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Reply #1875 on: June 23, 2013, 09:01:51 AM
Seeing Sakura slap Jessie freaks James and Meowth towards the other side of the tree.

"Eep!  She's done it now!" James yelps.

"Jessie don't like it when her face get's disfigured!" Meowth squeaks.

Jessie's eyes glowed red as her entire body ignites into flames.

"You...will...regret THAT!!!" she seethes before pointing towards Sakura, "Seviper!  Teach that liar a lesson with Haze!"

Seviper bounds between her and Sakura and spews a cloud of hazy smoke in her direction.  While the area in front of it and Team Rocket were almost blinded by the obscuring black mist, Jessie snaps her gaze towards James and Meowth.

"I'm sick of this place!  Let's get out of here before I hear something else that propels me to hurl!"

James and Meowth seemed unsure of Jessie's demands, but meekly retreated from their hiding spot behind the tree and sauntered off after her.

Chariot and Excalibur stumbled out of the haze just in time to see the trio already making their way out of the town, a red glow indicating Jessie has cast Haste on herself and her two male cohorts to hurry them further out of the area.

"Why you!  Get back here with our cards!" he shouts before jumping onto Excalibur and riding him after the magically speeding trio.


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Reply #1876 on: June 23, 2013, 09:04:12 AM
"Seviper!  Teach that liar a lesson with Haze!"

Seviper bounds between her and Sakura and spews a cloud of hazy smoke in her direction.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1877 on: June 23, 2013, 09:04:55 AM
"Xuangzang?" Sakura asked still crying and coughing

"Yes?" Xuangzang stated.

"I could use some light." Sakura ordered.

"Very well." Xuangzang said as the generator began to whirl a bright blue light.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1878 on: June 23, 2013, 09:06:02 AM
Seeing Sakura slap Jessie freaks James and Meowth towards the other side of the tree.

"Eep!  She's done it now!" James yelps.

"Jessie don't like it when her face get's disfigured!" Meowth squeaks.

Jessie's eyes glowed red as her entire body ignites into flames.

"You...will...regret THAT!!!" she seethes before pointing towards Sakura, "Seviper!  Teach that liar a lesson with Haze!"

Seviper bounds between her and Sakura and spews a cloud of hazy smoke in her direction.  While the area in front of it and Team Rocket were almost blinded by the obscuring black mist, Jessie snaps her gaze towards James and Meowth.

"I'm sick of this place!  Let's get out of here before I hear something else that propels me to hurl!"

James and Meowth seemed unsure of Jessie's demands, but meekly retreated from their hiding spot behind the tree and sauntered off after her.

Chariot and Excalibur stumbled out of the haze just in time to see the trio already making their way out of the town, a red glow indicating Jessie has cast Haste on herself and her two male cohorts to hurry them further out of the area.

"Why you!  Get back here with our cards!" he shouts before jumping onto Excalibur and riding him after the magically speeding trio.

Quickie ran after them, digging through her bag for proof.  "Wait!  Wait!  You have to believe me!  They took him!  They came in, disabled him, and took him, and we need your help if we're to get him back!"  She stumbled, but kept running.  "Look, I have proof!  You want a photo, I have one!  Hell, I have his computer!  He built it himself and hell if I know how to use the damn thing!  You have to believe me, I have tons of witnesses who can corroborate!"

"Alright, sounds procedural enough". Dr. Wily II took control of the intercom. "OK Mewtwo, just calm down and look at the cute red dot above you. Just stare at it like a red Butterfree and stay very still..." Oh god, what the hell was he thinking to speak like this to Mewtwo, Dr. Wily II thought to himself.

Mewtwo scowled, but did as he was told, even though he was a mental wreck.  So much information concerning what they want to do with him, swirling around in his head.  As the machine's rising hum sped up, and he felt the table shift position, he just could not stop thinking about what Wily told him.  They had found a new way to control him, to make him into a puppet.  And this time, he was not sure if he would be able to combat it.

In the imaging room, Jonas looked at the screens.  Seated beside him Schreiber tapped a few controls.  "And that's the base of the skull, right there you can see the medulla oblongata, and... that structure I'm not familiar with, looks almost like a secondary brainstem..."

