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Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2350 on: July 09, 2011, 07:09:00 PM

Commissioned by *rakumel; her character Thalea/Taffy, accompanied by Wakko Warner and Shirley the Loon. Hope you like it. :)

Posted on: July 05, 2011, 01:49:08 AM


I had taken something similar to this earlier, in a different location, but my HD died before I could do anything with that. So I gave Sora the Soul Eater again, took him downstairs after getting kicked out of my parents' room (location of the original shot), and went into Dad's downstairs office.

The way the shadows fell on Sora's face was perfect, but my camera flash kept messing that up. Turns out all you have to do is press a single, very obvious button. DUURRRRR.

Anyway--Sora has the Soul Eater. An AU wherein Riku was the one to receive the Kingdom Key?


Oh, and some FA links. (All of which are worksafe)

Anthro fruit flies.
Oh hey there, Protocat.
TMNT doujin-related.
It's a fox! :o
Speaking of which...

Posted on: July 07, 2011, 08:42:36 PM

I forgot to submit this. :/

One night I decided to draw the Light siblings in clothes they normally wouldn't wear for whatever reason. Rock and Roll got stuck with Goth-y stuff, while Proto's wearing bright colours (fanon has decided that he wouldn't like that, anyway).

Maybe Rock's just annoyed because his shirt exposes his shoulders and stinks of mothballs. :/

I'd been batting around ideas for "MMRS 2.0"--essentially, a semi-combination of RS and game continuities, while still being distinctly its own thing (read: still pisses off the purists). A lot of the work's on a sketchpad page that I need to finish/scan.

These pics were drawn when I wasn't feeling so great, mentally (read: my HD had crapped out and Mom was still trying to get it read). Rock's supposed to have thinner gauntlets (like Roll's), for example.

In this continuity, Rock and Roll are a bit younger (maybe Rock's about 18-19), and while they fight together like in MMRS, Roll has armour like her brother's. Hell, she has the same bangs as him. Rock, despite going out more and having more human contact, is incredibly socially awkward (whereas I see RS-Rock as simply keeping to himself when out of armour), though his friends are trying to help him out of this. They are, of course, older than him and treat him like the group uke most of the time.

Hopefully, if I ever get this developed, I'll be able to do something with it.

Early-morning farting around in SAI.

Posted on: July 08, 2011, 08:01:34 AM

Rock only has so much patience, Zidane. :/

...I'd ask if anyone could spare $15 again, but I'm turning into a broken record.

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Reply #2351 on: July 10, 2011, 01:26:18 AM
Zidane love. ^.^

(Fun fact: Zidane is currently my highest level char on Dissidia, purely because of my love for FF9)

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #2352 on: July 11, 2011, 02:28:13 AM
I need to play Dissidia again...

I believe I drew this before.

Poor Capcom-Rock is all nervous; Samus must be somewhere in the background with a rocket launcher. D:

Actually, no you are not, Sora. Turn back. TURN BAAAACK

Tried emulating the colouring style for the PMMM manga covers; didn't work. :/ Also, still thinking about how the KH and PMMM universes would work together. And this is obviously the first time I've ever drawn Madoka.

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Reply #2353 on: July 11, 2011, 06:56:05 AM
PMMM -> Wide faces. Veeery wide. With huge eyes. But most importantly, wide. Also, you'll notice that the outlines are in a dark brown colour and look sketchy =O

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Reply #2354 on: July 13, 2011, 04:40:00 AM
OK. ('twas just trying to emulating the manga covers' colouring, not the character style itself)

ry to "come at" these girls (durr hurr) and you're going home without a limb. Two, if you persist.

Look upon her, ye who think your KH character should start off with a variant of the Ultima keyblade for no reason, and despair.

And, uh, ignore the different chain lengths.

Yay for SAI sketches that go nowhere.

Backstory: Proto has some really powerful sedatives/painkillers (made by Wily; Proto didn't take any until he was sure they weren't booby-trapped) that he doesn't really take anymore. Rock got injured offscreen, and someone saw Proto's meds and thought "Robot painkillers? Robot who's in lots and lots of pain? BRILLIANT!"

Except it wasn't, 'cuz Rock is a lightweight. Now Proto's keeping an eye on him, and really wishing he'd hidden those things better (they could've just shut off Rock's pain receptors until repairs were finished).

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Reply #2355 on: July 13, 2011, 06:46:54 AM
Robots feel pain? Oh wait, I think that's why we have knockback.

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Reply #2356 on: July 13, 2011, 04:07:12 PM
I'd like to think that pain serves the same purpose for robots as it does everyone else ("hey dumbass, you put your hand on a hot stove, take it off").

So I FINALLY watched some MLP:FiM episodes (the first and second, specifically). I imagine this is how Rock and Fluttershy's meeting went.

Also, Rock's mane now looks more like, well, a mane.

Anyone remember this guy? You know, the one I only drew once? He's back, along with his hammer. Would've coloured this if I felt like it. :/

"Others" being Megabunny and Ran-fox (his mate, presumably; of course, being Proto, they have no kids).

I can't draw foxes. :/

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Reply #2357 on: July 13, 2011, 05:12:54 PM
That guy you drew only once before kinda reminds me of Shinjiro Aragaki from Persona 3.

Hat, Coat, Also he uses Hammers (And Axes/Stopsigns)

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2358 on: July 16, 2011, 04:02:54 AM
Huh. :/

First of three commissions from ~ElecRockin; his guy, Rockin, flirting with armourless Splashy (who is blatantly wearing her clothes from that failed tribute entry).

Second comm. from ~ElecRockin; now he offers to give Tifa some lotion; Tifa isn't yet sure if want. Also, sideboob. :B

Last comm. from ~ElecRockin. Rockin starts powering up, perhaps in order to electrically bitchslap some idiot.


OK, one more. ~ElecRockin asked me to continue the Rockin/Tifa scene--this was all I could think of. :/ Originally she was going to put it on him, but among other things, I couldn't get her face right.


KH1-era Rock and Roll.
More Riku/Rock schtuff.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 10:02:10 AM by The Great Gonzo »

Offline borockman

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Reply #2359 on: July 19, 2011, 02:55:37 AM
Wait... is that combination of Sonic and Raichu in a form of a boy? 8(

Those Tifa looks sexy.

