this might be useful for anyone who wants to have a friend or relative play the SHSL Guessing Game but felt SDR2's designs were too obvious for that." Then I failed to duplicate the flats layer., but eventually got that last bit taken care of.

It ended up doubling as neck and shoulder practice, though I'm not sure if the anatomy holds up for everyone.

(If anyone does end up using this for an SHSL Guessing Game, maybe post the more unorthodox ones in the comments below?)

Interesting note: both of my sisters had pegged Saionji (the blonde girl with piggytails) as the SHSL Princess (she's actually a Classical Dancer).

Posted on: October 28, 2013, 05:08:29 PM

A set of human Robians (contains Dangan Ronpa spoilers).
And again.

Sort of an early Halloween pic (and might be the only one I submit this year if I continue to be lazy). This is sort of a redo of an older, more straightforward outfit swap that I wasn't happy with (in part because they were both too tall even with my more humanoid style of Mobian).

I'd like to think that Sonic Rose and Blaze Ignatious would enjoy doing something like this every now and then, to play with the fact that they're dimensional counterparts*.

* There's still some debate over whether or not that's actually true, I think, but seriously--if there was no connection, why does Blaze have super-speed (in Rush, at least), a very rare trait that gets special emphasis in the two other people who have it? (Sonic and Shadow, who incidentally is a dark counterpart of sorts to the former) And what's up with their shoes being so similar?

...don't laugh; I'm pretty sure SEGA wouldn't have re-used the "single colour shoe + white horizontal strap" combo unless we were meant to notice it. /tangent

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Reply #2759 on: October 30, 2013, 04:10:27 AM
Blaze's boob...  For some reason, it seems exposed.  Even though it's covered in fur and there's no nipple, I feel like I'm looking at hentai.


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Reply #2760 on: November 06, 2013, 10:37:03 AM
Hey, it's not like a lack of shirt ever stopped gals like Sally (well...) or Barby. XD

Drawn yesterday (and submitted to Pixiv yesterday due to time zone shenanigans); I finally got around to making something vaguely Halloween-y.

Having Mukuro dress up as this version of Alice was an idea I got about a month or so ago (Junko would've been the version of the Red Queen from the first game, but I couldn't find a decent ref); Cheshire Kirigiri was a last-minute addition. I'm not sure how well it actually fits her, to be honest, and now I'm wondering if Togami would've been a better choice for the methed-out Malaysian god, but hey.

Happy Halloween!

Posted on: October 31, 2013, 05:28:05 PM

I hesitate to call Sonic a "hothead", but I imagine he and Robo-Leon/the "Egg Pitcher" could only trade insults for so long before their fight devolved into this.

Also pretty sure that the iteration of Sonic in "Trigger Happy Hedgehog" is not a Light Adept and so cannot shield himself like this, but I'm constantly working off of StS logic, so. (Incidentally, this ability of Sonic Rose's is derived from the Insta-Shield from S3nK. Which was static electricity and not light, but hey.) Let's hope that Leon tires out before that shield finally dissipates; it's not really meant for prolonged use.

(AFAIK Robo-Leon doesn't have an official colour scheme yet, so I guessed on it.)

Posted on: November 02, 2013, 04:22:56 AM

Still gotta replace some of those pens.

* I had lots of fun drawing unusual SHSL guesses, as you can see. The ones on the top row are all from the same set.

* The text kept getting cut off no matter how I scanned it, but Leon's supposed to be an Heir. I went for a sort of "high class punk"-ish look; maybe Heir!Leon's family doesn't appreciate that sort of fashion and Leon dresses in it to annoy them?

* After seeing Nagisa Momoe, how could I not draw her?

* And next to Nagisa is Amy paraphrasing Kyouko.

* I couldn't pick just one talent-swapped nurse to draw; since Ibuki and Pekoyama are on disparate ends of the personality spectrum, I tried to have their uniforms reflect that.

* SHSL Classical Dancer Kuzuryuu is probably wearing the wrong kimono...

* Rock Landon, you are not Senator Armstrong.

* Sonic being hassled by a young Julie-Su was dream-based, though there I think they were actually adopted siblings.

