The Gonzo has art.

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Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2500 on: August 16, 2012, 08:48:01 AM

Copy-pasted from TMMN:

"Admittedly, despite the two universes being fairly disparate, I always saw Magical Doropie as a distant part of the Megaman (game) continuity.

I would say "Here's the Bad Box Art versions of Megaman and Doropie/Francesca", but the art for The Krion Conquest (the game's US name) isn't that bad at all. Francesca's hat is rather goofy, though."

Quick doodle of the new guy from "Rockman Xover". I want to be excited for this game, but I...just...can't. New Guy's design isn't that bad, though.

(Note: Xover is a "social RPG" for iOS systems that looks exactly like X1-iOS, which was near-total garbage)

All current evidence points towards New Guy (no official name as of this writing), a joint effort between Drs. Light and Cossack, having no personality of his own; since there's multiple copies of him everywhere, he barely counts as a true character (at least by MM standards). Therefore, I shall not hesitate to give him a personality (copy-pasted from TMMN):

"He seems very show-offy and flamboyant, and to an extent he is, but there's more to him than that and he wishes that he could prove it to others. He hasn't yet learned not to throttle those that disagree with him on certain matters, though."

As for his name, I shall refer to him as "Luka" (a Russian male name) until (or after?) an official one is given.

edit: Hey, new page.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #2501 on: August 18, 2012, 03:32:32 AM
Hi new page.

Also, how did I miss Rockman Xover. >.>;

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Reply #2502 on: August 19, 2012, 01:42:02 PM
I swear, for a split second I was excited for that game...

This took over four hours to complete (Photoshop 3.4, with some minor edits and text added in Elements 7). For a spur-of-the-moment idea, that's way too long. x.x

Took a slightly different approach to this one; I picked the colours out before transferring it to the XP and its brighter-than-my-main-comp monitor, so that everything wouldn't turn out overly-dark. I'd like to think that it worked.

The idea itself was "Bass surrounded by his fan-made sisters (and Cantata W. Waltz)", since he has quite a few of those. Counterclockwise from roughly 7 o' clock: Slider, Techno, Ska, Rhythm, Fermata, and Piano.

* Slider is no longer a Megaman character, but the difference between her and Modern Slider is so noticeable that I can't help but think of the two as dimensional counterparts of sorts.

Apparently, at some point Slider and Bass had a falling-out (she became friends with Megaman), but reconciled before 21XX rolled around. At least, she was horrified by Bass's death at Zero's hands (Bob and George, Cataclysm, etc.).

* Techno is described as an "anti-helper". She's often wearing a Bass-like helmet, and I've seen several different interpretations of her hair. This one's based on ~ThEmbrsmntNinjaKitty's version.

* If Ska's energy is not periodically drained, her core will explode--Bassnium doesn't seem to be compatible with her systems. Although she was made to support Bass like Roll does Megaman, she prefers to constantly belittle him instead.

* Rhythm seems to be the least antagonistic of everyone here, but I imagine that angering her badly enough is a mistake you only make once. (Also, is it just me, or is that hammer off-center?)

* Fermata is mostly harmless until she's provoked; she'll fly into an unstoppable, incredibly destructive rage, then forget what she just did and pretend everything's fine. One must wonder if she really is forgetting.

* Piano kidnapped Megaman, then briefly impersonated Roll. Appropriately, she's a copy of the latter, meant to serve a similar purpose (little sister for an older male 'bot)--with the bonus of being able to impale you on icicles whenever she wished. (Well, sorta. Her powers are augmented by cold weather, IIRC)

* Cantata W. Waltz (combination of fanon and official names) isn't quite "Bass's sister", but she's the closest we have to an official Wily-made female RM (Fort Guardian?).

(If I bungled any info, please feel free to correct me)

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Reply #2503 on: August 19, 2012, 02:44:24 PM
I like this, I like this a lot.

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Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2504 on: August 20, 2012, 04:47:16 AM
Well, Rhythm's not really evil, I think. Everyone else, though? RUN FOR YOUR LIFE

Perhaps as a consequence of my larger markers, the individual doodles seem to have gotten larger.

* Here's Tempo and my initial guess on her wardrobe (and Roll).