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Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2360 on: July 23, 2011, 01:25:57 PM
Wait... is that combination of Sonic and Raichu in a form of a boy? 8(

Could be; don't know enough about the character to say for sure. :/

dA is borked right now, so I hope attaching this pic is alright EDIT: properly linking to it now. Long story short: I'm not happy with Capcom, either. You don't screw with your fanbase like this.

Also: I DO NOT want anyone in this thread going "it was doomed from the start, quit your bitching". We're allowed to be angry about this.

Posted on: July 19, 2011, 06:42:33 AM

I told one of my sisters that I'd draw her AU Sora (, and now it's drawn.

Long (and mostly unrevealed) story short: Corrupted, amnesiac Sora whose friends are frantically looking for him. (Durr, forgot the fake blood on his Keyblade...)

Posted on: July 20, 2011, 08:24:44 AM

Couldn't think of a better title because I'm brain-dead right now.

Once again, I tried and failed to imitate Mr. Shigenori's style; this time, I attempted to make a background with a stock image of TV static ( Perspective is horrifically wonky (and my now-lost writings would've involved security cameras, not TVs). >.>

Sure, Proto may look like he's pimping it up now, but then his arm falls asleep.

Posted on: July 21, 2011, 05:59:04 PM

opy-pasted from TMMN's oekaki:

"Slightly-older Roll meets one of the beta Aero designs, whom I've dubbed Sephira (gotta make use of the suggested US name, right?). I'm sure they'd become friends.

[My] introduction to Megaman Legends? It was that weird commercial where lots of kids said how much they loved Megaman. I wouldn't get a formal introduction until later, when I found *lizsama's dA gallery in middle school.

Played MM64 (why not just leave it as "Legends"?) on a horrible N64 emulator that nearly obsoleted my computer; before that, got a copy of MML2 at Rhino Video Games just before it was switched out for GameStop. I played MM64 all the way to the end, and liked it despite the alleged porting issues; I would've loved to play MML3, lack of 3DS aside. ;_;

All I contributed to the MML3 Project was voting for Mr. Ishikawa's Aero design, and a glorified karma meter as an easter egg (it didn't win, obviously); I didn't feel like I could design a decent Reaverbot or Bonne mech, so I left those to others. Same goes for the mascot. Hell, I didn't even know what was going on in the forums; I just kept up with the project via Protodude et al.

I did briefly wonder if I should've posted more, since God knows I can keep talking about one subject for EONS, but I figured that no force on Earth could've saved MML3. Especially not if CoE is playing the blame game and CoJ isn't saying anything (to us, anyway)."

Maybe it's just Mr. Inafune's art style, but I always felt his entry into that contest was better suited for the Classic series. And looked a bit like femme-Zero.

Have a couple of half-naked Repliroids.

So, yes...X is incredibly ripped, as opposed to Rock and Proto (and Zero) who are incredibly not. One thousand hours in the gym?

Used one of Tom of Finland's pieces for reference, since I was too cowardly to Google "shirtless dudes". Boo.

God, Sigma's ugly.

Recently, I discovered the "Running Man" segment of Neo-Tokyo (specifically the MTV dub); its presentation influenced this pic and how I see a hypothetical RS-X series. At the very least, I wanted this to have that same grainy look most older anime have--frustratingly, the only "fake screencap" tutorials I could find all emulated the newer "over-gradiated/sterile" stuff. So I just made a texture from a Neo-Tokyo screencap and hoped it worked.

As for said hypothetical series--I've been thinking about whether or not/how long X had something personal against Sigma, and why Sigma would focus on X if the writers didn't use the same reasons from the games. Long story short: the former involves lots of trauma; the latter, predatory ickiness. Their feud won't end until one of them dies, or joins the other ("one" and "other" are not interchangeable), and X doesn't care how many times his superior officer screeches at him because he dropped damn near everything to go after Sigma.

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Reply #2361 on: July 23, 2011, 01:33:33 PM
That last pic is incredible. Love the bright contrasting colours, darkened to a tone fitting for the X series' grimness.
It doesn't really look like anime though... and why are Zero & Iris smiling like that?

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2362 on: July 24, 2011, 12:45:23 PM
Thanks. :) (Hm...)

and why are Zero & Iris smiling like that?

First, there is no Iris in this pic. (Should've clarified.) Second, they are not on the same plane as Sigma and therefore don't have to look at his ugly mug.

Posted on: July 23, 2011, 12:37:54 PM

Sure, X could crush him like a soda can and has firepower hundreds of years advanced of any other known robot, but Proto's just fine. Not nervous or jealous or anything. He just wishes X would go sit somewhere else.

Either Optimus is gigantic, or Mega is very short.

After agonizing over which Transformers continuity to cross over with RS-MM (considered G1, but I already paired that with Capcom-Mega), I think I've settled on Animated. I dunno if I'll ever do much with it, since I've only seen clips. :/

Rock and Optimus might make a good team, but the latter would have many, many problems with Proto, I'd bet.

Rock meets Grimlock and is not sure if want. Also very confused.

I may have botched Grimlock; the only good reference I could find was loaded with .JPEG artifacts, and his face was too damn dark to make out any details. Sorry, Grimlock. :(

edit: Sketch of the above pic.

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Reply #2363 on: July 24, 2011, 01:08:12 PM
I like the shading on the sigma pic and think you should do more like that

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Reply #2364 on: July 28, 2011, 06:46:41 PM

Oh man. I was screwing around with pony makers (mostly this one: [link] and the two on Doll Divine) and, with the exception of the tall guys, drew them all here. Along with a random space-filling Pinkie Pie.

None of them really have backstories (I guess the lone pegacorn near the bottom was created rather than born) except for the tall guys, one of whom I already drew post-stabbing Proto.

Seidhr is one of the few minions of Tirac (villain of the first G1 TV special) who isn't brainwashed, and seemingly only joined for his own amusement. In reality, one of his dearest friends was brainwashed by ill-intended creatures of light, and he hopes to persuade Tirac into using the Rainbow of Darkness on him, as all other attempts to break this brainwashing have failed. The logic being that a powerful dark force would cancel out a powerful light force and return his friend to normal--even Seidhr isn't sure it'll work that way.

Despite his good intentions, he's a dick. A dick who uses dark magic (not on the level of the RoD) and stabs people with his horn.

As for Gallant Stride--he's that friend of Seidhr's. Before being mind-controlled, he was a decent pony who tried to steer his buddy away from the dark arts, on account of the risk of Celestia noticing and stomping him into the dirt. Then he was struck with a bolt of pure irony (figuratively). Poor Gallant.

