I say GOOD things about your video games!

VixyNyan · 29381

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Reply #75 on: June 06, 2010, 08:23:26 PM
Final Fantasy IX.

I was considerate enough to hold off on asking this one until you replied to my last one.

And I was thinking that the replies were getting a bit numerous...

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #76 on: June 06, 2010, 10:33:31 PM
All You Have To Do Is Burn The Rope.

And don't go for the obvious one. ;-;

Offline Rock Bomb

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Reply #77 on: June 06, 2010, 10:38:03 PM

I stopped playing it a while ago.Can't remember how long that was.

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Reply #78 on: June 06, 2010, 11:09:25 PM
Today I Die. Such a beautiful game.

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Reply #79 on: June 06, 2010, 11:19:04 PM
Sonic Unleashed.

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Reply #80 on: June 06, 2010, 11:58:20 PM
If you have the guts, Zero the Kamikaze Squrrel.

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

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Reply #81 on: June 07, 2010, 09:03:05 AM
- The more you babysit a baby, the more money you get from the parents, and that gives you enough funds to buy new toys and things.

- The mini games in the game are more or less touch-controlled games, where you can for example mow the lawn and cook food.

- At a high smiling rate, your babies will be able to dance by playing an instrument, like drums or piano.

- Aww, Kobashi-chan looks adorable in a maid outfit... but then she falls flat on the floor... >oo<

- But the fun doesn't stop there, because she will give spanks to Ibuki-kun~ Kehehehehe~ > : 3

- Hanabi decides to sing for us, but that doesn't seem to go well. x3

- Shinju doesn't like that at all, so she decides to chase Hanabu! XD

- Aww Mikan-chan~ Soft snuggle kitteh~ Nya nya~ *huggles* ^w^

And um, that's really it... =w=;
Well, this topics over for me. I can't think of anything worse :P

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Reply #82 on: June 07, 2010, 01:28:24 PM
Sorry to make another request, buuuuuut I couldn't resist. =P

Elifoot 87 (the original).


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Reply #83 on: June 09, 2010, 03:45:45 AM
Azure Dreams~

Anyone will do. I wanna know how many of you have played this~

Offline VixyNyan

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Reply #84 on: June 10, 2010, 01:35:01 AM
I'm sorry it took so long time, but I did it as fast as I could, so I could reply to one of my most favorite games ever!!

So, Vix, what can you tell me about Godzilla: Monster of Monsters (NES)?

This song~ <3

So I played it and I liked it. ^^

You control Godzilla and Mothra around different planets and each planet is formed by hex-shaped tiles with different terrains, environments and obstacles in them. Each monster has only a set of steps they can take per turn. Godzilla can only take 2 steps and Mothra can take about twice as much.

The mission is to get to the other side of the map, to a teleporter base, and move on to the next planet. There will be other monsters to fight on the map too, so walk next to them to start fighting with them.

But the basic thing is, you will be entering these hex-shaped tiles, where there will be lots of creatures and mechanical weapons shooting things at you while you walk around. Godzilla can punch, kick and smack with his tail. And Godzilla has a laser attack with the Start button too. Mothra can fly around freely on the screen, but is weaker than Godzilla and most hits will push Mothra down the left corner. x.x

With every boss fight or big obstacles you have successfully conquered, your monster will gain a level and their Life or Power meter will get higher. The Power meter is your special attack, in this case Godzilla's laser attack, which drains the full meter, but will slowly fill up again. There will be a lot of projectiles flying towards your monsters, but luckily there is Life capsules hidden inside some of the enemies or spots that you can punch or kick. You can just keep walking forward while picking up the Life capsules and the enemies won't even be a big threat to you.

The monsters that you fight are easy to fight too. Gezora doesn't really do anything to you, so you can just keep punch it with Godzilla or use the laser attack. The same thing with Moguera, where you can just keep going towards it and jump-punch as much as you want, and some laser attacks in-between.

Fun game. If you want to play a game for a short time and just feel like punch and kicking things, this game is just for you. And it has a password system too, so you can continue from where you left off. ^^b

"Don't [parasitic bomb] Your Pants", from Kongregate.

