Dr. Wily II's attempts at sprites and stuff (KOBUN MADNESS!)

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Offline Blackhook

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Reply #1900 on: September 23, 2016, 08:57:02 PM
But can he gain a hooking Roll?

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #1901 on: September 24, 2016, 03:50:31 AM
... Please take a seat.

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Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #1902 on: September 29, 2016, 12:30:44 PM

Name: Bane Man

Designation: Robot Master (WBN-002)

Weapon Get: Bane Lifter (borockman/Vixy)
Skill Get: Hook Lifter (Blackhook)

Other weapons: Bane Crusher

Background: The second of Captain White Beard's special robot series, the White Beard Numbers (WBNs), Bane Man is a beast of a robot, having super strength gained by inhaling a special gaseous compound. He can easily lift impossible weights and fling them far over the horizon! Or so it's claimed. However, no one doubts his imposing form...

Bane Man's main weapon, the Bane Lifter, has him use his super strength to lift, and throw massive crates/rocks/whatever heavy things he can find. Even if his target dodges the thrown item, the sheer force used to throw said item will cause tremors when the item hits the ground/wall.
His other weapon, the Bane Crusher, has him leap into the air, and land on top of his enemies for massive squashing.

Character: *heavy breathing*

Weakness: So... Strength from inhalation huh...
[spoiler]Cut off the supply with Rolling Cutlass!![/spoiler]

You get... BANE LIFTER!!

borockman/Vixy gets this weapon from defeating Bane Man. As demonstrated by borockman, s/he gets super strength to lift various crates/rocks/stuff among the levels, and to throw them at enemies. If Bane Lifter can be used on an item, said item's colour will be inverted.

You gained... HOOK LIFTER!!

Blackhook gains this skill from defeating Bane Man. While on the ground, Blackhook can throw his hook upwards, letting him get hooked, and zip up towards the ceiling. Basically, like Wire Adapter. And like Wire Adapter, it can be used to hit anything directly above Blackhook.

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #1903 on: September 30, 2016, 09:47:55 PM
When he breaks us do we have his permission to die?  8D

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #1904 on: October 01, 2016, 04:43:01 AM
... Nope. 8D

As borockman/Vixy/Blackhook lands the final blow on Bane Man, Bane Man lets out a pained roar before collapsing face-first. Upon closer inspection, his eyes are completely blank, defeated. Our hero/ine turns around after gaining Bane Man's weapon/skill, and teleports to the next level.

As Bane Man's body laid motionless, a familiar cackle rang throughout the room. Captain White Beard descends in his personal carrier, and grabs onto Bane Man.

YARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! His armour truly is durable, like he said. Better not waste such a treasure!! YARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

With that, he flies away to parts unknown...

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Reply #1905 on: October 06, 2016, 02:12:56 PM
Not knowing White Beard's plan for Bane Man, borockman/Vixy/Blackhook faces off the next Robot Master...

Name: Smiley Man

Designation: Robot Master (WBN-003)

Weapon Get: Smiley Grabber (borockman/Vixy)
Skill Get: Hook Grabber (Blackhook)

Other weapons: Smiley Combo

Background: The third of Captain White Beard's special robot series, the White Beard Numbers (WBNs), Smiley Man is a weird robot, even by White Beard's standard. Upgraded from a Smiley Copter, Smiley Man ALWAYS has that grin on his face, as if taunting his enemies...

Smiley Man's main weapon, the Smiley Grabber, has him use his grabber claw to... Well, grab. This action usually has the side-effect of stealing an item from his enemy, and using it to his own benefit (HIDE YOUR E-TANKS).
His other weapon, the Smiley Combo, has him disconnect his head from his body, and while his main body tries to dash-crash into his opponents, his head will drop down from above.


Weakness: So... A grabber claw huh...
[spoiler]Rock beats scissors! Bane Lifter to victory!![/spoiler]


borockman/Vixy gets this weapon from defeating Smiley Man. As demonstrated by borockman, s/he gets to use an extendable grabber claw. This is very useful for grabbing items blocked off by walls/obstacles.

You gained... HOOK GRABBER!!

Blackhook gains this skill from defeating Smiley Man. Now Blackhook's hook can grab items that are blocked off by walls/obstacles.

