The Gonzo has art.

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Offline Rin

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Reply #2600 on: November 12, 2012, 07:22:46 AM
Hey, how come I never paid attention to your artz? They are great.

Offline Ladd Spencer

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Reply #2601 on: November 12, 2012, 08:23:09 AM
Epsilon you da [parasitic bomb]

FEELS  ;^;Which has the massive scrotums?

Offline Gaia

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Reply #2602 on: November 14, 2012, 06:14:58 AM
* As far as I know, shoving a human/Overlander into a robotization chamber just gets you a statue (in Archie), so I looked to Phantasy Star Online's RAcaseals for Mecha Chris here.

As far as I know, Phantasy Star is one of StH's series siblings, only more known than Puyo Puyo outside japan. Also, first time drawing shard, but know his existance? After learning of Metal, I thought that they would attempt it in the comics. I was right, so in comic continuity, Shard is the first Metal Sonic doppleganger, revived, and turned good.

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2603 on: November 16, 2012, 02:47:07 AM
Also, I just recalled something.
If Mega hugged Sonic, wouldn't he pewpewpew!?

Not sharp enough, I'd imagine. XD

Yuki(he is a GUY) Might have a crush on rock

Interesting. :)

Hey, how come I never paid attention to your artz? They are great.

Thanks. :)

Sketch dump.

Image that came to mind after listening to Kikuo's song of the same title (like many[?] of his songs, it involves dead kids). Not really sure about how it turned out, as Photoshop 3.4 didn't appreciate my attempts at making Roll and Kalinka look all ghostly; this one sat on my computer for a bit as a result.

Are they actually ghosts? Who knows; maybe it's just special effects.

AKA "RADIX Cannot Render Water".

IIRC Blaze doesn't canonically any significant problems with maybe it's just the fact that she's being bathed by someone else that's setting her off.

StS!Metal Tails occasionally runs into her counterpart whilst not on a mission. Rather than fight her as her co-workers and creator keep telling her to, she pulls [parasitic bomb] like this.

Which is arguably even more frustrating for Real Tails, because the little bastards she grew up around liked to do this, too (albeit not with dolls). Gal's only gonna take so much before she whips out the cattle prod.

Shadow has very specific tastes in fashion that Sonic's not sure he shares.

Old StS!Sonic wore a similar jacket as part of his primary wardrobe (no shades, though); he was basically Pre-Scourge with no sense of humour (and Old StS!Shadow was more like game-Sonic. Now if only it actually took place on Moebius). These days, they only way he'd wear one is if Shadow put one on him.

One downside to being the most serious Neo Freedom Fighter is that Amy does this to you. A lot.

I imagine she'd do that to anyone who acted ALL SRS ALL THE TIME, though.

Here's an element of Old StS that I'm not sure what to do with.

Back in Old StS, everyone's Super forms were individual entities that had their own names, personalities, and histories, who resided in Maginary and had some connection to their "counterparts" that I don't think I ever solidified (for example, either Sonic merged with Super Sonic/"Galle" or simply "borrowed his image").

It's been so long that I don't remember all the details, but I'm fairly certain that it was influenced by various bits of canon:

1) Sonic R and Sonic Shuffle, where Super Sonic is (technically) his own player and can be played alongside normal Sonic. (Incidentally, both games were co-developed by a third party)

2) Fleetway Super Sonic, AKA Khorne the Hedgehog.

3) Archie-Sonic #126, which saw Sonic squaring off with Super Sonic (I didn't read that issue and so I dunno why he was his own entity there; think it had to do with planetary illusions or something?).

'twould explain why Super Sonic/Galle and Hyper Sonic/hedgie!Sinaren were such pricks.

At any rate, if this bit of plot does get kept, "Galle" would most likely be an experiment of Illumina's to recreate Super Sonic as a normal hedgehog--albeit a citizen of Maginary, which grants him natural abilities not common to "mortal" Mobians. It would also make him a biological sibling to the Flowlights, but that doesn't come with any real advantages.

He and Sonic would still not get along, as Sonic does not appreciate being lectured--nor is he comfortable with the fact that El Douche-o here could air-juggle him with ease if he talked back.

Originally wanted this to take place in Riot Train (as that's supposed to be Sonic's dreamworld and thus the most likely place for a technical clone of him to be found), but I can't draw decent-looking trains, so now they're somewhere else in Maginary. Mobius is visible in its sky, though due to the nature of the place, it appears to be glitching up.

When Sonic was very young and still living in Knothole, he and Sally would occasionally go out into the forest to play, talk, or just so Sonic could take a nap somewhere quiet.

