The Gonzo has art.

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Reply #2675 on: January 23, 2013, 09:12:29 AM
Comparing your old stuff with your new stuff, your linework has improved.  It's nice and tight and thin.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2676 on: January 24, 2013, 09:33:41 AM
Thanks. :)

Concept for Varpa the Mole--
--and Miyo the Badger.

I suppose this (and other fusions I found at the Mystical Forest Zone) is the logical conclusion of all the Sonic/DBZ comparisons.

Shadic here is a fusion of Sonic and Shadow (via Fusion Dance), and...that's all I know about him. He held on to both "components"' badassery, at least visually.

A crossover of my StS and *lizsama's Duality; this version of Sally comes from the latter.

I wanted to draw something fairly emotional from this concept, and Sonic Rose's interactions with Duality!Sally seemed like a good fit. Sonic Rose cares a great deal for his Big Sis, and seeing an alternate-universe counterpart of hers in the situation she's in, at "his" own hands no less, would utterly break him. So naturally he'd beg Sally to follow him back to his Mobius, at least until it's safe to return to hers...but it's not that simple (I'd imagine).

Would he be able to accept that? In time, maybe, but definitely not right away.

As for Duality!Sally--I'm not sure how she'd feel about a version of Sonic who didn't and will never become anything like the Dark One. Or having to explain to him why she can't go with him, for that matter.

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Reply #2677 on: January 24, 2013, 07:08:39 PM
Next time never completely throw out your influence so suddenly. Also sonic fancharas! You should see Xeric Foxman to have them in Modern Genesis style, he's having freebies!

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

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Reply #2678 on: January 27, 2013, 07:58:50 AM
Next time never completely throw out your influence so suddenly.

Wait, when'd I do that? (Or did I state it somewhere and forget?)

Reading a conversation ~Aargh14 had with another deviant gave me this idea.

StS!Cosmo has spent a good chunk of her time running away from the Metarex's revenge-boner; her patience does not stretch as far as it used to. And Charmy...well, sometimes he eats jelly straight from the jar, and he likes to zip around everywhere no matter what he's doing, and every now and then a huge blob of jelly flies out and splats right on Cosmo's head. He didn't mean any harm, but--you know.

AKA Chris Thorndyke.

Semi-quick doodle, though it wasn't meant to be; my motivation ran out halfway through inking. Perhaps as a result (or simply because I'm still not good at drawing them), that gun is rather...simplistic.

Took me several days, not counting the ones not used to work on it.

These seven deities are the Almighty Titans of their respective elements; each of them has their own territory in Maginary (the Realm of the Gods, which they cannot leave, unlike the Lesser Titans), and for the most part, they leave each other alone. Dominion and Belial, the ATs of Light and Darkness respectively, are engaged in a pissing match that their predecessors started millennia ago.

I've written on the pic itself any major influences on their designs. Dominion gave me the most trouble; eventually I settled on "weird skeletal colossus".

I deliberately tried to make them all incredibly alien-looking, in order to emphasize how far-removed they are from the mortals on Mobius and Sol.

* Belisama is probably the nicest one out of the lot; however, her Avatar undergoes the most drastic changes in personality (not counting what Dominion was planning on doing with HIS).

* Voltumna is extremely creepy; out of all the ATs, he has the easiest time manifesting on Mobius. Though live sacrifices are not required of his followers, he has no objections to them (unless the intended sacrifice was his Avatar).

* Quetzacoatl was meant to be a cross between his mythological namesake's serpentine and humanoid forms. His head isn't full of sky or anything; it's a reflective surface.

* Belial's lower half looks the way it does because it's mostly composed of raw darkness, the source of which is unclear. His domain is pitch-black, as to not drive non-Dark folks mad; his sword is a modified version of one I gave Old StS!Illumina.

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Reply #2679 on: January 27, 2013, 09:23:29 AM
Guns are never easy to draw.  It's always best to have a reference.  One of the reasons I have so many SW figures--lots of blasters that I can hold at any angle!

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Reply #2680 on: January 29, 2013, 07:53:51 AM
Come to think of it, my Homura figma DID come with a pistol...

An excuse to draw *imagni's old character Yin, or an attempt to draw folded arms properly? Who knows.

The comic Yin came from(?) had a lot to do with alternate dimensions; I'm not sure which one he came from (Knuckles's or Unknown Echidna Girl's). Nowadays he'd probably be from the Sol Dimension (and StS!Shadow's counterpart there, based on this pic? Not something either of them would be happy about).

Laid down the shading first, as opposed to the flats. I am admittedly not too sure how Yin's bottom half is meant to look, so I may be off here.

Some frustrations with my shaky inking led me to experiment with sketchier lineart, and also try for a slightly more painterly look than I normally colour with (turns out SAI's marker tool is easier to use if you pen-shade with another colour first).

All three of post-Heroes Espio's English-language voice actors have portrayed him with what TV Tropes would refer to as a "badass baritone", but--and I'd genuinely forgotten this until I'd read up on Team Chaotix again--he's only 16. Quite a bit of disconnect there (seriously, go look up the cutscene in Generations where you de-statue him. I don't remember any 16-year-old classmates of mine sounding like THAT).

Which led to the mental image of Sybil (a librarian in her early-to-mid-20s) dating him for a bit, only to discover that Espio is, in fact, jailbait. Whoops.

Unfortunately, I can't try to recreate the Knuckles' Chaotix title screen like this until Jazwares gets around to making a Mighty figure.