Um well, at least the guy knew how to take off the pants first before heading into the bathroom. >U<

And he slowly became the King and got all the awards.

Have you ever played TMNT Battle Nexus?
If so, tell me about it. : 3

I remember playing the Gamecube and GBA versions.

The GBA version had you go through mission-based 2D side-scrolling levels, where you got quick instructions to collect things, like the turtle's weapon, open up door with key cards, fighting bosses and things like that. It was basically a brawler like the other Turtles games before it. It had pretty rocktastic upbeat music, and voice samples in a few places, specially when you do attacks or get hit. ^^;

The Gamecube version, it's also a brawler where you walk around in different environments and kick some behinds. The game was in 3D and in a semi-overhead view this time, and it has a Story Mode, Tournament Mode, 4 player multiplayer action and the Original Arcade Game as a unlockable bonus. ^w^

A thing I loved so much with the Gamecube version is that the cutscenes (for the most part) were animated, you know, in the TV Show cartoon style, with voice acting and everything. And I also love that you could fight Miyamoto Usagi (from Usagi Yojimbo) in the game too... but I wish Usagi was playable tho. =w=

Hmmmmmmm....how about Mario Kart: DS!  XD

Again, Peachie~ <3

Lots of unlockable vehicles for each character to use, like example the Yoshi Egg. XD

And free online play. ;3

What I usually do is play online races with my boyfriend Akira. And we can also play on hacked or custom tracks too. ^^b

Final Fantasy IX.

I did that~ I can add something tho. C:

The Tetra Master card game. It was similar to the FFVIII's Triple Triad, with a few changes. Remember how in FFVIII, there was 4 numbers showing on each side of the card? They were on the top, bottom, left and right side, and had a number between 0 and A, A being the highest number.

In FFIX, it was a little different. See, the attack system works in a way so that there are now arrows showing up on the cards. The arrows shows in which direction the cards will attack. Be careful tho, because opponents can strike your cards in those directions too.

There are also 4 numbers on the cards too, but right on the center of it, with a value between 0 and E on each. The first number is the attack power, the second number is actually a symbol or letter that shows the card's attack type, like example P for Physical attacks and M for Magic attacks, and there are other types too. The third number is the physical defense and the fourth number is the magical defense.

You place the cards on this grid field where one of you will put a card and then wait for the other player to place their card somewhere or next to the last card put on the field. If there are any arrow reactions between the cards, they will start fighting each other.

A big number will show up on the cards that attacked each other. The card with the lowest numbers will get flipped and you have won that card (for the moment), and if that card has the arrow pointing to other cards, it will attack those cards too, ending in lots of combo winnings. x3

All You Have To Do Is Burn The Rope.

I played it a few years ago. Very fun and the end song is catchy.
And the fact it's a Swedish-developed game felt good too (I'm from Sweden). ^^



Today I Die. Such a beautiful game.

Yay, I played this game a while ago. And yea, I think it's beautiful too. ^^

"Free world, full of beauty. Today I swim, until you come." O^O Adorable and lovely ending~

Having to play around with objects, bringing up words that shows on-screen and placing them on the poem on the top of the screen was a very subtle thing in the game, and when you swapped the words around so the poem was read differently, things in the game suddenly changed too, so you had to reach to those things too. The game is so well-made and with a special message behind it. The music was good too.

I also played the other games like "I Wish I Were the Moon" and "Storyteller".
The sprites are so cute and adorable and I love the message the games bring up too. ^oo^

Sonic Unleashed.

Chocolate Chipped Cream Sundae Supreme~ <3 <3

The cutscenes were well-done, and that includes the very first one in the opening. ^^;

I like the game a lot, mostly because of the levels where you play as Sonic, and things are going so fast! There are some fancy camera angles in some levels that shows the environment in a large open scale and it looks beautiful with those kind of tricks and effects in mind. Then again, I was playing through the Wii version, so maybe it looks better on the other systems. ^^

The music is beautiful too, because there's violins, guitars and things on some of them, like example Apotos Daytime. It's a soothing relaxing song that's still upbeat.

