The Gonzo has art.

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Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #2250 on: March 25, 2011, 06:46:51 AM
Just needs 3 more for the full spectrum. 8D

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Reply #2251 on: March 26, 2011, 12:02:58 AM
It's the story after the Xehanort saga, entitled the "Vaati Saga"...

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #2252 on: March 26, 2011, 12:26:00 AM
While I do like Busa's design, I do like that you are experimenting with some BG styling, because you know, BGs are sometimes rather har to work with..

But I do also suggest a story for something like this, it might give a sense why KH Rock is with Sora, Simba, whoever in the KH multiverse in the first place, like how they met.

.. Not to sound harsh there, but that's just my two cents..

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

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Reply #2253 on: March 27, 2011, 04:17:03 AM
But I do also suggest a story for something like this, it might give a sense why KH Rock is with Sora, Simba, whoever in the KH multiverse in the first place, like how they met.

I do have one, it's just nowhere near completion because I think my writing sucks.

Posted on: March 25, 2011, 11:35:32 PM

Fem-Rock doesn't like Heartless, and would like to introduce them to the concept of "death from above".

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Reply #2254 on: March 27, 2011, 08:45:19 AM
Epic keyblade smash go! >w<

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Reply #2255 on: March 27, 2011, 06:45:17 PM
Heartless: *poof*

Sketch thing.
Another sketch thing.

Experimented with the Crayon tool in SAI and forgot that my version of hatless NiGHTS doesn't have bangs.

Useless fact: For the longest time, I just borrowed *iMAGNi (then ~astrima)'s version of NiGHTS (long blonde hair and pearly horns). No pointy ears, though.

~SoniaGrimm will know where this came from.

KH!Sony (who now doesn't even vaguely resemble KH or RS-Proto) isn't too happy about Rock, some wimp from Traverse Town, babysitting his little sister. So he makes it clear to Rock early on that if anything, no matter how minor, happens to KH!Amy, not even Cosmos and Chaos will be able to put him back together.

It would be perfectly understandable if Rock just left Amy with anyone else in the party and hid under the covers for the rest of the day.

Also, something occurred to me whilst drawing this: Sony, Rock, and Riku could form one of those yaoi love triangles wherein Riku is very protective of Rock, Sony is waiting for the perfect opportunity to shove his giant metal rod up Riku's jacksie (innuendo not intended), and Rock will wallop Sony to pieces if he touches Riku.

Except Sony doesn't like either of them, so God knows why he's in a love triangle.

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Reply #2256 on: March 28, 2011, 09:22:02 AM

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Reply #2257 on: March 29, 2011, 05:20:50 PM

'Bout time I got around to the other two.

For F-Blues, I mostly went off Chron's advice (short hair, lone wolf); M-Roll was based off of Irvine. At least, he got his hat at the same place as Irvine.

F-Blues looks more like her RS-counterpart now. :/

Don't wait for a response, Tears/Ryunami; Void is officially in derp mode. :B

#Scion-of-Engelbaum has Void classified as a Blue subgen, but Void is subconsciously smart enough not to bother Blue Wisdom/whatever her non-Gen name is. Me, I'd probably go right up to her and be all "HI THERE :D". Shortest dream ever.

This has a lot to do with something I like: pretty shiny things (if you'd been to my first or second elementary school in the mid to late 90s you might've seen me bending over to pick up sequins every thirty seconds like a dumbass). Doesn't help that Tears must reflect light like a [chameleon sting]er (assuming that she's always watery like in my reference pic).

Hurf. :/

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Reply #2258 on: March 30, 2011, 03:52:08 AM
Really lovely shiny blue girl on the right there.

*ready pokeballs*

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Reply #2259 on: March 30, 2011, 04:05:26 AM
Shiny! You do the shiny thing really well =O

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #2260 on: March 30, 2011, 09:37:41 AM
Gotta love derp mode. XD

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Reply #2261 on: April 07, 2011, 03:34:53 AM

Rock isn't sure how he got stuck looking after the Onion Knight and Bartz, but he's not too happy about it. (Especially not with so many bastard semes lurking about)

just realized that, since Rock is so tiny, I've accidentally made Bartz and OK into elementary-schoolers. or midgets.

Posted on: March 30, 2011, 08:41:33 AM

[Context matters.] Like, a lot. Yeah, Contempt's pose could be considered "sexy", but she's a [sonic slicer] who'll grind down your nuts (or vag) if you [acid burst] her off and Power isn't around to thrash you.

