I've played the entire series from point a to point b. that said, I understand exactly what made Metroid a household title. Further more, I never once said I don't acknowledge the prime trilogy as a quality series. The transition of a title that is an expected platformer to first person is a difficult task to undertake, much less appeal to the prior fan base. It, however, did so beautifully, had a kindred feel to the games that came before it while at the same time being refreshing and had a plethora of power ups and locations that expanded the metroid universe. However, I am unswayed by popular opinion, much less why things are considered flops or whether or not they sold well. That is all irrelevent to me.
In my opinion, prime was three times trite and overdone. I'm not saying they got worse with each release, I'm saying they didn't get better. They are all on the same flat line of excellence. Anyone could start with any of the three and find it amazing, while it loses it's luster on the remaining two and becomes boring. I also feel that some of the charm was lost in deviating from the third person format.
To the opposing opinion of the atmosphere, I'll have to say it is very poorly supported. Elementally inspired areas have been at the core of the majority of the titles. Did it compare to the detail of anything in prime? No. However, "is it fun and nostalgic?" Is my main question of reasoning, graphically I could care less.
I respect your opinion, however I disagree with an extreme prejudice to everything save for quips and disagreements regarding story.