* Monojoker!Souda's hoodie should probably be mustard-coloured, but I have no mustard felt pens.

* Definitely gonna have to take another shot at SHSL Princess Saionji's outfit. (Incidentally, both of my little sisters thought she was the Princess)

* Found some lovely dresses on tumblr that I had to put some of the Sonic girls in. Used the wrong shade of purple for Nicole, though...

* Careful, Eggman--Sonic Rose may not have much fashion sense himself, but he's got a sister who'd be willing to help.

* Originally I was just going to draw Nanami as a Monojoker, but then I went completely overboard and included the rest of the SDR2 girls (sans Peko, since I already drew her). The reason why Tsumiki is "(Mono)Nurse E" is because there's four other nurses that I haven't drawn yet.

* Does anyone else think that Monojoker Sonia ended up looking like a hippie?

* Ryou Fukunaga is a tad self-conscious about the fact that his SHSL talent, Embalming, isn't of much use in a country where most of the deceased are cremated.

* Oboe is likely wondering why Rock has a sweater tied around his neck.

* I had this amusing idea that every now and then, Samus dyes and/or cuts her hair on a whim, because space is boring. There was a brief period where I experimented with giving her short black hair (a combination I didn't remember seeing anywhere else), but combined with her Zero Suit, people kept mistaking her for X.

* Yep, Archie!Muttski got something of an alteration recently.

* Chihiro reluctantly models both of Eggman's new school uniforms.

Posted on: November 02, 2013, 06:07:39 PM

Or something. Semi-quick drawing of new!Nicole with robot-like rings in her eyes, a feature I hadn't given her before.

I was in the mood for some Neo Robia.

Celeste, the system AI for NR, is accompanied by a green-clad Nicole. Has the latter been reprogrammed, or did she join Chaos Croc's ranks of her own volition?

Pic itself ended up being a test of some basic effects, with the goal being to make it look all computer-y.

Also, some Dangan Ronpa sprite edits! I apologize in advance for the white BGs; my version of SAI doesn't support transparent .PNGs and I don't have any suitable Photoshop brushes.


I started off with some basic short-haired edits (or long-haired in Asahina's case). L to R: Sayaka Maizono, Kyouko Kirigiri, Touko Fukawa, and Aoi Asahina.

Yasuhiro Hagakure (the SHSL Fortune Teller, who is openly disdainful of the occult) being hassled by a poltergeist. The former's expression was edited, whereas the latter was drawn from scratch.

Peko Pekoyama and Kazuichi Souda as Monojokers (has to do with an AU I'm working on; Monojokers are essentially henchmen who, despite the name, are unaffiliated with Monobear, the series villain). I jumped immediately from simple hair/expression edits to this; admittedly, many of the clothing folds and parts of the shading were heavily based on the original sprites.[/spoiler]

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Reply #2761 on: November 06, 2013, 10:43:44 AM
Hm.  What effect did you use for that last pic?

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2762 on: November 18, 2013, 12:43:57 PM
Hm.  What effect did you use for that last pic?

IIRC, I duplicated the finished pic's layer, adjusted the blending options (dunno the exact combination I used, but it wasn't red/blue like 3D), and then made a new layer for the scan line pattern to go in (opacity lowered a great deal).


I'm actually not sure if StS!Amy can really be considered a "Paladin", but that's the SHSL title I thought of for her, so.

Got the urge to draw these two next to each other, though attitude-wise Togami might've been a better fit. (Lord only knows why Amy's giving Maizono that face.) Though, Amy might not be able to tolerate his prickery.

Should note, Amy's outfit is based on Heather Mason's (Silent Hill 3); there was a time in the mid '00s when I drew or at least frequently imagined Amy in something like that.

"Upupu...Spy on you? Why would I do something as under-handed as that? All I did was ask Eggman some details about your past, since you wouldn't be nice and share them with me yourself."

I'm having some fun with Trigger Happy Hedgehog; can you tell?

If there's one thing Sonic Rose hates, it's people--or bears, in this case--trying to mess with him psychologically or otherwise emotionally manipulate him. There'd be no way Monobear could resist riling him up, I'm sure.