Jonas leaned forward to look at the screen.  "Yeah, that's part of its neck-tube.  Can you back it up, get scans of its upper chest and neck?  I'd like scans of that tube."

"Sure," Schreiber nodded and tapped the controls.  "You'll have the catheter in there, but it's easy to spot.  I can do a spiral scan of that region, get that out of the way and done.  Mewtwo will need to hold its breath for a few seconds, though.  I'll send a signal to the scanner, the red light will blink twice, then hold steady for about ten seconds, which it needs to hold its breath.  Then, it can relax."

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1879 on: June 23, 2013, 09:12:21 AM
"They're gone Quickie." Sakura said as she sunk to her knees still crying. "I'm so sorry, it's my fault they got away.  Those kids back in Littleroot always called me a liar when I told them I could understand Pokemon along with their teasing.  I hated being called a liar, I never lie to anyone, and because of that I let my emotions get in the way and blew up on her and pissed her off.  I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1880 on: June 23, 2013, 09:16:44 AM
Quickie didn't listen, as she was still chasing them.  She could see them in the distance, so she still ran.  "You have to believe me!  We need your help!  Mewtwo needs your help!  Giovanni took him and we don't know to where!  You have to help us get him back!"

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1881 on: June 23, 2013, 09:20:24 AM
Xuangzang followed after Quickie to make sure she didn't get hurt.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #1882 on: June 23, 2013, 09:20:52 AM
Mewtwo scowled, but did as he was told, even though he was a mental wreck.  So much information concerning what they want to do with him, swirling around in his head.  As the machine's rising hum sped up, and he felt the table shift position, he just could not stop thinking about what Wily told him.  They had found a new way to control him, to make him into a puppet.  And this time, he was not sure if he would be able to combat it.

In the imaging room, Jonas looked at the screens.  Seated beside him Schreiber tapped a few controls.  "And that's the base of the skull, right there you can see the medulla oblongata, and... that structure I'm not familiar with, looks almost like a secondary brainstem..."

Jonas leaned forward to look at the screen.  "Yeah, that's part of its neck-tube.  Can you back it up, get scans of its upper chest and neck?  I'd like scans of that tube."

"Sure," Schreiber nodded and tapped the controls.  "You'll have the catheter in there, but it's easy to spot.  I can do a spiral scan of that region, get that out of the way and done.  Mewtwo will need to hold its breath for a few seconds, though.  I'll send a signal to the scanner, the red light will blink twice, then hold steady for about ten seconds, which it needs to hold its breath.  Then, it can relax."

Overhearing the conversation between Jonas and Schreiber, Dr. Wily II spoke into the intercom again.

"OK Mewtwo, you are doing very well. Soon, the red Butterfree will blink twice. I'll need you to hold your breath, and stay very still."

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #1883 on: June 23, 2013, 09:35:14 AM
Hierophant looks between Sakura, Quickie, and the fleeing Team Rocket trio as the haze slowly dissipates, taking in what's been going on so far.

"Something tells me they want to believe everything they heard, but worry they'll look like fools to their reputation and their superiors...." he mutters, more to himself so as not to upset anyone else around him.

"Humph!  The nerve of them!  Claiming they know anything about Mewtwo and even going so far as to show a picture they obviously fabricated with some fancy editing program!" Jessie huffs as she continues marching further from Stone Town.  James and Meowth continue to lag behind, though their slow stance wasn't because of how tired they were from walking.

"But...what if what they said was true?" James asked meekly.

"Yeah...." Meowth mutters, "I've never seen anyone slap so hard and cry over being called a liar."

"Bah!  All I heard were Totodile tears and more outrageous lies!" Jessie proclaims, though her tone was starting to waver from the amount of concern and doubt in her own stubborn belief, "There's no way anyone else could have known about Mewtwo's existence except for us and those brats!"

Time have changed from long ago....  A situation, solved and left alone will spawn a new one, stronger and bolder than before....

Jessie stops in her tracks as she stiffens at the sound of the voice in her head, "Urgh!  It's that voice again!  The one that keeps talking to me everytime I think!"

