Shotgun? HA
(Click to see in full-size)
Name: Doc Robot W2
Designation: Fortress Boss (DW2N-FB030)
Background: After seeing the limited success of the Doc Robot, DWII decided to re-implement the concept, this time, using the 17 elements (Normal, Flying, Dragon, Fighting, Ground, Rock, Fire, Grass, Bug, Poison, Electric, Psychic, Ghost, Water, Ice, Dark, Steel).
Here's how the battle sequence will go (It's similar to how the Wily Archive is fought). There will be 3 main battle rooms:
The first room, Room A has 8 capsules (Flying, Dragon, Fighting, Ground, Rock, Fire, Grass, Bug).
The second room, Room B has another 8 capsules (Poison, Electric, Psychic, Ghost, Water, Ice, Dark, Steel).
The final room, Room C is like any other boss battle room (Normal).
Using data from current and previous DW2 Numbers, Doc Robot W2 is a force to be reckon with.
(Will only explain Normal since it's original...)
As Normal, he likes to jump around, trying to confuse his enemies as he rain down energy shots on them. He can also hover slightly off the ground to tackle into enemies. The drills on his back can be fired off like missiles, or attached on his buster for a melee drilling weapon.
Character: Normal character is pretty proud, the other 16 is the same as the DW2 Numbers being based on.
Weakness: For Normal... He really likes to jump around the room... Engine Slicer...
[spoiler=Weakness for the other 16 elements...]
Flying (Jet Man) - Up Planet Elements
Dragon (Draco Man) - Up Planet Elements
Fighting (Rapid Man) - Smoke Cloud
Ground (Stress Man) - Nuclear Sludge
Rock (Boulder Man) - Lumber Hammer
Fire (Furnace Man) - Dirt Storm
Grass (Lumber Man) - Snail Roller
Bug (Snail Man) - Smoke Cloud
Poison (Smoke Man) - Planet Elements
Electric (Overload Man) - Vacuum Force
Psychic (Oracle Man) - Smoke Cloud
Ghost (Gjen Man) - Vacuum Force
Water (Hydro Man) - Engine Slicer
Ice (FrostBite) - Planet Elements
Dark (Slice Man) - Smoke Cloud
Steel (Tanker Man) - Engine Slicer
As a special bonus, here's the prototype for Doc Robot W2!