* I dunno why Proto is holding Star Swirl, other than that I was thinking of Star Swirl at the time.

* The cover art for Virtual Lab was...well, if I can draw better hands than that, something is wrong.

* Fairly certain that Topman's "id monster" (calls himself "Kino"?) is very good at trolling.

* Thinking about it, Slider and Techno were probably of similar height.

* Dat fur collar, man.

* It's a shame RMO might not see the light of day, 'cuz the redesigns and new armours were interesting.

* Not being a regular reader of Bob and George, I dunno if I got their Mom's colour scheme right. As for why she has a hand on Rock's shoulder--the expression I would've given George was very un-George-like, but I didn't want to erase it.

* I kept telling myself that I'd draw something Skullgirls-related.

* Proto, what have you been told about groping your little brother?

* I dunno why, but there was this rumour floating around about Toonmaker-Sailor Moon that one of the other Sailors (Jupiter, IIRC) would turn out to be the Moon Princess (one of the fellows who worked on Toonmaker SM said that it would've been Sailor Moon). I can't tell if it was supposed to be a plot device (a lie, to keep the baddies away from Sailor Moon) or an attempt at discrediting the would-be cartoon.

* Not sure how recognizable Slider is with that helmet on.

* Marina and Michelle both come from the eye-searing trainwreck known as Angel Warrior Comics. (Slider was in it, and I dunno if the author asked ~SLiDER-chan first) It's actually fairly difficult to tell what their exact designs were meant to be.

* Megami there was, like Slider, eventually taken out of the MM universe.

* Not only is the Cataclysm "Theory" almost completely baseless, it feels like something a thirteen-year-old would write. AFAIK it's 99% Zero effortlessly offing all of the major MM characters, 1% Zero being defeated at the last minute.

* Anyone got ~kevinxnelms's Megagirl series saved? Atomic Fire merged with that other site before I learned to save people's entire galleries.

* Techno/Ran was a pairing I saw a good bit of art for, though I'm not sure if it was "canonically" exclusive to The Primer Chronicles.

* That isn't the only goof to be found among MM7's sprites.

* (Roll what happened to your face) I did like the idea of Bass/Roll once upon a time (2006), but nowadays--unless I'm mistaken, the only basis for it comes from one of Izuki's mangas, and Bass was only "returning" Roll's affections because it pissed off Megaman. I need a bit more for a pairing than that.

* Too many sprite comics, I guess.

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Reply #2505 on: August 20, 2012, 07:33:59 AM
If only I have seen more of those Megagirls...

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Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2506 on: August 20, 2012, 10:51:33 AM
If only I didn't assume that sites would remain where they were for all eternity. ;_;

Is it a bad sign when you can't really draw chibis/super-squats?

Tried to make him a bit more visibly pudgy, but as usual, it just looks like he's wearing a hoodie that's slightly too big on him.

Funtastic fact: Ran and Katyusha are the only Kalinka-bots I know of.

College-age Kalinka gets some very nice clothes (based off what she was wearing in NAdM #7).

Rock sleeps underneath a LOT of blankets, apparently. He also oversleeps nearly every day of the year, which stinks if you're impatient like Proto.

So apparently, the Megas ship Magnetman/Roll. It's a weird pairing to me, but it's nothing I can't have so fun with. (alas, how do I abstract magnets)

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Reply #2507 on: August 20, 2012, 11:21:52 AM
If only I didn't assume that sites would remain where they were for all eternity. ;_;
Been there. ;~;

Either way... *glomps chibi Rock*

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Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2508 on: August 24, 2012, 03:30:05 PM
Chibi Rock: *fidget*

[Centaurwoman likes you?] That information may be false.

It's weird to think that an official female RM existed long before Splashy or even Virgo (if you assume that Roll doesn't count)--alas, Centaurwoman only existed in the Ikehara continuity.


Oh Bass, you're such an [dark hold]. (You too, Techno.)

Rock and Roll VS the Wonder Twins; who will emerge victorious?

(Answer: Dr. Light and his rolled-up newspaper.)