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Offline Da Dood

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Reply #1906 on: October 06, 2016, 05:52:37 PM
I really like how these have backstories and weapons and everything. You're doing what Kid Me would have loved to do back then :) (Well, I still kinda want to create my own MM game, haha)

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #1907 on: October 07, 2016, 04:27:05 AM
I feel like the old smiley copter gave WilyII PTSD. It's gonna show up in the reboot for sure now.  8D

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #1908 on: October 07, 2016, 11:41:16 AM
I really like how these have backstories and weapons and everything. You're doing what Kid Me would have loved to do back then :) (Well, I still kinda want to create my own MM game, haha)
Hehe, thanks. :3

I feel like the old smiley copter gave WilyII PTSD. It's gonna show up in the reboot for sure now.  8D

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Reply #1909 on: October 12, 2016, 03:50:03 PM

Name: Chest Man

Designation: Robot Master (WBN-004)

Weapon Get: Loot Grabber (borockman/Vixy)
Skill Get: Hook Looter (Blackhook)

Other weapons: Chest Crunch, Perfect Chest

Background: The fourth of Captain White Beard's special robot series, the White Beard Numbers (WBNs), Chest Man is well... A treasure chest. That was upgraded by White Beard. With whatever treasure still inside.

Chest Man's main weapon, the Loot Grabber, has him pounce onto his enemies, chomping down onto them and sapping out their life energy. Spoils like jewellery and the such will be happily taken to add to his internal hoard.
His other weapons include the Chest Crunch, where he simply crunch down on his enemies without the sapping of life energy, and the Perfect Chest, where he tucks in his arms and legs and becomes an impenetrable chest for defence.

Character: Hoarder

Weakness: Treasures inside?
[spoiler]Grab them out with Smiley Grabber!! You even get to keep them (P-Chips).[/spoiler]

You get... LOOT GRABBER!!

borockman/Vixy gets this weapon from defeating Chest Man. As demonstrated by borockman, s/he gets to throw out a mimic chest, which can absorb shots, or even swallow up small enemies like Mets. After which, the chest can be picked up to restore health.

You gained... HOOK LOOTER!!

Blackhook gains this skill from defeating Chest Man. Now Blackhook's hook can now steal small life energy pellets from enemies.

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #1910 on: October 12, 2016, 04:27:48 PM
Love the design, and weapon idea. OM NOM NOM.  8D

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #1911 on: October 19, 2016, 05:44:10 PM
Aye can't believe it!! 4 of me WBNs have been defeated!? This is not possible!!

Don't worry, you still have a trump card.

Ye mean her? Now?

Yes... If not now, when? She needs to experience the thrill of battle...

Aye see... Fine... Deploy her!!

Name: B

Designation: borockman Killer (bKN-003)

Weapons: B Arm, B Throw, B Counter

Background: B... Was a citizen of RPM City. Maybe more considered as a temporal citizen, due to circumstances that led her to RPM City in the first place. Either way, she blended in with the people there, and considered RPM City as a second home... Until [parasitic bomb] happens. After a certain incident, she loyally serves White Beard's mysterious backer, and is currently on loan to White Beard for his plans.
B's main weapon is her super strength. Using said strength, she can lift opponents that are 3 times her own weight, despite her petite size, her B Arm. She can then throw them far, far away, her B Throw. If there are no opponents to lift, anything can be used as a weapon, crates, boulders, the like. There is also her B Counter, where she basically parries most attacks on her to deal twice the amount of damage back at her opponent.

Character: Stoic, but can get a bit boisterious.

Weakness: Super strength?
[spoiler]Not a true weakness, but you can match her strength with your own using Bane Lifter![/spoiler]

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Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #1912 on: October 19, 2016, 06:01:07 PM
Nice B.  ;)

I wonder if there's an "A" (I'm sure Blue knows who I'm talking about here) next.

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #1913 on: October 19, 2016, 09:10:33 PM
Depends if A survives the universe ending events to come.  8D

Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #1914 on: October 19, 2016, 10:15:17 PM
I'd be really disappointed if A doesn't make a grand entrance, someday. 8D

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Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #1915 on: October 26, 2016, 01:58:21 PM
B lets out an anguish scream as she falls to one knee defeated.

What!? Even B is defeated!?

... This is unexpected...

Ye said she can do the job!!

Seems I have underestimated them... Again...

What ye said?

Nothing... We'll just have to... Upgrade her... *press a button on the console*

With an audible beep, B was teleported away before borockman/Vixy/Blackhook could attend to her. Bewildered, our hero/ine teleports off to face the next wave of WBNs...

Name: Bombard Man

Designation: Robot Master (WBN-005)

Weapon Get: Bombard Bomb (borockman/Vixy)
Skill Get: Blaze Hook (Blackhook)

Other weapons: Bombard Missile

Background: The fifth of Captain White Beard's special robot series, the White Beard Numbers (WBNs), Bombard Man is walking bomb dispenser. And he loves every minute of it.

Bombard Man's main weapon, is the Bombard Bomb.

Bombard Man lobs bombs from his head, bombarding his enemies with sheer numbers. Each bomb has a deceptively wide blast radius, causing splash damage to enemies not even close to the bomb explosion.
His other weapon include the Bombard Missile, literally him just firing out volleys of missiles from his shoulders and arms.

