Your Top Five Superheroes

Psycho Yuffie · 7562

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on: December 08, 2008, 07:44:30 PM
Who are your top five superheroes? Almost everyone should have a different list. Remember, this is an opinion thread, so don't go too otaku on me. >>; Please start with your fifth favorite superhero and tell us why and make your way down to your first.

#5: Superman
So...Superman is iconic and has to be in every DC comic made into a cartoon. Unlike Batman, we do get to know Clark Kent a bit. Honestly, Superman may not have even made the list if I hadn't been a huge fan of Smallville. The old cartoon was okay, but it wasn't anything sensational and it certainly didn't inspire me. But, hey! It wasn't a horrible show. It was good enough to keep me from getting bored after school.

#4: Batman
Some people may find it surprising that the Dark Knight ranks so "low" on my list. In truth, it's pretty damn high considering how many superheroes there are. As for why he isn't first, it's simple. His story seemed kinda dull to me. We never really found out who Bruce Wayne really is. And, no, his origins don't count. This series was all about Batman and never about Bruce. For me, this was unfortunate because I was only discovering half the story.

#3: The Flash
This is my favorite DC Comics hero. I love super speed too! He was even faster than Superman and that has to be something special. Unfortunately, he never got his own cartoon. I always found this disappointing. Sure, he got his own live action TV show, but I think that bombed. In Justice League, he barely shows up. When he does, it's only long enough to pop in a quick one-liner and that's it. This is one superhero I always wanted to get to know better, but was never given an opportunity to due to Superman and Batman's shadow.

#2: Spider-Man
I grew up reading Spider-Man comics and watching his cartoon. I loved Spider-Man. He's fun, wise-cracking, and a hero with a noble heart. It's true that he had a rough start, battling his own selfish desires. In the end, though, he becomes one of the greatest heroes of all time. No, he isn't the strongest or fastest hero, but he more than makes up for it with his willingness to sacrifice everything for everyone else.

#1: Spider-Girl
Why does Spider-Girl go above Spider-Man because she had to deal with issues Spider-Man never had to. Unlike Spider-Man, she isn't starting out at the dawn of the Superhero Age. She was born smack-dab in the middle of it. From the get-go, she has to fight the Fantastic Five, Venom, and other baddies that Spider-Man didn't have to face until he was already a veteran. And you know what? She survives everything that is thrown at her. Give this girl a metal.

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Reply #1 on: December 08, 2008, 08:12:46 PM
#5: Plastic Man
I'm not sure why I like Plastic Man. Maybe it's because he's lesser known than a lot of other superheroes, so I put him on my list to make it stand out. Or maybe it's because he can do everything Mr. Fantastic can do and more.

#4: Iron Man
The suit design is probably my favorite part of Iron Man. Also that it folded up into a suitcase. I would kill for something like that. I also really like Tony Stark as a character. It's a shame I haven't seen the movie yet.

#3: The Invisible Woman
First off, she's easy on the eyes. Second, I find it great how she's evolved since her creation. Instead of just being able to disappear, she has so many other powers now. She's the most versatile of the Fantastic Four. And lastly, she's easy on the eyes.

#2: Spider Man
I grew up watching Fox Kids. The time when the Spider Man cartoon was in full swing (no pun intended). I was hooked. I don't read comics all that much, so the few that I have read were mostly Spider Man. And he's one of the few to survive the transition to the movie screen. Love the costume, love the powers.

#1: Batman
Who the hell needs superpowers when you have a plethora of gadgets and gizmos? Batman: the Animated Series was big. I would never miss an episode of that. I had all the action figures too. The storytelling was another great thing, but I can only appreciate that now. It's great how Batman is mature enough to relate to all audiences. Well, not counting the 60's show, the Schumacher films, and THE Batman, but I can find a different kind of entertainment in at least one of them.

For an honorable mention, I'll name the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They're superheroes, right?

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Reply #2 on: December 08, 2008, 08:14:57 PM
For an honorable mention, I'll name the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They're superheroes, right?
I was just thinking about that. Stop reading my mind!

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Reply #3 on: December 08, 2008, 08:33:22 PM
For an honorable mention, I'll name the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They're superheroes, right?

*grumble grumble* Donatello did all the work and saved their tails, at least early on. *grumble grumble*

Nah, I'm j/k. I like all of 'em.

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Reply #4 on: December 08, 2008, 08:46:15 PM
Remember, this is an opinion thread, so don't go too otaku on me. >>

What the hell does this even mean?

