Keiji Inafune leaves Capcom (UPDATE)

kosmos · 65376

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Reply #100 on: November 03, 2010, 02:55:08 AM
For example: Megaman X5 was supposed to be the last X series, but Capcom decided to create X6 without his knowledge, which causing the media franchise to go downhill.
Oh for the love of...  This AGAIN?

I'm going to try rather desperately to avoid my usual rants as to X5's varying failures and why Inafune's sense of "finality" (see MMXOCW page 48) makes me question his sanity.

Do you know how many X-series games Inafune produced?  TWO.  X4 and MHX.

And if you missed Align's sig-quote, give it a read:
Inafune is by origin a "character designer", his job is not "writer" or "scenario". He only took on a scenario/writer role with X, and even then he was limited by his superior and always gladly accepted input for his colleagues; especially in his days as producer did he leave the story up to the imagination of others. Remember that Rockman is and will always be a team effort; "Capcom" is the author, not any single member of the team.

A great deal of fans desperately need to get equipped with MMXOCW.  Inafune being, as Zan said, "by origin a character designer", you may be interested to know that X isn't even his character.  X was designed by Hayato Kaji, and the first X game produced by Tokuro Fujiwara.  You know WHY Inafune wanted to end the X-series at X5?  Because he wanted to make games about his character: Zero.  That's the only damn thing that was even "final" about X5 in the first place.

And I'm not saying it's a bad thing to want to up the ante with your artistic baby, because it isn't.  But why in the hell does it require killing the preceding series while leaving all manners of loose ends unaddressed between the original protagonist, the main antagonist, and the newly re-introduced background antagonist?  "Finality", indeed.

You know, with any franchise, one man doesn't make the team.  Inafune, like a great deal of other team members at Capcom, has done great things, and has made mistakes.  He is no guarantee of, nor obstacle to, quality.  He is a human being, one of many who have worked with MegaMan.  He has an exceptionally long-standing involvement with MegaMan, spanning the blue bomber's entire life time, this is true, but the degree to which he was involved varies a great deal.  The loss of one such as him will be deeply felt, surely, but it is by no means terminal to the franchise.

Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and

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Reply #101 on: November 03, 2010, 02:57:40 AM
That was a great read. He had some great reasons, and it sounds like he plans on making his own company anyways. To see if a game will sell on his name instead of on Capcom's name. Or a franchise's name.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything


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Reply #102 on: November 03, 2010, 03:20:44 AM
I see that HS took the reigns into his hands, but there are still idiots who mindlessly applaud his drivel. I'm going to quote what I said over to Megaman Matrix.

Try to follow if you wish.

As for the Inafune interview... I dunno Chaos, he sounded like he was more of an arrogant nutjob than a guy who has his chickens counted. Maybe we're reading the wrong interview or something, but he just sounds like he had finally lost it or something and went off the deep end. He STILL seems to think that Capcom needs him to survive when he really hasn't done anything THAT amazing.

The fanbase gives this guy too much credit and that allows him to grow such a big head. General human error aside, we are to blame as a collective for his obvious madness.

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By the sound of things, he's saying he just has a passion for making games that Capcom seems to be lacking. So far, I'm going to go by what he says because he pushed to get Legends 3 out there. He also pushed to get the Classic Series back in motion. He pushes for good games. Capcom makes games like X6 behind his back, puts other people in charge for games like BN4, and you can get the picture.

We grew up with classics like Mega Man 2 and Mega Man X.

They've been making games lately like Mega Man ZX and Starforce.

Mind you in my opinion, Starforce isn't BAD. It's just, let's be honest. It's BN7. Starforce 2 is BN8. And Starforce 3 is BN9. There isn't ANYTHING different or new to it besides the fact that you have a 3D battle. In fact, that was the only new fresh breath of air I got out of it. The rest of it was just the same old thing, and it gets old real quick.

Be that as it may, I still beg to differ on a lot of things, it isn't like he solely made the games and he even admitted on a number of occasions that he leaves a lot of the writing to other individuals. Writing like X4. Writing like Megaman 9. The very stuff that he gets praised for... when he honestly doesn't have that much to do with it.

He pushes for games? Then why the ##### is he LEAVING when he finally gets the game started? That shows bad, TERRIBLE initiative. He is leaving when his supposed "dream game" is starting? Who the hell does that? I have no respect for the man, if he was a real man, he'd swallow his bull##### excuses and stick it through until Legends 3 is finished.

Instead he jumps ship, with nothing more than a bloody 3 day notice in a very drama queen fashion and expects people to care? I won't fall into that dribble. I used to pull that ##### when I was a little kid, right here on MMM. Getting banned and then expecting people to give a #####. It is the same bullcrap, only he is a grown #####ing man, that made promises and obligations when he made that video about Legends 3.