Deter the words you think are lies...but know that if you do not take them into consideration, you will endanger, and inevitably betray the life of science, of whom you shared a small portion of love and respect to....

Jessie grabs her hair and starts messing with it, screaming at the top of her lungs, "GRAH!!!  SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!  I DON'T WANNA HEAR ANYMORE OF YOUR ASININE FORTUNE COOKIE NONSENSE!!!"

James and Meowth can only look to each other in concern and worry, completely lost as to whether to help calm her down or let that voice in her head continue rambling on in the hopes of making her change her mind.  They then noticed a shadow peeking out of the trees of the forest around them, one dog-shaped while the other looked like a knight, but chose not to bring it to Jessie's attention in the hopes he would at least act as some beacon to lure the rest of the group to their general direction.


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Reply #1884 on: June 23, 2013, 09:40:05 AM
Overhearing the conversation between Jonas and Schreiber, Dr. Wily II spoke into the intercom again.

"OK Mewtwo, you are doing very well. Soon, the red Butterfree will blink twice. I'll need you to hold your breath, and stay very still."

Mewtwo did as he was told and otherwise ignored how Wily had been speaking to him.

Schreiber studied the scans.  "Well, would you look at that..."

Jonas looked at the screen.  "What's that white thing?  The catheter?"

"Yeah, that's it," Schreiber nodded, tapping at the keys.  "Check that out.  Like a secondary spinal cord with its own blood supply."

Jonas nodded.  "That's really something.  I've never seen anything like it!"

"Bet that's a bypass through the blood-brain barrier, too," Schreiber leaned his chin in his hand.  He pointed to one of the scans.  "Check that out.  Merges right into the spinal column like nothing!  Wow, that's just neat!  I mean, you see that?  It shares the same spinal fluid at the junction in the back, there, right between its shoulder blades.  Man, if you guys could get the time to look at that, you know what that would be helpful with?"

"Spinal injuries, I know," Jonas nodded.  "But, I doubt the boss will let us do any medical research.  We'd have to find a way to subcontract with MA or something."

"Too bad, you guys have a real special Pokemon here," Schreiber went back to work.  "Okay, rescanning the base of the skull, then we'll move to the top of the head, get some nice procedural slices."

Hierophant looks between Sakura, Quickie, and the fleeing Team Rocket trio as the haze slowly dissipates, taking in what's been going on so far.

"Something tells me they want to believe everything they heard, but worry they'll look like fools to their reputation and their superiors...." he mutters, more to himself so as not to upset anyone else around him.

"Humph!  The nerve of them!  Claiming they know anything about Mewtwo and even going so far as to show a picture they obviously fabricated with some fancy editing program!" Jessie huffs as she continues marching further from Stone Town.  James and Meowth continue to lag behind, though their slow stance wasn't because of how tired they were from walking.

"But...what if what they said was true?" James asked meekly.

"Yeah...." Meowth mutters, "I've never seen anyone slap so hard and cry over being called a liar."

"Bah!  All I heard were Totodile tears and more outrageous lies!" Jessie proclaims, though her tone was starting to waver from the amount of concern and doubt in her own stubborn belief, "There's no way anyone else could have known about Mewtwo's existence except for us and those brats!"

Time have changed from long ago....  A situation, solved and left alone will spawn a new one, stronger and bolder than before....

Jessie stops in her tracks as she stiffens at the sound of the voice in her head, "Urgh!  It's that voice again!  The one that keeps talking to me everytime I think!"

Deter the words you think are lies...but know that if you do not take them into consideration, you will endanger, and inevitably betray the life of science, of whom you shared a small portion of love and respect to....

Jessie grabs her hair and starts messing with it, screaming at the top of her lungs, "GRAH!!!  SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!  I DON'T WANNA HEAR ANYMORE OF YOUR ASININE FORTUNE COOKIE NONSENSE!!!"

James and Meowth can only look to each other in concern and worry, completely lost as to whether to help calm her down or let that voice in her head continue rambling on in the hopes of making her change her mind.  They then noticed a shadow peeking out of the trees of the forest around them, one dog-shaped while the other looked like a knight, but chose not to bring it to Jessie's attention in the hopes he would at least act as some beacon to lure the rest of the group to their general direction.