Colouration and background based on one of the images from DR1's final trial. For this one, I tested out a non-BW gradient map set to Soft Light.

EDIT #2:

Sonic Rose has no interest in religion beyond how aggressive each branch's central deities may be, but if Cream or the other McGees want to talk to him about their church's services, he'll usually listen. Or in this case, he'll let Cream read some passages even though they fly right over his head.

Due to uncertainty over which direction I wanted to go colouring-wise, this got sat on for a while. The end of the year approacheth, so I figured I had to finish this sooner or later; I'm happy with it now.

And yes, Sonic's bed is incredibly short. Dude's tiny, and I don't think he'd care to keep track of a step stool.

The ideas I get when I should be asleep.

Sonic's hypothetical memorial stand should probably be a lot shorter, but I was afraid that if the height difference was too pronounced, it might dull the impact.

Posted on: November 06, 2013, 07:01:58 PM

Beta!Naegi and Kirigiri see what you're up to.

Like with most things I'm a fan of, the beta version of Dangan Ronpa interests me greatly; heck, I even went to the trouble of grabbing those "guess the culprit" mugshots from the animatic of the first trial/execution: (linky) One day I'd like to find out how many plot details were changed between the beta and the final, and at what point the branching paths were dropped. Would the Mastermind be the same person every time?

On the pic itself, this is where I found out that beta!Naegi had the uniform-over-hoodie thing going on as well, which required me to brighten the image in Photoshop because both articles of clothing are pitch-black. It also seems that CS3's Replace Colour option is a bit better than Elements 7's.


You'd think something like this wouldn't be too difficult to title...

Got the urge to draw Rikdo Koushi's versions of Sonic and Tails (and Knuckles) again, this time on that pad of bristol board that's been sitting around for ages. It was intended to be a quick marker drawing, but you know how "quick" drawings and I tend to get along.

This would be my first time drawing S&T!Knux, and until I went over my scans recently, I'd forgotten that she has visible animal ears as well. Should note that I did have to do a Replace Colour on Sonic and Tails' skin, since for some reason, the marker I used keeps coming out way too pink/red when I scan it; the other colours came out nice and vibrant, I think.

I really want to see more unusual older doujins like S&T; any doujin-savvy folks out there who could help me out?

I've always hated that "but it's my nature to be an insufferable [dark hold]" excuse, so here's Amy calling out an unseen dickweed.

The quote on the borders of Alter Ego's panel is from Bush's "Land of the Living".

Making traditional art transparent isn't something I do often (in fact, this is the first time I can remember trying that); that was the end goal of this pic.

Though it's hard to tell here, Alter Ego's pupils are green, a trait meant to distinguish him from Chihiro whenever AE's avatar is shown as more than just a floating head.


Trying to figure out the best way to scan these things is unbelievably despair-inducing.

* The black section of Bunnie's Egg Legion/Army helmet may actually be an ink shadow, but hey, colour balance.

* I had this weird dream where Sonic and Blaze had been brainwashed into becoming pirates who used hoverskirt-things to get around; Sonic's was traded in for what was supposed to be a hover chair.

* Yes, alternate-future!Hagakure is wearing his Bad Ending shirt. Couldn't let it go to waste, you know.

* I am 11037% sure that "Akkaraju" is not a real Japanese surname, but I gave it to Shima anyway. (How the heck would you write that out? アカラジュ?)

* Hideyoshi Teramoto needs a cane to walk due to a bad leg. He doesn't like it when people theorize that his unknown SHSL title is actually "Pimp".

* Rock describes a situation I have been annoyed by countless times; the particular one I had in mind came with lots of bonus "I and my small group of friends are the only people whose preferences matter and should be catered to" overtones.

* AE changes his avatar to beta!Chihiro, who seems a bit other-worldly to me (what's with the cape?).

* COLD is one of those bands that thematically has nothing to do with Sonic, but I tend to sorta associate with Sonic anyway because I listened to "Year of the Spider" back when I had a subscription to the Archie comic.