(Alas, the "fetish event horizon" is only a myth)

man, Void's outfit is so...not sexyawesome. :/ But then, neither is Contempt's.

Posted on: March 31, 2011, 11:44:12 AM

Wanted to hold off posting this until I was sure that MMU's canning wasn't an April Fools' joke.

Poor Roll; I tried imitating Mr. Kimoto's style and missed a few details.

I kept telling myself that I'd do something with those Marvel redesigns of the MM mains...

last year.

Yeah, this was totally worth the procrastination. :B

Poor Proto likely has good reasons for not going home that he can't share with Rock.


Doodled out of boredom. Originally just going to pertain to Rock, but there was too much negative space left over.

I hope the arrows are self-explanatory.

* Zaiaku's inclusion--I'm pretty sure Liz has something in mind for him and Rock beyond what I've seen. (Used a different colour for him since I'm not sure exactly what it is) Probably very "rawr" and scary. D:

* Victoria/Rock came before Victoria/Phuong. None of that "teenage experimentation" crap that some "yuri" writers use to weasel out of actually writing yuri.

* Corrin and Nerissa are my attempts at "Saban Moon" counterparts of Haruka and Michiru. Both are very British, and Nerissa used to be blonde before I decided that dyed-green hair would make her stand out among all the other blondes on this page.

Posted on: April 04, 2011, 05:07:51 PM

This has nothing to do with that one absoludicrous RS-MM/Elf Quest fic (though RS-Rock is in this pic somewhere)

For whatever reason, I imagine Rock would be interested in role-playing (specifically pen-and-paper DnD-ish stuff. But he doesn't want to make his character a blatant expy of himself, because he's heard of Gary Stus*. So he goes nuts (relatively speaking).

The end result is that lady up there (named "Diot"). A blonde-haired, orange-eyed elf with horrible fashion sense and metal leggings. She, like Rock, more or less lives to defend, but unlike Rock, she has the advantage of knowing exactly when and where someone needs help. Her crow familiar mostly sits on her arm and pecks out the eyes of douchebags.

Funtastic fact: Proto wasn't too enthusiastic about RPing, but Rock insisted he join. Can you guess what he decided to do?

At least Substitute-Mars down there noticed the inexplicable powder-blue jacket on Diot.

Posted on: April 05, 2011, 05:58:50 PM
Five posts in a row?

Oh dream-based plotbunnies, how I love you.

In some alternate universe, Roxas escaped The World That Never Was, eluding both sets of pursuers. He made it to the tower...but found nothing. Sensing danger, he continued to run, finally breaking through into a different world, one far removed from the Organization's base.

It was just a grassy field, with the silhouette of a tower visible in the distance. As Roxas took a closer look, he could see that this field was more of a grass-covered asteroid.

And he wasn't alone. Someone walked up to him, not saying a word; when Roxas asked his name, the other one simply replied, "Kara."


[spoiler]In other words, in this AU, Roxas is actually the Nobody of Ventus, and Kara is Sora's true Nobody. Seems Xemnas got something mixed up.

Unfortunately, Kara is more or less an empty shell, and Roxas isn't sure why he's following him around. Since Roxas hasn't had a clear view of Sora yet, he also has no idea that Kara is YET ANOTHER Sora clone. At least this one has an excuse like all the others (hopefully).

In the original dream, Roxas somehow ended up in my elementary/middle school, and was writing something down when Kara walked up to him. Then it slowly became "amnesiac Roxas trapped on an asteroid where passing the giant V carved into the ground will result in an unwinnable boss fight against a monumentally-pissed Lexaeus". Yeah.[/spoiler]

Here's what Mr. Empty Shell looks like without the hood. In other words, like Sora.

I wanted to name him the Okinawan word for "sky" or "empty", but there aren't any comprehensive dictionaries (at least, not in English), and in the one preview of a book that was, the words I was looking for were excluded. At least "Kara" ended up sounding alright.

Disagreements were inevitable, as was Proto getting shoved off of Bob's glider-thing.

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Reply #2262 on: April 08, 2011, 11:45:27 AM
All those updates. @_@
The one that strike me the most, is Protocrow. XD

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Reply #2263 on: April 09, 2011, 04:54:07 AM

That "something" would be a plasmasicle; Rock isn't feeling well right now.

Drawn with Liz in mind; I know it isn't much, but if she ever sees this, I hope it'll cheer her up a little.

Proto hates cops; now he's on the force. This career choice is especially bad since he put (or helped put) several of his coworkers' buddies in the ground, and they know it. So instead of a paycheck, he can expect continuous beatings.