It was like lying to the fans and they suck it up like it's candy. Then when he announces he is leaving, the same people suck it up and act like he is some savior going off to battle the evil dragon...

Or worse, that their lord and savior has LOST to the "evil dragon" that is Capcom and they mourn for him when he was really just a pussy about it. Sorry, but the whole thing really just gives me a sour taste. He isn't some great man. He isn't some great figure that people place him as. He's just a man that had disagreements with the way his bosses manage things and thusly, he's bowing out very unprofessionally.

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Each to his own I guess. But I do understand him even though he's leaving in the middle of Legends 3. If someone is unwilling to work with something you love to do, I'd leave too. There's something better out there, and I wouldn't put up with that crap. He's already explained in the interview why there's so many other people working for Mega Man games and all he seems to get out of it is just an "OK" and it's on store shelves.

To be honest, I WANTED to be a game designer. Now I'm going to be a teacher. Why? Because I like making others happy and working with the upcoming generation. By the sound of things, that's what Inafune does. He just wants to make games. Capcom is focused on numbers. That's what made me choose to change my personal career choice: I don't want to work under a company. If you wanna call his leave a bad decision, that's up to you. I'm not saying he's a freaking hero over this, but that I think his decision isn't necessarily a bad one. He's sticking his head out from being "comfortable" to get working. That's what EVERYONE should be focusing on nowadays, but let's be honest. When it comes down to it, some people are selfish and just want the money. The focus of a job is "what can I do to help you?", not the other way around. That's what I got out of this interview. I didn't read it as Inafune being whiny and spineless.

I suppose there will always be a difference of opinion. This is the same crap that I hear in America. You know what is so funny? You're gonna be in the SAME damn situation. You're always gonna have to answer to someone as a teacher. You're going to have to answer to your boss, the principal. The board of directors and what have you. There is a whole ##### load of political BS that goes on in the teaching game that is often FAR WORSE than what happens here in gaming.

You'll get screwed over one day and lose your passion as a teacher or end up having to rage quit because of the very same reasons. Or one of your students will press charges against you in a sexual harassment case that you had no way of committing.

MY point is that life isn't fair, business is business. It is ALL about the money and always will be. There is no room for people like us anymore. Idealists that want to aspire to something better, for the people to make them happy, to give them a better foot hold on life or produce things that would bring smiles to their faces.

Me? I wanted to be a psychologist. Sadly, people #####ing suck and it never works out like you expect it. In honesty, I hope the best for you. Hell, I even hope that Inafune gets what he wants out of this... but he won't. I know he won't, he'll be just as pissed over his decision now than he was with being with Capsule Computer.

As for you... I hope your career works out, because we need better teachers. We need teachers that give a ##### about their students. I am where I am today because of the failure school system that we have, not that I don't like who I am. I'm proud of what I've done with what little I have, it is more than a lot of people I know can say. But it is what it is. I would've been a "better" person if I had teachers, principals, councilors and a buncha other stuff that gave a hoot.

That said... tl;dr Inafune seems to think he is some god amongst men, that he is some special individual... and a lot of that is the fanbase' fault. The other part is that he's batshit insane. Sorry, it is just the truth. He's also a little [sonic slicer], complaining about the way the world works. Get over it, get a job and wo-- oh wait, he HAD a job... hahaha.

Inafune barely did anything, in honesty. He did no more than anyone else and now when he actually accomplishes something that he SHOULD be praised for (if he even DID get Legends 3 passed, so much so that it could've been everyone as a collective), he just jumps ship like a little [sonic slicer].

As always, he's just a little artist being a whiny [sonic slicer]. That is what it comes down to at the end of the day and you know it. Hate me if you want, I really, really don't care.

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Reply #103 on: November 03, 2010, 03:45:42 AM
...I did not see any hints of Inafune being small-name-big-ego'd/batshit insane in that interview. Or whiny.


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Reply #104 on: November 03, 2010, 04:19:04 AM
Haha, well we can't all see things for what they are.

I won't fault you for it though. I saw both the good and the bad he said in his interview, personally. A lot of the people are just riding his coattails however, because he speaks of "Freedom" and the ability to "make it how you want it" and all this other [parasitic bomb] that just doesn't work in the real world.

Whether that is right OR wrong, is not the point. REALITY is the point. And if you believe this gibberish, then you're just as naive and idealistic as he is. And honestly... idealism is but only so good. Small time idealism is a great thing.

Individual Idealism is great too. But if you think you're so BADASS that you can change an entire industry? You've got some balls swelled up with ego juice. He needs to fap off and drain his sack a bit, me thinks.

Also, if you think that him thinking Capcom cannot succeed without him and that he was the brunt of Capcom's capability is perfectly FINE and NOT Egotistical... you're just as batshit insane as he is. No question about it, not even up for discussion. No one can be that ballsy.