Just as StS!Tails views Sonic as an older brother, Sonic sees Sally as an older sister; she helped take care of him during his stay in the village and was the one he spent the most time around.

Though I didn't intend it, this was a test of a leaf brush made by Bakemono on Pixiv (in addition to plain 'ol Sonic-related fluff); I think it turned out alright.

I think Dark Sonic was one of the more popular elements to come out of Sonic X (for obvious reasons?); watching the JP version of that show reminded me of that transformation's existence--and before long, I got to thinking.

It turns Sonic's quills a darker colour, and surrounds him in a similarly-dark aura. Kinda sounds like Homestuck's "grimdark" state (albeit fake Chaos Emeralds aren't quite the same thing as mind-warping horrorterrors).

Simply seeing Tails alive and unharmed could be enough to calm (Grim)Dark Sonic down, but this was funnier.

(The writing is sorta based on what Rose saw in the Magic Cue Ball, but it's mostly just scribbling. Who knows what Sonic's actually trying to say)

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Reply #2604 on: November 16, 2012, 02:51:06 AM
I always did like Blaze. XD

I think Excalibur Sonic needs some love!  8)

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #2605 on: November 16, 2012, 11:32:57 AM
... *schemes a Hedgehog Man*

And that Amy licking scares me. D:

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Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2606 on: November 17, 2012, 02:07:27 AM
I don't think it takes a lot of effort to make Amy scary...

I counted--got about twelves pages left.

* Proto getting alternate shields with his version of the Cross System feels like the sort of thing I should've hit upon waaaay sooner.

* Tigana and Aquatic were characters I encountered way back from before I had at-home Internet access.

* Regina's not supposed to have heterochromia; that's just shoddy penmanship.

* I'm not sure when Jadis became a Mobian spider; ages ago (like, in '01/'02), she was a human who controlled all manner of spiders and spidery demons. Nowadays, she's just the leader of a clan of other unusually-violent Mobian spiders.

* Speaking of old fanon, Eggman and Julian Kintobor had been separate characters like they were in Archie (now they're interchangeable, I think), with the latter being the former leader of the Eggman Empire/"SX". New-StS!Eggman still used to be second banana to someone; in this case, his own father Ivan Robotnik (not pictured).

* Gen still exists; her uniform lots the pink bits.

* I don't think I read any of Netraptor's fics with Spark in them (was he based off of Ashura?).

* Neither Sonic nor Amy are okay with the fact that Sonya is their biological half-sibling (who looks a bit like a cross between the two, to boot). I mean, look at how smug she is. LOOK AT IT.

* An entire row of Seedrians (and one two-tailed fox); I wanted to draw as Petalis that appeared throughout the show as could fit in that row. (Pants-Petalis was excluded since she could just be Crystalathium in a different outfit)

* I'm not kidding about the "Galaxia/Galaxina" bit, by the way.

* Assuming my memory is accurate, I always thought Nazo was meant to be a redesigned Hyper Sonic (who in-game was just a disco remix of Super Sonic, visually). Or at least, that's the first conclusion I think I reached--everything about him just screamed "upgraded transformation", right down to having the same gloves as Sonic.

* Wait, wasn't Tiara supposed to be a love interest for Sonic? Yeah, but then I got to thinking about how two guardians (one of the Master Emerald, the other of the Rings of Order) would interact.

* I'm not sure what breed of hedgehog Breezie was modeled on (in-universe or out; there's a similar, organic hedgehog girl in another episode, I think).

* And chances are he's going to continue to not wear that in a while, Proto.

* Some new God Tiers, starting with Rock (Knight of Versatility), who needs a differently-coloured hood.

* Slider became the Heir of Rage since she sorta "inherits" said rage from Bass (21XX-22XX Slider is not quite as friendly).

* Did initially want to make Tempo's aspect be Void, but recent developments made Mind a better fit (at least to me). Lalinde ended up being saddled with Void instead.

* God Tier classes normally don't come with gloves, but Simone (the red-headed Emerald Spears lady) would need them to safely wield her cattle prod. She's the Thief of Breath because she "steals" people's breath away. By zapping them to death.

* Dr. Ramano being the Witch of Doom seemed appropriate (and contrasts Seraph's Knight of Hope).

* Eventually settled on Kalinka being the Seer of Hope.

* Why is Rock a Derse dreamer? Does it have to do with his VWS, or was the outfit simply closer to blue than the Prospit version? (No question as to why Sonic's a Prospit dreamer, though. I hope)

* StS!Sonic has some issues with being cuddled and pet--mostly to do with personal space.

* Been playing around with the concept of Rouge being a Dark Adept; hence, Derse.