Character: Loves things going BOOM

Weakness: All those bombs...
[spoiler]Worry less about the bombs, by using Loot Grabber!![/spoiler]

You get... BOMBARD BOMB!!

borockman/Vixy gets this weapon from defeating Bombard Man. As demonstrated by borockman, s/he gets to throw out a bomb that explodes on contact. The splash damage has a rather wide blast radius, catching enemies off-guard. The main damage comes from the splash damage, not the bomb itself.

You gained... BLAZE HOOK!!

Blackhook gains this skill from defeating Bombard Man. Now Blackhook's hook burns with an awesome power, its flaming fireball tells him to grasp victory!!

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #1916 on: October 26, 2016, 02:25:12 PM
Real question is where are all thoes bombs and missiles stored, hammerspace?  8D

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #1917 on: October 26, 2016, 02:46:45 PM
Maybe. 8D

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Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #1918 on: November 01, 2016, 12:53:05 PM
Slightly early update.

Name: Gel Woman

Designation: Robot Master (WBN-006)

Weapon Get: Gel Splasher (borockman/Vixy)
Skill Get: Freeze Hook (Blackhook)

Other weapons: Gel Barrage

Background: The sixth of Captain White Beard's special robot series, the White Beard Numbers (WBNs), Gel Woman is a very sticky opponent, being literally made up of a sticky gel-like compound. No matter how much damage she takes, Gel Woman would always be able to reform herself, even from just a tiny piece of herself.

Gel Woman's main weapon, is the Gel Splasher.

Gel Woman melts into a blob, and upon reforming herself, fires pieces of her gel at her opponents. The gel is so sticky that enemies are rooted into place, or it completely gels up their inner workings. If it's a flyer, expect extreme crashing.
Her other weapon include the Gel Barrage, where she breaks down into multiple gel projections, and hauls herself at opponents for massive crash damage.

Character: u jelly?

Weakness: Reform herself?
[spoiler]Just blast all of her away with Bombard Bomb!![/spoiler]

You get... GEL SPLASHER!!
borockman/Vixy gets this weapon from defeating Gel Woman. As demonstrated by borockman, s/he gets to shoot off a spread of sticky gel at enemies. Enemies that get hit are stuck in place. Great for shooting down airborne enemies!

You gained... FREEZE HOOK!!
Blackhook gains this skill from defeating Gel Woman. Now Blackhook's hook freezes with an awesome power, its chilling snowflake tells him to grasp victory!!

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #1919 on: November 01, 2016, 04:17:44 PM
Love that animation!

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #1920 on: November 10, 2016, 04:25:39 PM

Name: Parrot Man

Designation: Robot Master (WBN-007)

Weapon Get: Parrot Flurry (borockman/Vixy)
Skill Get: Hook Flurry (Blackhook)

Other weapons: Parrot Lunge, Parrot Storm, Parrot Whirlwind

Background: The seventh of Captain White Beard's special robot series, the White Beard Numbers (WBNs), Parrot Man is the team pet. Which fusters him greatly, leading to feathers flying everything. Still, he is not to be missed with.

Parrot Man's main weapon, the Parrot Flurry, has him summon a little parrot friend. This parrot friend will then drop large eggs onto the battlefield, which then unleashes a sheer swarm of tiny parrot drones that home in onto enemies. Great for overwhelming medium to long range attackers.
His other weapons include the Parrot Lunge where he flies high into the air, and then falls at great speed into his enemies, the Parrot Storm where he unleashes a rain of sharp feathers by flapping his wings, and the Parrot Whirlwind where he blasts out a pressurized stream of air from his buster to blast away his enemies.

Character: Not a bird-brain. Not at all.

Weakness: A flyer huh?
[spoiler]Ground him with the Gel Splasher!![/spoiler]

You get... PARROT FLURRY!!

borockman/Vixy gets this weapon from defeating Parrot Man. As demonstrated by borockman, s/he gets to throw out an egg, and upon cracking unleash a swarm of tiny parrot drones. It should be noted that the main damage output is from the tiny parrot drones, not the egg itself.

You gained... HOOK FLURRY!!

Blackhook gains this skill from defeating Parrot Man. Now Blackhook's hook becomes a rotary saw, great for getting pass invincibility frames.

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Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #1921 on: November 10, 2016, 04:31:29 PM
For once, someone weaponizes something like this (Not talking about the Hook Flurry).

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Reply #1922 on: November 10, 2016, 04:33:00 PM
Ooooh I always wanted to use those little birds from MM2 as a weapon. Awesome.

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Reply #1923 on: November 10, 2016, 09:55:30 PM
Parrot-ception?  8D

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Reply #1924 on: November 11, 2016, 01:01:56 AM

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