(I started this when I was incredibly tired, and resumed after I'd slept most of the day)

I think I'm getting attached to these two (and old-school Slider, but I dunno how ~SLiDER-chan feels about people drawing her these days), to be honest. Of course, not being a regular reader of Bob and George and its sub-comics, I dunno exactly where this pairing originated (The Primer Chronicles, maybe?).

Posted on: August 21, 2012, 10:41:02 PM

*looks at the date p. 14 was uploaded on* Yeah, I think it's safe to say that there's no real update schedule. (I sorta lost motivation to work on this for a while)

Did Auto break the laws of physics in that third panel?

I'd drawn this when I needed sleep, and intended to colour it later, but that got put off.

Mostly Archie-based (Rock's not wearing his stomping boots, and Protoman hasn't yet been shown in anything but his armour). I have to wonder when these four will be interacting with each other in-comic.

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Reply #2509 on: August 24, 2012, 08:57:43 PM
dat pompadour

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Reply #2510 on: August 25, 2012, 07:26:41 AM
I still say Centaur Woman is the best Centaur. 8D

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Reply #2511 on: August 26, 2012, 03:51:41 AM
Now if only Knightman turned out to be a lady, too...

Commission by ~Benji-Blacksky of one of his characters.

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Reply #2512 on: August 26, 2012, 04:57:49 AM
Very cool comission, glowy orbs... o:

Now if only Knightman turned out to be a lady, too...

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Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2513 on: August 29, 2012, 04:32:55 AM
Very cool comission, glowy orbs... o:

Thanks. :)

We were at my grandparents' house the other day; like on some previous visits, I drew some things.

* One wonders if Wily would ever go back to world domination if that new casino of his never stopped printing money. (Granma enjoys gambling, and Mom was installing a gambling simulator for her)

* Sleeping Rock's face took a few tries to get right...

* The robo-goat wasn't inspired by anything in particular, but there's a painting of a peacock in my grandparents' room--hence the robo-peacock below the goat. (Does Bass get a lot of fan-made helpers?)

* Below the goat and peacock is a rushed Megaman (it was time to leave and I couldn't bring the pencil with me).

* Slider (forgot to add "(C) ~SLiDER-chan") tried to cook something, but it fused itself to the pan.

* I briefly entertained the idea of Protoman and Quakewoman getting along (IIRC before the MM2 arc was finished).

* Finally, there's the only RS-MM-related sketch (contains some MLP:FiM). Proto's making that face not because Rock's attention isn't on him, but because he knows that if Rock became a father, he'd blame himself for every little thing that went wrong. (Plus, he and Fluttershy might not be able to keep the kid)

Posted on: August 28, 2012, 01:48:47 AM

Next one'll be #40.

* I really like how RS-Roll there turned out, since I was tired when I drew her and yet it didn't look like total crap after I'd gotten some sleep. (That Celtic knot on her shirt, on the other hand...)

* 'twas going to give those two less recolour-y armours, but that didn't pan out.

* Speaking of which, Amp actually got some new armour (but still no helmet. I also just realized that, appearance-wise he's some unholy cross between Bass and Zero)

* I could've sworn I'd drawn Bass Cross Megaman before. (If I did, the first design was likely total crap)

* And now we begin the Hyper Mode count, since I drew a few of them on this page. First is The Primer Chronicles's "knight of Cerberus" (trope, not a literal title), Allegro. He's something of a dickwad. (Hyper count: 1)

* Right next to him is MM7-Treble Boost Bass, or at least the concept version. Frustratingly, it's the only Treble Boost art we seem to have. (Hyper count: 2, if Treble Boost counts. I've noticed that a lot of fan-made Hyper forms are based off of it)

* Super Megaman (as the MMOCW calls him) is harder to draw than previously thought. (I'm not sure if this counts as a "hyper" mode, since there's the Hyper Megaman seen in MvC)

* BnG-Roll's jumpsuit isn't quite the right shade...

* Since Slider's only helper is Sharp, another fan-made 'bot (Reggae apparently takes Beat's place in Rockman and Forte 2 if you're playing as Bass, but inclusion in MMOCW aside, I still suspect that that game is of dubious canon-to-the-mainlines-icity), she has to borrow Treble for this transformation. (Hyper count: 3)

* And there's Hyper Roll, looking down at Techno in confusion. (Hyper count: 4)

* I was told that the name "Luka" is rather outdated. Goes with his sense of fashion, I guess.