The last four ponies were made in G1 pony makers. I guess they're vaguely G4-ish the way I drew them...

"Hmm...*fyre-flye/Lauren Faust's human art reminds me of PPG."

This resulted. Bet this isn't the first time someone drew Ponypuffs. :/

Posted on: July 25, 2011, 03:40:28 PM

Why is Derpy so excited about Proto? Because he's another gray pony, maybe? Or is it the shades?

Whatever reason, Proto's not interested. :(

This is totally how Ruby-Spears would've handled the Zero series. At least, Zero's and X's designs.

Perhaps Weil created cyberspace, and trapped X there so there'd be one less obstacle in his goal for world domination/destruction--which pales in comparison to all the horrible things he'd done in the past. Zero's (and Ciel's) main goal would be split between getting X out of there, and finding Weil.

Oh, and there's eldritch abominations lurking in cyberspace that only show up as flickering glitches in the Matrix real world. Poor X.


Commission for ~GaiaX2, of his dude.

Posted on: July 26, 2011, 03:57:42 PM

Mostly RS-MM, MLP:FiM, TFA, and a lone PSnG doodle.

* Sleeping ponies. Anatomy is wonky.

* Tried converting Alarm over to TFA style; I have no idea what his altmode would be, since Arwings and their attachments wouldn't exist in either TFA or RS-MM.

* ~KaitlinEXE's Sparkchip and Roll, hanging out in the blank white void. (I dunno if Sparkchip is really that tall)

* And then Chip was a pony.

* Proto doesn't like Panty. Panty doesn't like Proto. They have to work together. Much property damage was made.

NOTE: Commissions are still open, and I'm hoping to make $20 in four or five days--clearly I have learned nothing. >.>

Posted on: July 28, 2011, 10:09:30 AM

Oh man, the photo quality is all blargh. D: Still, this was a good shot of Zidane, I think. Taken on one of the bookshelves in the sewing room.

Sorry, Zidane, you can't steal that mirror.

Funtastic fact: This photo was taken in such low light that it was incomprehensible. So I re-made the scanline effect in Photoshop and slapped it on this, and suddenly the absolute blarghary is a clever effect to show that Reimi is about to shoot someone's already-damaged camera.

Yeah. "Clever" is a bit of a stretch. (Photo taken in the living room, early in the morning. The other photo I took with the flash on wasn't so great, either)

'Twas in a chat room with *ChaosCroc and the subject turned to BlazBlue--specifically, the Murakumo Units. I wondered how RS-Rock would look like as one, then later drew it.

Mostly based off of Mu-12's design; tried to keep as much of Rock's in there as possible. Not included: giant [tornado fang]-off floating weapon. Or pants.

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Reply #2365 on: July 28, 2011, 06:52:08 PM
Heh, I like what you did with the backpack there, now it looks a little like a jet booster~

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

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Reply #2366 on: August 20, 2011, 12:54:38 AM
Thanks. :)

This looks like a scrap. Why's it not in scraps? Dunno.

Two versions of Proto/Rock, plus some doodle at the bottom of RS-X and Zero. Poor Capcom-Proto must've gotten his shades confiscated.

Forgot to submit this. 'Twas going to be a full pic, then I lost steam.

Those clothes might be 70s-fabulous, but at least they aren't about to go to the disco.

Posted on: July 30, 2011, 07:10:55 PM



Based on a planner doodle (I need to scan that page). He was looking at Megabunny's rump there, too.


Commissioned by =Akutare-Sama; his OC, Zero (named after the plane).

Posted on: July 31, 2011, 06:58:38 PM

Title ["I am not a Death Eater"] refers to the trope "Ron the Death Eater", wherein heroes are twisted into diabolical bastards for whatever "reasons" the author sees fit. This is very relevant.

Let's talk about Ranay. Both of her dA accounts are closed, though there's a blog dedicated to archiving her works/making fun of her:

I'm not trying to hate on the artist. The thing is...Ranay the character is one of the most blatant MM Sues I've ever seen. All the Robot Masters (or at least Set 3) love/like her, she's half-human, half-robot for no apparent reason other than specialness, she can apparently bend reality to her will (would certainly explain the Set 3 bit), she becomes more powerful/convoluted as time goes on, and she hates Megaman with all her being (among other things)

That last one doesn't sound too unusual, considering she's allied with Wily, right? Well, see, she hates him in a way that makes it clear SHE'S right and he's wrong; poor MM got twisted into/reduced to an evil assassin of robots (especially of Topman, with whom Ranay is paired).

Oh, and Set 3? Squeaky-clean good guys who never did anything to deserve Mega's wrath. (At least Needleshota is cute...)

Despite calling Megaman a murderer several times (or at least implying it after that one time she called him that), she's pals with Roll. Presumably, she only got off the hook because the only times she defeats Wily's poor, innocent robots are either non-canon or took place in other continuities (yes, there's a difference).

The pic itself: In RADIX-Land, one does not call Megaman a murderer and get away with it. De-Suified, fully-robot Ranay tried that and it now receiving the beginning of a reality check.

Didn't want this to seem like a hate pic, so I added that bit at the bottom. Getting yelled at once isn't likely to convince her, but perhaps in time, she'd realize that morality has shades of gray.

Also, Mega's face took a while to get right. x.x

Why Tidus? Because I had a dream of him and Sora being all evil and vampy in Halloween Town. Tidus was wearing the same thing as Sora, more or less, so a redesign was in order.

Posted on: August 03, 2011, 01:18:15 AM

Rock needs an adult or two. D:

Seems he ran afoul of Morrigan and Lilith; the former's KH-self was designed by ~KaitlinEXE (unlike her RS-MM/KH sketches, that pic hasn't been reposted), while I threw the latter in. (Shoulda given her a collar thing like Morrigan' pic?)

Perhaps they moved to Halloween Town at some undetermined point--certainly wouldn't look too out of place.

Posted on: August 03, 2011, 07:56:53 PM

Hope is very blurry, but I didn't want to spend any more time outside than I had to.

Shortly after he arrived, I went downstairs and out the door to take this shot I had in mind for him. That's our backyard and some neighbors' houses he's surveying, from atop a chunk of cinder block. (Or maybe it's just a brick.)

For a while I thought I'd irreparably smudged the camera lens--nope, just had to remove my hand from it while taking pictures without the flash. Durr.