* Asahina as the Avatar of Water was born from a TTHedge-related plot bunny.

* I'm not really interested in Zombie Apocalypse stories (outside of Afterlife with Archie), so if I ever wrote such an AU for Sonic/StS, Sally would likely be the only one reanimated and she and Sonic have to fight off a Wraith Apocalypse instead. (Incidentally, this was born from a rather harrowing dream wherein my group and I had to fight off zombies that kept trying to get in through our front door. Also one of them was on horseback)

* Speaking of music I shouldn't associate with Sonic but do anyway, there's the soundtrack to the live-action Mortal Kombat movie. MK was, like, top-tier awesome back in the day, to me at least.

* The Poltergeist (currently the only name she goes by) haunts Hagakure's apartment, and in turn he (usually) denies her existence long past the point of rationality. She came from a viewing of a "Hello? Hell...o?" LP and an ask I sent to Tara.

* There was a brief time when Old StS!Amy wore (a version of) Maya Amano's outfit.

* I think this is the first time I've drawn Orbot and Cubot.

* Dunno how widespread that "Kirigiri is Mukuro Ikusaba" thoery was, but it would've made for a hell of a twist.

* Chances are, I bungled the colours on Cyber Sally.

* I have yet to see a Mastermind AU for either Sakura or Hagakure (well, there was a humourous text post about the latter, but so far no edits), so I drew them myself. Sakura's outfit is more-or-less Akuma's with differently-coloured beads, whereas Hagakure got this semi-kimono thing. Tara suggested that it'd be funny if even he didn't realize he was the Mastermind (which makes me wonder if he'd still execute himself...).

Posted on: November 11, 2013, 09:40:35 PM

As you can see, scanning this was a bear, as usual.

* Amy's getup and hairstyle are both derived from part of a dream that seemed to involve CLAMP drawing Sonic. (They actually have, on the cover of the Summer 1994 "CLAMP in Wonderland", but there's no full stories that I know of)

* It was just going to be Sonia up there, but then I ended up adding Manic and Sonic.

* To clarify, that bit with Zeena and Zavok was inspired by Archie-MM #22's subplot.

* Junko's 90s outfit didn't turn out fashion-vomitous enough.

* I don't really have a place for that version of Mecha Knuckles in StS.

* I'll probably be able to work in Tails's boxing gloves without much trouble, though.

* Egg Boss Axel, why are you so hard to draw on-model?

* Julayla's gloves were borrowed from an attempt of mine to SEGA-fy Sally back in 2010.

* I imagine that the reason why Ikkiko's able to cling to Monobear without getting blown up is because Monobear figures he can influence her, by virtue of her being the only(?) student who wants anything to do with him.

* Sonic's flute is derived from the ones in FFIX. Of all the power-ups in SA2, I think that the Mystic Melody could've used the most elaboration.

* Some discussing of ideas I had with Tara prompted me to draw the Poltergeist (no name given) as she appeared in life. She looks creepy dead AND alive, but she's actually fairly harmless.

* Also suggested by Tara was Hagakue attempted to exorcise the Poltergeist, only for his hired help (a younger Shun Maki) to hold a conversation with her instead. Them's the breaks.

* Princesses using the Super Bell power-up was suggested by lalalei2001, IIRC (though I added Shokora and Blaze on my own). I was gonna stick Blaze in a Monobear suit instead, but consistency (and amusing redundancy).

* Actualmondo's Doki Ronpa!Monobear is cute; too bad he's still an SHSL [chameleon sting]er.

* Finally got around to designing Monojoker getup for the rest of the SDR2 gang. Komaeda and Teruteru got (versions of) their beta clothes, whereas Hinata got lazy. Come on, man, don't just slap on a puke-green shirt.

So I tried to paint in DR style and it didn't work out, but I still wanted to post what I did end up with. Easy on the eyeliner, Ames.

I got the urge to try and take that old "Future Sonic" pic in my scraps and make something presentable out of it; it mostly involved getting rid of the lower half and any other unnecessary details, and changing the dark blue to dark red. The only element carried over from his old boots were those shoe gems.