* It's not often that I draw characters in swimwear. (Roll does have a proper swimsuit, but it was too generic for me)

* Man, DOES CW-Topman have purple eyes, or are my own eyes playing tricks on me?

* I don't think Dante could do that in her first(?) fight with Bass. (Hyper count: 5)

* There's lots of Rhythms out there, and this version isn't the only one with that same shade of blue hair.

* I never saw Jazz with a helper, so I'm not sure how she got her Hyper mode. (Hyper count: 6)

* Yeah, methinks Sailor Moon's upgrade should be a bit more impressive than that...

* That sphere on the end of Sailor Mega's staff is supposed to be a compressed arm-cannon-thing.

* May, what happened to your anatomy? D: (I was tired, and it shows)

* I know nothing about Kosa, to be honest; I just found her(?) sprite sheet whilst going through The People's Sprites gallery (via The Wayback Machine; the site's still hacked)

* The spiky trash can doesn't seem to have a name beyond "purple thing", so I refer to him as Drum. He's an "anti-power-up-dispensing robot", which I guess means he's completely useless unless someone gets stuck on his spikes.

* Apparently I'd been colouring Rhythm's eyes the wrong colour for a while...

* Gave the other Jazz on this page a colour change, and tried to make her look more like a fennec fox.

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Reply #2514 on: August 29, 2012, 05:18:18 AM
I'm not one to post in these threads because I can't draw, and I feel as though I would have very little to add. But you are really talented Gonzo. Keep going at it. You already beat that threshold to talent status, and you've got nowhere to go but up.

FEELS  ;^;Which has the massive scrotums?

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Reply #2515 on: August 31, 2012, 05:28:53 PM
Thanks. :)

A while ago, I found this site called Rocktoons; most of the art is from the late '90s to early '00s, and many of the artists (musical, not the other artists who submitted the artwork) are depicted with blank white eyes.

Radix's eyes might've been more inspired by what was in Liz's gallery at the time (2003-ish), but it wouldn't surprise me if Middle School Me went to Rocktoons and I just forgot.

Pic itself was drawn earlier in the month (or maybe last month; it's been sitting on my scanner). Coloured in Photoshop 3.4, with some adjustments (mostly text) in Elements 7.

I dunno what Classic Zaia and Roll's relationship is, but I get the feeling that it's as dead-ended as their RS counterparts'. (Oh sure, Zaia seems calm now, but wait 'til Megaman comes in to try and shoo him away)

Tried soft-shading in Photoshop 3.4 (used Elements 7 to chop off part of the border, since it was too dark on my main monitor and made the signature illegible), and gave Roll her greenish-aqua dress so that she'd contrast better with Zaia.

This was several hours worth of work (Photoshop 3.4), not counting the days in-between my drawing Rock's group and adding the others.

"Helper" includes both official and fan-made Support Units, plus an unused one.

Rock's group contains Rush, Eddie, Tango, Mariachi, Kokker (unused bird from MM3), Clarino the bat, Jig the squirrel, and Badinerie the goat (all three fan-made).

* Clarino and Jig would probably look for power-ups and upgrades in places too small for Megaman to enter; Badinerie might charge into enemies. (Speaking of the lattermost--IIRC, his name means "light-hearted")

Beat is with Protoman and Duo; he assists both of them in The Power Fighters.

* Tango is often depicted in fan works as being Protoman's helper when s/he isn't Roll's (thanks to Ariga), and while I like the idea, I ran out of space for Beat/didn't want to put him by Kokker, and so went the game route. Came with the bonus of acknowledging his status as Duo's one-off(?) helper. (As for the "s/he" bit--officially, Tango is male, but in my fanonuity, the cat is female)

Neither Slider nor her cat Sharp are official, but I felt like including them anyway. (It's not in view, but Sharp's tail is twice as long as her[?] body, and has a stabby tip)

Bass got stuck in a support unit sandwich.

* The peacock's name is Kapelle (a musical establishment, usually of a king or other royalty, according to; his tail feathers are for both showing off and deflecting projectiles. Reggae is quite smug over the fact that he can fly and Kapelle can't.