People have families to feed, bills to pay and lives to live. He acts like none of this comes into play. He wants to be able to do what he wants with his job, however he wants. I DARE him to come here in America and work with that ideal. You LOSE your job if you sideswipe your boss and parade with such arrogant words. It just doesn't [tornado fang]ing work that way. God... I'm an idealistic nutcase myself, but this pisses even ME off. And it pisses me off even more that people eat it up.

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Reply #105 on: November 03, 2010, 05:33:04 AM
Oh for the love of...  This AGAIN?

I'm going to try rather desperately to avoid my usual rants as to X5's varying failures and why Inafune's sense of "finality" (see MMXOCW page 48) makes me question his sanity.

Do you know how many X-series games Inafune produced?  TWO.  X4 and MHX.

And if you missed Align's sig-quote, give it a read:
A great deal of fans desperately need to get equipped with MMXOCW.  Inafune being, as Zan said, "by origin a character designer", you may be interested to know that X isn't even his character.  X was designed by Hayato Kaji, and the first X game produced by Tokuro Fujiwara.  You know WHY Inafune wanted to end the X-series at X5?  Because he wanted to make games about his character: Zero.  That's the only damn thing that was even "final" about X5 in the first place.

And I'm not saying it's a bad thing to want to up the ante with your artistic baby, because it isn't.  But why in the hell does it require killing the preceding series while leaving all manners of loose ends unaddressed between the original protagonist, the main antagonist, and the newly re-introduced background antagonist?  "Finality", indeed.

You know, with any franchise, one man doesn't make the team.  Inafune, like a great deal of other team members at Capcom, has done great things, and has made mistakes.  He is no guarantee of, nor obstacle to, quality.  He is a human being, one of many who have worked with MegaMan.  He has an exceptionally long-standing involvement with MegaMan, spanning the blue bomber's entire life time, this is true, but the degree to which he was involved varies a great deal.  The loss of one such as him will be deeply felt, surely, but it is by no means terminal to the franchise.

First of all, I'm really like to apologies about the misunderstanding. I didn't know that Inafune didn't created X (I thought he would have), but he was supposed to make Zero as main character for Megaman X. Due to your long words, I cannot read it all of it. I did a lot of research about Megaman X because I played it. I'm not dumb, it's just I lost tracks of things that I didn't keep up. I don't want to argue about this. That is final.

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Reply #106 on: November 03, 2010, 06:32:40 AM
Seems to me like he got too high up and just did not like what he found at the top of the hill. He just couldnt stand his position any more when what he wanted was to be able to express his creativity.

Doesnt seem too whiney to me. More like he just does not agree with the way the business side of gaming companies work. He mentions Nintendo- And this is what actually if even slightly- validates his claim that the CEO's just "dont get gaming", and that these days, its all going downhill.

Nintendo's CEO these days, Satoru Iwata, was a developer himself. And like Inafune said, despite his views of the Japanese gaming industry, Nintendo does incredibly well.

maybe I dont know what im talking about, but Inafune seems pretty sane to me. a big dreamer of an 'ideal world" so to speak, sure, but hey, at least instead of just whining about it from within Capcom, he is actually trying to take action and make a move to put his vision into motion. He can whine all he wants, but hes actually doing something about it.

Its like my uncle. my uncle these days, poor sap, is a bitter cranky old man. he complains about politics, and dont you dare get him started on the matter, or he will just go off forever. But he doesnt actually DO anything for all his complaining. He doesnt get more involved in his local politics or anything, he just complains.

Inafune is complaining. But instead of  complaining and doing nothing, with a surefire check at the end of the month regardless of his whining, he is taking actions towards his goal to "change the system." was it the right action? Only time will really tell if he made the right choice.

You mention him leaving when Legends 3 has just started. However, in a way, he has accomplished his goal. to get L3 green lighted. Past that, although he would love to work on it, and is now leaving in early production, he accomplished his goal of bringing legends back.

 In his own words as well, he didnt exactly plan on leaving. he just reached the point where he could not stand the problems he saw and felt with Capcom, and just decided to leave. Mega man has survived without him before, and it can again. He was a part of it, and considered the "father of Megaman", and well, there comes a time when the child has to separate from the parent and make its own path without the father's influence. (the fact that inafune technically isnt really that big a deal with megaman aside)

Also, he approached Capcom and DID offer to continue working on L3 as a seperate company, but a flaw is that he seems to have underestimated the system he was so vocal about. They dont exactly see him as a significant loss, L3 can be made without him. he "isnt needed"

Posted on: November 02, 2010, 11:25:49 PM
Another thing that is true, is what Fox said. He seems to think too highly of the Western system, as a sort of ideal system, when it has its problems too, and well, that issue he seems to have on the brain, is not exactly japan exclusive.