Quickie was still chasing them, wheezing with each step as her lungs screamed for her to stop running.  "You guys... have to believe me...!  Please...!"

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #1885 on: June 23, 2013, 09:59:01 AM
James and Meowth eventually noticed Quickie still running after them despite the Haste spell putting at good distance from the town.

"She sure can run fast for someone who's still choking on smoke...." James mutters somewhat bewildered.

Jessie fumes in aggravation before turning around and marching towards Quickie, knocking James and Meowth into separate areas of the dirt pathway.

"That does it!" she seethes, "I'm sick of hearing all this nonsense!"

She then stands tall before Quickie seemingly breathless posture while pulling out another Pokeball, "Give me one good reason why I should believe you even have the right to protect someone as powerful and dignified as that Mewtwo!  Even if you are telling the truth and its been captured by our boss, I refuse to believe a nobody like you could have served as his bodyguard, especially with all those cloned Pokemon that accompanied him during our last encounter!"


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Reply #1886 on: June 23, 2013, 10:03:00 AM
"They... they all left..." Quickie panted.  "He... sent them... all on their separate... ways...  So that they... could live proper lives... as real Pokemon..."  She slowed to a stop and swallowed her breath.  "You... saw him leave...  You saw them all leave...  He told me that Meowth... said that if he... ever saw your balloon... To fly by and say hello."  Dropping her backpack to the ground, she opened it and dug through it for her inhaler. 

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Reply #1887 on: June 23, 2013, 10:05:41 AM
Froslynn looked around the corner. No one. She lept and rolled to the adjacent wall to a crouched position. Seeing the coast was clear, the froslass dashed to the other wall and floated as if running on it. She jumped back and forth to each wall, gaining distance toward the decontamination room. Doing a couple of summersaults, Froslynn slid to the door. She slid the key and slipped inside.

She realized she couldve just phased through the walls to the room but this was more fun. She left the card on the floor and sped inside, taking no time to make her way to the Alakazam. Wasting no time, the froslass unhinged it's mouth toward the ceiling and spewed toxic gas into the air. To the cameras, it would look like the gas would be coming from nowhere.

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Reply #1888 on: June 23, 2013, 10:15:21 AM
Alarm klaxons blared, startling Jonas and Schreiber.  Jonas looked around.  "The hell is that?  Is it coming from here?"

Schreiber shook his head.  "Nope."  He quickly looked to another screen and swore.  "There's a breach in Decon!  Who's over there?!"

"Eddie's on duty right now," Jonas quickly got on an intercom.  "Eddie!  Lockdown, Protocol C!"

"On it, already!" Eddie's voice crackled over the line, "Yeung's on his way!  AC-065-Σ's chamber was breached, I'm trying to lock it down!"

Jonas looked to Schreiber.  "You got the scans?  I need to head out, now."

"Yeah, got 'em," Schreiber nodded.  "You go, Wily and I can finish up."

Jonas nodded and rushed out of the room.  Schreiber finished storing the images and had the equipment run through the scans while he fumbled with a CD.  He looked to Wily, somewhat breathless.  "I gotta head over there.  The scans are being saved."  He stood and rushed out of the room to deal with the contamination.

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Reply #1889 on: June 23, 2013, 10:20:22 AM
"They... they all left..." Quickie panted.  "He... sent them... all on their separate... ways...  So that they... could live proper lives... as real Pokemon..."  She slowed to a stop and swallowed her breath.  "You... saw him leave...  You saw them all leave...  He told me that Meowth... said that if he... ever saw your balloon... To fly by and say hello."  Dropping her backpack to the ground, she opened it and dug through it for her inhaler.  

Jessie's frown tightened to the point of disfiguring her face to that of an ugly old hag, finding the presence of the inhaler a strike towards her worthiness to being anywhere near Mewtwo.

"So he has....  But I still refuse to believe you, of all people, could have known anymore about him than word of mouth or sighting reports!"

She thrusts her Pokeball towards Quickie, keeping a tight grip so as not to fling it from her hand, "If you're so dead set on rushing into our base and rescuing Mewtwo by your lonesome, then you're going to have to show us just how strong you and your Pokemon are!"