* AFAIK, Drum AKA Wily-Eddie was never actually named, but that's not why he barely qualifies as a Support Unit.

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Reply #2516 on: August 31, 2012, 10:57:51 PM
lol poor Bass. XD

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Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #2517 on: September 01, 2012, 07:22:24 PM
I'd like to see more Drum. XD

... Also, is Tango trying to eat Jig, and Eddie trying to stomp Clarino? D:

... Works in Wily's favour. 8D

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Reply #2518 on: September 01, 2012, 07:47:29 PM
Eddie's not trying to squash Clarino, but the bat might want to move out of the way regardless. XD;

It's been a while since I used coloured pencils; 'twas semi-following this tutorial:

I don't know much about the RP Alt comes from(?), other than that Megaman and Roll are captured at some point; Dr. Light builds Alt and sends her off to rescue them. Alt was based off of Megaman and Roll's schematics, making them her parents in a sense.

It was also RS-MM-influenced--or maybe it was actually set in the RS-verse, but all the art I saw for the RP suggested "Classic". Game-Rock's a bit stronger than human ten-year-olds, so supporting Alt's weight shouldn't be a problem.

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Reply #2519 on: September 02, 2012, 06:58:44 AM

This makes me happy.
I'm going to use one of these servebot emoticons to depict just how happy I am.

...Hold on can't decide which one.


Good enough.

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Reply #2520 on: September 06, 2012, 12:37:05 AM

I completely forgot that I drew this.

'twas another attempt at emulating MvC2's style (at least colouring-wise). It's not as easy to do in SAI as it seemed.

Trying something new-ish in MS Paint.

Having ridden on a motorcycle with his Earth's Proto before, RS-Rock was naturally nervous about hopping on one with PM-Rock--especially since he doesn't have his armour at the moment. Good thing PM-Rock is a better motorcyclist (right?).

More scribbling in MS-Paint.

These four, I believe, are the highest tier 'bots in Classic MM; aside from Duo, they have quite a bit in common--similar colour schemes, leaders of a group of powerful 'bots, undergoing of a Heel Face Turn of sorts (Sungod apparently realizes he was a douchenozzle, King leaves Wily, Apollo turned out not really be evil--IIRC). Duo is the only good guy in the group (Abaddon/Evil Energy 'Bot might've fit better, but he wasn't much of a character), and even he fought Megaman at some point.

* Apollo comes from Rockman Strategy, and I think this is the first time I've drawn him (if not ever, then in a while). Also--is my memory failing me, or is he the only combat 'bot in Classic MM to not wear a jumpsuit?

Posted on: September 03, 2012, 06:18:28 PM

We're up to #40 now.

* I've seen quite a bit of fanart suggesting that Tango is Roll's helper.

* Man, Kapelle is smug.

* Lesson learned with Ran.EXE: Make sure a character's colour scheme doesn't already exist before you give them your own.

* Aiko is not imprisoned on the Hive; therefore, she's not in Blackburn (mostly because I learned of her existence long after planning).

* I imagine RS-Rock took one look at RS-Badinerie and loudly declared his intent to take the robo-goat home.

* Can't tell if Prototype Irwin!Sailor Moon had odangos or not. (Funtastic fact: all of the Sailors in that first wave had identical boots, because the "short skirt + high heels" combo might lead to complaints of "ew prostitutes". Depressing, but at least it gave us some different designs)

* *AndrewDickman's Snowwoman has another design; the one I drew is her "game/Classic" one.

* The most recent update as of this writing (spoiler alert?) inspired me to draw Troll-Rock's and Roll's pre-Scratch ancestors.

* It also led to Dr. Kalinka Cossack, young Mikhail, and Lightman (whose armour is reminiscent of Solarman's...whoops).

* Actual snake heads probably don't look like Cleft's. Soprano, meanwhile, got some tweaked colours and those shoulder-wheel things.

* I redesigned Marina (who came across to me as an expy of Slider) a while ago; Michelle is mostly the same.

* PM-Rock likely isn't used to non-destructive physical contact.