...yeah, being a clerk at Books-A-Million doesn't seem like such a bad idea now, does it, Proto?

I should've coloured this ages ago.

Don't remember seeing any KH/Bug's Life world forms; all of my references came from the activity center. (Yeah. I own a lot of Disney activity center CDs, and they all found ways to scare the [acid burst] out of me as a kid) Maybe the lack of buggy world forms is due to difficulty in making everyone distinguishable (if that makes any sense)?

* Mickey, Donald, and Goofy should be easily identifiable. They're a pill bug, flea, and rhino beetle respectively.

* Sora's a moth (wasn't meant to be a gypsy moth, but that's what he ended up looking like); he's holding either a new Keyblade, or one that can only be used in this world.

* Riku's a praying mantis. An albino praying mantis.

* Kairi's a black widow. Or purple widow, apparently.

* Roll became a stick bug, and is almost indistinguishable from Slim.

* Rock's a ladybug. He's still pissed about that.

* Wuxa's a centipede. He's REALLY pissed about that, since for some reason he can't fly in this form.

Jiminy was supposed to be in this pic, but that was thwarted by both my crappy memory and my laziness. :/

And that was the last time Sora and co. ever, EVER asked for Chaos's help.

Sora's group has also expanded considerably; now it includes Aqua and Terra (Ven's still missing), Carly Cat, Blues, and...Vanitas and Xemnas? (I do have that worked out, so the only thing the group has to worry about is "Can we rehabilitate those two before Cosmos decides we're not going it fast enough?")

* Sora, Riku, and Kairi all had designs already; Mickey, Donald, and Goofy's were based on their own nephews/son.

* Aqua, Terra, and Roxas's clothes were based on the ones they were already wearing before Chaos de-aged everyone.

* Xemnas's clothes are based on Master Xehanort's/Ansem Seeker of Darkness's.

* Rock and Roll are wearing, more or less, what they wore in RS-MM, with the beige parts of Roll's clothes becoming pink. blues's trench coat-thing is essentially what he wore in Mega/Gigamix, except red and with stomping boots.

* Xion's design is based on her armoured form, and Sora's clothes; she and Namine have different hair lengths to parallel Kairi's (from BBS to KH1).

* Just to clarify, Wuxa is floating; I forgot to add an aura.

* Vanitas didn't fit. So he got put in a word bubble thing. Bite me, Vanitas.

Man, the age/height inconsistencies...I forgot Xemnas was supposed to be in his thirties. D:

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Reply #2264 on: April 09, 2011, 03:40:16 PM

A bug's life KH crew... big LOL.

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Reply #2265 on: April 12, 2011, 03:54:06 AM

Back in the ancient year of 2009, I drew a meeting between Megaman and two Gens, Indigo Rebellion and Jade Belief. Today, I doodled what Indigo might've done to the poor kid.

Namely, make him cross-dress (AGAIN) and give him some eye makeup. Rock isn't amused.

(The yellow and green bits need some explaining; green represents Jade/Botan, yellow represents her and Indigo's creation Yellow Hope/G.0.D. System. The whole outfit was more or less ripped from one I found on Google image search)

And no, pinching your face off will not make you wake up any faster, Rock.

in marginally-related news, I REALLY need to think of a casual name for Opal Void. And Power. And Contempt. D:

Posted on: April 10, 2011, 03:43:48 AM
Hey, guess what time it is? It's SHITTY OLD ART TIME!!

A Tree of Klonoa.
The King of Sorrow, Klonoa, and some other guy.
We hate malformed demon crocs.
Evil cabbits.
Klonoa has a Heartless now?
Run away from the evil doctor who isn't even looking at us!
Yelling at badly-designed dorks.
Transparent King of Sorrow.
Hatless Klonoa.
Would-be fanfic cover.
KoS sketch crap.
Leading the way, without a shirt.
Smile all you want; you're still dorks.
Abandoned comic.
Hey title, where's your context?
Lots of dudes.
More yelling.

Take those ridiculous things off, Tails.
Kadaj and Roxas? Sure, whatever.
Uh, nice boob job, Mina.
Fly quicker!
Petalis everywhere.
Humanoid Pikachu and Raichu.


Posted on: April 11, 2011, 01:32:55 AM

Two characters from a RAM animation (should still be on YouTube) who could pass as TWEWY rejects.

