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Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #2500 on: July 12, 2013, 10:25:00 AM
Having seen a bit of the video, Pikachu tried to adjust himself as well, because his curiosity was crying out to watch further.

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Reply #2501 on: July 12, 2013, 10:30:53 AM
Mewtwo noticed the Pikachu's curiosity and made room on the bench for the dwarf Pokemon to jump up beside him. "This may become... difficult to watch..."  He trailed off as the video progressed, and he could hear the conversations between the scientists, though muffled by their masks.  The amount of hardware used and the drapes disturbed him further, as he could no longer see the Alakazam's face, coupled with the notion that Team Rocket at one point wanted to do the same thing to him.  He swallowed and dispelled that thought quickly.  

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Reply #2502 on: July 12, 2013, 10:34:51 AM
Pikachu cooed at the invite, and jumped to a spot beside Mewtwo. Watching on... His face went pale white when he saw Dr. Wily II holding the bone saw that was cutting up the Alakazam... And had a sudden gag reflex.

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Reply #2503 on: July 12, 2013, 11:24:21 AM
After a tense several minutes, Mewtwo simply could not watch any more of it and he closed the video, shaking his head slowly. Though, he did notice something... a change in Wily's countenance during the procedure.  The man had jerked backwards, as if he were hit by something, and one of his assistants had to grab his arm.  They had briefly discussed the matter before continuing, at which point Mewtwo could not stomach the rest of it. 

He scrolled through a few more videos, selecting another at random.  This one was proceeded by text that he could read, and a voice-over that further clarified the words.  The video was a demonstration of the Alakazam's abilities, with cuts to show the computer display, and Wily inputting various commands.  As the video progressed, Mewtwo could not help but notice how pleased Wily was with each demonstration.  Closing the video, Mewtwo scanned through the listing and selected one that bore a label which he could not read.

The video was slow to start, and it was at an uncomfortable and shaky angle, as Wily was apparently holding the camera to his face.  He spoke with a strange whisper and his eyes seemed... off.  The tone of his voice was... off.  Everything about the video seemed somehow very wrong

Mewtwo adjusted the volume of the video and listened intently.  Perhaps this video would tell him what he needed to know...

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Reply #2504 on: July 12, 2013, 03:38:43 PM
Inside... Dr. Wily II sighed in relief at averting a potentially painful beating. He turned to see Pyro engrossed in his handheld, taking about showing off his... Digimans... Whatever those are. Turning to face the Blaziken...

"Are you sure having him here is OK? I know he wants to help, but from what has transpired thus far... He's creating more problems, than solutions, for me..."

Firebrawl scratched the feathers on his forehead with a single claw, "I'm not sure having him around mortals is okay," he answered bluntly, "But you're the scientist You should be able to find a way to use him to stop your evil self."

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Reply #2505 on: July 12, 2013, 04:01:58 PM
"It is true I'm a scientist... But I am a practitioner of Science... Facts... Theories... What Pyro is... What he can do... Is beyond the realm of Science... Beyond what I can grasp..." Dr. Wily II said, scratching the back of his head. "The only way to stop... Myself... Is to recreate whatever sealed him away in the first place... Something that I seriously have no idea about..."

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Reply #2506 on: July 12, 2013, 04:10:23 PM
"Well," Firebrawl said, "He can at least run 'interference' so slow down whatever 'you' have planned."

"Hehehehehe," a disembodied voice chuckled before it revealed itself as Mr. Spook, "Sounds like a job for a psychic."

Before Dr. Wily II could say anything, it became apparent that Pyro's Pokemon were wandering his mindscape.

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Reply #2507 on: July 12, 2013, 04:14:10 PM
After Janine iinspected the badges, she untied Ahrzayl and disappeared. She stood up and patted herself off and thanked everyone for helping her as they headed back to the center.

At the disguised Superia...

Officer Jenny arrived outside the the ship folling the directions given to her. All the while, Julia noticed by watching through cameras and needed to get Steiner outside. She grabbed a pair of handcuffs and went to Steiner's room.

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Reply #2508 on: July 12, 2013, 04:15:13 PM
"Well," Firebrawl said, "He can at least run 'interference' so slow down whatever 'you' have planned."