People have families to feed, bills to pay and lives to live. He acts like none of this comes into play. He wants to be able to do what he wants with his job, however he wants. I DARE him to come here in America and work with that ideal. You LOSE your job if you sideswipe your boss and parade with such arrogant words. It just doesn't [tornado fang]ing work that way. God... I'm an idealistic nutcase myself, but this pisses even ME off. And it pisses me off even more that people eat it up.

Well thats the thing. he doesnt plan on coming to work here. He just seems to idolize the western system.

And well, that very thing you mention,

"You LOSE your job if you sideswipe your boss and parade with such arrogant words"

is what he's vocal about. In the current way things are, no matter what happens, he still gets his paycheck. he mentioned how the "drive" is different in American companies, where you constantly have to fight to earn your position, and to KEEP it. (though his comparing the bottom of the company tier to slaves doesnt exactly make it sound so amazing and "ideal" IMO)

Due to your long words, I cannot read it all of it.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #107 on: November 03, 2010, 07:07:50 AM
4G: I wonder if Rockman Dash 3 will be okay...

KI: Looking at the timing, the team members, and the planning done, Rockman Dash 3 is finally on its way. I really didn't want to quit right now... But I can't do it anymore. My will to continue has run out. That's why I had to leave Capcom and strengthen my resolve, as I wanted to help finish working on it from the outside but was unable to.

4G: As you mentioned before, if Rockman sells because Inafune made it, it won't make it out. But if Rockman sells because it's Rockman, the project will survive.

KI: That's exactly right.

For Capcom, it doesn't matter whether a game has the Inafune brand or is made by some anonymous producer. That's ultimately why I made the decision to leave. It's sad to leave, proving that point. It was really sad.

Sounds like a dick move to me.

Think about it, he basically says "Capcom sucks cause they don't care if the game was made by me or not! So I'll show them! Either the game will sell because people like Rockman, or it won't now because I left. BECAUSE I WAS ROCKMAN AND IT IS RUINED NOW HAHAHHAHAHAAHAHA!"

Also, most boring assbackwards interview I have ever read. He HATES the system that allowed him to remain. If he had started working in a western game company, who for all intents and purposes would have milked Rockman as much as any Japanese one cause that baby is a cash cow, he would have been FIRED for half of what he's done. Seriously, he got to the top because of a system he hates.  ::)

Seriously though, if a western company had a series that they could easily produce a sequal to, with only slight changes to the story/charters and almost identical game play (I know, don't flame, but for everyone else who isn't you guys, that's how MOST people see the classic megaman) they would have continued it just as long as Capcom. I think the largest complaint is they made some games after Inafune wanted them to stop? Well hell, any company would, western or not. Milk that brand name.

Guys like you buy it, [sonic slicer] about it to be sure, but they still get money.

Capitalism, ho!

“We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.”
Benjamin Franklin


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Reply #108 on: November 03, 2010, 07:09:11 AM
Now see here Flame, your post proved my point. Being idealistic is cute and great and all, but if you don't know what the [tornado fang] you're talking about, you just look like an idiot.

He praises Western Industry, but what the [tornado fang] does he even know about it? Has he actually WORKED here? Obviously not. The bullshit he spouts isn't actually how it WORKS here. Anyone here that ISN'T still in school or living off their parents knows what I'm talking about. Capitalism Ho? [tornado fang] that, Capitalism sucks just as much as everything else.

As for Legends? Hah... no, he is still an irresponsible [tornado fang]. According to him, if it is just Capcom, the game won't be made right. So, ya know what he is doing? He is basically green lighting the game everyone wants and then, by his OWN logic, abandoning the game so it'll suck! OH WAIT... that's pretty [tornado fang]'d up if you ask me. Seriously, put yourself in his warped mind real quick. By his logic, the game EVERYONE has waited for, him included, will SUCK now, because he left.

If he was actually RIGHT, then he'd be doing the fans the worst thing he could ever do to them. Purposefully making a game fail, that everyone wants to succeed. Of course, when I say everyone, that is generalizing. I know there are a good number of you who are insane and hate Legends.

In conclusion, no offense to you Flame... but there is no coming back from this one. The zombies will praise him, but anyone with a lick of sense will realize he's just a fluff of air. He dug his own political grave with this one. Now, I also wish him the best, even if he just sounds like a more successful PJ. Which means he's the ultimate dick. Still, he has SOME good ideals. Naive and uninformed, but still good. And good will is something I always wish to see. If he proves Capcom wrong, cool. If he fails horribly... well, told ya so?

Also, to Alma's comment on Western Gaming...

inb4 Madden.

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Reply #109 on: November 03, 2010, 07:12:33 AM
Ares and Alma's Points
Fair enough, fair enough.