So here's my recently-acquired Jazwares Chaotix set, photographed on the basement couch (thought the cover would contrast well enough with the team themselves). One thing I found out is that Charmy can stand on Vector's head (and Vector's head needs to be titled a certain way for him to hold that walkie-talkie, as there's no pegs).

I'm trying to build up my Sonic figure collection, and I'd deliberately held off on grabbing that old Espio/Vector comic pack in case they made Charmy (and they did).

Many thanks to those who commissioned me.  (Also, if you have ShopRunner, don't try to get 2-day shipping on something on Thursday, depending on how quickly your item will be sent; UPS doesn't deliver on the weekends here and so those two days will be stretched out into four or five)

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Reply #2681 on: February 01, 2013, 09:17:50 AM
Ah, love for the Chaotix...  And yeah, Espio's voice is just... weird.  When reading his lines in Sonic the Comic, I don't make his voice as deep and just go generic ninja.  My brother's Charmy voice, though... oh man... XD

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2682 on: February 01, 2013, 06:01:16 PM
At least Espio sounds more like a ninja, as a few have pointed out. Now if only he was older...

(Photoshop 3.4) Judging by Venice and Silhou's expressions, Silver was brought into the family earlier that night.

Wanted to draw something cute that involved the de Italias (well, as cute as the Soleannan Mafia can get, anyway), and this seemed like a good fit. Venice and Silhou would be around 7-8 here; Venice isn't wearing headphones on a regular basis yet, and Silhou is missing her eye markings (which was a legit goof on my part; should note that her appearance is based on an uncoloured sketch by *Cylent-Nite).

(Photoshop 3.4; background may have turned out a bit too dark, but I wasn't in the mood to adjust anything)

An idea that came to me earlier, that had to be drawn sooner or later. While Amy-in-SatAM is a concept I think isn't too uncommon, I've only seen one or two attempts to transplant Shadow into that continuity.

Amy Rose and Shadow are two hedgehogs living in a village a ways away from Knothole. Reports of Sonic's heroics have reached that place, and Amy holds a deep respect and admiration for him and his friends. She was always adventurous, but the exploits of the Freedom Fighters have inspired her to go even further. Because it's dangerous to go alone, Amy usually brings the much older Shadow along with her, whether he likes it or not.

Despite what his grumbling might lead one to believe, Shadow does care for Amy's well-being and does his best to make sure she doesn't suffer any grievous injuries. And while he wouldn't admit it, all this dragging-along has allowed him to see places and things he never would've otherwise.

* Amy's outfit is lifted from what she wore in the Archie comic before she got hold of the Ring of Acorns; Shadow's was kinda based on some Redwall character designs.

* As to not carbon-copy his game back story, Shadow's just a normal hedgehog-tenrec hybrid here. Unlike StS!Shadow's parens, SatAM!Shadow's might still be alive.

* Amy may or may not be Sonic's sister in this continuity, too.

(Photoshop 3.4)

A good deal of my older art was drawn entirely in Photoshop; a nice experiment would be to try that in 2013 with my (hopefully) vastly-improved artistic skills and see how it turns out, I thought.

Three seconds into the inking, I remembered why I stopped using Photoshop for lineart.

Still, I think the end result was worth posting. 'tis Blaze, who I drew often in the mid-00s, displaying her Fire Adept powers in a non-lethal manner. (She was going to be more contorted, but you can push anatomical limits only so far before you end up in Eschergirls territory. Though--cats are really flexible, right?)

I think the fire ended up taking the most time and effort out of all the elements in this pic.

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Reply #2683 on: February 03, 2013, 12:06:10 AM
That Blaze is absolutely awesome and beautiful

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2684 on: February 03, 2013, 10:32:21 PM
Thanks. :)

Tired. Blurgh.

* It's the return of Quakewoman's Quake shirt, which I imagine is one thing she'd wear when travelling the world with Blues.

* I really like ~TheKKM's redesign of Julie-Su--

* --and ~kureejiilea's redesigns of Mighty and Ray. Threw in StS!Amy next to Mighty to see how they'd look side-by-side; it was a fortunate coincidence that everyone here has some dark blue on them.

* I got a bit of flack for that outfit Rock's wearing, but I still like it even if I don't draw it much anymore.

* Bebop's design was based somewhat on Metal Sonic's (as I assume Bebop is a robot).

* I liked ~misfit2588's AU versions of Sally, Bunnie, et al. to take a shot at drawing them. (Should note that in the "Death of Sonic the Hedgehog"-verse, Sally has dark brown hair--and that I massively downsized everyone's busts...)

* Speaking of Sally, I tweaked an old attempted redesign to look halfway-presentable.

* StS!Blaze's mom, Ember, had a name for ages, but her old design could be summed up as "Blaze redeco". Then I saw *Cylent-Nite's headshots of Blaze's hypothetical parents and got permission to add bodies to 'em; Ember's outfit is based on a scrapped concept for Blaze (Rush? Secret Rings? Riders?), whereas Cinder is a walking shirtless scene.

* My Pre-Zero Gravity Riders!Blaze, conversely, is a walking pantsless scene.

* In keeping with my fondness for non-standard ships, I kinda like the idea of SatAM!Sonic/Bunnie. (Hilariously, I wasn't too fond of that pairing when it cropped up in the comic, mostly because "Antoine" and Sally suffered horrendous character derailment to facilitate it)

* Storm's jacket is in tatters and needs replacing, but he hangs onto it because the shredded look is badass.

