The Busy World of Rockman Perfect Memories

Strider Xhaiden · 443169

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Offline Afro-Shroom

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Reply #3250 on: August 04, 2009, 05:16:21 PM
Mania: You want pain!? *Throws Strangeman onto the ground, and jumps into the air* I'LL GIVE YOU PAIN! *falls back down, landing his knee on Strangeman's ribs and his elbow on Strangman's face*

Strange:...that's it...

Mania: How about this!? *grabs Strangeman, lifts him up, and drops him spine first onto Afro-Mania's Knee* Or this! *Strikes down hard with his heel onto Strangeman's left knee cap*DIE! *begins to furiously do a barrage of punches at Strangeman's face*

meanwhile watching from a small distance...

Capn': Rrr...Damn it Mania. Learn to kill them with out toying to much. *clicks a button on his "Shades"* I don't know what it is but something about that Man...doesn't seem right.

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...

Offline ST Jestah

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Reply #3251 on: August 04, 2009, 07:09:34 PM
His spine has broken, his ribs have been smashed, his knee cap dislocated, and his face is being ferociously beaten. All this, and StrangeMan...only  grinned at the pain.

He stopped whispering, however, his voice was still faint. As he spoke, his voiced changed with each word hat left his mouth.
"...Is that all?...surely you can do better than this..."

His aura grew even more sinister as time passed.

Offline Blackhook

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Reply #3252 on: August 04, 2009, 07:49:58 PM
Onboard the F.A.U.S.T. :
Blackhook treated the soldiers infected with Sack´s ooze with salt water from Flame´s room. When he was done, he turned to Sack.
Don´t be sad, if that Clockston is a good friend of yours I´m sure he´ll forgive you...But now we got a bigger problem. We´re stuck here, because Flame was taken by Afro. I doubt the soldiers will allow you to leave this ship...
Blackhook started thinking of something, when out of nowhere old man Svetlo appeared in front of him and scarred Blackhook.
DAMN IT GRAMPS! Huh? How did you get here? I haven´t seen you siince I´ve defeated the Troll leader.
The old man waited till BH calms down, before he spoke he greeted Sack.
Hello young lady, nice to meet you, I hope that that you didn´t have any problems with him. But anyways Adrian, I´m not really here, this is just a light projection. I´ve felt that you´ve got trouble so I came here to help you out....BTW where is the Teufel´s hand?
BH then remembered the item he was so hard fighting for.
BH:I kinda gave it away.... 8U
Svetlo: .....You gave it away......ARE YOU INSANE! O:<
BH: :'(
Svetlo: Jeeez, atlest I can feel it on this ship....
BH: Huh? But that would mean..... B(
Svetlo and Sack where standing in front of the hospital room, while BH went in. When he returned, he was holding the gauntlent. His face was red.
Svetlo: You were kinda long in there, did you like what was inside?  8D
Sack: Huh? What happened, can I see it too.
BH:  :o J-just t-tell me how do you intend to help us....
Svetlo: Well, I could teleport you back to RPM. Just concentrate on a place of on a person and I will bring you there.
BH: What do you say Ms. Sack?

Offline Afro-Shroom

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Reply #3253 on: August 04, 2009, 08:14:27 PM
His spine has broken, his ribs have been smashed, his knee cap dislocated, and his face is being ferociously beaten. All this, and StrangeMan...only  grinned at the pain.

He stopped whispering, however, his voice was still faint. As he spoke, his voiced changed with each word hat left his mouth.
"...Is that all?...surely you can do better than this..."

His aura grew even more sinister as time passed.

Mania: *starting to glisten abit* Huh...You're one strange, but tough, son of a [sonic slicer]...and fruity too...*gets up and looks down to strangeman*... *stomps on Strangeman's right shin, breaking it* I HATE FRUIT! *lifts Strangeman's battered body and grabs his right arm* Now take this! *begins to pull it back while putting opposing pressure on the elbow*

back in the WDS...

Afro: I need Dan back! where is he?

Clock: Sigh...such an impatient man. tick tock.

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...

Offline ST Jestah

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Reply #3254 on: August 04, 2009, 09:01:58 PM
BH: What do you say Ms. Sack?
Sack didn't even give it a though, she quickly agreed to teleport to her adult guardian.

Back in the battle fields of the city...
Mania: *starting to glisten abit* Huh...You're one strange, but tough, son of a [sonic slicer]...and fruity too...*gets up and looks down to strangeman*... *stomps on Strangeman's right shin, breaking it* I HATE FRUIT! *lifts Strangeman's battered body and grabs his right arm* Now take this! *begins to pull it back while putting opposing pressure on the elbow*

StrangeMan opened his mouth, letting out a faint shreak of inmmense pain. He then fell unconscious, his body twitched because of the intense injuries he had resived.


back in the WDS...