While I have to agree with some of his points and a few of his problems, I DO have to admit just as much that a few of the things he said were pretty, well, either unrealistic, or completely backwards to previous points he made.

He seems pretty amazed by the Western system, although in reality, it cares about money almost as much if not a hell of a lot more than his supposed bad system does. At least in his system, he gets a paycheck regardless of what happens. Whereas, as you previously mentioned, Ares, in the western system, he would have been given the boot.

And I have to admit, the moment he mentioned "The American Dream", my confidence in his stance sort of wavered for a long bit. American Dream indeed...

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.


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Reply #110 on: November 03, 2010, 07:28:32 AM
That is exactly what I mean... If we back peddle a bit and think back to arguments of old. For instance... someone who knows nothing about Megaman, comes into a topic (I've done it myself in fact) and spouts things as if they were solid facts, but then someone slams them with heavy truth. After words, they lose any credibility they had and have to work hard to gain said credibility. All because the didn't check their facts and actually learn how things work.

It applies here too. He's in a dream world, as if he's been reading WW2 Propaganda Comics about America and the American Dream and... Super Man.

Honestly... people over there. People over here. Get a clue. Capitalism sucks just as bad as Communism. Why? Because in theory, both ideals are... idealistic. Idealism is good, but unlikely.

Because of this, a moderation of the two would be perfectly nice. But ya know what that is? Idealism.

It is an impossibility, an inevitable realization that one must accept. Humanity sucks and is incapable of true balance. Oh well, go Inafune... fight for... uh, something. Megaman on the other hand will continue to fight for Everlasting Peace.

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Reply #111 on: November 03, 2010, 07:34:59 AM
LoL, so this topic has gone from Inafune leaving to Humanity Sucks.

God I love this site. This is [tornado fang]ing priceless.


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Reply #112 on: November 03, 2010, 07:47:15 AM
When you mix me in your RPM, this is what you get. "Complex" in depth discussion about politics and downers about how crappy humanity is.

I'm sure somehow, this is against the rules. But I doubt anyone really cares. This is important stuff! We have to let our kids know the truth before they become too idealistic!

That said though, I really love humanity. Might not sound like it, but I love all living beings...

Like that one guy. With the beard. I hate all living things too, love and hate are pretty even after all.

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Reply #113 on: November 03, 2010, 07:49:26 AM
LOL. Complex? Hahaha, I'll trust complex is in quotes due to sarcasm. This is far, far less complex than you think! XD


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Reply #114 on: November 03, 2010, 07:52:12 AM
Yes, that would... be why it was indeed in quotes. *nods*

Oh well, I think that settles everything. HAVE FUN ALL. I'll be back when someone else challenges this logic.

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Reply #115 on: November 03, 2010, 08:00:31 AM
LoL, what would be the point? There's a difference between challenging logic & challenging emotions, and if you can't see the difference between the two, the discussion would drag on and on and on and on until absolutely nothing is resolved, which in the long run, is why humanity tends to "suck" as you so emotionally put it!


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Reply #116 on: November 03, 2010, 08:03:05 AM
Hahah, fair enough. Not everyone else realizes that however. Hence why humanity sucks.

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Reply #117 on: November 03, 2010, 08:31:50 AM
Hooookay, I'm just going to ignore some of the other things that came up and point out something. Some Western companies actually keep paying people while they're not working on any project. They could be waiting to get onto a project for months, and still get paid for their time at the office doing absolutely nothing. Hence another kink in Inafune's view of the Western Industry; he seems to believe that only the Japanese Industry is in the red because of how many people they employ in comparison to their revenue. The truth is it's like that everywhere. He seems to focus on Indie companies from what I can tell, and they're almost always struggling to survive. Not every indie company is like Notch (Minecraft); rarely ever so.

He's completely allowed to be as idealistic as he wants, but sooner or later he'll find out how just how much things are the same everywhere else.

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Reply #118 on: November 03, 2010, 09:18:27 AM
Hahah, fair enough. Not everyone else realizes that however. Hence why humanity sucks.

Haha, you don't realize it either, because you're not a realist. You're a highly emotional person who has, judging by your posts, seemingly conformed to the sheepish lifestyle so many people have come to accept for "reality." For the sake of a late night discussion however, I will challenge your emotion.

What's really funny is that you are both right and wrong at the same time. You are right in that Inafune is an egotistical idealist and that what he's doing is a "dick move" so to speak. However, judging by your emotional responses, I think you're choosing to avoid some issues here, issues which Flame was trying to get across.

a big dreamer of an 'ideal world" so to speak, sure, but hey, at least instead of just whining about it from within Capcom, he is actually trying to take action and make a move to put his vision into motion. He can whine all he wants, but hes actually doing something about it.