"Us!?" James squeaks, "Don't you think that's a bit much?  She's still recovering from the Haze your Seviper gave her!"

"Have you forgotten the past few times we've encountered our associates who would attack us without even letting us perform our motto!?" Jessie snaps while shooting a glare towards James, causing him to flinch slightly, "They are nothing but ruthless and uncaring; they'll sooner drop a Mamoswine on you before you can even reach for your Pokeball!"

She turns her glare back towards Quickie, "If she can't even catch her breath without help that isn't a Pokemon, there's no way she'll ever survive the place they would most likely have stored Mewtwo!"

Excalibur attempts to leap out and intervene only to be shoved to a lying position by Chariot's hand slapping onto his back.

"Not our fight...." he hissed, "As much as I hate staying out of this, we can't interfere unless one of them breaks the rules...."


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Reply #1890 on: June 23, 2013, 10:24:23 AM
Quickie tossed her inhaler back into her bag, and then dug out three Poke Balls.  "Fine.  If it's a battle you want..."  She swallowed again and stood straighter, taking a deep breath.  "We're wasting our time... but if it's the only way to get you to believe me, then so be it."

(...until later because I'm going to bed.)

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Reply #1891 on: June 23, 2013, 10:47:37 AM

"Time means nothing in the eyes of Team Rocket!" Jessie proclaims before arching her arm back, "Come out, Frillish!"

James sighs as he moves closer to Jessie's side and pulls out his Pokeball, flipping it open instead of tossing it out, "You too, Yamask...."

Meowth muffles a concerned groan while scratching the back of his ear before reluctantly sauntering up to the front line.

"Since it'll be a while before the rest of Team Rocket become aware of these magical cards, I'll only allow Meowth to use his since he wasted all of his talents learning to talk," Jessie states, "And since Team Rocket don't stick to conventions this little scuffle will only end when one side runs out of available Pokemon."

(Just so you know, the Pokeballs Jessie stole earlier were dropped during the scuffle and returned to their respected trainers, so they only have their own Pokemon to call out)


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Reply #1892 on: June 23, 2013, 12:51:16 PM
Froslynn looked around the corner. No one. She lept and rolled to the adjacent wall to a crouched position. Seeing the coast was clear, the froslass dashed to the other wall and floated as if running on it. She jumped back and forth to each wall, gaining distance toward the decontamination room. Doing a couple of summersaults, Froslynn slid to the door. She slid the key and slipped inside.

She realized she couldve just phased through the walls to the room but this was more fun. She left the card on the floor and sped inside, taking no time to make her way to the Alakazam. Wasting no time, the froslass unhinged it's mouth toward the ceiling and spewed toxic gas into the air. To the cameras, it would look like the gas would be coming from nowhere.
Alarm klaxons blared, startling Jonas and Schreiber.  Jonas looked around.  "The hell is that?  Is it coming from here?"

Schreiber shook his head.  "Nope."  He quickly looked to another screen and swore.  "There's a breach in Decon!  Who's over there?!"

"Eddie's on duty right now," Jonas quickly got on an intercom.  "Eddie!  Lockdown, Protocol C!"

"On it, already!" Eddie's voice crackled over the line, "Yeung's on his way!  AC-065-Σ's chamber was breached, I'm trying to lock it down!"

Jonas looked to Schreiber.  "You got the scans?  I need to head out, now."

"Yeah, got 'em," Schreiber nodded.  "You go, Wily and I can finish up."

Jonas nodded and rushed out of the room.  Schreiber finished storing the images and had the equipment run through the scans while he fumbled with a CD.  He looked to Wily, somewhat breathless.  "I gotta head over there.  The scans are being saved."  He stood and rushed out of the room to deal with the contamination.

Seems like the Froslass is succeeding in it's mission, good news indeed. Ensuring that Schreiber has completely rushed out of the room, Dr. Wily II turned his attention to the CD. He rushed over to the computer... Seeing that the scans are being saved into the CD. Dr. Wily II quickly paused and cancelled the save progress. He then deleted the scans from the computer, but was unable to delete the scans from the CD. Ejecting the CD, and stuffing it into one of his labcoat pockets, Dr. Wily II rushed out of the imaging room, and into the scanning room. Rushing to the table, Dr. Wily II freed Mewtwo.