"Hehehehehe," a disembodied voice chuckled before it revealed itself as Mr. Spook, "Sounds like a job for a psychic."

Before Dr. Wily II could say anything, it became apparent that Pyro's Pokemon were wandering his mindscape.

"... But his interference is too... Drastic!! Think of the consequences!! I almost got murdered for pervasion that wasn't my doing!!" Dr. Wily II blushed in anger, remembering the... View. Seeing Mr. Spook joining the "party"...

"You know... If this was under normal circumstances... I'd sue you all for invasion of privacy."

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Reply #2509 on: July 12, 2013, 04:18:30 PM
The Gengar smiled, "Never stopped me. 'Sides, my boss is, how shall say it, 'impressionable?' You can get him to do almost anything if you can convince him that it's a game."

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Reply #2510 on: July 12, 2013, 04:27:47 PM
"A game..." Dr. Wily II facepalmed. "It's all fun and games until someone pokes an eye out... Which ALMOST HAPPENED!!"

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Reply #2511 on: July 12, 2013, 04:33:22 PM
Mr. Spook winked, "And games have rules."

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Reply #2512 on: July 12, 2013, 05:16:41 PM
"Then I have to respectfully declined your kind assistance. Your intentions are appreciated." Dr. Wily II bowed. "I think it's still best if... If my "son" can find the answer..."

Posted on: July 12, 2013, 23:01:14
The video was slow to start, and it was at an uncomfortable and shaky angle, as Wily was apparently holding the camera to his face.  He spoke with a strange whisper and his eyes seemed... off.  The tone of his voice was... off.  Everything about the video seemed somehow very wrong.  

Mewtwo adjusted the volume of the video and listened intently.  Perhaps this video would tell him what he needed to know...
(Oh boy... Time to turn this RP sort of upside-down again...)

Disclaimer: The following is from the recorded video that Mewtwo is currently watching.


Dr. Wily II Log 0101A

*video starts with a messy room, notes and diagrams on the wall, books stacked in the foreground... Most likely a table. Sounds of rustling notes could be heard*
Finally... The day that I have craved for is coming!! My theory for psychic bioinformation evolution will be realized!! Pokemon... They have lived in the long grass even before humans first set off on this world... However, we still do not know the full potential of these Pokemon... And what better way to explore such potential... THAN TO TREAT THEM LIKE TOOLS!! They're everywhere... THEY ARE EXPENDABLE!!

I have captured an Abra one year ago, to study on the potential of using their psychic powers as a high-end scanner-detector... We all know how perceptive Psychic Pokemon are... Xatus being able to see the future... Gardevoirs protecting their trainers even at the cost of their lives... Abras always teleporting at a pin's drop... Hell... This Abra was a pain to catch, and it was not easy training something that teleports away in the heat of battle... But for my research... It will be worth it!!

Dr. Wily II Log 0201A

The Abra I caught had already become a fine Alakazam... A species praised for having a brain that's faster than the world's fastest supercomputer... Such processing prowess MUST be harnessed!! AND ABUSED!! However... It seemed that my Alakazam's prowess has peaked... It's no longer performing well... Which was why I theorised my psychic bioinformation theory!! By stimulating the specific areas of a Psychic Pokemon's brain, one can not only boast the Psychic Pokemon's innate abilities... It boasts them to incredulous levels!! THE POTENTIAL ON VARIOUS APPLICATIONS... The defense ministry would be pleased... However, the highest bidder always wins... Giovanni was too generous!!

Dr. Wily II Log 0501B

To refresh myself on the procedure that was to be performed... We'll be using electrical probes to insert, and stimulate the brain stem. Probe will also be inserted into the pleasure and pain centers, completely shorting them out. After the stimulus, we will directly connect the brain to a controlled server using IV cables. These cables will continuously pump brain fluid in and out, ensuring that the brain is constantly kept moist. As for the body... What's the need for it? The brain is all that we need... The body can just rot for all I care!!

