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Reply #200 on: September 13, 2011, 10:43:11 AM
Despite the fact that not all developers agree with Valve's micro-transactional side (read: hat simulator), yeah, that works.

I guess all I can really say is it isn't exactly what I'd expect out of a $4.4M game

It doesn't even have mouth animations

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Reply #201 on: September 13, 2011, 11:25:31 AM
It's the way to monetize free games. None of it bears any importance on actual gameplay. It's only on asthetics.

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Reply #202 on: September 13, 2011, 02:12:59 PM
Seriously, I doubt Capcom cares too much about your money. Because you know, if they did they would have released Legends 3.

In the end you're the ones missing out, not Capcom.

Seriously, what the [tornado fang] am I missing out on?! Not a goddamned thing, that's what. Once again, Capcom can rot. Asura's wrath? Dragons dogma? Don't give a [tornado fang] about those.  And dont get me started on the DmC reboot. LOL. That shits a joke. I know some of you are thinking, "He'll buy it anyways." No I really won't. Nintendo is still making good games and there seems to be a resurgence of good superhero games. I think I will be set for awhile. I can wait until a new Mega Man game comes.


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Reply #203 on: September 13, 2011, 02:38:58 PM
I meant you'd be missing out if you don't buy games you were originally going to just because Legends 3 got cancelled. If you were never going to get them in the first place then it doesn't apply to you, does it? Although it does make your "I'm not buying a damn thing Capcom puts out" statement pretty worthless.

Obviously, I don't expect you to buy every Capcom game ever just because they exist.

I can wait until a new Mega Man game comes.

Have fun waiting forever.

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Reply #204 on: September 13, 2011, 09:17:42 PM
Seriously, what the [tornado fang] am I missing out on?! Not a goddamned thing, that's what. Once again, Capcom can rot. Asura's wrath? Dragons dogma? Don't give a [tornado fang] about those.  And dont get me started on the DmC reboot. LOL. That shits a joke. I know some of you are thinking, "He'll buy it anyways." No I really won't. Nintendo is still making good games and there seems to be a resurgence of good superhero games. I think I will be set for awhile. I can wait until a new Mega Man game comes.
Those are actually two original games that good teams are making. Good teams that give a [parasitic bomb] about games (the guys who made Asura's Wrath stated they REALLY wanted to develop Legends 3 after it was cancelled) and games that are actually NEW things. You know, not ports, remakes, sequels or spinoffs.

I'm not buying Capcom stuff, but don't say we're not missing out. Those are the two titles that they actually seem to be giving a [parasitic bomb] about. Specially Dragon's Dogma, in which they are sinking quite a bit of cash.

Nintendo is still making good games

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Reply #205 on: September 13, 2011, 10:57:58 PM
Those are actually two original games that good teams are making. Good teams that give a [parasitic bomb] about games (the guys who made Asura's Wrath stated they REALLY wanted to develop Legends 3 after it was cancelled) and games that are actually NEW things. You know, not ports, remakes, sequels or spinoffs.

I'm not buying Capcom stuff, but don't say we're not missing out. Those are the two titles that they actually seem to be giving a [parasitic bomb] about. Specially Dragon's Dogma, in which they are sinking quite a bit of cash.

"I" am not missing out. Maybe you are, but I have other things to play.


They are, stop trolling.

Edit: Anybody else think they probably ceased developing legends 3 so they could concentrate on MH4? They can only handle developing so many title at once. If Nintendo needed some help from Capcom on the software front, then I hate to admit it but MH4 will push a lot more systems than Legends 3. Thoughts?

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Reply #206 on: September 13, 2011, 11:07:54 PM
They are, stop trolling.
I didn't say anything. 8D

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Reply #207 on: September 13, 2011, 11:12:02 PM

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Reply #208 on: September 13, 2011, 11:56:50 PM
Nintendo is still making good games
You seriously believe this.

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Reply #209 on: September 14, 2011, 12:10:16 AM
You seriously believe this.
so, also nintendo are making bad products?
oh... how the mighty have fallen

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Reply #210 on: September 14, 2011, 12:57:57 AM
Much like the internet, these days every game seems to be a rehash of a rehash.

Skyward Sword looks promising though, one of the VERY rare gems these days.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #211 on: September 14, 2011, 01:10:10 AM
Much like the internet, these days every game seems to be a rehash of a rehash.

Skyward Sword looks promising though, one of the VERY rare gems these days.
Agreed. Hopefully, it'll play as well as it looks. But bad official Zeldas don't exist, so it'll at the very least be fun.

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Reply #212 on: September 14, 2011, 01:37:14 AM
Zelda has me hyped, but I'm most looking forward to Mario 3D Land.  A 3D Mario game that plays like a 2D one is a pretty sweet idea, after 4 games of Super Mario Sandboxing (which really gets old when you can't keep a single power-up in between).  Point-A-to-point-B 3D platformers are exceedingly rare.

Capcom has me by the balls with Street Fighter and MVC.
For me, it's Monster Hunter and Ace Attorney (although neither of them are that huge in the west anyway).

I always thought of boycotts as an extreme and unproductive reaction anyway; they tell the company what you don't want, not what you do.  Still, though Capcom has me at my fandoms (can't be helped), I'm certainly less inclined to take a chance with anything I'm less than certain of.  Whether that be big names I used to play (Street Fighter) or new IPs (Ghost Trick).

You can say I'm missing out, and you're probably right.  But as a matter of risk, why take a chance on an entity that refuses to take a chance on me?  It's more the cancellation of the Prototype than the cancellation of Legends 3 itself that has a lot of fans, myself included, pissed off.  That was their supposed gauge of interest, it was effectively done, and they backed out for the sheer hell of it when they could have had the only non-ported 3DS e-Shop game in existence (STILL).  Even from the "we're only in it for money" standpoint, you'd think they would have released what they had in the Prototype and cancelled after the point.

Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and

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Reply #213 on: September 14, 2011, 03:17:44 AM
Nintendo making bad games, Capcom is japanese activsion and no Legends 3? What is going on?

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Reply #214 on: September 14, 2011, 03:26:11 AM
End of the world?

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #215 on: September 14, 2011, 03:36:21 AM
Anybody else think they probably ceased developing legends 3 so they could concentrate on MH4? They can only handle developing so many title at once.

Sorry if I don't know how the games industry works, but if that were the case, couldn't they put MML3 on hiatus?

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Reply #216 on: September 14, 2011, 03:51:13 AM
But as a matter of risk, why take a chance on an entity that refuses to take a chance on me?  It's more the cancellation of the Prototype than the cancellation of Legends 3 itself that has a lot of fans, myself included, pissed off.  That was their supposed gauge of interest, it was effectively done, and they backed out for the sheer hell of it when they could have had the only non-ported 3DS e-Shop game in existence (STILL).  Even from the "we're only in it for money" standpoint, you'd think they would have released what they had in the Prototype and cancelled after the point.
The company knows what fans want. They don't give it to them, because they'd rather invest in giving to the masses than the fans. But if the fans stop buying, they give the message that maybe Capcom should be working for the fans. The only way you can hurt them, is through your wallet.

It's what I'm hoping happens through DmC. I haven't seen a single person who says "I want to buy this game". It's all fans saying they're pissed off, or people who haven't had deep contact with the franchise going "It doesn't look bad, quit whining". But nobody's outright saying they want it.
If it actually tanks, and fans don't turn out to be little shits who buy it anyways for sheer curiosity of how the game turns out to be, then Capcom will go back to what we loved. But I got kind of a bad feeling that blindly finding out what comes next is more important for fans than actually caring about the quality of the franchise they like. >_>

Nintendo making bad games
They're not making bad games. Just basing their entire lineup out of sequels and ports. I really, really like Nintendo and their stuff, but I started liking them because of their amazing new ideas and concepts. If they go stale, like Tim Burton, George Lucas and Bioware before them, it'll be bad.

I'd just like to see fans going "I'd love to see something new from this company" instead of "I'd love to see a sequel to this obscure game I love". Nobody really does that.

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Reply #217 on: September 16, 2011, 01:35:23 AM
Nintendo's been making bad games since the NES; we just forgot about them easier back then.

As for sequels, I see nothing inherently wrong with them, but I've noticed that Nintendo seems a bit worse with the "obscure" sequels than with the expected ones (I'm hoping Sakurai at the head of Kid Icarus will change that).  The likes Punch-Out!! and Pilotwings Resort are games that I call strong, but not quite all that they could have been.

The company knows what fans want. They don't give it to them, because they'd rather invest in giving to the masses than the fans.
I guess in the case of Legends 3 it'd be pretty hard to argue that Capcom doesn't know the demand is there.

Although, the more I think about it, the more I believe the cancellation of the Prototype was more to stop the Devroom than it was to stop Legends 3 itself.  If money was a concern, and they only reconsidered after the Prototype was effectively finished, you'd think they wouldn't be so stupid as to throw away a chance at a quick return.  God knows, pissed off or not, we'd have still eaten it up, nevermind the fact that they gave up a still ongoing monopoly over the e-Shop's audience.

Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and

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Reply #218 on: September 16, 2011, 01:55:46 AM
Nintendo's been making bad games since the NES; we just forgot about them easier back then.

As for sequels, I see nothing inherently wrong with them, but I've noticed that Nintendo seems a bit worse with the "obscure" sequels than with the expected ones (I'm hoping Sakurai at the head of Kid Icarus will change that).  The likes Punch-Out!! and Pilotwings Resort are games that I call strong, but not quite all that they could have been.
I guess in the case of Legends 3 it'd be pretty hard to argue that Capcom doesn't know the demand is there.

Although, the more I think about it, the more I believe the cancellation of the Prototype was more to stop the Devroom than it was to stop Legends 3 itself.  If money was a concern, and they only reconsidered after the Prototype was effectively finished, they wouldn't have thrown out a quick chance to get some return.  And God knows, pissed off or not, we'd have still eaten it up.
Nintendo banked on originality back then. Now, it banks on constant hardcore nostalgia. Fans will eat it up. Doesn't mean it's a good direction, specially when games are striving hard to be taken as seriously as other types of art, and all we have to show for it, is that we're a Hollywood-lite, with even more remakes and sequels than the movie industry could ever dream of having in any movie.

And I honestly think they saw their strategy backfiring with this. The prototype was ready, but I don't think decent demo sales, for that kind of price, would justify putting forward the amount of cash required for the whole game, SPECIALLY with the 3DS sales being so low. Plus, the Prototype being out would make them even bigger assholes if they decided not to launch the main game, since they'd be under much more pressure. It was a lose-lose situation, and they just hoped fans didn't notice it was cancelled. Which didn't work as well. Now, they just have a tiny bit of drama ocurring. If they had released the prototype, they'd have to deal with removing it from the store, telling people it didn't work, having people [sonic slicer] about having the whole thing there and not trying, people using the tech demo to show how Capcom is unwilling to complete a game... it's a whole new box of [parasitic bomb] to deal with, something Capcom wasn't ready to handle. In their way, they did the smart thing. Even if they were the biggest jerks by waving a much-wanted product for over ten years in fans' faces.

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Reply #219 on: September 16, 2011, 02:29:29 AM
Hyper, what exactly do you mean by stopping the Devroom?

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #220 on: September 16, 2011, 07:33:56 PM
Nintendo banked on originality back then. Now, it banks on constant hardcore nostalgia. Fans will eat it up. Doesn't mean it's a good direction, specially when games are striving hard to be taken as seriously as other types of art, and all we have to show for it, is that we're a Hollywood-lite, with even more remakes and sequels than the movie industry could ever dream of having in any movie.

And I honestly think they saw their strategy backfiring with this. The prototype was ready, but I don't think decent demo sales, for that kind of price, would justify putting forward the amount of cash required for the whole game, SPECIALLY with the 3DS sales being so low. Plus, the Prototype being out would make them even bigger assholes if they decided not to launch the main game, since they'd be under much more pressure. It was a lose-lose situation, and they just hoped fans didn't notice it was cancelled. Which didn't work as well. Now, they just have a tiny bit of drama ocurring. If they had released the prototype, they'd have to deal with removing it from the store, telling people it didn't work, having people [sonic slicer] about having the whole thing there and not trying, people using the tech demo to show how Capcom is unwilling to complete a game... it's a whole new box of [parasitic bomb] to deal with, something Capcom wasn't ready to handle. In their way, they did the smart thing. Even if they were the biggest jerks by waving a much-wanted product for over ten years in fans' faces.

While that is all true, I also think fans misinterpreted what Capcom meant when they said they where gonna judge if they should make L3 by the amount of heat the prototype generated. I think they literally meant hype, not sales. And they judged hype by the devroom. The hype for this game was no where near what it is now. If we had this kind of support back then, I think we would be playing the prototype right now. Truth is though, I don't think this was a fair way to judge anything, not everyone that was looking forward to this was interested in the dev room. Can't say I blame them, it wasn't very interesting.

TL;DR: We didn't beg enough.

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Reply #221 on: September 16, 2011, 08:05:53 PM
While that is all true, I also think fans misinterpreted what Capcom meant when they said they where gonna judge if they should make L3 by the amount of heat the prototype generated. I think they literally meant hype, not sales. And they judged hype by the devroom. The hype for this game was no where near what it is now. If we had this kind of support back then, I think we would be playing the prototype right now. Truth is though, I don't think this was a fair way to judge anything, not everyone that was looking forward to this was interested in the dev room. Can't say I blame them, it wasn't very interesting.

TL;DR: We didn't beg enough.
I'm kinda thinking they were going to cancel the game either way. Inafune quits, and right after, they cancel the game? The guy was the stone in their foot that they needed to bring the hammer down. After he left, two games which were not just his pet franchise, but aimed at FANS rather than sales, completely centered around the consumer and not just to get money?

Capcom was dying to being the hammer down on these things.

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Reply #222 on: September 17, 2011, 12:59:42 AM
I'm kinda thinking they were going to cancel the game either way. Inafune quits, and right after, they cancel the game? The guy was the stone in their foot that they needed to bring the hammer down. After he left, two games which were not just his pet franchise, but aimed at FANS rather than sales, completely centered around the consumer and not just to get money?

Capcom was dying to being the hammer down on these things.

Too true! Also, from a business perspective, it kinda makes sense to wanna cancel your rivals productions. He gets two games going and then leaves to start his own company? I would cancel his games too. What if he started them in an attempt of sabotage? Would you trust a guy who quit on you?

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Reply #223 on: September 17, 2011, 01:02:20 AM
Too true! Also, from a business perspective, it kinda makes sense to wanna cancel your rivals productions. He gets two games going and then leaves to start his own company? I would cancel his games too. What if he started them in an attempt of sabotage? Would you trust a guy who quit on you?
I don't really think it was that kind of angry manuever, but a bit more about making Capcom their own after he left, a bit for honor's sake. Since Keji left, we've seen a whole slew of bad decisions, and many of them based on the typical japanese style of controlling a business that he criticized in the first place. I'm thinking his way of thinking must've been because of Capcom's methods more than anything else.


Reasons revealed. (at least I think, I can't load the damn page)

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Reply #224 on: September 17, 2011, 03:32:27 AM

So, I told them that I was going to found my own independent company and leave Capcom. However, I stated that I was ready to make a contract with them so that I could keep working on those projects that I started. I couldn’t start making contracts with other publishers for sure if Capcom agreed to the proposition, but I wanted to see those projects that I started to completion. But it couldn’t be done. They answered, ‘We have no need to do that.’

“[I went to the trouble of]…Finding the right time, gathering the team members, planning strategies, all so we could barely start on Mega Man Legends 3. I really don’t want to quit at this crucial moment…but I can’t keep going at Capcom. I am too tired to keep going. I wanted to leave Capcom to recharge my energy, and support Capcom from there, but it seems they don’t allow it. I want to make all my effort to keep Legends 3 alive, but I’m really not sure I can do it.”

Wow. That is just really depressing things to hear. Inafune himself wanted to take on the completion