The Road To E3 2012: Official RPM Rumor & Speculation Thread

Jericho · 7991

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What's up fellow RPM members? It's been a while I know, but with less than a month to go before every gamer's favorite time of the year, I think it's about time that this thread make its annual comeback. At the same time though, what a strangely quiet year its been in gaming. As always, this thread is meant to talk about the steady trickle of information that happens between now and the main event because everyone loves a leak or juicy rumor or two. ;)

News Reel:




Other Parties (Sega, Capcom, Square-Enix, SNK, etc.)

Also, since there might be a few of you wondering what the times will be like for the E3 pressers this year, here's a lovely schedule courtesy of NeoGAF:

With that all said, come on in and share the news with everyone if you find anything you think it's worth it! :)
« Last Edit: May 20, 2012, 12:11:05 AM by Jericho »

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Its that time of year again?

Oh boy.

Anyway, Speculation time:

Showing off the Wii U, maybe a look at Pikmin 3.
New Super Mario Bros "Mii" will probably show up too.

LittleBigPlanet Racing (Or whatever they're calling it)
Probably something with the Vita

I got nothing, I don't follow Xbox stuff since I don't own a 360. But if I have to guess there will probably be Halo 4.

Sports and such.

COD and such.

Super Street Fighter X Tekken
Demon may Croon

Versus XIII Confirmed to not be appearing.

Anyway, maybe this year I'll actually follow E3 instead of completely forgetting about it like i have done for the past 3 years.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2012, 08:41:08 PM by RMZX Anarchy »

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no versus 13 didn't get cancelled >_>

and it's been confirmed that kh3d was showing up in some capacity iirc

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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I'm not expecting much out of this E3, I'll tell you that...

Offline The Drunken Dishwasher

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I'm expecting some kind of hint for a Golden Sun 4. 

And hopefully a date for Last Guardian  :'(

Offline Mirby

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I'm expecting some kind of hint for a Golden Sun 4. 

And hopefully a date for Last Guardian  :'(

ah yes dat GOLDEN SUN


Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline ViperAcidZX

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Hoping to see some Crimson Dragon (Panzer Dragoon's upcoming spiritual successor) and Dragon's Lair (did not do the research of this game's release date) coverage, even though I doubt I'll spend $20~30 for both games plus $150 for the Kinect sensor just to play them. :( That and Dragon's Crown since I'm thinking of getting PS Vita in the future.

Almost forgot about Code of Princess if it's coming stateside.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 12:50:25 PM by ViperAcidZX »

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Things have been rather calm this year. Then again, less hype means less disappointment.

Looking forward anyway.

Offline Protoman Blues

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As always, Nintendo has my primary interest.

Also, um Jericho. Where the hell is my song?

Offline Jericho

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As always, Nintendo has my primary interest.

Also, um Jericho. Where the hell is my song?

That's saved for the main event thread, remember? :P

Meanwhile, we have our first big revelation for E3 coming in the form of a Tweet with an image of the newly redesigned Wii U controller:

Key differences from what was seen at E3 2011 include clickable GCN like analog sticks, a few button placement changes , and a mysterious square button or small panel under the D-Pad area. What could this mean for thesystem? Stay tuned and find out. ;)

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Offline Protoman Blues

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That's saved for the main event thread, remember? :P

Oh right!

Also, I'm liking the controller.

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Oh man, sticks>sliders. I may not mind them much anymore thanks to the 3DS, but sticks are still unquestionably better.

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Very much agreed, sticks are a definite improvement.  I still kinda wish Nintendo hadn't gotten away from their octagonal-frame habits on the GCN/Wii, though.  It's nice to have that tactile reference of which direction is which, ESPECIALLY for a controller like this, where the left stick/right buttons combination leaves your thumbs misaligned.

Maybe it's just me, maybe it's just the odd angle, but the D-Pad seems a little far from the edge of the controller.  Shouldn't matter for the giant-handed such as myself, but I wonder how it'll work for the masses?

Rumor of Retro's next game.  Star Fox/Metroid crossover?  If anyone BUT Retro did that, I'd probably be cringing in fear.  But the pitch sounds pretty awesome, especially the part about switching game modes at the player's leisure if the scripted pace isn't your bag (kinda reminds you of the Sonic Adventure 1 approach, eh?).  Could definitely be the "holy crap" game that Nintendo was lacking last year.

Of course, that's assuming that this is truly a game to begin with and not just some coffee-talk concept that went nowhere.  We'll find out soon, I guess.

Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and

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If anyone BUT Retro did that, I'd probably be cringing in fear.  But the pitch sounds pretty awesome

Retro is slowly approaching a state at which I would consider them "cannot possibly do wrong".
If they actually manage to drag Starfox out of the dumpster it currently is in they're practically there.

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If they can have Star Metroid, I want Legend of Fire Emblem.

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I like how the controller looks and I love that they have sticks instead of the slider.  I love the slider on the 3DS, it's certainly much better than that small thing on the PSPs and I use it more than the D-Pad, but sticks are much better for a console, especially with a controller that big.  Speaking of which did that thing get longer or is it just me?

For E3 I'm hoping for more 3DS game previews.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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credits to Gaf as always.  This glorious gif still applies XDD

edit: I just came across this, a fan-made video.  It made for a nice wet dream, then tears after...


Offline Acid

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I can't believe how calm the pre E3 phase is this year.

Is it the calm before the storm?

Offline The Drunken Dishwasher

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Something is stirring, that much is certain

credits to Neogaf.

Offline Acid

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Gotta love Bladerunner.

Offline ViperAcidZX

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After reading up on Zone of the Enders HD Collection new, I'm hoping it will be on the show floor this year since we'll be expecting it this Fall.

credits to Gaf as always.  This glorious gif still applies XDD

edit: I just came across this, a fan-made video.  It made for a nice wet dream, then tears after...

Oh God, how many times have I seen The Fifth Element on the Encore channel? >0< And that intro: Please, someone, make Killer Instinct 3 happen...

Offline Hypershell

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I'm pretty sure Killer Instinct belongs to Rare...

Nice use of the Killer Cuts soundtrack, though.

Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and

Offline Flame

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Reply #23 on: June 01, 2012, 08:11:21 AM
Anyone see the Konami Pre - E3 show on Spike?

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline The Drunken Dishwasher

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Reply #24 on: June 01, 2012, 09:32:13 AM
I saw, I am quite excited for LoS2.  I do wish we had a proper trailer for Mirror of Fate, but ah well.

Metal Gear RIsing looks SOOO FUN, the cutting up the helicopter in pieces sold me.

And for the ZoE fans


The new intro for the ZoE HD coll.