I know these guys aren't to scale, but MAN Yuna's tiny. :/ She and Rinoa wave hi to the camera (if what Rinoa's doing can be considered waving; perhaps she's requesting that I vacuum my room's filthy carpet).

Edit: this thing.

Posted on: August 06, 2011, 05:00:24 PM

After watching an instructional Alchemy video, I booted it back up and tried again, using Sofonisba as a test subject. Result is PINK AND LOTS OF IT.
Previous version of the above.

Hey, anyone remember Rera/The Architect? No? I did and turned her into a giant pegasus. She can't cast shadows because she's dead (and Rock's was on the same layer as her glow).

Poor Rock was hoping he'd never have to lay eyes on Her Agitatingness again.

Posted on: August 07, 2011, 04:09:04 PM

Boy, is Odille-Splashy gonna be surprised when Rock starts shoving pointy things in HER face.

Resulted from seeing this pic: Admittedly, I'm not too familiar with the original Swan Lake's story, so I just tried to think of something RS-Splashwoman might do if she were told to be as hammy and obvious a villain as possible.

Posted on: August 08, 2011, 01:22:14 PM

Pointless comic is pointless and was made primarily in order to do something with that RS-MM/TMNT/Kampfer crossover (and to see if I could still draw/ink traditionally. Inking was terrible).

Maybe Mikey really did want to see if Kampfer-Proto looked like April. But that desire is strongly tied to "naked Proto".

(And yes, I'd imagine Mikey to be attracted to both forms of Proto, if he were attracted at all--I don't like that "It's only okay if you're the opposite gender to me" crap)

Specifically, they've got that paopu plushie that someone sold at Persacon that one of my sisters bought; I asked to borrow it for a second.

Sora hasn't yet noticed that one of the points is nearly jabbing Riku in the eye.

"I mean, sure, you're a bootleg, but RADIX won't be replacing you any time soon!"

"More like she can't replace me any time soon."

Meaning, official Roxae are about $60-70.

Poor bootleg-Roxas's arm snapped off a while ago; due to the way it broke, I was able to slot it back in, but he toppled over last night and now it's harder to keep his forearm attached to his elbow. I have no idea how to fix that, and I doubt Mom wants to spend time repairing a bootleg. So I'm going to be very, very careful with him.

This photo was taken in my bathroom. Not pictured: fledgling eldritch abomination lurking in the tub.

Not every day that a photo of mine comes out more-or-less perfectly. Possibly helped by one of my sisters aiming the light at just the right spot.

Zidane and Rikku prepare to part ways with their newly-acquired giant shinies.

(Taken in my sisters' room; they let me borrow the shinies)

edit: Unfinished comic.

Posted on: August 10, 2011, 01:28:12 AM

Commissioned by *RockMiyabi, who gave me just enough money to grab Rinoa (seriously, it was right down to the cent), the top of my first list. :)

He asked that I draw Daigo and Akane dressed as Squall and Rinoa, with Omega-Xis in the background somewhere, saying that line. Went one step further and gave the two their original colour schemes.

Hope you like it, man. :)

Looking at older pics inspired me to draw Megabat again. Here he is in a purple room, lying on a purple bed with a purple pillow, wondering why everything's gone monochrome.


Posted on: August 12, 2011, 01:56:21 AM

Normally, I'd give context--but something tells me I shouldn't, so I'll just ask you this:

You know what went on in Bro Bots, yes? (If not, go look up the summary on Random Action Hour) How is ROCK the one to "go bad in the end" there, and not Proto or anyone else?

I think what they were implying was that Rock went after the RMs...which he had every reason to do. Rock wasn't the one who plotted to assassinate a mayor, threaten to shoot that same mayor in the face, or try to replace the mayor, his staff, and Dr. Light with dead-eyed robotic doubles.

Same person doesn't think that RS-Roll is a "bad person" like her brother even though she defeats her fair share of RMs. Just so you know what kind of backwards antimatter logic I had to try and refute.

Roll and Proto try to comfort Rock, presumably after someone tried using that "logic" on him--or maybe distract him from flying into an unstoppable rage. Either way--not a very good day.

Protopony, for whatever reason, had to look after the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They wore him down in record time.

Torin-Pony would be much cuter if he would just stop scowling.

Posted on: August 12, 2011, 10:01:01 PM

Pinkie Pie tends to wear Rock out. She brought over her beta design/pal Surprise, who acts much like her.

Sorry, Rock.

Is this the second time I've drawn game-Megapony? I think it is.

D'aaw, isn't he so tiny and easily stepped on by accident?

GB'd Megapony met `emlan's GB'd Rarity. Rarity was quick to stick a ribbon on Rock's rump. Rock isn't sure what to think.

Well, not couples. And not all that odd, after I thought about it.

* X and Roll: They're siblings, even if X only resembles one of them with his armour on. My fanon RS-X doesn't like being touched by anyone but Dr. Cain and Zero (and Mega), so Roll could've stabbed him in the thigh with an icepick and it'd feel more or less the same to him.

X must remember that he is unusually tall, and everyone around him is not midgets.

* Elec and Ran: They work together...sorta. They live in the same castle in the middle of the geographically-impossible desert nearby New York. I'd imagine that if Ran ever talked to Elec, it'd only be because he was nearby.

(Also, someone said something like that to me in high school. The AC was also on, and I'm a 98-pound wimp)

* Kaitlin and Proto: Also siblings, but I think she'd go out of her way to avoid the scary redhead who never removes his shades or talks to anyone he doesn't have to. Even if he's her brother and her other brother who she's not afraid of really, really wants him to leave Wily.

* Breakman and Torin: Both copies; in the former's case, of two people. Torin left Vaira (his creator) on his own, forgetting that his circumstances were different than Break's. For this, he shall receive a punch to the face.

* Zero and Kalinka: Uh...they're both blonde. Oh, and Roll ended up with X, so...

* Marquee and Rock: Pair the spares. :/ Marquee probably took one look at Proto's attire and decided he, too, was incapable of cleaning up after himself. (X isn't incapable; he just doesn't care that his apartment is a disaster area)

"Nameless" being Rock's other alter-ego.

I swear, early-90s comic book colouring doesn't seem that complicated until you actually try it. x.x And this pic still doesn't look very 90s.

...Early Image Comics? Just imagine 90s-era Rob Liefeld trying to draw my slender girlymen.

Under the spoiler tag be undetailed nudity.
Originally posted at MMXXX.

Kampfer-Proto, please don't do that. Your brother/sister's got one hell of a pimp arm.