Afro: I need Dan back! where is he?

Clock: Sigh...such an impatient man. tick tock.

"If you must know where you're flying piece of living metal is, just look out the window. tick-tock." Clockston pointed at the down at the base of the WDS, where Dan was floating towards the building.

"Now then..." Clockston hit Afro Shroom with his cane. "...where is my Sack? tick-tock."

Offline Blackhook

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Reply #3255 on: August 04, 2009, 09:14:01 PM
In one moment the two vanished from the Faust and appeared in a Bright Light next to Clockston and Afro. Blackhook looked around, the momnet he noticed Afro he jumped at him and smashed him against the floor.

Offline Afro-Shroom

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Reply #3256 on: August 04, 2009, 09:22:14 PM
Back in the battle fields of the city...
StrangeMan opened his mouth, letting out a faint shreak of inmmense pain. He then fell unconscious, his body twitched because of the intense injuries he had resived.


back in the WDS...

Afro: I need Dan back! where is he?

Clock: Sigh...such an impatient man. tick tock.

"If you must know where you're flying piece of living metal is, just look out the window. tick-tock." Clockston pointed at the down at the base of the WDS, where Dan was floating towards the building.

"Now then..." Clockston hit Afro Shroom with his cane. "...where is my Sack? tick-tock."

Mania: So you do have you're limits after all then. *smirks as the finally succeeded in snaping StragneMan's right arm* Well I'm almost done here...*Grabs StrangeMan by his left arm and suddenly crushes Strangeman's left hand*...and there. I haven't had this much fun inna while. *chuckles to him self*

Capn: Mania! Throw that useless pile of waste back up there, show them what we have done...warn them that they're time has come. *gets up and starts walking away*

Mania: Hey where ya going?

Capn:...I'm going to explore this city a bit before we start destroying it.

Dan: *hiding in a bush* Now's my chance...*starts to float out and heads up into the WDS*

Afro-Mania laughed to him self as he grabbed Strangeman by the scruff of his neck and threw him over his shoulders and jumped back up to the WDS, not noticing Dan was following...

Afro: I can see him!  *o* Oh and sack is-
In one moment the two vanished from the Faust and appeared in a Bright Light next to Clockston and Afro. Blackhook looked around, the momnet he noticed Afro he jumped at him and smashed him against the floor.


11 minutes left...

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...

Offline ST Jestah

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Reply #3257 on: August 04, 2009, 10:25:58 PM
StrangeMan body laid there on the ground, motionless and silent. The torture seemed to much for the smiling hooded man...

Behind a nearby building, the familiar silhoutte gazed upon StrangeMan's tatered body.
"I he really dead?" The person thought to itself.
"...I doubt it...that voice...the way he talked before that man beat him to a pulp..could it be..his back?"

Suddenly, StrangeMan's body twitched. His head was raised slowly, at first, he had an emotionless face, but that changed quickly. StrangeMan had a sadistic looking grin, one with curved sides. His eyes widened, and glew a orange hue. On his left eye, emerged a yellow iris with a red pupil.

"...gooood mooorniiiiing..." StrangeMan vocie was high-pitched and childish. His sinister aura bursted out from his entire body. However, this aura was not seen by most, it could only be seen by those with a high spiritual sence.

As his body twitched, his wounds began to heal. While this happened, Hajime heard the wails and mourns of a thousand tortured souls.

Back at the WDS...

"Clockston!!" Sack shouted, tears flowed from all her eyes. Happy to see him after being seperated for so long, she ran to him and huged him as hard as she could, smothering her face in his jacket.

"Ah, there you are Sack. tick-tock. You haven't been hurt have you?" Clockston asked her. Sack responded by shaking her head, while still keeping her face in his jacket.

"Ah did you get here?" He asked Sack. She then pointed at Blackhook, who pinned Afro to the ground.

"...Ah, the wind charmer...I should have a chat with him...later. He seems to be quite busy. tick-tock. And we wouldn't want to interrupt them now, do we. tick-tock" Clockston then took a hot tea kettle, and two small tea cups.

"Tea?...tick-tock." Clockston offered Sack. She just shook her head, as she kept on holding on to him. 

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #3258 on: August 04, 2009, 10:57:39 PM
Hajime grits his teeth as the hole Mania created was starting to create cracks along the walls.  He began typing something on his floating keypad before his DTN# Robot Masters appeared on the outside and began repairing the wall and the cracks surrounding it.

BeastMan keeps hold of the hole so the building doesn't tip over from the lack of support, while ShovelMan and CementMan move around the building, working together to seal up the cracks with strong, fast drying cement.