* Here we have some comparisons of quill styles I saw amongst fan-made hedgehogs (and one official character; no room for Silver); Tide and Tara are African Pgymy hedgies, I think, whereas StS!Shadow is a hedgehog/tenrec hybrid (he calls himself the former, but those traits are all but invisible), and Katzu was explicitly stated to be an Egyptian Long-Eared hedgehog. Don't know what breed Eva is, but her quills are similar to Breezie's.

* Having never drawn Excalibur-Sonic before, doing that at an angle probably wasn't a good idea.

* Old StS!Super Amy was yellow; now she's white with a pink tint (eyes are still red). Super Rouge always had black fur, but now her hair sticks up/out more now, and her wings have become white.

* I guess Cass should look more like Erma if they're both ermines, but I didn't want to stray too far from how ~lupienne draws/drew her.

* Pakistan Commercial!Rouge, what happened to your center of gravity?

* I think it's an unstated rule that only Rock (RS in this case) can get Proto's scarf away from him and live.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #2607 on: November 17, 2012, 03:27:18 AM
Now that makes me wonder your scariest Amy. ._.

Also... 12 more. o:

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Offline Gaia

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Reply #2608 on: November 17, 2012, 06:43:10 AM
I never really did like the seedrians, as I figured Sonic X would have a proper closure once Sonic and co. were sent back to their homeworld, despite some screw-ups along the way (I DID like some moments in the anime, tbh) and how Chris was written, it could've been a relief.. until Cosmo came along and I'll have to put up with one more season of this, which I gave up on after it. Sonic X's opening theme at that point would've been Makenai Ai ga Kitto Aru at that point for obvious reasons. And how their race works makes no sense to me. If the females were to get attacked, males turn into metarex to protect them and then die. Yeah, great survival stradegy as once they find the females, the race is pretty much screwed. And apparently they turn into talking trees if they live long enough, which makes no sense. And eggman of all people ejects chris into space in the end.

TL;DR: The last season made no sense.

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2609 on: November 23, 2012, 05:16:26 AM
Cosmo didn't bother me, though that's not to say that I thought everything in season 3 made sense.


My first drawing of Silver.
"We're In This Together".
Original Freedom Fighters.
Death Squad cast.
A hedgehog and a chameleon.
Lumina again.
Blaze and Eggman Nega.
"Final Battle".

With that out of the way--

(Photoshop 3.4) Here's an old character of mine, who in this case was once a blatant Knuckles redeco. I don't remember much of Elite's back story; think he was a police officer or inspector of some sort.

In theory, Elite is a high-ranking officer in one of the several remaining tribal echidna cities--so high-ranking that he's frequently called to the council for decisions of great importance.

In practice, Elite is apathy in echidna form; he goes along with whatever authority is doing well at the moment simply because that's "how it is", and is probably only brought to the council specifically because of his malleable nature. If the council is in power, that's fine. If Enerjak overrides them, that's just as good.

When not on duty, Elite can usually be found wandering through the canyons and observing the plant life there; this pastime seems to be the only thing he really enjoys.

In order to make him distinct from Knuckles, I shortened his dreads, gave them upturned tips, and removed two rows; his fur became orange (a darker shade than Tikal's or...well, Shade's, I think), he got some dread-bands and boots, and his longcoat was changed up a bit. I don't remember what his original eye colour was, but it certainly wasn't yellow. (The gray fabric is meant to be attached to his gloves)

Everyone say hi to the Wonder Twins.

Fang/Nack's new clothes are my own design (he somehow went from "the Sniper" to "Indiana Weasel"); Nic's are from a sketch of J. Axer's that I think Ian is currently trying to bring into the comic. Reactions to it (and her fur suddenly becoming pink) are mixed; I like it, largely due to my affinity for J. Axer's work. Unfortunately, the rest of her was mostly "female Nack recolour".

So StS!Nic gets different stylized fur-hair and undoes her braid, and goes back to being purple (albeit a different shade than her brother). While they're both thieves, Nic leads a different life from Nack, hence the more extravagant attire.

(Photoshop 3.4; no Elements adjustments necessary. Whilst drawing this, I noticed that the anatomy was more humanoid than Mobian--hopefully not too far in the former direction, as Archie tended to go)

(Photoshop 3.4) Once StS!Maria is finally reunited with Shadow, she's able to support the NFF by becoming their medic. The only downside is that with adequate medical attention comes inadequate hospital food.

Sonic may not be able to eat chili dogs at the moment, but that orange stuff is equally likely to make him chunder everywhere.

(Photoshop 3.4) The participants of Sonic the Fighters have gathered with their respective Emeralds; Honey showed up late and gemless (because I dunno if the HD port will give her her own Emerald; if I hadn't run out of room, I might've given her the White/Gray Emerald).