Also, I think I drew his feet too small yet again. That seems to be a recurring problem.

Can't remember what the original outfit was inspired by, aside from possibly "Bright and Shiny Future"; this version feels more SA2-ish to me (in fact, his shoes are faintly based on his SOAP pair).

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Reply #2763 on: November 18, 2013, 04:17:40 PM
I should draw up a big profile shot of a bunch of characters.  That might help get rid of this creative drought I've been in.  What do you usually draw those profile pages for?  Just to keep track of characters?  Do they help get the ideas flowing when stuck?

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Reply #2764 on: November 20, 2013, 05:17:01 PM
I think it's mostly to generate ideas (and in some cases keep track of redesigns and other people's characters).

And on the seventh hour, Gonzo's arms fell off.

This isn't quite what I would call an All-Mastermind AU since technically, none of them are from the same timeline (otherwise that portrait Sakura's holding wouldn't make much sense), but either way, here's all of the DR1 kids as Masterminds. Plus Santa Shikiba for the purpose of evenly dividing the kids between Junko. Hovering above them is a quote from Bush's "Float" (and likely countless other places).

I've noted which designs were borrowed from other people.

* Togami's outfit ended up going with Fukawa's; initially, I was completely stumped on what to give him because he's already a douche canoe (hence why there seems to be only one other Mastermind Togami floating around).

* By comparison, Ishimaru's was less challenging: turn him into a full-blown dictator.

* No, Mukuro was not cyborgized; she's wearing Solid Snake-inspired armour. I tried to make her salute as informal as possible to indicate the low regard in which she holds the survivors of her timeline. Knowing nothing of proper salutes, I probably missed that mark.

* Maizono's outfit is sort of casual and grunge-based. Were she to turn out to be the Mastermind, I imagine that she'd try to force the survivors to be her groupies--after all, they had the integrity to keep from killing their friends.

* Many Mastermind!Chihiros I've seen have him remain in a dress; I tried to make mine more gender-neutral.

* I have literally not seen a single Mastermind Sakura or Hagakure besides my own (well, there was a humourous text post for the latter, but). In Sakura's case, her dear friend Asahina got Gungnir Spear'd, and when Monobear tried to force her to be his mole, well...

* As for Hagakure, even if he were to fall into despair, I can't really see him having the desire to orchestrate a school life of mutual the mobsters he tried to rip off did it for him.

Posted on: November 19, 2013, 11:45:53 AM

I asked my forum buddies for some grunge attire to stick Sonic in, and this is the result.

While Sonic's not completely apathetic towards it, Amy's the more fashion-conscious sibling and it usually takes her efforts to get Sonic to change up his wardrobe. He tends to go along with it unless the outfit she wants him to wear includes pants.

Most of my Google searching was done with the suggestions Quickie gave me in mind (flannel shirts, ripped jeans, band t-shirt, Converses--the last one being SEGA-fied because I didn't feel like drawing laces). Funny thing about Sonic's shirt is, unless Earth music gets imported to Mobius on a regular basis, he probably hasn't heard Stone Temple Pilots.

Not only is Leon bereft of shirt, but when he finally gets them back, he'll be spending the next ten thousand years picking out all the strands of fur.

I guess this is sorta TTHedge-related, though I doubt Sonic would get the chance to interact with Leon before he becomes the Egg Pitcher. Maybe this is an alternate "Eggman never crashed the party" timeline.

This particular (partial) outfit swap was mostly meant to demonstrate just how ill-fitting human clothes are on smaller Mobians like Sonic (also whilst meandering around my room one night, the thought occurred to me that Sonic might look good in the top half of Leon's outfit. But not the bottom, because he has a severe allergy to pants, and also Leon would flatten him); he'd be constantly pawing at his sleeves to keep them from sliding over his hands.

Of course, there's the question of how he persuaded Leon to let him do this in the first place.

Funtastic fact: when I'm tired, I tend to imagine characters sleeping. Unfortunately, these three are probably going to wake up with massive neck cramps.

Asahina's there in part because I've seen some art pairing her and Hagakure on Pixiv (and nowhere else).

