The Protomen Movie: "The Will of One"

Treleus · 2056

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Offline Treleus

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on: January 24, 2012, 07:21:34 PM

Sounds like it'll kicked ass. I'd love to see this happen.

So far $283 of $8,500 have been raised, with 46 days left for the drive. Here's what you get for your donations:

Gratitude: $1
The reward of knowing you're helping out to a good cause! :D

Name Mention 1: $5
The above and your name on the TRIAL Films facebook page on a special thanks section.

Name Mention 2: $15
All of the above and your name in the film's credits under Special Thanks section.

Dr. Light Video: $50
All of the above and a specialized thank you video message from our very own Dr. Light.

MP3/WAV Message: $75
All of the above and a specialized Proto WAV/MP3 message to be used as a text tone, ring tone, or voice mail message. Be sure your phone can use WAV or MP3s as a voice mail pre-recording before selecting this option.

Associate Producer + Poster: $500
All of the above and your name and/or company name (as long as it is appropriate) listed as Associate Producer of the film plus an exclusive Will of One Movie Poster. Your choice for it to be signed or not.

Helmets!!: $750
Exclusive to this amount only. All of the above and a prop replica helmet from the film of either Proto or Mega.

Name in the Film Itself: $1,000
All of the above except exclusives. Your name or company name (as long as it is an appropriate company name) will appear somewhere in a scene in the film, e.g. spray painted on a wall or as an author of a newspaper article etc.

Hero of Man: $1,500
All of the above except exclusives. Your name or company name (as long as it is an appropriate company name) listed as “Hero of Man” in the film's credits, and on the TRIAL Films Facebook page. You will also receive a lengthened thank you video from Proto to be published publicly on the TRIAL Films page where he will declare you a “Hero of Man”

Mega Buster: $2,112
Exclusive to this amount only, all of the above (except exclusives), and a working Prop of the Mega Buster used in the film. Your choice to be signed by cast and crew or not.

Proto Buster: $2,113
Exclusive to this amount only, all of the above (except exclusives), and a working Prop of the Proto Buster used in the film. Your choice to be signed by cast and crew or not.

Executive Producer!!: $6,000
All of the above (except exclusives), a Prop Replica of either Mega or Proto's helmet and matching buster cannon used in the film, a revised “Savior of Man” listing in the Film's Credits and personalized thank you video from the entire cast, a link to your own YouTube channel in the film's description and annotation during the credits, as well as a link to your own YouTube channel on the TRIAL Film's page, and a highly limited edition “The Will of One” film t-shirt to display you

And finally for Legends 3 fans, some additional incentive:

Offline Rin

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Reply #1 on: January 24, 2012, 09:02:52 PM
Unless they'll make it a musical (with songs by The Protomen) I don't give a crap.

Associate Producer + Poster: $500
All of the above and your name and/or company name (as long as it is appropriate) listed as Associate Producer of the film plus an exclusive Will of One Movie Poster. Your choice for it to be signed or not.
I [tornado fang]ing lol'd at this one, and some of the other.

Offline Treleus

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Reply #2 on: January 25, 2012, 09:00:11 AM
[parasitic bomb]. Second junk thread I made so far.

I found out this TRIAL fan film may not be as hot as it's made out to be. At least the donation drive isn't, not after reading the latest Roll's Wrapup from the 100K Strong page. "Hey, want to help Legends 3 get made someday? DONATE TO OUR COOL MOVIE BRO!"
« Last Edit: January 26, 2012, 02:43:02 PM by Treleus »

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Reply #3 on: January 28, 2012, 06:03:08 PM
On one hand, I don't want to encourage the fanbase being a bunch of dicks, but on the other can you really blame people for being skeptical to donate to a fan-based promise?  Anyone could throw together a bunch of comforting words and story sketches.  I know nothing of TRIAL Films.  Does anyone else here?  Frankly, even if we as Mega Man / Mega Man Legends fans WEREN'T pissy over being burned repeatedly over the last year, I'd still see plenty of reason to be skeptical.  I want to believe these guys are legitimate and that they could put something special together, but they really do need to establish an image both for themselves and for this project before they go asking for money.  That's just the way it is.

Posted on: January 25, 2012, 07:56:53 PM
Well, this is nice.  YouTube video is removed and the campaign page is hidden.

While neither site has any info, their Facebook page states that The Will Of One is canned, claims that they'll be refunding donations, and that they have other projects in mind.

Can't say I'm that surprised.  These guys strike me as having good intentions, but a little on the naive side.  Raising half their goal (4 grand) before even releasing a teaser?  Yeah, not happening.

Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and