* Classic Dolce was apparently dropped early on in her existence, so I dunno what she was like. (Similar to Dolce.EXE?)

* I admittedly skimmed through "Taco: The Comic", but I did like the non-recolour character designs. Lilac/[sonic slicer]-Bot started off as two recolours before acquiring that armour; Chick-Bot, as one (though her upgrade got recoloured when she turned evil; the comic ended before that could be resolved).

* Rock, it doesn't matter what the Geminimen offer you. Do not follow them.

* Also from "Taco: The Comic" are Sugar-Bot (an antagonist) and Ivy, Chick-Bot's robo-fox friend.

* I miscoloured Chick-Bot's armour; it's supposed to be yellow. >.>

* What do you do when you want to draw ~Design-Escape's RS-Akane in two different outfits, but only want to draw Akane herself once? Stick RS-Rock in the other outfit. (Poor guy isn't used to wearing purple--or pink)

* Both Jova and Pop are romantically involved with Rock.

* My version of PM-Proto shows his face, though not in his usual longcoat. Not yet sure about that hairstyle. (What's worse, getting curbstomped and presumed dead, then killed at your brother's hands--or being trapped in an endless cycle of resurrection at the hands of someone you most likely hate?)

* Lots of different Aprils, starting with the original, whose 80s perm I tried to translate into something less blatantly dated.

* Wonder if bad guy!Venus de Milo'd work as a former human, rather than a former non-anthro turtle.

* Lady Lightning's hair might actually be black.

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Reply #2521 on: September 08, 2012, 06:22:19 AM
Yea for Sunstar~

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Reply #2522 on: September 09, 2012, 03:47:29 AM

So much for a dynamic entry.

(Also, those are indeed Sir F-fuzzy Logik and Arms from AoStH; for the most part, only the Junkbots resemble normal RMs)

Posted on: September 08, 2012, 03:19:18 PM

Well, this concept's Venus isn't exactly a hero, but she was a good guy in Next Mutation, so...

Semi-quick thing in Photoshop 3.4 (still can't draw chibis, so I settled for floating heads). Those Nick-TMNT figures re-sparked by interest in this weird RS-MM/TMNT/Kampfer crossover.

Mostly Photoshop 3.4, with some adjustments in Elements 7.

'tis several different versions of Proto (not all of them, of course); game-Proto got sandwiched in-between his EXE and RS counterparts, who are being semi-manhandled by BBA-Proto (or just BA-Proto). Oh, and there's Harp Note; nothing will convince me that she isn't at least partially a Protoman analogue.

(I was considering throwing in PM-Proto somewhere, but ultimately didn't, for composition purposes; adding Harp Note was pushing it. Besides, RS-Proto's his closest canon equivalent, in the sense that both work for Wily)

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Reply #2523 on: September 09, 2012, 06:05:13 AM
It's amazing how Auto managed to jinx the landing, but keep the ship intact despite that landing. 8D

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Reply #2524 on: September 11, 2012, 10:52:05 PM
Well, Marche did say it was heavily armoured...

Occasionally, RADIX forgets to submit things.

Drawn 6/8/12; description copy-pasted from the TMMN oekaki:

"Sorry for the sub-par quality; kinda tired right now. Also, guess who started playing their neglected copy of MMZ Collection recently.

If you're going to base two Repliroids off of X's schematics, don't neglect to tell him first, and definitely don't just randomly dump the two on him (my fanon RS-X doesn't enjoy dealing with kids or teens). He will not like it. At all.

(Harpuia is female here; that's a throwback to the early days of MMZ when more people seemed to think he was female, NOT a jab at RS-Proto being a villain a la "lol they never finished MM5--Darkman? Who's that?")"

Incidentally, I heard that prior to ZERO 2's release, Capcom of America went along with the idea of Harpuia being female . Wouldn't surprise me (IIRC, at no point in ZERO 1 is any reference made to Harpuia's gender), but I'll really believe it if someone can dredge up hard evidence of this.

Also, RS-X is kinda pale.

This oekaki drawing's much more recent.

Largely inspired by Homestuck (specifically the B2 world); here's Lightman and robo-Noele, based on their younger selves (from Gigamix vol. 2 and Archie-MM #17, specifically).