The main four and Nack are in their StS attire; even with Knuckles Chaotix apparently no longer part of the game canon, I wonder if Espio's pre-Heroes attire is what he wears when not on ninja duty. (In other words, I didn't feel like giving him his gauntlet-things here.)

Would've coloured this in Photoshop 3.4, but the other night a floppy got stuck in the downstairs computer (eject button is broken), and it turns out leaving it in when you shut the computer off is a bad idea (my excuse being that there were no issues with booting it up when I had accidentally left a music CD in the DVD drive). Floppy's been removed since the completion of this pic in Elements 7.

So--the pic itself. It might be more accurate to say the beginning was right before Sonic was taken to Prison Island, but the two didn't actually fight until after that.

(Below there be StS)

From the point when he "pledged" his allegiance to Eggman up until his views on humanity changed, Shadow was kind of an [dark hold]. Sonic wouldn't have any idea how bad the "faker" was until right before their first battle, where Shadow showed a blatant disregard for the other hedgehog's personal space (among other things).

Shadow relented on the dickishness later, but the fact still remains that he's trying to start something with someone who's not big on intimacy, especially not Shadow's brand of it.

(Has nothing to do with the Wii game of the same name)

Of this batch of uploads, this pic was finished first; like many pics before it, it's dream-based.

One clear, sunny day, Sonic Rose awakens to find himself on the shore of an island he's never visited before. He doesn't remember how he got there; in fact, he doesn't remember anything about the previous day or the events directly leading to his current predicament. The bits of wood and rope scattered near him suggest a shipwreck, but there's not enough of either for that.

Sonic attempts to stand up, only to find out the hard way that one of his legs has somehow been injured. He's not going to solve this mystery by lying down, so he sets his leg in a crude splint and hobbles inland.

Sybil Amuren is not injured in any way. In fact, she's enjoying the benefits of her Super form--or most of the benefits. She's been like this for over a day at the very least, and can no longer fly; her speed has taken a drastic hit as well. Curiously, she's not suffering from any of the highly unpleasant side-effects of remaining in Super form for more than a day--something she wonders may have to do with the island.

Like the other 'hog she's about to meet, Sybil doesn't remember how or why she got on the island, or how she entered Super mode, or what she was doing walking through the undergrowth (her first memory of the place). Aside from the foliage, the first sight she's greeted with is of non-anthropomorphic animals (most notably an elephant) who appear to be sentient, though incapable of speech, and altruistic. They do their best to tell her that she isn't safe here.

Eventually, Sybil hears someone approaching her; to her relief, the younger blue 'hog doesn't mean her harm. Unfortunately for him, it's getting too painful to walk and he's going to need some help.

Thus, Sonic and Sybil begin their trek across the island, in hopes of finding a safe way back home, and what they're doing here in the first place. Like most things in life, it's not going to be easy--not just because of Sonic's injury and Sybil's nearsightedness (her glasses did not accompany her on the trip here, it seems), but because of the island's other inhabitants...the dinosaurs.

All carnivores, the dinos ignore the other non-anthro animals and only chase the Mobians. They're unnaturally persistent, and incredibly aggressive. It doesn't matter where Sonic and Sybil run to--the thick jungle, the beached cruise liner, the ghost town--the dinos will be there. And they'll be ready...

Originally, the dream just featured Sybil, and was some odd cross between Minecraft (lots of digging), Jurassic Park: Trespasser, and Doom (polygonal mid-90s feel). It was also implied that she was Sonic's Mobius-63 counterpart, but her personality simply didn't work with that.

The dinos also lacked feathers, one sign among many that something was definitely not right with the place.

Everything was done in SAI; the T-rex in the back gave me the most trouble, as I'm kinda terrible at drawing realistic dinosaurs. It's probably still all sorts of wrong, but by that point, I had spent enough time on the pic.

Did my best to make Sybil distinct from her partner in island-escaping; one of her five spines sticks out oddly even when she's not Super. Not pictured are her glasses or long skirt; the latter was going to be included, but ultimately got left behind as well.

Posted on: November 21, 2012, 01:17:17 AM

...Sonic in a dress just doesn't have the same appeal as Rock in a dress, personally. Which didn't stop me from sticking him in one anyway.

Rock's pinafore-thing was loosely based on the MM7 E-Tank, whereas Sonic just got a ring. One wonders if Sonic's speed will be affected whilst wearing that.

Oh, Sonic Rose, if only you knew.

...and that's probably the extent of the effort I'll expend on Sonichu. Normally I wouldn't have drawn anything related to it at all, but this idea simply wouldn't leave my head until I drew it.

