The Busy World of Rockman Perfect Memories

Strider Xhaiden · 445563

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Reply #5275 on: December 16, 2009, 05:25:57 AM
"You give up too easily. The difference between you and me is strikingly obvious." GARjime shook his head. "Maybe that's true, but you don't even know for sure. What's the point in giving up before you even try?"

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Reply #5276 on: December 16, 2009, 05:39:46 AM
"I don't always give up as easily as you think," Hajime said, not sound the least bit offended by the remark, "I just like to bide my time and see how far this battle goes before sticking my fist into it; that way I'm guaranteed I won't get dog piled the second I make a hostile move.  Isn't that what you were thinking of doing while watching me like a vulture?"



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Reply #5277 on: December 16, 2009, 05:42:21 AM
GARjime shook his head. "I merely wish to fight you one on one. I am already dead and when Danfro no longer has need of us, he will return us to how we before. Before that happens, as a copy, I wish to see how I compare to my original. While it is true I am nowhere near an exact copy, you are still the basis of what I am."

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Reply #5278 on: December 16, 2009, 05:56:56 AM
Hajime compresses his lips a bit as he continues to stand his ground, bracing himself for another strike, "Well, seeing as I'm roughly the only person in this group who shares your resemblance, I guess there really is no point in avoiding this out of control Super Smash Bros. Brawl conflict until the numbers drop to an even amount."



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Reply #5279 on: December 16, 2009, 05:59:52 AM
"While we've been talking, Greyhook has already been eliminated." GARjime shook his head. "That guy was never good for anything, back then or now."

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Reply #5280 on: December 16, 2009, 06:08:17 AM
Hajime eyes Greyhook's downfall, "I almost pity the fact you and the other six didn't choose to live a free life like Argo did.  Even though he was still under Roa's control, he still chose to believe he can be accepted as a different person rather than a copy of someone else." he looks back over to GARjime, "But then again, you probably didn't want to start a new life even when you knew you had the same freedom as he did."



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Reply #5281 on: December 16, 2009, 06:13:46 AM
"Indeed. But on the other hand, 'Fro was different to begin with. Afro was Roa's apprentice after all, so he had already decided that Afro was superior to the other originals, so it is only natural that 'Fro was special." He sighed. "It is true that I did not choose a free life - I can not speak for the others, but for me, I had realized what I desired until it was too late."

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Reply #5282 on: December 16, 2009, 06:27:44 AM
"What would that desire be?" Hajime asked, somewhat curious.


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Reply #5283 on: December 16, 2009, 10:22:19 AM
(Why is it that my copies are always treaten like that?)
"Riiiight. I see that it only reached the first of the four phases, huh? Impresive, most people, including your simple little clan of wind charmers, would have already felt their very blood boiling on the second phase. The third phase is when the blood reaches such a high tempature, it actually begins to melt the innards and skin of the victim. As for the fourh and final phase..well that's pretty self explanatory, don't you think. It was quite a fun sight. Geh HA HA HA HA!!"
The being cackled like the mad creature it was.

The droplet stretched it's arms towards Blackhook's wound. As it stretched it's arm, gettin inside the small hole, it's long fingers sinked slowy into the wound.
Though the arm was made of blood, Blackhook could feel it's fingers squirming around his veins. The tips touching the walls of the blood tunnels, the feeling of danger ran down his spine.

"...You know, I could easily slice open your arteries in this position..." It whispered from within Blackhooks body.
His Fingers moved to a vital spot in BlackHook's neck.
"...Just feel of it..."
He began to feel a sharp pressure from within his neck.
"I could just push and push..."
The pressure sloly increased until it felt like something was about to be punctured. Blackhook could feel a frightening sensation, he could feel the violent, bloodthirsty intents of that small droplet of blood.
"...till...POP!!...Ge HA HA HA!! Just kidding!"

It's fingers left the artery and quickly went into Blackhook's heart. It then adminstered a vaccine to destroy the poisnous cells i his body.
"There, all better."