Dr. Wily II Log 0701C

The day of operation... Alakazam had been very uncooperative... My assistants were having a difficult time trying to coax and restrain it. I had to do things myself... Stupid Pokemon. One word, and it obeyed. As it slowly propped up into position, it had the gall to beg for freedom!! HAHAHA!! Such naivety!! You are my Pokemon... My tool... My SLAVE!! And slaves are expendable!! Your brain will be mine... MINE TO CONTROL!! The name Dr. Wily II will go down in HISTORY!!

*video angle changed as Dr. Wily II handed over to one of his assistants as he proceeded to use the bone saw on Alakazam's skull. As soon as the skull was opened, a surge of energy was clearly recorded, knocking Dr. Wily II over.*

Dr. Wily II Log 0701D

.... I don't know how long I was knocked out... Everything was a blur... But my assistants said that the operation was a success. They said we even demostrated the results to Giovanni, and that he was thoroughly impressed, and that I was practically gloating... But... How could I... When I distinctively remembered that I was knocked out!? That surge of energy... What was it!? I have to see my creation!! My life's work!!

*Video continued to show Dr. Wily II rushing to see the altered Alakazam, and once there, he collapsed like a puppet without its strings, and the video cuts to static*

Dr. Wily II Log 0701Z

... Why did I do all that... What have I done... My Alakazam... He... He was crying... He could no longer feel anything... Yet he's crying... He ceased to become a Pokemon... And was crying because it somehow still knew... What have I done... Why...

*video abruptly cuts to static*

(OK, so... The end of Log 0701D is when Alakazam's Disable from 0701C finally took effect, sealing away Evil DWII.)

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Reply #2513 on: July 12, 2013, 08:11:29 PM
"Then I have to respectfully declined your kind assistance. Your intentions are appreciated." Dr. Wily II bowed. "I think it's still best if... If my "son" can find the answer..."

Mr. Spook shrugged, "Well, you're the boss... or the other boss anyway."

Firebrawl nodded, "Though he may of helped you already."

Mr. Spook glanced at the Blaziken, "Huh?"

"Think about it," Firebrawl explained, "Our trainer managed to control the evil Doctor's movements without him knowing about it. Maybe the good Doctor can do it if he really wants it."

"Ah, I knew this place looked familiar," Mr. Spook said, "It's gotta be the Dream World."

Firebrawl turned to the Doctor, clasped his right claw over his left fist, and bowed respectively. "Perhaps you may be able to hinder your other self if you can't stop him," he said, "Until then, Doctor."

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Reply #2514 on: July 12, 2013, 08:14:57 PM
"I'm glad you didn't get too hurt Ahrzayl." Sakura sighed "Though it might be a good idea for you to change your clothes so this doesn't happen again."

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Reply #2515 on: July 12, 2013, 08:59:47 PM
(Mind if I jump in?)

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Reply #2516 on: July 12, 2013, 09:21:07 PM
(Now is as good a time as any.)

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Reply #2517 on: July 12, 2013, 09:57:46 PM
On a distant hill, a mysterious trainer stood, watching the nearby town. To her side were a small frog, a mischievous little panda, and an adorable lion cub. To her side an interesting sword was sheathed. She looked down at her companions, grinning, and ran down the hill towards the settlement.

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Reply #2518 on: July 12, 2013, 10:35:52 PM
With Ahrzyal freed from conviction, Merrick decides to vacate her back and cautiously make his way towards WilyII to check up on him.  Throughout most of the fiasco, he sensed more than one personality invading the doctor's conscience, trying to help ward off the evil that was manifesting his entire being.  Deciding to want to help with those other invading souls, he presses himself against WilyII's back to meet them first before deciding whether he should enact his white magic repellent again or collaborate on what ideas they could use to permanently drive the evil infection out of his soul.

As Chariot was wandering about the fields, looking for any Pokemon to capture in the Park Balls he purchased at the lobby, Hierophant, Synthis and Genbu, who sat on the blue-haired priest's head to avoid being picked on by various field Pokemon became distracted by the distant presence of the Meowth balloon drifting away from the park.  Synthis wrinkles his nose in suspicion and bounds off after it to figure out what it was doing here, prompting Hierophant to try and run after him only to feel his leg snag, causing him to fall into the thigh-deep grass with a startled yelp.