Also I vote Kamen Rider Gatack for everything because he's a HYPER STAG BEETLE and that's just great. I mean a stag beetle. That's hyper. Like damn.

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Reply #5 on: December 08, 2008, 09:06:26 PM
What the hell does this even mean?
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Reply #6 on: December 08, 2008, 09:16:46 PM
#4: Batman
Some people may find it surprising that the Dark Knight ranks so "low" on my list. In truth, it's pretty damn high considering how many superheroes there are. As for why he isn't first, it's simple. His story seemed kinda dull to me. We never really found out who Bruce Wayne really is. And, no, his origins don't count. This series was all about Batman and never about Bruce. For me, this was unfortunate because I was only discovering half the story.

Hehe, sorry, but the Comic Book Nerd in me has to step in for a second and comment on this for a moment.  Keep in mind, I don't mean this in a bad way, so please don't take any offense to this at all.  I'm just gonna offer my opinion for a moment! 

I think you're missing the main point of why Batman is so unique among other heroes.  The reason you don't find out about who Bruce Wayne really is is because he's Batman.  Ever since his parents died, all that ever mattered to him was the mission, the plan.  He spent his entire youth training his mind and his body to perfection, so he could do what he does.  Most heroes got their powers later on in life.  The Flash, Green Lantern, Spidey, Cap, Iron Man, The FF, and so many others.  Heck, even Green Arrow, other non-powered hero like Batman, didn't decide to be a superhero until around 18 or so.  Batman's different.  Other heroes wear the mask to protect their identities.  Batman does it not only for that purpose, but to strike fear into the hearts of criminals, who are a superstitious and cowardly lot.  When you say you're only getting half the story, that's because there is no other half.  Bruce Wayne doesn't even think of himself as Bruce Wayne.  He thinks of himself as Batman, always.  That's what makes him unique among heroes.  Bruce Wayne is the disguise, the mask, the billionaire playboy persona put their to throw people off to his true identity. Batman is who he really is, and who he has been ever since his parents died.  Batman is the oath he swore on his parents grave.  Batman is the mission.

LoL, since this was a long read, I'll do my list in a little bit.

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Reply #7 on: December 08, 2008, 10:22:24 PM
He thinks of himself as Batman, always.  That's what makes him unique among heroes.

Hey, he is the goddamn Batman.

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Reply #8 on: December 08, 2008, 11:10:20 PM
#5. Superman
Faster than a Speeding Bullet.  More Powerful than a Locomotive.  Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.  I've always been a fan of Superman.  I mean, come on, he's Superman.  What I've always admired about Superman isn't just his powers, but his personality.  This was something that Christopher Reeve captured perfectly in the Superman movies.  Keep in mind, I'm actually not a fan of those movies, except for him.  He perfectly captured the spirit that Superman is a very nice and caring guy, just with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men.  The Big Blue Boyscout, as it were. 

What I also love about Superman is what he represents.  Whereas Batman represents Fear, Superman represents Hope.  There's one scene in the Superman Returns movie that I really do love.  It's the scene when Supes save the plane and lands it in the Stadium.  One reviewer put it perfectly, in that when he saves the plane, and the whole stadium starts applauding, as well as people watching that video everywhere, it gives off a feeling of hope, like that no matter what happens in life, everything is going to be alright.  Superman is the superhero that other superheroes in the DCU look up to.  That's what makes him special.  Again, I think he should be offered a Blue Lantern Ring.  We'll see what happens with that though.

Also, another quick reason why it might suck to be Superman, is that your life on Earth is really one giant Protect mission, regarding controlling your powers.  Hence why I love this scene so much, as it perfectly illustrates my point, as well as totally looking bad-ass!

#4. Spider-Man
Spider-Man, IMO, is the true hero of Nerds everywhere.  A nerd gets bitten by a radioactive spider, and gains superpowers.  But, underneath the powers and the mask, he's still a giant nerd.  He's still incredibly smart, and still got picked on in high school.  But guess what?  He married the hot, sexy redhead model.  I mean, come on.  He's living the nerd dream.  Plus, he's a wise-cracker.  One of the first wise-cracking superheroes ever.  In Ultimate Spider-Man, I love how they capture the fact that he wise-cracks all the time to not only throw off his adversaries, but to help him actually cope with the fact that he's a nerd fighting supervillains.  Granted, he gets crapped on a lot in his life, but in the end he could still come home to his hot, model wife, who loved him and supported him.