New Robot Masters

DTN#012 ShovelMan

A digging robot with a digging claw for a head and gardening shovels for hands.  His head may be larger than the rest of his body, but he still manages to keep his balance thanks to his large legs and stain-resistant suction cups designed through gecko technology.  He uses his large head to dig deep trenches while his smaller shovels are used mainly for gardening, but also double as a tool to shovel and spread cement.  Special Attack: Sand Falls.  Using his head, ShovelMan digs up a large amount of sand and dumbs it on his opponent, creating large clouds of dust that blind them if the pile doesn't bury them first.

DTN#013 CementMan

Another large Robot Master who is a reconstructed Cement Truck with a truck-like head, and a churn surrounded by arms and legs.  The churn repositions itself depending on how he is positioned.  If standing, the nozzle is positioned behind his head, slanted slightly so he doesn't get hit by the cement that shoots out; if crouched, the nozzle is turned at an angle away from his head; and if laying down, the nozzle is positioned below his legs.  Special Attack: Cement Glue.  Filled with endless supply of wet cement, CementMan need not more than position the nozzle at his opponent and shoot fountains at or around their body, either drowning them or trapping them in quick drying cement.

While his Robot Masters were busy reparing WDS from the outside, Hajime heads off in search of where Flame is; despite him not being completely himself it wouldn't seem fair to just leave him in wherever Roa stashed him to blow his steam and damage more of WDS.


Offline Afro-Shroom

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Reply #3259 on: August 05, 2009, 12:04:46 AM
Back at the WDS...

"Clockston!!" Sack shouted, tears flowed from all her eyes. Happy to see him after being seperated for so long, she ran to him and huged him as hard as she could, smothering her face in his jacket.

"Ah, there you are Sack. tick-tock. You haven't been hurt have you?" Clockston asked her. Sack responded by shaking her head, while still keeping her face in his jacket.

"Ah did you get here?" He asked Sack. She then pointed at Blackhook, who pinned Afro to the ground.

"...Ah, the wind charmer...I should have a chat with him...later. He seems to be quite busy. tick-tock. And we wouldn't want to interrupt them now, do we. tick-tock" Clockston then took a hot tea kettle, and two small tea cups.

"Tea?...tick-tock." Clockston offered Sack. She just shook her head, as she kept on holding on to him. 

Afro: H-hey BlackHook...long time no see.

Black:  B(

Afro:  O^O

Meanwhile down by the base of the WDS...

Mania: *getting ready to jump back up into the WDS via a hole in the wall from earlier, He noticed ShovelMan, Beastman and CementMan working hard to repair the cracks* Oh HELL NO! *Quickly concentrates the aura into his index and middle finger* RAAAHHHH!

Afro-Mania quickly fires a thin yet powerful beam of energy at the RobotMasters. They dodged in time but yet the beam hit the wall and recreated the hole. Afro-Mania then Dashes to the RobotMasters...

Mania: You little bastards have another thing coming if you think you can stop me!

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #3260 on: August 05, 2009, 02:16:07 AM
As Mania was nearing the three Robot Masters, a wrecking ball with eyes slams down on top of him, breaking soil and almost crushing him into the crater it created.

WreckingWoman recoils her head as CementMan turns around and drops to a turtle-like position, pointing the nozzle at the hole and filling it with quick drying cement, intending to use the time it takes for him to bust out to go back to repairing the damage reinserted on WDS.


Offline Flame

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Reply #3261 on: August 05, 2009, 02:30:02 AM
((Someone might want to investigate the WDS to see where im at... Dont wanna be in there when it collapses.))

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.


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Reply #3262 on: August 05, 2009, 02:45:19 AM
(You're in mah new lair not the WDS, so no worries. I guess.)

Offline Flame

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Reply #3263 on: August 05, 2009, 03:24:19 AM
((Oh thats SOOOO reassuring. >__>; ))

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline Blackhook

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Reply #3264 on: August 05, 2009, 08:50:11 AM
Afro: H-hey BlackHook...long time no see.

Black:  B(

Afro:  O^O
You´re lucky I´m such a nice guy...anyways what´s going on?
Asked BH who heard the noices around them


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Reply #3265 on: August 05, 2009, 11:00:18 AM
The girl looked over her shoulder and smiled happily upon seeing the Prince.

"Oh, hi there," she said, bowing slightly, "I'm Mint. I don't think I know you...are you new here?"
"Ah well.. I'm kinda like just visiting?" He blinked for a moment. "Oh yeah, ya gotta help my friend!"

"'Fro, where are you going." GARjime asked, seeing 'Fro leaving.

"I'm going to the WDS... it doesn't really have anything to do with me, but I do possess some of Afro-Shroom's memories. Albeit, fragmented." He replied.

"Fine, go die! We won't miss you!" 8 Shouted.

'Fro ignored her.

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #3266 on: August 05, 2009, 12:33:10 PM
Mint practically dropped her soup ladel when she saw the figure being carried by the Prince. By now, Nick was unconcious.

"Oh my god! Is that who I think it is? What happened to him?"