I loved the voice acting in Sonic World Adventure (the Japanese version), and you can clearly hear Dr. Vile (Weil)'s voice in there too. ;3

Azure Dreams~

0v0 One of my favorite games~ <3

I really wish Konami made more games like this. (at least we got the demake on the Game Boy Color, and Tao's Adventure on DS)

I liked how you could go through this 40-floor tall tower, walk around in it like the dungeon crawler it is and pick up items and things. And since the main guy Koh is a monster tamer like his father Guy was (before he disappeared), he could find monsters called familiars and treat them as his own. You could find about 50 different familiars in the game. Kewne is the cutest~ ^w^

The funniest and coolest thing tho is how you could interact with girls and win their hearts. XD You would have to do different things to have a chance with them. Donating money to build the swimming pool in the village would let you see them in their own swim wear later. x3

1. Selfi is my favorite~ Her beautiful long hair, her magic outfit (rawr~ :3), and the bowtie on her bikini~ Vixylicious nya~ <3
2. Nico is good too, but acts like a tsundere most of the time. x3 Nico fixes her hair a bit when she wears a bikini so it looks like long pony tails and I think that Miku has learned a thing or two from her. xD
3. Oh, and Fur from the Item Shop, wearing her bikini, looks sexy too (specially the pose she makes). >u<;
4. There are other girls too, like Patty in the local village restaurant. You had to buy all the meals from her to have her interested.
5. Mia is cute too, specially when she takes off her glasses, since she the kind of girl that likes to read a lot.
6. Cherrl has a disease that needs to be cured, so after you donate some money for the village to build a hospital, she will feel better and you win her heart. Aww! ^^
7. And the dancer Vivian comes for a visit to the village too.
8. Oh yea, Selfi's brother Ghosh will bother you a bit too, and brag about his coolness and beauty and all that stuff, and you meet him in the tower too a few times. After a long while into the game, he will also be (very) interested in Koh, if you know what I mean~ ;3

So besides all the dating sim action and those things, you walk around the tower, climbing higher up to follow the footsteps of Koh's father Guy who was also a monster tamer.

[spoiler]At the highest floor, you meet Beldo, an old friend of Guy, who wants to use the power of the Ultimate Egg on the top floor to take over the world and all that stuff. That scene where Guy sliced off Beldo's arm to stop him from casting the evil spell was kinda gory, but at least the world was safe, for that moment. But now Beldo wants to take Koh's blood since the blood of a monster tamer is needed to break the spell that seals the Ultimate Egg and it's powers. But lucky you, you have Kewne who kept Guy's sword for a long time now and gives it to Koh so that he can defeat Beldo once and for all. Kewne snuggling Koh in the end is adorable. ^^[/spoiler]

On the save file, you can also see the girls that fell in love with Koh. Cute icons. x3

I think everyone should play this game. It's been a part of my childhood memories for a long time now and the conversations between the characters is fun too. ^^

Oh, did you know that the Japanese version had voice acting?
It does, and you should take a listen to them. They are cute~ :3

Um, I think I have to stop here (just for a little while).
I don't want this to cause so much stress to me, and I have other things to take care of. x.x

I will come back and do the things I do best: Saying happy happy things about video games. ^^

Maybe you guys can take over for me? Just for a little while at least.
And if you guys want me to come back again, I will do that.
And if you want me to add something to someone's comments, I will do that too.
Because I love to spread around some of my gaming smartness~ C:

Actually, I want you guys to say good things about some games.

Mushihimesama Futari <3
Otomedius Gorgeous <3
Brave Fencer Musashi <3
Parasite Eve <3
Skies of Arcadia <3
Gimmick (NES) <3
Banana Prince (NES) There's a English, Japanese and German version.

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Reply #85 on: June 10, 2010, 01:42:50 AM
Aaaaaalrighty then.