Flame is absolutely right here. This is what sets Inafune apart from other "whining idealists." He's made a conscience decision to save a game industry he believes is failing. Is it egotistical? Damn [tornado fang]ing straight. Is it naive? Indeed. Is it idealistic? Ab. so. lute. ly. However, whether or not it's a "dick move" depends really on how you judge the man's character. There is no "truth" in anything except what you choose to see. However, the fact (not truth) is what I quoted, and that is that instead of doing what so many MANY people do and just conform to the sad, ho-hum lifestyle they wind up growing accustomed to, he has set out to try and change what he believes is a broken system. Whether or not his quest continues and succeeds will be left up to the history e-Books, or perhaps we'll find Inafune's grail diary in the Hidden Temple. Who knows?

Like Hypershell said earlier,

You know, with any franchise, one man doesn't make the team.  Inafune, like a great deal of other team members at Capcom, has done great things, and has made mistakes.  He is no guarantee of, nor obstacle to, quality.  He is a human being, one of many who have worked with MegaMan.  He has an exceptionally long-standing involvement with MegaMan, spanning the blue bomber's entire life time, this is true, but the degree to which he was involved varies a great deal.  The loss of one such as him will be deeply felt, surely, but it is by no means terminal to the franchise.

One man does not make a team. However, judging by his actions, Inafune believes that perhaps one man can make a difference in the gaming industry. Despite what you believe to be truth, this kind of thinking takes courage, and perhaps a little insanity. Another fact is that he threw away a very well paying job to do this. To me, that takes guts. Like you said, it's extremely egotistical and idealistic, but those are the type of people that sometimes DO change the world, or in this minor case, the gaming industry. We'll see what comes of it. Like Fxeni just said while I was writing this...

He's completely allowed to be as idealistic as he wants, but sooner or later he'll find out how just how much things are the same everywhere else.

Maybe he'll change the industry & maybe he won't. Only time will tell. The only thing I'll say on the matter is that being that he's been in the gaming industry for 20 some odd years now, I think he has a better look into it than any of us do, on both sides.


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Reply #119 on: November 03, 2010, 09:59:56 AM
Haha, you don't realize it either, because you're not a realist. You're a highly emotional person who has, judging by your posts, seemingly conformed to the sheepish lifestyle so many people have come to accept for "reality." For the sake of a late night discussion however, I will challenge your emotion.

What's really funny is that you are both right and wrong at the same time. You are right in that Inafune is an egotistical idealist and that what he's doing is a "dick move" so to speak. However, judging by your emotional responses, I think you're choosing to avoid some issues here, issues which Flame was trying to get across.

Oh ho, that is pretty funny. One thing is certain, don't speak so readily as if you know how I am and the full scope of what I believe. I'm more inclined to define myself as a realistic idealist. A balance of the two, that while I admit, is not perfect, it does exist. I am living proof of it. I have dreams, just like this man does and I work hard to fulfill them. I have in no way, submitted to the whims of the world around me, conformed to "sheepish ways" as it were. If you knew my character, at all, you'd know that my "online persona" is a mockery of the concept of sheepism.

Am I a highly emotional person? Not as much as it appears, I'm just more expressive online than I probably should be. But shoulda, woulda, coulda I suppose. I am actually more in control of my emotions than I care to admit, it is just exceedingly boring to be stoic in response to things that it is more fun to be expressive in. For years, years I stowed my responses, opinions, and thoughts in the world around me and it proved to be a foolhardy decision.

Flame is absolutely right here. This is what sets Inafune apart from other "whining idealists." He's made a conscience decision to save a game industry he believes is failing. Is it egotistical? Damn [tornado fang]ing straight. Is it naive? Indeed. Is it idealistic? Ab. so. lute. ly. However, whether or not it's a "dick move" depends really on how you judge the man's character. There is no "truth" in anything except what you choose to see. However, the fact (not truth) is what I quoted, and that is that instead of doing what so many MANY people do and just conform to the sad, ho-hum lifestyle they wind up growing accustomed to, he has set out to try and change what he believes is a broken system. Whether or not his quest continues and succeeds will be left up to the history e-Books, or perhaps we'll find Inafune's grail diary in the Hidden Temple. Who knows?

More privately, I admitted to this. Inafune IS indeed trying to do something. I respect that... but poorly thought out decision is just as bad as indecision. I'm all for trying to fulfill your ideals and everything, anyone that knows anything about me at all knows this much. But it would serve well ones cause to know what they are doing before blindly charging in, which is exactly what it looks like to me.

One man does not make a team. However, judging by his actions, Inafune believes that perhaps one man can make a difference in the gaming industry. Despite what you believe to be truth, this kind of thinking takes courage, and perhaps a little insanity. Another fact is that he threw away a very well paying job to do this. To me, that takes guts. Like you said, it's extremely egotistical and idealistic, but those are the type of people that sometimes DO change the world, or in this minor case, the gaming industry. We'll see what comes of it. Like Fxeni just said while I was writing this...