Changed up Sonichu's design a bit (blue eyes, no red spots, brown eye-mask-liner-things), and studied some official art to try and get Sonic's profile on-model.

Semi-quick doodle at the TMMN oekaki (which had been down for a bit); felt like giving Rock and Sonic some 90s grunge clothes. Rock might've already had his, but Sonic most likely bought those shirts at a garage sale. And they once belonged to a human or two.

(Theory: Sonic never willingly wears pants; the friction they produce when he runs hurts his legs. Or maybe he's like me and he just can't find anything that fits.)

Offline Joseph Collins

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Reply #2610 on: November 23, 2012, 05:26:36 AM
Oh, Sonichu.  The wacky adventures you've had in your time.  XD

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #2611 on: November 23, 2012, 11:15:40 AM
Maybe he needs spats instead. 8D

And woah dresses. XD

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Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2612 on: November 26, 2012, 08:52:44 AM
Heh. XD

More old art:

Miffed Sally.
Happy Illumina.
Shadow, Sonic, n' Silver.
Sonic VS Blaze.
"Nega Sonic".
A series of Riders pics.

New art:

Watching videos of Sonic 06 inspired me to draw some Elise/Sonic...sorta. I still don't really ship it, though at the same time, I'm not as opposed to it as I once was. (I still could have done without "that moment" near the end) Helps that Sonic has human sentience and intelligence.

'tis my second attempt at SA-style colouring in SAI; this time, I think I actually pulled it off. (Lines are too thin to be a "real" SA emulation,

The StS version of Sonic '06 doesn't really have any time-travel shenanigans, and Elise didn't acquire the Blue Chaos Emerald until a few days before Eggman made a house call, at most. Since StS!Elise doesn't have Iblis sealed in her, I've been playing with the idea of her being a Water Adept, to contrast with Solaris's "BURN TO THE GROUND"; the blue Emerald's power helps get her up to speed, so to speak.

As for what StS!Elise thinks of Sonic--he's the first person in a long time who treated her like an actual person, and didn't resent her for the high position of authority she held; Elise is very grateful for that and is hesitant to leave his side for a while. Especially since Eggman is tailgating her for most of the story (perhaps to make her join the Eggman Empire and incorporate Soleanna's army into it?) and her Adept powers haven't fully developed.

Sonic sees her as a friend, but being Sonic, isn't really sure what to do when she gets cuddly--and he's worried about Elise's increasingly negative opinions of her own kingdom, and the fact that all this chasing seems to be bringing her neuroses closer to the surface.

...Right now, though, she's just got him under one arm.

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Reply #2613 on: November 26, 2012, 10:41:00 PM
By Sonic 06 videos, do you mean Game Grumps?

Offline Gaia

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Reply #2614 on: November 26, 2012, 10:44:04 PM
Or the Great Clement, who happened to spaz out every time he brings it up?

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2615 on: November 29, 2012, 07:40:08 AM
Nope, just regular Sonic '06 cutscenes.

Speaking of Sonic '06:

Saku Seeno, AKA Mephiles the Dark...or is it the other way around?

A blue-and-white tenrec appeared in Soleanna one day, claiming to hail from the desert (which desert, he never specified); he performed lectures to anyone who would listen, and eventually departed into the night. This was all the Soleannan populace would really know of Saku Seeno--save for the last remaining de Italia, Terion, and the final ruler of Soleanna, Princess Elise.

As they and (five out of seven of) the Neo Freedom Fighters would learn, Saku was a skilled manipulator, combining the truth with equally-believable half-truths and flat-out lies. Compounding this was Terion's (AKA Silver's) desperation to save the world from the disaster looming over it--one that Saku insisted could be averted by first killing the Iblis Trigger.

Said Iblis Trigger was, somehow, Sonic Rose.

In addition to being a compulsive liar, Saku Seeno had another form that was more alien than Mobian, along with another name: Mephiles the Dark. It's unknown whether or not Saku or Mephiles is the "real" tenrec; what IS clear is that he's a Dark Adept, a rare strain of Chaos Magic users, and switching to his alternate (or primary?) form boosts his power by a considerable amount. Which is good for him, as Saku/Mephiles is extremely physically weak (though not quite to the point of anemia) and, even with his powers, just barely survives his own machinations.

I'd been meaning to redesign Mephiles for a while, since it wouldn't make any sense for him to be a Shadow clone in StS, but I couldn't really think of anything distinct enough from Shadow; eventually, I cheated and used *Cylent-Nite's Alternate-Timeline Mephiles (hope it's okay, man), and finished Saku's design around that. He retained the dark green eyes he had as a Shadow recolour.