"It's time."

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #1893 on: June 23, 2013, 04:38:31 PM
(Changing my post to show an unfinished revision of Pyro's trainer profile. Since this RP uses the animated series and manga as templates, I see no need to implement the limits placed on the games so without further ado...)

[spoiler=Pyro's Trainer Profile]Trainer Name: Pyro
Age: >160 (Physically 10)
Hometown: Ecruteak City, Johto
Current Residence: Lavaridge Town, Hoenn

Pyro’s origins are a mystery as he had forgotten his true name and previous life before the fire that destroyed Brass Tower. According to legend, he was a human boy that perished in the blaze along with the three Pokemon that would become the Legendary Beasts of Johto. Much like three beasts, Ho-oh resurrected the boy and granted him immortality at the cost of his memory and sanity. Pyro left Ecruteak to wander the world for eternity and became a scarcely remembered legend in his home region. Those who crossed his path over the decades say that he brings good fortune to the just and chaos to the wicked and legendary Pokemon appear wherever he is present.

Over the years, Pyro has had countless adventures but forgot most of them because of the nature of his existence, which necessitated a book of legends that he constantly carries. He resurfaced during the Team Aqua/Magma crisis in Hoenn when he became the companion of (soon to be) Lt. Protoman Blues and Quickie on their journey through the region. Though he parted ways with them after Evergrande City, Pyro bonded with Quickie enough to intermittently appear in her travels while working surreptitiously behind throughout the crises in Sinnoh and Unova, albeit as a thorn in the side of Teams Galactic and Plasma though not enough to attract the attention of their leaders.

Pyro mostly travels alone because his obliviousness to social mores and scatterbrained attitude tend to either make other trainers run away in terror or drive them to insanity with his constant barrage of non-sequiturs. He eventually settled in Lavaridge Town and took over the gym when the previous leader, Flannery, disappeared under mysterious circumstances. As such, he transformed Lavaridge Gym into a bizarre and random funhouse designed to test the challenger’s wits and sanity. Unfortunately, that resulted in dozens of trainers ending up in the psyche ward before they could reach him. With the lack of challengers in recent months, he felt that itch to wander again and turned his sights on Kanto to find the ultimate Cinnabar Volcano Burger.

Pokemon on Hand:

Firebrawl the Blaziken: The most stoic and solemn member of Pyro’s teammates. Unlike most of Pyro’s team, he takes his training seriously and is extremely proud of his fighting skills. Though he is often exasperated by his trainer’s antics, ‘Brawl (as Pyro often calls him) is unfailingly loyal.

Moves: Protect, Swords Dance, Flare Blitz, Blaze Kick, Thunderpunch, Hi Jump Kick, Sky Uppercut, Shadow Claw

Mr. Spook the Gengar: Pyro’s right-hand man and purveyor of pranks. Unlike his blissfully oblivious trainer, Mr. Spook seems to love playing practical jokes on other people and pokémon to give them a good scare. He also gets amusement from seeing Pyro’s interactions with other humans. He is no pushover in the battling department; his Focus Blast is particularly powerful due to it sheer size.

Moves: Shadow Ball, Lick, Disable, Substitute, Focus Blast, Confuse Ray, Taunt, Icy Wind

Jawbreaker the Garchomp: Ferocious and a voracious eater with an appetite like his trainer who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. That is what originally got him in trouble as a Gible who nearly ate Lavaridge Town out of existence. His Shiny coloration also made him highly sought after by the town’s trainers but Pyro rescued him from them and earned his trust and loyalty,

Moves: Outrage, Dual Chop, Earthquake, Sandstorm, Crunch, Dragon Tail

Memphis the Empoleon: A self-styled troubadour with an Elvis-like pompadour. Memphis is surprisingly quick and agile for his species and likes to believe he is irresistible to the womon by his song and dance. The opposite is true because of his over-the-top attempts to woo them. Vain to a fault, touching his feathers will result in a brutal smack down.