The droplet quicklyremovedhis arm from thewnd charmer's wound. The fever that the poison was causing began to slowly fade away.

What do you plan now? Starting a comedy career?
Blackhook then was approuched by an old man: His Great Grandfather Svetlo.
What is it Gramps? Is it about Afro-Shroom?
Svetlo nodded:
Want me to join you? You know that the boy must be stopped and his power became very scary...
That´s true...but there is something we cannot simply ignore.
Blackhook pointed at the crazed ex-part of Strange Man.

Meanwhile inside the Edeleisen:
Sieg, Stolz and Schimmer, who has just returned, were guarding Silan´s room, as suddenly a noise could be heard from it.
Finnaly, it´s done! It´s done! The time has come to bring my researches on the next level!  >0<

At the cooking competition.
Temnota: I kinda don´t want to continue with this, but I MUST BRING THIS TO AN END!
Sonne: That´s the spirit!  owob


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Reply #5284 on: December 16, 2009, 10:59:09 AM
(Well, you did kill the original one like that. I just went with it. You started it!)

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Reply #5285 on: December 16, 2009, 11:21:12 AM
(That was different, White Hook got pwnd by the original  '>.> )

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Reply #5286 on: December 16, 2009, 02:41:50 PM
(I would still love to see how the heroes would lose and the plan goes into full swing... Then again, I'm asking too much. XD)

Back at the competition, DWII let out a rather large sneeze.

"Weird... I seem to sense a very familiar presence... COPY'd... I must be losing my mind... Again." Still feeling a bit worried, DWII decided to check things out a bit, since he had planned ahead for the next dish after seeing that attached coupon to Hitomi's shack.

With that, he teleported out.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #5287 on: December 16, 2009, 07:45:47 PM
The stars gathered in the heavens above.

Seventy-seven points in the inky blackness illuminated.

Seventy-seven stars of the spirit.

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #5288 on: December 16, 2009, 07:47:35 PM
Oh shut it Nova drained all of Min's energy, combining it with his. Now much faster and agile than before, Nova stood, or rather levitated, confronting Number 8 through her mind, assualting her thoughts and cutting off her brain's connection with the rest of her body, she was helpless until her body system restarted, so to say.
Now I don't have to hear that high piched scream. Number 8's eyes were looking elsewhere, not even awhere of hte enemy or anything at all for that matter. Slowly, Nova cut deepw ounds into Number 8's body using a burning dagger.
Now for this. Nova injected a ever-changing color of plasma into her wounds, slowly taking over her body. Number 8's body was being absorbed by the odd plasma.

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Reply #5289 on: December 16, 2009, 10:02:33 PM
Danfro took note of this and pointed his fist at 8, He then opened it, expanding his fingers and almost immediatly after was followed by 8 exploding.

Danfro: We can't have you taking the easy way out. *he smirked as he snapped his fingers again*

MVN 8: *reappearing behind Danfro* You again?

Danfro: Yes this time be more careful lest you want me to make sure you won't comeback ever.  B(

MVN 8: *sigh* What ever...You damn perv.

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...

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Reply #5290 on: December 17, 2009, 12:17:00 AM
What do you plan now? Starting a comedy career?
Blackhook then was approuched by an old man: His Great Grandfather Svetlo.
What is it Gramps? Is it about Afro-Shroom?
Svetlo nodded:
Want me to join you? You know that the boy must be stopped and his power became very scary...
That´s true...but there is something we cannot simply ignore.
Blackhook pointed at the crazed ex-part of Strange Man.
"GAH HA HA HA-you're funny. Are you thinking of getting rid of me? I can't go anywhere, even if I wanted to. I am a parasite stuck to this child like a nasty cold that just won't go away. If you wanna get rid of me, you have to get rid of her. It warned Blackhook.

"Besides, this body is too fun to leave. I could, for example, do amazing feats like this!

Suddenly, Carramel awoke, her eyes glew an abnormaly bright purple light, like a lighthouse. The vines which constricted her began to absorb the energy being eitted from her, but as much as they tried to drain her energy, her eyes glew brighter and brighter.