Lord Blackmore glanced about at the crumbling building and tutted under his breath.

"My, my, such a pity. Oh well, I'm sure you can always rebuild this little den of yours."

He felt no need to intervene. He'd just watch the others tire themselves out. He had business to attend to, yessir.


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Reply #3267 on: August 05, 2009, 12:38:44 PM
The Prince got a thoughtful look. "Hmm. Let's see. We we're flying in this cool ship and then we were attacked by this demon...dragon thing? And it totally took Nick out, so I totally kicked it's ass!" He said happily. "Uh, not that Nick did badly or anything he was just caught of guard...yeah!"

He calmed down a little. "So he told me to bring him here. Can ya help him?"

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #3268 on: August 05, 2009, 12:48:11 PM
"Well..I can try."

Mint took Nick's body - with some difficulty, given her petite form - and lay him on the floor. She reached into her pocket and produced her own Crest; a little feline face with a heart on it. It began to glow green, and she held it to his chest. Her eyes were closed.


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Reply #3269 on: August 05, 2009, 01:07:55 PM
Panting, 'Fro finally arrived at the WDS. He had pushed his body way past it's limits, but not being a real person to begin with, it hardly mattered. His body was like a doll, if it broke it could simply be repaired. He hated it.

"C'mon, let's just leave already." Model B said. "These guys have nothing to do with copies like us, and we don't exactly want to disobey master Roa."

'Fro glared at him. "Shut up." His fist clenched. "If I can do something that moron can't do, then I'll be better than the original. There's no rule a copy can't surpass the original, but if it does happen, then that copy becomes recognized as it's own being. Even if the only difference is a II at the end."

"If you say so..."

"Professor, please record and watch over this battle carefully." He instructed one of the many scientists at the DAW. "I have things I must to attend to."

The man bowed. "Very well, Lord Roa."

Are you going to begin recruiting?

Yes. I have just the people in mind, too. He looked out one of the room's many windows.

A flash of magic and he was transported elsewhere...

-And appeared in front of a person.

The Prince watched, actually quiet for once. I hope he'll be alright...

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #3270 on: August 05, 2009, 01:20:58 PM
Mint concentrated all of her energy into healing Nick. Slowly, the wounds on his chest began to close up. The stains of blood faded. Even the numbing sensation left his body. His eyes opened wearily, and he stared up at his feline friend's face, dazed and still a bit uneasy.


Mint grinned and threw her arms around Nick, squeezing him tightly. Nick was used to these friendly hugs by now, though, and had learned how not to have his air supply cut off by it.

"Good to see you...too, Mint," he wheezed.

Somewhere else in the same world, but a good deal father away, the assassin known as Aeon was sitting in his hideout. He held a copy of "Awesome Dudes Monthly" in his right hand, and was flipping a knife idly in his left.

That is, until Roa showed up.

Aeon yelped and practically fell off his chair, tossing his magazine aside and holding the knife out defensively.

"Hey, I already told you guys, I'll pay up when I get the money! Now get lost, I'm trying to be awesome!"


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Reply #3271 on: August 05, 2009, 01:24:23 PM
Roa chuckled, other peoples shows of stupidity usually always did remind him of his superiority. "It is nothing like that, Aeon."

He waved his arm in a dramatic fashion. "I'm starting an Organization - the Seekers of the Beyond - and I came here for the purpose of recruiting you."

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #3272 on: August 05, 2009, 01:29:52 PM
"Recruiting me?" Aeon cocked an eyebrow. "What are, some kinda religious cult? "Seekers of the Beyond"? Yeah, no thanks. Take your God and shove it up your ass, fem-boy."

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Reply #3273 on: August 05, 2009, 01:31:58 PM
Meanwhile Silan´s knights were on the way to the Junkyard. Sieg was looking back at the WDS.
He´s there too. I can´t allow him to be killed, that is my job.
All of the knights stopped. Sieg then turned to Temnota, who was carried by Stolz
Miss Temnota, do you feel better?
The girl simply nodded, she was blushing, thinking of what happened earlier.
You should hide in someone´s shadow for now, that way the others can return faster to the ship. I´m going back, I still have a task to complete.
The girl agreed and hid in Stolz´ shadow.
What are you going to do Sieg?
You don´t need to know everything dear sister.
I´m going with you, my original is there too.
Sieg didn´t want to start arguing with him, so the two returned back together.
I should be the one returning there, just to kill those Afros
Maybe next time.


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Reply #3274 on: August 05, 2009, 01:34:04 PM
"Ah, a relgious cult? Indeed I was once a member of the church, but that was before I became a Sorcerer and a Vampire." He laughed. "I'll be blunt, the organization is merely a tool to further my ambitions, and if you do as I request surely you could do the same."

"And," he smirked, "I am the Ruler of RPM, so I assure you the pay would be satisfactory."