Posted on: August 15, 2011, 05:36:24 AM

My fourth photo of Ashe turned out fine, but this one had better lighting. (The first two were insanely blurry) It was too bright in the room, so I held a sheet of paper over her.

If you go up to her and tell her that "The aftermath of Ashe's life" was completely accurate to her character, Ashe will slice you in half. /couldn't think of anything better to type

Posted on: August 16, 2011, 06:45:45 PM

AU-Proto eventually takes a liking to his little brother and offers him the chance to join his side. Together, they'll overthrow the oppressive government they both live under (and in Mega's case, serve) and free everyone else!

Oh, and AU-Proto is coo-coo for cocoa puffs.

Proto and `emlan's male Rainbow Dash prepare to barrel down a hill. Shame that Rock and Flutterguy weren't around to pull them back.

Posted on: August 17, 2011, 09:09:25 PM

Warning: bitchrant ahead.

So...a certain author. Even though they've left dA yet again, I dunno if I should use their name. Those things turn up in search engines, after all, and I don't want their friends ganging up on me. Suffice it to say, there's a reason why it's Topman in this pic and not, say, Roll.

The week(s) in question went down like this:

1.) A friend and I ask them if we can give them advice (mostly on their Sue) after they discovered this blog about their Sue and felt ashamed; they let us. Then they proceed to ignore/"refute" everything we say. Still, things aren't too bad so far.

(My friend was mostly the one giving advice; I tried to debate after she'd given up. This will be important later)

2.) Friend makes a post on the blog that was meant to be a final bit of advice, since she was tired of that conversation (I think; feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). For a few days, things are quiet.

3.) Suethor sends the blog a RAGE STORM the likes of which I had never seen before, basically denying everything that was said in that "final" advisory post, and screaming about how my friend was wrong and they were right.

4.) Friend counters this. Meanwhile, I try to tell one of the Suethor's buddies that nothing that was said was done so out of jealousy; I get a denial in return. So much for tha--

5.) Wait, why can I no longer comment here? Turns out the Suethor went and BAAAAAWlocked everyone associated with that blog, and everyone who tried to give her advice. Now, I dunno if I got blocked because of a certain pic, or because I tried to debate with her--either way, MAN. :C

6.) Suethor deactivates account. Again.

So yeah, I was being too nice with this person before. Even prior to that rage storm, my friend and I were frustrated over the complete lack of progress we were making. Keep in mind, we were both trying to be as polite as possible right up until that point. Neither of us were expecting it.

As for Mega...he likely got tired of being called a thoughtless murderer and just had a few cakes.

Hopefully, after this and that upcoming article about the Suethor's bizarro-world Mega and Roll, we can put all this crap behind us.

...just realized that I forgot to put highlights on Top's armour. :/

Posted on: August 18, 2011, 02:31:21 AM

Very largely inspired by one of *RandyPandy's six-word fics; includes her Copy-Quint (a.k.a. the Quint that was in MMV). Hope I got the colour scheme right.

Added Proto and Megagirl (the former because I didn't want to stick either copy too close to their original; the latter for space reasons), and blatantly didn't use M-Shadow's colour scheme from that CoroCoro scan. Because it's Quint's. Come on, RnF2 guys--you're not helping the "Quint is not M-Shadow" debate.

Sure, Proto looks tough now. But then Gilda rolls all over his ass.

One of my sisters wanted me to draw her Nitori. So I did.

Don't like how that face came out. :/

So it seems RS-Rock has ended up in DB-Land, and is currently being greeted by an Online-era Nameki--

wait why am i drawing db stuff again

(Rock's fightin' clothes are a dead ringer for Goku's. >.> )

Poor RS-Rock-in-DB. He's surrounded by guys with muscles the size of his head; in comparison, he's a beanpole.

And he's kinda torn on the whole Z-fighters thing. On the one hand, he'd rather just stay home and cook/do the laundry/whatever, knowing the shape his pals usually come back in. On the other hand, those battles aren't gonna fight themselves. Damn Chronic Hero Syndrome...

And hey, I think I finally drew Goku (and Piccolo) looking halfway-decent!

(Whilst trying to save this, my computer had a brain fart, disabled my keyboard, and screwed around with my mouse's bindings. Ending two processes seemed to fix things, but I'm still wary)

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Reply #2367 on: August 20, 2011, 11:19:32 AM
Your proportions still need work, as people are overly thin, both limbs and otherwise. But your colouring has gotten very good, and is usually a lot of hm... fun? to look at.

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Reply #2368 on: September 02, 2011, 04:25:25 AM
OK, and thanks. :)

It's almost two in the goddamn morning.

* Oh Proto.  (I doubt Rock actually gained weight; Proto just wanted an excuse to tease/grope him. Still, all those plasma cakes can't be that good for him)

* I was told that a lot of Japanese fans are...apathetic towards RS-MM at best. (Also, I haven't drawn Snake in forever) If anyone uses that to justify bashing the cartoon, I shall be uncharacteristically rude with them.

* Roll and Kalinka watch something late at night. Both are without shirts, but with other things to compensate for the shirtlessness.

* I mentioned the possibility of Proto trying to be submissive for one night to Liz. She concluded that he wouldn't be able to handle that for too long--self-confidence issues and all.

Posted on: August 21, 2011, 07:56:29 AM

Quote adult kitties in Thundercats 2011 have tails?

This doodle took longer than it should have. x.x That three-panel thing to the side was just meant to take up space.

Posted on: August 22, 2011, 07:51:39 AM

You know how purists whine about how RS-Rock isn't jailbait like game-Rock? Less commonly, I see them whining about how RS-Roll isn't a lolibot anymore and how ginormous her tits are, or how she looks like Barbie, etc.

My perception of boobs may be off, but I am fairly certain that Roll's are not anywhere near as big as these guys think they are.

I have to wonder if these same purists draw game-Roll with DOOMTITS without an ounce of irony.

Posted on: August 23, 2011, 12:36:45 AM

HOLY [parasitic bomb] BACKGROUND

All this emo/punk-ass stuff takes me back to seventh/eighth grade...bad times. Specifically, there was this one neighborhood that most of the older kids on the bus came from (that we went through throughout all of my school years here), and a lot of 'em looked like punks to me. They also happened to be total dick pavlovas, and yet there was a good stretch of time where I sat with them, willingly. I was a [tornado fang]ing idiot back then.