The vines began to wither, but they continued to try to suck the energy. After they had completely dried, they started to sink into the girl. Munching sounds could be heared as the vines sank deeper into Carramel. Once they have completely absorbed by the girl, Blackhook and the old man
could see various cuts where the vines had grabbed on to the child, on those wounds were small bloody mouths with sharp teeth crunching on the remainder of the plants.

"TAH DAH! Gah ha ha, it was fun while it lasted, but I must leave now. Till the day we meet again wind charmer" And with that, Carramel and her sadistic host vanished from the area, leaving only two strange pebbles, a small blue goo and a note written in blood saying:

Dear Hooked wind charmer

Be sure to give this vaccine to your friends, they seem to have forgotten tat their lives are in danger. The silly fools, be sure to give tis to them.

                                                                                                              With ever lasting lust for blood,
                                                                                                                                        Mr. J. Bloody

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Reply #5291 on: December 17, 2009, 01:32:41 AM
Nova rushed Number 8 once more, but he passed right through her. Suddenly, wounds opened up immediately, Nova entered through the wounds and absorbed all of her to understand more of her and killing her off as well. I dont approve of your cute girl abuse. though she isn't so cute.


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Reply #5292 on: December 17, 2009, 02:32:45 AM
Finding an opening, Agro stabbed his hand into Mosquitoman's chest. With a loud scream, the creature exploded. "I'm finished playing around with you remnants of the past." He growled.

Close by, GARjime frowned. "It seems I cannot continue this conversation." And with that, he turned and left, arriving in front of Agro. "I'll be your opponent."

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Reply #5293 on: December 17, 2009, 02:34:56 AM
Hajime watches GARjime leave, wondering if he should still accept the challenge or let him take on Argo and wait to see who survives.


Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #5294 on: December 17, 2009, 03:06:20 AM
No, that sounds too gladiator Nova came up behind Hajime, still in his dark matter true form.
But Let's just intervine in case it gets ugly. Good with you?


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Reply #5295 on: December 17, 2009, 03:10:58 AM
Agro and GARjime exchanged a few blows before the jumped back from each other.

"Seems I still have the advantage in physical strength, "GARjime commented, "But that is nowhere near the extent of my abilities, my true power hasn't been revealed yet." His eyes narrowed. "I hope you have some tricks up your sleeves, 'Fro."

Agro paused as he overheard Nova's comment and sighed. That guy really doesn't understand anything, does he? He focused all his attention on GARjime and pulled out a a lance.

"Oh?" Murmured GARjime, "that is - a copy of Afro-Shroom's? I would not have thought you would have held on to something like that."

Agro allowed a small smirk to emerge. "I'm not the type to throw away something this useful just because I don't like why I have it."

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Reply #5296 on: December 17, 2009, 03:34:45 AM
At least I can help you fight, we have no need for comment's like that. *Sigh* They're all the same here, though they are half dead in the end anyways >0<

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Reply #5297 on: December 17, 2009, 04:18:02 AM
Hajime shook his head before coming between the three, "Wait.  If GARjime wants to fight me one on one, I shouldn't back down from it.  After all, I'm the only person in this area who somewhat understands what he wants."

He looks between Argo and Nova, "You should probably deal with the other remaining Numbers since they either don't have an original they could fight, or care more about fighting for their new master than finding a new way of living."


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Reply #5298 on: December 17, 2009, 04:26:24 AM
I am fine with that. I will go fight another Number, just point the way.


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Reply #5299 on: December 17, 2009, 04:28:14 AM
Agro nodded, and turned to face COPY'd. "'ll be the one I fight."

COPY'd's eyes narrowed. "Hm. Even if you have become much more powerful, I was always on a completely different level then the others."

"...hmph, that is true isn't it?" He raised his voice a little. "Nova! I could use some assistance here!"

"So you've finally decided? I must admit I am..." His lips quirked up, "...pleased."