Having guts is only one par of the course. Doing something foolhardy such as quitting your job because you "don't like it" is foolhardy. Especially for someone who praises Westernism, because doing something like that over here would be the dumbest [parasitic bomb] a person could do. Especially in a time like this. Yes, recklessness can change the world and can even do things like save lives and make the path better for others... but I feel like it seems more selfish and irrational in this case scenario.

Maybe he'll change the industry & maybe he won't. Only time will tell. The only thing I'll say on the matter is that being that he's been in the gaming industry for 20 some odd years now, I think he has a better look into it than any of us do, on both sides.

I'll never deny that he knows more about gaming than me. Knows more about Japanese Industry than me. Hell, he probably knows more about life through experience than me. But, I still feel the way I do and I've never enjoyed not saying what I feel. And I feel he is making a big mistake. The prompting of my outburst is that the fans are practically praising him as some savior... when he really isn't. He's just a man, a man that is going out on a whim, for both good and silly reasons.

I want people to take it for what it is and stop sugar coating it and wrapping it in a bow. It isn't a pretty thing, so stop acting like it is, that is all. And of course, I don't mean YOU specifically, PB. That is addressed to others.

Clarification, it is a beautiful thing.

However, in closing... you are someone I deem friend-to-close-associate of sorts, when it comes to RPM. But you really don't know me as it were, as I don't know you beyond being Protoman Blues, the egotistical party lord of RPM.

As such, it is best not to assume just based on cynical views on one individual. It is definitely best not to assume I have "given in" to sheepish, settler views. I am far beyond that, but I have achieved a sense of realism combined with my idealism. A lot has happened to me in my life that I cannot simply grasp hold of complete childlike thinking and delve headstrong into idealism. But that does not mean I will sacrifice my ideals either. There is such a thing called middle ground. I realize that it isn't very human for people to strive for the middle ground... being we're all a bunch of extremists by nature. But that is my goal. I want to find that shiny place where I am comfortable with my decisions and that they were the best I could achieve under the realistic playing field.

Perhaps that too, is truly idealistic.

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Reply #120 on: November 03, 2010, 11:15:43 AM
Oh ho, that is pretty funny. One thing is certain, don't speak so readily as if you know how I am and the full scope of what I believe. I'm more inclined to define myself as a realistic idealist. A balance of the two, that while I admit, is not perfect, it does exist. I am living proof of it. I have dreams, just like this man does and I work hard to fulfill them. I have in no way, submitted to the whims of the world around me, conformed to "sheepish ways" as it were. If you knew my character, at all, you'd know that my "online persona" is a mockery of the concept of sheepism.

Am I a highly emotional person? Not as much as it appears, I'm just more expressive online than I probably should be. But shoulda, woulda, coulda I suppose. I am actually more in control of my emotions than I care to admit, it is just exceedingly boring to be stoic in response to things that it is more fun to be expressive in. For years, years I stowed my responses, opinions, and thoughts in the world around me and it proved to be a foolhardy decision.

Sorry bud, but I can only assume or judge anything about you or your character based on how you act online. When you post like you did above, that's how I'm going to judge you.

More privately, I admitted to this. Inafune IS indeed trying to do something. I respect that... but poorly thought out decision is just as bad as indecision. I'm all for trying to fulfill your ideals and everything, anyone that knows anything about me at all knows this much. But it would serve well ones cause to know what they are doing before blindly charging in, which is exactly what it looks like to me.

Having guts is only one par of the course. Doing something foolhardy such as quitting your job because you "don't like it" is foolhardy. Especially for someone who praises Westernism, because doing something like that over here would be the dumbest [parasitic bomb] a person could do. Especially in a time like this. Yes, recklessness can change the world and can even do things like save lives and make the path better for others... but I feel like it seems more selfish and irrational in this case scenario.

But when you say things like "anyone who thinks differently is an idiot" in regarding his decision, it limits the credibility of your argument. As for his decision being foolhardy, how do you know? Do you know how much money he's going to lose cause of this? Do you know how much money he has saved up cause of this? Do you know how long he'll be able to go without having a job? Do you know his future investment plans? Do you know if he's talked to bankers, accountants, lawyers, or anyone who might help him start up his own business, or sell himself for freelance work? Besides this interview and his announcement, how much information do you really have about the subject to make a clear, well thought out & logical rationalization about whether or not Inafune's decision will be "foolhardy" or not.