I haven't properly introduced Emery yet (the gal in the thought bubble); long story short, she was sorta-but-not-really Proto's second girlfriend, with emphasis on "was". She probably gave Rock those clothes so that he wouldn't look too out of place.

Pic mostly came about by going through ~Jack666rulez's gallery again (lost all of her pics when my HD died). I sorta like the kind of clothes many of her characters/renditions of other characters wear, but at the same time, they remind me of my idiotic "grimdark era" (featuring Sonic! Urgh), wherein some of MY characters wore things like that. (I myself didn't) Poor Rock'd need a few more piercings before he'd really fit in visually.

Posted on: August 25, 2011, 03:21:16 AM

This is what we call "a blurry mess".

In theory, Mickey Mouse is about to take on Sephiroth, wielding both Kingdom Keys. In reality, Sephiroth's gesturing is interrupted by a blob of red, white, yellow, and black. This is what happens when you go for a dynamic(?) angle and put the camera too close to Mickey's arse.

Put a violet filter over things to see if it'd make the pic less garishly-lit (looked that way to me, at least).

Before taking up a sabre, Ran practiced her swinging with a bat and the skulls of hoodlums.

Too bad she forgot Rock is no longer working with Wily and is a bit more hesitant to go clubbing nowadays. do i clothing folds. WHAT IS FORESHORTENING

Posted on: August 27, 2011, 05:05:51 AM

Roll's tired of people hating on her brother, or thinking she'd shoot him for speaking up. (If you haven't guess what brought this about--I'd tell you, but that'd risk causing a shitstorm)

Tried using a different colour for the lineart this time.

Time/effort spent: too much. Excuses: zero. I will still attempt to explain myself.

I still do not like Certain Artist's attitude one bit. A few days ago, a friend and I were talking and I asked if she still had Ranay's touhou bio on hand. She did, and I slogged through it. I noticed something I hadn't before--Ranay had been taught to spin by Hina Kagiyama, and eventually, Ranay started to "fall in love" with Hina because she reminded her of Topman.

One half of my brain goes, "Goddammit, why would you ever want to draw Ranay again? Have you learned nothing?!" Other half goes, "Is dat sum yuri I see?"

It was either this, or a comic of Ranay talking about her BFF Flandre Scarlet to an increasingly horrified Rock.

(Oh yes. Ranay becomes "closest friends" with Flandre. [tornado fang]ing. SCARLET)

Hina worriedly patches up her student, while Rock sits and glares. See, Flandre was somehow following Ranay around and caught a glimpse of him; he looked quite soft and squishy. Next thing Rock knows, there's a yangire-vamp nomming on his arm. (Ranay is too busy trying to comprehend her crush on Hina to notice Rock's glowering)

Sad thing is, I still want to revamp Ranay's character, but Certain Author...oh man. Damn my instinct to try and redeem Sues.

Now feel free to ask me why my IQ has dropped 50 points.

Posted on: August 28, 2011, 06:43:20 AM

Would've included Vanille and Fang since they're also cool kids, but I don't have either of them. Serah hasn't been earned yet. Snow--next upload.

Been wanting to take some more photos of my Kai guys, but couldn't think of a subject. Then "inspiration" hit--seriously, they're just standing there. Lightning and Sazh wish they could hold their bloody weapons but I don't have their extra hands. Boo.

[My own clone; now] neither of us will be etc. etc.

I don't have Snow's extra hands either, but that's less annoying since his weapon is fists. The seller of that large Play Arts lot my mom won last year also threw in an extra Snow, and I wanted to make some use out of that.

Serah's a lucky gal; Lightning, less so. XD;


I was reminded, a while before being "called out" for not considering alternate universes (long story; not sure if I should elaborate here), that I had a version of Megaman that came from an alternate, mostly-allegiance-swapped universe i.e. is a brat. He's not, say, a thoughtless murderer, but his reasons for becoming Megaman are different from Rock-Prime's.

Already wrote the most important info (that I can think of right now) on the pic itself, if you can read it. Rock Light is determined to get Rock Lichblitz to act for more altruistic reasons--you know, like Megaman should. Rock Lichblitz thinks that that's a good way to get taken advantage of, even if he does want to openly be less of a jerk. And it just goes on like that.

* Dr. Cossack really was going to be named Dr. Vice at one point. This universe's Cossack is sort of like Wily, but Russian and calling himself Dr. Vice.

* Blues's hair came from one sketch of Mr. Inafune's; wasn't much different from his MM8 hairstyle.

* The surname "Lichblitz" came from the third and final Club Nintendo comic that Dr. Light appeared in. No idea why they didn't call him "Light" like they did in those previous two stories.

Posted on: August 29, 2011, 05:53:51 AM

It's gonna take more than shoving your Keyblade in Vanitas's face to deter him from swiping your cake, Rock.

Posted on: August 30, 2011, 03:14:01 AM

note to self: stop drawing things whilst suffering from cramps

Hey Quickman, aren't you gonna open that E-Tank?

[Adventures in copy-pasting?] Well, mostly; I had to edit some things after the fact. D'oh.

Thundercat-Rock, why are you asking that? Neither of you have schlongs. (Would've had Proto call him a fur coat, but then I'd be ripping off Calvin and Hobbes even harder; one strip semi-inspired this)

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Reply #2369 on: September 02, 2011, 04:41:15 AM
You know I think that's the first time I've seen Rock getting sexy~ in your comics...

"Sumo Wrestlers are sexy by DEFAULT!"-[DA]-[SA]-[Pixiv]

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Reply #2370 on: September 11, 2011, 05:53:20 AM
Too bad he's all furry at the moment. XD;

I'd think Tails would be very interested in a Robian that didn't look or act like one. Also, it's been a while since I drew either Tails or Mega-Mobian.

She's got a broom with which to sweep out the trash. Eggman's trash, that is.

Like her brothers Rock and Blues, Roll is a Robian--but she looks nothing like the ones Sonic and co. are used to. Eggman couldn't have created them, so who did?

(Or maybe Eggman DID create them. Existential crises ahoy!)

Posted on: September 02, 2011, 07:12:48 AM

So I was looking at pics of PAK Lightning through Google, and found a pose I wanted to emulate but could not. The one I came up with looked fine to me, but it was a midair pose and I don't know how well the original PA stands work with Lightning. So I placed her on the bed--


Thankfully, the resulting photographs weren't horribly blurry. Had to crop this one very closely because one corner of my room is plastered in pics that I printed out back in '02-'05, very few of which are mine.