Kinda iffy on making him blue (especially with green eyes), but I figured that'd help make him more of a foil to Sonic; unlike Sonic, who's a compassionate Light Adept, Saku/Mephiles is a Dark Adept and borderline sociopath.

Posted on: November 28, 2012, 09:54:11 AM

Very quick (and sloppy) test of FireAlpaca; it's a decent program, though I dunno if it'll replace SAI any time soon. Unlike my copy of SAI, FireAlpaca can make transparent .PNGs.

'tis Len Rose circa 1993 or so, when the Eggman Empire (led by Ivan Robotnik at the time) finished taking over Mobotropolis. Her husband (or more accurately, father of her children) is dead, her brothers (Chuck and Jules) are roboticized, her daughter is stranded in Mercia, and her son may have suffered irreversible psychological damage.

She's not happy.

(And of course, it's only after I'm done with the pic do I realize there's still stuff beyond the lines I forgot to erase. Unfortunately, it's almost 1 in the morning as I type this. Rrgh.)

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Reply #2616 on: November 29, 2012, 12:26:36 PM
Not happy is an understatement.

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Reply #2617 on: December 01, 2012, 03:17:55 AM

(Note: colours in picture may be bolder than in real life.)

Guardian duty is hard work, as Knuckles and Tiara can attest to. They may not protect the same things, but the risks remain largely the same.

Right before shipping Knux n' Tiara (wait, wasn't Sonic supposed to be her main squeeze? Oh RADIX, you and your non-standard ships), I noticed that they were both guardians of shiny MacGuffins that happened to be the opposite of one another (Chaos Emeralds/Master Emerald and the Rings of Order, respectively); after some brainstorming, this pic resulted.

'twas sorta following this coloured pencil tutorial since I hadn't used mine in a while: Turns out coloured pencils work fairly well on these index cards that Mom got me. I inked the background elements with green and blue Microns so that the Mobians would stand out more; Angel Island was referenced from an in-game image.

Some things about the Rings of Order (mostly the StS versions, as X-treme was cancelled before the nature of the Rings could be elaborated on):

* It's not mandatory, but it's still highly recommended that there be two Guardians to the Rings at any given time (in this case, Tiara and her father Professor Gazebo Boobowski). There are six Rings, which is a nice even number unlike the Chaos Emeralds; therefore, there should be an even number of Guardians.

* Each Ring is housed in one of the six spherical Zones orbiting the Castle of Light, which sits on top of (and may be partially within) a gargantuan, geographically-impossible tower of rock. Mobius's longest staircase circles around it, and most people understandably don't bother trying to ascend it (even Sonic can't reach the top without feeling half-dead); Tiara and the Professor have a way of quickly leaving and returning to the Castle.

* The Rings are all identical in appearance and don't seem to have any associated elements; however, they may provide their own Super transformation. (It is unknown whether or not anyone but their Guardians can utilize it; the Rings don't seem to respond well to more "chaotic" individuals)

* Just as Sonic cannot sense Orderly energy, Tiara is "blind" to Chaotic energy. By extension, the Rings are incompatible with the Emeralds.

Other notes:

* The documentation for the first Sonic game(s) I ever played, the Sonic and Knuckles Collection for PC, stated that Knuckles was the guardian of the Chaos Emeralds, with no mention of the Master Emerald (I wouldn't know of its existence until I got Sonic Adventure, IIRC). That's part of the reason Knux is holding the Green/Earth Emerald; the other part of it is that the ME is too damn big (though apparently it can change size?).

* The Castle of Light did have an existing design (assuming that rock tower in X-treme's storyboards was indeed the Castle); I added the staircase, visible structures on top, and the orbiting Zones.

* Said Zones are based on concepts for X-treme and are spherical in reference to the fish-eye lens that Sonic's gameplay would have utilized in at least one version.

* Angel Island normally isn't that close to the Castle.

With this done, one of my next pics will probably be Tiara's Super form.

Posted on: November 30, 2012, 04:59:23 AM

My fine-tip markers don't work as well as on these index cards as coloured pencils, it seems.

So here's Super Tiara, as previously mentioned. As her transformation is triggered by the Rings of Order and not the Chaos Emeralds, I figured it should be far removed from the standard Super state.

Tiara's physical appearance doesn't change at all; instead, she gains a costume modeled after the Rings themselves (and what I mistakenly thought the characters on the cover of "The Perseus Breed" wore), adorned with four Amplifier Rings. Everyone who goes Super this way wears these robes, with the only variations being size and holes for ears/tails.

Because Tiara's powers are Ring-derived, she doesn't need Rings to maintain her Super form; however, sufficient damage would dispel it. There may be detrimental side-effects to remaining in this form longer than necessary (one of the few traits it shares with Chaos-fueled Super forms).