Chariot snaps his head around, noticing Hierophant and Genbu were no longer visible and attempts to look down only to barely notice Synthis almost swimming through the tall grass after a seemingly familiar hot air balloon.

"Sonava-!" he growled before tossing the Park Balls into the Chingling bag around Excalibur's neck and looks to Danny, "Keep an eye on them until I get back.  I need to check up on something that might cause problems for the rest of this city."

Before the two could ask, Chariot rushes off after Synthis and the balloon.  Excalibur looks down into the grass to find Hierophant trying to shake his leg loose, not noticing the mildly banged up Meowth clinging to his leg.

"Help...me...." he mutters strenuously, "Help...us...."

Excalibur reaches into the grass and hauls Meowth off the ground by the scruff of his neck, allowing Hierophant to get back up and dust off any loose grass that got onto his pure white and green outfit.

"Aren't you with Team Rocket?" he asked, recognizing him as the only Pokemon of the two white-dressed duo that could speak.

"I am...or I think I still am...." Meowth mutters half consciously.  Hierophant sighs in concern before looking over to Excalibur.

"Maybe we should get him to the Pokemon Center down south," he said, "A good recharge should help him better comprehend his current situation."

"NOOOOOOOO!!!"  Meowth yelps as he tries to wiggle lose from Excalibur's maw, "Don't take me to THIS Pokemon Center!  Jessie and James are heading there to check on something and if the Nurse Joy there identifies me as their Pokemon, she'll ignorantly hand me back over and I'll be forced to cooperate with capturing Mewtwo again!"

He grabs his head and buckles his knees together, "Just remembering what that squealing brat drilled into our brains riles me up; claiming that Mewtwo befriended that green-haired trainer by brainwashing her into being his personal slave!?  I still don't get why he chose her of all trainers, but certainly not through careless brainwashing!  He's not that kind of Pokemon!  Even his clones admit that the closest he came to becoming a danger to society was gathering all the trainers and their Pokemon onto a secluded Island and threatening to destroy them in a storm he conjured just so his clones could roam the planet, free of oppression!"

He then balled his paws and spread them outward, "But that shrilling brat and who knows who else got involved in recapturing Mewtwo somehow managed to deceive the entire organization into thinking he's a devious mastermind who brainwashed that trainer into being his protector, and I won't stand to humor them any longer if that's the route they were going to take to capture him and force him back into being THEIR personal psychic slave!  If Mewtwo HAS to be captured, I'd rather it was because of his super-strong psychic powers, not his ability to erase memories!"

Hierophant compresses his lips in more concern before sighing and reaches into the Chingling bag, pulling out a Hi-Potion and spraying it onto Meowth, causing him to squeal in pain.

"Oi!  Hey!  Couldn't you use your magic to heal me instead of this stinging piece of junk!?" he yelps.

"I only use my spells for emergencies," Hierophant said, "Ethers are expensive back home, and I'd much rather not reveal that location even though we believe everything you said."  he adds by looking over to Danny, who was grumbling in begrudging agreement while laying flat on Excalibur's back, then the card, though no one could hear what the Tarot was saying due to the picture being concealed between his back and the non-animate picture on the other end of the card.


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Reply #2519 on: July 13, 2013, 02:35:14 AM
(The Chingling bag... XD I must draw this thing...  And I'll add a post once I catch up on my reading...)

Posted on: July 12, 2013, 11:18:31 PM
Meanwhile, in the aforementioned Center...

Mewtwo stared blankly at the computer screen, then replayed the log labeled 0701C.  He stopped the footage and replayed it again, this time slowing the framerate.  "...There!"  He paused the video on the wave of psychic energy.  "Right there!"  The wave had burst forth the very second that the skullcap was removed.

Mewtwo raised an eyebrow, his mind branching towards various conclusions for what he had witnessed.  Was that wave emitted voluntarily?  Was it an involuntary action, much like how his regeneration supposedly is?  Was it a defense mechanism?  Did the Alakazam have a motive?  But, Wily's personality changed afterward... Did the Alakazam do this intentionally?  Would hitting Wily with another burst of energy work?  What kind of energy?  Would directing a Psywave toward Wily work?  Would it solve the problem?  Would it kill the man? 