Ryou Fukunaga, the SHSL Embalmer, is not very appealing.

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Reply #2765 on: November 20, 2013, 05:46:59 PM
I have to say given Leon's character and dialog you caught him perfectly in both mastermind outfit and double bird flipping and who wouldn't see Ishimaru as a freaking nazi.  I do think that Sayaka could have been given a more sinister expression though, I mean that girl really has a lot of potential to be really sadistic and cruel in my honest opinion in an AU universe, right up there with Junko even.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #2766 on: November 20, 2013, 05:55:24 PM
You're into Dangan Ronpa, too? XD

I have to say given Leon's character and dialog you caught him perfectly in both mastermind outfit and double bird flipping and who wouldn't see Ishimaru as a freaking nazi.

Heh, thanks. XD Though I should note that someone else (Lunatuica) designed Mastermind!Leon's outfit.

As for Mastermind!Sakura, I see her as more wrathful than sadistic, honestly; she'd blame the other kids for Asahina's death even though she got spear'd before anyone could react. (Although she's much calmer in-pic.)

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Reply #2767 on: November 20, 2013, 06:04:04 PM
I said Sayaka not Sakura, the idol girl.  And yeah I kind of got into it, I still need to see the entire game but I like to spoil myself.  Doesn't get in the way of enjoying it though. :P

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #2768 on: November 20, 2013, 06:13:39 PM
I see. ^^

And hurr durr I really need to refrain from replying to posts when I'm not fully-awake. XD;;

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Reply #2769 on: November 20, 2013, 06:14:45 PM
It's fine, honest in my head I spell Sayaka's name as Sakuya sometimes.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #2770 on: November 20, 2013, 06:28:27 PM


Also, I like those Dangan Ronpa redesigns (I'm into Dangan Ronpa too, mostly the game though. Because anime sucks. YADA YADA)

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Reply #2771 on: November 20, 2013, 07:22:53 PM
I might try to maek comic after I can think of a plot.

And thanks. XD

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Reply #2772 on: November 20, 2013, 07:28:01 PM


Seriously though, I'll admit some of your "Fan ideas" scare me (which is caused by certain factors unrelated to you), but goddamn do I love many of your designs and your artstyle.

Keep it up. I mean it.

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Reply #2773 on: November 27, 2013, 09:36:17 PM
Thanks; I will. :)

So I maed comic:

Please appreciate my attempt to make this sketch comic presentable.

The idea came to mind after learning that Nidai once trained a baseball player (and reading this); unfortunately, Leon is not the most motivated of fellows.

It's sorta TTHedge-related in that Sonic and co. are here for some reason. Had I the energy to draw a second page, it'd involve Nidai taking notice of the new SHSL Endurance Runner; maybe that'll get a separate follow-up later.

For now, marvel at Nidai's super teleportation powers and my inability to perspective.

Posted on: November 22, 2013, 11:59:13 AM

"Oh, I don't know, hedgehog. I'd say that uniform is at least many times less likely to snag on something than that superfluous longcoat."

"I will sever your Achilles tendon."

Funtastic fact: in StS, that particular uniform (Snively's in later issues of Archie-Sonic) is the one worn by the Four Lords of the Eggman Empire.


Sorta drawn for my little sisters after they finished watching a Let's Play of Chapter 1; they were sad to see these three go.

I must've redrawn Junko's legs at least thrice (I really need people-sitting-down practice), and even now I'm not sure if they're the right length. Funtastic fact: I tend to sit like Leon is 90% of the time.

EDIT no. 2:

Except on Mobius-63, James Rose went far enough off the deep end for this to be almost karmic.

(Before anyone goes "hurr durr why didn't you give FeMetal Sonic boobs": they'd get in the way of her chest laser thing. Besides, her organic counterpart is nearly flat as a board anyway.)

Welp, I think I've finally gone off the deep end and am shipping my OCs with other people's OCs. (Also I should not be trying to draw things early in the morning) goodbye friends i am gone

But seriously, after reading SHSL Blogger Kuromada Nakamura's bio and thinking about her and Jinsune Kanemoto interacting, I realized that I liked this pairing quite a bit.