...anyone up for my previously-said Elifoot 87 challenge? =P

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Reply #86 on: June 10, 2010, 02:04:43 AM
SD Gundam Force (GBA).

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

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Reply #87 on: June 10, 2010, 08:28:20 AM
Skies of Arcadia, eh? I've only played a little of Legends, the Gamecube version, but I'll try...

- Expansive list of discoveries for you to find!
- Pretty cool battle system
- MOOOOONSS!!!! And they govern magic, too, if memory serves.
- Let's explore every nook and cranny! And find cool stuff!
- Cool music! Then again, I like most game music.
- VYSE! He's got the goggle-visor thing goin' on, just no OVER 9000! And it's a good thing. And DOUBLE CUTLASSES! OH YEAH!
- AIKA~ Yeah... she's cute, and she's got a huge friggin' boomerang. YEAH! And she's a leftie; as a leftie myself, I approve.
- FINA~ She's got the cute little pet Cupil... so cuuute~

That's all I remember. Hope it was good.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #88 on: June 10, 2010, 08:50:55 AM
how 'bout Tales of Vesparia?

My thread of Random Crap

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Reply #89 on: June 10, 2010, 08:55:02 AM
*tries his best to channel the spirit of Vixy in his post*

Brave Fencer Musashi

-Great naming schemes, Allucaneet Kingdom? Soda Fountain? Grillin Village! [tornado fang] Yeah! Still sad that it took a while for me to get it growing up.  8D
-YOU CAN TAKE THE ABILITIES OF YOUR ENEMIES?! By stabbing them with your glowing sword? Lots of possibilities? Who can complain!  <3
- Epic battle theme with your rival! Awesome freaking frozen dragon theme! Best final level theme ever! AKA, great Action RPG soundtrack ahoy.  owo
-Side Quests that involve interesting characters and some decent rewards for a change~
-One of Square's overlooked games again... is it just me or is Square good at making one or two shots that just simply ooze more love and enjoyment than your typical FF cookie cutter~

Parasite Eve

-Most interesting female lead of her time? I think so personally. Aya is both hot, intelligent and particularly intriguing to boot.
- Primal Eyes! YES! <3
-Innovative and advanced game play style for an RPG of its time.
-SET IN NEW YORK CITY! PB, you should totally play this if you haven't~  owob
-Lots and lots of guns! Also, another example of a great game that Square made that just gets overlooked... well, until I heard about The 3rd installment. Square... restore my faith in thee!

Also, thanks Vixy~ My kitty was especially interested in the knowledge of voice acting. We're definitely gonna check that out soon.

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Reply #90 on: June 11, 2010, 12:51:54 AM
Actually, I want you guys to say good things about some games.

Mushihimesama Futari <3
Otomedius Gorgeous <3
Brave Fencer Musashi <3
Parasite Eve <3
Skies of Arcadia <3
Gimmick (NES) <3
Banana Prince (NES) There's a English, Japanese and German version.

I've only played Parasite Eve and Brave Fencer Musashi back when I had a PS2. But Its been a LONG time since I've played those game (plus they belonged to my older brother). So I try if I call recall all the things I liked from these games. Starting with Parasite Eve...

Parasite Eve
- I like how its kinda part-turn based and part real-time; you had this ATB meter like in past FF games, but you have the freedom to run around and to actually feel like your in the game instead of going through menus and just watch the action happen.

- The game gives you a nice level of equipment customization being able to give abilities such as the Triple Command (which is WAY better than Fire x[number of times] abilities) or Burst Effect from a weapon and give it to another or give that equipment's stat bonuses and give them to another piece of equipment so you can build up to be a stronger item. Izuna 2 kinda reminded me of Parasite Eve's equipment customization, but I don't want to go off subject...

- The game definitely has the feel of a Resident Evil game, but was about mitochondria and fighting against genetic mutations and the game is set in modern day New York and you get to travel to place in New York like Manhattan and the National Museum of History. And instead of magic, you're using Aya's mitochondrial powers to heal or release her full mitochondrial powers to inflict a lot of damage to enemies.