In addition to the standard flight/energy blasts/enhanced speed and strength, Tiara can freely create Rings, both normal and Amplifier (but not Inhibitor Rings, as those are tempered with Chaos energy; she knows the process of making them, however); she can even chain them together, something that is normally not possible for anyone to do.

Did my best not to make her outfit too cluttered or imbalanced.

Must work faster...

On ~Gauntlet101010's advice, I made the dialogue balloons in Photoshop instead of directly in SAI (font is Unmasked BB by Blambot), and while I was initially hesitant to do that, this turned out to be less annoying than trying to draw/write said balloons by hand. So I think I'll stick with this method from here on out.

Also, the damaged fighter shouldn't be spewing forth this much smoke...either F-fuzzy got a critical hit, or RADIX didn't want to draw all those drones in the background.

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Reply #2618 on: December 01, 2012, 12:52:16 PM
That's a cute outfit Super Tiara has. :3

And more bots join the fray! More robo-guts! 8D

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Reply #2619 on: December 01, 2012, 02:01:39 PM
No one being should have total control over all Power Rings.  Those things are too powerful.  D8

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Reply #2620 on: December 02, 2012, 12:36:26 PM
That's a cute outfit Super Tiara has. :3

Thanks. :)

No one being should have total control over all Power Rings.  Those things are too powerful.  D8

Especially if we're talking about the Sonic X variety...

Science can do anything these days!

Or hyper-powered, in Knuckles's case; one benefit of being the Guardian of the Master Emerald is that, after invoking the power of the Super Emeralds once, Knux can skip straight from Super to Hyper with just the Chaos Emeralds. (Super Emerald usage is still recommended, though)

...considering that both Super and Hyper Knuckles are pink (IIRC), maybe he would've skipped Super anyway?

At any rate, Hyper Knuckles and Super Tiara compliment each other fairly well (power-wise, anyway).

It worked until Sonic realized he could just shove Saku/Mephiles the hell over.

...but seriously, "invasion of personal space" is pretty high up on Sonic's "do not want" list; Mephiles, being who he is, easily found that out--but given his bodily constitution of tissue paper, he could really only do it once.

Nobody at Warhammer High* suspected that those two quiet punk/grunge kids would try to commandeer a weapon of mass destruction four years later.

Shadow and Rouge's "Classic" selves, as it were; I had a stable '99 design (in StS Time) for five out of eight Neo Freedom Fighters, and until this pic, Shadow wasn't one of them. Eventually settled on a hoodie and track pants, plus normal shoes (all black); he wouldn't acquire his jet skates or Inhibitor Rings until later. Back then, he tried to cover himself up as much as possible; GUN wasn't actively looking for him as Shadow was believed to have not survived the ARK raid, but he still didn't want to risk someone from the old management recognizing him.

Rouge wasn't wearing makeup yet (at least not on a frequent basis), and her wardrobe rarely strayed from the "shirt + jacket + jeans" combo. Her shoes are based on one of the equippable pairs from Sonic Chronicles (what Rouge currently has in-game, actually).

Shadow and Rouge would be 14 and 13 here, respectively. 13 might be too young for high school, but it's possible that Rouge's bastard parents got her off to an early start (which isn't good for your kid's development, from what I hear).

* "Warhammer High" was the school that the NFF (sans Chris?) attended in early Old StS documents, and the school might've retained that name for the rest of Old StS. It might be more accurate to call it "Station High", but..."Warhammer" just FEELS like the walls, floors, and desks are partially composed of cigarette burns. If that makes any sense.

As interesting as it'd be to play a game like that, the little guy turned out to be Classic Sonic.

I didn't see those theories with my own eyes, but apparently that was briefly going around when the first screenshots of Sonic Generations were released.

Don't look at Tails like that, Sonic. You got the joke just like she did.

(StS little!Sonic always had visibly-green eyes, plus a red scarf that he started wearing after Amy persuaded him to become a hero. I wanted to leave him the same shade of blue as his older self, but ultimately decided against it.)

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Reply #2621 on: December 02, 2012, 12:50:58 PM
What has science done!?

It gave us Sonic's son. 8D

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Reply #2622 on: December 05, 2012, 11:14:45 AM
Heh. XD

Yet, not a single pair of pants between them.

It's technically not ALL of them, but definitely the ones from the most prominent/developed continuities. I figured that, if I'm gonna give StS/Game-Sonic actual clothes, why not come up with stuff for the others?

* StS, like NINE, is primarily game-based, containing many elements from other continuities (mostly SatAM and Archie). Sonic Rose has had his red longcoat for a while now.