Moves: Agility, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Grass Knot, Sing, Supersonic

Loki the Zorua: The only one of Pyro’s pokémon who stays outside of his pokeball. He lives up to his classification as the “Tricky Fox Pokemon” because he is a kleptomaniac who will rob anyone blind (aside from Pyro, that is) given the chance. He has adopted some of his trainer’s mannerisms and often mimics his facial expressions.

Moves: Nasty Plot, Extrasensory, Dark Pulse, Hidden Power (Ice), Trick, Attract

Socks the Rotom: Pyro caught Socks when the Rotom was wreaking havoc on Lavaridge Town by possessing every appliance it could find until Pyro caught it. Socks operates the machinery of Lavaridge Gym and possesses an almost child-like cruelty in toying with others.

Moves:  Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Charge Beam, Hidden Power (Fire), Hex, Will O’ Wisp, Thunder Wave

Pokemon at Lavaridge Gym:

Firestorm the Infernape: Firebrawl’s sparring (and occasional tag team) partner. He is more relaxed and gives the impression that he is extremely lazy because his seeming disinterest in battling. However, he is extremely fleet-footed with his Mach Punch and second only to Firebrawl in fighting skills.

Moves: Mach Punch, Close Combat, Flamethrower, Acrobatics, Stone Edge, Fake Out, Low Kick

Sparks the Typhlosion:

Moves: Eruption, Lava Plume, Focus Blast, Solarbeam, Sunny Day, Will ‘O Wisp

Bojangles the Houndoom:

Moves: Sucker Punch, Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, Fire Spin, Sludge Bomb, Super Fang

Amadeus the Talonflame:

Moves: Fly, Flame Charge (Waiting for X and Y’s release before finalizing his moveset)

Requiem the Chandelure: Not much is known about him other than he his creepy and tends to stalk those who enter Lavaridge Gym.

Moves: Will O’ Wisp, Hex, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Hidden Power (Ground), Trick Room

Itchy the Arcanine: Not much is known about him other than he is usually Pyro’s mount for land travel.

Moves: Agility, Extremepeed, Outrage, Flare Blitz, Flame Charge, Wild Charge, Body Slam

Artie the Dragonair:

Moves: Outrage, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Twister, Rain Dance

Charles the Volcarona:

Moves: Sunny Day, Fiery Dance, Flamethrower, Overheat, Hurricane, Bug Buzz, Quiver Dance[/spoiler]

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Reply #1894 on: June 24, 2013, 05:35:24 AM

Seems like the Froslass is succeeding in it's mission, good news indeed. Ensuring that Schreiber has completely rushed out of the room, Dr. Wily II turned his attention to the CD. He rushed over to the computer... Seeing that the scans are being saved into the CD. Dr. Wily II quickly paused and cancelled the save progress. He then deleted the scans from the computer, but was unable to delete the scans from the CD. Ejecting the CD, and stuffing it into one of his labcoat pockets, Dr. Wily II rushed out of the imaging room, and into the scanning room. Rushing to the table, Dr. Wily II freed Mewtwo.

"It's time."

Mewtwo slid off the table and followed Wily out of the room.


As the alarm klaxons continued to blare, Domino contacted Giovanni.  "Sir!  There was a containment breach and we lost AC-065-Σ!"  She risked a quick glimpse at the security cameras.  "Mewtwo is also loose!"

"Stop it!"  Giovanni practically screamed through the connection.  "Stop it, don't let it escape!  Hunt it down, take it down, use whatever means necessary!"

"You heard the boss," Domino closed the connection and looked to her group.  "Whately, head to the armory and load up, then regroup in corridors C, D, and F.  We'll flank it.  Dekard, Slade, you're with me.  Sidearms ready, this thing is dangerous."  She and her troops started down the corridor, while the rest headed for the armory.

Posted on: June 23, 2013, 05:56:08 PM

"Time means nothing in the eyes of Team Rocket!" Jessie proclaims before arching her arm back, "Come out, Frillish!"

James sighs as he moves closer to Jessie's side and pulls out his Pokeball, flipping it open instead of tossing it out, "You too, Yamask...."

Meowth muffles a concerned groan while scratching the back of his ear before reluctantly sauntering up to the front line.