Hell, you just described how for years, years you stowed your responses, opinions, and thoughts in the world around you away and it proved to be a foolhardy decision. And yet you then criticize Inafune for pretty much doing not only the exact opposite of what you did, but actually following through on these responses, opinions, and thoughts on the world around him. Judging by this rational, this doesn't make much sense. Nor does talking to me about assuming anything about your personality & character from what I read online, but yet you're just assuming things about Inafune's personality & character from what you read online. It's pretty hypocritical.

I'll never deny that he knows more about gaming than me. Knows more about Japanese Industry than me. Hell, he probably knows more about life through experience than me. But, I still feel the way I do and I've never enjoyed not saying what I feel. And I feel he is making a big mistake. The prompting of my outburst is that the fans are practically praising him as some savior... when he really isn't. He's just a man, a man that is going out on a whim, for both good and silly reasons.

I want people to take it for what it is and stop sugar coating it and wrapping it in a bow. It isn't a pretty thing, so stop acting like it is, that is all. And of course, I don't mean YOU specifically, PB. That is addressed to others.

Again though, back to your personality, when you come off rambling on like an over-emotional immature person instead of saying things like this, then it really comes off as pointless emotional rage instead of logical, rational thought. If anything, you seem more pissed at Inafune's arrogance & his fanboy's praising him than you do his actual decision to leave, which really makes no logical sense. This is why I said there's a difference between challenging logic and challenging emotion. Perhaps people actually would stop sugar coating it and wrapping it in a bow if you actually told them this in a calm, rational manner, instead of insulting their intelligence. Just an idea.

Clarification, it is a beautiful thing.

Immensely so.  8)

However, in closing... you are someone I deem friend-to-close-associate of sorts, when it comes to RPM. But you really don't know me as it were, as I don't know you beyond being Protoman Blues, the egotistical party lord of RPM.

As such, it is best not to assume just based on cynical views on one individual. It is definitely best not to assume I have "given in" to sheepish, settler views. I am far beyond that, but I have achieved a sense of realism combined with my idealism. A lot has happened to me in my life that I cannot simply grasp hold of complete childlike thinking and delve headstrong into idealism. But that does not mean I will sacrifice my ideals either. There is such a thing called middle ground. I realize that it isn't very human for people to strive for the middle ground... being we're all a bunch of extremists by nature. But that is my goal. I want to find that shiny place where I am comfortable with my decisions and that they were the best I could achieve under the realistic playing field.

Perhaps that too, is truly idealistic.

And again, I can only judge you, your personality, and your ideals and views based on what you show me online, via your posts & your ideals. If you show me "you" based on the posts you made before this one, being an irrational emotional sheepish conformist, then that is how I will judge you. It doesn't matter in the slightest, because how I judge you doesn't affect how you really are or how you're going to act both online & offline, and you can continue to prove me wrong about you & your character any chance you see fit. As for how you judge me, all I can tell you is that I act online exactly as I do offline. All I know is that when you lecture me about how "it is best not to assume just based on cynical views on one individual." and yet seemingly do the EXACT same thing regarding Inafune, what do you think that tells me about your character?


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Reply #121 on: November 03, 2010, 11:39:24 AM
Indeed. I'm not saying I'm a perfect being, and I am definitely not beyond hypocritical logic, but I am me.

Yes, I did respond emotionally, even if I myself am capable of being very distant as a human being in real life. Why? Perhaps because I saw some of myself in Inafune. And not necessarily things I deem to be good. Just as well, unlike with you an me... where we CAN learn things about each other, determine certain factors through talk and experience. This cannot be done with say, Inafune. There are many barriers, status, location, language and what have you, prevent us from communicating, learning more about one another and developing the bonds necessary to determine all the questions you asked.

So no, I do not know about his financial situation, his over all plan and all that jazz. No one does, so one can only assume things or draw their own conclusions. Childish? A little. Inaccurate? Quite possibly and most likely.

Though, that isn't a crime.

Oh well, you have valid points and all that, per the usual. My points have been made already and I've done more than necessary here. I suppose I'll be going back to my "banishment" away from RPM until it is necessary to return again by the end of the week. What with inability to synchronize and all that.

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Reply #122 on: November 03, 2010, 05:56:45 PM
Daaaaayum, You two went to town while I was snoring.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #123 on: November 03, 2010, 07:54:51 PM
We grew up with classics like Mega Man 2 and Mega Man X.

They've been making games lately like Mega Man ZX and Starforce.

I swear, the next person that talks down on ZX will get the uppercut from a magical talking fish. I'm seriously growing tired of people being beyond superficial and unable to see ZX for what it truly is; a series equal to, if not greater than the one that precedes it.

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Reply #124 on: November 03, 2010, 07:56:16 PM
I swear, the next person that talks down on ZX will get the uppercut from a magical talking fish. I'm seriously growing tired of people being beyond superficial and unable to see ZX for what it truly is; a series equal to, if not greater than the one that precedes it.

You'll have my axe!