* I wanted AoStH!Sonic's outfit to be early-90s fashion vomit, but it was not to be.

* SatAM and Archie were combined into one entry because of their common origins, and also because I was lazy. Sonic's clothes are bit more worn-out than the others'; perhaps that sweater had been in the family for a while. (Kinda resembles Archie!Chuck's current outfit)

* For Prince Sonic, I went with something in-between Sonia and Manic (not as formal, but also not as punk-rocker-ish).

* OVA!Sonic did already have clothes, but I take it he doesn't wear them into dangerous situations if he can help it.

* From what I've heard, StC!Sonic is/was the biggest dickhog of the group; he got what was meant to be some British punk getup.

* And finally, for X!Sonic, I turned to Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal (and track suits).

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Reply #2623 on: December 05, 2012, 01:28:16 PM
Hmm... Given all those Sonics...

How about all those Robotniks/Eggmans? 8D

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Reply #2624 on: December 06, 2012, 04:16:13 AM
All the Robotniks/Eggmans already have clothes... XD;

There's an actual story in the artist's comments for this one, so text link.


#47 now. Blurgh.

* Not Samus there comes from a dream I had last month; this museum was showing videos of classic games, and somehow Megaman and Metroid got amalgamated (I think the joke was that the museum didn't know much about video games of old).

* Pretty sure I first drew StS!Nic here; if I ever drew her before now, it was ages ago.

* Same goes for Rob 'o the Hedge. (Funtastic fact: I used to think he was light blue, not cyan)

* Zonic's uniform seems to have been rather inconsistent in the pre-Flynn days (for example, he either had gloves or those gauntlets).

* In StS, Rouge met Shadow--then a wanderer--and helped him re-integrate back into society without GUN noticing.

* Alex R. (then Alex Rowe, which I'm pretty sure I ganked from Last Exile) was a scientist in league with the NFF...I think. She might've also been a retired soldier; Old StS had woefully-poor organizing.

* Elite's final design saw his dreadlocks being shortened.

* I based Princess Acorn's redesign off of Sally, since Acorn is either Sally's prototype deign or expy. Flicky became more Mobian and lost the visible neck.

* Man, Lien-Da, that old outfit of yours is...very hard to miss. (In more ways than one?)

* Finalizing non-Super Sybil's spines was not an easy task.

* At the time of this writing, Prominencewoman, Fairywoman, and Feralwoman don't have "canon" colour schemes yet.

* Knux was more of a treasure hunter in the 90s (StS Time), and didn't take his Guardian duties as seriously as he would later. May have resented his tribe a bit for the whole "telling the little kid his mom got skewered and then stranding him on a floating island" thing, hence the lack of bands.

* I don't think Zonic would like New Age very much.

* How long did Rotor have that outfit in-comic? Not very, I hope; it's incredibly late-90s and I like me some late-90s stuff, but it just doesn't work for Rotor.

* Dorian's a hedgehog; I thought she had a fairly unique design for a fan-hog and wanted to draw her.

* I rediscovered my old character Beretta from an old fic of mine (had no name initially; failed remake was "Stone Cold"); she was the sister of Remington, and had another brother named Derringer (I got the names from a VG mag's Resident Evil guide, where I learned that "Remington" was the name of a shotgun). Apparently Knux liked her, and I think she had either yellow or pink fur. At any rate, new!Beretta's connections to Remington will most likely be dropped.

(She lacks visible boobs because echidnas are monotremes, and according to biology, Beretta should be flat-chested. Even though Tikal, Shade, and every female Archie-chidna have boobs...Urg. Biology or consistency?)

* Speaking of "Stone Cold", the pink echidna is Koren-Ko, who didn't appear in person but wrote a letter to Lien-Da that was intercepted by Eggman (IIRC) because Kragok was carrying it when he got blown up. (Kragok was somehow alive in "Stone Cold") After making sure she wasn't a canon character, I gave her pierced dreads and a partially-roboticized/cybernetic torso and arm. She's also chubby, but I dunno how well that comes across here.

* Redesigned Team Radical again; tried to make Spunky/whatever his real name is look a bit more like a porcupine, and gave Ted a scarf.

* I thought it'd be funny if Sigma had a permanent emo fringe due to that one weird spine. (He was a tenrec, Karen a hedgehog; they were also a punk and a goth, respectively)

* Seems RS-Rock finally got his hair combed down just in time for the zombie apocalypse. (Can't help but feel that that's how his hair would look if they continued RS-MM in the 2010s)

* That (horrible) outfit I gave Antoine was actually designed in the mid-00s, but Bunnie is still not impressed.