This is why I'm so pissed after the whole Mephisto thing.  They took that away from him, because Quesada doesn't believe in character growth, or the whole mantra of "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility!"  That's why, even if I actually read the main Spider-Man universe, I'd have stopped after that whole debacle.  Ultimate Spidey, despite Bendis' wordiness at times, is my preference now.

Needless to say though, I love his powers too.  They work so well for the city which I'm proud to call home.  Plus, Spider-Sense is easily one of the greatest abilities there is.  I mean, there's a scene in the original Secret Wars comics in which Spidey takes down the X-Men EASILY because of the combination of his Strength, Speed, Super Agility and the oh so fantastic Spidey-Sense.  That's what also makes his wise-assery so glorious.  It's because you can almost feel the villains frustration with not being able to hit him at times, due to his powers, as he mocks you.  He's just your Friendly, Neighborhood, Spider-Man! 

#3. Batman
Really, what more can be said about Batman that I just said up above. 

Ever since his parents died, all that ever mattered to him was the mission, the plan.  He spent his entire youth training his mind and his body to perfection, so he could do what he does.  Most heroes got their powers later on in life.  The Flash, Green Lantern, Spidey, Cap, Iron Man, The FF, and so many others.  Heck, even Green Arrow, other non-powered hero like Batman, didn't decide to be a superhero until around 18 or so.  Batman's different.  Other heroes wear the mask to protect their identities.  Batman does it not only for that purpose, but to strike fear into the hearts of criminals, who are a superstitious and cowardly lot.  When you say you're only getting half the story, that's because there is no other half.  Bruce Wayne doesn't even think of himself as Bruce Wayne.  He thinks of himself as Batman, always.  That's what makes him unique among heroes.  Bruce Wayne is the disguise, the mask, the billionaire playboy persona put their to throw people off to his true identity. Batman is who he really is, and who he has been ever since his parents died.  Batman is the oath he swore on his parents grave.  Batman is the mission.

I'll simply add to this.  Batman: The Animated Series is the best example, IMO, of Batman.  This is also why I was such a huge fan of Batman Beyond.  The majority of "future" Batman stories out their showed him retired and married to Catwoman, or something like that.  However, Batman Beyond showed, IMO, the truest example of what would happen to Batman.  He quit because his body couldn't take it anymore, so much so that he actually had to defend himself by using a gun.  He wound up alone, cause the mission drove everyone away from him.  Batman Beyond was a great epilogue to the whole Batman mythos, and I was so very happy that the DCAU gave Batman Beyond a proper ending in that JLU episode.

#2. The Flash
What's funny is, he's one of my favorite superheroes simply because he has my favorite Super Power, which is Super Speed.  However, I also admire what the Silver Age Flash, Barry Allen, represents.  He started the Silver Age of Comics.  Without these comics, who knows what would've happened to the Comic Book Industry as a whole.  The Flash, followed by the Silver Age Green Lantern, is what brought Comic Books out of the dark times of Cowboy and Monster comics that, for the most part, sucked.  Finally, we were given superheroes again, outside of Batman and Superman.  This is also what probably paved the way for Marvel Comics starting as well.  Again, Comics as a whole owe a lot to Barry Allen, which is why I'm so very very very very very very much looking forward to The Flash: Rebirth next year, helmed by Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Scriver, the same genius duo who did Green Lantern: Rebirth and made my #1 choice the best comic in the industry right now, IMO.

I mainly grew up with Wally West as the Flash though.  I like Wally a lot, because I like the growth behind the character.  He's one of the first, if only sidekicks, who ever actually grew into the role of taking a hero's place, after Barry Allen died in Crisis on Infinite Earths.  Also, they brought in the idea of the Speed Force, which I was skeptical about at first, but overall grew to love.  However, despite all of that, my favorite representation of the Flash comes from the DCAU.  You see the Flash as impulsive, and as a fast worker.  I thought that was a great idea to bring to the character.  Also, I love his costume to.  It kicks ass.

#1. Green Lantern
In Brightest Day.  In Blackest Night.  No Evil Shall Escape My Sight.  Let Those Who Worship Evil's Might.  BEWARE MY POWER, GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT.