- The music is what sold me into this game. Truly the Squaresoft/Square-Enix quality of music. Any music that has to do with Eve really hits that mark. This might illustrate my point: [link]

- Personally, this is an underrated game that deserves more, but it was overshadowed by games like FF7 (even though I do enjoy FF7 a lot at the time).

Brave Fencer Musashi
- This game kinda felt like Zelda to me since you can talk to townsfolk, travel to various places, fight in real-time and hunt cute critters for HP-boosting berries. The boss battles also kinda reminds me of the Zelda games.

- I like the style and theme of the game. Lord Ares already pointed that out. Story and characters are funny, too. :3

- Another game where I label "Square's level of Godliness". Topo's boss theme is too damn cute. I feel sorry for her after beating her in her game of DDR of DEATH!

- Assimilate enemies' abilities with your sword? Look out Kirby, you got competition!

- Like Parasite Eve, this is fun game that deserves more...

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Reply #91 on: June 11, 2010, 12:56:10 AM
I like how you did the EXACT SAME two game Ares did... lol

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #92 on: June 11, 2010, 01:13:34 AM
I like how you did the EXACT SAME two game Ares did... lol

That's because those are the only two games that Vixy requested that I've actually played. I'm never gonna play Mushihime-sama Futari/Black Label, and its not because its a Cave shooter (heck, I've played games like Blue Wish Resurrection Plus which comes from a freeware doujin circle that's as close to Cave as you can get), but its because its a Japan-only title and if my memory serves me correctly, limited number of copies of that game was made for the 360. And I have no flipin' clue about the other games... o-O


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Reply #93 on: June 11, 2010, 02:15:23 AM
I like how you did the EXACT SAME two game Ares did... lol

Not that I mind, of course.

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Reply #94 on: June 11, 2010, 02:21:47 AM
I never said it was a bad thing. Hell, these games can use all the love they can get! I'll do one of my own!

Crash Bandicoot: Warped
- Awesome soundtrack... fits each stage quite well!
- DINGODILE! "Break out the butter; we're gonna make TOAST!" Easily one of my fav Crash characters
- Fun stages and bonus stages. All with a remix of the main theme suited for the stage theme.
- Underwater, Stone Age, Egypt, China, Medieval, Arabia, Pirates, the 60s, the Future... a lot of time periods covered, with stereotypes used to comedic effect!
- Each of the boss fights use a unique time period!
- POWERS! Super Belly Flop, Double Jump, Super Spin (forget the name), Fruit Bazooka, Dash... all useful
- Relics! The time trial was well done, and not only could you go for Gold after getting Sapphire (or even before if you were fast enough), there's the nigh-impossible Platinum Relic times to go for! I still haven't earned all Platinum...
- Death animations. There are quite a few, and they're all funny. Whether it's Crash's legs walking off in the medieval levels, or being turned to ashes and having his eyes blink at you in any stage with fire... they're all cartoonish and hilarious!
- The epilogue... D'awww.... spoilers there of course

Ahem. yeah...

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Reply #95 on: June 11, 2010, 03:14:52 AM
This song~ <3

So I played it and I liked it. ^^
Glad you did, glad you did. 8)

LOTS of epic music in the later-game, though, as the computer's monster lineup grows ever larger as you progress.  Forgive the SPOILERS, but [spoiler]Gigan and Ghidorah are both freaking awesome.[/spoiler]

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Reply #97 on: June 23, 2010, 12:34:58 AM
Anybody wanna do Gungrave?

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Reply #98 on: June 23, 2010, 12:48:03 AM
Gimmick (NES) <3
If you haven't played Gimmick then you don't know [parasitic bomb] about pushing a video game console to its very limits!
The level design, the fantastic graphics where I sometimes thought that they look like from an early 16-bit game, the upbeat music with the notorious Sunsoft bass, the amazing attention to detail and many more show that this game is a work of love and it's a [tornado fang]ing shame that more people haven't played it.

Now tell me some good things about Game Center CX.

Offline VixyNyan

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Reply #99 on: June 23, 2010, 01:14:31 AM

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