* Archie's SA adaptation gave Tikal about three different designs over its course; I picked the "warrior" one and, since I couldn't tell what that dark splotch on her head was meant to be, gave her a tribal tattoo.

* One Old StS document listed Fiona's last name as Blackthorn (and amalgamated her with Foxy). An element taken from Sonic the Comic, or just a coincidence?

* I mostly bring that up because I drew Morain (whose last name is Blackthorn, I think) right next to her.

* You're looking rather off-model today, Eastwood.

* I find it interesting that most of the pre-ZG Riders!Blaze fan-designs retained a lot of elements from her normal outfit, as opposed to her official purple tracksuit.

* I also wish that Metal Sonic had gotten a Riders outfit something like that.

* *Cylent-Nite and I were discussing how Knux might play in a new Sonic game; I suggested Tomb Raider, we talked about Knux's alternate occupation as a treasure hunter, and it somehow led to ROUGE dressed as Lara Croft and not Knux. (I like me some guys in short-shorts, but I doubt Knux could pull off the teal tank top)

* Zodick was one of the more popular elements to come out of Illbleed, I think. In StS, he's a resident of one of Mobius's moons (with a native population based off of mythological, folklore, and fictional animals), and is something of a nuisance.

* Lothar temporarily joining the Nocturnus is something I doubt would ever happen in Exterminatus Now, especially since the references to locations and whatnot from Sonic have been minimized/dropped, but hey.

* The brim of Arpa's hat might not be low enough...

* These next four Mobians make up the four-person gang "Gods of Ice Age", a concept from Old StS; everyone's been overhauled (especially Cloud and Song, who were ripoffs of someone else's fan characters).

* Couldn't think of an outfit for Zieviel the Hare (originally a rabbit) and didn't want to give her a jacket like she originally wore, so she goes about shirtless. It took some thinking to make her ear shape distinct from a rabbit's.

* Naito the Mouse-Tailed Bat (originally a fruit bat/Rouge recolour) gained a "phases of the moon" motif, and her dark blue fur was changed to sea green to make her distinct from Nails. Her wings are based on those of the Yagyu Clan from Archie. Stupidly, I'd forgotten that bats lack underfur before colouring her in...maybe it's stylized guard hairs.

* Cloud the Lion (I'm not sure what his old species was) changed comparatively little. In Old StS he was brainwashed, presumably by the GoIA's leader; dunno yet if I'll keep that. (He also had a glowing tattoo on his arm that I think was given to all four members)

* Finally, Song the Pyrenean Ibex (originally some sort of goddess-person) wears a mask and is fashionably asymmetrical. She was based on an extinct animal in order to retain the otherwordly vibe her old design had.

* Speaking of old characters: William Kato is the younger brother of Mina Kato who, for one reason or another, ended up working with a hostile group (dunno if it was the Eggman Empire). Since I could only remember vague details about him and couldn't find any pictures (except maybe for one which made no explicit connection between him and Mina), a redesign and renaming was in order. Visually, William takes after his mom, and the colours of his stripes and gauntlets are inverted from Mina's. Unlike in Old StS where he was just another angry badass, New StS!William is scared out of his mind and desperately wants to reconcile with Mina.

* Upon seeing the Venezuelan Poodle Moth for the first time, I had to Mobian-ize it.

* Hell Amy and Zadow are hellhogs like Zodick; they remind me very heavily of that dark and edgy period in the late 90s and early 00s (but mostly of the first American McGee's Alice game).

* I liked ~ScourgEybOOm's takes on Anti-Rob (who died off-panel) and Anti-Silver (who I don't believe has been mentioned at all); also added their character Dani, and finished the page with Scourge (who in StS isn't a counterpart of Sonic...which will makes things confusing if the NFF ever go to Moebius).

Took me a while to finish (and get uploaded); 'tis various MM girls (and Ranay) in outfits I made in *gen8's Chibi Maker, with minor adjustments to design and colours. Left to right: Pram, Honeywoman, Splashy, Kalinka, Roll, Tempo, and Ranay.

Only Tempo and Splashy's hairstyles weren't carried over from the chibis I produced (well, Tempo kept her normal hairline, at least). Speaking of Tempo--under what circumstances would she be taking fashion tips from the Joker? Because that's clearly what's gone on behind the scenes here.

"Oh, sure we only had one umbrella!"

I have never been to the UK, but I hear that parts of it get near-constant rain.

As unbearable an arsehole StC!Sonic can be at times, I do like him as a character, along with his interactions with his teammates that didn't involve snarking at/insulting them. And like many arsehole characters before him, I enjoy poking some fun at StC!Sonic (which in this case probably wouldn't count towards "no insulting", but hey).

Also, we can add umbrellas to the very long list of things I can't draw very well.

A commission from ~HeavensFrogman that was a birthday gift for a friend of his. I haven't seen this pairing in ages and while I don't ship it myself, it was fun to draw.

Background was heavily influenced by some Samurai Jack BG art (though I tried to not just copy the image itself), and since I waited to verify that Sally and 'Twan's chosen outfits were okay to use, this is one of those rare pics of mine where the background is completed first.

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Reply #2685 on: February 05, 2013, 08:25:28 AM
I love seeing StC getting some love.  Your Johnny Lightfoot is awesome.

And yes, Sonic in StC is a dick, but for some reason, he's awesome as a dick.

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Reply #2686 on: February 10, 2013, 12:45:25 AM
Thanks, and I guess he is. XD

Inspired by some art of *MeltyMole's.