I dunno. :/ Accidentally saved this as a .TIFF file at first; thankfully it wasn't one of those formats that can't be reopened ever (like .ART. Dammit Windows, I wanna look at those pics again...).

Proto has quite a few off days.

(No visible damage--maybe he just got whacked in the solar plexus?)

Well, they look ridiculous on Rock, at any rate. (Don't worry, Proto's just gently teasing him. Nothing like what I went through in elementary school when I decided to wear ugg boots.)

Note to Orchid: Never, ever say anything to the effect of "I know exactly what a lonely person like you would want with a headless woman" within ten miles of Sephiroth. The implications will not be lost on him.

This is the first of ten ways from Sunday the poor stripper will be beaten. At least if this is before Seph stabbed Aerith, she'll be able to heal him later...maybe.

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Reply #2266 on: April 12, 2011, 04:28:26 AM
Blue/rainbow sunglasses are cool yo!

The concept of Sephiroth beating up as stripper is hilarious. XD

Also that's a lot of old arts.

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Reply #2267 on: April 21, 2011, 01:52:44 PM
All I've got are clip-on shades. :/

Indeed. I hope I didn't make anyone's dA inboxes explode or anything...

(Note: Went back and fixed a broken image in that last post)

Had to re-save this one as a .PNG because I forgot the copyright thing. D'oh!

Mostly KH and Klonoa; there's an RS-Proto in the top left-hand corner, Sasha of "The Qwaser of Stigmata", and one of my old original characters if you squint (yes, those two floating heads are the same person).

Old art time! Whilst typing this, Firefox went supernova.

Klonoa and Emeralds.
Slightly less old NiGHTS art.
Oh school doodles, how I cringe at thee.
This won't make any sense to anyone here.
Neither will this.
Angry? You should be; your wardrobe sucks.

Posted on: April 12, 2011, 05:20:38 PM

Attempted to fill a meme for my non-self abominations unto canon, Power and Contempt (who now have casual names: Zathura and Shalia, respectively. Opal Void is Blair).

1. Yeah, they're only half-shaded. :/

2. Shalia will (attempt to) [tornado fang] anything with a functioning dong. That, unfortunately, includes Scarlet Compassion.

3. Tying Blair to a post is one of the nicer things they could do to or say about her.

4. ...I honestly have no idea how that German sex toy is supposed to be safely used.

5. Zathura and Shalia always get stuck with cooking duty on BBQ night, because they're Pendula's bitches.

6. Another strong contender for Shortest Dream Ever.

7. They didn't even give Shalia a bottom for that combat swimsuit. :C

8. Damn Mondays indeed.

9. Not much of a difference. (Sadly, while the inversion of genders here would be interesting for their characters, that's not how things worked at school with the male and female assholes, save for those ladies that deliberately kicked me over in the locker room and threw basketballs at me)

10. Zathura simply wouldn't like how his new colour would make him look (plus he'd have to hang around the actual Lilac Torment); Shalia, on the other hand, would probably go insane as a White subgen, because they're all about purity (I think) and I don't think they'd tolerate an unethical [classy lady] in their midst.

11. I think I remember reading about a couple of cold deserts...

12. You know how sometimes, you get injured in a dream and after you wake up, you're still in pain for some reason?..

(Note: I really did suffer from the after-effects of a dream once, back in elementary school; in my dream, I was trying to stop some teachers [who'd locked all the kids in the cafeteria] from confiscating someone's Digimon stuff, and promptly got my ass thrown out. I landed on my knee; after I woke up, my knee was hurting. Huh... )

Disclaimer: Duo the alien robot is not actually in this picture.

Seems like RS-Proto and Daphne Blake don't have much in common beyond being redheads, wearing scarves, and being in Ruby-Spears productions (though SD was more Hannah-Barbera). But Proto, like Daphne, is "danger-prone" in the sense that he runs headlong into it. Usually, he's better at not getting captured. Usually.

Poor Daphne didn't expect Proto to inherit Dr. Light's "high INT low WIS" gene.

["I can trust you, right?"]

Answer: No you can't, Kampfer-Rock, for RADIX has gone with the fanon idea of "What if Venus de Milo, that fifth turtle from TMNT: The Next Mutation that DEFEATED SHREDDER SINGLE-HANDEDLY, was a villain?"