Mewtwo took one hand off the interface and rubbed his brow.  He had used a Psywave against humans before, most notably when he had first made his escape.  The surge of energy had killed a number of people.

What made this Psywave different?  Couldn't the Alakazam have used it to begin with?  Mewtwo replayed the video sequence a few times, slowing the framerate and studying other elements within the scene.  No, that Alakazam was clearly heavily sedated.  He couldn't detect any eye movement, from what little he could see under the drapes.  There were plenty of opportunities for the Alakazam to react, prior to being strapped down, prior to being sedated, prior to its head being shaved, prior to the initial incision... 

That massive burst of psychic energy occurred only when the skullcap was removed and the brain exposed.

Mewtwo stared at the footage for a very long moment.  He then looked to the dwarf Pikachu.  "Could you bring me the other discs?  One of them may have clues that I seek."

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Reply #2520 on: July 13, 2013, 04:52:55 AM
Mr. Spook shrugged, "Well, you're the boss... or the other boss anyway."

Firebrawl nodded, "Though he may of helped you already."

Mr. Spook glanced at the Blaziken, "Huh?"

"Think about it," Firebrawl explained, "Our trainer managed to control the evil Doctor's movements without him knowing about it. Maybe the good Doctor can do it if he really wants it."

"Ah, I knew this place looked familiar," Mr. Spook said, "It's gotta be the Dream World."

Firebrawl turned to the Doctor, clasped his right claw over his left fist, and bowed respectively. "Perhaps you may be able to hinder your other self if you can't stop him," he said, "Until then, Doctor."
Dr. Wily II blinked at what the Blaziken said, and glasped the scar on his chest again. The Blaziken was right, Pyro managed to do it... Then again, Pyro is unorthodox... But maybe... Just maybe... The Blaziken was on the something... "Thank you for your advice." Dr. Wily II bowed.

(The Chingling bag... XD I must draw this thing...  And I'll add a post once I catch up on my reading...)

Posted on: July 12, 2013, 11:18:31 PM
Meanwhile, in the aforementioned Center...

Mewtwo stared blankly at the computer screen, then replayed the log labeled 0701C.  He stopped the footage and replayed it again, this time slowing the framerate.  "...There!"  He paused the video on the wave of psychic energy.  "Right there!"  The wave had burst forth the very second that the skullcap was removed.

Mewtwo raised an eyebrow, his mind branching towards various conclusions for what he had witnessed.  Was that wave emitted voluntarily?  Was it an involuntary action, much like how his regeneration supposedly is?  Was it a defense mechanism?  Did the Alakazam have a motive?  But, Wily's personality changed afterward... Did the Alakazam do this intentionally?  Would hitting Wily with another burst of energy work?  What kind of energy?  Would directing a Psywave toward Wily work?  Would it solve the problem?  Would it kill the man? 

Mewtwo took one hand off the interface and rubbed his brow.  He had used a Psywave against humans before, most notably when he had first made his escape.  The surge of energy had killed a number of people.

What made this Psywave different?  Couldn't the Alakazam have used it to begin with?  Mewtwo replayed the video sequence a few times, slowing the framerate and studying other elements within the scene.  No, that Alakazam was clearly heavily sedated.  He couldn't detect any eye movement, from what little he could see under the drapes.  There were plenty of opportunities for the Alakazam to react, prior to being strapped down, prior to being sedated, prior to its head being shaved, prior to the initial incision... 

That massive burst of psychic energy occurred only when the skullcap was removed and the brain exposed.

Mewtwo stared at the footage for a very long moment.  He then looked to the dwarf Pikachu.  "Could you bring me the other discs?  One of them may have clues that I seek."
Pikachu nodded, and went back over to the pile of CDs, and began to flip through them, until he found one that looked more worn out then the rest. He held up the CD with both hands, over his head, in some sort of triumphant pose.

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Reply #2521 on: July 13, 2013, 05:00:54 AM
Mewtwo took the disc and examined it, then made the same motion to open the slot, ejecting the previous disc.  He slid the older disc inside and placed both hands on the interface, scanning the disc's contents.  "Also... there should be a new disc somewhere.  It, if I recall, contains data on scans that Team Rocket had performed on me.  If you could find that one, I wish to see it..." he trailed off as he furrowed his brow.  "I need to hack this one, too."  As a test, he tried the password that gained him access to the previous disc, surprised to find that it worked. "Well..."