As you can see, I've clearly memorized the Oath.  Green Lantern has always been my favorite Super Hero.  I just really love the idea of the Green Lantern Ring, a ring that is fueled by your own willpower to create constructs which are only limited by your own imagination and willpower.  To quote Kyle Rayner, my personal favorite Green Lantern and the one I grew up with, "I'm your worst nightmare, Pal.  A Manga Nut with a Power Ring!"  Thank you Grant Morrison, for clearly stating why I would love to have a Power Ring.  All the nerd stuff I grew up with, all the mecha designs I've seen or come up with in my head, and all my other imagination created characters, weapons, etc. I could create with just a thought and my own willpower. 

This is why, despite my love of Hal Jordan and the rest, Kyle Rayner was always my favorite Green Lantern.  He's an artist.  For an artist, I can't imagine a better tool than the GL Ring.  To be able to bring your creations to life like that just always struck me as being bonafide bad-ass.  I mean, I know while traveling through Space, I'd create practically all of the spaceships I've seen in all my years of watching movies, TV, anime, cartoons, etc.  All my nerd knowledge would be unleashed upon Sector 2814.  They would indeed, Beware My Power! 

As I mentioned above, ever since GL: Rebirth, Green Lantern has become my favorite comic book out there right now.  GL: Rebirth brough Hal Jordan back to life and into the GL Spotlight once again.  I was very, VERY skeptical about them doing this, however I was blown away at how fantastically well the story was handled.  It tied in everything that happened to Hal Jordan since Zero Hour so extremely well.  Also, they've managed to create a vast and awesome universe for the Green Lantern mythos, which is only getting better and better.  Next year, there is a huge event coming called The Blackest Night, which I'm so looking forward to.  Needless to say, Green Lantern is my favorite hero ever, and probably always will be.

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Reply #9 on: December 08, 2008, 11:12:30 PM
This gets reposted everytime someone mentions Green Lantern.

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Reply #10 on: December 08, 2008, 11:18:21 PM
Did You Know:

The Sinestro Corps, or Yellow Lanterns, are based upon controlling the universe via fear.  When the Sinestro Corps started recruiting people from every sector, Batman was the first person chosen in all of Sector 2814 because he has "the ability to instill great fear."

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Reply #11 on: December 09, 2008, 12:23:16 AM
5.) Space Ghost:

He was cool even before he became a talk show host. But how many superheroes can get their former adversaries to join them in a new profession after a life of crime? That requires some self-sacrifice and diligence there. He has an awesome cape, powerful gauntlets and a cool logo. He even had a monkey and some wonder twins.

4.) The Tick:

SPOOOOOOOOOON! While The Tick works effectively as a team with the more intelligent American Maid, more sexcellent Die Fleidermaus, and the more pungent Sewer Urchin, he actually has a sidekick. And a little wooden boy. So that gives him the edge in his own universe. The Tick was one of my favorite cartoons growing up and you won't find more menacing super villains in any other comic universe out there.

3.) Conan (The Pale Barbarian) O'Brien:

He'll stun you blind and make you a cripple
He's shootin' lasers out from his nipples
He's giving us a much safer nation

I mean seriously, to be so scrawny and pasty and still be able to tackle as many supervillains as he does, he deserves credit for not being an absolute total prissy wuss. So I threw him a bone and put him third.

2.) All 4 Members of KISS...well, maybe just 3:

Can you resist a lover? Can you? That is one damn super power! The Demon can control the powers of hell, the StarChild can shoot lasers out of his eye, Space Ace controls the cosmos, and Peter Criss...well, OK, nobody wants to be Peter Criss. Not even Peter Criss. But he did help save Santa, so I can't leave him off of the most powerful team out there. And these heroes know how to effectively market their likenesses, so that their gift of heroism keeps on giving.

1.) GOD:

He defeated Hitler, gave us his one and only son to free us of our sins and created all of existence with a wink. 'Nuff said.

Previously was K.G. Inafunbags, Captain Heady, Damon Gant, and the guy who liked the blue bomber solely for the reason that he was blue.

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Reply #12 on: December 09, 2008, 12:29:01 AM
You never cease to amaze me, Miyabi!   8)

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Reply #13 on: December 09, 2008, 07:09:59 AM
Oh my, I never seen that kind of Godly comic. I bet it was a hilarious comic.

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Reply #14 on: December 10, 2008, 09:44:57 PM
Not much of a comic fan, but here goes...

5. Spiderman
4. The Tick
3. Iron Man
2. Batman
1. Viewtiful Joe

I'll edit explanations into the choices later.

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Reply #15 on: December 10, 2008, 09:59:39 PM
I don't care to explain my choices right now, but here's the list, at least. Explanations will follow at some point in the future.