I actually had not TMNT in mind whilst drawing this (though I did want to take a shot at drawing Venus), but a porn site called Pal Comix. Almost all of their comics are plotless nonsense, but when they do crossovers (usually also porn) They go completely insane. (For starters, they've got Princess Jasmine of Aladdin fame working as a detective in what appears to be the Pokemon universe)

If they weren't tied up with other things, I might shoot them a script based on this premise (but with no porn, because I don't trust myself to successfully integrate plot with porn without the bits that facilitate the porn being mere convenience).

Posted on: April 14, 2011, 04:10:46 AM

[Venus Wins, Flawless Victory]

But only because she got the jump on Kampfer-Proto.

I'm not the first one to make Venus de Milo a villain (and I think the TMNT guys might've done the same in a non-Next Mutation-related work, but Mr. Laird hates her guts); like those before me, I think there's a few things that could make that concept work:

* She doesn't fit the theme naming. (Yeah, in the show, the TMNT nicknamed her that, but) Big tip-off right there, at least to the reader/viewer, that something might not be right.

* She doesn't really have a unique color--cyan's just another shade of blue, after all.

* Unless I'm wrong, she kinda showed up out of nowhere in TMNT: NM, in the sense that there was just magically another turtle in the bottle/bag/whatever it was that got covered in Mutagen. I think Splinter would've noticed that (I'm not sure exactly when Splinter found the turtles in that continuity, but she had enough time to be covered in Mutagen before being washed away). Generally, people showing up out of nowhere and trying to retcon their way into your origin story = Bad News(TM). Or at least Annoying News(TM).

Not sure about her motivations or master plan yet--probably, the former would have a lot to do with the death of her master. Not the sole driving force, but still a contributor.

...I appear to have forgotten her shell. D'OH

Posted on: April 14, 2011, 11:21:17 PM

All Klonoa this time. Finally made some satisfactory redesigns for Derek, Ren, and Makai.

* The "Heartless insignia = symbol of truth" thing? Told to me by a friend in high school (who preferred Riku over Sora). I dunno where he got that from, or if I even remembered it correctly.

* Jeeve was salvaged from an old Klonoa fanfic attempt (barely even a page's worth) which started with Klonoa stealing vegetables from a curmodgeony old farmer. Yeah.

This thing ended up eating most of my day. :/

Since everyone's more or less feeling like themselves, this probably isn't Chaos's doing. I hope everyone's obvious enough for me to forgo the usual "from left to right" explanations. (Namine's all the way up there because I, in all my infinite wisdom, completely forgot her until I started colouring. Good thing for that negative space...)

Disclaimer: Rock never gets Drive forms--wrong clothes, after all. For that, Roll is glad.

I am not actually named after a Muppet in real life. I do have pants like those, though.

Drawn for the MMXXX board, which is either closing at the end of April along with the main site, or will live on without the site--either way, Chron started a member album thread and I figure I should post something there.

Posted on: April 17, 2011, 01:36:34 AM

I'd say this was mostly a test of some "3-D paint" my sisters don't use anymore (and for good reason--most of the bastards are all dried-up), but due to difficulties in actually using the damn things, that didn't pan out. At least it scanned well.

I'm liking Klonoa's Wii attired more, if only because my own attempt at a Klonoa redesign needs to be revised. (Not counting those hatless Klonoa pics in my scraps)

Also, Kairi is more interested in Huepow while (Dion Rogers') Rinoa looks on.

Posted on: April 18, 2011, 03:05:35 AM

tly RS-MM related, with some KH. Klonoa, and Zelda thrown in.

The Zelda stuff (no subtitle yet) pertains to yet another dream of mine; this time, Link and Malon (or maybe one of my IRL friends or Kairi; her appearance wasn't consistent) are going to college in Scotland and have to escape through their room's window for some vague reason.

Going through `emlan's gallery inspired me to draw this. That, and loitering around in the basement (whose cleanup job STILL ISN'T [tornado fang]ing FINISHED).

Occasionally, Rock pulls the "I have cute, you must obey" trick on unsuspecting people (mostly Proto). Troll-Rock does this ALL THE DAMNED TIME. As for Troll-Proto...most likely he got his longcoat taken away for making him look all "Euro-trashy".

Posted on: April 21, 2011, 04:03:59 AM

I've lost both the contest and the right to ever print this thing.

Also, there appear to be UDON crew members among the list of winners. Sirs, when you run a contest, you are not allowed to include staff pieces among the entries; you just let those in separately.

what a load.

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Reply #2268 on: April 21, 2011, 04:36:57 PM
Whoa I miss quite a lot of arts there.

That Genbend Riku looks sexy (the ponytail I guess)

and comrades regarding the Udon stuff!