Kuro is described as a person who's seemingly friendly, but will reveal other people's (usually humiliating) secrets if/when she finds them; I suggested that she grew up being used to other people casually revealing her own secrets and is genuinely unaware that not everyone's supposed to do that. Were she in Quietus*, Kuro would eventually be confronted on that and realize that she was being a total arse, and makes an effort to change for the better; that's when Kuro and Jinsune would get to talking, I think.

Jinsune (the SHSL Cartographer) is borderline non-verbal and incredibly timid, and usually avoids his classmates for as long as he can. At this point Kuro would also be keeping her distance from the others, and bumping into each other would be inevitable. Jinsune finds it a bit easier to communicate in writing, and Kuro writes a lot, so there's some common ground there, along with a near-complete lack of social skills (though Jinsune has extra issues with his height; he's a bit too tall to keep from being noticed).

And yes, that's a giant slab of cement they're sitting on; Quietus takes place in a multi-story warehouse.

* Quietus is, in short, the part of my Dangan Ronpa AU where the mutual killing comes in.

Posted on: November 23, 2013, 02:26:24 PM

I need a wider scanner.

* Words cannot describe how alien that colour scheme is on Junko.

* Leon's beta design had two variations; I picked the less "obvious" one for Kazuo.

* Kinda looks like Sonic's giving someone the single-finger salute there (which incidentally is how he'd feel after finally pulling off a difficult mind scan only to retrieve something utterly inane).

* StS!Amy on the left, StC!Amy on the right; the latter's shirt is sorta derived from an autumn fashion maker on DollDivine.

* I ended up massively toning down that drill hair I gave Blaze back in '06; even then, it's probably still too long.

* Quinn is an overhaul of that nameless butterfly girl I drew once (her name begins with "Q" because the old pic in question quoted System of a Down's "Question" for absolutely no reason); I went for a pastel goth vibe.

* Zor was using that organic weapon-thing to drill into and out of the ground in that dream I had.

* Eggman probably forced Celes to remove her pigtails as punishment for trying to get out of wearing the new uniform.

* Yes, Sonic. That's going to be a thing.

* Mecha Mahiru is holding what's supposed to be Eggman Nega's camera from Rivals 1, but something tells me she wouldn't actually use the card function too often.

* Mecha-buki gets plasma hair because I have absolutely no idea how to render it otherwise.

* SHSL Literary Girl Chihiro was a result of asking Dean to tell me the first thing to come to mind when I showed him Chihiro out of context.

* Of all the "artbook sprites" lurking in DR1's data, Junko's has the most deviations, I think (next to one of Fukawa's, who has two for some reason).

* A few people have pointed out that Sky/Wind might be a better element for Sonic Rose; I can see where they're coming from, but at this point, changing Sonic's element from Light to Sky would require me to throw out too much of the lore (and also I don't have any other candidates for Avatar of Light). Sonic Rose would still refer to himself as a "Knight of the Wind" in a non-Chaos Magic sense, rather than Light, because he really, REALLY hates Dominion.

* The SHSL Doppelganger (currently unnamed) is a character my friend Tara saw in a dream that I offered to design.

* Here's where I first drew Kuromada and Jinsune interacting.

* Can you guess who Nicole is dressed as?

* In sorta-honour of Super Mario 3D World, I redesigned "Princess" Reptine, with some influence from Rosalina's beta design. Her dress is still in tatters.

* It's hard to tell here, but Mecha Pekoyama really does have multiple arms. There's another pair underneath the two visible here; all four extra limbs have wrist-blades, and she uses her original arms to wield a double-handed sword.

* I'm sorta indifferent to MahiSouda myself (which admittedly I could go back on later), but I do find it interesting that someone on that magazine staff liked that pairing enough to write it into their walkthrough. One day I shall find scans.

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Reply #2774 on: November 27, 2013, 11:33:21 PM
That pic with FeMetal Sonic brings back memories of my Alakazam in Amie.  And now of raising my Bisharp's affection, which is getting weird because he shares the same name as my brother. XD