"Since it'll be a while before the rest of Team Rocket become aware of these magical cards, I'll only allow Meowth to use his since he wasted all of his talents learning to talk," Jessie states, "And since Team Rocket don't stick to conventions this little scuffle will only end when one side runs out of available Pokemon."

(Just so you know, the Pokeballs Jessie stole earlier were dropped during the scuffle and returned to their respected trainers, so they only have their own Pokemon to call out)

Quickie looked at her only Pokemon, suddenly doubting the outcome of the battle.  The odds were stacked against her, there was no way she was going to win.  Quickie sighed.  She may as well just give up now...

Another thought crossed her mind.  Give up what?  Go back to what?  Even if she won, what would change?  It's doubtful that Team Rocket would help, what with how bone-headed Jessie is being.  And if she lost, what would change?  Absolutely nothing!  She would have wasted her time just to be laughed at for being a pathetic trainer.  She would still be in the same fix as she was.  Team Rocket had stolen the best friend she has ever had in a long time, and they torched her business, and possibly raided her apartment, leaving her with nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

Quickie had absolutely nothing to lose.

She steeled her resolve and gave Jessie a glare.  "Fine.  Fine by me.  And since you won't play by the rules, neither will I.  But, I want you to know something before we start; your associates took my best friend and ruined me.  You are about to battle someone with absolutely nothing to lose."  Her eyes narrowed.  "And regardless of the outcome of this battle, I will go get Mewtwo back, with or without your help.  I have nothing to lose.  Nothing at all to lose.  And the only way your buddies will be able to stop me is by killing me.  I.  Have.  Nothing.  To.  Lose."  She held up the Poke Balls.  "Let's get this over with so I can get back to my mission.  Mewtwo is counting on me."

With a flick of her wrist, she called out a newly-evolved Flareon, a Togekiss, and a scraggly Meowth.

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Reply #1895 on: June 24, 2013, 05:42:16 AM
"Go Quickie!" Pyro cheered, "Show the cranky old lady how to play the game!"

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Reply #1896 on: June 24, 2013, 05:47:06 AM
"Finally caught up." Xuangzang panted.  "I heard everything and would like to judge this battle.  However I do have two conditions should you hooligans lose.  First you will return the power you seem to have stolen from Hierophant and whoever this man in armor is, and second you will apologize to my trainer for calling her a liar."

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Reply #1897 on: June 24, 2013, 06:14:17 AM
Jessie humphs, though her earlier sneer had turned into a smirk.  She seemingly doesn't pay too much attention to Xuangzang's presence or demands.

"Let me make this perfectly clear, supposed best friend of Mewtwo," she began, "We want to help him just as much as you do, but you must know how strong our loyalty is to Team Rocket.  We couldn't break into the facility and pull him out even if we knew where they had stashed him.  Not only will we lose our jobs, we'll be hunted down by Team Rocket's most powerful units, who will no doubt cause more damage to you than the loss of a restaurant.  The only way you're going to get us to cooperate is if you force us to do it by beating is in battle.  Perhaps then we can at least get you to the front door before those grunts start attacking us for the sole sake of protecting Mewtwo."

She places her elbow on one hand while resting her chin on the hand attached to it, "If nothing else, consider our battle a test to see just how much you can even fair against the rest of Team Rocket.  Our time spent in battle is the equivalent to the amount of grunts you'll run into if you try rushing into Mewtwo's prison without the proper training and confidence in your Pokemon."


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Reply #1898 on: June 24, 2013, 06:16:54 AM
Quickie merely narrowed her eyes.  "Your move."

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Reply #1899 on: June 24, 2013, 06:27:48 AM
Jessie's smirk widens as she points towards Quickie's Pokemon, "Let's start with a little change in scenery!  Unleash your Mist, Frillish!"

Frillish spews a billowing cloud of mist towards the trio, surrounding most of the area and almost making her and Yamask one with the shadows.

Chariot snorts a bit as he watches from the sidelines, "Not that I don't have confidence that she can handle these guys, but if this is supposed to be some demented test to see just how far she can last in a real battle, a little reinforcement is in order.

Excalibur, though reluctant to sit this battle out, nods reluctantly and charges back towards Stone Town to relay the message to the others left behind.