I imagine that when Maya was small enough, she would spend a lot of time camping out underneath her dad's hat. Knuckles (who would be around 22 here) wasn't sure what to think of that.

Knux's attire was swiped from that one story in StC where he temporarily became a deputy.

(Barely-relevant side note: I think I like how Fleetway handled Knux a bit more than pre-Flynn Archie did, as while the latter's history is interesting, StC!Knux never quite figured out how to input the god mode cheat. At least, not in the original comic; I haven't read StC-O)

It may have just been for one subpar old sprite comic, but back in 2006 I thought to pair up Vector and Blaze.

I guess they're kinda cute together (though in the context of StS, Blaze canonically gets with Silver), and they do both wield fire, Blaze to a greater extent than Vector.

That heart in the background was going to be one solid colour, but when I went to fill in the whites on those two before hiding the other layers, I instead got that. Thankfully it looked okay enough to hang on to.


And here's a remake of that old sprite comic, which I can't directly post on dA because it contains edited sprites:

The old one was a fair bit longer and was a lot zanier; that got cut out because I couldn't think of a good reason to go down the same route now (also, sprite-comic-making can be really tedious, as I had long since forgotten).

Posted on: February 05, 2013, 06:57:51 PM

A Duality/StS scenario that's even more hypothetical than usual, in that Len would thankfully be nowhere near that traumafest (in Liz and my discussions on the subject, the only non-NFF member to get dragged across time and space was Antoine).

Sonic Rose has a tough time keeping dimensional counterparts mentally separated from their Mobius Prime selves, to put it mildly; however, Len Rose would take one look at the things the Dark One has been doing to his own Mobius, and realize that he is not the same person as her son (well, sorta). So she somehow gets close enough to him to punch him in the face, for she has no tolerance for his bullshit.

Unfortunately, this fight is going to be a lot tougher than she anticipated.

If nothing else, I'd imagine Darkie would greatly enjoy mocking Len over the mental state her actual son would be in over this.

Of all the DBZ parallels in the Sonic series, I think that the Knux/Piccolo ones get the least amount of focus. I dunno if that's what compelled me to draw Knux and Tikal in Namekian garb, but either way, I drew it.

Both sets of attire were based on examples from Dragon Ball Heroes and Dragon Ball Online, with Knux and Tikal's colourations. Knux's shoes were partially based on his Riders pair, whereas Tikal's tiara and necklace were switched out for cloth and more cloth (I don't think she'd want to go into a cosmic beatdown wearing something that could easily end up embedded in her skull).

I like what I came up with here, so these outfits might see some use in StS.

Posted on: February 09, 2013, 02:02:14 AM

A sort of follow-up to the previous pic; 'tis Silver in something like what the instance of Trunks seen in Dragon Ball Online wears, plus a scarf like GT!Trunks's--and five swords, because he has telekinesis, and dammit, he's gonna put it to good use.

Silver's boots were sorta Riders-inspired, but were mostly supposed to resemble combat boots.

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Reply #2687 on: February 10, 2013, 05:49:44 AM
Love the DB-Sonic mishmashes going on.

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Reply #2688 on: February 12, 2013, 05:30:56 AM
Thanks. ^^ Haven't got any more at the moment, but I'm planning on getting around to Monkey Khan/Tien (plus Sally, 'cuz they were briefly romantically involved and I want an excuse to draw Sally in something Crane School-ish), Blaze 'n Shadow/Saiyans, and Sonic 'n Tails/Goku 'n Bulma (as pointed out by a friend of mine, Tails seems to be a mix of Bulma and Krillin, but I don't think Tails gets smacked around as often as the latter. Also, I think I have a way to give Sonic a Goku-ish outfit without said outfit including pants).

(Thinking about it, Khan and Sally wouldn't make a bad Goku and Chi-Chi, visually, but I don't think there's enough parallels for it to really work)

An old attempt at Mobian!Nicole, pre-Stargazing.

You have no idea how badly I want to ship this. Alas, StC!Sonic was most likely asexual (or at the very least, unreceptive to Amy's affections, insincere as they were).

'twas a WIP that sat around for ages. Decided to primarily use my Sharpies for this one; the highlights on Johnny's jacket and the shading on Sonic's fur were outlined with Hi-Tecs, and I think it shows on the latter (which I forgot to shade further. D'oh!).

"Hey, you know the one outfit I'll bet no one has drawn Rouge in yet? The Paladin Team Sigma-Alpha 2 uniform! And it's not totally out of left field because both they and Rouge are part of G.U.N.!" *gathers references*

*Some time later*


OK, so if I have to draw the Paladin uniform again, I'm simplifying it.

Despite what the above might lead one to believe, I still like the idea of Rouge occasionally going around like that. The biggest challenge (aside from not borking the perspective) was fitting all those details onto a much smaller body than those of the canon Paladin guys (all humans); a few got changed a bit (mostly in the chest area and belt).

What Rouge has most likely lost in flight, she makes up for in durability. The only question is why she would be wearing the Paladin uniform in the first place.

Posted on: February 11, 2013, 03:34:10 AM

*RADIX gets hit for awful title pun in 3...2...*

To be honest, I think the only things Monkey Khan and Tien have in common are being former antagonists and having an unusual trait (third eye for Tien--assuming he wasn't actually an alien--and cyborg for Khan). Khan and Goku do share common roots in Journey to the West, but the parallels end there.

As for why Sally's there--well, she and Khan were romantically involved at some point...

Khan's outfit was based on Tien's Crane School uniform, whilst Sally's was derived from what Tien wore in the Buu saga and GT. Tried studying a pic of Chun-Li for her pose, as it's not one I draw often.

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Reply #2689 on: February 12, 2013, 05:33:19 AM
I can totally see Sally doing some Chun-Li type [parasitic bomb]! XD

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Reply #2690 on: February 21, 2013, 09:35:28 AM
Same here! XD

(NOTE: I haven't seen any complaints about "Equestria Girls"'s character designs, but I have the feeling that at least one part of the MLP:FiM fanbase didn't take 'em well. Please, PLEASE do not [sonic slicer] about them here)

You ever have a pic that you intended to ink, but then you looked at the sketch and decided against it? That's what happened here.

Mostly just wanted to draw EG!Fluttershy and my humanized Fluttershy in the same pic, with Rock in-between them. There was gonna be a "Threesomes are Magic" joke in here, with Rock suitably angered/flustered, buuuuut EG!Shy is clearly underage.

Changed up my Gijinka-Shy's hairstyle slightly, and gave her green jeans.

Next up in this series of DBZ/Sonic mash-ups, here's Blaze and Shadow in battle armour worn by those in the Planet Trade Organization. Blaze's outfit has the distinction of existing before this pic; Shadow's is entirely new, and based on King Vegeta's (note that Shadow had once been King in Archie-StH's Light Mobius timeline).

I'd always had Blaze pegged as a Saiyan analogue, due to her incredible speed (like Sonic and Shadow, the other not-Saiyans) and mastery over fire, which is somewhat similar to DBZ's Ki/Chi attacks. Her attitude/demeanor, especially early in Rush 1, had me thinking more of folks like Vegeta than Goku.

Shadow's armour hopefully has enough of his traits to not just be "random Saiyan armour slapped onto a hedgehog". His Inhibitor Rings might get moved back down to his ankles, if I draw him in this outfit again.

Now it's Sonic's turn--and Tails's and Amy's.

Sonic/Goku should be obvious; Tails was meant to be somewhere in-between Bulma (extremely tech-savvy) and Krillin (best friend of the main character), but she ended up mostly Bulma. Amy--well, technically she'd be Chi-Chi, but since I'm going at least partially off of StS-logic for this series, that would make things...awkward.

Both Sonic and Amy's attire was based off of the Saiyan Hero and Heroine from the Dragonball Heroes games; Tails's on Bulma's various outfits, with the boots being an attempted nod towards Krillin. Also picked the Yellow Chaos Emerald as the one her radar detected, since it's the closest one in colour to the Dragon Balls (not counting that weird Orange Emerald, or those red Dragon Balls that some DBZ toys were packaged with).

The biggest challenge with Sonic's outfit was making it obvious which character he's paralleling without giving him pants.

Posted on: February 14, 2013, 03:10:11 AM

And to think that my initial reaction to Fiona and Scourge hooking up was "what a load".

Drawn yesterday, but I figured it was Valentines-ish enough to hold off on posting. I am admittedly not as familiar with Scourge/Fiona as other official pairings, but considering that canon!Fiona purposefully got herself and the Destructix arrested just to bust Scourge out of the Zone Jail (a place from which I think break-outs were very rare), I'd like to think that StS!Fiona would still care for Scourge if, say, he came back one day a Robian.

(Mecha Scourge was based on some sketches of Metal Scourge by :devyardley:; obviously, he's not a hastily-modified Metal Sonic variant here. Forgot to colour in his visor, but maybe he just took/switched it off)

Posted on: February 14, 2013, 09:08:10 PM
Time for more retinal agony old art!

Amy Rose, '99. Sorta.
Where the hell did that guy's neck go?
Goku the Hedgehog, except not.
Metal Adept Honey.
Maren Blaze.
Colour wheel gals.
"The Enemy".
I'm sure this was amusing to me at some point.
My first drawing of Zodick, IIRC.
Berserker Silver.
"I have returned".
Silver with green eyes, for some reason.
"CoLt" energy.
Silver 'n Amy.

New art below.

Tempo was introduced without her emotions, Matilda is psychologically-broken. Seems like a good match.

Primarily a test of whether or not Sharpies and Letraset markers work well on those old business cards of Dad's; turned out fine. Also attempted to adjust the girls' too-pale skin colour in Photoshop, which wasn't the fault of the canvas.

New StS currently has an annoying lack of girl/girl. Perhaps pairing up Cream and Saffron will be one step towards rectifying that?

...though hilariously, this pic could be easily taken as non-romantic. D'oh.

COPICs don't bleed much on whatever paper those old business cards of Dad's were printed on, though my blue Micron's ink doesn't seem to want to absorb properly. That's supposed to be the Golden Hive Colony in the background, though I guessed on the colours.

(Yes, I'm aware that Saffron canonically gets with Charmy. This is StS, not Archie.)

I think I've found a way to work Secret Rings into StS without simply rehashing a game I own but haven't played (so no spoilers); there, Shahra accompanies Amy Rose instead, and no trans-dimensional books are involved.

Methinks this is the first time in a long while I've drawn Shahra, if not THE first time.

Random comic.

"People raising one arm arm into the air" count: 8

* So you want to have another member of the StC cast go Super, but don't want to ape Super Sonic's swirly eyes of doom? Just gank something from Soul Eater (Ragnarok's two-irises-in-one, specifically).

* StS!Geoffrey's wardrobe is gaudy as all hell.

* I think that for a time, I latched onto brunette!Maria (possibly due to a lack of any references but Archie).

* One of the plans Karl Boller had for the comic was that Fiona and Bunnie would share a high-rise apartment in Knothole City.

* Kaido and Lachlan underwent some very extensive redesigning (the former especially, who, like Old StS!Malachi, was kinda a mess).

* Amy, Tails, Rouge, and Shade's outfits are all ones I made for 'em on elouai, with minimal adjustments. Annoyingly, I forgot Tails's prominent fang.

* RS-Rock would probably end up as a member of the Wolf Pack if he wasn't gender-bent on the way to Avalon.

* Zally, Zantoine, and Zhadow were all mentioned but not yet seen in-comic, I think, whilst Ziara obviously wasn't.

* Thinking about it, that's probably the only way Muttski could be written into New StS.

* Athena's another overhauled character of mine; she retained her crystallized arm, but without the obnoxious shoulder spike.

* A trio of alternate Blazes that I saw in 06 (though Trakker-Blaze's fur isn't dark enough). She got a fairly high number of alt. designs, I think.

* Silver in that hoodie that I gave him in the mid-00s (and if you can make it out, that's a DBZ Majin symbol on his shirt).

* As much as I disliked the fact that pre-Ian Sonia Acorn was a Xerox of her mom, I didn't want that outfit going to waste.

* StS!Vanilla didn't care for the pirate life.

* SEGA-izing the Spice Maidens was a slightly easier task than anticipated (Cinnamon, Nutmeg, and Pepper are based on Mobinis that they share species with); Coriander gave me some trouble as she seems to be a camel, an animal that I don't think has ever shown up anywhere else in StH.

* "The Silent Wanderer" was accompanied by an equally-mute Ray, I think.

* Zeta's one of the more unique fan-hogs I've come across, IMO.

* A bunch of knights, with Lamorak being the only canon one. Saku/Mephiles and Bean seemed like good fits for Agravain and Dagonet, respectively.

* I can't say I'm too fond of that "Dixie" outfit Bunnie had for a while.

* That old alt. Amy looks a bit more porcupine than hedgehog, to be honest...

Posted on: February 20, 2013, 03:39:14 AM

One downside of having telekinesis is that Silver's somewhat more vulnerable to psychic interference. Though whether or not he'd still have access to his abilities once Chaos Croc added him to his army remains to be seen.

Drawn on a whim, pretty much. I am still not good at inking curves without them ending up all shaky and dent-y.

(If someone could draw a follow-up to this that didn't involve Silver getting gender-bent in any way, I would greatly appreciate it)

Speaking of drawing on a whim, here's Zeta the Echidna, a character I had seen around a few times but didn't become (vaguely) familiar with until now. Lineart in SAI, colours and text in Photoshop.

I dunno if Zeta's eyes can actually glow, but I wanted to practice light sources anyway.

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Reply #2691 on: February 21, 2013, 09:37:50 AM
You should draw more Shahra. And Amy with flame coming out of her chest.  8D

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Reply #2692 on: March 01, 2013, 12:09:55 PM
That'd be something to consider. XD

Speaking of Amy:

You'd think that if I was playing as Team Dark in Sonic Heroes recently, I'd draw something relevant to that team, right?..

You'd also think that if (Neo) Metal Sonic is utterly loopy at the moment and thinks himself to be the "real" Sonic, he wouldn't continue to hit on the real Sonic's sister.

'twas a sketch (StS-related, before anyone reads the previous sentence and goes "buh?") that I didn't feel like inking. If anyone wants to ink/colour this themselves, go right ahead.

Well, some of the anthropomorphic Disney characters (the mice and ducks, mostly) could pass for Mobians...

I've been considering incorporating some elements of the Disney canon into StS (most prominent would probably be Duckburg), since I still love me some crossovers. Minnie and Amy would get along, I'd think (until Minnie inevitably witnesses StS!Amy's Knight Templar tendencies).

The couch-thing they're sitting on ended up looking kinda metallic to me ('twas meant to be a shiny material); it was largely an experiment in shading.

Posted on: February 24, 2013, 04:24:25 AM

I was planning on colouring this and the next few uploads in Photoshop 3.4, but something terrible happened: I got lazy. That, and I wanted to test out an anti-tablet-jitters program called LazyNezumi.

This tends to happen a lot between Havoc (my angry dingo gal) and Thrash. As they're sorta-friends, though, Havoc rarely draws blood (note I said "rarely" and not "never").

We won't know until it comes onscreen.

Another attempt at emulating *herms85's colouring, using a tutorial of ~DerSketchie's as reference for Elise looking over her shoulder. Not a perfect imitation by any means, but I like how it turned out.

Given the look on Sonic's face, whoever's gotten their attention is probably Silver, right before he attempts to psychically bash Sonic's head in (or chump him with that instant-death grab).

One of them is in more control of his mental faculties than the other.

Knuxerjak and Fini-jak, the two incarnations of Enerjak planned for StS; without spoiling too much, their motives and methods are highly contrasting.

More Duality/StS guff, this time involving a mirror match that's inevitably going to end with the arena so thoroughly obliterated that it'll vanish from the floor plan.

Amy Rose Prime hates her world's Metal Sonic with an intensity that few other mortals can comprehend, but if working with him is necessary to whatever goal she has to accomplish--in this case, taking down her clownshit-crazy counterpart and her pet robohog--then so be it. Metal Sonic Prime will gladly go along with it if it means Amy possibly changing her opinion of him (spoiler alert: she won't), and right now, he's not sure if he's too fond of his "other self".

Picked Neo Metal Sonic for this pic as he stature is similar to Duality!Metal's; made only a couple of deliberate changes to his design (most notably his torso), with any others being a result of a lack of decent refs. I stupidly forgot to check the Ask Duality tumblr for refs of Duality!Amy's current design, so what I drew here is probably all kinds of inaccurate.

Looking at the zoomed-out view, I think what I initially thought of as random Photoshop vomit turned out fairly well for this pic.

Posted on: February 27, 2013, 01:35:47 PM
Old art: Sonic 'n Cream.

I have an old (2004) planner that I've recently resumed drawing in, with this image being the first one. (Remember those planner doodles I submitted to scraps years ago?) As an experiment, I made minimal alterations to the scan, up to and including leaving it off-white.

'tis Silver, Blaze, and Saku Seeno/StS!Mephiles in outfits I gave their gijinka selves--sorta. Blaze and Saku's had to be tweaked rather heavily (the former's was mostly obscured, the latter's was fashion vomit).

Assuming my energy doesn't run out, this probably won't be the only pic like this that I post.

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Reply #2693 on: March 01, 2013, 12:45:33 PM
Ah, Enerjak...  The concept that honestly, part of me wants to punch it in the face, yet for some bizarre reason... I don't truly hate it entirely.  I honestly don't know why.  Though, given a choice between our insane cyborg albino echidnas... I have a soft spot for Dr. Zachery.

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Reply #2694 on: March 06, 2013, 01:07:29 PM
Lemme guess--in all his known incarnations, Enerjak leaned towards "overpowered"?

Up to #53 now. This one gave me some trouble as I ended up with very little space at the bottom.

* Sonic: Sketchy had a noticeable impact on me when I first read it, even though I was way too young to (it's borderline adult; at the time, I was 13).

* That "Lite Sword" was a real bit of RS-MM merch; it, like the bow and arrow from the same line(?), didn't appear in-show.

* Naomi went from Maria's roommate and peer (Old StS) to her much younger patient (New StS). Her appearance is based on what I thought Maria looked like back in '02 or '03 (heavily influenced by brunette!Maria from Archie).

* Blaze's outfit is the only pre-existing one (if you don't count Maria swiping one of Alice's MR concept dresses) of the lot. Nega's is a combination of the Mad Hatter's and his own; Silver's Cheshire-like tattoos were supposed to be glowing from top to bottom, but I stupidly inked half of them solid black and had to settle for a transition effect.

* I'd previously had some trouble in making Amy look convincingly older; then I tried slicking some of her bangs back.

* Tails, don't yank on Duality!Metal's ear.

* The Virtual Hedgehogs from the Sonic Simulator are kinda cute, pupil-less automatons that they are.

* Tails is fluent in binary in Colours, so why not have StS!Tails be able to speak Dino (Star Fox Adventures) as well?

* This was the first time I'd drawn Minnie and Amy in the same shot.

* I've had some fun in making outfits for the Sonic cast on eLouai.

* Fairly certain that the blue Chaos Emerald will have a significant role in WWC.

* Blaze's getup was the only one made in a doll maker; the extra violet markings are probably make-up.

* Ultima, a rather old character of mine, was originally Omega's "brother" (designation E-232), rather than his Sol Dimension counterpart (in fact, I'm fairly certain he was created before Rush was out or even announced). As I hadn't drawn him before, I can't really say this is a "re"design. The green visor was intended to completely remove any traces of humanity his counterpart might've had.

* ~digital-addict's artwork completely blew me away when I discovered it in the mid-00s, so of course I had to take a shot at drawing his hedgehog, Raf. Dunno if I got all the details right, as Raf tended to be heavily-obscured; his fur is an extremely dark gray, darker than the ones in my pen set, so I used a semi-dried-out office marker instead (useless fact: said office marker was one of the ones I had back in '06).

* I have to wonder what Taika and Nails would think of their Aunt Tilly.

* That Captain N pitch of ~filbarlow's has to be one of the most intriguing Megaman-related discoveries of mine in a while; I did my best to translate Megaman's Megadad to my style without going off-model. (Should note that N-Mega has his beta colouring here)

* In StS, the Darkspine transformation is granted by the Black Emerald, rather than the World Rings (as I couldn't think of a way to work them into StS without breaking the pre-established Chaos/Order physics).

* I only had a few refs of Sonin drawn by other people, so her appearance here is probably all kinds of wrong.

* Neo forms for the other entries in the Metal series; these weren't too difficult to design, surprisingly. All three of them have black cloth on them somewhere, as a nod to Neo Metal Sonic's arse-cape.

* Neo Metal Tails is a close as StS will get to the traditional "Tails-ko" concept, as a deliberate contrast to Milen.

* Neo Metal Knuckles's facial markings are directly lifted from the Knuckles Metallix in Sonic the Comic.

* Neo Metal Amy's eye colour was changed to purple, in reference to Archie!Amy's old eye colour (same goes for her base form); this makes StS!Metal Tails the only one of them to share an eye colour with their organic counterpart.

* Another Neo, but not a robot: Neo Robia Silver's mask is a modified version of Sir Galahad's.

* If Kessa makes it into New StS, she won't be Bunnie's sister. (Her name was most likely taken from this 70s/80s novel I read in the mid-00s, "The Best Little Girl In The World")

* I think Edge's arm and leg guards were modeled after katana hilts?

* I dunno if Squik was ever a Sonic fanchar, but I drew her with sorta-Mobian proportions anyway.

* How very mature of you, Tails.

My entry in *RockMiyabi's 2013 Valentines Day Contest; I got third place in the humour category.

I had some fun writing Ashe's dialogue (and Proto's unamused response to said dialogue). Originally she was going to be hugging RS-Rock, but I figured this was funnier.

I doubt I'm the first one to give Chip a more Mobian form (which isn't what he looks like in StS, by the way).

Edits to the lineart aren't as minimal as last time, but it's still largely untouched. The main challenge was in designing Chip's clothes (based off Pachacamac, mostly in the stripe on his shorts). Colour-wise, I settled on green and white, to represent Earth (or Mobius in the case of StS) and light.

As for what Rouge and Sally are doing here, it's because they accompany Sonic in the StS version of Unleashed's events (complete with were-forms not pictured here).

Posted on: March 02, 2013, 11:40:46 AM

'tis Silver and Yoshi hanging out together (I hear they're pals in the "Mario and Sonic" games?). Although I had the Chao fruit in mind when I started, I couldn't actually find any references (and didn't feel like booting up SA2B), so Silver and Yoshi got stuck eating whatever variety of fruit those are supposed to be.

I mentioned in my last pic of this nature that it didn't include every Sonic continuity.

As I've been griped at for giving Sonic more clothes than just his shoes and gloves, I'd like to point out: since Sonic is rarely, if ever, significantly redesigned in the various alternate continuities (unlike Megaman), I figured this would be a good way of visually distinguishing between them.

* Story Comic!Sonic might not've been that light a shade of blue, but his fur doesn't seem to be as dark as the other Sonics. He's in a band in that continuity, so I went for something rocker-ish (which didn't really turn out as such, but hey). He's also got some sharp fangs; the Story Comic used a few beta elements from the first game (no Madonna, but plenty of girls who might be human/Mobian hybrids).

* There's more than one Sonic manga, but the one with Nicky is the only older one I know of that isn't a 4koma collection. *Cylent-Nite suggested that this Sonic's attire would be the opposite of Nicky's, along with elements of a pilot due to his involvement with Nicky's dad Paulie. I ended up just going full-on pilot (oops).

Since he seems to have his own history and memory that's entirely separate from Nicky's (who's standing behind him here to indicate that they're technically the same hedgehog), my theory is that Sonic got bonded to Nicky somehow (fatally wounded, perhaps?). I also can't help but think of him as being a lot older than the other Sonics (25-30 as opposed to 15), as he rescued Paulie 20 years ago.

Bonus: pre-game Charmy Bee (tweaked slightly).

* I don't know much about the UK novels, but going by what info *Cylent-Nite gave me (and assuming I'm remembering it correctly), this Sonic is a bit like StC!Sonic but much nicer, so his attire is less edgy to reflect this.

Posted on: March 03, 2013, 08:18:29 PM

Completed the other day, but I was too tired to submit it.

The Klonoa series has a lot to do with dreams, and Sonic Shuffle is all about them, so why not combine the two in some manner?

Klonoa's attire comes from what I think are some concepts for Klonoa Heroes; King of Sorrow's was sorta based on a fan-made gijinka (and Celtic knots), and he was paired with Void as the two seem to have similar mindsets.

Some colourizations of the Sonic Adventure 2 VMU graphics (made a bit more difficult than anticipated due to .JPEG-like compression--they were taken from a font SEGA released, or so the original sheet on The Spriter's Resource says). Though I wasn't aiming for any particular sprite style, I tried not to use too many colours.

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Reply #2695 on: March 08, 2013, 08:33:25 AM
Oh gosh, the teeny tiny Knuckles sprite with the huge eyes, and his collar-thing blending with his muzzle makes it look like he's got the goofiest grin on his face. XD

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Reply #2696 on: March 08, 2013, 11:50:47 PM
Didn't even notice that, myself. XD


StC!Super Sonic (canon) and Super Tekno (not canon) would likely be the only Chaos beings for miles, so why not try and get to know each other better (as you lay waste to the countryside, of course)? I could imagine Super Tekno assembling enormous mechanical structures solely so that Super Sonic could topple them.

Normal StC!Sonic and Tekno would not be happy about this development at all, unsurprisingly.

AKA the Biolizard, in a Mobian body. For the longest time, all she knew of sentient life on Mobius was what Gerald told her; now that she's "alive" again, her own outlook has changed--but not for the better.

Bio's attire was based on Shadow's, and the original Biolizard's life support system (mostly in the ocular implants and gask mask). I'm also going off the theory that, despite Eggman referring to her with male pronouns, the Biolizard was female (massive in size and constantly spews forth eggs); the one trait Bio shares with Milen Prower is that, despite being female, she has no visible eyelashes.

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Reply #2697 on: March 08, 2013, 11:54:47 PM
You should draw some Excalibur Sonic!  8)

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Reply #2698 on: March 09, 2013, 12:52:43 AM
Hm... if I were to give you a creature and basic character description... would you be able to Mobianize it?

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Reply #2699 on: March 09, 2013, 02:23:57 AM
Hm... if I were to give you a creature and basic character description... would you be able to Mobianize it?

Hopefully, yeah. :) (Probably not tonight, as I'm getting tired)