Careful, Lightning; that's a steep drop...


Quasi-MMPU style? Well, I wanted to try it out...

Rock the shota and his two shota-er adopted sons/siblings/relatives Trill and Trino say hi.

She's all sadface because her pic is absolutely tiny like her boobs.

Tiny scrap of Classic Aero.

Posted on: September 03, 2011, 01:10:16 AM

Oh Rock. You know Proto isn't going to appreciate that.

(Drew it at the RPM oekaki, but didn't feel like actually submitting it)

Posted on: September 05, 2011, 05:15:09 AM

Here's a version of Megaman I haven't drawn since 2007 (original pic is somewhere in my scraps); he's probably just saved a guy.

Doodled earlier today (or yesterday, as it's two in the morning now); some RS-Proto/Rock stuff.

(The squirrels? Mom told me that once, she looked in the front yard and counted about fourteen squirrels before they scattered. I would've liked to see that...)

[Some scener] ambushed Rock and stuck a coontail in his hair. He only kept it because Emery thought it was cute.

So how did Mega finally persuade Protoman to stop wandering the world and come back home?

He couldn't, but that didn't stop him.


Mobius was a fine place to live prior to Eggman taking most of its zones for himself. Only a handful are free to oppose him--too bad he has an army the likes of which even God has never seen. The people of these free zones can only hope and pray that Eggman doesn't take a fancy to them...

Luckily, they're not entirely powerless.

There are actually many divisions of Freedom Fighters, but Sonic the Hedgehog's is the most successful. Little by little, they push Eggman out of his own territory and into the proverbial corner; it's only a matter of time before he has nowhere else to run.

(I'm writing this at almost three in the morning; can you tell?)

* Sonic the Hedgehog: Born to two soldiers in the former Acorn Army, Len Rose and Tristian; his dad was killed shortly before the entire army, save Len, was wiped out. Even with this in mind, Sonic does his best not to get caught up in the past. He's a drifter, running around the world looking for fun and adventure--and suspicious Egg-related activity.

Sonic happens to be a Light Adept, one of many individuals who use the power of the White Chaos Emerald. So far, his powers have manifested in a homing dash and attack (by "manifested", I mean "he found some upgrades and later didn't need them").

* Tails: Even though her two tails gave her the ability to fly, Milen Prower was ostracized for having them. She took up mechanics and moved to the Mystic Ruins with the intention of spending the rest of her days there alone; a fateful encounter with Sonic and his plane changed her mind. He gave her the nickname "Tails", and encouraged her to embrace her unusual gift; from then on, the two were inseparable.

(Unlike the rest of the NFF, Tails doesn't know what happened to her parents. The last time she saw them was when they were leaving for a zone that was later brutally subjugated, so they're most likely dead)

* Knuckles the Echidna: Once, he was the sole Guardian of the Master Emerald, and spent countless years on the Floating Isle; Tikal and Chaos eventually took part-time duty, freeing him to spend more time with the NFF. He is its strongest member, and quite possibly its cleverest--shame he's rather gullible and naive.

His father, Rerem, is not nearly as powerful as his son, and is very meek and sedate; his wife, Graile, died many years ago in a disastrous battle and he's in no hurry to share her fate. (Dead/missing parents tends to be a thing with Freedom Fighters)

* Amy Rose: Sister of Sonic (just go with it) and second-in-command of the NFF; at first she wanted Sonic to settle down so that someone would be there to protect her, but eventually, she wanted to become a hero like him. Which would be great, if not for her short temper.

Amy's interest in the mystical (tarot cards and whatnot) so far hasn't given the NFF any kind of advantage--but she keeps at it anyway. Maybe the fiftieth time's the charm?

* Shadow the Hedgehog: Whether or not his title of "Ultimate Lifeform" is deserved really depends one who one asks--Sonic doesn't think so. Shadow's parents spent the last years of their life on board Space Colony ARK; they had been persuaded to join the project so that their young son would have a safe place to practice his emerging Chaos Control. In reality, Shadow was a test subject. Unaware of his status, he became friends with project head Professor Gerald Robotnik's granddaughter, Maria. Not too long after, GUN boarded the station.

His parents, along with almost every other scientist and civilian on the ARK, were shot. Shadow and Maria were chased to the end of the station, where they climbed into an escape pod and jettisoned out to safety. As they descended to Mobius, Shadow promised Maria that he would bring hope to humanity, and give them a chance to be happy--after all, GUN was not the entirety of the human or Mobian race. Not too long after, the pod began breaking up in re-entry; in desperation, Shadow attempted to teleport himself and Maria back to terra firma (he hadn't tried earlier because he hadn't had enough practice); it worked, but Maria wasn't present with him. The poor kid had every reason to think she'd died.

The trauma of these events would warp their promise into one of revenge, and Eggman was the perfect pawn to help carry it out. It took a conversation with Amy Rose for him to realize the scope of what he'd planned to do, and now he fights alongside the NFF in order to atone.

Oh, and he's a violent prick who somehow got three paragraphs of bio.

* Cream the Rabbit: She got caught up in this struggle when Eggman kidnapped her mom, Vanilla. Cream doesn't have much emotional baggage--which is good, since she's six--and is very polite and idealistic. She can't really fight, so Cheese the Chao takes care of that.

Her mom is living peacefully in an undisclosed Zone, while her father is away on military duty.

* Rouge the Bat: Her family rarely approves of what she does, but if you imply that that's the only reason she steals jewels, she'll spin-kick you into a time paradox. Rouge is the least reliable Freedom Fighter; her life's ambition is to own every single jewel on Mobius, regardless of what simple economics will do to their worth, and she'll stop at very little to achieve this. She's also a part-time spy for GUN and the United Federation; it doesn't matter what side she's on. Rouge likes her shinies.

Her parents and older sister live in Station Square; Rouge is no longer allowed in their house. Wonder why.

* Christopher "Kyo" Thorndyke: This rich kid is the newest member of the NFF, and joined by saving its leader: Eggman attempted to dispose of Sonic by flinging him into the ocean...near a cruise liner filled with people, some of whom would inevitably try to save Sonic's furry behind. Without a thought for his own safety, Chris dove in and brought Sonic to the deck (then presumably flipped Eggman the bird).