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Reply #2269 on: April 23, 2011, 06:49:22 AM
Heh. XD

Maybe one day someone will explain why staff members were among the winners?..

Zero is now the shorter one. Another subversion of typical RS-MM fan expectations, or am I trying to start ridiculous "RS-Rock is RS-Zero" theories by making Zero about Rock's height in relation to X (assuming I've remembered everything correctly)?

...definitely the former. Though it'd be nice to see a (now outdated) "Rock is Zero" theory for once.

Doodled at the TMMN oekaki; was going to draw something incredibly depressing over my frustration at the one-two punch of "lost the contest + staff members listed among the winners", but decided against it. Who needs wangst when you can have a giant and a bishie?

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Reply #2270 on: April 23, 2011, 08:21:27 PM
That's easy to answer, it's because it's their book, we weren't supposed to be participating against them in the first place :P
There are some artists that weren't even part of Udon and got invited to make an entry for the book, which got in no matter what they made (as long as it followed the rules that is). There's a reason why Andrew Dickman knew that he got included in the Tribute way before the contest was over.

EDIT: Also, what do you mean by the "lost the right to ever print this thing"? I'm sure that only applies to the chosen entries, just saying.

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Reply #2271 on: April 25, 2011, 03:34:59 PM
EDIT: Also, what do you mean by the "lost the right to ever print this thing"? I'm sure that only applies to the chosen entries, just saying.

From what I remember of the rules, ALL artwork submitted to the contest became property of UDON. Even the losing ones.

Old PPG thing.

I'm surprised the tags/keywords bar had enough room for all of them. :/

Title is self-explanatory (though I did cheat in including Mega as a bunny). In this group shot, we've got Bunny Link, Tails, Klonoa, Cait Sith, Megabunny, my character Dual in his "good" form, Felicia, Madotsuki using the Cat Effect, Whimsicott, Jupiter, Kirby, and Kyuub


* I think Klonoa/Tails might be popular in some circles; Klonoa/Felicia is actually canon for Namco X Capcom, apparently.

* Kyuubey (of Puella Magi Madoka Magica fame) isn't really "cute". You wouldn't know why unless you watched the anime/read the manga.

* I miscoloured Whimsicott's fluff. >.>

Offline KoiDrake

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Reply #2272 on: April 25, 2011, 07:43:49 PM
From what I remember of the rules, ALL artwork submitted to the contest became property of UDON. Even the losing ones.

EDIT: Forget it, you might be right. I guess it's just a matter of asking to Udon about this...

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2273 on: May 03, 2011, 01:53:29 AM

You just KNOW that if Kampfer were about furries, they'd give all the girls long tails and absolutely not bother to have their clothes accommodate for those tails in any way at all. Who needs logic and funtion when you can have PANTY SHOTZ!?!?!?!11!?!3moo :C

Also, I recently realized that I'd been giving Rock and Proto two bracelets instead of the usual one. And that I don't know who the Red Kampfers under Venus will be.

I still think I'm the only person on the Internet to gender-bend RS-Roll, at least at the time of this writing.

He kinda looks like Rock. :/

"I'm not a chair!"

"Then don't stick it out like that."

(and that IS a lab coat Rock's wearing. A very short one.)

Posted on: April 27, 2011, 03:18:23 AM

So one day my sisters and I drew various things that came to mind (mostly mine--I was the one giving the prompts). I think I brain-farted at least twice. :/

Highlights: Sakura the Cardcaptor as a Pokemon trainer, and Riku and Sailor Link having identical poses. Oops.

Drawn during the blackout. Since I'm incredibly slow, it took me a while to notice all the visual similarities between Lightning and Cloud--but not very long to notice that spider scurrying across the floor while colouring Lightning one night. DDDD:

I'm actually kinda hoping that Square makes someone like Thunder for Final Fantasy XVII, assuming they ever get that far. Then I can go around claiming to be clairvoyant.

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Reply #2274 on: May 05, 2011, 08:21:09 AM
Well...I'd sit on Rock.

Where do you find the time to draw so much man? >_>a Anyway, I'd like to point out that your 3/4 angled faces, and occasionally your profiles, give your characters quite recessive chins. It's a stylistic choice for some people, but to me, it feels anatomically off. Also, I personally feel that your faces are a bit thin. According to one 'rule' for realism faces, a flat frontal shot of a face should have the corners of the eyes, and the middle of the chin (between the lips, and bottom of face) form an equilateral triangle.
Well, whether you chose to try it out or not is up to you.