The Debate: MM10 OST vs MM10 Image

Satoryu · 2248

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on: May 22, 2010, 08:57:25 AM
Hey hey boys n girls! Who remembers that debate of the MM9 soundtracks PB and I had some time long ago?

No one? For shame.

Well, now that the MM10 Image soundtrack is out, why not do the same comparison for MM10, huh? Maybe people will actually read this time...

The rules from before apply here, too. One of us will compare the 2 versions of a track, say which they prefer. Then the next person will voice their opinion on the track, and then continue onto the next song. It'll loop like that until we've gone through all songs that need comparing. With the tracklist for MM10 Image, this means not all songs from MM10 will be touched on here. No Endless Attack, no Challenge song, no shop themes. If you really want to know our opinions, maybe we'll share another time. But business first.

As you can tell from the MM9 debate, I'm not as musically versed as PB is. His opinions will most likely be much more educated than mine. But I'll try to express my opinions as best I can.

On a complete reversal from last time, I love the Image soundtrack to death. Every song is wonderful, worthy of competing with the chiptunes (with one slight exception). But like last time, I have to give each version of a song fair consideration.

Now the biggest change from the last debate: instead of just posting all the results in one giant wall of text, I think it would be better this time if we actually just post our responses here as we write them. It will be easier to read, and gives off a bit of suspense that you'll have to wait for our responses. We could either respond within minutes of each other, or there could be a wait of several days. It depends how much our lives and by that I mean PB's life cause I don't have one interfere. I can tell you right now I won't start debating tonight. It's a tad late for me to completely get my thoughts together.
Speaking of waiting, I'll once again let PB give his own little preface before we actually begin. If he wants to do the first track review, he may do so.

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Reply #1 on: May 22, 2010, 09:11:33 AM
Not to jump in before PB, but I did review the IST. I can't really say anything about this that I didn't say in that. Then again...

PB, feel free to take it away.

EDIT: heh my avvy is that colored Blues I made for PB long ago. It's heralding his post. :D

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