5. Union Jack (Marvel Comics)
4. Death's Head (The original one)
3. Spawn
2. Deadpool
1. The Tick.

Shame on all of you for never mentioning Deadpool!

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Reply #16 on: December 18, 2008, 10:26:09 PM
4.Iron Man
5.The Hulk

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Reply #17 on: December 18, 2008, 11:51:54 PM
1. Captain America (Steve Rogers)
2. Spider-man
3. Deadpool (he is trying 8))
4. Batman (Bruce Wayne)
5. Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)

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Reply #18 on: December 26, 2008, 02:24:46 PM
I was never too much into comics, I never even bought them. I did watch some of their TV series with passion in the past as a kid though.

5: Superman/I could not think of any other superhero to list here, so I gave Superman a spot.

4: Darkwing Duck/I found him absolutely cool as a kid in the past, nowadays I notice that he is a lot like Batman.

3: Spider-Man/I never cared much for Spider-Man as a kid, but I do love the villains he is fighting against!

2: The X Men/As a whole team, I enjoyed them fighting in the TV serie(Or whatever TV serie I was watching in the 90's).

1: Batman/First of all, the animated TV serie introduced me to Batman, which has an awesome intro by the way. Then I watched the Batman movies over time, enjoying every one of them, even Batman & Robin. And then Christopher Nolan's movies came, which gave the character so much depth, making Batman the only good comic hero I really like. Other than Batman having the best villains, he himself has now also become the best hero for me. Maybe I should at least consider reading into Batman comics...

Flok's favorites:

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Reply #19 on: December 26, 2008, 02:41:25 PM
1.  Goku

2.  Super Saiyan Goku

3.  SSJ2 Goku

4.  SSJ3 Goku

5.  SSJ4 Goku

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Reply #20 on: December 27, 2008, 08:42:15 AM
1.  Goku

2.  Super Saiyan Goku

3.  SSJ2 Goku

4.  SSJ3 Goku

5.  SSJ4 Goku

I call bullshit! I think your top five looks more like this.

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Reply #21 on: December 27, 2008, 03:04:10 PM
I call bullshit! I think your top five looks more like this.

Do you know how close I was to doing that?

Seriously, I was going to list all of them, except for White Queen, because I have no idea who she is.

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Reply #22 on: December 27, 2008, 03:37:17 PM
5. Iron Man: Worthless bad guys are his biggest weakness, but as a hero he's perfect. Pretty much the Batman of the marvel universe ( smart + money). His depiction as bad/good/gray guy during the events of Civil War was a different direction in the development of this character, and i liked it. Thank God that Mephisto didn´t ruin him too.

4. Spiderman: Low in my list because one more day, and the whole idiocy of Osborn returning for the grave to be an important force in the marvel universe had dissapointed me baddly. Still, during the good times he was my favorite hero. When he reveleaded his identity i was excited, the first important change to the character since his wedding...and bam, MEPHISTO !. I hate you Quesada.

3. Flash: Charisma and the power of creating plot-holes with amazing effects ( aka, the speed force). He can throw your grandmother to the stais 20 years ago.

2.Wolverine: Overrated, doubt. But let's be honest, he can´t be destroyed ( at least not easily) and he always lobotmoizes/captures/kills the bad guy.

1. Batman: As long as i'm concerned, HE's the godammed hero. No superpowers, lots of money, intelligence and skill. He has the perfect nemesis, and his adventures never get old.



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Reply #23 on: December 27, 2008, 06:56:19 PM
Do you know how close I was to doing that?

Seriously, I was going to list all of them, except for White Queen, because I have no idea who she is.

I wasn't gonna put white queen either but it was to good a shot and I couldn't find a good one for storm. White Queen = Emma Frost who is Cyclops new girl.

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Reply #24 on: December 27, 2008, 08:28:22 PM
5. The Flash
He deserves his own movie. Shame DC hasn't come out with any decently watchable movies lately.

4. Spiderman
First movie was alright, the next two were meh in my opinion. At least he was good in Marvel Vs Capcom. >.>

Yeah, I picked the Japanese version of Spiderman over the American version. How could I not when he has a giant mecha? I don't even need to see how Sentai-ish the series might be to know that I like this version better.

2. Batman.
Because he's the GOD DAMNED BATMAN. Also his movie was at least good unlike Superman's recent movie. >.>

1. LazyMan.
...Do I really need to say it?