After a several minutes of scanning folder contents, he searched for video files and brought up the archive.  Selecting a file at random, Mewtwo played it...

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Reply #2522 on: July 13, 2013, 05:26:57 AM
Pikachu nodded, and went back over to the pile of CDs, and began to flip through them, until he found one that looked more worn out then the rest. He held up the CD with both hands, over his head, in some sort of triumphant pose.

(Why does this suddenly come to mind...? o-O)

Dr. Wily II blinked at what the Blaziken said, and glasped the scar on his chest again. The Blaziken was right, Pyro managed to do it... Then again, Pyro is unorthodox... But maybe... Just maybe... The Blaziken was on the something... "Thank you for your advice." Dr. Wily II bowed.

Gazing into WilyII's conscience, he finds that the good energy had since been cut down from the tree and taken on a crown-like hat with a moon crescent and a book, suggesting he has now taken up a sense of unconscious awareness, though still lacking the strength and confidence to overcome his dominant energy.

So far, he can see three other types of energy surrounding him, all not behaving like the one dictating his physical conscience.  One is draped in robes and shoulders a stick with a sack hanging off the end with one hand and a flower in the other; he can't help but assume this belonged to Pyro, though why he's in WilyII's conscience is beyond his structured realm of understanding.  Two are variations of his own energy, the Hierophant; both are made up of a staff much like his and the organic Hierophant, but only one hears his miter, adorned with three Pentacles where the yellow orb should be and the other wears the crown of the Emperor; they could be two of Pyro's Pokemon, but which one's he can't tell through the obscurity of his Tarot Energy.

He wants to get their attention, at least let the good WilyII know he wants to help resolve this situation, but doesn't trust that he can filter his mental focus to just one aware energy.  If he tries to speak, the Death energy controlling his physical conscience may hear him and rip him off his back with several cruel intentions of ensuring he never interferes with whatever sadistic, vengeful schemes he had planned for the seemingly oblivious Team Rocket.

Merrick decides to try something else in the hopes of not drawing attention to himself and losing his only means of informing the conscience inside that he wanted to lend his assistance to this current predicament.  He can sense the physical conscience somewhat exhausted from what he can assume was Pyro's unorthodox roughhousing and decides to play into his recovery by unleashing a slow, steady stream of cure energy to relieve his exhaustion, while at the same time imbuing his presence to those still trapped in the unconscious realm.


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Reply #2523 on: July 13, 2013, 06:50:19 AM
Dr. Wily II blinked at what the Blaziken said, and glasped the scar on his chest again. The Blaziken was right, Pyro managed to do it... Then again, Pyro is unorthodox... But maybe... Just maybe... The Blaziken was on the something... "Thank you for your advice." Dr. Wily II bowed.

"You are quite welcome," Firebrawl replied.

Pyro turned off his game and stashed in his backpack as he got back up, "Welp, that was fun."

He whistled loudly and a flying taxi driven by a Dusknoir appeared from the ether where it came to a stop. For some odd reason, it wore a cap and polka-dot bowtie as its uniform and looked to Pyro, who jumped into the front seat, with its single red eye. Firebrawl bowed to Dr. Wily II again before he joined Mr. Spook in the back seat. The impossible trainer rolled down the window to wave to the doctor.

"See ya around!"

The taxi's tail spluttered as the Dusknoir drove the taxi back into the ether where it faded from the Doctor's view. It reappeared on the road near Ahrzayl and her current companions, Quickie and Sakura.

"Duskkk," the Dusknoir cabbie said as he pointed to the meter.

Pyro pulled out a shiny Starmie with a glistening jewel, which the Dusknoir gladly accepted as pavement. Pyro disembarked from the enchanted vehicle and waved as it drove down the street to pick Arceus knows what.

Come and read some Thoughts of a Platypus

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #2524 on: July 13, 2013, 06:53:54 AM
"Oh hey there Pyro." Sakura greeted "Where have you been?"

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection