The Gonzo has art.

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Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2725 on: July 25, 2013, 02:53:29 PM

Commission for *Cylent-Nite of his "what if it was the Mother Wisp whose DNA was used to create Shadow" character, Proj. I was allowed to do pretty much whatever I wanted for this one; it took a few tries to come up with a pose I liked.

I'd gotten the idea to try emulating Tetsuya Nomura's method of colouring, and while the result doesn't seem to be too close to the mark, I'm still happy with how it turned out.

Offline Quickman

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Reply #2726 on: July 25, 2013, 03:02:03 PM
Looks pretty good to me and I may try that method.  Have you considered putting together a coloring tutorial?

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2727 on: July 27, 2013, 03:09:22 PM
Thanks (and please do; I'd like to see the result). :)

I've considered it a few times in the past, but I dunno if I really have the patience to put one together. ^^; (If it helps, the shading/Multiply layer was duplicated and set to "Colour", the highlights were on Overlay, and IIRC other lighting was set to Soft Light and Screen)

Posted on: July 25, 2013, 01:29:26 PM

OK, so that's not really how the Roboticized Masters work. STILL.

I had the urge to draw all the RdMs like this (including Bigman from one of the Off-Panels), but didn't know which format to go with until I looked at those old business cards of Dad's that I've drawn things on before. Said cards didn't align as well on the scanner as I'd wanted, but there's only so much time I can spend on a project (around two days for this one, I think).

Should note that I'm going partially off of StS logic (as I almost always do), hence things like "Tailswoman" and Rosewoman's dress being blue-green instead of red.

Rougewoman's pose was borrowed from this pic of ~trunks24's, which in turn was borrowed from the Street Fighter Alpha movie. Hopefully mine is different enough to be considered, well, "mine".

All the serial numbers were guessed on; I was going in roughly "order first encountered". (Chances are, the trades will list their actual numbers, assuming they have any at all)

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Reply #2728 on: July 27, 2013, 05:40:26 PM
You made sketch cards! :D

Have you gotten hooked on drawing on a tiny canvas, yet?  Plan to draw any more? 

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2729 on: July 30, 2013, 03:09:36 AM
Have you gotten hooked on drawing on a tiny canvas, yet?  Plan to draw any more?

I do plan on drawing more, if I can think of a subject (and I guess I am hooked; I tend to draw pretty small anyway. XD).

Posted on: July 27, 2013, 05:43:54 PM
And then I went nuts.

Seriously, waking up Sonic Rose if it's not important will likely earn you a temporary blinding. Or worse, if Shard's systems can protect against Light Adept flashbangs.

That oversized white sweater is what I imagine Sonic wears whenever he's staying at home for a while.

One is Knux's mom in StS, the other is his mom in Archie. Got the idea to put them next to each other as it'd give me an excuse to draw them both (Graile's dead, and Lara-Le I just usually don't give much thought to since Graile replaced her in StS).

(And before some smartass asks me where Graile's boobs are, female echidnas in StS don't have any.)

Who knows; I just wanted to draw a group shot of the recently-redesigned Knothole Freedom Fighters.

Nicole is obscured behind Antoine because I was running out of space we don't yet have a clear look at her new design.

(And I'm sure you've heard by now, Quickie, but yes--it seems Bunnie got her robot parts back.)

(I hope it's okay that I made the kitsune's fur yellow...)

In some parts of the community, Tails is considered a kitsune instead of a normal fox, and not always to provide an in-universe reason for fem!Tails; AFAIK it's just an explanation for the multiple tails. Canonically, Tails has only ever been referred to as a fox and has displayed no supernatural powers that I'm aware of (unless his anatomically impossible propeller butt counts), but I do have a mild interest in kitsune!Tails as it was something I encountered early in my Internet days--by which I mean some of Sonic HQ's profiles for Tails listed his species as "kitsune".

I did my best to make Nozaki up there distinct from Tails; I remember reading that grabbing a kitsune's tail is a good way to get your ass cursed, so let's hope Tails can still run fast.

For various reasons, it's unlikely that StS!Bunnie and 'Twan would have kids (simplest being that one or both of them was infertile, or they just didn't want any), but I could see them raising a family in an alternate timeline.

The random third kid is named Remy, after Jacques's beta name.

Oh hey, it's been a while since I drew gijinka-ponies.

With Twilight's ascension comes a nice suit. Apparently all of Equestria's royalty dresses like this (well, Cadance isn't wearing her jacket here, assuming she has one at all).

At least, the ones that either regularly hang out with Sonic Rose in StS or were under his care at some point (only semi-counting Ruby as she's not in it, but I like her and included her anyway. I forgot to write it on the card itself, but she belongs to *chibi-jen-hen ). Whatever they're planning is likely to end in a gigantic mess.

There's also the Tails Doll, but it's just a doll, so it doesn't so much participate as it's just along for the ride. Sonic sees it as proof of how hard Eggman is willing to half-ass things; Tails just thinks it's cute.

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Reply #2730 on: July 30, 2013, 05:01:42 AM
Bunnie's a cyborg again! :D

I see you're enjoying the sketch card fun.  They're great!  I keep mine in card pages in my portfolio.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2731 on: August 09, 2013, 04:56:22 AM
I keep mine in a folder with my full-size art (though I should probably consider moving them to card pages someday).

So that last felt pen notebook didn't work out. Luckily, Dad had one he wasn't using and was willing to give to me; it's a lineless one called "Mnemosyne" (made by Maruman, I think).

* Sir Pellinore, a griffin, is the father of Sirs Percival and Lamorak; there's no way I couldn't draw him at least once.

* Took a bit to figure out who'd be petting Oliga the Destroyer; eventually settled on Ashura, even though under normal circumstances, he'd have just left her alone. (The alternative was Atropos, who would've done far, FAR worse)

* That denim jacket and black turtleneck is probably Sonic's "casual" outfit.

* I wasn't sure which Ideya would be most prominent for Amy; it was a tie between Yellow (Hope) and the non-canon Jade (Belief) from "Windows to a Haunted Mind". Eventually I settled on Yellow, since I'd be able to actually use that in StS; I may draw a Jade variant later.

* Tweaked Lupe's tail so that it wouldn't look like a fox's.

* Coming up with an organic Metal Sonic design I was actually satisfied with took some doing. This one presumably happened long after Heroes, so Metal's not trying to ape Sonic's own style of dress.

* Guess where Atropos's flower came from.

* Not sure if I want to go with that Tommy redesign.

* A while back I discussed a hypothetical "Pseudo-Super" state with *Cylent-Nite, and he pointed out that it'd probably require at least two Chaos Emeralds. In StS, there'd likely be drawbacks to that form that would make it an "emergencies only" thing.

* Pike and Jannette are two old fan-gals I made in *gen8's Mobian-maker.

* Since Aero was (probably) one of those "beat Sonic at his own game" mascots with attitude, I thought it'd be hilarious to give him and Arial a Modern redesign...which ended up being mostly minor stylstic adjustments.

* While everyone else ended up being a perfect fit for their Houses (I hope), Slytherin!Amy really only works with StS logic.

* I got carried away with giving normally short-haired girls long hair. XD; If there were room, I'd have ended that row with a short-haired (and shocked/miffed) Crystal the Cat.

Posted on: August 02, 2013, 05:31:36 PM
Another set of sketch cards!

Though it's not like Sonic has room to complain.

One thing that always made me hesitant to draw a Sonic/MLP:FiM crossover was how the ponies should be rendered--as-is or as Mobians (I had a different view back then, but nowadays I don't like seeing Mobians next to non-Mobians unless one has been tweaked to fit the style of the other). For this pic I decided to see how a Mobian and a pony would look side-by-side; not sure about the result, but I guess the pic itself is cute.

Not really meant to have romantic implications (though you can see it that way as long as you don't yell at me for it); just Dashie being a butt.

(As for the highlights on Sonic, darkening them with teal worked fine on paper but not so much after running it through the scanner. Rrgh.)

OK, so Zor's actually an alien (at least, from what we understand of Lost World so far). The Deadly Six might as well be demons, though.

Drawn shortly after those ESRB-revealed lines were made public. It's not likely that Zor will be the one spouting off this one, but reading it for the first time immediately conjured images of plant-based body horror--and Zor's the only one of the Six who carries a rose with him at all times...

And with plugsuits comes the question of "would Sonic have the mental capacity to handle the events of End of Evangelion?"

Mostly having fun with plugsuit designs. Amy and Sally's suits were based on the NGE ones, with Sonic an Knuckles's having elements of the Rebuild suits. Knuckles's shoulder pads of doom (and possible unseen leg armour) are meant to indicate that his EVA would be bulkier than the other pilots'.


[spoiler]Something that came to mind after reading the conclusion of Worlds Collide (which I managed to find a copy of BEFORE it sold out!). Not what literally happened, obviously, but more of a metaphor for who DIDN'T get charged in the ass before they could properly undo Genesis Wave II's effects on their worlds. (Also, Sonic being normal a blue provided a better contrast for Super Megaman)[/spoiler]

Sort of a Worlds Collide spoiler, but not really as it was just a hypothetical outcome of Eggman and Wily's plan succeeding. I liked the updated Mecha Sonic design enough to devote a whole sketch card to it (and Metal Sonic in the background, to sorta-show how disparate the 'bots are in appearance).

Under normal circumstances, Sonic Rose would've still been wearing his longcoat when he got robot'd, but I decided to save that for another pic/doodle.

I did say that, despite my annoyance with Capcom and BoF6, it did make me want to draw some Breath of Fire stuff.

'tis Nina and Mina. I was a bit hesitant to draw them together as, to my limited understanding, BoF2!Nina got kicked out of her own kingdom because of her black wings, but I think she and Mina might be on good terms? Mina does eventually become a transport-summon for your party, so...

(also, no BoFII spoilers; one of these days I might track down a copy, be it SNES or GBA)

For example, they can turn hedgehogs into hedgehogs.

(Or maybe Sonic didn't question her magical abilities and she just thought it'd be fun/cute.)

I was gonna go with manga!Sabrina, but there was no way I could resist original!Sabrina's hairstyle. While I'm not sure if this'd work for StS (or even NINE), it's fun to have Sonic interact with someone whose magic is clearly neither Chaos nor Order. (Also, I still find the idea of these two official crossing over, as they did back in '99, hilarious)

Posted on: August 04, 2013, 06:23:08 AM

"You understand the caveats of using one of these, right? We don't forget anything, but neither does Eggman. If he manages to correct those flaws in his plan before we get to him, this whole thing will have been for naught."

"I know, Big Sis, but--we're out of options."

I was gonna wait until I had more sketch cards to post, but it was taking me too long to think of anything.

While the final pic turned out fairly differently from what I initially had in mind, and the original concept didn't involve the Time Stones, this is dream-based. It's hard to say if it was about an alternate ending to the Mecha Sally arc, since it was implied that the story went off in an entirely different direction from the start; Eggman was mocking Sonic from the top of a massive earth-tilling machine (with Mecha Sally trailing behind with her comically small plow and looking rather put-out and/or bored). In his carelessness, he somehow unearths a spot where Sonic can go back in time (dream logic, don't ask); Sonic rips a hole in the ground with his bare hands and makes his way down to an underground bunker/lab, presumably to tell pre-robot'd Sally not to leave it at the time she was planning to.

The framing device seemed to be this non-Archie-published Sonic magazine, which of course I was looking forward to scanning when I woke up. (It also had an ad for post-WWC Archie-Sonic, where Bunnie was wearing light blue and yellow. BLECH)

On the pic itself, I hadn't intended for Sonic and Sally to be interacting, but the canvas size made it very difficult to draw Sonic looking at the orange Time Stone with Mecha Sally being all menacing in the background without it looking awkward.

Posted on: August 08, 2013, 12:58:58 AM

Sloppy-ish thing of Sonic, Sally, and Amy dressed in alternate outfits of Ryu's, Kasumi's, and Ayane's, respectively (the latter three coming from the Dead or Alive series. DoA2 was one of the earlier games I got for my Dreamcast, way back in the early '00s, and it really impressed me then). As you can imagine, Sonic is not happy about having to wear pants.

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Reply #2732 on: August 09, 2013, 05:47:23 AM
More people should embrace the fun of sketch cards.  By the way, you can get blanks at Hobby Lobby.  For the straight-up Bristol blanks, they come in packs of 20 for a few bucks.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2733 on: August 20, 2013, 11:57:43 AM
Let's hope my own Hobby Lobby has some. XD

(Couldn't post yesterday due to not being able to access the site)

That's the third time in a row that the bottom left-hand corner had Amy in it.

* I recently acquired an old pamphlet/book thing of custom sweater design ideas (from the 80s), and couldn't resist drawing a younger Len in one of them (for reference, in StS Sonic and Amy were born in '88).

* 'tis the StS versions of Rosemary and Amadeus plus a bonus two-year-old Tails (or Milen, rather). Rosemary's makeover is more drastic than Amadeus's; I imagine that when canon!Rosemary reappears, her hair may be drawn as stylized fur as well.

* As far as I can tell, Bookshire doesn't really have a solidified design, so hopefully I'll be okay with basing mine off of *dawnbest's.

* In the old days of the SatAM community ("old" as in "when the show was still airing"), one of the popular fan-verses saw Bunnie and Rotor get together. I guess the logic was "mechanic and cyborg"; while I don't really dig it, I still had to draw it at least once due to the fact that I never saw it anywhere else.

* Zubaida's my first Zeti fan-guy, and as the on-pic notes say, she is/was the warden of Tartarus (a huge, ethics-free jail) back on the Zeti homeworld. Took me a bit to figure out what colours her skin and hair would be, and eventually I settled on orange, to contrast with the Deadly Six who share colours with six of the seven Chaos Emeralds.

* Ultimate Cream's fires would burn hotter than the brightest star, I imagine.

* Athena's design has not changed, but next to her are three overhauled Seedrians of mine. The only thing Arches really has in mind with her original design is the white/gray hair; Baylight and Midnight, I think were meant to be Seedrians (the whole Seedrian thing was really screwy in Old StS). While I was initially going to change Midnight's horns to something else, I decided to leave them as-was in order to help her stand out from other Seedrians.

* And speaking of Seedrians, here's those three leaders of the Metarex whose pre-robot designs weren't seen on-screen (I think). Tried to base them on their armours and occupations (though IIRC Black Narcissus wasn't really a scientist), and made the dichotomy between them and the ladies less obvious (I don't like it when an alien race's gender dimorphism amounts to "monstrous, brutish males and relatively normal/humanoid girls").

* That line was one of my sisters' reactions to seeing Zor for the first time.

* Naturally, I have no idea what the origins of Eggman's magic conch shell are as of this writing, but by StS logic it'd make sense if it was created by a Light Titan. (Also, to clarify, Lost World has been placed in the "future" part of StS's timeline)

* I had the inexplicable urge to dress some Sonic characters in the outfits worn by te beta Dangan Ronpa cast. Not sure how well those choices fit (Sonic probably isn't the sort of person who can handle murder mysteries occurring around him in real-time, let alone solve them).

* The variant cover for Archie-Sonic #255 gives us a better look at the post-Genesis Wave II Freedom Fighters, though it should be noted that the artist may have guessed on the details and the absolutely final ones will differ.

* To go with the Dangan Sonic doodles, here's Headmaster Atropos. She's monstrous enough to fill Monokuma's role, at any rate.

* Some more "Sonic crossed over with things not for the kids" shenanigans, this time with Homestuck. Re-did Sonic's God Tier (by StS logic, something like "Rogue of Mind" would be much more fitting than Prince of Doom) and added three new ones. Also a Marine, but she's stuck with Hidden-Monkey Tier (not to say that I didn't like that show when I was growing up, mind you).

* Under what conditions would Len ever agree to become an Other M-style Prelate? No idea.

* Verticis Anima was the Mage of Wind in ASADAE, and I think he still holds that title in Duality. So far, this is the only fan-association of the Purple/Violet Chaos Emerald with "wind" that I have ever seen.

* Judging by Tails's appearance, King Sonic is not in his 30s-40s here.

* It seems that Zomom can only be drawn well once. At least he gets a top hat.

* Usually when I draw Nails with his parents, he's either with Sonic or Rouge, so I had him hang off of Shadow instead.

Zavok getting hassled by Zubaida, my recently-created Zeti lady. Their relationship is...interesting (for StS, anyway), in that there's a lot of belligerent sexual(?) tension, but no real potential to actually get together; it certainly wasn't helped by what the Deadly Six (then "those assholes that follow Zavok around") did before fleeing their homeworld for Lost Hex.

I should note that Zavok doesn't wear that gray-and-cyan longcoat on Lost Hex; the idea is that planetary Zeti are (for the most part) fully-dressed, whereas the Deadly Six cast all that off (so, naked).

An idea that sprang to mind shortly after I finished reading the DR Let's Play. I think that this might be the one Robot Master whose weapon Megaman would decline from swiping.

Regardless of what their actual personalities are like, StS!Shadow would likely find Animus and Anima (owned by *Cylent-Nite) to be rather annoying. It's a bit difficult to ignore figments of your own imagination, after all.

Posted on: August 15, 2013, 10:16:52 PM

Another batch of sketch cards, starting off with an idea that came to me out of the blue (as a lot of my ideas do, it seems): what if Archie!Amy didn't use the Ring of Acorns and grew up normally?

In practice, she would've likely ended up with her Modern design anyway, but hey. Alt-Amy's wardrobe is based on what she used to wear in the comic (which wasn't quite the same outfit as her Classic game self's); there were a few times prior to the Adventure 1 arc when the colourist gave her purple/lilac eyes (and at least once after; check the Shuffle adaptation), so she has them here as well.

The background is based off a photo of a forest I found (turns out French Grey is a good colour for certain kinds of tree bark).

Had wanted to draw a decent group pic of these guys for a while, but the format it should be in gave me some trouble (these obsolete business cards aren't very large). Even after settling on this one, Larry ended up in the corner.

Speaking of, I think this is the first time I've ever drawn Larry, along with Leeta and Lyco (albeit with neon-green censor bars over their eyes). And this would be my first shot at Silver's SFF/"Racing" uniform, as well--I managed to bungle it by accidentally leaving off a stripe. D'oh.

Amidst all the Skylanders comparisons, I've seen at least one person (on TV Tropes) point out that the Deadly Six wouldn't look too out-of-place in the Rayman series--so of course I had to draw Rayman hassling a member of the Deadly Six (or maybe it's the other way around). It's not quite a perfect match-up aesthetically, but it looks close enough to me.

Globox originally wasn't going to be here, but after Zeena and Zomom were penciled, the other side of the card looked fairly empty. I also messed up the shading on the latter two's leather pants and gloves (this is why you always remember which direction you intend to shade in!), but hopefully it's not too noticeable despite my pointing it out.

Now for the other question: would Sonic mesh well with the sort of environments Rayman usually traverses?

I am still amused by how Protoman ended up with the title of "kagemusha" in a lot of old Peacekeeper fics. 'twas gonna put him in a ninja outfit in reference to Shadowman (who also had that title), but the first thing to come up on Google was the Akira Kurosawa film, so...

(Amusingly, while Wikipedia tells me that "kagemusha" literally translates to "Shadow Warrior", the term is actually used to denote a political decoy [I think]. Pretty sure none of the Peacekeeper folks had THAT definition in mind...)

Now HERE'S a fangame I've been wanting to discuss for ages.

"Megaman 83+" (for the TI-83 calculator) is an early MM fangame; I remember Gauntlet telling me that he discovered it in 2000 or so. The plot is that Wily, before expiring, builds a super robot whose core is his "beloved TI-83 calculator". Said super robot, Titanic Iniquity (lit. "Big Injustice"), unleashes his own RMs onto the world, and Megaman goes to stop them. The RMs are the most un-Megamanly fan-bots I have ever seen, but that's not what this pic's about.

At the end, Megaman defeats Titanic Iniquity, and laments that the TI-83 was used for evil--then remembers that, as a robot, he can "program and reprogram just about anything" (made doubly hilarious by the complete absence of Dr. Light, or in fact any member of Mega's supporting cast), so he gives TI an attitude adjustment and the two become friends. It's said that whenever TI asks about the meaning of his initials, Mega responds with "That's Irrelevant".

(I may have accidentally made Mega seem like a jerk here, but I guess that's one thing that can happen when you try to write someone's dialogue and have a brain fart instead.)

TI's appearance here is an approximation of his in-game sprite (you thought relying on NES sprites for accurate character models was difficult?).

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Reply #2734 on: August 21, 2013, 03:27:09 AM
Nice art for the calculator game guy.  I like how tired and depressed he looks.  "Why do I exist?"

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Reply #2735 on: August 25, 2013, 03:03:35 PM
Thanks. XD (Though at least TI's design is vaguely MM-ish. The same can't be said of the RMs)

This is a semi-old lineart that I took forever to get around to colouring; it was sparked by a post I found on *CatbeeCache's tumblr about the mascot of the Fighters (a Japanese baseball team), Polly Polaris, and how she resembled Sally (new!Sally, at least). It could just be me, but Polly looks like she could pass for a Mobian and so wouldn't seem too out-of-place next to one.

(d'oh I forgot the stripes on Polly's wristbands. Oh well)

AKA "the hazards of standing on the shoulders of a constantly-moving giant voluptuous woman".

This was one of the first things that came to mind after taking another look at the NiGHTS-themed bonus content of the Deadly Six Edition (as of this writing, only confirmed for Europe). Shoulda kept your balance, Zazz.

Posted on: August 22, 2013, 03:15:02 PM

Collaboration with my pal *Cylent-Nite, sparked by him wondering what a more canon-esque design for Zubaida would look like. As I've mentioned before, in StS, planetary Zeti are clothed, and the Deadly Six run around in just those leather pants (assuming they're pants). Zubaida's in the former category.

Sorta had *herms85's style in mind, but (as often happens when I try to emulate it) mostly did my own thing. Originally the shading was more mauve, but eventually ended up more cyan/blue as I felt it contrasted with her colour scheme better.

(That expression makes me think she just spotted Zavok out of the corner of her eye. If the other five can't get in-between them fast enough, there's gonna be blood.

Well, there would be anyway, but you know.)

Posted on: August 23, 2013, 10:49:56 AM

A combination of the NiGHTS content in Sonic Lost World's Deadly Six Edition and joining the NiGHTS forums resulted in me drawing some NiGHTS again.

Poor NiGHTS just wanted to show Sonic around Nightopia, but didn't give him sufficient warning before grabbing him and launching into the air. Or maybe she did, but they're up too high.

The last submission was going to be part of this, but it was decided at the last minute to separate them.

I imagine NiGHTS enjoys teasing people by turning into Marenish versions of them (or copying their wardrobe). Both that and the purple hedgehog at the bottom were designed by ~thweatted (NiGHTS's pink longcoat is mine, though).

Not yet sure what Sonic's attitude towards NiGHTS would be, but chances are he'd much rather explore the Night Dimension by himself, if none of his friends were with him.

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Reply #2736 on: August 26, 2013, 04:51:02 AM
The look on Zazz's face is priceless. XD

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Reply #2737 on: September 01, 2013, 09:55:03 PM
Hehe. XD

Another one.

* The first four doodles are requests I took during a friend's Livestream some weeks back. I think this is also the first time I've drawn a Pokemon in ages.

* *Cylent-Nite's comments on "Zavvy" resembling a little devil spawned that.

* I've been drawing new!Bunnie's cheek fluff a bit smaller as to not clutter up her design too much, but not get rid of her fluff entirely (Sally without cheek fluff is fine, but BUNNIE without cheek fluff is a personal no-no).

* As noted, I felt kinda bad for not posting any recent pics of Julayla before killing her off (I say "recent" because I may have drawn her before sometime in the distant past). Her StS design is very similar to her chipmunk one in the comic; I did mess with her bangs so that she didn't look like Sally with a braid.

* I like Flora and wish she'd get a bit more screen time.

* An unimpressed Sally wears the version of the Crown of Acorns from the #0-3 miniseries. Speaking of, it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out that #0-3 wasn't the actual first four issues of the comic we have now (well, technically they were, but they're non-canon).

* That dress that adult!Tails is wearing was meant to be steampunk-y, as that's the only sort of dress I could see her willingly wearing (besides that blue one she has in StS's Classic and early Adventure eras), but it doesn't really come off as such.

* I dunno exactly what's going on with Twin Seeds's school system (there appear to be three different uniforms, and the Archie comic, which is its own continuity but seems to be the only bit of NiGHTS media to go into any sort of detail on the school, implies that there's multiple schools all next/connected to each other, IIRC). I just picked the uniforms that contrasted best with Amy and Sonic's fur.

* There be lots of fanmade Zeti, and I've been drawing a few. I think Zarion was the first one I found.

* Zimri was based off the fan theory that there's a Deadly Seventh lurking around, with gray skin (White/Gray Chaos Emerald, though by now it's doubtful that the Six have much to do with those) and green horns (which none of the Six have). His name is of a king of Israel in the Old Testament who ruled for only seven days.

* While it's not really relevant to L'envoul-Majyr getting a hat, a thought occurred to me that her chest "gem" is actually obsidian.

* James Rose isn't a happy fellow. ("James" was also the first name to come to mind when thinking of a masculine counterpart to "Amy", based on her occasional nickname "Ames". Technically I'd had a GB-Amy design for years, but when I first doodled one, he was pretty much literally just a gender-bent Amy. This James is...not.)

* That's how ~AnubiTheFrog drew a curled-up Sonic in World Collide when Sonic was talking. It's both hilarious and adorable.

* Moebius!Len is a nurse, as opposed to Len Prime (a soldier). She also has longer spines.

* Would it make sense for Sonic to be a Gaean Assassin? Dunno, but for whatever reason he seems to lean more towards Chaos (SMT!Chaos, that is) than anything else.

* If Zubaida doesn't seem that much taller than Zeena, it's probably only due to the latter's massive hair and horn.

* I looked to a panel of *EvanStanley's (StH #247) for help on making Len's expression not seem awkward; I can't seem to draw a properly angry Amy (and by extension Len, whose daughter takes after her a great deal visually).

Posted on: August 28, 2013, 09:29:45 PM

Am I excited for Mighty No. 9? Hell yes.

Did I completely bungle Beck's arms? Probably. (Also, potential!Call seems to have been aged up by at least five years, but the same thing happens to Classic Roll every other time I draw her, so...)

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Reply #2738 on: September 01, 2013, 10:08:12 PM
Very nice, Gonzie!

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Reply #2739 on: September 07, 2013, 03:05:55 AM
Thanks! :)

One of those ideas that came to me a while ago but, for one reason or another, got sat on. This one was sparked by the Deadly Six Edition and joining the NiD forums.

Zeti-izing *imagni's Astrima and Orange Love (originally it was just going to be Astrima, but somehow Orange got added in as well; shamefully, I can't actually remember their exact relationship in pre-Engelbaum/WtaHM) wasn't as easy as initially expected, for the simple reason that I wasn't actually sure which colours to use for anything but their skin. Eventually, I settled on the ones shown here (Orange's pink horns and hooves being a carry-over from her oldschool design). Astrima got black hair because dark red didn't look right (and most of her hair is black anyway).

Once the colour issues had been sorted, this experiment was pretty fun; I may end up Zeti-izing some more Gens, once I figure out who should be in the same pic as who. Anyone but Sapphire (and my own dorks) would have to be based on their WtaHM designs, though (on account of not knowing what their revamps are like in the slightest).

(Don't ask me how to fit their names into the Zeti theme naming.)

Ain't it nice that Sonya wants to spend some time with her half-siblings? If only she'd stop gleefully carbonizing every other unfortunate schmuck that blunders into her way. Also personal space.

Tried to study some of *EvanStanley's Archie work to get Sonic's face right, 'cuz I like the way Ms. Stanley draws angry hedgehogs. Didn't quite turn out that well, but I guess he's sufficiently displeased with Sonya.

Obviously, neither of the twins considers Sonya to be family. Sonya doesn't really care (outwardly, I imagine).

Posted on: September 02, 2013, 11:39:44 PM

There's a LOT of text for these that I don't feel like reformatting.

Next on the Gen-to-Zeti conversion list are these three (for those not familiar with WtaHM or Engelbaum, Jade and Indigo created Yellow. At least, that's how it is in the former). Lots of fun to draw, as was the last one (though I kinda, sorta forgot to give Indigo a visible tail...).

This one was all about colour-cycling. Indigo gets yellow horns (because her normal self has a lot of yellow-and-black on her), etc. 'twas also an opportunity to figure out what a robot Zeti would look like; Yellow being robotic turned out to be fairly convenient for laying out her colour scheme, as the yellow sclera present in all other Zeti wouldn't have worked otherwise. In keeping with 'bots like Metal Sonic's black sclera, Zeti!Yellow's are violet (opposite on the colour wheel).

Their poses are based on the cover for Utsu-P's album MOKSHA (though not in the same format).

Story here.

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Reply #2740 on: September 07, 2013, 10:17:26 AM
That last picture... she seems so naked...

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Reply #2741 on: September 13, 2013, 06:47:21 AM
That last picture... she seems so naked...

Hehe. XD

I figure nudity wouldn't be a big deal amongst Mobians (otherwise someone would've forced some pants on half the cast).

Posted on: September 07, 2013, 04:03:50 PM

One of the many oddities-in-hindsight of Old StS was that Cream was stated to be 14 years old rather than 6. I think this was the result of guessing on her age when I first saw her in a friend's Nintendo Power, and then sticking to it so that she'd be around the same mental level as her teammates.

So yeah, mostly just how Cream would look if she'd been born in 1989 (StS time) instead of 1997; normally Sonic would be 23 by the time Cream was 14.

Her dress is blatantly based on MM8!Roll's, with the alteration of her collar-thing meant to be a tribute to the fallen Kingdom of Acorn, which was quite fond of mobius strips.

My first-ever drawing of Naegi, and it's of him eating a fruit snack that makes him look a bit like a wannabe Genocider Syo. Welp.

(Despite the implications, I don't think this needs a mature filter; nothing's showing)

Sometimes I like those ideas I get in the seconds before sleep deprivation starts to kick in.

I must admit, the idea of Leon and Maizono getting together in a timeline without any mutual killing being forced upon them and their classmates is an appealing one to me (albeit, it was still a tad awkward to draw this with what went down between them in canon in mind).

With that said, the focus was a bit more on the room they're in (I'd try to create some ambiguity as to whose it is, but in hindsight, it really looks like Leon's). Those posters on the wall were mostly based on album art from NIN and Tool (Cyclopean Halo Guy was originally a lot more Lateralus-derived, but it detracted a bit too much from the rest of the pic); the center one is meant to hint at the relevant events in canon DR.

Funtastic fact: those CDs are based on ones I own, though good luck figuring out which ones they actually are.

It took some effort to get Leon's face to look right, since it's at an angle I don't usually draw. Looking back on it, one of Maizono's hands seems to be larger than it should be. Nyert. :/

Sonic Rose's (very rudimentary) telepathy has its limits.

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Reply #2742 on: September 13, 2013, 04:19:51 PM
"Oh god... the shipping!  THE SHIPPING!"

And at first glance, I thought that Fruit Roll-Up was Bubble Tape.

Ah, Bubble Tape...

Do they still make that?

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Reply #2743 on: September 15, 2013, 03:25:13 AM
Ah, Bubble Tape...

Do they still make that?

I honestly don't know; I don't get bubblegum these days (or even chewing gum).

Posted on: September 13, 2013, 09:16:09 PM
Dangan Ronpa spoilers:


Junko Enoshima has been found guilty.

Do you remember your classmates, Junko? Those kids that once considered you a close friend? The ones that you turned against one another and psychologically destroyed? The kids whose bodies their families will never be able to bury?

They'd like to have a word with you.

Posted on: September 14, 2013, 10:05:40 AM

Another one.

* Maybe it's just me, but I'm not getting the "new Sally = Marine recolour" comparisons.

* The reason Nicole's dressed like that is because, in that dream, Sonic's end goal in dealing with the Egyptian pantheon was convincing one of them to create an alternate version of her.

* As awesome as a female OVER unit would be, I'm not sure if I want to see how Capcom would inevitably bungle the concept.

* Brietta's not happy about her lack of space.

* Tried straightening out Len's spines a bit so that they weren't exactly like Amy's (one less bang-tuft and spine-ahoge notwithstanding).

* Isla's individual Water Adept power is to turn her lower half into sushi. That technique doesn't work very well on anyone but herself. (Incidentally, Sonic-fish is StC-derived)

* See if you can guess which Megaman thing Sonic's hoodie is based on!

* For whatever reason, I keep thinking that in StS, pre-Lost Hex!Zeena wanted to be a musician, so here she is playing a hurdy-gurdy.

* Sailor Rose's design I re-discovered when I found some old art of mine in the basement. As noted on-page, I tweaked it a bit and flipped up Amy's bangs, then ended up adding Sally and three other Archie girls. Sally's purple bow is a reference to her Auto-Automaton double.

* Freesia's design was one of those "must draw on first sight"s for me.

* Monobird is the antagonist of a DR thing I'm working on (no guarantees that I'll manage to finish it, though). He's not a very nice fellow.

* Normally I'm indifferent to Sonic Adventure 3 fan-concepts, but the ones I've seen from Russian artists are somewhat intriguing.

* I imagine that sometimes Bunnie would've been asked to look after the twins when they were babies. (That's a side-ponytail she's wearing, BTW)

* That outfit is the sort of thing I could see Koizumi wearing when travelling abroad.

* As with just about any series I become a fan of, I ended up making some DR characters. Tomomi would be the protagonist, with Shun (who's a masculine lady, not a dude, before anyone asks) and Zhi as her close pals who hopefully would not get shanked or shank someone themselves.

* Amy as the Batter is one of those things that makes sense only to me.


My half of an art trade with ~StrongSeanMann, of his villainous fellow Draxon, leader of the Savage Seven.

One thing that never seemed to sink in for the folks at Ancient Aliens is that not everything our ancestors drew was meant to be literal.

Now granted, I'm not sure how they concluded that alien reapers with plague scythes were responsible for the Black Death, as I can't sit through a single episode, but given the big deal they make out of some pantheons consisting of humanoid gods (protip: there are plenty of reasons why ancient peoples would have those sorts of gods that CAN'T be written off as "aliens"), I wouldn't be surprised if they looked at some plague art without realizing that the reapers depicted therein were ABSTRACT.

I do not like this show, my point being. If you're gonna devote your airtime to alien conspiracy theories, do some actual research.

...ironically, Rock is flipping out at an alien, in a fan-continuity where aliens are a well-known fact of life. He just doesn't like theories that boil down to "aliens did all the work for us pathetic hairless apes".


Tomomi Ueno is an SHSL Journalist, but she's very picky about who she submits her stories to, as there's been many past incidents of outlets ignoring or changing important details for the sake of ratings and/or going on a political tract. Her skills are such that she has, to date, never missed a single detail of what she reports on; this superhuman cognition extends to pretty much everything else she pays even a bit of attention to, though it's earned Tomomi a reputation at Hope's Peak of being an insufferable windbag. Her family is of mixed African and Indian descent.

Shun Maki's fascination with the otherworldly has earned her the title of SHSL Occultist; there isn't a single branch of it she's unfamiliar with, and if there's something on the subject you need to clarify, she's the one to consult. Shun is a very friendly person, though she's not good at speaking with people she doesn't know well, and so is usually seen with Tomomi and Zhi. There are rumours that she's seen or even spoken to actual demons; Shun has never confirmed or denied them, and doesn't seem to mind.

Zhi Lin, the SHSL Astronomer, dresses and acts a bit like a stereotypical punk, but his bark is worse than his bite. Hailing from China, Zhi has been studying the heavens ever since he was capable of forming and retaining memories; one of his ambitions is to find a way to make space travel more practical so that humankind can go further out. Though he's quick to update his research like any good scientist, he steadfastly insists that Pluto is still a planet (likely having more to do with nostalgia than anything else) and doesn't like being corrected on that. Zhi enjoys reading old stories about the crazy crap people used to think was out there.

On the pic itself, I did sorta try to emulate the talksprite colouring, but I dunno how evident that is.

I don't know why I keep eating them, seeing as I tend to react the way Souda is whenever I underestimate how much wasabi powder is on the soybean I pick out. Either Saionji makes sure only to eat the ones with the least amount of wasabi on them (as I usually do) or her tongue is made of iron.

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Reply #2744 on: September 16, 2013, 03:31:16 PM
I like how creepy the Dangan Ronpa one is.  Even though I am totally unfamiliar with it.

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Reply #2745 on: September 24, 2013, 07:01:55 AM
Thanks. :)

(If you're interested and have time to kill, there's a Let's Play of the first Dangan Ronpa game in the archives; I strongly suggest reading it first before looking up info on it, unless you don't care about spoilers.)

Sort of.

*OyOy's excellent Archie-Sonic gijinkas inspired me to tweak my own humanized Sonic guys a bit (though they were kinda due for that anyway). I didn't have the energy/patience to draw all of the NFF as planned, but did manage to throw in Sally.

Among other things, Amy's hair colour is now far more muted. Sonic's is still hedgehog-blue, but I hope I can get away with that since, as a human, he strikes me as the sort of person who'd dye his hair unusual colours in order to better draw attention to himself. His natural hair colour is a sort of off-black (and he never combs it).

Posted on: September 18, 2013, 02:45:34 AM

My half of a trade with ~MintGreenMemories, of her ice-manipulating Zeti, Zozan.

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Reply #2746 on: September 24, 2013, 07:08:21 AM
I didn't recognize Amy until I read the description.

As far as wasabi peas go...  The best way to handle them is to eat lots of spicy things and train your tongue to handle them better. 

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Reply #2747 on: October 07, 2013, 11:39:01 AM
I didn't recognize Amy until I read the description.

D'oh. D: (And I see.)

In addition to taking great pride in her SHSL talent, Tomomi has very little tolerance for people missing the obvious (or what she thinks is obvious). So someone repeatedly fingering the wrong culprit would get on her nerves very quickly (though in her defense, there's a [parasitic bomb]-ton at stake in all the trials).

Though it's not inked, I liked the effect I got too much to scrap it.

'tis Amy and Bunnie being all stoic (and pastel-y).

Same method as the previous submission. One of the perks to being a Light Adept is that, assuming your skill set isn't entirely mind-focused, you rarely need to carry a flashlight.

Posted on: September 24, 2013, 07:41:45 PM

Ever get the urge to have a pair of cute guys exchange clothes?

(Though, don't ask me how their wardrobes actually fit each other. Naegi should be drowning in sweater)

Number two in the series of RS-MM/DR outfit swaps is Roll and "Junko". And to be honest, I don't see Junko (or Mukuro, technically) willingly wearing RS-Roll's jumpsuit unless it was 90s Week or something; Roll, on the other hand, looks mighty fine in Junko's getup.

And last (for now?) we have Proto and Leon. I'm internally laughing my ass off at Leon 'cuz it looks like he got so desperate to try and attract the ladies that he borrowed his dad's clothes. It ain't worth the heat stroke, dude.

Proto will be too busy sleeping off a concussion to bother with getting his shades and scarf back from a high-schooler.

Posted on: September 28, 2013, 06:22:46 PM

For this page, I got lucky and part of another scan fit relatively well over the bit of notebook that got curved. It's not a perfect match, but considering how my attempts at lining up scans usually go, I'm sticking with it.

* First row is a bunch of Dangan Ronpa talent swaps (half of them suggested by ~TerraTerraCotta ). Everyone's outfits were fairly easy to figure out.

* Mighty no. 3 is quoting "X-Insurrection" by Machines of Loving Grace; I very much doubt the drug trade will have any impact on Mn9's plot.

* I'd like to think that Beck is a redhead, to contrast with his turquoise(?) armour.

* Old!Eeprom being next to new!Makoto is what happens when you don't make sure that your references are up-to-date before you start inking.

* Would Sonic enjoy hanging out with Super Sonico (I have absolutely no idea what her personality's like)?

* The slate-blue chameleon (a version of Project Shadow with Zoah/chameleon DNA) was suggested by *Cylent-Nite.

* I imagine that Sonic would not appreciate all the talk about his friends being superfluous.

* Guess who Silver's dressed as.

* Really not sure about Classic Kayla's design; it's a bit too similar to her EXE counterpart for my liking.

* Shadow Kojima has a skull mask he got back in high school that he occasionally dons for purposes of being a dork.

* Zubaida-in-a-hoodie sorta goes with Zeena in "normal" clothes (and Zik in a scarf).

* Pretty sure that Murakumo-Honey was spawned by a chat I had with *Solbliminal.

* I tried to make Cai Luong's similarities to Ibuki Mioda less overt.

* Earth-4 Rouge's outfit is based on Whistler's from APB/All Points Bulletin. (Funtastic fact: she's actually on the Heroes side in that timeline's SA2)

* The lady next to Mina is one of the Nasty Hyenas, aka "Cannibalism exists in at least one Sonic continuity".

* Blaze probably wears that outfit on formal occasions.

* Zavok's line is vaguely dream-based, though I'm not sure if it was actually him (and the protagonist was John Egbert, not Sonic...). Basically, his nemesis got a derogatory nickname because he wasn't a worthy opponent or something, but he did maybe-Zavok a favour (saved his "son", I think) that prompted him to show nemesis-guy some respect that he supposedly didn't deserve. Here, Zavok's just being an ass.

* To go with Earth-4 Rouge, here's Agent Blank (Espio) and Agent Blur (Sonic). Sonic's GUN getup might require some tweaking, but I'm happy with the top half of Espio's.

Posted on: September 30, 2013, 01:23:29 AM

One of them didn't start out with that demeanor.

'tis Megawoman and Mobius-63 Sonic (whose design has been finalized, more-or-less); I tried changing up my colouring a tiny bit for this one (i.e. there's airbrush gradients).

I would like to think that these two would make just as good a team as their Prime counterparts--though I dunno how much Megawoman would care for bantering. (Even if it's all cynical because it's coming from fem-Sonic)

I think I've always had an interest in Greek mythology, and Gearstation's Mythos Ronpa AU combines that with another thing I like, so...

Nanami was a very fitting choice for Selene, I'd say. Not sure how well I shaded her, but I'm happy with the final pic.

Posted on: October 01, 2013, 04:59:54 PM

I quite like this pairing.

The more painterly look was more-or-less an accident; I messed around with the first flats layer and didn't want to scrap the result, so I ran with it. Pretty sure I'd intended for this to be a quicker one than it ended up being...

(I'd like to think that Maizono'd be the dominant one.)

In part because of her design and in part because (almost?) nothing from Shuffle has been revisited, Illumina's always fascinated me--and yet I didn't have a proper name for her species in New StS until now. (In Old StS, I think she was the same species as Lumina and Void, just higher-ranked than either of them)

The term "essomallim" is derived from "essokinesis" (reality-warping, though that's a trait exclusive to Illumina) and "hashmallim"; I put that together after manic-in-tricolour gave me some advice on the subject. I think the reason it took me a while to come up with something was my reluctance to just call them angels.

(Before anyone brings it up, I should note that StS!Illumina is not a god)

The Rose twins can get rather pissy at times.

Played around with SA-style colouring in order to produce this (mostly in that I applied some gradients and didn't properly shade Sonic's nose). The twins weren't originally going to be that angry, but the expressions I had in mind didn't pan out.

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Reply #2748 on: October 07, 2013, 11:59:15 AM
Such manners, Sonic! XD

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Reply #2749 on: October 08, 2013, 11:28:24 PM
Heh. XD

I do apologize if bits of the right side weren't stitched properly.

* Silver would make a good apprentice for Nayru on account of his chronomancy (albeit not the same kind as Nayru's, which has more to do with "deep time"), but on the wisdom front...not so much.

* I'm still not sure what kind of shirt I put Z'sL!Zelda in.

* Ghostly Adventures!Sue was surprisingly easy to design, though I did fail to notice that the ghosts don't have hands.

* Honestly, I gotta wonder how Monobear would react if a student managed to sneak a weapon into the courtroom.

* Yes, that's a fan-made dangan with a TV set for a head. (Shades of my KH guy Vorxcus?)

* For some reason, I find chameleons to be hard to (re)design in such a way that they're distinct from Espio.

* Dunno how accurate Komaeda's class is, but there's no way his aspect could be anything but Hope. (Well, maybe Light)

* I'd like to think that Pekoyama would like wearing those hoodies with lots of fluff on them.

* Chiasa Ebihara's last name comes from Daikatana, of all games (is "Ebihara" even a real surname?).

* I've seen a few pics of Leon and Ibuki interacting, but none with Ibuki and Maizono. I imagine that Maizono wouldn't know what to make of her.

* I didn't want to give Zeti-Porrim black hair, so it became white instead.

* Classic Sonic-Prime has a scarf in StS, so his Mobius-63 counterpart gets a bow; unlike Amy, it seems James's quills were always downward-pointing.

* Princess Nehema, there's something in your eye...

* Kazuo's name was borrowed from Leon's beta design; Parvati's was not.

* Noriko Abe is a dream-based character; her deal seemed to be that she was a character from (an alternate-reality dream version of) the first game who, for whatever reason, was left out of The Animation. Her pigtails were originally a lot shorter, but it didn't work out for me.

* I remember when arming Sonic was a fairly common fan-thing (it still might be).