Sonic later gave him the alias of "Kyo", making it a bit harder for Eggman to kidnap or rob him. As a squishy human, Kyo can't participate in all of the NFF's outings; when he does, he brings along his gun (not pictured). Though he has many friends and a loving family, Chris often feels lonely and useless; he can't tell why, and wants to find it out himself.

...four in the morning. x.x

Colours and visual inspiration ganked from the Sonic Channel wallpapers/calendars. (I swear Chris wore something like that in Sonic X, but I couldn't find any pics)

Durr, completely forgot to upload this until just now.

A sock is nice, but Proto would much rather have his scarf.

Posted on: September 06, 2011, 10:00:38 AM

First off--is fem!Tails a berserk button for the Sonic fandom that I wasn't aware of/had forgotten about? (I know some of the "Tails-ko" stuff is really iffy, but I tried not to go down that route) Because on the last Sonic pic I submitted, I think only ONE comment as of this writing wasn't "Tails is a boy".

I know that. I also started the description with "AU/FANON". But if I say any more on that, I'll probably fall right into arrogant self-important territory if I haven't already. ._.

So, trying to give girl!Tails a more distinguishing feature than that fang. Eventually settled on what she's wearing up there; I imagine that she'd be suspicious of any clothes Amy would want to give her, since the last thing she'd want to be wearing around heavy machinery is a loose dress. joke, fem!Tails completely ruined the pic for one guy.

Posted on: September 07, 2011, 01:43:01 AM

First drawings made in a sketchbook that Dad gave me as we were cleaning out his downstairs office; coloured with felt pens (not the same ones I'd used on all those index card pics of mine).

* Only used a Copic marker for the first two pics (RS-Rock in an apron and Proto in a bomber jacket) because only colouring in his mouth looked weird to me. :/

Also, ~Design-Escape put Proto in a bomber and aviators. I thought it made him look fairly badass; Roll doesn't (see below).

* So I mentioned that AU!Rouge (or StS-Rouge) has two living parents and a sister; this is her sister. Veil is about a year older than Rouge and doesn't approve of her "steal ALL the jewels!" mentality. Unfortunately, she lacks boobies super kicking powers and can't do much to stop her little sister.

* Alucion comes from an old French Sonic comic. A translated PDF can be found here: under Guides --> Books --> La Sirene.

* Yep, AU!Maria lives. That doesn't mean all her (or Shadow's) problems went away, though.

* Mercy is an antagonist; she wanted to merge the souls of all of Mobius's people into one paradisaical super-soul, but then decided they weren't worthy of that and moved on to trying to kill the NFF. Mercy also looks like Illumina, but that isn't really a plot point.

* Thanks to ~lilirulu, I drew Yuri Wily again. She somehow found some robot-proof rope and tied up Rock with it.

* "Keep America Beautiful" refers to a dream I had this morning that I'm fairly certain was influenced by reading the Protomen's TV Tropes page. In short: Wily and Bowser did America. Statesmen wander around the place; they can make the citizens do whatever they want them to, which is mostly picking up litter and fallen branches. Anyone who refuses is taken to the magical land of "I just rolled on your ass". Rock (wearing homemade armour) and Mario attempt to flee to the mountains, which Wily and Bowser aren't too worried about for some reason).

Posted on: September 09, 2011, 04:45:32 AM

Filling the page is much harder than it seemed when I first started out. x.x

* Worker Rock comes from an old sprite edit of mine (about '09 or so). He doesn't like being forced to mine coal.

* At some point, being a cop stopped bothering Proto as much. The lack of sunglasses didn't; even keeping the brim of his hat over his eyes at all times doesn't make it that much easier to see. And the chief won't be happy to learn how Proto used those handcuffs one night whilst off-duty.

* Purple-sweater-Proto-and-Rock-doodle: How can robots catch colds?

* The original Roll Wily pic came from Roll-chan's Room; I also had a pink-clad evil Roll, but can't remember if it was influenced by that or not.

* Roll in Strawberry Shortcake 2009? Why not? >.>

* The white-and-green robot next to RS-Rock and Proto is Roll. Somehow, she fit all of her hair into that helmet.

* The German Club Nintendo magazine actually did have a comic arc in which Wily disguises himself as a mailman. Fortunately for him, Mario isn't his usual nemesis and thus didn't realize something was amiss.

* Princess Kalinka comes from one of the Rockboard illustrations (not the ending as I had mis-remembered).

* Would anyone else think it was vaguely amusing if it turned out RS-Metal had dyed his hair? (And hey there, Tenguman; you're looking kinda derpish)

* Gave fem-Proto something she might actually wear; on an unrelated note, redesigned armourless game-Bass slightly, so that he'd look less like my RS-Bass.

* Final Megaman doodle was inspired by something...not very biologically sound that I'd come across. How does it work, indeed...

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Reply #2371 on: September 11, 2011, 06:01:29 AM
All these updates...
I need your mind.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #2372 on: September 11, 2011, 12:42:00 PM
Maybe if we worked together...

Went for an angle I don't usually draw; dunno how well it worked out.

Tails carts off Rock the Raccoon to destinations unknown, unfortunately, Rock doesn't really like heights. How many more trips can he take before he just throws up his hands and yoinks the Tornado?

(It was suggested that I give girl!Tails visible eyelashes so that she was more readily identifiable as female. As much as I mentally bitched about that--she'd look more like a tomboy to me without them, which was what I was trying to go for--I added them anyway. Actually, they look alright to me, now. :/ )

I believe this was spawned from a discussion I'd read over at The Escapist, about why swords and knives and the like were considered "elegant", and guns weren't.

Apparently, swords earn respect and guns demand it; sword fighting takes years to master whilst any dingbat can pick up a gun and blow someone's head off. As Mom pointed out when I told her about this, though, swords and knives tend to leave more of a mess.

In my fanon, RS-Rock prefers knives when not in armour, since he's not used to any gun recoil that's not from his arm cannon; Proto just uses a pistol. They probably got into this debate as well and went to test it. End result: both weapons have their pros and cons, and Rock needs to wash his clothes.

Later, Dr. Light wondered why the tomatoes in his salad were all messed up.

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Reply #2373 on: September 11, 2011, 12:52:54 PM
Ya know, I really like that last pic.

But only because slashing the heck outta some tomatoes would be fun.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #2374 on: September 12, 2011, 06:15:01 AM
Nice blood splatters :D

Wait wait.

It's not blood? Aww maaaan :< ...You've never cut a tomato before have you > 3>

Also handcuffs, squirrels, and horny furry Rock...8D